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The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, MANHOOD, 8. The First Journey with the Reindeer, Part 2

MANHOOD, 8. The First Journey with the Reindeer, Part 2

Claus decided to make the attempt, so he hurried on his preparations as fast as possible. After a time he fastened the collars around the necks of his steeds and harnessed them to his rude sledge. Then he placed a stool on the little platform, to serve as a seat, and filled a sack with his prettiest toys. "How do you intend to guide us?" asked Glossie. "We have never been out of the Forest before, except to visit your house, so we shall not know the way." Claus thought about that for a moment. Then he brought more cords and fastened two of them to the spreading antlers of each deer, one on the right and the other on the left. "Those will be my reins," said Claus, "and when I pull them to the right or to the left you must go in that direction. If I do not pull the reins at all you may go straight ahead." "Very well," answered Glossie and Flossie; and then they asked: "Are you ready?" Claus seated himself upon the stool, placed the sack of toys at his feet, and then gathered up the reins. "All ready!" he shouted; "away we go!" The deer leaned forward, lifted their slender limbs, and the next moment away flew the sledge over the frozen snow. The swiftness of the motion surprised Claus, for in a few strides they were across the Valley and gliding over the broad plain beyond. The day had melted into evening by the time they started; for, swiftly as Claus had worked, many hours had been consumed in making his preparations. But the moon shone brightly to light their way, and Claus soon decided it was just as pleasant to travel by night as by day. The deer liked it better; for, although they wished to see something of the world, they were timid about meeting men, and now all the dwellers in the towns and farmhouses were sound asleep and could not see them. Away and away they sped, on and on over the hills and through the valleys and across the plains until they reached a village where Claus had never been before. Here he called on them to stop, and they immediately obeyed. But a new difficulty now presented itself, for the people had locked their doors when they went to bed, and Claus found he could not enter the houses to leave his toys. "I am afraid, my friends, we have made our journey for nothing," said he, "for I shall be obliged to carry my playthings back home again without giving them to the children of this village." "What's the matter?" asked Flossie. "The doors are locked," answered Claus, "and I can not get in." Glossie looked around at the houses. The snow was quite deep in that village, and just before them was a roof only a few feet above the sledge. A broad chimney, which seemed to Glossie big enough to admit Claus, was at the peak of the roof. "Why don't you climb down that chimney?" asked Glossie. Claus looked at it. "That would be easy enough if I were on top of the roof," he answered. "Then hold fast and we will take you there," said the deer, and they gave one bound to the roof and landed beside the big chimney. "Good!" cried Claus, well pleased, and he slung the pack of toys over his shoulder and got into the chimney. There was plenty of soot on the bricks, but he did not mind that, and by placing his hands and knees against the sides he crept downward until he had reached the fireplace. Leaping lightly over the smoldering coals he found himself in a large sitting-room, where a dim light was burning. From this room two doorways led into smaller chambers. In one a woman lay asleep, with a baby beside her in a crib. Claus laughed, but he did not laugh aloud for fear of waking the baby. Then he slipped a big doll from his pack and laid it in the crib. The little one smiled, as if it dreamed of the pretty plaything it was to find on the morrow, and Claus crept softly from the room and entered at the other doorway. Here were two boys, fast asleep with their arms around each other's neck. Claus gazed at them lovingly a moment and then placed upon the bed a drum, two horns and a wooden elephant. He did not linger, now that his work in this house was done, but climbed the chimney again and seated himself on his sledge. "Can you find another chimney?" he asked the reindeer. "Easily enough," replied Glossie and Flossie. Down to the edge of the roof they raced, and then, without pausing, leaped through the air to the top of the next building, where a huge, old-fashioned chimney stood. "Don't be so long, this time," called Flossie, "or we shall never get back to the Forest by daybreak." Claus made a trip down this chimney also and found five children sleeping in the house, all of whom were quickly supplied with toys. When he returned the deer sprang to the next roof, but on descending the chimney Claus found no children there at all. That was not often the case in this village, however, so he lost less time than you might suppose in visiting the dreary homes where there were no little ones. When he had climbed down the chimneys of all the houses in that village, and had left a toy for every sleeping child, Claus found that his great sack was not yet half emptied. "Onward, friends!" he called to the deer; "we must seek another village." So away they dashed, although it was long past midnight, and in a surprisingly short time they came to a large city, the largest Claus had ever visited since he began to make toys. But, nothing daunted by the throng of houses, he set to work at once and his beautiful steeds carried him rapidly from one roof to another, only the highest being beyond the leaps of the agile deer. At last the supply of toys was exhausted and Claus seated himself in the sledge, with the empty sack at his feet, and turned the heads of Glossie and Flossie toward home. Presently Flossie asked: "What is that gray streak in the sky?" "It is the coming dawn of day," answered Claus, surprised to find that it was so late. "Good gracious!" exclaimed Glossie; "then we shall not be home by daybreak, and the Knooks will punish us and never let us come again." "We must race for the Laughing Valley and make our best speed," returned Flossie; "so hold fast, friend Claus!" Claus held fast and the next moment was flying so swiftly over the snow that he could not see the trees as they whirled past. Up hill and down dale, swift as an arrow shot from a bow they dashed, and Claus shut his eyes to keep the wind out of them and left the deer to find their own way. It seemed to him they were plunging through space, but he was not at all afraid. The Knooks were severe masters, and must be obeyed at all hazards, and the gray streak in the sky was growing brighter every moment. Finally the sledge came to a sudden stop and Claus, who was taken unawares, tumbled from his seat into a snowdrift. As he picked himself up he heard the deer crying: "Quick, friend, quick! Cut away our harness!" He drew his knife and rapidly severed the cords, and then he wiped the moisture from his eyes and looked around him. The sledge had come to a stop in the Laughing Valley, only a few feet, he found, from his own door. In the East the day was breaking, and turning to the edge of Burzee he saw Glossie and Flossie just disappearing in the Forest.

