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BBC - English In A Minute (YouTube), How to use modal verbs of deduction - English In A Minute - YouTube

How to use modal verbs of deduction - English In A Minute - YouTube

Hi, everyone!

Welcome back to English In A Minute.

We're going to look at how to use modal verbs

when making a deduction

– that's when we make guesses

about what is happening.

Let's look at some examples.

Use 'must' when you are certain or almost certain

that something is true.

For example: Phil's hair is wet – it must be rainy.

Use 'can't' to say when you are certain something is not true.

For example: Phil's hair is wet – it can't be sunny.

We can use 'might', 'may' or 'could'

to talk about possibility. Let's look at some examples.

Sam is late for work.

We don't know why Sam is late,

but we can make a guess. For example:

Her car could be broken.

Another possibility is: She might still be asleep.

One final possibility now: There may be a lot of traffic.

Well, it must be time to finish now.

Thanks for joining us. Bye!

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How to use modal verbs of deduction - English In A Minute - YouTube Wie man Modalverben der Ableitung verwendet - English In A Minute - YouTube Cómo utilizar los verbos modales de deducción - English In A Minute - YouTube Comment utiliser les verbes modaux de déduction - English In A Minute - YouTube 演繹のモーダル動詞の使い方 - English In A Minute - YouTube Jak używać czasowników modalnych - English In A Minute - YouTube Как использовать модальные глаголы умозаключения - English In A Minute - YouTube Tümdengelim modal fiilleri nasıl kullanılır - English In A Minute - YouTube

Hi, everyone!

Welcome back to English In A Minute.

We're going to look at how to use modal verbs ||||||||助動詞| モーダル動詞の使い方を見てみよう。

when making a deduction |行う||推論 控除を行う場合

– that's when we make guesses ||||educated assumptions |||する| - そのときが推理をするときだ

about what is happening. 何が起こっているのか。

Let's look at some examples. いくつかの例を見てみよう。

Use 'must' when you are certain or almost certain ||||||||確信している 確信がある、あるいはほぼ確信がある場合は「must」を使う。

that something is true. 何かが真実であることを。

For example: Phil's hair is wet – it must be rainy. 例えば、フィルの髪が濡れている。

Use 'can't' to say when you are certain something is not true. can't」は、何かが真実ではないと確信するときに使う。

For example: Phil's hair is wet – it can't be sunny. 例えば、フィルの髪が濡れている。

We can use 'might', 'may' or 'could' might'、'may'、'could'を使うことができる。

to talk about possibility. Let's look at some examples. |||可能性||||| いくつかの例を見てみよう。

Sam is late for work. サムは仕事に遅れている。

We don't know why Sam is late, サムが遅れた理由はわからない、

but we can make a guess. For example: |||する||推測|| しかし、推測はできる:

Her car could be broken.

Another possibility is: She might still be asleep. もう一つの可能性は、彼女はまだ眠っているかもしれないということだ。

One final possibility now: There may be a lot of traffic. 最後の可能性:交通量が多いかもしれない。

Well, it must be time to finish now. さて、そろそろ終わりにしよう。

Thanks for joining us. Bye! 参加してくれてありがとう!