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Youth by Isaac Asimov, CHAPTER III.


THE swaying had come to a halt and it was dark. The Explorer was not comfortable in the alien air. It felt as thick as soup and he had to breathe shallowly. Even so—

He reached out in a sudden need for company. The Merchant was warm to the touch. His breathing was rough, he moved in an occasional spasm, and was obviously asleep. The Explorer hesitated and decided not to wake him. It would serve no real purpose.

There would be no rescue, of course. That was the penalty paid for the high profits which unrestrained competition could lead to. The Merchant who opened a new planet could have a ten year monopoly of its trade, which he might hug to himself or, more likely, rent out to all comers at a stiff price. It followed that planets were searched for in secrecy and, preferably, away from the usual trade routes. In a case such as theirs, then, there was little or no chance that another ship would come within range of their subetherics except for the most improbable of coincidences. Even if they were in their ship, that is, rather than in this—this— cage .

The Explorer grasped the thick bars. Even if they blasted those away, as they could, they would be stuck too high in open air for leaping.

It was too bad. They had landed twice before in the scout-ship. They had established contact with the natives who were grotesquely huge, but mild and unaggressive. It was obvious that they had once owned a flourishing technology, but hadn't faced up to the consequences of such a technology. It would have been a wonderful market.

And it was a tremendous world. The Merchant, especially, had been taken aback. He had known the figures that expressed the planet's diameter, but from a distance of two light-seconds, he had stood at the visi-plate and muttered, "Unbelievable!" "Oh, there are larger worlds," the Explorer said. It wouldn't do for an Explorer to be too easily impressed. "Inhabited?" "Well, no." "Why, you could drop your planet into that large ocean and drown it." The Explorer smiled. It was a gentle dig at his Arcturian homeland, which was smaller than most planets. He said, "Not quite." The Merchant followed along the line of his thoughts. "And the inhabitants are large in proportion to their world?" He sounded as though the news struck him less favorably now.

"Nearly ten times our height." "Are you sure they are friendly?" "That is hard to say. Friendship between alien intelligences is an imponderable. They are not dangerous, I think. We've come across other groups that could not maintain equilibrium after the atomic war stage and you know the results. Introversion. Retreat. Gradual decadence and increasing gentleness." "Even if they are such monsters?" "The principle remains." It was about then that the Explorer felt the heavy throbbing of the engines.

He frowned and said, "We are descending a bit too quickly." There had been some speculation on the dangers of landing some hours before. The planetary target was a huge one for an oxygen-water world. Though it lacked the size of the uninhabitable hydrogen-ammonia planets and its low density made its surface gravity fairly normal, its gravitational forces fell off but slowly with distance. In short, its gravitational potential was high and the ship's Calculator was a run-of-the-mill model not designed to plot landing trajectories at that potential range. That meant the Pilot would have to use manual controls.

It would have been wiser to install a more high-powered model, but that would have meant a trip to some outpost of civilization; lost time; perhaps a lost secret. The Merchant demanded an immediate landing.

The Merchant felt it necessary to defend his position now. He said angrily to the Explorer, "Don't you think the Pilot knows his job? He landed you safely twice before." Yes, thought the Explorer, in a scout-ship, not in this unmaneuverable freighter. Aloud, he said nothing.

He kept his eye on the visi-plate. They were descending too quickly. There was no room for doubt. Much too quickly.

The Merchant said, peevishly, "Why do you keep silence?" "Well, then, if you wish me to speak, I would suggest that you strap on your Floater and help me prepare the Ejector." The Pilot fought a noble fight. He was no beginner. The atmosphere, abnormally high and thick in the gravitational potential of this world whipped and burned about the ship, but to the very last it looked as though he might bring it under control despite that.

He even maintained course, following the extrapolated line to the point on the northern continent toward which they were headed. Under other circumstances, with a shade more luck, the story would eventually have been told and retold as a heroic and masterly reversal of a lost situation. But within sight of victory, tired body and tired nerves clamped a control bar with a shade too much pressure. The ship, which had almost levelled off, dipped down again.