MANHOOD, 8. The First Journey with the Reindeer, Part 2 الرجولة، 8. الرحلة الأولى مع الرنة، الجزء 2 MANHOOD, 8. die erste Reise mit dem Rentier, Teil 2 MANHOOD, 8. El primer viaje con los renos, 2ª parte MANHOOD, 8.トナカイと最初の旅、パート2 MANHOOD, 8. Первое путешествие с оленями, часть 2

Claus decided to make the attempt, so he hurried on his preparations as fast as possible. قرر كلاوس القيام بالمحاولة، فأسرع في استعداداته بأسرع ما يمكن. After a time he fastened the collars around the necks of his steeds and harnessed them to his rude sledge. وبعد فترة من الوقت، ربط الياقات حول أعناق جياده وربطها بمزلاجته القاسية. Then he placed a stool on the little platform, to serve as a seat, and filled a sack with his prettiest toys. ثم وضع كرسيًا على المنصة الصغيرة ليكون بمثابة مقعد، وملأ كيسًا بأجمل ألعابه. "How do you intend to guide us?" "كيف تنوي إرشادنا؟" asked Glossie. سأل جلوسي. "We have never been out of the Forest before, except to visit your house, so we shall not know the way." "لم نخرج من الغابة من قبل إلا لزيارة منزلك، لذلك لن نعرف الطريق." Claus thought about that for a moment. Then he brought more cords and fastened two of them to the spreading antlers of each deer, one on the right and the other on the left. ثم أحضر حبالاً أخرى وربط اثنين منها في قرون كل غزال منتشرة، واحداً عن اليمين والآخر عن اليسار. "Those will be my reins," said Claus, "and when I pull them to the right or to the left you must go in that direction. قال كلاوس: "هذه ستكون زمامتي، وعندما أسحبها إلى اليمين أو إلى اليسار، عليك أن تسير في هذا الاتجاه. If I do not pull the reins at all you may go straight ahead." إذا لم أسحب زمام الأمور على الإطلاق، فيمكنك المضي قدمًا مباشرة". "Very well," answered Glossie and Flossie; and then they asked: "Are you ready?" Claus seated himself upon the stool, placed the sack of toys at his feet, and then gathered up the reins. جلس كلوز على الكرسي، ووضع كيس الألعاب عند قدميه، ثم جمع زمام الأمور. "All ready!" he shouted; "away we go!" هو صرخ؛ "نذهب بعيدا!" The deer leaned forward, lifted their slender limbs, and the next moment away flew the sledge over the frozen snow. انحنى الغزلان إلى الأمام، ورفع أطرافه النحيلة، وفي اللحظة التالية طار الزلاجة فوق الثلج المتجمد. The swiftness of the motion surprised Claus, for in a few strides they were across the Valley and gliding over the broad plain beyond. فاجأت سرعة الحركة كلاوس، لأنه خلال خطوات قليلة عبروا الوادي وانزلقوا فوق السهل الواسع خلفه. The day had melted into evening by the time they started; for, swiftly as Claus had worked, many hours had been consumed in making his preparations. But the moon shone brightly to light their way, and Claus soon decided it was just as pleasant to travel by night as by day. The deer liked it better; for, although they wished to see something of the world, they were timid about meeting men, and now all the dwellers in the towns and farmhouses were sound asleep and could not see them. لقد أحبها الغزال أكثر. لأنه على الرغم من أنهم كانوا يرغبون في رؤية شيء ما من العالم، إلا أنهم كانوا خائفين من مقابلة الرجال، والآن أصبح جميع سكان المدن وبيوت المزارع نائمين ولم يتمكنوا من رؤيتهم. Away and away they sped, on and on over the hills and through the valleys and across the plains until they reached a village where Claus had never been before. لقد انطلقوا بعيدًا وبعيدًا، مرارًا وتكرارًا فوق التلال وعبر الوديان وعبر السهول حتى وصلوا إلى قرية لم يزرها كلاوس من قبل. Here he called on them to stop, and they immediately obeyed. But a new difficulty now presented itself, for the people had locked their doors when they went to bed, and Claus found he could not enter the houses to leave his toys. لكن هناك صعوبة جديدة ظهرت الآن، لأن الناس كانوا يغلقون أبوابهم عندما يذهبون إلى الفراش، ووجد كلاوس أنه لا يستطيع دخول المنازل لترك