(#73) Learn French the natural way - Les premières fraises d'après une légende Chérokee - YouTube
Learn|||natural|way|The|first|strawberries|according to||legend|Cherokee|YouTube
||||||eerste||||legende|Cherokee legende|
(#73) Learn French the natural way - Die ersten Erdbeeren nach einer Legende der Cherokee - YouTube
(#73) Learn French the natural way - The first strawberries according to a Cherokee legend - YouTube
(#73) Aprender francés de forma natural - Las primeras fresas según una leyenda cherokee - YouTube
(#73) Imparare il francese in modo naturale - Le prime fragole secondo una leggenda Cherokee - YouTube
(#73) 自然な方法でフランス語を学ぼう - チェロキーの伝説による最初のイチゴ - YouTube
(#73) 자연스러운 방법으로 프랑스어 배우기 - 체로키 전설에 따른 최초의 딸기 - YouTube
(#73) Mokytis prancūzų kalbos natūraliu būdu - Pirmosios braškės pagal čerokėjų legendą - "YouTube
(#73) Leer Frans op de natuurlijke manier - De eerste aardbeien volgens een Cherokee-legende - YouTube
(#73) Ucz się francuskiego w naturalny sposób - Pierwsze truskawki według legendy Cherokee - YouTube
(#73) Aprender francês de forma natural - Os primeiros morangos segundo uma lenda Cherokee - YouTube
(#73) Учите французский естественным путем - Первая клубника по легенде чероки - YouTube
(#73) Lär dig franska på det naturliga sättet - De första jordgubbarna enligt en Cherokee-legende - YouTube
(#73) Doğal yolla Fransızca öğren - Bir Cherokee efsanesine göre ilk çilekler - YouTube
(#73) Вивчайте французьку природним шляхом - Перша полуниця за легендою черокі - YouTube
(#73) 以自然的方式学习法语 - 切罗基传说中的第一批草莓 - YouTube
(#73) 以自然的方式學習法語 - 切羅基傳說中的第一批草莓 - YouTube
je vais te raconter une histoire
qui vient d'Amérique du Nord
||aus Amerika||
|comes|of America||
||van Amerika||
who comes from North America
elle vient des indiens d'Amérique
||||von Amerika
it|comes||Indians|of America
she comes from american indians
Amerika'daki Kızılderililerden geliyor
elle vient de la tribu indienne des Cherokees
||||tribe|Indian|of the|Cherokees
sie stammt aus dem Indianerstamm der Cherokee
it comes from the Cherokee Indian tribe
Cherokee Kızılderili kabilesinden geliyor
et cette histoire raconte la naissance des premières fraises
und diese Geschichte erzählt von der Entstehung der ersten Erdbeeren
and this story tells of the birth of the first strawberries
ve bu hikaye ilk çileklerin doğuşunu anlatıyor
humm, c'est délicieux les fraises
hmmm, strawberries are delicious
hmm, çilekler çok lezzetli
moi personnellement, j'adore manger des fraises
me personally, I love to eat strawberries
ben şahsen çilek yemeyi çok seviyorum
Les premières fraises d'après une histoire Cherokee
|first||according to|a||Cherokee
The first strawberries according to a Cherokee story
Bir Cherokee hikayesine göre ilk çilekler
il y a très, très, très, très, très longtemps
||||||||a long time
||||||||오래 전에
a very, very, very, very, very long time ago
çok, çok, çok, çok, çok uzun zaman önce
très longtemps
a créé
the man
et la femme
Dieu a créé l'homme et la femme
God created man and woman
il y a très très très longtemps
||||||a long time
a very very long time ago
çok çok çok uzun zaman önce
et l'homme et la femme
and man and woman
ve adam ve kadın
ils vivaient ensemble
sie lebten zusammen
they lived together
ils vivaient ensemble
they lived together
ils vivaient en-sem-ble
they lived together
et ils étaient très très heureux
and they were very very happy
ils étaient très heureux
they were very happy
l'homme chassait
the man|hunted
|사냥하고 있었다
der Mensch jagte
the man was hunting
il chassait les animaux
|was hunting||animals
he hunted animals
il partait à la chasse
|er ging|||
he|was leaving|||hunt
er ging auf die Jagd