There was no room to retrieve the final error. There was only a mile left to fall. The Pilot remained at his post to the actual landing, his only thought that of breaking the force of the crash, of maintaining the spaceworthiness of the vessel. He did not survive. With the ship bucking madly in a soupy atmosphere, few Ejectors could be mobilized and only one of them in time.

When afterwards, the Explorer lifted out of unconsciousness and rose to his feet, he had the definite feeling that but for himself and the Merchant, there were no survivors. And perhaps that was an over-calculation. His Floater had burnt out while still sufficiently distant from surface to have the fall stun him. The Merchant might have had less luck, even, than that.

He was surrounded by a world of thick, ropy stalks of grass, and in the distance were trees that reminded him vaguely of similar structures on his native Arcturian world except that their lowest branches were high above what he would consider normal tree-tops.

He called, his voice sounding basso in the thick air and the Merchant answered. The Explorer made his way toward him, thrusting violently at the coarse stalks that barred his path.

"Are you hurt?" he asked.

The Merchant grimaced. "I've sprained something. It hurts to walk." The Explorer probed gently. "I don't think anything is broken. You'll have to walk despite the pain." "Can't we rest first?" "It's important to try to find the ship. If it is spaceworthy or if it can be repaired, we may live. Otherwise, we won't." "Just a few minutes. Let me catch my breath." The Explorer was glad enough for those few minutes. The Merchant's eyes were already closed. He allowed his to do the same.

He heard the trampling and his eyes snapped open. Never sleep on a strange planet, he told himself futilely.

The Merchant was awake too and his steady screaming was a rumble of terror.

The Explorer called, "It's only a native of this planet. It won't harm you." But even as he spoke, the giant had swooped down and in a moment they were in its grasp being lifted closer to its monstrous ugliness.

The Merchant struggled violently and, of course, quite futilely. "Can't you talk to it?" he yelled.

The Explorer could only shake his head. "I can't reach it with the Projector. It won't be listening." "Then blast it. Blast it down." "We can't do that." The phrase "you fool" had almost been added. The Explorer struggled to keep his self-control. They were swallowing space as the monster moved purposefully away.

"Why not?" cried the Merchant. "You can reach your blaster. I see it in plain sight. Don't be afraid of falling." "It's simpler than that. If this monster is killed, you'll never trade with this planet. You'll never even leave it. You probably won't live the day out." "Why? Why?" "Because this is one of the young of the species. You should know what happens when a trader kills a native young, even accidentally. What's more, if this is the target-point, then we are on the estate of a powerful native. This might be one of his brood." That was how they entered their present prison. They had carefully burnt away a portion of the thick, stiff covering and it was obvious that the height from which they were suspended was a killing one.

Now, once again, the prison-cage shuddered and lifted in an upward arc. The Merchant rolled to the lower rim and startled awake. The cover lifted and light flooded in. As was the case the time before, there were two specimens of the young. They were not very different in appearance from adults of the species, reflected the Explorer, though, of course, they were considerably smaller.

A handful of reedy green stalks was stuffed between the bars. Its odor was not unpleasant but it carried clods of soil at its ends.

The Merchant drew away and said, huskily, "What are they doing?" The Explorer said, "Trying to feed us, I should judge. At least this seems to be the native equivalent of grass." The cover was replaced and they were set swinging again, alone with their fodder.


THE swaying had come to a halt and it was dark. Хитання припинилося, і стало темно. The Explorer was not comfortable in the alien air. Досліднику було некомфортно в чужому повітрі. It felt as thick as soup and he had to breathe shallowly. |||||||||||поверхнево Воно відчувалося таким густим, як суп, і йому доводилося дихати поверхнево. Even so—

He reached out in a sudden need for company. The Merchant was warm to the touch. Купець був теплим на дотик. His breathing was rough, he moved in an occasional spasm, and was obviously asleep. |||||||||||||сплячий The Explorer hesitated and decided not to wake him. It would serve no real purpose. Це не мало б сенсу|||||