ألعابه. "I am afraid, my friends, we have made our journey for nothing," said he, "for I shall be obliged to carry my playthings back home again without giving them to the children of this village." قال: "أخشى يا أصدقائي أننا قطعنا رحلتنا هباءً، لأنني سأضطر إلى حمل ألعابي إلى المنزل مرة أخرى دون إعطائها لأطفال هذه القرية". "What's the matter?" asked Flossie. "The doors are locked," answered Claus, "and I can not get in." Glossie looked around at the houses. The snow was quite deep in that village, and just before them was a roof only a few feet above the sledge. كان الثلج عميقًا جدًا في تلك القرية، وأمامهم مباشرةً كان هناك سقف على ارتفاع بضعة أقدام فقط فوق الزلاجة. A broad chimney, which seemed to Glossie big enough to admit Claus, was at the peak of the roof. كانت هناك مدخنة واسعة، بدت لـGlossie كبيرة بما يكفي لاستقبال كلاوس، في قمة السطح. "Why don't you climb down that chimney?" asked Glossie. Claus looked at it. "That would be easy enough if I were on top of the roof," he answered. "Then hold fast and we will take you there," said the deer, and they gave one bound to the roof and landed beside the big chimney. قال الغزال: "إذًا، تمسّك وسنأخذك إلى هناك"، وقد أعطوا واحدًا مقيّدًا إلى السطح وهبطوا بجانب المدخنة الكبيرة. "Good!" cried Claus, well pleased, and he slung the pack of toys over his shoulder and got into the chimney. صاح كلاوس بسعادة غامرة، وألقى مجموعة الألعاب على كتفه ودخل إلى المدخنة. There was plenty of soot on the bricks, but he did not mind that, and by placing his hands and knees against the sides he crept downward until he had reached the fireplace. كان هناك الكثير من السخام على الطوب، لكنه لم يمانع في ذلك، فوضع يديه وركبتيه على الجانبين وزحف إلى الأسفل حتى وصل إلى المدفأة. Leaping lightly over the smoldering coals he found himself in a large sitting-room, where a dim light was burning. قفز بخفة فوق الجمر المشتعل، ووجد نفسه في غرفة جلوس كبيرة، حيث كان هناك ضوء خافت مشتعل. From this room two doorways led into smaller chambers. من هذه الغرفة يوجد مدخلان يؤديان إلى غرف أصغر. In one a woman lay asleep, with a baby beside her in a crib. وفي إحداها كانت امرأة ترقد نائمة، وبجانبها طفل في سريرها. Claus laughed, but he did not laugh aloud for fear of waking the baby. Then he slipped a big doll from his pack and laid it in the crib. ثم أخرج دمية كبيرة من حقيبته ووضعها في السرير. The little one smiled, as if it dreamed of the pretty plaything it was to find on the morrow, and Claus crept softly from the room and entered at the other doorway. ابتسم الصغير، كما لو كان يحلم باللعبة الجميلة التي سيجدها في الغد، وزحف كلوز بهدوء من الغرفة ودخل من المدخل الآخر. Here were two boys, fast asleep with their arms around each other's neck. هنا كان هناك صبيان نائمان بسرعة وذراعيهما حول عنق بعضهما البعض. Claus gazed at them lovingly a moment and then placed upon the bed a drum, two horns and a wooden elephant. حدق فيهم كلوز بمحبة للحظة، ثم وضع على السرير طبلًا وقرنين وفيلًا خشبيًا. He did not linger, now that his work in this house was done, but climbed the chimney again and seated himself on his sledge. "Can you find another chimney?" he asked the reindeer. سأل الرنة. "Easily enough," replied Glossie and Flossie. Down to the edge of the roof they raced, and then, without pausing, leaped through the air to the top of the next building, where a huge, old-fashioned chimney stood. ركضوا بسرعة نزولاً إلى حافة السطح، وبعد ذلك، دون توقف، قفزوا في الهواء إلى قمة المبنى التالي، حيث كانت توجد مدخنة ضخمة قديمة الطراز. "Don't be so long, this time," called Flossie, "or we shall never get back to the Forest by daybreak." Claus made a trip down this chimney also and found five children sleeping in the house, all of whom were quickly supplied with toys. When he returned the deer sprang to the next