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Programming, 48 - Logging ( FileHandler; ConsoleHandler; Levels ) | Java Tutorials

48 - Logging ( FileHandler; ConsoleHandler; Levels ) | Java Tutorials

alright let's talk about logging in Java

so if you want to save certain events or

errors that happen while your code is

running and then be able to look back at

them later this definitely something you

should incorporate now Java does have a

logger and it's in Java util dot logging

and of course there are third-party

loggers that do a more efficient job

have extra methods and all that stuff so

you can check those out if you want to

but how do you use this one how you use

just a basic one well I have a class

here and I want to be able to use my

logger throughout the entire class so

let's put it up here and I want to make

this private because no one else needs

to have access to this and let's go

ahead and make it also final and Static

so we don't have to mess with anything

the class again it's called logger and

then give your logger a name I'm just

going to call it L o G or normally you

do all caps for final things but anyways

let's do logger dot get logger so in

here you can put a name for your logger

and if the name you put in you already

exists then it will just use that one so

this will automatically create one if it

doesn't exist and usually people name

their loggers after their class name

just to keep things easier especially if

your lawgiver has a certain setup for

each class this might be useful and a

lot of times you'll see people do this

instead they'll put the class name dot

class and then finally get name and this

does the same thing but it's going to

get the full name of the class if it's

in like a package so for me this is just

going to all return log example but if

it's in a package say like up here then

instead of just saying the class it

would say Java dot util dot logging dot

and then put the class name if it was in

that package a lot of times if it's a

really small project what people will

just use the global logger so everything

will be glued out as global so let's

just use this one again you usually use

the class name and let's make a simple

log so type out your logger name and

then you have a bunch of methods of

course here well

we're going to make a log and you have

to choose the level of this log so

basically how important is it on the

scale let's just do an info one for this

round and put in a message let's say now

we can compile this and run it and

you'll see this one prints out to the

screen now normally your loggers won't

do anything they actually have to have a

handler on to them so that you can

choose what to do with your log so if

you want to print them out to the screen

like it's doing here or if you want to

print them to a file like we're about to

do now the only reason this is printing

out to the screen now even though I

don't have a handler for this yet is

because it's passing it up to the route

logger and that automatically has a

little console handler onto it now every

logger as well as the handlers to them

you can set a custom level level cutoff

so what they will actually log out so

all the levels by the way are right here

and there in order so this one being

just something that's kind of not very

important that you might want to just

take a note of all the way up to

something that's very severe and that

you definitely want to make sure it's

logged out or handled so you have these

different levels and each time you make

a log take into account what level you

should probably put it on to this log

doesn't have a handler or anything so

it's passing up to the root one and it

has a cut-off level of info that means

only these three will be logged out to

the console so if I were to change this

to say a fine message then when I run

this notice nothing shows up and again

you know the levels are just to help

organize things but also in certain

levels of development you might want to

turn specific levels off in the

beginning you might want to let

everything pass through but then maybe

in production you only want it severe

wants to be logged out or warning etc

you you get the idea so the way to set

that is to do logger set level and now

you can choose of course what level you

want to let through so if I set this at

fine then that would mean everything

from here up would be logged now even if

you change this level it's not going

to effect what's logging out right now

because that's being handled by the

route logger we don't actually have any

kind of handle on this so the first

thing I like to do is get the log

manager and do reset and this will get

rid of any handlers that the route one

has which is this console one right here

that way it's not interfering with any

of my stuff I think there's also a

method onto this where you can say not

to pass up to the parent etc anyways so

now what I like to do is set the level

of my logger and I like to do it as all

so that everything is passed through and

then all I have to do now is set this to

off if I want nothing to pass through so

this is kind of like a global switch to

affect all your other handlers we're

going to have to make a handler of some

kind so there's two of them that this

package includes and it's the console

one and a file one and you can have

multiple handlers for the same logger so

let's do that console Handler and let's

just call this CH equals new console

Handler and now we want to set the level

of this as well so what do I actually

want to be displayed in the console

especially if this is a console app and

