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Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children by Daniel Defoe. Adapted by James Baldwin., CHAPTER 45. I MAKE A BOLD RESCUE


I KNEW that the tide would not be at its highest again before night. So I thought that I would arm myself, and, as soon as it was dark, would venture out and learn more about my strange visitors if I could.

I looked at my guns and got everything ready, and then sat down to wait.

The day, as I have said, was very hot. The three men who had been prisoners still sat under a tree by the shore. But all the rest were in the woods. No doubt they would rest in some shady place until the sun went down.

At about two o'clock I became so uneasy that I could wait no longer. "Friday," I said, "let us go out and see what we can do." You should have seen us as we marched out of the castle.

I had two guns on my shoulders and Friday had three. I had on my goatskin coat and my great hat that I have told you about. At my side was a naked sword, and in my belt were two huge pistols.

I must have looked very fierce.

We went quietly down the hill, keeping ourselves hidden among the trees. At last, when we were quite near the three men, I jumped suddenly out before them and cried, "What are you, gentlemen?" Never were men more surprised.

They sprang to their feet, but they could not speak a word. In fact, they were on the point of running away from me when I cried: "Hold, gentlemen! Do not be afraid. I am a friend. I bring help." "Then, indeed," said one of them, "you must have been sent from heaven; for our case is hopeless." "All help is from heaven, sir," I said; and then I briefly told them how I had seen them brought to the shore. "I am an Englishman," I said, "and I stand ready to help you. I have one servant, and we are well armed. Tell us what is your case, and how we may serve you." "Our case," said the foremost of the three men, "is too long to tell you now; for our enemies are very near. I was the captain of the ship that lies at anchor offshore. Three days ago the sailors all rose against me. They made me their prisoner. They seized upon the ship, for they wanted to become pirates.

"They were about to kill me; but this morning they decided to leave me on this island to die. The men who are with me, they are doomed to the same fate. One is my mate, the other a passenger.

"Being brought ashore here, we had no hope but to perish. For it did not seem to us that any one could live in such a desolate place." "But where are those cruel enemies of yours?" I asked.

"Do you know where they are gone?" "They are there, sir," he said, pointing to a grove not far away. "They are sleeping in the shade. If they should wake and see you with us, they would kill us all." "Have they any firearms?" I asked.

"Only two muskets," he answered, "and one of these they have left in the boat." "Then trust everything to me," I said. "If they are asleep it will be easy to kill them all. But I think it will be better to make them our prisoners." The captain then told me that there were two very wicked fellows among them who were the ringleaders.

"It is they who have made all this trouble," he said. "If they and two others could be overcome the rest would come back and do their duty. Indeed, I am sure that many of them have gone into this business against their will."

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I KNEW that the tide would not be at its highest again before night. ||||Gezeiten||||||||| ||||tide||||||||| Eu sabia que a maré não voltaria a subir antes da noite. Я знав, що до ночі приплив знову не досягне найвищого рівня. So I thought that I would arm myself, and, as soon as it was dark, would venture out and learn more about my strange visitors if I could. ||||||bewaffnen||||||||||to venture||||||||||| ||||||||||||||darkness||go||||||||||| ||||||||e||||||||||||||||||| ||||||armi = to arm||||||||||venture||||||||||| Por isso, pensei em armar-me e, assim que escurecesse, aventurar-me-ia a descobrir mais sobre os meus estranhos visitantes, se pudesse. Тож я вирішив озброїтися і, як тільки стемніє, вийти на вулицю, щоб дізнатися більше про моїх дивних відвідувачів, якщо зможу. 因此我决定武装起来,等天黑了就冒险出去,尽量了解更多关于我那些奇怪访客的情况。

I looked at my guns and got everything ready, and then sat down to wait. Olhei para as minhas armas e preparei tudo, e depois sentei-me para esperar. Я подивився на свою зброю і приготував усе необхідне, а потім сів чекати. 我看了看我的枪支,准备好一切,然后坐下等待。

