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Easy Stories in English, The Monk's Nose - Easy Stories in English

The Monk's Nose - Easy Stories in English

Welcome to Easy Stories in English, the podcast that will take your English from OK to Good, and from Good to Great.

I am Ariel Goodbody, your host for this show. Today's story is for intermediate learners. The name of the story is The Monk's Nose. You can find a transcript of the episode at EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Nose. That's EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Nose.

This contains the full story, as well as my conversation before it.

So you may notice today that I sound quite a bit clearer and nicer than before. This is because I have bought a new microphone. The microphone I was using before was called the Blue Snowball, and the microphone I'm using now is the Blue Yeti.

They're both very popular microphones, especially for podcasting. The Snowball is what we call an “entry-level” microphone. So it's designed for beginners, for people who aren't sure if they want to spend a lot of money, but the Yeti microphone is more professional. It's not the level that actual radio professionals use, but for podcasting it is very good.

I read online, a lot of people say that, ‘Oh, you can just use the Blue Snowball and, if you are careful and you edit the sound well, then it will still sound pretty good.'

But I have to say, the difference between the Snowball and the Yeti just feels huge for me. I really noticed it the first time I recorded something with it. My voice sounds much richer, much clearer, and I think also less nasal. By “nasal” I mean when you talk like this, is when you sound very nasal. And I found I just sounded very nasal with the Snowball. Or something, there was something with my voice that I just couldn't quite pick up on that I didn't like.

It's even things like, so I like singing, but, you know, you always think you sound really good in your head, but then when you record yourself you often find you don't sound as good as you thought. And whenever I recorded myself singing with my old microphone, I found, ‘Oh, actually I sound really nasally, and just not very good.' But with the new one, I think I sound pretty damn good. I sound very good, actually, and it's kind of frustrating that for so long I thought I was worse at singing than I am just because of the quality of the microphone.

I also had to be really careful with the last microphone about knocking the table where I sit, anything like that, because it picked up on all of those sounds really loudly. But this microphone is much better for that.

So, some people say that, ‘Oh, you know, audio quality doesn't matter that much.' I disagree. I think it really makes a difference. And, hopefully, you will appreciate the increase in audio quality for the rest of the podcast. I think, especially for reading fiction, having nice, good-sounding audio just makes such a difference. It makes it so much more enjoyable.

So, today's story is the last in our series of three stories by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, the Japanese short story writer, also known as “the father of the Japanese short story”. This will be the last for now. I really like his stories. I think he has a really interesting style. I feel like his stories are very accessible, even if you don't know much about Japanese culture, it's still very relevant today, especially this story that we're doing today.

So if you like these stories and would like to hear more stories by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, please do let me know. Or maybe there's another Japanese author that you like, that you would like to hear on the podcast. Whatever the case, you can always leave a comment at EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Nose. Or you can email me at Ariel@EasyStoriesInEnglish.com.

So, I actually speak Japanese. I think I mentioned that before, but I might've forgotten. Today's story, the original title is Hana, which means “nose” in Japanese. And I actually read this story for A-level.

So, A-level is an exam that you do in the United Kingdom when you're usually eighteen. So it's a two-year course from sixteen to eighteen, and Japanese is one of the A-levels that I studied.

Part of the course was that we had to write an essay about a literary text, so I decided to choose this story, “The Nose”, or “Nose”, because I really enjoyed it. The version I read at the time was simplified, similar to the way I'm simplifying it for you here, but I was just really surprised at how relatable the story was. It was written, you know, maybe eighty or ninety years ago, and from a completely different cultural background, but I still found it really relevant to modern life.

So the story is all about vanity. When someone is vain or has vanity, it means that they are really obsessed with how they look. So they spend a lot of time looking in the mirror. They spend a lot of time worrying about how they appear, whether other people think they're attractive or not. It's all focussed on themselves.

And I think this is a problem that's so relevant to modern society. You know, we have social media, we have Instagram. People can present an image of themselves that's super “curated”, I guess I could say? So they have a lot of control over their image. So vanity is really a current topic.

I'd like to make it clear that I don't think it's wrong to think you're attractive. I think we all need that confidence. I think it's fantastic that there is more body positivity and such now, but I think there's a limit… Well, it's not that there's a limit, it's just, there's a difference between being confident and knowing that you're attractive, and thinking that your appearance is the most important thing in the world.

So I'll just explain some words that appear in the text. So again this text has some references to Buddhism, and in particular it talks about sutras.

So sutras are kind of like Buddhist poetry, Buddhist poems. They're a kind of religious text. And they are chanted by monks. So when I say “chant”, it's like sung, but in a very repetitive fashion. Here is an example of a traditional Japanese Buddhist sutra: Personally, I think they're quite beautiful, and, I don't know, I'm not very religious, but I always think, if I was going to get into a religion, it would probably be Buddhism, 'cause I would love to chant some sutras.

Nowadays in Japan, the whole practice of chanting sutras has acquired a modern twist. So it's becoming more popular, it seems to me, to put sutras to music and basically turn them into a kind of musical genre. So here's an example of that.

There are even musical sutras sung by Hatsune Miku, who you may know. She is a singing robot, basically, from Japan. Here is a sample of how that sounds.

So, sutras have become quite interesting in recent years.

Another word I'd like to explain, which is a very unpleasant word, is “itchy”. So itchy, when you feel itchy, when you have an itch, it's that feeling when you really need to scratch yourself. It's like, almost painful, maybe on your nose or your arm, and you just think, ‘Oh, I really need to scratch.' And the more you think about it, the more you want to do it. But you can't always do it in public, you know, you can't always scratch your butt in public. So itches can be very, very frustrating.

So, remember you can find the transcript of this episode, so, the full text of the episode for my conversation and the story, at EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Nose. That's EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Nose.

So, listen and enjoy!

The Monk's Nose

Once upon a time, in old Japan, there was a Buddhist monk named Zenchi. Zenchi was well-known at the temple where he lived because of his nose. It was about five or six inches long, and it hung down his face, from his upper lip to the bottom of his chin.

It was fat at the top and fat at the bottom, and looked like a long sausage, which hung off his face and swung from side to side.

Zenchi was over fifty years old, and throughout his time at the temple, he had suffered constantly because of his nose. This made it very difficult to focus on meditation and chanting sutras, which were the roles of a Buddhist monk like him.

There were two reasons Zenchi found his nose so hard to bear. Firstly, its length bothered him in everyday life. For example, he could never eat dinner alone. If he ate alone, his nose would fall into his bowl of porridge. So he had to have an apprentice sit across from him, and as he ate, hold up his nose with a small piece of wood. Naturally, this was very bothersome for both Zenchi and the apprentice who held his nose. One time, one of the younger boys was holding his nose, and sneezed. This caused him to drop Zenchi's nose into the bowl, sending porridge all over his face and the floor. This incident was so funny to all the monks that it spread far and wide, and people even talked about it in the capital.

However, this was not the main reason why Zenchi hated his nose. The main reason was that he was vain, and his nose was terribly ugly. People in the temple said that he was so ugly that no woman would ever want to be his wife. Some even thought that he became a monk because he knew he would never find a wife. This was not true, but it hurt Zenchi to hear it, anyway. He had a delicate personality, and a huge vanity.

Zenchi tried and tried to find a solution to his problem. When he was alone, he sat in front of a mirror, and looked at himself from many angles. He tried desperately to find an angle which made his nose look smaller, but this just made him more anxious. So he tried pushing and pulling at his nose, but if anything, it made his nose look bigger. Every now and then, he would repeat this activity, until eventually he got sick of it and hid the mirror inside a box, so that he could go back to chanting sutras.

Another thing he tried was to look for someone else with the same problem. Next to the temple there was a bathhouse, and every day many monks went there to bathe. Zenchi would sit outside the bathhouse, watching people come and go, looking especially at their noses. There were big noses, there were small noses. There were short noses, there were long noses. There were flat noses, there were hooked noses. But there were no noses as big, as long, or as fat as Zenchi's.

Zenchi even searched in Buddhist texts and history books for someone with a similar nose, but there were none there, either. The longer Zenchi looked for a nose like his, the sadder he became. He was sometimes so anxious, that in the middle of a conversation with another monk, he would stop to touch his nose, as he thought the other person was judging him for it.

One day in Autumn, Zenchi heard from an apprentice about a monk in China who had managed to make his nose smaller. His operation had been so successful that he was now a monk at the biggest temple in the country. Naturally, Zenchi pretended to be disinterested, but secretly he decided he would try out this method. After dinner, he casually asked the apprentice what the precise steps of the method were. The apprentice told him, and said Zenchi should try it, and that he would be happy to help him with the operation. Zenchi was overjoyed, and said yes.

The operation was simple: boil the nose in water, and have somebody else crush it with their feet. So Zenchi went to the bathhouse and collected a bucket of boiling water. He was worried that if he dipped his nose in, the steam would burn his face. So he cut a hole in a plate, and put it on top of the bucket, so that only his nose would be dipped inside the water.

‘Ready, Zenchi?' said the apprentice.

‘Ready,' said Zenchi.

He took a deep breath and put his nose inside the bucket. It was very hot, but it did not hurt. Instead, his nose felt itchy, like many small insects had bitten it. Zenchi moved away from the bucket and lay down on the floor, his nose still steaming. The apprentice stamped on the nose with all his strength. Once again, it did not hurt. In fact, because his nose was itchy, it was a pleasant sensation. The apprentice looked very sorry for what he was doing, however. He kept stamping and stamping, crushing the nose beneath his feet.

Zenchi's nose started to crack open, and small lumps fell out that looked like pieces of grain. The apprentice said that they were supposed to collect these, so he took a bag and collected up the pieces of Zenchi's nose. Zenchi felt anxious, because a part of his body was being treated like a common object, but he said nothing.

For the final step, the apprentice took a wooden spoon and scooped the fat out of Zenchi's nose. This part was the strangest, and he felt a bit sick as he watched the fat be taken out of his nose. Four big spoonfuls came out, and were placed into a small bowl.

After being boiled, crushed, and emptied, Zenchi's nose was indeed smaller. The apprentice brought him a mirror, and he spent a long time examining his new nose. It was still hooked, but only two inches long. It had bright red scars from where it had been crushed by the apprentice, but already they were fading. Zenchi was confident that nobody could laugh at it, because it was now a normal-sized nose.

What he did worry was that the change would not be permanent. As he was chanting sutras, reading texts, and eating his meals that day, he would from time to time feel his nose. Each time he found that it was as before, well above his upper lip and not hanging down to his chin. When he went to bed, he worried that he would wake up and find it was all a dream. But when the sun rose the next day, he felt his nose and it was still small. He was overjoyed. He had never been so happy in his entire life.

A few days later, though, his joy began to fade. It was strange. As he walked around the temple, people looked at him with judging eyes, and while before they had made an effort to avoid looking at his nose, now they stared openly at it. When he walked into the dining hall, the other monks, including the apprentice who dropped his nose in the porridge, looked down suddenly. They had clearly been talking about him, and were trying not to laugh. Everywhere he went, people laughed behind his back.

At first, Zenchi tried to convince himself that this was an unrelated issue, but eventually he had to admit that it was related to his change in appearance. Of course, many people had laughed behind his back before, but the way they laughed now was much crueller. Apparently, his short nose was much funnier than his long nose had ever been.

Zenchi fell into a deep depression. He regretted changing his nose, and wished he could have his old, long nose back. Of course, he could share his troubles with nobody, because nobody understood his problem. He started to wonder if he should trick someone else into changing their nose, just so he could have a companion in misery.

Zenchi's vanity was now obvious to all the other monks in the temple. He became bitter, and made mean comments to those around him. The apprentice who had helped him shorten his nose told him that he would be punished for his sin of treating people badly instead of spreading the word of Buddha. This made Zenchi feel even worse, and as a result he became even crueller.

