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All Ears English, 28- Expand Your English Vocabulary by Focusing on What You Like

28- Expand Your English Vocabulary by Focusing on What You Like

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 28: Wisdom Wednesday.


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In today's episode, learn how to expand your English vocabulary by focusing on what you like and what you're interested in.


Gabby: Hey guys. How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey. It's going all right. How ‘bout (about) you?

Gabby: Good. So today we're going to give a tip for (um) learning languages and the tip is to focus on your interests.

Lindsay: Yes. This is great idea because, (you know), you need to stay interested in what you're doing and this is going to motivate you to keep moving forward. What's an example of this? When have you done this Gabby?

Gabby: Well, I'm really interested in Latin music. I love to dance Salsa, Merengue, Bachata and so I'm always listening to Latin music. So, (you know), as I've been learning Spanish throughout my life (like) gosh for ten years now.

(Um) I have learned so much from music. And it's great because the lyrics in these songs (um) are often (like) pretty commonly used phrases and the way that people talk. (Um) so it's been really helpful to listen to, to memorize the lyrics and to sing along. It's just helped in a lot of ways, with (um) listening comprehension, with pronunciation (um), and just like cultural references too.

Lindsay: Yeah.

And I would imagine you go to the classes as well and you must meet people who are Spanish speakers for example or Portuguese.

Gabby: Oh yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. That's a great point. And so (um) music is one way to help you learn a language, but (um) just focus on your interests (like) for example if you're interested in food, try to learn the vocabulary of ordering or the vocabulary of different ingredients.

Lindsay: Right. Try cooking in English.

Gabby: Yeah.

Exactly (like) (um) reading recipes in English. (Um) yeah, just labeling things in English. What else? if you're interested in sports.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: Focus on that. Yeah.

Lindsay: Right. Yeah.

I sometimes recommend (um) to students to just go ahead and join a meet-up group that you're interested in and then go ahead and participate in that activity with native English speakers who are also interested in that thing.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Right? Like photography.

Gabby: Well and the thing is, if you have a particular, a particular interest, (like) let's say photography and you learn a lot of vocabulary about that specific topic, well you might think ‘Well, how is that going to be useful because it's so specific?' But the thing is a lot of the vocabulary that you'll learn is going to apply to other areas that you might not think of right away, but (um), but it will help you out in other areas of English.

Lindsay: Definitely. So stick with your interests and make it easier on yourself.

Gabby: Yeah.

Absolutely. (Like) if I can just go back to your example about cooking. (Um) if you learn the verbs like ‘to mix' or (um) to… Lindsay: I don't know

Gabby: …to, to ‘to beat.'

Lindsay: Blend.

Gabby: ‘To blend.' These are verbs that are definitely used in other contexts.

Lindsay: Right. Right. For sure.

Gabby: Right. Yeah.

Lindsay: Yeah.

That's true. So…. Yeah.

Find a – maybe find a partner who also enjoys the same thing and hopefully who is a native English speaker at the same time. So you can cook with that person.

Gabby: Yeah.

That's a good tip.

Lindsay: Could be a good way to do it.

Gabby: Great. So yeah, I love this tip. And (um)… yeah. I'll see you tomorrow for… Lindsay: See you tomorrow.

Gabby: …Deep Thoughts Thursday.

Lindsay: Deep Thought Thursday.

Gabby: All right.

Lindsay: See you then.

Gabby: Bye.


Gabby: Okay. So (you know), I've actually talked with 30 different students over the past few months and a lot of the students that I've spoken with have said that they're at an intermediate level or high intermediate level and they just can't seem to find a way to move beyond that intermediate level, to move to the advanced level. And this is what we wanna (want to) help you guys with, but if you really wanna (want to) move to that level, it's gonna (going to) require a little bit more of a commitment, okay. So go for the premium transcripts that we have available for you and in order to get those, you need to go to www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. So check it out.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time!

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28- Expand Your English Vocabulary by Focusing on What You Like Broaden||||||||| 28- Erweitern Sie Ihren englischen Wortschatz, indem Sie sich auf das konzentrieren, was Sie mögen 28- Amplíe su vocabulario de inglés centrándose en lo que le gusta 28- 好きなことに集中して英語の語彙を増やす 28- Rozszerz swoje angielskie słownictwo, koncentrując się na tym, co lubisz 28- Expanda o seu vocabulário de inglês concentrando-se no que gosta 28- Расширяйте свой английский словарный запас, сосредоточившись на том, что вам нравится 28- Розширюйте свій словниковий запас, зосереджуючись на тому, що вам подобається 28-通过专注于你喜欢的内容来扩展你的英语词汇量 28-透過專注於你喜歡的內容來擴展你的英語詞彙量

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 28: Wisdom Wednesday. Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 28 集:智慧星期三。