The day, as I have said, was very hot. O dia, como já referi, estava muito quente. 我已经说过了,这一天非常炎热。 The three men who had been prisoners still sat under a tree by the shore. Os três homens que tinham sido prisioneiros continuam sentados debaixo de uma árvore junto à margem. 那三名曾被囚禁的男子仍然坐在海岸边的树下。 But all the rest were in the woods. |||||||na floresta Mas todos os outros estavam na floresta. 但其他人都在森林里。 No doubt they would rest in some shady place until the sun went down. ||||stay|||shaded|||||| Sem dúvida que iriam descansar num local com sombra até o sol se pôr. 毫无疑问,他们会在一些阴凉的地方休息,直到太阳落山。

At about two o'clock I became so uneasy that I could wait no longer. |||||||不安|||||| |||||||unruhig|||||| Por volta das duas horas, fiquei tão inquieto que não consegui esperar mais. Близько другої години мені стало так неспокійно, що я не міг більше чекати. 大约两点钟,我变得如此不安,以至于无法再等下去。 "Friday," I said, "let us go out and see what we can do." sexta-feira|||||||||||| "Sexta-feira", disse eu, "vamos sair e ver o que podemos fazer". “星期五,”我说,“让我们出去看看我们能做些什么。” You should have seen us as we marched out of the castle. |||||||walked in formation|||| Deviam ter-nos visto quando marchámos para fora do castelo. Бачили б ви нас, коли ми виходили з замку. 你们应该见识一下我们走出城堡的样子。

I had two guns on my shoulders and Friday had three. Eu tinha duas armas aos ombros e o Sexta-feira tinha três. 我肩上挎着两把枪,弗莱迪肩上挎着三把。 I had on my goatskin coat and my great hat that I have told you about. ||||goatskin coat||||||||||| Tinha vestido o meu casaco de pele de cabra e o meu grande chapéu de que já vos falei. 我身穿羊皮外套,戴着我告诉过你的大帽子。 At my side was a naked sword, and in my belt were two huge pistols. |||||unsheathed|||||||||pistols Ao meu lado tinha uma espada nua e no meu cinto duas pistolas enormes. 我的腰间挂着一把赤身剑,腰带上装着两支巨大的手枪。

I must have looked very fierce. |||||fierce |||||बहुत डरावना |||||intimidating Devo ter tido um ar muito feroz. Я, мабуть, виглядала дуже лютою. 我一定看起来很凶猛。

We went quietly down the hill, keeping ourselves hidden among the trees. |||||the slope|||||| 我们悄悄地沿着山坡下去,把自己隐藏在树木中。 At last, when we were quite near the three men, I jumped suddenly out before them and cried, "What are you, gentlemen?" |||||||||||||||||||||先生们 Por fim, quando estávamos muito perto dos três homens, saltei de repente para a frente deles e gritei: "O que são vocês, meus senhores?" Нарешті, коли ми були вже зовсім близько від трьох чоловіків, я раптово вискочив перед ними і закричав: "Хто ви, панове?" 最后,当我们离那三个人很近时,我突然跳出来,对他们喊道:“诸位,你们是什么人?” Never were men more surprised. Nunca os homens ficaram tão surpreendidos. Ніколи ще чоловіки не були так здивовані. 男人们从未如此惊讶过。