One day, Zenchi heard shouting, and went outside to see what was happening. One of the apprentices was chasing a dog with a piece of wood, shouting, ‘I'll hit you with my nose! I'll hit you with my nose!' Zenchi grabbed the piece of wood from him and hit him in the face. Then he realised it was the wood that was used to hold up his nose when he ate porridge, before his operation. He dropped it, feeling sick, and ran away.

That night, Zenchi felt so awful about his nose that he could hardly sleep. It was a cold night, and his nose itched. When he touched it, it was wet and swollen. He thought he had a fever, and tried to go to sleep.

The next morning, it was a beautiful, bright day. Zenchi got up and went to sniff the flowers. That was when he noticed something different. He felt something… familiar.

He lifted his hand up to his nose. It was about five or six inches long, and it hung down his face, from his upper lip to the bottom of his chin.

His old nose was back! Zenchi felt a great relief. He felt just as happy as he had when his nose was shortened before. As the wind blew his nose from side to side, he felt sure that nobody would laugh at him anymore.


I hope you enjoyed the story. You can support the podcast by leaving a review on iTunes. Search for Easy Stories in English, give us a star rating, and say what you like about the show. It would really help us grow. Thank you for listening, and until next week.

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The Monk's Nose - Easy Stories in English |du moine||||| |Mönchs||||| The Monk's Nose - Leichte Geschichten auf Englisch La nariz del monje - Cuentos fáciles en inglés Le nez du moine - Histoires faciles en anglais Il naso del monaco - Storie facili in inglese お坊さんの鼻 - 英語で読むやさしい物語 수도사의 코 - 쉬운 영어 이야기 Nos mnicha - łatwe historie w języku angielskim O nariz do monge - Histórias fáceis em inglês The Monk's Nose - Легкие истории на английском языке The Monk's Nose - İngilizce Kolay Hikayeler Ніс монаха - легкі історії англійською мовою 和尚的鼻子 - 英语简单故事 和尚的鼻子 - 簡單的英語故事

Welcome to Easy Stories in English, the podcast that will take your English from OK to Good, and from Good to Great.

I am Ariel Goodbody, your host for this show. |||||hostitel||| Today's story is for intermediate learners. La historia de hoy es para alumnos de nivel intermedio. The name of the story is The Monk's Nose. |||||||Mnichův| |||||||Monk's|Monk's olfactory organ |||||||La nariz del monje| Nazwa tej historii to Nos mnicha. You can find a transcript of the episode at EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Nose. |||||||||Easy Stories|| That's EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Nose.

This contains the full story, as well as my conversation before it. |obsahuje|||||||||| |||||||||Dialogue|| Dies enthält die ganze Geschichte sowie mein vorheriges Gespräch.

So you may notice today that I sound quite a bit clearer and nicer than before. ||||||||bastante|||mais claro|||| Así que puede que hoy notes que sueno bastante más claro y agradable que antes. Portanto, você pode notar hoje que pareço um pouco mais claro e agradável do que antes. This is because I have bought a new microphone. The microphone I was using before was called the Blue Snowball, and the microphone I'm using now is the Blue Yeti. ||||||||||||||||||||Yeti ||||||||||Snowball||||||||||Yeti El micrófono que usaba antes se llamaba Blue Snowball, y el que uso ahora es el Blue Yeti. 以前使用していたマイクはBlueSnowballと呼ばれ、現在使用しているマイクはBlueYetiです。 O microfone que eu estava usando antes se chamava Blue Snowball, e o microfone que estou usando agora é o Blue Yeti.

They're both very popular microphones, especially for podcasting. |||||particularly|| ||||microfones||| The Snowball is what we call an “entry-level” microphone. ||||||||úrovňový| |||||||Einsteiger|| |||||||entrada|| El Snowball es lo que llamamos un micrófono "básico". O Snowball é o que chamamos de microfone de “nível básico”. So it's designed for beginners, for people who aren't sure if they want to spend a lot of money, but the Yeti microphone is more professional. It's not the level that actual radio professionals use, but for podcasting it is very good. |||||real or genuine|||||||||| No es el nivel que utilizan los verdaderos profesionales de la radio, pero para podcasting es muy bueno. これは実際のラジオ専門家が使用するレベルではありませんが、ポッドキャスティングには非常に優れています。 Não é o nível que os profissionais de rádio reais usam, mas para podcasting é muito bom.

I read online, a lot of people say that, ‘Oh, you can just use the Blue Snowball and, if you are careful and you edit the sound well, then it will still sound pretty good.' |||||||||||||||||||||opatrný|||upravit|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||蓝色雪球||||||||编辑|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||bearbeiten|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||editar|||||||||| Čitao sam na internetu, mnogi ljudi kažu da, 'Oh, možete jednostavno koristiti Blue Snowball i, ako ste pažljivi i dobro uredite zvuk, onda će i dalje zvučati prilično dobro.' 私がオンラインで読んだところ、多くの人が「ああ、ブルースノーボールを使うだけでいいし、注意してサウンドをうまく編集すれば、それでもかなり良いサウンドになるだろう」と言っています。 Eu li online, muitas pessoas dizem que, 'Oh, você pode simplesmente usar o Blue Snowball e, se você for cuidadoso e editar bem o som, ele ainda soará muito bem.'

But I have to say, the difference between the Snowball and the Yeti just feels huge for me. Aber ich muss sagen, der Unterschied zwischen dem Schneeball und dem Yeti fühlt sich für mich einfach riesig an. しかし、私が言わなければならないのは、スノーボールとイエティの違いは私にとって非常に大きなものだと感じています。 Mas devo dizer que a diferença entre o Snowball e o Yeti parece enorme para mim. I really noticed it the first time I recorded something with it. ||observed||||||captured||| Realmente lo noté la primera vez que grabé algo con él. Eu realmente percebi isso na primeira vez que gravei algo com ele. My voice sounds much richer, much clearer, and I think also less nasal. ||||bohatší||jasněji|||||| ||||||||||||nasal ||||||clear||||||twangy ||||mais rico||||||também|| 私の声ははるかに豊かで、はるかに明瞭に聞こえます、そして私はまた鼻が少ないと思います。 Minha voz soa muito mais rica, muito mais clara e acho que também menos nasal. Мій голос звучить набагато багатше, набагато чистіше, і я думаю, що він також менш носовий. By “nasal” I mean when you talk like this, is when you sound very nasal. |nosový||||||||||||| |nasal||||||||||||| 「鼻音」とは、このように話すとき、非常に鼻音が聞こえるときを意味します。 Por “nasal” quero dizer quando você fala assim, é quando você soa muito nasal. Під "носовим" я маю на увазі, коли ви говорите так, це коли ви звучите дуже носом. And I found I just sounded very nasal with the Snowball. |||||||鼻音||| E descobri que soava muito nasalado com o Snowball. Or something, there was something with my voice that I just couldn't quite pick up on that I didn't like. |||||||||||||všimnout|||||| |||||||||||could not|||||||| Nebo tak něco, s mým hlasem bylo něco, co jsem prostě nedokázal zachytit a co se mi nelíbilo. Oder irgendetwas, irgendetwas an meiner Stimme, das ich nicht so recht zuordnen konnte und das mir nicht gefiel. O algo así, había algo en mi voz que no acababa de captar y que no me gustaba. Ili tako nešto, bilo je nešto u mom glasu što jednostavno nisam mogao shvatiti, a nije mi se sviđalo. または何か、私が好きではなかった私の声で私がちょうど完全に拾うことができなかった何かがありました。 Ou algo, havia algo com minha voz que eu simplesmente não conseguia captar e que eu não gostava. Или что-то, что-то было в моем голосе, что я просто не мог уловить, что мне не нравилось. Чи щось таке, було щось у моєму голосі, що я просто не міг вловити, що мені не подобалося.

It's even things like, so I like singing, but, you know, you always think you sound really good in your head, but then when you record yourself you often find you don't sound as good as you thought. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||thought São até coisas assim, então eu gosto de cantar, mas, você sabe, você sempre acha que soa muito bem na sua cabeça, mas quando você se grava, muitas vezes descobre que não soa tão bem quanto pensava. And whenever I recorded myself singing with my old microphone, I found, ‘Oh, actually I sound really nasally, and just not very good.' |||||||||||||||||nosově||||| |||||||||||||||||鼻音||||| |||||||||||||||||nasona||||| E sempre que eu me gravava cantando com meu velho microfone, descobria, 'Oh, na verdade eu soo muito anasalado, mas não muito bom.' But with the new one, I think I sound pretty damn good. ||||||||||sakra| Ale s tím novým si myslím, že zním zatraceně dobře. Pero con el nuevo, creo que sueno bastante bien. しかし、新しいものでは、私はかなり良い音だと思います。 Mas com o novo, acho que pareço muito bom. I sound very good, actually, and it's kind of frustrating that for so long I thought I was worse at singing than I am just because of the quality of the microphone. |||||||||frustrující|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||annoying|||||||||less skilled||||||||||||| Sueno muy bien, la verdad, y es un poco frustrante que durante tanto tiempo pensara que era peor cantando de lo que soy sólo por la calidad del micrófono. 実はとてもいい音がしますが、マイクの品質のせいで、長い間歌うのが苦手だと思っていたのはちょっとイライラしました。 实际上,我的声音非常好,而且令人沮丧的是,很长一段时间以来,我一直认为自己的演唱能力不如我自己,因为麦克风的质量太差了。

I also had to be really careful with the last microphone about knocking the table where I sit, anything like that, because it picked up on all of those sounds really loudly. ||||||opatrný|||||||||||||||||||||||||nahlas ||||||||||||batendo||||||||||||||||||| También tuve que tener mucho cuidado con el último micrófono para no golpear la mesa en la que me siento ni nada parecido, porque captaba todos esos sonidos con mucha fuerza. また、最後のマイクは、私が座っているテーブルをノックすることについて、本当に注意しなければなりませんでした。それは、それらのすべての音を非常に大きく拾ったからです。 Eu também tive que ter muito cuidado com o último microfone sobre bater na mesa onde eu me sento, qualquer coisa assim, porque pegou todos aqueles sons muito altos. But this microphone is much better for that. Mas este microfone é muito melhor para isso.

So, some people say that, ‘Oh, you know, audio quality doesn't matter that much.' Hay quien dice que la calidad de audio no importa tanto. Então, algumas pessoas dizem: 'Oh, você sabe, a qualidade do áudio não importa muito. Так, деякі люди кажуть: "О, знаєте, якість звуку не має такого великого значення". I disagree. Discordo. I think it really makes a difference. And, hopefully, you will appreciate the increase in audio quality for the rest of the podcast. ||||oceníte||zvýšení||||||||| Y, con suerte, apreciarán el aumento de la calidad de audio durante el resto del podcast. そして、うまくいけば、ポッドキャストの残りの部分のオーディオ品質の向上に感謝するでしょう。 并且,希望您会欣赏其余播客中音频质量的提高。 I think, especially for reading fiction, having nice, good-sounding audio just makes such a difference. |||||fikce|||||||||| |||||||||wohlklingend|||||| |||||||||sonoro|||||| Creo que, sobre todo para leer ficción, tener un audio agradable y con buen sonido marca la diferencia. 私は、特にフィクションを読むために、いい、良い音のオーディオを持っていることはちょうどそのような違いを生むと思います。 It makes it so much more enjoyable. ||||||más agradable

So, today's story is the last in our series of three stories by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, the Japanese short story writer, also known as “the father of the Japanese short story”. El cuento de hoy es el último de nuestra serie de tres relatos de Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, escritor japonés de cuentos, también conocido como "el padre del cuento japonés". This will be the last for now. Esta será la última por ahora. Наразі це буде остання. I really like his stories. I think he has a really interesting style. 彼は本当に面白いスタイルだと思います。 I feel like his stories are very accessible, even if you don't know much about Japanese culture, it's still very relevant today, especially this story that we're doing today. |||||||přístupné|||||||||||||relevantní|||||||| |||||||易于理解||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||zugänglich||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||fácil de entender|||||||||||||relevante hoy en día|||||||| |||||||acessíveis||||||||||||||||||||| Creo que sus historias son muy accesibles, incluso si no sabes mucho sobre la cultura japonesa, siguen siendo muy relevantes hoy en día, especialmente esta historia que estamos haciendo hoy. 彼の話はとても親しみやすいものだと思います。日本の文化についてあまり知らなくても、それは今日でも非常に関連性があります。特に、私たちが今日行っているこの話はそうです。

So if you like these stories and would like to hear more stories by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, please do let me know. Or maybe there's another Japanese author that you like, that you would like to hear on the podcast. |||||writer|||||||||||the| あるいは、ポッドキャストで聞きたい、あなたが好きな別の日本人作家がいるかもしれません。 Whatever the case, you can always leave a comment at EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Nose. Or you can email me at Ariel@EasyStoriesInEnglish.com.