roof, but on descending the chimney Claus found no children there at all. عندما عاد قفز الغزال إلى السطح التالي، ولكن عند نزوله من المدخنة لم يجد كلاوس أي أطفال هناك على الإطلاق. That was not often the case in this village, however, so he lost less time than you might suppose in visiting the dreary homes where there were no little ones. When he had climbed down the chimneys of all the houses in that village, and had left a toy for every sleeping child, Claus found that his great sack was not yet half emptied. "Onward, friends!" he called to the deer; "we must seek another village." نادى على الغزال؛ "يجب أن نبحث عن قرية أخرى." So away they dashed, although it was long past midnight, and in a surprisingly short time they came to a large city, the largest Claus had ever visited since he began to make toys. انطلقوا بعيدًا، على الرغم من أن الوقت قد تجاوز منتصف الليل بفترة طويلة، وفي وقت قصير بشكل مدهش وصلوا إلى مدينة كبيرة، أكبر مدينة زارها كلاوس على الإطلاق منذ أن بدأ في صناعة الألعاب. But, nothing daunted by the throng of houses, he set to work at once and his beautiful steeds carried him rapidly from one roof to another, only the highest being beyond the leaps of the agile deer. ولكن دون أن يخيفه حشد المنازل، شرع في العمل على الفور وحملته جياده الجميلة بسرعة من سطح إلى آخر، ولم يكن سوى الأعلى هو ما يتجاوز قفزات الغزلان الرشيقة. At last the supply of toys was exhausted and Claus seated himself in the sledge, with the empty sack at his feet, and turned the heads of Glossie and Flossie toward home. أخيرًا، استنفد مخزون الألعاب وجلس كلاوس على الزلاجة، والكيس الفارغ عند قدميه، وأدار رأسي جلوسي وفلوسي نحو المنزل. Presently Flossie asked: "What is that gray streak in the sky?" سأل فلوسي حاليًا: "ما هذا الخط الرمادي في السماء؟" "It is the coming dawn of day," answered Claus, surprised to find that it was so late. "Good gracious!" "رحمة الله الواسعة!" exclaimed Glossie; "then we shall not be home by daybreak, and the Knooks will punish us and never let us come again." صاح جلوسي؛ "إذن لن نعود إلى المنزل بحلول الفجر، وسيعاقبنا آل نوكس ولن يسمحوا لنا بالعودة مرة أخرى أبدًا." "We must race for the Laughing Valley and make our best speed," returned Flossie; "so hold fast, friend Claus!" Claus held fast and the next moment was flying so swiftly over the snow that he could not see the trees as they whirled past. تمسك كلاوس بثباته وفي اللحظة التالية كان يطير بسرعة كبيرة فوق الثلج لدرجة أنه لم يتمكن من رؤية الأشجار أثناء دورانها. Up hill and down dale, swift as an arrow shot from a bow they dashed, and Claus shut his eyes to keep the wind out of them and left the deer to find their own way. انطلقوا بسرعة أعلى التل وأسفل الوادي، بسرعة مثل سهم من قوس، وأغمض كلاوس عينيه لإبعاد الريح عنهم وترك الغزال ليجد طريقه الخاص. It seemed to him they were plunging through space, but he was not at all afraid. The Knooks were severe masters, and must be obeyed at all hazards, and the gray streak in the sky was growing brighter every moment. Finally the sledge came to a sudden stop and Claus, who was taken unawares, tumbled from his seat into a snowdrift. أخيرًا، توقفت الزلاجة فجأة وسقط كلاوس، الذي أُخذ على حين غرة، من مقعده في جرف ثلجي. As he picked himself up he heard the deer crying: "Quick, friend, quick! Cut away our harness!" اقطعوا حزامنا!" He drew his knife and rapidly severed the cords, and then he wiped the moisture from his eyes and looked around him. استل سكينه وقطع الحبال بسرعة، ثم مسح الرطوبة عن عينيه ونظر حوله. The sledge had come to a stop in the Laughing Valley, only a few feet, he found, from his own door. لقد توقفت الزلاجة في وادي الضحك، على بعد أقدام قليلة فقط من باب منزله. In the East the day was breaking, and turning to the edge of Burzee he saw Glossie and Flossie just disappearing in the Forest.