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. ||||||native language|show|in which||||||native language|dialogue Gabby:歡迎來到 All Ears English Podcast,在這裡您終於可以得到真正的、道地的英語對話。 Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Presenting|in this location||possessive pronoun|presenters|Lindsay McMahon|Lindsay McMahon||English language|Explorer|and|Gabby Wallace|Gabby Wallace|the title|Language Angel|Language Angel|arriving|||in|Boston Massachusetts|Massachusetts|United States

Lindsay: In today's episode, learn how to expand your English vocabulary by focusing on what you like and what you're interested in. ||||||||||word bank||concentrating on||||||||curious about|in this Lindsay:在今天的節目中,學習如何透過專注於您喜歡和感興趣的內容來擴展您的英語詞彙量。


Gabby: Hey guys. |Hello| How's it going? How is||progressing 怎麼樣了?

Lindsay: Hey. It's going all right. |turning out||well 一切順利。 How ‘bout (about) you? |about|| 你呢?

Gabby: Good. So today we're going to give a tip for (um) learning languages and the tip is to focus on your interests. ||||||||||||||||||||兴趣 |this day||going to||provide|||||acquiring knowledge|languages|||suggestion|||concentrate on|||personal passions 所以今天我們將給出一個學習語言的技巧,這個技巧就是專注在你的興趣。

Lindsay: Yes. Lindsay speaking| This is great idea because, (you know), you need to stay interested in what you're doing and this is going to motivate you to keep moving forward. |||||||||||||||||||||激励你||||| ||excellent||since||||must|||engaged|||you are|engaging in|and this|||future|||you|||progressing|progress 這是個好主意,因為(你知道),你需要對你正在做的事情保持興趣,這將激勵你繼續前進。 What's an example of this? What is||instance|| 有什麼例子嗎? When have you done this Gabby? at what time|present perfect auxiliary verb|you|completed this|this action|name of person 你什麼時候做過這個加比?

Gabby: Well, I'm really interested in Latin music. |||very|keen on||Latin music|Latin music 蓋比:嗯,我對拉丁音樂很有興趣。 I love to dance Salsa, Merengue, Bachata and so I'm always listening to Latin music. ||||萨尔萨舞|梅伦格舞|巴恰塔|||||||| |enjoy||dance||Latin dance style|Latin dance style||therefore||consistently|listening||| 我喜歡跳薩爾薩舞、梅倫格舞、巴恰塔舞,所以我總是聽拉丁音樂。 So, (you know), as I've been learning Spanish throughout my life (like) gosh for ten years now. ||||||studying|Spanish language|over the years||||wow|||a decade|currently ||||||||nel corso|||||||| Donc, (vous savez), comme j'ai appris l'espagnol tout au long de ma vie (comme) ça fait dix ans maintenant. 所以,(你知道),我一生都在學習西班牙語(就像)天哪,現在已經十年了。

(Um) I have learned so much from music. |||gained knowledge||||music itself (嗯)我從音樂中學到了很多。 And it's great because the lyrics in these songs (um) are often (like) pretty commonly used phrases and the way that people talk. |||||歌词|||||||||常见地|||||||| |||since||||these songs|||||||frequently||common expressions|||||individuals|speak E é ótimo porque as letras destas canções (um) são muitas vezes (tipo) frases muito usadas e a forma como as pessoas falam. 這很棒,因為這些歌曲中的歌詞(嗯)通常是(就像)非常常用的短語和人們說話的方式。 (Um) so it's been really helpful to listen to, to memorize the lyrics and to sing along. ||||very|beneficial||listening|||learn by heart||words to a song||||together (嗯)所以聽、記住歌詞和跟著唱真的很有幫助。 It's just helped in a lot of ways, with (um) listening comprehension, with pronunciation (um), and just like cultural references too. |||||||||||听力理解||||||||文化参考| ||assisted|||||aspects|||understanding spoken language|understanding spoken language||speech clarity|||simply||societal||also |||||||||||||||||||riferimenti culturali| 它在很多方面都有幫助,例如(嗯)聽力理解、發音(嗯),就像文化參考一樣。

Lindsay: Yeah. |agreement or affirmation

And I would imagine you go to the classes as well and you must meet people who are Spanish speakers for example or Portuguese. |||suppose||||||||||||||||people who speak||||Portuguese speakers 我想你也去上課,你一定會遇到說西班牙語或葡萄牙語的人。

Gabby: Oh yeah. Absolutely. Definitely for sure Absolutely. Definitely for sure That's a great point. 這是一個很好的觀點。 And so (um) music is one way to help you learn a language, but (um) just focus on your interests (like) for example if you're interested in food, try to learn the vocabulary of ordering or the vocabulary of different ingredients. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||点餐用语||||||食材 ||||||||||||a language|||||||||||||||||to help||||||or alternatively||words|related to|various|food items ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ordinare cibo|||||| 所以(嗯)音樂是幫助你學習語言的一種方式,但是(嗯)只關注你的興趣(比如),例如,如果你對食物感興趣,嘗試學習點菜的詞彙或不同的詞彙原料。

Lindsay: Right. Try cooking in English. attempt|preparing food||the English language 嘗試用英語做飯。

Gabby: Yeah.