There would be no rescue, of course. Звісно, не було б ніякого порятунку. That was the penalty paid for the high profits which unrestrained competition could lead to. ||||||||||необмежена|||| Це була розплата за високі прибутки, до яких могла призвести необмежена конкуренція. The Merchant who opened a new planet could have a ten year monopoly of its trade, which he might hug to himself or, more likely, rent out to all comers at a stiff price. Купець, який відкрив нову планету, може мати десятирічну монополію на торгівлю нею, яку він може залишити собі або, що більш ймовірно, здавати в оренду всім бажаючим за жорсткою ціною. It followed that planets were searched for in secrecy and, preferably, away from the usual trade routes. Звідси випливало, що планети шукали таємно і, бажано, подалі від звичних торговельних шляхів. In a case such as theirs, then, there was little or no chance that another ship would come within range of their subetherics except for the most improbable of coincidences. ||||||||||||||||||||||субефірні сигнали||||||| У випадку, подібному до їхнього, шансів на те, що інший корабель потрапить у зону дії їхньої субелектрики, практично не було, за винятком найнеймовірнішого збігу обставин. Even if they were in their ship, that is, rather than in this—this— cage . Навіть якби вони були на своєму кораблі, тобто, а не в цій-такій клітці.

The Explorer grasped the thick bars. Провідник вхопився за товсті прути. Even if they blasted those away, as they could, they would be stuck too high in open air for leaping. Навіть якби вони підірвали їх, як могли, вони б застрягли надто високо на відкритому повітрі, щоб стрибати.

It was too bad. They had landed twice before in the scout-ship. |||||||розвідувальний корабель| Вони вже двічі висаджувалися на розвідувальний корабель. They had established contact with the natives who were grotesquely huge, but mild and unaggressive. |||||||||грубо величезні||||| Вони встановили контакт з аборигенами, гротескно величезними, але лагідними і неагресивними. It was obvious that they had once owned a flourishing technology, but hadn't faced up to the consequences of such a technology. Було очевидно, що колись вони володіли процвітаючою технологією, але не зіштовхнулися з наслідками такої технології. It would have been a wonderful market. Це був би чудовий ринок.

And it was a tremendous world. І це був величезний світ. The Merchant, especially, had been taken aback. |||||засмучений| Купець був особливо вражений. He had known the figures that expressed the planet's diameter, but from a distance of two light-seconds, he had stood at the visi-plate and muttered, "Unbelievable!" |||||||||||||||||||||||visi|||| Він знав цифри, що виражають діаметр планети, але з відстані двох світлових секунд він стояв біля візіопланшета і бурмотів: "Неймовірно!". "Oh, there are larger worlds," the Explorer said. "О, існують більші світи", - сказав Дослідник. It wouldn't do for an Explorer to be too easily impressed. Експлорер не буде занадто легко піддаватися враженням. "Inhabited?" "Населений?" "Well, no." "Ну, ні." "Why, you could drop your planet into that large ocean and drown it." "Та ви ж можете скинути свою планету в цей великий океан і втопити її". The Explorer smiled. It was a gentle dig at his Arcturian homeland, which was smaller than most planets. |||||||арктурійський||||||| Це були обережні розкопки на його арктуріанській батьківщині, яка була меншою за більшість планет. He said, "Not quite." Він сказав: "Не зовсім". The Merchant followed along the line of his thoughts. Купець пішов за ходом його думок. "And the inhabitants are large in proportion to their world?" "А мешканці є великими у порівнянні з їхнім світом?" He sounded as though the news struck him less favorably now. |||||||||позитивно| Він говорив так, ніби новина вразила його не так сильно, як раніше.

"Nearly ten times our height." "Майже вдесятеро вищий за нас". "Are you sure they are friendly?" "That is hard to say. Friendship between alien intelligences is an imponderable. |||інтелектів||| Дружба між інопланетними інтелектуалами - це щось неймовірне. They are not dangerous, I think. We've come across other groups that could not maintain equilibrium after the atomic war stage and you know the results. ||||||могли б||||||||||||| Ми стикалися з іншими групами, які не змогли втримати рівновагу після етапу атомної війни, і ви знаєте, до чого це призвело. Introversion. Інтроверсія Інтроверсія. Retreat. Відступаємо. Gradual decadence and increasing gentleness." |декаденція||| Поступовий занепад і зростаюча м'якість". "Even if they are such monsters?" "Навіть якщо вони такі монстри?" "The principle remains." "Принцип залишається." It was about then that the Explorer felt the heavy throbbing of the engines. Саме тоді Дослідник відчув важке пульсування двигунів.