my users are interacting through I don't

really want to bother them with any kind

of basic small logs because that would

interfere with their experience right

your logger should be in the background

and no one should notice them again

though it's completely up to you how you

handle all this stuff so now let's get

the logger and add this handle to it by

doing CH because that is the variable we

created right here and now any logs I

make if they are below severe so any of

these they won't show up and by the way

this the logger lets you output also

like your exception by doing another

comma and then putting your exception

here so if you just want to display a

message then there's a shortcut all of

these have methods with their name so if

I wanted to do an info log then instead

of using log and then putting the level

you can just use the method associated

with that level again we can add

multiple handlers so let's also add a

file one so that we can log out a file

so let's use the file Handler and I'm

just going to call this F H new file

Handler and now give your log a name I

like to put the class name as well here

but you can call this what you like so

I'm just going to call it my laundry

love you can set a formatter for this so

if you want it to be simple like a

simple formatter you could do new simple

formatter here we go and this will make

your logs look like this one here and

you can create your own formatter so I'm

not going to get into that obviously

that's a whole nother subject but I'm

going to just keep the default which is

to output it as XML and you'll see that

in just a minute

so now let's set the level of this so

what do I want to allow to be logged out

into my file and again depending on how

your program works and what you want

logged out then you can choose that so

I'm just going to make let's say

everything above fine let's also add

that handler to my logger so ad handler

SH and now we have both a console

handler and a file Handler and they each

have different cutoff levels of what

they will actually log out and I forgot

we're dealing with file so we will have

some IO exceptions here so what I'm

going to do is just wrap my entire file

handler in a try-catch block that way if

it fails I'm going to continue on with

my program I don't really want to stop

my program just because my logger

couldn't start up and then maybe we want

to log out this at least to the console

level severe so that it actually makes

it to our console because I do have that

cut off and let's just say and then I

can also display the exception by just

putting a here or you could also put a

specific part of the exception like the

message of it by doing any of its method

that it has that way at least now we

know that it failed and we can check

into that if you look I have a logger

file called my logger and in that

displays our log so it will say of

course we chose to use the global a

logger then it will say you know the

level class the method that the log is

coming from the message of it etc let's

move all this into another method

because it is kind of cluttery set up

logger and paste that in there so then

at the top of my main method all I have

to do now is just put my class name of

course this is a static context so put

my class name and then call my setup and

compile this and nothing shows up there

but in our logger we can see both of our

logs here alright so a couple things to

note before I go your logo will

overwrite all the contents that it had

before so if you want to instead append

to that file then you can put a comma

true here on your file handler which

just means to append to and I'm too lazy

to think of code that would cause an

error so let's throw a new let's just do

i/o exception we could even put a

message in here all right and we're

going to catch this and log it out

so in here let's do our logger let's use

logs I'm going to call this severe some

kind of message here for me and let's

put just the exception here and I keep

forgetting to include the full path to

that exception all right so now you can

see we get a severe file read error and

then it says the exception and if we

look at our log you can also see it down

here it will include now the exception

so that's an example of that also let's

do a quick example of using it in

another class in order to do this we

have to of course get a logger and I'm

going to use use the same one that we

did here because my setup that's fine

I'm fine with using that throughout

everything so by using of course the

same name that we'd out there which is

the global longer

then it will get that law grants that

have created so all our setup should

still be the exact same as the previous

one so now I'm from another class call

this method so let's do test test and

compile and run this code so now we get

our air that we specified to do and if I

look at my logger you can see that my

logs are coming from the log example

class put down here it this one comes

from the test class

I feel like this video has gotten way

too long for anyone to still be here but

if you are that is the basics of logging

things I said I would talk about writing

to files as well but I'm going to save

that for another video thanks for


48 - Logging ( FileHandler; ConsoleHandler; Levels ) | Java Tutorials 48 - Protokollierung ( FileHandler; ConsoleHandler; Levels ) | Java Tutorials 48 - Ведение журнала ( FileHandler; ConsoleHandler; Levels ) | Учебники Java 48 - Günlük Tutma ( FileHandler; ConsoleHandler; Levels ) | Java Eğitimleri 48 - 日志(FileHandler; ConsoleHandler; Levels) | Java 教程