Exactly (like) (um) reading recipes in English. ||||食谱|| Precisely|||||| 完全(就像)(嗯)閱讀英文食譜。 (Um) yeah, just labeling things in English. |||标记东西||| |||etichettare||| (Euh) ouais, juste étiqueter les choses en anglais. (嗯)是的,只是用英語標記東西。 What else? 還有什麼? if you're interested in sports. se estiver interessado em desporto. 如果你對運動有興趣。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: Focus on that. Yeah.

Lindsay: Right. Yeah.

I sometimes recommend (um) to students to just go ahead and join a meet-up group that you're interested in and then go ahead and participate in that activity with native English speakers who are also interested in that thing. ||推荐|||||||||||||||||||||||参与|||||||||||||| 我有時會建議學生(嗯)繼續加入您感興趣的聚會小組,然後繼續與也對此感興趣的以英語為母語的人一起參加活動。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Right? Like photography. |喜欢摄影 喜歡攝影。

Gabby: Well and the thing is, if you have a particular, a particular interest, (like) let's say photography and you learn a lot of vocabulary about that specific topic, well you might think ‘Well, how is that going to be useful because it's so specific?' ||||||||||特定的兴趣||特定的|||||摄影|||||||||||||||||||||||||||具体的 蓋比:嗯,問題是,如果你有一個特別的、特別的興趣,(比如)比如說攝影,並且你學習了很多關於這個特定主題的詞彙,那麼你可能會想'好吧,這有什麼用處?因為它是如此具體? But the thing is a lot of the vocabulary that you'll learn is going to apply to other areas that you might not think of right away, but (um), but it will help you out in other areas of English. ||||||||||||||||||领域||||||||||||||||||||| 但問題是,你將學到的許多詞彙將應用於你可能不會立即想到的其他領域,但是(嗯),但它會在英語的其他領域幫助你。

Lindsay: Definitely. So stick with your interests and make it easier on yourself. |attieniti||||||||| 因此,堅持你的興趣,讓自己變得更輕鬆。

Gabby: Yeah.

Absolutely. (Like) if I can just go back to your example about cooking. (例如)我是否可以回到你關於烹飪的例子。 (Um) if you learn the verbs like ‘to mix' or (um) to… Lindsay: I don't know (嗯)如果你學習像「混合」或(嗯)這樣的動詞...... Lindsay:我不知道

Gabby: …to, to ‘to beat.' ||||打败 蓋比:……去,去「打敗」。

Lindsay: Blend. |混合 林賽:混合。

Gabby: ‘To blend.' ||mescolare These are verbs that are definitely used in other contexts. |||||||||语境 |||||definitivamente|||| 這些動詞肯定會在其他上下文中使用。

Lindsay: Right. Right. For sure. De certeza. 一定。

Gabby: Right. Yeah.

Lindsay: Yeah.

That's true. So…. Yeah.

Find a – maybe find a partner who also enjoys the same thing and hopefully who is a native English speaker at the same time. |||||||||||||希望地|||||||||| 找到一個——也許找到一個也喜歡同樣的事情並且希望同時以英語為母語的合作夥伴。 So you can cook with that person. 這樣你就可以和那個人一起做飯了。

Gabby: Yeah.

That's a good tip.

Lindsay: Could be a good way to do it. Lindsay:可能是個好方法。

Gabby: Great. So yeah, I love this tip. And (um)… yeah. I'll see you tomorrow for… Lindsay: See you tomorrow. 明天見… Lindsay:明天見。

Gabby: …Deep Thoughts Thursday. ||Pensieri profondi| 蓋比:……週四深思熟慮。

Lindsay: Deep Thought Thursday.

Gabby: All right.

Lindsay: See you then. 林赛:到时见。||| 林賽:到時候見。

Gabby: Bye.


Gabby: Okay. So (you know), I've actually talked with 30 different students over the past few months and a lot of the students that I've spoken with have said that they're at an intermediate level or high intermediate level and they just can't seem to find a way to move beyond that intermediate level, to move to the advanced level. And this is what we wanna (want to) help you guys with, but if you really wanna (want to) move to that level, it's gonna (going to) require a little bit more of a commitment, okay. |||||||||||||in case|||||||||||||||||||||dedication| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||impegno| 這就是我們想要(想要)幫助你們的,但如果你們真的想要(想要)達到那個水平,就需要更多的承諾,好吧。 So go for the premium transcripts that we have available for you and in order to get those, you need to go to www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. So check it out. Alors vérifiez-le.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time!