he was going hunting
ava gitmekteydi
et la femme préparait à manger
|||yemek hazırlıy||
|||das Essen||
|||bereidde voor||
|||was preparing||
and the woman was preparing food
ve kadın yemek hazırlıyordu
elle préparait le petit-déjeuner
|was preparing||small|
she was cooking breakfast
kahvaltı hazırlıyordu
elle préparait le déjeuner
öğle yemeğini hazırlıyordu
elle préparait le dîner aussi
she was also cooking dinner
akşam yemeğini de hazırlıyordu
elle préparait les repas
|was preparing||meals
she was preparing the meals
yemekleri hazırlıyordu
et l'homme et la femme vivaient heureux ensemble
and the man and the woman lived happily together
ve adam ve kadın birlikte mutlu yaşadılar
un jour
bir gün
et rentré
and returned
ve geri döndü
il est retourné de la chasse
he returned from the hunt
avdan geri döndü
il est retourné de la chasse
he returned from hunting
avdan geri döndü
la chasse était terminée
the hunt was over
av tüfeği sona erdi
la chasse était terminée
av tüfeği sona erdi
et il est retourné de la chasse
and he returned from the hunt
ve avdan geri döndü
et l'homme était très fatigué
and the man was very tired
et il avait très très faim aussi
and he was very very hungry too
il voulait manger
he wanted to eat
quand l'homme est rentré de la chasse
when the man came back from hunting
adam avdan döndüğünde
la femme
la femme n'avait pas
||did not|
the woman did not have
kadın yoktu
elle n'avait pas préparé à manger
she hadn't prepared food
le dîner
le dîner
n'était pas prêt
was not ready
et l'homme avait très très faim
and the man was very very hungry
il n'était pas content
he wasn't happy
à la place de préparer le dîner
instead of preparing dinner
la femme était en train de cueillir des belles fleurs
|||in|was picking||pick|some|beautiful|flowers
the woman was picking beautiful flowers
kadın güzel çiçekler topluyordu
elle cueillait des fleurs
|sie pflückte||
|was picking||
she was picking flowers
çicekleri topluyordu
elle prenait, elle cueillait des fleurs
|그녀는 따고 있었다||||
|was taking||was picking||flowers
she took, she picked flowers
çiçekler topluyordu
l'homme était très fâché
the man was very angry
adam çok öfkeliydi
hum !
il n'était pas content
he was not happy
l'homme a demandé à sa femme :
the man asked his wife:
adam karısına sordu:
"qu'est-ce que tu fais, femme ?"
what is|||||
"what are you doing, woman?"
"Ne yapıyorsun, kadın?"
"où est le dîner ?"
"where's dinner?"
"Akşam yemeği nerede?"
"j'ai très très faim"
"I'm very very hungry"
çok çok açım
"je veux manger"
"I want to eat"
yemek yemek istiyorum
"je veux que le dîner soit prêt !"
"I want dinner ready!"
akşam yemeğinin hazır olmasını istiyorum!
mais la femme a répondu :
ama kadın cevap verdi :
"Oh !"
"Oh !"
"je suis en train"
||in|in the process
"I am in the process of"
"ben yapıyorum"
"de cueillir des fleurs"
|blumen pflücken||
"to pick flowers"
çiçek toplamak
"je cueille des belles fleurs"
"I pick beautiful flowers"
güzel çiçekler topluyorum
"pour toi"
"for you"
senin için
"c'est pour toi que je cueille des fleurs"
"I'm picking flowers for you"
"Senin için çiçek topluyorum"
"parce que j'ai pensé que ces fleurs"
"because I thought these flowers"
"çünkü bu çiçeklerin"
"te plairaient"
would please|would like
|zouden bevallen
|sana hoş gelirler
|würden dir gefallen
너에게|너에게 좋을 것이다
|would please
"would you like"
"hoşuna gideceğini düşündüm"
mais l'homme n'était pas content
but the man was not happy
ama adam mutlu değildi
il avait très très faim
he was very very hungry
çok çok açtı
et il a ordonné à sa femme :
and he ordered his wife:
ve karısına emretti:
"prépare le dîner"
prepare dinner
akşam yemeğini hazırla
"immédiatement !"