So, I actually speak Japanese. だから、私は実際に日本語を話します。 I think I mentioned that before, but I might've forgotten. |||erwähnt|||||habe vielleicht| ||||||||might have|forgot ||||||||talvez tenha| Creo que lo mencioné antes, pero puede que lo haya olvidado. さっきも言ったと思いますが、忘れてしまったかもしれません。 Today's story, the original title is Hana, which means “nose” in Japanese. ||||||Hana||||| ||||||Nase||||| Dnešní příběh, původní název je Hana, což v japonštině znamená „nos“. La historia de hoy, el título original es Hana, que significa "nariz" en japonés. And I actually read this story for A-level. そして、私は実際にこの物語をAレベルで読みました。

So, A-level is an exam that you do in the United Kingdom when you're usually eighteen. ||||||||||||||||dezoito つまり、Aレベルは、通常18歳のときに英国で行う試験です。 So it's a two-year course from sixteen to eighteen, and Japanese is one of the A-levels that I studied. |||||||dezesseis||||||||||||| Це дворічний курс з шістнадцяти до вісімнадцяти років, а японська мова - один з предметів, які я вивчала на A-level.

Part of the course was that we had to write an essay about a literary text, so I decided to choose this story, “The Nose”, or “Nose”, because I really enjoyed it. |||||||||||esej|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||文学作品||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||Aufsatz|||literarischen||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||literária||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||ensayo|||||||||||||||||||| 课程的一部分是我们必须写一篇关于文学文本的文章,所以我决定选择这个故事,“鼻子”或“鼻子”,因为我真的很喜欢它。 The version I read at the time was simplified, similar to the way I'm simplifying it for you here, but I was just really surprised at how relatable the story was. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||easy to connect||| ||||||||||||||simplificando|||||||||||||relatável||| ||||||||vereinfacht||||||vereinfachen|||||||||||||nachvollziehbar||| ||||||||||||||简化|||||||||||||易于共鸣||| |verze|||||||zjednodušená|||||||||||||||||||srozumitelný||| ||||||||||||||simplificándolo|||||||||||||fácil de identificar||| Verze, kterou jsem v té době četl, byla zjednodušená, podobně jako vám ji zjednodušuji zde, ale byla jsem opravdu překvapená, jak je příběh poutavý. La versión que leí en su momento estaba simplificada, de forma similar a como yo la estoy simplificando para ti aquí, pero me sorprendió mucho lo realista que era la historia. 当時読んだバージョンは、ここで単純化したのと同じように単純化されていましたが、ストーリーの関連性に本当に驚いていました。 我当时阅读的版本经过简化,类似于我在这里为您简化的版本,但是我对这个故事的相关性感到非常惊讶。 It was written, you know, maybe eighty or ninety years ago, and from a completely different cultural background, but I still found it really relevant to modern life. |||||||||||||||||kulturellem Hintergrund|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||contexto cultural|||||||||| ||||||oitenta||noventa|||||||||contexto|||||||relevante||| Napisana je, znate, možda prije osamdeset ili devedeset godina, i iz potpuno drugačijeg kulturnog okruženja, ali svejedno sam smatrala da je stvarno relevantna za suvremeni život. おそらく80年か90年前に、まったく異なる文化的背景から書かれたものですが、それでも現代の生活に本当に関連していることがわかりました。

So the story is all about vanity. ||||||marnivosti ||||||Eitelkeit ||||||pride ||||||vaidade つまり、物語はすべて虚栄心についてです。 When someone is vain or has vanity, it means that they are really obsessed with how they look. |||||||||||||fixated on|||| |||vaidoso|||vaidade||||||||||| |||eitel||||||||||besessen von|||| |||自恋的|||虚荣||||||||||| |||marnivý|||marnivost|||||||posedlý|||| |||Vanidoso/a|||Vanidad||||||||||| Коли хтось марнославний або має марнославство, це означає, що він дійсно одержимий тим, як він виглядає. 当某人虚荣或虚荣时,就意味着他们真的迷上了自己的外表。 So they spend a lot of time looking in the mirror. Also|||||||||| They spend a lot of time worrying about how they appear, whether other people think they're attractive or not. Sie|||||Zeit||||||||||||| ||||||preocupando||||||||||atraentes|| Pasan mucho tiempo preocupándose por su aspecto, por si los demás piensan que son atractivos o no. It's all focussed on themselves. ||zaměřeno|| ||||sich selbst ||||eles mesmos

And I think this is a problem that's so relevant to modern society. |||||||||relevantní||| Y creo que es un problema muy relevante para la sociedad moderna. You know, we have social media, we have Instagram. ||||||||Instagram People can present an image of themselves that's super “curated”, I guess I could say? |||||||||carefully crafted||||| |||||||||selecionada||||| |||||||||kuratiert||||| |||||||||精心策划的||||| |||||||||kurátorované||||| |||||||||seleccionada cuidadosamente||||| Lidé mohou prezentovat svou představu, která je super „kurátorská“, řekl bych? Die Menschen können ein Bild von sich präsentieren, das super "kuratiert" ist, könnte ich sagen? La gente puede presentar una imagen de sí misma súper "curada", supongo que podría decirse... Ljudi mogu predstaviti sliku o sebi koja je super “kurirana”, pretpostavljam da bih mogao reći? 人々は超「キュレートされた」自分のイメージを提示することができます、私は言うことができると思いますか? Люди можуть презентувати свій образ, який є супер "кураторським", можна сказати? 我想我可以说,人们可以展现自己的超级“策划”形象吗? So they have a lot of control over their image. |eles|||||||| So vanity is really a current topic. |||||aktuální| |||||aktuelles Thema|Eitelkeit |||||tema actual| |a vaidade||||| Tako da je taština doista aktualna tema. 因此,虚荣心确实是当前的话题。

I'd like to make it clear that I don't think it's wrong to think you're attractive. あなたが魅力的だと思うのは間違いではないと思います。 Я хотів би прояснити, що не вважаю неправильним вважати вас привабливою. I think we all need that confidence. ||||||sebevědomí ||||||Selbstvertrauen ||||||confiança Думаю, нам усім потрібна ця впевненість. I think it's fantastic that there is more body positivity and such now, but I think there's a limit… Well, it's not that there's a limit, it's just, there's a difference between being confident and knowing that you're attractive, and thinking that your appearance is the most important thing in the world. |||||||||身体积极性|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||fantastisch||||||Körperpositivität||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Erscheinung|||||||| |||||||||positividade|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ich finde es fantastisch, dass es jetzt mehr Körperbewusstsein und so etwas gibt, aber ich denke, es gibt eine Grenze... Nun, es ist nicht so, dass es eine Grenze gibt, es ist nur so, dass es einen Unterschied gibt zwischen dem Selbstbewusstsein und dem Wissen, dass man attraktiv ist, und dem Glauben, dass das eigene Aussehen das Wichtigste auf der Welt ist. Me parece fantástico que ahora haya más positividad corporal y cosas así, pero creo que hay un límite... Bueno, no es que haya un límite, es que hay una diferencia entre tener confianza y saber que eres atractiva, y pensar que tu aspecto es lo más importante del mundo. ボディポジティブなどが増えたのは素晴らしいと思いますが、限界があると思います…ええと、限界があるわけではなく、ただ、自信を持っていることと、自分が魅力的だと知っていることと、それを考えることには違いがあります。あなたの外見は世界で最も重要なことです。 我认为现在有更多的身体积极性真是太棒了,但是我认为这里有一个极限……嗯,这不是一个极限,只是,自信和知道自己有魅力之间存在差异,并认为您的外表是世界上最重要的事情。

So I'll just explain some words that appear in the text. So again this text has some references to Buddhism, and in particular it talks about sutras. ||||||||Buddhism|||||||scriptures |||||||||||||||sutras ||||||Referenzen|||||||||Sutras |||||||||||||||经典 ||||||odkazy|||||||||sútry |||||||||||||||sūtras Así que, de nuevo, este texto tiene algunas referencias al budismo y, en particular, habla de los sutras. 因此,本文再次提及佛教,特别是关于佛经的论述。

So sutras are kind of like Buddhist poetry, Buddhist poems. |||||||básně||básně |||||||诗歌|| |||||||poetry||poems 所以佛经有点像佛教诗歌,佛教诗歌。 They're a kind of religious text. ||||religious| それらは一種の宗教的なテキストです。 And they are chanted by monks. |||sung or recited||religious individuals |||entoado||monges |||gesungen|| |||吟唱||僧侣 |||zpívána|| |||entonadas||monjes Y son cantadas por monjes. So when I say “chant”, it's like sung, but in a very repetitive fashion. ||||repetitive song||||||||repetitive| ||||||||||||repetitiva|fashion ||||singen wiederholen||||||||wiederholend| ||||吟唱|||唱|||||| ||||zpívat|||zpívané|||||opakující|způsobu ||||canto repetitivo|||cantado|||||| ですから、私が「チャント」と言うとき、それは歌われるようなものですが、非常に繰り返しの方法です。 因此,当我说“唱”时,就像唱歌,但以非常重复的方式。 Here is an example of a traditional Japanese Buddhist sutra: |||||||||sútra |||||||||Sutra |||||||||sutra Personally, I think they're quite beautiful, and, I don't know, I'm not very religious, but I always think, if I was going to get into a religion, it would probably be Buddhism, 'cause I would love to chant some sutras. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||zpívat|| 個人的にはとても綺麗だと思いますし、あまり宗教的ではないのですが、宗教に入るとしたら仏教かもしれないといつも思っています。いくつかの経典を唱えるのが大好きです。

Nowadays in Japan, the whole practice of chanting sutras has acquired a modern twist. |||||praxe||zpěvu|sútry||získala|||nádech |||||||||||||现代化的变化 |||||||singen|||erfahren|||moderne Wendung ||||||||||adquirido|||giro moderno |||||||cântico|||adquirido|||toque V Japonsku dnes celá praxe zpívání súter získala moderní podobu. Hoy en día, en Japón, la práctica de cantar sutras ha adquirido un toque moderno. Danas je u Japanu cijela praksa pjevanja sutri dobila moderan zaokret. 今日の日本では、経典を唱える習慣全体が現代風にアレンジされています。 У наш час в Японії вся практика співу сутр набула сучасного вигляду. 如今,在日本,诵经的整个实践已具有现代感。 So it's becoming more popular, it seems to me, to put sutras to music and basically turn them into a kind of musical genre. |||||||||||||||||||||||žánr ||||||||||||||||||||||musikalisch|Genre ||||||||||||||||||||||musical| Zdá se mi, že je stále populárnější zhudebňovat sútry a v podstatě z nich udělat jakýsi hudební žánr. Me parece que cada vez es más popular poner música a los sutras y convertirlos en una especie de género musical. 因此,在我看来,将经文纳入音乐并将它们基本上转变成一种音乐流派正在变得越来越流行。 So here's an example of that.