They sprang to their feet, but they could not speak a word. |leaped|||||||||| Puseram-se de pé, mas não conseguiram dizer uma palavra. Вони схопилися на ноги, але не могли вимовити ні слова. 他们跳起身来,但却说不出一句话。 In fact, they were on the point of running away from me when I cried: "Hold, gentlemen! |||||||||||||||esperem| De facto, eles estavam prestes a fugir de mim quando eu gritei: "Esperem, meus senhores! 事实上,当我喊道:“站住,先生们!时,他们正要从我面前逃走。 Do not be afraid. Não tenhais medo. 不要害怕。 I am a friend. 我是你的朋友。 I bring help." Eu trago ajuda". 我来帮助你。 "Then, indeed," said one of them, "you must have been sent from heaven; for our case is hopeless." |||||||||||||||||desperate |||||||||||||||||sem esperança "Então, de facto", disse um deles, "deves ter sido enviado do céu, pois o nosso caso é desesperado." "Тоді, дійсно, - сказав один з них, - ви, мабуть, послані з неба, бо наша справа безнадійна". “那么,”他们中的一人说,“你一定是从天堂派来的吧;因为我们的情况是无望的。” "All help is from heaven, sir," I said; and then I briefly told them how I had seen them brought to the shore. |||||||||||kurz||||||||brought = brought||| |||||||||||in short||||||||||| ||||o céu|||||||||||||||||| "Toda a ajuda vem do céu, senhor", disse eu; e depois contei-lhes brevemente como os tinha visto serem trazidos para a praia. “所有的帮助都来自天堂,先生,”我说道;然后我简要地告诉他们我是如何看到他们被带到岸边的。 "I am an Englishman," I said, "and I stand ready to help you. "Sou um inglês", disse eu, "e estou pronto a ajudar-vos. “我是个英国人,”我说,“我愿意帮助你们。” I have one servant, and we are well armed. |||servant|||||equipped with weapons Tell us what is your case, and how we may serve you." |||||situation|||||| Розкажіть нам, у чому ваша справа, і як ми можемо вам послужити". 告诉我们您的案情,以及我们如何可以为您服务。 "Our case," said the foremost of the three men, "is too long to tell you now; for our enemies are very near. ||||foremost||||||||||||||Feinde||| ||||अग्रणी||||||||||||||||| ||||leader||||||||||||||foes||| "O nosso caso", disse o primeiro dos três homens, "é demasiado longo para vos contar agora, pois os nossos inimigos estão muito próximos. "Наша справа, - сказав найстарший з трьох чоловіків, - надто довга, щоб розповідати її зараз, бо наші вороги дуже близько. “我们的案情,”三人中的头号人物说道,“太长了,现在无法告诉你;因为我们的敌人就在附近。 I was the captain of the ship that lies at anchor offshore. |||||||||||近海 |||||||||||vor der Küste ||||||||is||anchored|in the sea Eu era o capitão do navio que estava ancorado ao largo. 我是停泊在近海的那艘船的船长。 Three days ago the sailors all rose against me. ||||||erhoben sich|| ||||crew members||rebelled|rebelled against| Há três dias, os marinheiros revoltaram-se todos contra mim. Три дні тому всі моряки повстали проти мене. 三天前, 水手们全部起来反抗我。 They made me their prisoner. ||||prisoner Fizeram-me prisioneiro deles. 他们把我当作囚犯。 They seized upon the ship, for they wanted to become pirates. |ergriffen||||||||| |took control of||||||||| Apoderaram-se do navio, pois queriam tornar-se piratas. Вони захопили корабель, бо хотіли стати піратами. 他们抢占了船只, 因为他们想要成为海盗。

"They were about to kill me; but this morning they decided to leave me on this island to die. "Estavam prestes a matar-me, mas esta manhã decidiram deixar-me nesta ilha para morrer. «Они собирались убить меня, но сегодня утром они решили оставить меня на этом острове умирать. The men who are with me, they are doomed to the same fate. ||||||||注定要死|||| ||||||||verdammt||||Schicksal ||||||||destined||||fate ||||||||||||destino Os homens que estão comigo estão condenados ao mesmo destino. Мужчины, которые со мной, обречены на ту же участь. Люди, які зі мною, приречені на таку ж долю. 和我在一起的那些人,他们注定和我一样命运堪忧。 One is my mate, the other a passenger. |||Kamerad||||Passagier |||friend|||| |||||||um passageiro Um é o meu companheiro, o outro é um passageiro. Один з них - мій товариш, інший - пасажир. 一个是我的伴侣,另一个是乘客。