"prépare le dîner tout de suite"
prepare dinner right away
şimdi akşam yemeğini hazırla
"j'ai très faim"
çok açım
"je ne peux pas manger les fleurs"
"I can't eat the flowers"
çiçekleri yiyemem
"qu'est-ce que je vais faire avec des fleurs ?"
what is||||||||
"what am I going to do with flowers?"
"Çiçeklerle ne yapacağım?"
lui a dit l'homme
|||the man
er sagte ihm der Mann
said the man
adam ona söyledi
il était très fâché
er war sehr wütend
he was very angry
çok öfkeliydi
la femme était triste
die Frau war traurig
the woman was sad
kadın üzgün idi
elle pleurait
|was crying
she cried
elle a dit à l'homme :
o adama dedi ki:
"tes mots"
your|your words
"deine Worte"
"your words"
"senin kelimelerin"
"tes mots"
"your words"
"senin kelimelerin"
" prépare le dîner "
"bereite das Abendessen vor"
" make the dinner "
"akşam yemeği hazırlıyor"
" qu'est-ce que je vais faire avec des fleurs "
"Was soll ich mit Blumen machen?"
"what am I going to do with flowers"
"çiçeklerle ne yapacağım"
"tes mots me font"
"deine Worte machen mich"
"your words make me"
"sözlerin beni"
"me font mal !"
"tun mir weh!"
"hurt me !"
"bana acı veriyor!"
"tes mots me font mal"
||||ağrı yapmak
"your words hurt me"
"sözlerin bana acı veriyor"
et la femme est partie
und die Frau ist weg
and the woman is gone
ve kadın gitti
elle a quitté l'homme
it|has|left|the man
||terk etti|
sie hat den Mann verlassen
she left the man
adamı terk etti
elle est partie
she left
et elle a commencé à marcher
und sie begann zu laufen
and she started to walk
ve yürümeye başladı
elle a marché
sie ging
she walked
o yürüdü
elle a marché très rapidement
she walked very fast
o çok hızlı yürüdü
elle a marché vite
she walked fast
hızla yürüdü
elle a marché vers l'ouest
|||naar|het westen
||||den Westen
|||towards|the west
she walked west
batıya doğru yürüdü
elle a marché rapidement vers le soleil
she walked quickly towards the sun
güneşe doğru hızlıca yürüdü
la femme marchait vite
||was walking|quickly
the woman was walking fast
kadın hızlı yürüyordu
a appelé sa femme
rief seine Frau an
called his wife
karısını aradı
il a crié :
schrie er:
he shouted:
bağırdı :
komm zurück
mais la femme ne l'a pas entendu
aber die Frau hörte ihn nicht
but the woman did not hear him
ama kadın onu duymadı
elle n'a pas entendu l'homme qui criait
|||heard|||was shouting
sie hörte den Mann nicht, der schrie
she didn't hear the man screaming
erkek bağırdığı halde onu duymadı
la femme a continué de marcher vers l'ouest
|||||||the west
the woman continued to walk west
kadın batıya doğru yürümeye devam etti
elle était très triste
she was very sad
çok üzgün olduğuna
elle a continué de marcher rapidement vers le soleil
she continued to walk quickly towards the sun
güneşe doğru hızlıca yürümeye devam etti
l'homme a commencé
the man started
adam yürümeye başladı
à marcher aussi
adam da yürümek istedi
l'homme voulait rattraper sa femme
||catch up|his|
||catch up with||
||alcanzar a||
the man wanted to catch up with his wife
adam karısını yakalamak istedi
il voulait rattraper sa femme
||catch up||
the man wanted to catch up with his wife
karısını yakalamak istiyordu
mais sa femme allait très très vite
|||was going|||
but his wife was going very, very fast
ama eşi çok çok hızlı gidiyordu
la femme allait de plus en plus vite
||was going|||||
the woman was going faster and faster
kadın giderek daha hızlı gidiyordu
de plus
|de meer
daha fazla
la femme allait plus vite que l'homme
||was going||||
women went faster than men
et l'homme ne pouvait pas
and man could not
il ne pouvait pas
rattraper sa femme
catch up with his wife
karısını yakalamak