There are even musical sutras sung by Hatsune Miku, who you may know. |||||||||||možná| |||||||Hatsune|Miku|||| ||até|||||Hatsune|Miku|||| She is a singing robot, basically, from Japan. ||||robot|vlastně|| Вона - співаючий робот, по суті, з Японії. Here is a sample of how that sounds. |||ukázka|||| |||Beispiel|||| |||exemplo|||| Evo primjera kako to zvuči.

So, sutras have become quite interesting in recent years. |sútry||||||| |||||||jüngsten| |||||||recientes| Takže sútry se v posledních letech staly docela zajímavými. Отже, сутри стали досить цікавими в останні роки.

Another word I'd like to explain, which is a very unpleasant word, is “itchy”. ||||||||||||je|svědivý ||||||||||不愉快的||| ||||||||||unangenehm|||juckend |||||||||||||comichão ||||||||||desagradable|||que pica Otra palabra que me gustaría explicar, que es una palabra muy desagradable, es "picor". So itchy, when you feel itchy, when you have an itch, it's that feeling when you really need to scratch yourself. |svědící||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||痒|||||||||| |||||juckend|||||Juckreiz|||||||||kratzen| ||||||||||Picazón|||||||||| ||||||||||coceira|||||||||coceira| It's like, almost painful, maybe on your nose or your arm, and you just think, ‘Oh, I really need to scratch.' And the more you think about it, the more you want to do it. І чим більше ти про це думаєш, тим більше хочеться це зробити. But you can't always do it in public, you know, you can't always scratch your butt in public. |||||||||||||||but|| |||||||||||||||trasero|| |||||||||||||||bunda|| しかし、あなたはいつも公共の場でそれをすることはできません、あなたが知っている、あなたはいつも公共の場であなたのお尻を引っ掻くことができるわけではありません。 So itches can be very, very frustrating. |to||||| |痒||||| |es||||| |picores||||| |coça||||| Así que los picores pueden ser muy, muy frustrantes. Тому свербіж може дуже і дуже засмучувати.

So, remember you can find the transcript of this episode, so, the full text of the episode for my conversation and the story, at EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Nose. That's EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Nose.

So, listen and enjoy!

The Monk's Nose O Nariz do Monge

Once upon a time, in old Japan, there was a Buddhist monk named Zenchi. |ein||||||||||Mönch||Zenchi |||||||||||||Zen Master |||||||||||monje budista|| |||||||||||monge||Zenchi Érase una vez, en el antiguo Japón, un monje budista llamado Zenchi. 昔々、昔の日本には、善地という僧侶がいました。 Zenchi was well-known at the temple where he lived because of his nose. ||||||templo||||||| Zenchi era muy conocido en el templo donde vivía por su nariz. Дзенчі був добре відомий у храмі, де він жив, завдяки своєму носу. Zenchi因鼻子而闻名于他所居住的寺庙。 It was about five or six inches long, and it hung down his face, from his upper lip to the bottom of his chin. ||||||||||||||||labio superior|labio superior|||||| ||||||||||pendurado|para baixo|||||superior|lábio|||parte inferior|||queixo Medía unos diez o quince centímetros y le colgaba por la cara, desde el labio superior hasta la parte inferior de la barbilla. Bio je dug oko pet ili šest inča i visio mu je niz lice, od gornje usne do dna brade. 長さは約5〜6インチで、上唇からあごの下まで顔にぶら下がっていました。 它长约五到六英寸,从他的上唇到下巴的底部垂下。 它大约五六英寸长,从他的上嘴唇一直垂到下巴底部。

It was fat at the top and fat at the bottom, and looked like a long sausage, which hung off his face and swung from side to side. |||||||||||||||||||||||se houpao|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||schwang|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||se balanceaba|||| ||||||||||||||||linguiça|||||||balançava|||| Era gordo por arriba y gordo por abajo, y parecía una larga salchicha, que le colgaba de la cara y se balanceaba de un lado a otro. Bio je debeo na vrhu i debeo na dnu, i izgledao je poput dugačke kobasice koja mu je visjela s lica i njihala se s jedne strane na drugu. 上部が太く、下部が太く、顔にぶら下がって左右に揺れる長いソーセージのようでした。 顶部是脂肪,底部是脂肪,看起来像一条长香肠,从他的脸上垂下,左右摇摆。 它顶部和底部都很粗,看起来像一根长香肠,从他的脸上悬挂,来回摇摆。

Zenchi was over fifty years old, and throughout his time at the temple, he had suffered constantly because of his nose. |||||||durante||||||||||||| Zenchi tenía más de cincuenta años y, durante toda su estancia en el templo, había sufrido constantemente a causa de su nariz. 善智は50歳以上で、お寺にいる間ずっと鼻のせいで苦しんでいました。 Zenchi tinha mais de cinquenta anos e, durante todo o tempo que passou no templo, sofreu constantemente por causa do nariz. Zenchi已有五十多岁,在寺庙里度过的整个过程中,他一直因鼻子而遭受痛苦。 善治已经五十多岁了,在寺庙里的时候,因为鼻子的问题一直在受苦。 This made it very difficult to focus on meditation and chanting sutras, which were the roles of a Buddhist monk like him. |||||||||||||||角色|||||| |||||||||||||||funciones|||||| ||||||||meditação|||||||papéis|||||| Esto hacía muy difícil concentrarse en la meditación y el canto de sutras, que eran las funciones de un monje budista como él. Zbog toga je bilo vrlo teško usredotočiti se na meditaciju i pjevanje sutri, što su bile uloge budističkog redovnika poput njega. そのため、彼のような僧侶の役割である瞑想や経経に集中することは非常に困難でした。 Isso tornava muito difícil concentrar-se na meditação e na entoação de sutras, que eram os papéis de um monge budista como ele. Це дуже ускладнювало зосередження на медитації та співі сутр, що було обов'язком буддійського ченця, як він. 这使得很难专注于冥想和诵经,而这正是像他这样的和尚的角色。 这让他很难集中精力进行冥想和诵经,这是他作为一个佛教僧侣的角色。

There were two reasons Zenchi found his nose so hard to bear. |||||||||těžké||snášet |||||||||||ertragen Había dos razones por las que Zenchi encontraba su nariz tan difícil de soportar. Postojala su dva razloga zbog kojih je Zenchi tako teško podnosio svoj nos. Zenchiが彼の鼻がとても耐え難いと思った2つの理由がありました。 Havia duas razões pelas quais Zenchi achava seu nariz tão difícil de suportar. Було дві причини, чому Зенчі так важко переносив свій ніс. Zenchi发现鼻子很难忍受有两个原因。 善持发现他难以忍受自己的鼻子有两个原因。 Firstly, its length bothered him in everyday life. |||困扰|||| ||Länge|störte|||| ||comprimento|incomodava|||| En primer lugar|||molestaba|||| En primer lugar, su longitud le molestaba en la vida cotidiana. Prvo, njegova dužina mu je smetala u svakodnevnom životu. 第一に、その長さは日常生活の中で彼を悩ませました。 Em primeiro lugar, sua extensão o incomodava na vida cotidiana. 首先,在日常生活中,他的鼻子的长度让他很困扰。 For example, he could never eat dinner alone. Por ejemplo, nunca podía cenar solo. Наприклад, він ніколи не міг вечеряти на самоті. If he ate alone, his nose would fall into his bowl of porridge. ||||||||||||oatmeal ||||||||||||papa ||||||||||||Haferbrei ||||||||||||粥 ||||||||||||kaše ||||||||||||gachas de avena Si comía solo, se le caía la nariz en el plato de gachas. 如果他一个人吃饭,他的鼻子会掉进他的粥碗里。 So he had to have an apprentice sit across from him, and as he ate, hold up his nose with a small piece of wood. ||||||apprentice||opposite him|||||||||||||||| ||||||aprendiz|||||||||segurar||||||||| ||||||Lehrling|||||||||||||||||| ||||||学徒|||||||||||||||||| ||||||učně||naproti|||||||||||||||| ||||||aprendiz|||||||||||||||||| Así que tuvo que hacer que un aprendiz se sentara frente a él y, mientras comía, le tapara la nariz con un trocito de madera. Stoga je morao imati šegrta koji je sjedio preko puta njega i dok je jeo, držao mu nos malim komadićem drveta. それで彼は見習いを彼の向かいに座らせなければならなかった、そして彼が食べている間、彼は小さな木片で彼の鼻を持ち上げた。 Portanto, ele precisava de um aprendiz sentado à sua frente e, enquanto comia, segurava seu nariz com um pequeno pedaço de madeira. 所以他必须让一个学徒坐在对面,当他吃饭时,用一根小木棍撑着他的鼻子。 Naturally, this was very bothersome for both Zenchi and the apprentice who held his nose. ||||obtěžující||||||učedník|||| ||||lästig||||||Lehrling|||| ||||bothersome|||||||||| ||||molesto|||||||||| ||||irritante|||||||||| Naturalmente, esto era muy molesto tanto para Zenchi como para el aprendiz que le tapaba la nariz. 当然のことながら、これはゼンチにとっても、鼻をかむ見習いにとっても、たいへん面倒なことだった。 Naturalmente, isso foi muito incômodo para Zenchi e para o aprendiz que segurou seu nariz. 当然,这对于善知和撑着他鼻子的学徒来说都非常麻烦。 One time, one of the younger boys was holding his nose, and sneezed. ||||||||||||kýchl Una vez, uno de los chicos más jóvenes se estaba tapando la nariz y estornudó. あるとき、年下の男の子が鼻をつまんでくしゃみをしました。 Uma vez, um dos meninos mais novos estava segurando o nariz e espirrou. This caused him to drop Zenchi's nose into the bowl, sending porridge all over his face and the floor. ||||||||||posílající|||||||| |||||Zenchis||||||||||||| |||||do Zenchi||||||||||||| Esto hizo que la nariz de Zenchi cayera en el cuenco, esparciendo las gachas por toda su cara y por el suelo. これにより、彼はゼンチの鼻をボウルに落とし、顔と床全体にお粥を送りました。 Isso fez com que ele jogasse o nariz de Zenchi na tigela, espalhando mingau por todo o rosto e pelo chão. В результате он уронил нос Зенчи в миску, размазав кашу по лицу и полу. This incident was so funny to all the monks that it spread far and wide, and people even talked about it in the capital. |||||||||||rozšířilo|||||||||||| |事件|||||||||||||||||||||| |Vorfall||||||||||verbreitete sich|||||||||||| |||||||||||espalhou||||||||||||capital Este incidente hizo tanta gracia a todos los monjes que se difundió por todas partes, e incluso se habló de él en la capital. この事件はすべての僧侶にとって非常に面白かったので、それは広範囲に広がり、人々は首都でそれについてさえ話しました。 Este incidente foi tão engraçado para todos os monges que se espalhou por toda parte, e as pessoas até falaram sobre ele na capital.

