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Youth by Isaac Asimov, CHAPTER IX.


IT WAS different, looking at them as though they were "people." As animals, they had been interesting; as "people," horrible. Their eyes, which were neutral little objects before, now seemed to watch them with active malevolence.

"They're making noises," said Slim, in a whisper which was barely audible. "I guess they're talking or something," said Red. Funny that those noises which they had heard before had not had significance earlier. He was making no move toward them. Neither was Slim.

The canvas was off but they were just watching. The ground meat, Slim noticed, hadn't been touched. Slim said, "Aren't you going to do something?" "Aren't you?" "You found them." "It's your turn, now." "No, it isn't. You found them. It's your fault, the whole thing. I was watching." "You joined in, Slim. You know you did." "I don't care. You found them and that's what I'll say when they come here looking for us." Red said, "All right for you." But the thought of the consequences inspired him anyway, and he reached for the cage door.

Slim said, "Wait!" Red was glad to. He said, "Now what's biting you?" "One of them's got something on him that looks like it might be iron or something." "Where?" "Right there. I saw it before but I thought it was just part of him. But if he's 'people,' maybe it's a disintegrator gun." "What's that?" "I read about it in the books from Beforethewars. Mostly people with space-ships have disintegrator guns. They point them at you and you get disintegratored." "They didn't point it at us till now," pointed out Red with his heart not quite in it. "I don't care. I'm not hanging around here and getting disintegratored. I'm getting my father." "Cowardy-cat. Yellow cowardy-cat." "I don't care. You can call all the names you want, but if you bother them now you'll get disintegratored. You wait and see, and it'll be all your fault." He made for the narrow spiral stairs that led to the main floor of the barn, stopped at its head, then backed away.

Red's mother was moving up, panting a little with the exertion and smiling a tight smile for the benefit of Slim in his capacity as guest. "Red! You, Red! Are you up there? Now don't try to hide. I know this is where you're keeping them. Cook saw where you ran with the meat." Red quavered, "Hello, ma!" "Now show me those nasty animals? I'm going to see to it that you get rid of them right away." It was over! And despite the imminent corporal punishment, Red felt something like a load fall from him. At least the decision was out of his hands.

"Right there, ma. I didn't do anything to them, ma. I didn't know. They just looked like little animals and I thought you'd let me keep them, ma. I wouldn't have taken the meat only they wouldn't eat grass or leaves and we couldn't find good nuts or berries and cook never lets me have anything or I would have asked her and I didn't know it was for lunch and—" He was speaking on the sheer momentum of terror and did not realize that his mother did not hear him but, with eyes frozen and popping at the cage, was screaming in thin, piercing tones.

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IT WAS different, looking at them as though they were "people." Це було інакше, дивитися на них як на "людей". As animals, they had been interesting; as "people," horrible. Як тварини, вони були цікавими; як "люди" - жахливими. Their eyes, which were neutral little objects before, now seemed to watch them with active malevolence. |||||||||||||||злою ворож Їхні очі, які раніше були нейтральними маленькими об'єктами, тепер, здавалося, дивилися на них з активною недоброзичливістю.

"They're making noises," said Slim, in a whisper which was barely audible. |||||||||||чуйний "Вони шумлять", - сказав Слім ледь чутним шепотом. "I guess they're talking or something," said Red. "Гадаю, вони розмовляють чи щось таке", - сказав Рудий. Funny that those noises which they had heard before had not had significance earlier. Дивно, що ті звуки, які вони чули раніше, раніше не мали ніякого значення. He was making no move toward them. Він не робив жодного кроку назустріч. Neither was Slim.

The canvas was off but they were just watching. Полотно було зняте, але вони просто дивилися. The ground meat, Slim noticed, hadn't been touched. Слім помітив, що м'ясного фаршу ніхто не чіпав. Slim said, "Aren't you going to do something?" Слім запитав: "Ти нічого не збираєшся робити?" "Aren't you?" "You found them." "It's your turn, now." "Тепер твоя черга". "No, it isn't. You found them. It's your fault, the whole thing. I was watching." "You joined in, Slim. You know you did." "I don't care. You found them and that's what I'll say when they come here looking for us." Ви їх знайшли, і саме це я скажу, коли вони прийдуть сюди шукати нас". Red said, "All right for you." Рудий сказав: "Добре для тебе". But the thought of the consequences inspired him anyway, and he reached for the cage door. Але думка про наслідки все одно надихала його, і він потягнувся до дверей клітки.