l'homme ne pouvait pas la rattraper
the man couldn't catch up with her
adam onu yakalayamadı
il n'arrivait pas à la rattraper
|schaffte es||||
he couldn't catch up with her
onunla yetişemiyordu
il n'allait pas assez vite
|ging niet||snel genoeg|
he couldn't catch up to her
alors l'homme
he was not going fast enough
était triste
war traurig
a commencé à regretter
|||spijt hebben
|||pişman olmak
begann zu bedauern
began to regret
ce qu'il avait dit à sa femme
started to regret
il regrettait, il était désolé
|pişmanlık duy|||
he regretted, he was sorry
le soleil
the sun
le soleil
the sun
a vu
|has seen
has seen
il a vu que l'homme était triste
he saw that the man was sad
il a vu que l'homme
he saw that the man
était désolé
was sorry
le soleil a demandé à l'homme :
fragte die Sonne den Menschen:
the sun asked man :
"est-ce que tu es"
"bist du"
the sun asked the man:
"tu es encore"
"du bist noch"
"you are still"
"encore fâché ?"
"you are still"
"tu es encore fâché contre ta femme ?"
||||op tegen||
"still angry?"
a demandé le soleil
asked the sun
et l'homme a répondu au soleil :
|the man||||
and the man answered the sun:
"je suis désolé"
"I'm sorry"
"je regrette"
|ik betreur
"I regret"
"ce que j'ai dit à ma femme"
"was ich zu meiner Frau gesagt habe"
"what I said to my wife"
"et je voudrais rattraper ma femme"
"and I would like to make it up to my wife"
"mais ma femme va trop vite"
"but my wife goes too fast"
"je ne peux pas la rattraper"
"ich kann sie nicht einholen"
"I can't catch her"
alors le soleil a eu pitié de l'homme
da hatte die Sonne Mitleid mit dem Menschen
then the sun took pity on man
o zaman güneş adamdan acıdı
et il a dit à l'homme :
and he said to the man:
ve adama dedi ki:
"je vais"
"I am going"
"je vais t'aider"
"ich werde dir helfen"
"I am going to help you"
le soleil a fait briller ses rayons très fort
the sun shined its rays very strongly
güneş ışınlarını çok parlak bir şekilde parıldattı
il a fait briller ses rayons
er hat seine Strahlen leuchten lassen
he shone his rays
ışınlarını parıldattı
made its rays shine very very strong
devant la femme
in front of||
in front of the woman
juste devant
|in front
just in front
devant la femme
le soleil a dardé ses rayons
|||쏘아 보냈다||
die Sonne hat ihre Strahlen gestreckt
the sun has cast its rays
güneş ışınlarını saçarak parladı
il a fait briller ses rayons intensément
||||||yoğun bir şekilde
er hat seine Strahlen intensiv leuchten lassen
he made his rays shine intensely
ışınlarını yoğun bir şekilde parlatmıştı
et à ce moment-là
und zu diesem Zeitpunkt
the sun has darted its rays
ve o anda
juste devant la femme
just|in front of||
direkt vor der Frau
right in front of the woman
des myrtilles
of the|blueberries
|blauwe bessen
|yaban mersineleri
des petites baies noires
kleine schwarze Beeren
small black berries
küçük siyah meyveler
des myrtilles ont poussé
Blaubeeren wuchsen
blueberries have grown
yaban mersinleri büyüdü
mais la femme
but the woman
ama kadın
continuait de marcher
ging weiter
blueberries have grown
yürümeye devam etti
elle a continué de marcher très rapidement
çok hızlı yürümeye devam etti
et elle n'a pas vu
ve görmedi
elle n'a pas vu
she didn't see
o görmedi
les myrtilles
yaban mersinleri
elle ne les a pas vues
she didn't see them
onları görmedi
elle ne les a pas remarquées
|||||그녀는 그것들을 주목하지 않았다
she did not notice them
elle ne s'est pas
she did not
gestoppt (1)
alors le soleil
zu versuchen
to try
encore une fois
once again
il a décidé
he decided
de faire briller
to make shine
ses rayons
seine Strahlen
its rays
encore une fois
once again
juste devant la femme