However, this was not the main reason why Zenchi hated his nose. Sin embargo, ésta no era la razón principal por la que Zenchi odiaba su nariz. No entanto, essa não era a principal razão pela qual Zenchi odiava seu nariz. 然而,这并不是善驰讨厌自己的鼻子的主要原因。 The main reason was that he was vain, and his nose was terribly ugly. |||||||marnivý|||||| |||||||eitel|||||| ||||||||||||terrivelmente| 主な理由は、彼が無駄であり、彼の鼻がひどく醜いということでした。 主要原因是他自恋,而且他的鼻子非常难看。 People in the temple said that he was so ugly that no woman would ever want to be his wife. La gente del templo decía que era tan feo que ninguna mujer querría ser su esposa. As pessoas no templo diziam que ele era tão feio que nenhuma mulher jamais desejaria ser sua esposa. Люди в храме говорили, что он настолько уродлив, что ни одна женщина не захочет стать его женой. Люди в храмі говорили, що він настільки потворний, що жодна жінка не захоче стати його дружиною. 寺庙里的人说他丑得没有女人愿意成为他的妻子。 Some even thought that he became a monk because he knew he would never find a wife. Algunos llegaron a pensar que se hizo monje porque sabía que nunca encontraría esposa. 妻が見つからないことを知っていたので、僧侶になったと考える人さえいました。 Alguns até pensaram que ele se tornou um monge porque sabia que nunca encontraria uma esposa. 一些人甚至认为他成为僧侣是因为他知道自己永远也找不到妻子。 This was not true, but it hurt Zenchi to hear it, anyway. No era cierto, pero a Zenchi le dolió oírlo. これは真実ではありませんでしたが、とにかくそれを聞くことはゼンチを傷つけました。 Isso não era verdade, mas doeu Zenchi ouvir isso de qualquer maneira. Це була неправда, але Дзенчі все одно було боляче це чути. 这并不是真的,但无论如何,这让禅智感到伤心。 He had a delicate personality, and a huge vanity. |||delikátní|||||ješitnost |||empfindliche||||| |||delicada||||| Ele tinha uma personalidade delicada e uma vaidade enorme. 他的个性很敏感,而且非常自负。

Zenchi tried and tried to find a solution to his problem. Zenchiは彼の問題の解決策を見つけようとしました。 Zenchi tentou e tentou encontrar uma solução para o seu problema. When he was alone, he sat in front of a mirror, and looked at himself from many angles. |||||||||||||||||úhlů Když byl sám, seděl před zrcadlem a díval se na sebe z mnoha úhlů. Cuando estaba solo, se sentaba frente a un espejo y se miraba desde muchos ángulos. Quando estava sozinho, ele se sentava na frente de um espelho e se olhava de vários ângulos. 当他独自一人时,他坐在镜子前,从多个角度看着自己。 He tried desperately to find an angle which made his nose look smaller, but this just made him more anxious. ||zoufale||||úhel|||||||||||||úzkostlivější ||拼命地||||||||||||||||| ||verzweifelt||||||||||||||||| ||frantically||||||||||||||||| ||desesperadamente||||ângulo||||||||||||| Zoufale se snažil najít úhel, ve kterém by jeho nos vypadal menší, ale to ho jen více znepokojovalo. Intentó desesperadamente encontrar un ángulo que hiciera que su nariz pareciese más pequeña, pero esto sólo hizo que se pusiese más ansioso. Ele tentou desesperadamente encontrar um ângulo que fizesse seu nariz parecer menor, mas isso só o deixou mais ansioso. Він відчайдушно намагався знайти кут, під яким його ніс виглядав би меншим, але це робило його ще більш стурбованим. 他拼命尝试找到一个角度让他的鼻子看起来更小,但这只会让他更焦虑。 So he tried pushing and pulling at his nose, but if anything, it made his nose look bigger. Pokusil se tedy tlačit a tahat za nos, ale pokud něco, nos vypadal větší. Así que intentó empujar y tirar de su nariz, pero en todo caso, hizo que su nariz pareciera más grande. そこで彼は鼻を押したり引いたりしようとしましたが、どちらかといえば鼻が大きく見えました。 Тож він спробував штовхати і тягнути за ніс, але від цього його ніс став ще більшим. 于是他尝试推挤他的鼻子,但反而让鼻子看起来更大了。 Every now and then, he would repeat this activity, until eventually he got sick of it and hid the mirror inside a box, so that he could go back to chanting sutras. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||recitar sutras| ||||||repetia||||||||||||||||||||||||| Tu a tam tuto činnost opakoval, až z toho nakonec onemocněl a schoval zrcadlo do krabice, aby se mohl vrátit ke zpívání súter. De vez en cuando, repetía esta actividad, hasta que al final se hartó y escondió el espejo dentro de una caja, para poder volver a cantar sutras. Tu i tamo bi ponavljao ovu aktivnost, sve dok mu na kraju nije pozlilo i sakrio ogledalo u kutiju, kako bi se mogao vratiti pjevanju sutri. 時々、彼はこの活動を繰り返し、最終的にはそれにうんざりして鏡を箱の中に隠し、経典を唱えることに戻ることができました。 De vez em quando, ele repetia essa atividade, até que finalmente se cansou e escondeu o espelho dentro de uma caixa, para que pudesse voltar a entoar sutras. Час від часу він повторював це заняття, поки врешті-решт йому не набридло, і він сховав дзеркало в коробку, щоб знову зайнятися співом сутр. 有时,他会重复这一活动,直到最终他厌倦了,并将镜子藏在盒子里,这样他才能回到诵经。 他时不时地重复这个活动,直到最终厌倦了并把镜子藏在盒子里,这样他就可以回去念经。

Another thing he tried was to look for someone else with the same problem. Další věc, kterou zkoušel, bylo hledat někoho jiného se stejným problémem. Otra cosa que intentó fue buscar a otra persona con el mismo problema. 彼が試みたもう一つのことは、同じ問題を抱えている他の誰かを探すことでした。 Outra coisa que tentou foi procurar outra pessoa com o mesmo problema. Інша річ, яку він спробував, - це шукати когось іншого з такою ж проблемою. 他尝试的另一件事是寻找另一个有相同问题的人。 Next to the temple there was a bathhouse, and every day many monks went there to bathe. |||chrám||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||洗澡 |||||||Badhaus|||||||||baden ||||||||||||||||bañarse |||||||banhos públicos|||||||||banhar Junto al templo había una casa de baños, y todos los días muchos monjes iban allí a bañarse. Ao lado do templo havia uma casa de banhos, e todos os dias muitos monges iam lá para se banhar. Поруч з храмом була лазня, і щодня багато ченців ходили туди купатися. 寺庙旁边有一座浴室,每天有许多僧侣去那里洗澡。 Zenchi would sit outside the bathhouse, watching people come and go, looking especially at their noses. |||||浴室|||||||||| Zenchi se sentaba fuera de la casa de baños, mirando a la gente entrar y salir, fijándose sobre todo en sus narices. Zenchi ficava sentado do lado de fora da casa de banho, observando as pessoas irem e virem, olhando especialmente para o nariz. 善驰会坐在浴室外面,观察人们进进出出,特别是看着他们的鼻子。 There were big noses, there were small noses. Había narices grandes, había narices pequeñas. Havia narizes grandes, havia narizes pequenos. 有大鼻子,也有小鼻子。 There were short noses, there were long noses. Había narices cortas, había narices largas. 有短鼻子,也有长鼻子。 There were flat noses, there were hooked noses. ||||||hrbaté| ||||||gebogene| ||||||aguileñas| ||||||narcados| Byly tam ploché nosy, byly tam hákové nosy. Había narices chatas, había narices ganchudas. Bilo je ravnih nosova, bilo je kukastih nosova. Були плоскі носи, були гачкуваті носи. 有扁平的鼻子,也有挺直的鼻子。 But there were no noses as big, as long, or as fat as Zenchi's. Pero no había narices tan grandes, tan largas ni tan gordas como la de Zenchi. Mas não havia narizes tão grandes, longos ou gordos quanto os de Zenchi. 但没有一个鼻子像Zenchi的那样又大、又长、又肥。

Zenchi even searched in Buddhist texts and history books for someone with a similar nose, but there were none there, either. Zenchi incluso buscó en textos budistas y libros de historia a alguien con una nariz parecida, pero tampoco había ninguno. Zenchi até procurou em textos budistas e livros de história por alguém com um nariz semelhante, mas também não havia nenhum. Zenchi甚至在佛教经典和历史书籍中寻找有类似鼻子的人,但也找不到。 The longer Zenchi looked for a nose like his, the sadder he became. ||||||||||smutnější|| ||||||||||越难过|| ||||||||||trauriger|| ||||||||||más triste|| ||||||||||mais triste|| Čím déle Zenchi hledal podobný nos, tím smutnější byl. Cuanto más buscaba Zenchi una nariz como la suya, más triste se ponía. Quanto mais tempo Zenchi procurava um nariz como o dele, mais triste ficava. Zenchi越是寻找一个像他的鼻子,他就变得越难过。 He was sometimes so anxious, that in the middle of a conversation with another monk, he would stop to touch his nose, as he thought the other person was judging him for it. ||||nervózní|||||||||||||||se dotknout||||||||||soudit||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||verurteilen||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||julgando||| Někdy byl tak úzkostný, že se uprostřed rozhovoru s jiným mnichem zastavil, aby si sáhl na nos, protože si myslel, že ho ten druhý za to odsuzuje. Manchmal war er so besorgt, dass er mitten in einem Gespräch mit einem anderen Mönch innehielt, um seine Nase zu berühren, weil er dachte, der andere würde ihn dafür verurteilen. A veces estaba tan ansioso que, en medio de una conversación con otro monje, se paraba a tocarse la nariz, pues pensaba que la otra persona le estaba juzgando por ello. 彼は時々とても心配していたので、他の僧侶との会話の最中に、他の人が彼を判断していると思ったので、彼は鼻に触れるのをやめました。 Ele às vezes ficava tão ansioso que, no meio de uma conversa com outro monge, parava para tocar em seu nariz, pois pensava que a outra pessoa o estava julgando por isso. Іноді він був настільки стурбований, що посеред розмови з іншим монахом зупинявся, щоб доторкнутися до свого носа, оскільки йому здавалося, що співрозмовник засуджує його за це. 有时他会很焦虑,以至于在与另一位僧侣交谈时,他会停下来摸一下自己的鼻子,因为他认为对方在为此而评判他。