He frowned and said, "We are descending a bit too quickly." Він насупився і сказав: "Ми спускаємося трохи занадто швидко." There had been some speculation on the dangers of landing some hours before. За кілька годин до цього з'явилися припущення про небезпеку приземлення. The planetary target was a huge one for an oxygen-water world. Планетарна ціль була величезною для киснево-водяного світу. Though it lacked the size of the uninhabitable hydrogen-ammonia planets and its low density made its surface gravity fairly normal, its gravitational forces fell off but slowly with distance. |||||||непридатний для життя|||||||||||||||||||||| Хоча вона не мала розмірів непридатних для життя воднево-аміачних планет, а низька густина робила її поверхневу гравітацію досить нормальною, її гравітаційні сили спадали, але повільно з відстанню. In short, its gravitational potential was high and the ship's Calculator was a run-of-the-mill model not designed to plot landing trajectories at that potential range. |||гравітаційний||||||||||звичайний|||||||до||||||| Коротше кажучи, його гравітаційний потенціал був високим, а корабельний калькулятор був звичайною моделлю, не призначеною для побудови траєкторій посадки в такому потенційному діапазоні. That meant the Pilot would have to use manual controls. Це означало, що пілоту доведеться використовувати ручне керування.

It would have been wiser to install a more high-powered model, but that would have meant a trip to some outpost of civilization; lost time; perhaps a lost secret. Розумніше було б встановити більш потужну модель, але це означало б подорож до якогось форпосту цивілізації; втрачений час; можливо, втрачений секрет. The Merchant demanded an immediate landing. Купець вимагав негайної посадки.

The Merchant felt it necessary to defend his position now. Купець вважав за необхідне відстоювати свою позицію саме зараз. He said angrily to the Explorer, "Don't you think the Pilot knows his job? Він сердито сказав Досліднику: "Ти думаєш, що Пілот не знає своєї роботи? He landed you safely twice before." Він вже двічі благополучно приземляв вас". Yes, thought the Explorer, in a scout-ship, not in this unmaneuverable freighter. ||||||||||||вантажівка Так, подумав Дослідник, на скаутському кораблі, а не на цьому незручному вантажному судні. Aloud, he said nothing. Голоса він не підняв.

He kept his eye on the visi-plate. Він стежив за відео-екраном. They were descending too quickly. Вони спускались занадто швидко. There was no room for doubt. Не було місця для сумнівів. Much too quickly. Занадто швидко.

The Merchant said, peevishly, "Why do you keep silence?" |||дратівливо||||| Купець роздратовано запитав: "Чого ти мовчиш?". "Well, then, if you wish me to speak, I would suggest that you strap on your Floater and help me prepare the Ejector." ||||||||||||||||||||||викидач "Ну, тоді, якщо ви хочете, щоб я говорив, я пропоную вам пристебнути свій поплавок і допомогти мені підготувати катапульту". The Pilot fought a noble fight. Льотчик боровся благородно. He was no beginner. Він не був новачком. The atmosphere, abnormally high and thick in the gravitational potential of this world whipped and burned about the ship, but to the very last it looked as though he might bring it under control despite that. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||незважаючи на| Атмосфера, аномально висока і густа за гравітаційним потенціалом цього світу, обпікала і обпалювала корабель, але до останнього здавалося, що він зможе втримати його під контролем, незважаючи на це.

He even maintained course, following the extrapolated line to the point on the northern continent toward which they were headed. ||утримував курс||||екстрапольованої лінії||||||||||||| Він навіть тримав курс, слідуючи за екстрапольованою лінією до точки на північному континенті, до якої вони прямували. Under other circumstances, with a shade more luck, the story would eventually have been told and retold as a heroic and masterly reversal of a lost situation. ||обставини|||||||||||||||||||||||| За інших обставин, якби пощастило трохи більше, ця історія зрештою була б розказана і переказана як героїчний і віртуозний поворот ситуації, що програла. But within sight of victory, tired body and tired nerves clamped a control bar with a shade too much pressure. Але||||||||||стиснули||||||||| Але за крок до перемоги втомлене тіло і втомлені нерви затиснули штангу управління з надто сильним натиском. The ship, which had almost levelled off, dipped down again. |||||||пірнула|| Корабель, який майже вирівнявся, знову занурився вниз.