alright let's talk about logging in Java

so if you want to save certain events or

errors that happen while your code is

running and then be able to look back at

them later this definitely something you

should incorporate now Java does have a

logger and it's in Java util dot logging

and of course there are third-party

loggers that do a more efficient job

have extra methods and all that stuff so

you can check those out if you want to

but how do you use this one how you use

just a basic one well I have a class

here and I want to be able to use my

logger throughout the entire class so

let's put it up here and I want to make

this private because no one else needs

to have access to this and let's go

ahead and make it also final and Static

so we don't have to mess with anything

the class again it's called logger and

then give your logger a name I'm just

going to call it L o G or normally you

do all caps for final things but anyways

let's do logger dot get logger so in

here you can put a name for your logger

and if the name you put in you already

exists then it will just use that one so

this will automatically create one if it

doesn't exist and usually people name

their loggers after their class name

just to keep things easier especially if

your lawgiver has a certain setup for

each class this might be useful and a

lot of times you'll see people do this

instead they'll put the class name dot

class and then finally get name and this

does the same thing but it's going to

get the full name of the class if it's

in like a package so for me this is just

going to all return log example but if

it's in a package say like up here then

instead of just saying the class it

would say Java dot util dot logging dot

and then put the class name if it was in

that package a lot of times if it's a

really small project what people will

just use the global logger so everything

will be glued out as global so let's

just use this one again you usually use

the class name and let's make a simple

log so type out your logger name and

then you have a bunch of methods of

course here well

we're going to make a log and you have

to choose the level of this log so

basically how important is it on the

scale let's just do an info one for this

round and put in a message let's say now

we can compile this and run it and

you'll see this one prints out to the

screen now normally your loggers won't

do anything they actually have to have a

handler on to them so that you can

choose what to do with your log so if

you want to print them out to the screen

like it's doing here or if you want to

print them to a file like we're about to

do now the only reason this is printing

out to the screen now even though I

don't have a handler for this yet is

because it's passing it up to the route

logger and that automatically has a

little console handler onto it now every

logger as well as the handlers to them

you can set a custom level level cutoff

so what they will actually log out so

all the levels by the way are right here

and there in order so this one being

just something that's kind of not very

important that you might want to just

take a note of all the way up to

something that's very severe and that

you definitely want to make sure it's

logged out or handled so you have these

different levels and each time you make

a log take into account what level you

should probably put it on to this log

doesn't have a handler or anything so

it's passing up to the root one and it

has a cut-off level of info that means

only these three will be logged out to

the console so if I were to change this

to say a fine message then when I run

this notice nothing shows up and again

you know the levels are just to help

organize things but also in certain

levels of development you might want to

turn specific levels off in the

beginning you might want to let

everything pass through but then maybe

in production you only want it severe

wants to be logged out or warning etc

you you get the idea so the way to set

that is to do logger set level and now

you can choose of course what level you

want to let through so if I set this at

fine then that would mean everything

from here up would be logged now even if

you change this level it's not going

to effect what's logging out right now

because that's being handled by the

route logger we don't actually have any

kind of handle on this so the first

thing I like to do is get the log

manager and do reset and this will get

rid of any handlers that the route one

has which is this console one right here

that way it's not interfering with any

of my stuff I think there's also a

method onto this where you can say not

to pass up to the parent etc anyways so

now what I like to do is set the level

of my logger and I like to do it as all

so that everything is passed through and

then all I have to do now is set this to

off if I want nothing to pass through so

this is kind of like a global switch to

affect all your other handlers we're

going to have to make a handler of some

kind so there's two of them that this

package includes and it's the console

one and a file one and you can have

multiple handlers for the same logger so

let's do that console Handler and let's

just call this CH equals new console

Handler and now we want to set the level

of this as well so what do I actually