Slim said, "Wait!" Red was glad to. He said, "Now what's biting you?" Він запитав: "А тепер що тебе кусає?". "One of them's got something on him that looks like it might be iron or something." "На одному з них було щось схоже на залізо або щось подібне". "Where?" "Right there. I saw it before but I thought it was just part of him. But if he's 'people,' maybe it's a disintegrator gun." Але якщо це "люди", то, можливо, це пістолет-дезінтегратор". "What's that?" "I read about it in the books from Beforethewars. ||||||||перед війнами Mostly people with space-ships have disintegrator guns. |||||||гармати They point them at you and you get disintegratored." Вони направляють їх на тебе, і ти дезінтегруєшся". "They didn't point it at us till now," pointed out Red with his heart not quite in it. "Досі вони не націлювали його на нас", - зауважив Рудий з серцем, що не зовсім в порядку. "I don't care. I'm not hanging around here and getting disintegratored. Я не збираюся тут вештатися і розпадатися. I'm getting my father." "Cowardy-cat. |слабак "Боягузливий кіт. Yellow cowardy-cat." |слабак| Жовтий боягузливий кіт." "I don't care. You can call all the names you want, but if you bother them now you'll get disintegratored. |||||||||якщо||||||| Ви можете називати їх як завгодно, але якщо ви почнете їх турбувати зараз, ви будете дезінтегровані. You wait and see, and it'll be all your fault." Зачекай і побачиш, і це буде твоя провина". He made for the narrow spiral stairs that led to the main floor of the barn, stopped at its head, then backed away. Він попрямував до вузьких гвинтових сходів, що вели на головний поверх сараю, зупинився біля їхнього верху, а потім відступив назад.

Red's mother was moving up, panting a little with the exertion and smiling a tight smile for the benefit of Slim in his capacity as guest. Ред||||||||||||||||||||||||| Мати Рудого піднімалася, трохи задихаючись від навантажень і посміхаючись натягнутою посмішкою на користь Сліма як гостя. "Red! You, Red! Are you up there? Now don't try to hide. Не намагайтеся сховатися. I know this is where you're keeping them. Я знаю, що саме тут ти їх тримаєш. Cook saw where you ran with the meat." Кухар бачив, куди ти побігла з м'ясом". Red quavered, "Hello, ma!" Рудий затремтів: "Привіт, мамо!" "Now show me those nasty animals? "А тепер покажіть мені тих бридких тварин? I'm going to see to it that you get rid of them right away." Я простежу, щоб ви негайно їх позбулися". It was over! And despite the imminent corporal punishment, Red felt something like a load fall from him. І, незважаючи на неминуче тілесне покарання, Рудий відчув, що з нього спадає щось на кшталт вантажу. At least the decision was out of his hands. Принаймні, рішення не залежало від нього.

"Right there, ma. I didn't do anything to them, ma. I didn't know. They just looked like little animals and I thought you'd let me keep them, ma. Вони були схожі на маленьких звіряток, і я подумав, що ти дозволиш мені їх залишити, мамо. I wouldn't have taken the meat only they wouldn't eat grass or leaves and we couldn't find good nuts or berries and cook never lets me have anything or I would have asked her and I didn't know it was for lunch and—" Я б не взяв м'ясо, якби вони не їли траву або листя, а ми не могли знайти хороші горіхи або ягоди, і кухарка ніколи не дозволяє мені нічого мати, і я б запитав її, але не знав, що це на обід і—" He was speaking on the sheer momentum of terror and did not realize that his mother did not hear him but, with eyes frozen and popping at the cage, was screaming in thin, piercing tones. Він говорив на чистій хвилі терору і не усвідомлював, що його мати не чує його, а з замороженими та витріщеними очима на клітці кричала тонким, пронизливим голосом.