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Asd 3, How to Trick Your Brain into Eating Less?

How to Trick Your Brain into Eating Less?

Pop Quiz: Which sandwich is bigger?...I have the answer for you later.

It takes twenty minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it's full.

The result is overeating, weight gain and millions of failed diets.

But there's an easy solution.

How can you trick your brain into eating less?

In this experiment, both guys are told to keep eating and stop only when they're full.

One of them doesn't know it's a never-ending bowl!

Alright guys, how we holding up?

I'm done.


I don't know what's going on, but…

Well, you were eating out of this.

But you, have a little surprise for you.

You were eating out of this.

Yeah so, it may sound silly but tricking your eyes can actually trick your brain and then

your stomach.

Why did this guy ended up eating 75 percent more?

When we eat, our intestines release cholecystokinin,

which triggers the release of another hormone leptin.

Leptin helps makes us feel full.

But this process takes time.

So, we keep eating without realizing that we're full.

So, we also rely on our eyes to tell us when to stop.

But looks can be deceiving.

So, what about our sandwich…

Did you say the one on the right is bigger?

Both are actually the same size!

The trick is known as the Delboeuf Illusion.

An object in a smaller circle

looks bigger than the same one in a larger circle.

So, the bigger your plate, the smaller your food looks and the more you'll pile on.

So, beware how your dinner is served later!

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How to Trick Your Brain into Eating Less? ¿Cómo engañar al cerebro para que coma menos? Comment tromper votre cerveau pour qu'il mange moins ? 脳を騙して食べる量を減らすには?

Pop Quiz: Which sandwich is bigger?...I have the answer for you later. ポップクイズ:どのサンドイッチが大きいですか?...後で答えがあります。

It takes twenty minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it's full. 脳に満腹だと伝えるのに、約20分かかります。

The result is overeating, weight gain and millions of failed diets. |||||||何百万もの||失敗した|ダイエット その結果は、過食、体重増加、そして数百万の失敗したダイエットです。

But there's an easy solution. しかし、簡単な解決策があります。

How can you trick your brain into eating less? どのようにして脳を騙して少なく食べさせることができるのでしょうか?

In this experiment, both guys are told to keep eating and stop only when they're full. ||実験||||||||||||| In this experiment, both guys are told to keep eating and stop only when they're full. この実験では、二人とも食べ続けて満腹になるまで止めないように言われています。

One of them doesn't know it's a never-ending bowl! そのうちの一人はそれが終わりのないボウルであることを知らない!

Alright guys, how we holding up? さあ、みんな、どう調子はどう?

I'm done. 終わった。

Yeah. うん。

I don't know what's going on, but… 何が起こっているのかわからないけど…

Well, you were eating out of this. まあ、あなたはこれから食べていました。

But you, have a little surprise for you. でも、あなたにはちょっとしたサプライズがあります。

You were eating out of this. あなたはこれから食べていました。

Yeah so, it may sound silly but tricking your eyes can actually trick your brain and then |||||ばかげた||目を欺く||||||||| そうですね、ちょっと馬鹿げているように聞こえるかもしれませんが、目を騙すことで実際に脳を騙すことができ、その後

your stomach. 胃も騙されます。

Why did this guy ended up eating 75 percent more? ||||結局|||| なぜこの人は75パーセントも多く食べることになったのでしょうか?

When we eat, our intestines release cholecystokinin, ||||روده‌ها|| ||||||コレシストキ 私たちが食べると、腸はコレシストキニンを放出します。

which triggers the release of another hormone leptin. |引き起こす|||||| それが別のホルモンであるレプチンの放出を引き起こします。

Leptin helps makes us feel full. レプチン||||| レプチンは私たちに満腹感を感じさせるのを助けます。

But this process takes time. しかしこのプロセスは時間がかかります。

So, we keep eating without realizing that we're full. |||||気づかずに||| だから、私たちは満腹だと気づかないまま食べ続けます。

So, we also rely on our eyes to tell us when to stop. だから、私たちはいつ止めるべきかを伝えるために目にも頼ります。

But looks can be deceiving. ||||欺ましげな しかし、見た目は欺くことがあります。

So, what about our sandwich… それで、私たちのサンドイッチはどうなっていますか…

Did you say the one on the right is bigger? 右側のものが大きいと言いましたか?

Both are actually the same size! 実際、両方とも同じサイズです!

The trick is known as the Delboeuf Illusion. ||||||デルボー夫|錯覚 このトリックはデルボーイフの錯覚として知られています。

An object in a smaller circle 小さな円の中の物体

looks bigger than the same one in a larger circle. ||||||||大きい| 同じものがより大きな円の中にあるよりも大きく見えます。

So, the bigger your plate, the smaller your food looks and the more you'll pile on. ||||||||||||||盛る| つまり、皿が大きいほど、食べ物が小さく見え、より多く盛り付けられることになります。

So, beware how your dinner is served later! ||||||出される| だから、後であなたの夕食がどのように提供されるかに注意してください!