want to be displayed in the console

especially if this is a console app and

my users are interacting through I don't

really want to bother them with any kind

of basic small logs because that would

interfere with their experience right

your logger should be in the background

and no one should notice them again

though it's completely up to you how you

handle all this stuff so now let's get

the logger and add this handle to it by

doing CH because that is the variable we

created right here and now any logs I

make if they are below severe so any of

these they won't show up and by the way

this the logger lets you output also

like your exception by doing another

comma and then putting your exception

here so if you just want to display a

message then there's a shortcut all of

these have methods with their name so if

I wanted to do an info log then instead

of using log and then putting the level

you can just use the method associated

with that level again we can add

multiple handlers so let's also add a

file one so that we can log out a file

so let's use the file Handler and I'm

just going to call this F H new file

Handler and now give your log a name I

like to put the class name as well here

but you can call this what you like so

I'm just going to call it my laundry

love you can set a formatter for this so

if you want it to be simple like a

simple formatter you could do new simple

formatter here we go and this will make

your logs look like this one here and

you can create your own formatter so I'm

not going to get into that obviously

that's a whole nother subject but I'm

going to just keep the default which is

to output it as XML and you'll see that

in just a minute

so now let's set the level of this so

what do I want to allow to be logged out

into my file and again depending on how

your program works and what you want

logged out then you can choose that so

I'm just going to make let's say

everything above fine let's also add

that handler to my logger so ad handler

SH and now we have both a console

handler and a file Handler and they each

have different cutoff levels of what

they will actually log out and I forgot

we're dealing with file so we will have

some IO exceptions here so what I'm

going to do is just wrap my entire file

handler in a try-catch block that way if

it fails I'm going to continue on with

my program I don't really want to stop

my program just because my logger

couldn't start up and then maybe we want

to log out this at least to the console

level severe so that it actually makes

it to our console because I do have that

cut off and let's just say and then I

can also display the exception by just

putting a here or you could also put a

specific part of the exception like the

message of it by doing any of its method

that it has that way at least now we

know that it failed and we can check

into that if you look I have a logger

file called my logger and in that

displays our log so it will say of

course we chose to use the global a

logger then it will say you know the

level class the method that the log is

coming from the message of it etc let's

move all this into another method

because it is kind of cluttery set up

logger and paste that in there so then

at the top of my main method all I have

to do now is just put my class name of

course this is a static context so put

my class name and then call my setup and

compile this and nothing shows up there

but in our logger we can see both of our

logs here alright so a couple things to

note before I go your logo will

overwrite all the contents that it had

before so if you want to instead append

to that file then you can put a comma

true here on your file handler which

just means to append to and I'm too lazy

to think of code that would cause an

error so let's throw a new let's just do

i/o exception we could even put a

message in here all right and we're

going to catch this and log it out

so in here let's do our logger let's use

logs I'm going to call this severe some

kind of message here for me and let's

put just the exception here and I keep

forgetting to include the full path to

that exception all right so now you can

see we get a severe file read error and

then it says the exception and if we

look at our log you can also see it down

here it will include now the exception

so that's an example of that also let's

do a quick example of using it in

another class in order to do this we

have to of course get a logger and I'm

going to use use the same one that we

did here because my setup that's fine

I'm fine with using that throughout

everything so by using of course the

same name that we'd out there which is

the global longer

then it will get that law grants that

have created so all our setup should

still be the exact same as the previous

one so now I'm from another class call

this method so let's do test test and

compile and run this code so now we get

our air that we specified to do and if I

look at my logger you can see that my

logs are coming from the log example

class put down here it this one comes

from the test class

I feel like this video has gotten way

too long for anyone to still be here but

if you are that is the basics of logging

things I said I would talk about writing

to files as well but I'm going to save

that for another video thanks for