One day in Autumn, Zenchi heard from an apprentice about a monk in China who had managed to make his nose smaller. ||||||||učedník||||||||||||| ||||||||Lehrling||||||||||||| |||outono|||||||||||||||||| Un día de otoño, Zenchi oyó hablar a un aprendiz sobre un monje de China que había conseguido reducir el tamaño de su nariz. Jednog dana u jesen, Zenchi je čuo od šegrta o jednom redovniku u Kini koji je uspio smanjiti svoj nos. 秋のある日、見習いから、なんとか鼻を小さくした中国の僧侶の話を聞いた。 Um dia, no outono, Zenchi ouviu de um aprendiz sobre um monge na China que havia conseguido diminuir seu nariz. Одного разу восени Дзенчі почув від учня про монаха в Китаї, якому вдалося зменшити свій ніс. 在秋天的一天,Zenchi从一个学徒那里听说了一个中国僧侣,他的鼻子变小了。 一个秋天的日子,Zenchi从一个学徒那里听说了中国一位修行者成功地让自己的鼻子变小了。 His operation had been so successful that he was now a monk at the biggest temple in the country. Jeho operace byla tak úspěšná, že byl nyní mnichem v největším chrámu v zemi. Su operación había tenido tanto éxito que ahora era monje en el mayor templo del país. 彼の手術は非常に成功していたので、彼は現在、国内最大の寺院の僧侶でした。 Sua operação foi tão bem-sucedida que agora ele era um monge do maior templo do país. Його операція пройшла настільки успішно, що тепер він став монахом найбільшого храму в країні. 他的手术非常成功,以至现在他是该国最大的寺庙的和尚。 他的手术非常成功,现在已成为全国最大庙宇的一名僧侣。 Naturally, Zenchi pretended to be disinterested, but secretly he decided he would try out this method. |||||nezaujatý|||||||||| |||||不感兴趣|||||||||| ||vorgab|||uninteressiert|||||||||| |||||desinteressado|||||||||| Zenchi přirozeně předstíral nezájem, ale tajně se rozhodl, že tuto metodu vyzkouší. Naturalmente, Zenchi fingió desinterés, pero en secreto decidió que probaría este método. Naturalmente, Zenchi fingiu estar desinteressado, mas secretamente decidiu que tentaria esse método. 善智自然装作不感兴趣,但心里却决定尝试这种方法。 After dinner, he casually asked the apprentice what the precise steps of the method were. |||||||||přesné||||| |||随意地||||||确切的||||| |||lässig||||||genauen||||| |||casualmente||||||precisos|passos|||| Después de cenar, preguntó casualmente al aprendiz cuáles eran los pasos precisos del método. Depois do jantar, ele perguntou casualmente ao aprendiz quais eram as etapas precisas do método. 晚饭后,他随意问学徒这种方法的具体步骤是什么。 The apprentice told him, and said Zenchi should try it, and that he would be happy to help him with the operation. El aprendiz se lo contó, y le dijo que Zenchi debería intentarlo, y que estaría encantado de ayudarle con la operación. O aprendiz disse a ele e disse que Zenchi deveria tentar, e que ele ficaria feliz em ajudá-lo na operação. Учень розповів йому про це і сказав, що Зенчі повинен спробувати, і що він буде радий допомогти йому з операцією. 学徒告诉他,说禅迟应该试一试,他很乐意帮助他操作。 Zenchi was overjoyed, and said yes. ||nadšený||| ||非常高兴||| ||überglücklich||| ||Zenchi estaba encantado y dijo que sí.||| ||extasiado||| Zenchi se alegró mucho y dijo que sí. Zenchi je bila presretna i rekla da. Zenchi ficou radiante e disse que sim. 禅迟很高兴,说好的。

The operation was simple: boil the nose in water, and have somebody else crush it with their feet. ||||uvařit|||||||||rozmačkat||||nohama ||||hervir||||||||||||| ||||fervente|||||||||esmagar|||| La operación era sencilla: hervir la nariz en agua y hacer que otra persona la aplastara con los pies. Operacija je bila jednostavna: skuhajte nos u vodi i neka ga netko zgnječi nogama. 操作は簡単でした。鼻を水で沸騰させ、他の誰かに足で押しつぶしてもらいます。 코를 물에 삶은 다음 다른 사람이 발로 코를 부수도록 하는 간단한 수술이었습니다. A operação era simples: ferver o nariz na água e mandar outra pessoa esmagá-lo com os pés. Операція була простою: кип'ятили ніс у воді, а хтось інший розчавлював його ногами. 操作很简单:在水中煮沸鼻子,然后让其他人用脚踩碎鼻子。 操作很简单:把鼻子煮熟,然后找人用脚踩碎。 So Zenchi went to the bathhouse and collected a bucket of boiling water. |||||||||vědro||| |||||||coletou||balde||| Así que Zenchi fue a la casa de baños y recogió un cubo de agua hirviendo. そこで善智は銭湯に行き、バケツの沸騰したお湯を集めました。 Então Zenchi foi até a casa de banhos e pegou um balde de água fervente. 于是Zenchi去了澡堂,收集了一桶开水。 于是善持去了浴室,收集了一桶沸水。 He was worried that if he dipped his nose in, the steam would burn his face. ||||||ponořil|||||pára||spálit|| |||||||||||Dampf|||| |||||||||||vapor|||| ||||||mergulhasse|||||vapor|||| Le preocupaba que, si metía la nariz, el vapor le quemara la cara. Ele estava preocupado que, se mergulhasse o nariz, o vapor queimaria seu rosto. 他担心如果把鼻子浸入水中,蒸汽会烧伤他的脸。 So he cut a hole in a plate, and put it on top of the bucket, so that only his nose would be dipped inside the water. ||vyřízl|||||||||||||||||||||||| そこで彼は皿に穴を開けてバケツの上に置き、鼻だけが水に浸かるようにしました。 Então, ele cortou um buraco em um prato e colocou-o em cima do balde, de modo que apenas seu nariz ficasse mergulhado na água. Тож він вирізав отвір у тарілці і поклав її на відро так, щоб тільки його ніс був занурений у воду. 因此他在一个盘子上剪了个洞,把它放在桶上面,这样只有他的鼻子会浸泡在水中。

‘Ready, Zenchi?' 「準備はいいですか、ゼンチ?」 - Pronto, Zenchi? said the apprentice. ||učeň disse o aprendiz.

‘Ready,' said Zenchi. "Pronto", disse Zenchi.

He took a deep breath and put his nose inside the bucket. |vzal|||dech||||||| Respiró hondo y metió la nariz en el cubo. Ele respirou fundo e colocou o nariz dentro do balde. 他深深吸了一口气,把鼻子伸进桶里。 It was very hot, but it did not hurt. Hacía mucho calor, pero no dolía. Estava muito quente, mas não doeu. Було дуже жарко, але не боляче. 虽然很热,但并没有疼痛。 Instead, his nose felt itchy, like many small insects had bitten it. místo toho||||svědila||||||| ||||||||||gebissen| ||||||||||mordido| ||||coçando||||||| En cambio, sentía picor en la nariz, como si le hubieran picado muchos insectos pequeños. Em vez disso, seu nariz coçava, como se muitos pequenos insetos o tivessem mordido. 相反,他的鼻子感觉发痒,就像被许多小昆虫咬了一样。 Zenchi moved away from the bucket and lay down on the floor, his nose still steaming. |||||||||||||||separující se párou |||||||||||||||冒烟 |||||||||||||||humeando |||||||||||||||soltando vapor Zenchi se apartó del cubo y se tumbó en el suelo, con la nariz aún humeante. Zenchi afastou-se do balde e deitou-se no chão, com o nariz ainda fumegante. Зенчі відійшов від відра і ліг на підлогу, з його носа все ще йшла пара. 善驰离开水桶,躺在地板上,鼻子仍然冒着热气。 The apprentice stamped on the nose with all his strength. |učedník|kopl||||||| ||踩||||||| ||stieß||||||| ||pisó fuerte||||||| ||pisou|||||||força El aprendiz le dio un pisotón en la nariz con todas sus fuerzas. Šegrt je svom snagom udario po nosu. 学徒用尽全力踩在鼻子上。 Once again, it did not hurt. |||||bolelo Una vez más, no me dolió. Mais uma vez, não doeu. Знову ж таки, це не було боляче. 再一次,没有感到疼痛。 In fact, because his nose was itchy, it was a pleasant sensation. ||||||svědila||||příjemný|pocit ||||||||||angenehme|Gefühl ||||||||||pleasant|feeling or experience |||||||||||sensação De hecho, como le picaba la nariz, era una sensación agradable. 実は、鼻がかゆいので気持ちいい感じでした。 Na verdade, como seu nariz coçava, era uma sensação agradável. Насправді, оскільки його ніс свербів, це було приємне відчуття. 实际上,因为他的鼻子发痒,这是一种愉快的感觉。 The apprentice looked very sorry for what he was doing, however. |učeň||||||||| Sin embargo, el aprendiz parecía muy arrepentido de lo que estaba haciendo. Однак учень виглядав дуже вибачливим за те, що він робив. 然而,这位学徒对自己所做的事情非常抱歉。 He kept stamping and stamping, crushing the nose beneath his feet. ||||||||underneath|| ||pisoteando||pisoteando|esmagando|||debaixo|| ||||stampen|||||| ||||跺脚|压扁|||在下|| ||dupání||||||pod|| ||||pisoteando|aplasta|||debajo de|| Siguió dando pisotones y pisotones, aplastando la nariz bajo sus pies. Nastavio je lupati i lupati, smrskavajući nos pod nogama. 他不停地踩踏,踩踏,把鼻子踩在脚下。

Zenchi's nose started to crack open, and small lumps fell out that looked like pieces of grain. ||||praskat||||kuličky||||||||obilí ||||brechen||||||||||||Körner ||||||||lumps|||||||| ||||agrietarse||||||||||||grano ||||rachar||||caroços||||||||grão La nariz de Zenchi empezó a agrietarse y cayeron pequeños bultos que parecían trozos de grano. Zenchin nos se počeo otvarati, a iz njega su ispadale male kvržice koje su izgledale poput komadića žita. ゼンチの鼻が割れ始め、粒のように見える小さな塊が落ちました。 O nariz de Zenchi começou a se abrir e caíram pequenos caroços que pareciam pedaços de grãos. Ніс Зенчі почав тріскатися, і з нього випадали маленькі грудочки, схожі на шматочки зерна. 曾治的鼻子开始裂开,落出一些看起来像谷物碎片的小块。 The apprentice said that they were supposed to collect these, so he took a bag and collected up the pieces of Zenchi's nose. ||||||měli||sbírat|||||||||||||| El aprendiz dijo que debían recogerlos, así que cogió una bolsa y recogió los trozos de la nariz de Zenchi. 見習いはこれを集めることになっていると言ったので、鞄を持ってゼンチの鼻のかけらを集めました。 O aprendiz disse que eles deveriam coletar isso, então ele pegou uma bolsa e recolheu os pedaços do nariz de Zenchi. Учень сказав, що вони повинні були зібрати їх, тому він взяв мішок і зібрав шматочки носа Зенчі. 年轻学徒说他们应该收集这些,于是他拿了一个袋子,把曾治鼻子的碎片收集起来。 Zenchi felt anxious, because a part of his body was being treated like a common object, but he said nothing. ||nervózní|||||||||ošetřována|||běžný|věc|||| |||||||||||tratado|||||||| Zenchi se sintió ansioso, porque una parte de su cuerpo estaba siendo tratada como un objeto común, pero no dijo nada. 体の一部が普通の物のように扱われていたので不安を感じたが、何も言わなかった。 Zenchi ficou ansioso, porque uma parte de seu corpo estava sendo tratada como um objeto comum, mas ele não disse nada. Зенчі відчув занепокоєння, бо з частиною його тіла поводилися як зі звичайним предметом, але нічого не сказав. Zenchi感到焦虑,因为他的身体的一部分被当作普通物体对待,但他什么也没说。 曾治感到焦虑,因为他的身体的一部分被当作普通物品来对待,但他什么也没说。

For the final step, the apprentice took a wooden spoon and scooped the fat out of Zenchi's nose. |||||||||||vydloubnul||hnus|||| |||||||||||舀出|||||| |||||||||||scoops|||||| |||||||||||sacó|||||| |||||||||colher||retirou|||||| Para el último paso, el aprendiz cogió una cuchara de madera y sacó la grasa de la nariz de Zenchi. 最後のステップとして、見習いは木のスプーンを取り、ゼンチの鼻から脂肪をすくい取りました。 Para a etapa final, o aprendiz pegou uma colher de pau e tirou a gordura do nariz de Zenchi. На останньому етапі учень взяв дерев'яну ложку і зачерпнув жир з носа Зенчі. 最后一步,学徒拿了一个木勺,从Zenchi的鼻子上sc出脂肪。 在最后一步,学徒拿起一个木勺,从善池的鼻子里舀出脂肪。 This part was the strangest, and he felt a bit sick as he watched the fat be taken out of his nose. ||||nejpodivnější||||||||||||||||| ||||最奇怪的||||||||||||||||| ||||seltsamste||||||||||||||||| ||||mais estranha||||||||||||||||| この部分は最も奇妙で、脂肪が鼻から取り出されるのを見て少し気分が悪くなりました。 Essa parte era a mais estranha, e ele se sentiu um pouco enjoado ao ver a gordura ser retirada de seu nariz. Ця частина була найдивнішою, і йому стало трохи погано, коли він дивився, як йому виймають жир з носа. 这部分是最奇怪的部分,当他看到脂肪从鼻子中取出时,他感到有点恶心。 这一部分是最奇怪的,当他看着脂肪从鼻子里被取出时,他感到有点恶心。 Four big spoonfuls came out, and were placed into a small bowl. ||lžic||||||||| ||大勺||||||||| ||Löffel||||||||| ||quatro colheres de sopa||||||||| Izašle su četiri velike žlice i stavljene su u malu zdjelu. 大きなスプーン4杯が出てきて、小さなボウルに入れられました。 Quatro colheradas grandes saíram e foram colocadas em uma tigela pequena. 一共舀出四大勺,并放入一个小碗中。