right in front of the woman
il a dardé ses rayons
he cast his rays
ışınlarını sapladı
intensément devant la femme
intensely in front of the woman
kadının önünde yoğun bir şekilde
et à cet endroit
|||그 장소
and in this place
ve o noktada
juste devant la femme
right in front of the woman
juste devant la femme
des mûres ont poussé
es sind Brombeeren gewachsen
blackberries have grown
des mûres ont poussé
des mûres
of the|blackberries
des mûres
la femme ne les a pas vues
the woman didn't see them
kadın onları görmedi
la femme
ne les a pas remarquées
the woman has not seen them
elle n'a pas remarqué les mûres
she didn't notice the blackberries
elle a continué de marcher très très vite
she kept walking very, very fast
çok çok hızlı yürümeye devam etti
elle allait de plus en plus vite
sie wurde immer schneller
she was going faster and faster
giderek daha hızlı gidiyordu
elle était très triste
sie war sehr traurig
she was very sad
çok üzgündü
alors le soleil a persisté
da hat die Sonne durchgehalten
then the sun persisted
o zaman güneş ısrar etti
il a essayé de nouveau
er hat es erneut versucht
he tried again
yeniden denedi
il a encore
er hat wieder
he has again
yine denedi
dardé ses rayons
seine Strahlen ausgestoßen
pierced his rays
ışınlarını dar bir şekilde
juste devant la femme
right in front of the woman
tam kadının önünde
il a fait briller ses rayons intensément devant la femme
he shone his rays intensely on the woman
ışınlarını kadının önünde yoğun bir şekilde parlatmıştı
et à cet endroit
and at this point
des framboises ont poussé
raspberries have grown
böğürtlenler yetişti
des framboises
ont poussé
have pushed
mais encore une fois
but then again
la femme
n'a pas vu les framboises
didn't see the raspberries
elle ne les a pas remarquées
she did not notice them
elle a continué de marcher très rapidement
she continued to walk very quickly
çok hızlı yürümeye devam etti
elle allait de plus en plus vite
|was going|||||
she was going faster and faster
giderek daha hızlı gidiyordu
vers l'ouest
|the west
to the west
batıya doğru
alors le soleil
then the sun
qui était persistant
which was persistent
a décidé
d'essayer une dernière fois
to try one last time
son bir kez daha denemek
il a dardé ses rayons
he shot his rays
ışınlarını gönderdi
il a lancé ses rayons
||er strahlte||
he launched his rays
ışınlarını fırlattı
une dernière fois
he darted his rays
son bir kez daha
juste devant la femme
|in front of||
he threw his rays
tam kadının önünde
et à cet endroit là
one last time
ve o yerde
à ce moment-là
at that time
and at that place
tam olarak
des fraises ont poussé
strawberries have grown
çilekler yetişti
des fraises
des fraises ont poussé
strawberries have grown
çilekler yetişti
et à ce moment-là
and at that moment
ve o anda
la femme
s'est arrêtée
elle a vu les fraises
çilekleri gördü
elle les a remarquées
she noticed them
onları fark etti
elle s'est arrêtée
she stopped
et elle s'est penchée
|||몸을 숙였다
|||se inclinó
and she leaned over
elle s'est penchée sur les fraises
||über die Erdbeeren|||
she bent over the strawberries
pour les voir
and she leaned
onları görmek için
pour les regarder
she leaned over the strawberries
onları izlemek için
la femme était intriguée
|||die Frau war interessiert
the woman was intrigued
kadın meraklıydı
elle ne pleurait plus
||was crying|
she wasn't crying anymore
artık ağlamıyordu
elle était surprise
la femme a cueilli
the woman picked
elle a cueilli une fraise
she picked a strawberry
et elle a mangé une fraise
|||||eine Erdbeere
and she ate a strawberry
elle a mangé une fraise et elle a pensé :
"quel goût !"
