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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast, Episode 27: Polyglot Steve Kaufmann on his latest language learning challenge (3)

Episode 27: Polyglot Steve Kaufmann on his latest language learning challenge (3)

I don't follow my, to be honest, I don't follow my streak that closely. It's just that I feel a commitment. I feel that I have an obligation to, to work on those languages, which is no big deal. Cause I enjoy doing it. Uh, but I, I made this commitment to do both. At the end of my 90 days, I'm going to do just Farsi because Farsi is the biggest opportunity here in Vancouver to use the language. Although, you know, uh, internationally of course there are far more, uh, Arabic speakers than Farsi speakers.

Elle: That's good to... it must. It's nice though I'm sure, to be able to speak to people, as you say, at the supermarket and wherever you are. Steve: Yeah.

Elle: Well, anyone who's interested in joining a challenge, I will pop the link in the description to the 90-Day Challenge the Streak with Steve as well. Thank you so much for joining me, Steve. It's been great, as always. Steve: I should say too, Elle, I've watched your interviews with your various guests. I think they are excellent. Absolutely excellent. Very interesting. And of course, not only are they interesting, but I think they're an opportunity for people to work on their English because they're all lessons at LingQ. Elle: They are.

Steve: And you normally have guests on there who speak very clearly. You speak clearly. So I think they're excellent. Uh, interesting and excellent learning methods. Uh, have a sort of an intermediate, uh, less, they're not overly difficult. So I think it meets a need a real need.

Elle: Well thank you so much. And as you mentioned, I will always pop the link to the transcript of this video as a lesson in the description.

And there's a full course of all past interviews and episodes there for anyone who's learning English. So, uh, thank you so much, Steve. I, like I said, best of luck with your challenges.

Steve: Thank you. Bye.

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Episode 27: Polyglot Steve Kaufmann on his latest language learning challenge (3) Folge 27: Polyglott Steve Kaufmann über seine neueste Herausforderung beim Sprachenlernen (3) Episodio 27: El políglota Steve Kaufmann sobre su último desafío de aprendizaje de idiomas (3) Épisode 27 : Le polyglotte Steve Kaufmann et son dernier défi en matière d'apprentissage des langues (3) Episodio 27: Il poliglotta Steve Kaufmann sulla sua ultima sfida nell'apprendimento delle lingue (3) 第27話ポリグロットのスティーブ・カウフマン、最新の言語学習への挑戦 (3) 에피소드 27: 다언어 구사자 스티브 카우프만의 최신 언어 학습 도전기 (3) Odcinek 27: Poliglota Steve Kaufmann o swoim najnowszym wyzwaniu językowym (3) Episódio 27: Poliglota Steve Kaufmann em seu último desafio de aprendizado de idiomas (3) Эпизод 27: Полиглот Стив Кауфман о своей последней задаче по изучению языков (3) Bölüm 27: Poliglot Steve Kaufmann son dil öğrenme mücadelesi üzerine (3) Епізод 27: Поліглот Стів Кауфман про свій останній виклик у вивченні мови (3) 第 27 集:多语言专家 Steve Kaufmann 谈他最近的语言学习挑战 (3) 第 27 集:通曉多種語言的史蒂夫·考夫曼談他最新的語言學習挑戰 (3)

I don't follow my, to be honest, I don't follow my streak that closely. |||||||je||||série|| Ich folge meiner, ehrlich gesagt, meiner Ader nicht so genau. No sigo mi, para ser honesto, no sigo mi racha tan de cerca. It's just that I feel a commitment. Es solo que siento un compromiso. I feel that I have an obligation to, to work on those languages, which is no big deal. Cause I enjoy doing it. Uh, but I, I made this commitment to do both. At the end of my 90 days, I'm going to do just Farsi because Farsi is the biggest opportunity here in Vancouver to use the language. Although, you know, uh, internationally of course there are far more, uh, Arabic speakers than Farsi speakers. Aunque, ya sabes, a nivel internacional, por supuesto, hay muchos más, eh, hablantes de árabe que hablantes de farsi.

Elle: That's good to... it must. It's nice though I'm sure, to be able to speak to people, as you say, at the supermarket and wherever you are. Es agradable, estoy seguro, poder hablar con la gente, como dices, en el supermercado y donde sea que estés. Steve: Yeah.

Elle: Well, anyone who's interested in joining a challenge, I will pop the link in the description to the 90-Day Challenge the Streak with Steve as well. |||||||||je||||||||||||||||| Elle: Nun, jeder, der daran interessiert ist, an einer Herausforderung teilzunehmen, ich werde in der Beschreibung auch den Link zur 90-Tage-Herausforderung The Streak with Steve einfügen. Elle: Bueno, cualquiera que esté interesado en unirse a un desafío, también mostraré el enlace en la descripción del Desafío de 90 días, la racha con Steve. Thank you so much for joining me, Steve. It's been great, as always. Ça a|||| Steve: I should say too, Elle, I've watched your interviews with your various guests. |||||||||||||convidados I think they are excellent. |||sont| Absolutely excellent. Very interesting. And of course, not only are they interesting, but I think they're an opportunity for people to work on their English because they're all lessons at LingQ. Elle: They are.

Steve: And you normally have guests on there who speak very clearly. You speak clearly. So I think they're excellent. Uh, interesting and excellent learning methods. Uh, have a sort of an intermediate, uh, less, they're not overly difficult. |||||||||||excessivamente| Uh, tienen una especie de intermedio, uh, menos, no son demasiado difíciles. So I think it meets a need a real need. Entonces creo que satisface una necesidad, una necesidad real.

Elle: Well thank you so much. And as you mentioned, I will always pop the link to the transcript of this video as a lesson in the description. Y como mencionaste, siempre mostraré el enlace a la transcripción de este video como una lección en la descripción.

And there's a full course of all past interviews and episodes there for anyone who's learning English. So, uh, thank you so much, Steve. I, like I said, best of luck with your challenges.

Steve: Thank you. Bye.