There was no room to retrieve the final error. |||||виправити||| Не було місця для виведення остаточної помилки. There was only a mile left to fall. Залишалася лише миля до падіння. The Pilot remained at his post to the actual landing, his only thought that of breaking the force of the crash, of maintaining the spaceworthiness of the vessel. ||залишався||||||||||||||||||||підтримання||космічна прид|||судно Пілот залишався на своєму місці до фактичної посадки, єдина його думка була про те, як зменшити силу удару, зберегти придатність судна до плавання. He did not survive. Він не вижив. With the ship bucking madly in a soupy atmosphere, few Ejectors could be mobilized and only one of them in time. |||||||туманному||||||||||||| Корабель шалено хитало в задушливій атмосфері, лише кілька катапульт можна було мобілізувати, і лише один з них встиг вчасно.

When afterwards, the Explorer lifted out of unconsciousness and rose to his feet, he had the definite feeling that but for himself and the Merchant, there were no survivors. |||||||непритомність||||||||||||||||||||| Коли згодом Дослідник прийшов до тями і піднявся на ноги, у нього було чітке відчуття, що, крім нього і Торговця, нікого не залишилося в живих. And perhaps that was an over-calculation. І, можливо, це був завищений розрахунок. His Floater had burnt out while still sufficiently distant from surface to have the fall stun him. |||||||достатньо|достатньо від|||||||приголомшити| Його поплавок згорів, коли він був ще досить далеко від поверхні, щоб падіння оглушило його. The Merchant might have had less luck, even, than that. Купцеві, можливо, пощастило навіть менше.

He was surrounded by a world of thick, ropy stalks of grass, and in the distance were trees that reminded him vaguely of similar structures on his native Arcturian world except that their lowest branches were high above what he would consider normal tree-tops. ||||||||товстих мот|стебла||||||||||||неясно||||||||||||||||||||вважав би||| Його оточував світ густих, в'юнких стебел трави, а вдалині височіли дерева, які віддалено нагадували йому подібні структури на його рідній Арктурі, за винятком того, що їхні найнижчі гілки були високо над тим, що він вважав би звичайними верхівками дерев.

He called, his voice sounding basso in the thick air and the Merchant answered. Він покликав, його голос звучав басом у густому повітрі, і Купець відповів. The Explorer made his way toward him, thrusting violently at the coarse stalks that barred his path. |||||||штовхаючи||||грубі|стебла||перешкоджали|| Дослідник проклав шлях до нього, violently thrusting at the coarse stalks that barred his path.

"Are you hurt?" "Ти поранений?" he asked. спитав він.

The Merchant grimaced. ||скривився Купець скривився. "I've sprained something. "Я щось розтягнув. It hurts to walk." The Explorer probed gently. ||досліджував| Провідник обережно промацував місцевість. "I don't think anything is broken. You'll have to walk despite the pain." Вам доведеться ходити, незважаючи на біль". "Can't we rest first?" "А ми не можемо спочатку відпочити?" "It's important to try to find the ship. "Важливо спробувати знайти корабель. If it is spaceworthy or if it can be repaired, we may live. Якщо він придатний для космосу або його можна відремонтувати, ми можемо вижити. Otherwise, we won't." Інакше ми не виживемо." "Just a few minutes. Let me catch my breath." The Explorer was glad enough for those few minutes. За ці кілька хвилин "Дослідник" був досить задоволений. The Merchant's eyes were already closed. Очі купця були вже заплющені. He allowed his to do the same. Він дозволив своїм зробити те саме.

He heard the trampling and his eyes snapped open. |||топотіння||||| Він почув тупіт і його очі різко відкрилися. Never sleep on a strange planet, he told himself futilely. Ніколи не спи на незнайомій планеті, сказав він собі безуспішно.

The Merchant was awake too and his steady screaming was a rumble of terror. |||||||постійний||||гул|| Купець теж не спав, і його безперервний крик був гуркотом жаху.