"Being brought ashore here, we had no hope but to perish. ||an Land||||||||umkommen |being taken|to land||||||||die "Quando nos trouxeram para aqui, não tínhamos outra esperança senão morrer. "Коли нас винесло на берег тут, у нас не було іншої надії, окрім як загинути. "在这里上岸时,我们除了灭亡别无希望。 For it did not seem to us that any one could live in such a desolate place." |||||||||||||||öde| |||||||||||||||abandoned| Porque não nos parecia que alguém pudesse viver num lugar tão desolado". Бо нам не здавалося, що хтось може жити в такому безлюдному місці". “因为我们觉得没人能在这样的荒凉地方生存。” "But where are those cruel enemies of yours?" "Mas onde estão esses vossos inimigos cruéis?" "Але де ж твої жорстокі вороги?" “但你的那些残酷敌人在哪里呢?” I asked. 我问道。

"Do you know where they are gone?" ||||||hingegangen "Sabes para onde é que eles foram?" "Ви знаєте, куди вони поділися?" "They are there, sir," he said, pointing to a grove not far away. |||||||||Hain||| |||||||||a small forest||| "Вони там, сер", - сказав він, вказуючи на гай неподалік. “他们在那里,先生,”他指着不远处的一片树林说道。 "They are sleeping in the shade. “他们正在阴凉处睡觉。 If they should wake and see you with us, they would kill us all." 如果他们醒来看到你和我们在一起,他们会杀死我们所有人。” "Have they any firearms?" |||Haben sie Schusswaffen? |||firearms "Eles têm alguma arma de fogo?" “他们有枪支吗?” I asked. |perguntei 我问道。

"Only two muskets," he answered, "and one of these they have left in the boat." ||muskets|||||||||||| "Apenas dois mosquetes", respondeu ele, "e um deles foi deixado no barco". “只有两支火枪,”他回答道,“其中一支他们留在了船上。” "Then trust everything to me," I said. "Então confia tudo a mim", disse eu. “那就把一切都交给我吧,”我说。 "If they are asleep it will be easy to kill them all. |||睡着了|||||||| "Se estiverem a dormir, será fácil matá-los a todos. “如果他们都睡着了,把他们都杀掉会很容易。 But I think it will be better to make them our prisoners." Mas penso que será melhor fazer deles nossos prisioneiros". 但我觉得把他们作为我们的俘虏会更好。” The captain then told me that there were two very wicked fellows among them who were the ringleaders. ||||||||||邪恶的|家伙们|之中||||| ||||||||||böse|||||||Anführer ||||||||||evil|||||||主谋 O capitão disse-me então que havia dois tipos muito maus entre eles, que eram os líderes. Затем капитан сказал мне, что среди них были два очень злых парня, которые были главарями. Потім капітан розповів мені, що серед них було двоє дуже злих хлопців, які були ватажками. 船长接着告诉我,他们中间有两个非常坏的家伙,是头目。

"It is they who have made all this trouble," he said. ||||||||problema|| "Foram eles que criaram todos estes problemas", disse. "Це вони створили всі ці проблеми", - сказав він. "正是他们制造了所有这些麻烦," 他说。 "If they and two others could be overcome the rest would come back and do their duty. |||||||überwältigt werden|||||||||Pflicht erfüllen |||||||||remaining group||||||| "Se eles e mais dois pudessem ser vencidos, os restantes regressariam e cumpririam o seu dever. "如果他们和另外两个人能被制服,其他人就会回来履行他们的职责。 Indeed, I am sure that many of them have gone into this business against their will." ||||||||||||industry||| de fato||||||||||||||| De facto, estou certo de que muitos deles entraram neste negócio contra a sua vontade". Более того, я уверен, что многие из них занялись этим бизнесом против своей воли ». Я впевнений, що багато хто з них пішов у цей бізнес не за власним бажанням". 确实,我相信其中许多人是迫不得已从事这项业务的。