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Dracula - Bram Stoker, Note



Seven years ago we all went through the flames.

And the happiness of some of us since then is, we think, well worth the pain we endured. It is an added joy to Mina and to me that our boy's birthday is the same day as that on which Quincey Morris died. His mother holds, I know, the secret belief that some of our brave friend's spirit has passed into him. His bundle of names links all our little band of men together. But we call him Quincey. In the summer of this year we made a journey to Transylvania, and went over the old ground which was, and is, to us so full of vivid and terrible memories.

It was almost impossible to believe that the things which we had seen with our own eyes and heard with our own ears were living truths. Every trace of all that had been was blotted out. The castle stood as before, reared high above a waste of desolation. When we got home we were talking of the old time, which we could all look back on without despair, for Godalming and Seward are both happily married.

I took the papers from the safe where they had been ever since our return so long ago. We were struck with the fact, that in all the mass of material of which the record is composed, there is hardly one authentic document. Nothing but a mass of typewriting, except the later notebooks of Mina and Seward and myself, and Van Helsing's memorandum. We could hardly ask any one, even did we wish to, to accept these as proofs of so wild a story. Van Helsing summed it all up as he said, with our boy on his knee. "We want no proofs.

We ask none to believe us! This boy will some day know what a brave and gallant woman his mother is. Already he knows her sweetness and loving care. Later on he will understand how some men so loved her, that they did dare much for her sake. JONATHAN HARKER

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Seven years ago we all went through the flames. Há sete anos, todos nós passámos pelas chamas.

And the happiness of some of us since then is, we think, well worth the pain we endured. E a felicidade de alguns de nós desde então vale, pensamos nós, bem a dor que suportámos. It is an added joy to Mina and to me that our boy’s birthday is the same day as that on which Quincey Morris died. É uma alegria acrescida para a Mina e para mim o facto de o aniversário do nosso filho ser no mesmo dia em que morreu Quincey Morris. His mother holds, I know, the secret belief that some of our brave friend’s spirit has passed into him. A mãe dele acredita, eu sei, secretamente, que uma parte do espírito do nosso corajoso amigo passou para ele. His bundle of names links all our little band of men together. |conjunto|||||||||| O seu feixe de nomes une todo o nosso pequeno grupo de homens. But we call him Quincey. Mas nós chamamos-lhe Quincey. In the summer of this year we made a journey to Transylvania, and went over the old ground which was, and is, to us so full of vivid and terrible memories. No verão deste ano, fizemos uma viagem à Transilvânia e percorremos o antigo território que estava, e continua a estar, tão cheio de recordações vivas e terríveis.

It was almost impossible to believe that the  things which we had seen with our own eyes and heard with our own ears were living truths. Era quase impossível acreditar que as coisas que tínhamos visto com os nossos próprios olhos e ouvido com os nossos próprios ouvidos eram verdades vivas. Every trace of all that had been was blotted out. ||||||||borrado| Todos os vestígios de tudo o que tinha sido foram apagados. The castle stood as before, reared high above a waste of  desolation. |||||||||Ödnis|| |||||elevado||||||desolación total O castelo permanecia como antes, erguido no alto de um deserto de desolação. When we got home we were talking of the old time, which we could all look back on without despair, for Godalming and Seward are both happily married. Quando chegámos a casa, estávamos a falar dos velhos tempos, que todos podemos recordar sem desespero, pois Godalming e Seward estão ambos casados e felizes.

I took the papers from the safe where they had been ever since our return so long ago. Tirei os papéis do cofre onde estavam desde o nosso regresso há tanto tempo. We were struck with the fact, that in all the mass of material of which the record is composed, there is hardly one authentic document. Ficámos impressionados com o facto de, em toda a massa de material de que o registo é composto, não haver praticamente nenhum documento autêntico. Nothing but a mass of typewriting, except the later notebooks of Mina and Seward and myself, and Van Helsing’s memorandum. |||||mecanografía|||||||||||||| Nada mais do que uma massa de escrita à máquina, exceto os últimos cadernos de Mina, Seward e eu próprio, e o memorando de Van Helsing. We could hardly ask any one, even did we wish to, to accept these as proofs of so wild a story. Dificilmente poderíamos pedir a alguém, mesmo que quiséssemos, que aceitasse estes factos como provas de uma história tão louca. Van Helsing summed it all up as he said, with our boy on his knee. Van Helsing resumiu tudo quando disse, com o nosso rapaz ao colo. "We want no proofs. "Não queremos provas.

We ask none to believe us! Não pedimos a ninguém que acredite em nós! This boy will some day know what a brave and gallant woman his mother is. ||||||||||valiente y noble|||| Este rapaz saberá, um dia, que a sua mãe é uma mulher corajosa e galante. Already he knows her sweetness and loving care. Ele já conhece a sua doçura e o seu carinho. Later on he will understand how some men so loved her, that they did dare much for her sake. Mais tarde, compreenderá como alguns homens a amavam tanto, que ousaram muito por causa dela. JONATHAN HARKER