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Society and people, Island Home

Island Home

Todd: So, Ivan, can I ask you about Indonesia? Ivan: Yes, sure. Todd: Now, Indonesia has many islands. Ivan: Yes. Todd: So, what island is your favorite in Indonesia? Ivan: Well, I think maybe most Indonesians will say that it's Bali, but as for myself I think that, yeah I think the most favorite one is the island where I was born, Bangka Island because, I don't know, it's just that it is a nice feeling if you've been to the place where you were born and then you just get the feeling that… you, I mean like, you get to know the real you . Todd: Right. Ivan: Yeah, and that's the most important thing that I have. And recently I went there after, like, 15 years and then, really, I felt that kind of thing. I felt that this is my roots of myself and even though I stayed in Jakarta for the past 12 years or so but really being there is really my home. Todd: Ah, you went home for the first time in 15 years? Ivan: Yes, that's true. The last time I went there was like, well it's not 15 years, but actually the last time I went there's like in '95 so it's like 12 years. Todd: That's a long time ago. Ivan: Yeah, it's a really long time ago. But you know what, I have a driver over there and then when I went there in the last holiday I came to see him. And it's just so nice to see… well, he's getting older of course, he's really old like 70 years or so but he still remembers me and how do I behave when I was a child and all. Like, I was hard to eat something and he had to take me around to make me finish my food. He still remembers the small things and it's really giving me, like, a recall to my past and get to know who I am, who I was when I was small, so...

Island Home Insel Heim Inicio en la isla

Todd: So, Ivan, can I ask you about Indonesia? ||İvan|||||| Ivan: Yes, sure. Todd: Now, Indonesia has many islands. Ivan: Yes. Todd: So, what island is your favorite in Indonesia? Ivan: Well, I think maybe most Indonesians will say that it’s Bali, but as for myself I think that, yeah I think the most favorite one is the island where I was born, Bangka Island because, I don’t know, it’s just that it is a nice feeling if you’ve been to the place where you were born and then you just get the feeling that… you, I mean like, you get to know the real you . ||||||Endonezyalılar|||||Bali Adası||||||||||||||||||||||Bangka Adası|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ivan: Nun, ich denke, die meisten Indonesier werden sagen, dass es Bali ist, aber was mich selbst betrifft, denke ich, dass die Insel, auf der ich geboren wurde, Bangka Island, die beliebteste ist, weil, ich weiß nicht, es ist einfach ein schönes Gefühl, wenn man an dem Ort war, an dem man geboren wurde, und dann bekommt man einfach das Gefühl, dass... man, ich meine, man lernt sein wahres Ich kennen. Ivan: Sanırım çoğu Endonezyalı bunun Bali olduğunu söyleyecektir, ama kendime gelince, sanırım en sevdiğim doğduğum ada, Bangka Adası çünkü bilmiyorum, sadece doğduğunuz yere gitmiş olmanız güzel bir duygu ve sonra sadece o hissi alıyorsunuz... siz, yani gerçek sizi tanıyorsunuz. Todd: Right. Ivan: Yeah, and that’s the most important thing that I have. Ivan: Ja, und das ist das Wichtigste, was ich habe. Ivan: Evet, sahip olduğum en önemli şey de bu. And recently I went there after, like, 15 years and then, really, I felt that kind of thing. I felt that this is my roots of myself and even though I stayed in Jakarta for the past 12 years or so but really being there is really my home. ||||||köklerim|||||olsa da||||Cakarta'da kaldım|||||||||||||| Ich habe gespürt, dass ich hier meine Wurzeln habe, und auch wenn ich in den letzten 12 Jahren in Jakarta gelebt habe, ist das hier wirklich mein Zuhause. Buranın benim köklerim olduğunu hissettim ve her ne kadar son 12 yıldır Cakarta'da kalmış olsam da orası gerçekten benim evim. Todd: Ah, you went home for the first time in 15 years? Todd: Ah, du warst zum ersten Mal seit 15 Jahren wieder zu Hause? Ivan: Yes, that’s true. The last time I went there was like, well it’s not 15 years, but actually the last time I went there’s like in '95 so it’s like 12 years. Todd: That’s a long time ago. Ivan: Yeah, it’s a really long time ago. Ivan: Ja, das ist schon sehr lange her. But you know what, I have a driver over there and then when I went there in the last holiday I came to see him. Aber wissen Sie was? Ich habe dort einen Fahrer, und als ich in den letzten Ferien dort war, habe ich ihn besucht. Ama biliyor musunuz, orada bir şoförüm var ve geçen tatilde oraya gittiğimde onu görmeye geldim. And it’s just so nice to see… well, he’s getting older of course, he’s really old like 70 years or so but he still remembers me and how do I behave when I was a child and all. |||||||||||||||||||||||hatırlıyor||||||||||||| Und es ist einfach so schön zu sehen... nun, er wird natürlich älter, er ist wirklich alt, 70 Jahre oder so, aber er erinnert sich immer noch an mich und wie ich mich als Kind verhalten habe und so. Ve onu görmek çok güzel... tabii ki yaşlanıyor, 70 yaşında falan ama hala beni ve çocukken nasıl davrandığımı falan hatırlıyor. Like, I was hard to eat something and he had to take me around to make me finish my food. Es fiel mir schwer, etwas zu essen, und er musste mich herumtragen, damit ich mein Essen aufesse. مثل، سخت بود که چیزی بخورم و او مجبور بود مرا اطاعت کند تا غذا را تمام کند. Mesela bir şey yemekte zorlanıyordum ve yemeğimi bitirmem için beni gezdirmek zorunda kalıyordu. He still remembers the small things and it’s really giving me, like, a recall to my past and get to know who I am, who I was when I was small, so... Er erinnert sich immer noch an die kleinen Dinge, und das gibt mir wirklich einen Rückblick in meine Vergangenheit und zeigt mir, wer ich bin, wer ich war, als ich klein war, also... Hala küçük şeyleri hatırlıyor ve bu bana gerçekten geçmişimi hatırlatıyor ve kim olduğumu, küçükken kim olduğumu öğrenmemi sağlıyor, yani...