The Explorer called, "It's only a native of this planet. Дослідник сказав: "Це лише уродженець цієї планети. It won't harm you." Він не зашкодить вам." But even as he spoke, the giant had swooped down and in a moment they were in its grasp being lifted closer to its monstrous ugliness. ||||||||пірнув||||||||||обіймах|||||||потворність Але поки він говорив, гігант спустився і за мить вони опинилися в його лапах, піднімаючись ближче до його чудовиськної потворності.

The Merchant struggled violently and, of course, quite futilely. ||боровся||||||марно Купець відчайдушно боровся і, звісно, абсолютно марно. "Can't you talk to it?" "Ти можеш з ним поговорити?" he yelled. кричав він.

The Explorer could only shake his head. Дослідник міг лише похитати головою. "I can't reach it with the Projector. "Я не можу дотягнутися до нього за допомогою проектора. It won't be listening." "Then blast it. "Тоді підірви його. Blast it down." Знесіть його." "We can't do that." The phrase "you fool" had almost been added. Ледь не додали фразу "ти дурень". The Explorer struggled to keep his self-control. Дослідник з усіх сил намагався тримати себе в руках. They were swallowing space as the monster moved purposefully away. Вони поглинали простір, поки монстр цілеспрямовано віддалявся.

"Why not?" cried the Merchant. "You can reach your blaster. "Ти можеш дотягнутися до свого бластера. I see it in plain sight. Я бачу це на поверхні. Don't be afraid of falling." Не бійся впасти. "It's simpler than that. Це простіше, ніж це. If this monster is killed, you'll never trade with this planet. You'll never even leave it. You probably won't live the day out." "Why? Why?" "Because this is one of the young of the species. |||||||||виду "Тому що це один з молодих представників виду. You should know what happens when a trader kills a native young, even accidentally. Ви повинні знати, що трапляється, коли торговець вбиває місцеве дитинча, навіть випадково. What's more, if this is the target-point, then we are on the estate of a powerful native. Більше того, якщо це цільова точка, то ми знаходимося в маєтку могутнього тубільця. This might be one of his brood." Це може бути один з його виводка". That was how they entered their present prison. Так вони потрапили до своєї теперішньої в'язниці. They had carefully burnt away a portion of the thick, stiff covering and it was obvious that the height from which they were suspended was a killing one. |||||||||||||||||||||||підвішені|||| Вони ретельно спалили частину товстого, жорсткого покриття, і було очевидно, що висота, на якій вони були підвішені, була смертельною.

Now, once again, the prison-cage shuddered and lifted in an upward arc. |||||клітка в|тремтіла||||||дуги І ось знову клітка здригнулася і піднялася дугою вгору. The Merchant rolled to the lower rim and startled awake. ||||||край||прокинувся| Купець скотився до нижнього краю і злякано прокинувся. The cover lifted and light flooded in. Кришка піднялася, і світло залило кімнату. As was the case the time before, there were two specimens of the young. Як це було в попередній раз, було два екземпляри молодих. They were not very different in appearance from adults of the species, reflected the Explorer, though, of course, they were considerably smaller. ||||||зовнішності||||||||||||||значно| Вони не дуже відрізнялися за зовнішнім виглядом від дорослих особин виду, розмірковував Дослідник, хоча, звичайно, вони були значно меншими.

A handful of reedy green stalks was stuffed between the bars. |жменя||трубчасті||стебла|||||перила Кілька тростникових зелених стебел був утиснений між прутами. Its odor was not unpleasant but it carried clods of soil at its ends. ||||||||грудки||грунт||| Запах не був неприємним, але на його кінцях були грудочки землі.

The Merchant drew away and said, huskily, "What are they doing?" Купець відійшов і хрипко запитав: "Що вони роблять?" The Explorer said, "Trying to feed us, I should judge. Дослідник сказав: "Намагаючись нагодувати нас, я повинен судити. At least this seems to be the native equivalent of grass." Принаймні, це здається місцевим еквівалентом трави". The cover was replaced and they were set swinging again, alone with their fodder. Кришку замінили і знову поставили гойдатися, наодинці зі своїм кормом.