"what taste !"
"quel goût incroyable !"
"what an incredible taste!"
la femme a trouvé que la fraise était délicieuse
the woman found that the strawberry was delicious
elle a trouvé qu'elle a un goût incroyable
|||that it||||
she found that it has an amazing taste
et la femme a commencé à penser
and the woman began to think
à son mari
to her husband
à l'homme
|the man
to the man
et elle a pensé au bonheur
|||||행복에 대해
and she thought about happiness
le bonheur qu'elle avait avec son mari
the happiness she had with her husband
avant leur querelle
antes de||disputa
vor ihrer||Streit
before their quarrel
tartışmalarından önce
avant que son mari ne soit fâché avec elle
before her husband is angry with her
kocasının kendisiyle kızmadan önce
et la femme a pensé :
and the woman thought:
ve kadın düşündü:
"je vais cueillir"
"I will pick"
"des fraises"
"pour mon mari"
eşim için
la femme a pensé :
the woman thought:
kadın düşündü:
"mon mari va se régaler"
||||genieten van
||||sich erfreuen
||||zevk alacak
||||disfrutar mucho
"my husband is going to enjoy it"
"kocam bayılacak"
"il va se régaler"
|||zevk alacak
"he's going to have fun"
"il va adorer les fraises"
||zal dol zijn op||
"my husband is going to feast"
"çilekleri çok sevecek"
alors la femme a cueilli des fraises
so the woman picked strawberries
o zaman kadın çilek topladı
la femme a cueilli des fraises
kadın çilek topladı
et pendant qu'elle cueillait des fraises pour son mari
|while||was picking|||||
and while she was picking strawberries for her husband
son mari est finalement arrivé
il a réussi
||er hat es geschafft
he succeeded
à rattraper sa femme
|catch up||
to catch up with his wife
et quand son mari est arrivé
il a dit à sa femme :
he said to his wife:
"forgive me"
"pardonne-moi, je suis désolé"
"forgive me, I'm sorry"
"je regrette ce que j'ai dit"
"I regret what I said"
et pour pardonner son mari
and to forgive her husband
sa femme lui a donné une fraise
his wife gave him a strawberry
le mari a mangé la fraise
and to forgive her husband
il a goûté la fraise
he tasted the strawberry
et il s'est régalé
|||zich vermaakt
|||맛있게 먹었다
|||sich erfreuen
|||zevk aldı
and he had fun
et depuis ce moment-là
and since then
l'homme et la femme
and he feasted
vécurent heureux
and since then
ils ont vécu heureux
they lived happily ever after
lived happily
c'est ainsi que les fraises sont nées !
this is how strawberries were born!
çilekler böylece doğdu!
est-ce que tu as aimé l'histoire ?
did you like the story?
hikayeyi beğendin mi?
mets-le dans les commentaires
put it in the comments
yorumlara yaz
et dis-moi aussi si tu aimes les fraises
|and tell|||||||
ve bana da söyle, çilekleri sevip sevmediğini
ou si tu préfères les framboises
or if you prefer raspberries
ya da böğürtlenleri mi tercih ediyorsun
ou les myrtilles
||blauwe bessen
or blueberries
ya da yaban mersinlerini mi
ou si tu préfères les mûres
or if you prefer blackberries
moi, j'adore tous ces fruits
|ik hou van|||
les framboises, les mûres, les myrtilles, les fraises
raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries
je me régale !
||zevk alıyorum
||ich genieße
I|me|am having a great time!
ich genieße es!
I'm enjoying myself!
À bientôt !
See you soon!