After being boiled, crushed, and emptied, Zenchi's nose was indeed smaller. |||||清空||||| |||||entleert||||| ||hervido|||vaciada||||| ||depois de ser fervido|||esvaziado||||de fato| Después de ser hervida, aplastada y vaciada, la nariz de Zenchi era realmente más pequeña. Nakon što je skuhan, zgnječen i ispražnjen, Zenchijev nos doista je bio manji. 茹でてつぶして空にした後、ゼンチの鼻は確かに小さかった. Depois de ser fervido, esmagado e esvaziado, o nariz de Zenchi ficou realmente menor. Після того, як його прокип'ятили, подрібнили і випорожнили, ніс Зенчі справді став меншим. 经过煮沸,压碎和排空后,善驰的鼻子确实变小了。 The apprentice brought him a mirror, and he spent a long time examining his new nose. ||||||||||||zkoumat||| ||||||||||||examinando||| El aprendiz le trajo un espejo, y pasó largo rato examinando su nueva nariz. O aprendiz trouxe um espelho e ele passou muito tempo examinando seu novo nariz. 学徒拿来一面镜子,他花了很长时间检查他的新鼻子。 It was still hooked, but only two inches long. |||zaháknutý||||| |||preso||||| Aún estaba enganchado, pero sólo medía cinco centímetros. Još uvijek je bio zakačen, ali dugačak samo dva inča. Ainda estava enganchado, mas apenas cinco centímetros de comprimento. Вона все ще була на гачку, але лише два дюйми завдовжки. 它仍然是弯曲的,但只有两英寸长。 It had bright red scars from where it had been crushed by the apprentice, but already they were fading. ||jasné||jizvy||||||rozmačkáno||||||||bledly ||||cicatrices rojas brillantes|||||||||||||| ||||cicatrizes|||||||||||||| Tenía cicatrices rojas brillantes de donde había sido aplastado por el aprendiz, pero ya se estaban desvaneciendo. Imao je jarko crvene ožiljke na mjestima gdje ga je zgnječio šegrt, ali već su blijedjeli. 見習いが押しつぶしたところから真っ赤な傷跡がありましたが、すでに色あせていました。 Tinha cicatrizes vermelhas brilhantes de onde havia sido esmagado pelo aprendiz, mas já estavam desaparecendo. На ньому були яскраво-червоні шрами від ударів, завданих учнем, але вони вже зникали. 它因为被学徒踩扁而留下了明亮的红色疤痕,但已经在淡化。 Zenchi was confident that nobody could laugh at it, because it was now a normal-sized nose. Zenchi confiaba en que nadie pudiera reírse de ella, porque ahora era una nariz de tamaño normal. ゼンチは、今では普通の大きさの鼻になったので、誰もそれを笑うことはできないと確信していた. Zenchi estava confiante de que ninguém conseguiria rir disso, porque agora era um nariz de tamanho normal. 禅智相信没有人会嘲笑它,因为它现在是正常大小的鼻子。

What he did worry was that the change would not be permanent. Lo que sí le preocupaba era que el cambio no fuera permanente. 彼が心配したのは、変更が永続的ではないということでした。 O que ele realmente se preocupava era que a mudança não seria permanente. Його хвилювало лише те, що зміни не будуть постійними. 他担心的是这种改变不会是永久的。 他担心的是这种变化是否会持久。 As he was chanting sutras, reading texts, and eating his meals that day, he would from time to time feel his nose. |||zpíval|||||||||||||||||| Mientras cantaba sutras, leía textos y comía aquel día, de vez en cuando se palpaba la nariz. その日、経を唱えたり、文章を読んだり、食事をしたりしていたとき、時々鼻を感じていました。 Enquanto recitava sutras, lia textos e fazia as refeições naquele dia, de vez em quando sentia o nariz. Того дня, коли він співав сутри, читав тексти і їв їжу, він час від часу відчував свій ніс. 当那天他念经、阅读经文、进食时,不时地会感到自己的鼻子。 Each time he found that it was as before, well above his upper lip and not hanging down to his chin. ||||||||||||horní|||||||| Jedes Mal stellte er fest, dass sie wie zuvor weit über der Oberlippe lag und nicht bis zum Kinn herabhing. Cada vez comprobaba que estaba como antes, muy por encima del labio superior y no colgando hasta la barbilla. 彼はそれが以前と同じであり、上唇のはるか上にあり、あごにぶら下がっていないことに気付くたびに。 A cada vez, ele descobriu que era como antes, bem acima do lábio superior e não caindo até o queixo. Щоразу він виявляв, що вона, як і раніше, знаходиться значно вище верхньої губи і не звисає до підборіддя. 每次他发现情况都一样,就在他的上唇上方,而不是垂在下巴上。 每次他发现鼻子仍旧和以前一样,高高在上唇上,并没有垂至下巴。 When he went to bed, he worried that he would wake up and find it was all a dream. Cuando se acostaba, le preocupaba despertarse y descubrir que todo había sido un sueño. 彼が寝たとき、彼は目を覚ますとそれがすべて夢であることに気付くのではないかと心配しました。 Quando foi para a cama, temeu que pudesse acordar e descobrir que era tudo um sonho. 睡觉时,他担心醒来会发现这一切只是一个梦。 But when the sun rose the next day, he felt his nose and it was still small. Pero cuando salió el sol al día siguiente, se palpó la nariz y aún era pequeña. Mas quando o sol nasceu no dia seguinte, ele apalpou o nariz e ainda estava pequeno. 但第二天太阳升起时,他摸了摸自己的鼻子,发现它仍然很小。 He was overjoyed. ||extasiado Ele ficou muito feliz. 他非常高兴。 He had never been so happy in his entire life. ||||||||celém| Nunca había sido tan feliz en toda su vida. 彼はこれまでの人生でこれほど幸せだったことはありませんでした。 Ele nunca tinha estado tão feliz em toda a sua vida. 他这辈子从未这么快乐过。

A few days later, though, his joy began to fade. |||||||||vyprchávat |||||||||desvanecerse |||||||||desvanecer Unos días más tarde, sin embargo, su alegría empezó a desvanecerse. Poucos dias depois, porém, sua alegria começou a diminuir. 然而,几天后,他的欢乐开始消失。 It was strange. Era extraño. Foi estranho. 这很奇怪。 As he walked around the temple, people looked at him with judging eyes, and while before they had made an effort to avoid looking at his nose, now they stared openly at it. |||||||||||odsuzujícími|||||||udělali|úsilí|snaze|||||||||zírali|otevřeně|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||公开地|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||offenbar|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||abertamente|| |||||templo||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Mientras caminaba por el templo, la gente le miraba con ojos juzgadores, y si antes habían hecho un esfuerzo por evitar mirarle la nariz, ahora se la quedaban mirando abiertamente. 彼が寺院を歩き回っているとき、人々は彼を判断力のある目で見ました、そして彼らが彼の鼻を見ないように努力する前に、今彼らはそれを公然と見つめました。 Enquanto ele caminhava ao redor do templo, as pessoas olhavam para ele com olhos julgadores e, embora antes tivessem feito um esforço para evitar olhar para seu nariz, agora o olhavam abertamente. Коли він ходив по храму, люди дивилися на нього осудливими очима, і якщо раніше вони намагалися не дивитися на його ніс, то тепер вони відверто витріщалися на нього. 当他在寺庙里走来走去时,人们用判断的眼神看着他。在他们努力避免回头看他的鼻子之前,现在他们睁开眼睛盯着他。 当他在寺庙周围走动时,人们用审视的目光看着他,以前他们曾刻意避免看他的鼻子,现在他们却公开地盯着看。 When he walked into the dining hall, the other monks, including the apprentice who dropped his nose in the porridge, looked down suddenly. |||||Esszimmer||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||derrubou|||||||| Cuando entró en el comedor, los demás monjes, incluido el aprendiz al que se le cayó la nariz en las gachas, bajaron la mirada de repente. 彼が食堂に入ると、お粥に鼻を落とした見習いを含む他の僧侶が突然見下ろしました。 Quando ele entrou no refeitório, os outros monges, incluindo o aprendiz que enfiou o nariz no mingau, olharam para baixo de repente. 当他走进餐厅时,其他僧侣,包括那个把鼻子掉进粥里的学徒,突然低下头看着他。 They had clearly been talking about him, and were trying not to laugh. Estaba claro que habían estado hablando de él e intentaban no reírse. 彼らは明らかに彼のことを話していて、笑わないように努めていました。 Eles claramente estavam falando sobre ele, e estavam tentando não rir. Вони явно говорили про нього і намагалися не сміятися. 他们显然在议论他,努力不让自己笑出声来。 Everywhere he went, people laughed behind his back. Allá donde iba, la gente se reía a sus espaldas. Onde quer que ele fosse, as pessoas riam nas suas costas. 无论他走到哪里,人们都在他背后笑话他。

At first, Zenchi tried to convince himself that this was an unrelated issue, but eventually he had to admit that it was related to his change in appearance. |||||přesvědčit||||||nesouvisející|problém||nakonec||||přiznat|||||||||vzhledu |||||||||||无关的|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||unbeteiligt|||||||||||verwandt||||| |||||||||||no relacionado|problema relacionado||||||||||||||| |||||||||||não relacionada|questão||||||||||||||| Al principio, Zenchi intentó convencerse de que se trataba de un asunto sin relación, pero finalmente tuvo que admitir que estaba relacionado con su cambio de aspecto. Isprva se Zenchi pokušavao uvjeriti da je to nepovezan problem, no na kraju je morao priznati da je povezan s njegovom promjenom izgleda. No início, Zenchi tentou se convencer de que esse era um problema não relacionado, mas acabou tendo que admitir que estava relacionado à sua mudança de aparência. 首先,Zenchi试图说服自己这是一个无关紧要的问题,但最终他不得不承认这与他的外表改变有关。 一开始,膳地试图说服自己这是一个无关的问题,但最终他不得不承认这与他外表的改变有关。 Of course, many people had laughed behind his back before, but the way they laughed now was much crueller. ||||||||||||||||||krutější ||||||||||||||||||grausamer ||||||||||||||||||more cruel ||||||||||||||||||más cruel Por supuesto, mucha gente se había reído antes a sus espaldas, pero la forma en que se reían ahora era mucho más cruel. もちろん、以前は陰で笑っていた人も多かったが、今の笑い方はもっと残酷だった。 Claro, muitas pessoas riram pelas costas antes, mas a maneira como riam agora era muito mais cruel. 当然,许多人以前曾在他的背后笑过,但是现在他们的笑声却很残酷。 当然,以前很多人背后笑他,但现在他们笑的方式更加残忍。 Apparently, his short nose was much funnier than his long nose had ever been. prý||||||vtipnější||||||| ||||||lustiger||||||| Al parecer, su nariz corta era mucho más graciosa de lo que había sido nunca su nariz larga. どうやら、彼の短い鼻は彼の長い鼻がかつてないほど面白かった。 Aparentemente, seu nariz curto era muito mais engraçado do que seu nariz comprido jamais fora. 显然,他的短鼻子比他的长鼻子要有趣。 显然,他的短鼻子比以前的长鼻子更有趣。

Zenchi fell into a deep depression. Zenchi cayó en una profunda depresión. Zenchi caiu em profunda depressão. Zenchi陷入了深深的抑郁之中。 He regretted changing his nose, and wished he could have his old, long nose back. |bereute||||||||||||| |se arrepintió de||||||||||||| |lamentou||||||||||||| Se arrepentía de haberse cambiado la nariz y deseaba volver a tener su antigua y larga nariz. Ele se arrependeu de ter mudado o nariz e desejou poder ter seu nariz comprido de volta. 他后悔改变自己的鼻子,希望能重新拥有他那双老长的鼻子。 Of course, he could share his troubles with nobody, because nobody understood his problem. ||||||烦恼||||||| ||||||problemas||||||| Por supuesto, no podía compartir sus problemas con nadie, porque nadie entendía su problema. Claro, ele não poderia compartilhar seus problemas com ninguém, porque ninguém entendia seu problema. Звичайно, він не міг ні з ким поділитися своїми бідами, тому що ніхто не розумів його проблеми. 当然,他无法与任何人分享自己的烦恼,因为没有人理解他的问题。 He started to wonder if he should trick someone else into changing their nose, just so he could have a companion in misery. |||ptát se||on||podvést|||||||||||||společníka||neštěstí ||||||||||||||||||||||痛苦 ||||||||||||||||||||||Elend ||||||||||||||||||||companion||suffering ||||||||||||||||||||||sofrimento Empezó a preguntarse si debería engañar a otra persona para que cambiara su nariz, sólo para poder tener una compañera en la miseria. Počeo se pitati bi li trebao prevariti nekog drugog da mu promijeni nos, samo kako bi mogao imati suputnika u jadu. 彼は、他の誰かをだまして彼らの鼻を変えさせるべきかどうか疑問に思い始めました。 Ele começou a se perguntar se deveria enganar alguém para mudar o nariz, apenas para que ele pudesse ter um companheiro na miséria. Він почав роздумувати, чи не обдурити ще когось, щоб той змінив ніс, аби мати співрозмовника у стражданнях. 他开始怀疑他是否应该欺骗别人来改变他们的鼻子,以免他可以在痛苦中有同伴。 他开始想是否应该诱使别人改变鼻子,这样自己就有一个陪伴在痛苦中的伙伴了。

Zenchi's vanity was now obvious to all the other monks in the temple. |pýcha|||jasné|||||||| La vanidad de Zenchi era ahora evidente para todos los demás monjes del templo. 善智の虚栄心は、寺院の他のすべての僧侶にとって今や明らかでした. A vaidade de Zenchi agora era óbvia para todos os outros monges no templo. Марнославство Дзенчі тепер було очевидним для всіх інших ченців у храмі. Zenchi的虚荣心现在在圣殿中的所有其他僧侣中显而易见。 Zenchi的虚荣现在对寺庙里的其他僧侣都显而易见。 He became bitter, and made mean comments to those around him. ||zlý||dělal|zlé||||| ||愤怒的|||||||| ||amargado|||||||| ||amargo|||||||| Začal být zatrpklý a na své okolí měl zlé poznámky. Se amargó e hizo comentarios mezquinos a los que le rodeaban. Postao je ogorčen i davao je zlobne komentare onima oko sebe. 彼は辛辣になり、周囲の人々に意地悪な発言をした。 Ele ficou amargo e fez comentários maldosos para as pessoas ao seu redor. 他变得痛苦,并对周围的人发表了卑鄙的评论。 他变得愤怒,并对周围的人发表恶意言论。 The apprentice who had helped him shorten his nose told him that he would be punished for his sin of treating people badly instead of spreading the word of Buddha. ||||||||||||||||||wrongdoing||||||||||| ||||||encurtar|||||||||punido|||pecado||tratar||||||||| ||||||verkürzen|||||||||bestraft|||Sünde||||||||||| |||||||||||||||受到惩罚|||||对待||||||||| |žák||||||||||||||potrestán|||hřích||šetření||špatně|místo|||||| ||||||acortar||||||||||||||tratando a||||||||| El aprendiz que le había ayudado a acortar la nariz le dijo que sería castigado por su pecado de tratar mal a la gente en lugar de difundir la palabra de Buda. 彼の鼻を短くするのを手伝った見習いは、仏の言葉を広める代わりに人々をひどく扱うという彼の罪のために彼が罰せられるだろうと彼に言いました。 O aprendiz que o ajudou a encurtar o nariz disse-lhe que ele seria punido por seu pecado de tratar mal as pessoas em vez de espalhar a palavra de Buda. Учень, який допоміг йому вкоротити ніс, сказав йому, що він буде покараний за свій гріх поганого ставлення до людей замість того, щоб поширювати слово Будди. 帮助他缩短鼻子的学徒告诉他,他将因不善待人而不是散布佛陀的罪行而受到惩罚。 那位帮助他缩短鼻子的学徒告诉他,他会因为对人们不好而受到惩罚,而不是传播佛陀的教诲。 This made Zenchi feel even worse, and as a result he became even crueller. |||||||||||||krutější Esto hizo que Zenchi se sintiera aún peor, y como resultado se volvió aún más cruel. これはゼンチをさらに悪化させ、その結果、彼はさらにクルーラーになりました。 Isso fez Zenchi se sentir ainda pior e, como resultado, ele se tornou ainda mais cruel. 这让禅智感到更加糟糕,结果变得更加残忍。

One day, Zenchi heard shouting, and went outside to see what was happening. Un día, Zenchi oyó gritos y salió a ver qué pasaba. Um dia, Zenchi ouviu gritos e saiu para ver o que estava acontecendo. Одного разу Дзенчі почув крики і вийшов на вулицю подивитися, що відбувається. 一天,禅智听到喧闹声,走出去看发生了什么事。 One of the apprentices was chasing a dog with a piece of wood, shouting, ‘I'll hit you with my nose! |||||honil||||||||||udeřím|||| |||学徒|||||||||||||||| |||Lehrlinge|||||||||||||||| |||aprendizes|||||||||||||||| Uno de los aprendices perseguía a un perro con un trozo de madera, gritando: "¡Te voy a dar con la nariz! 見習いの一人は、木片で犬を追いかけ、叫びました。「鼻であなたを殴ります! Um dos aprendizes perseguia um cachorro com um pedaço de madeira, gritando: 'Vou bater em você com o nariz! 一个学徒正在用一块木头追逐一条狗,大喊:“我会用鼻子打你! 其中一名学徒正在追着一只狗用一根木头棍子,喊道:“我要用我的鼻子打你!” I'll hit you with my nose!' Te golpearé con mi nariz'. 鼻で殴るぞ!」 Vou bater em você com meu nariz! ' Я вдарю тебе носом! “我要用我的鼻子打你!” Zenchi grabbed the piece of wood from him and hit him in the face. Zenchi le arrebató el trozo de madera y le golpeó en la cara. ゼンチは彼から木片をつかみ、顔を殴った。 Zenchi agarrou o pedaço de madeira dele e o acertou no rosto. Зенчі вихопив у нього шматок дерева і вдарив по обличчю. 善斋从他手中夺过木棍,打在他的脸上。 Then he realised it was the wood that was used to hold up his nose when he ate porridge, before his operation. ||si uvědomil||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||papa||| Entonces se dio cuenta de que era la madera que utilizaba para taparse la nariz cuando comía gachas, antes de su operación. それから彼は、手術前にお粥を食べたときに鼻を支えるのに使われたのは木であることに気づきました。 Потім він зрозумів, що це була деревина, якою він тримався за ніс, коли їв кашу, до операції. 然后他意识到,在手术之前,吃粥时用来支撑鼻子的是木头。 然后他意识到,这是在他吃粥时用来支撑鼻子的木头,在手术前使用过。 He dropped it, feeling sick, and ran away. |dropped|||||| Ele o largou, sentindo-se mal e fugiu. 他感到恶心,扔掉了它,然后逃走了。

That night, Zenchi felt so awful about his nose that he could hardly sleep. |||||terrível|||||||| Esa noche, Zenchi se sintió tan mal por su nariz que apenas pudo dormir. Тієї ночі Зенчі так болісно відчував свій ніс, що майже не міг заснути. 那天晚上,Zenchi对鼻子感到非常恐惧,几乎无法入睡。 那晚,Zench对他的鼻子感到非常难受,几乎无法入睡。 It was a cold night, and his nose itched. ||||||||svědila ||||||||juckte ||||||||le picaba ||||||||coçava Era una noche fría y le picaba la nariz. Era uma noite fria e seu nariz coçava. 这是一个寒冷的夜晚,他的鼻子发痒。 When he touched it, it was wet and swollen. ||||||||inflated ||||||||inchado ||||||||geschwollen ||||||||肿胀的 ||||||||oteklé ||||||||hinchado Quando ele o tocou, estava molhado e inchado. 当他碰到它时,它又湿又肿起来。 He thought he had a fever, and tried to go to sleep. |||||horečku|||||| |||||Fieber|||||| |||||febre|||||| Pensó que tenía fiebre e intentó dormirse. Ele pensou que estava com febre e tentou dormir. 他感觉自己发烧了,试图去睡觉。

The next morning, it was a beautiful, bright day. A la mañana siguiente, hacía un día precioso y luminoso. Na manhã seguinte, foi um dia lindo e luminoso. 第二天早晨,是一个美丽明亮的日子。 Zenchi got up and went to sniff the flowers. ||||||očichat|| ||||||闻花|| ||||||schnüffeln|| ||||||cheirar|| Zenchi se levantó y fue a oler las flores. Zenchi se levantou e foi cheirar as flores. 善驰爬起来去闻花。 That was when he noticed something different. |at that moment||||| Fue entonces cuando notó algo diferente. Foi quando ele percebeu algo diferente. 这时他注意到了一些不同之处。 He felt something… familiar. |||známého Sintió algo... familiar. Ele sentiu algo ... familiar.

He lifted his hand up to his nose. |gehoben|||||| |levantou|||||| Se llevó la mano a la nariz. Ele levou a mão ao nariz. 他抬起手掩鼻。 It was about five or six inches long, and it hung down his face, from his upper lip to the bottom of his chin. Medía unos diez o quince centímetros y le colgaba por la cara, desde el labio superior hasta la parte inferior de la barbilla. Tinha cerca de 12 a 15 centímetros de comprimento e caía em seu rosto, do lábio superior até a parte inferior do queixo. 它长约五到六英寸,从他的上唇到下巴的底部垂下。 大约五六英寸长,从上唇一直垂到下巴。

His old nose was back! ¡Su antigua nariz había vuelto! Seu velho nariz estava de volta! 他原来的鼻子又回来了! Zenchi felt a great relief. ||||úlevu Zenchi sintió un gran alivio. Zenchi sentiu um grande alívio. 禅智感到了巨大的解脱。 He felt just as happy as he had when his nose was shortened before. ||||||||||||缩短| ||||||||||||encurtado| Se sintió tan feliz como cuando le acortaron la nariz antes. 以前鼻が短くなったときと同じように、彼は幸せを感じました。 Ele se sentiu tão feliz quanto quando seu nariz foi encurtado antes. 他感到自己和以前缩短鼻子时一样快乐。 他感觉就像以前鼻子被缩短时那样快乐。 As the wind blew his nose from side to side, he felt sure that nobody would laugh at him anymore. Mientras el viento le movía la nariz de un lado a otro, se sintió seguro de que ya nadie se reiría de él. Enquanto o vento assoava seu nariz de um lado para o outro, ele teve certeza de que ninguém mais iria rir dele. 当风吹动他的鼻子时,他确信再也没有人会笑他了。


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