Aprile - Valor civile. Racconto mensile
April - Bürgerschaftlicher Wert. Monatliche Geschichte
Abril - Valor cívico. Historia del mes
Avril - Valeur civique. Article du mois
April - Burgerwaarde. Maandelijks verhaal
Abril - Valor cívico. História do mês
April - Civil valor. Monthly story
Valor civile Racconto mensile
Civil valor Monthly story
Al tocco eravamo col maestro davanti al Palazzo di città per veder dare la medaglia del valor civile al ragazzo che salvò il suo compagno dal Po.
At the|touch|we were|with the|teacher|in front of|to the|Palace|of|city|to|to see|to give|the|medal|of the|valor|civil|to the|boy|who|saved|the|his|companion|from the|Po river
Al toque estábamos con el profesor delante del ayuntamiento para ver la medalla al valor civil concedida al chico que salvó a su camarada del Po.
At the touch, we were with the teacher in front of the City Hall to see the medal of civil valor awarded to the boy who saved his friend from the Po.
Sul terrazzo della facciata sventolava una grande bandiera tricolore.
on the|terrace|of the|facade|was waving|a|large|flag|tricolor
On the terrace of the facade, a large tricolor flag was waving.
Entrammo nel cortile del Palazzo.
we entered|into the|courtyard|of the|Palace
We entered the courtyard of the Palace.
Era già pieno di gente.
it was|already|full|of|people
It was already full of people.
Si vedeva in fondo un tavolo col tappeto rosso, e delle carte sopra, e dietro una fila di seggioloni dorati per il Sindaco e per la Giunta: c'erano gli uscieri del Municipio con la sottoveste azzurra e le calze bianche.
Al fondo se veía una mesa con una alfombra roja y cartas sobre ella, y detrás una fila de sillas doradas para el alcalde y el consejo: allí estaban los ujieres del ayuntamiento en enaguas azules y medias blancas.
At the far end, there was a table with a red carpet, and some papers on it, and behind it a row of golden armchairs for the Mayor and the Council: there were the ushers of the Municipality in blue vests and white stockings.
A destra del cortile stava schierato un drappello di guardie civiche, che avevano molte medaglie, e accanto a loro un drappello di guardie daziarie; dall'altra parte i pompieri, in divisa festiva, e molti soldati senz'ordine, venuti là per vedere: soldati di cavalleria, bersaglieri, artiglieri.
At|right|of the|courtyard|there was|lined up|a|group|of|guards|civic|who|they had|many|medals|and|next to||them|||||customs|on the other|side|the|firefighters|in|uniform|festive||many|soldiers||came|there|to|to see||||sharpshooters|artillerymen
On the right side of the courtyard stood a group of civic guards, who had many medals, and next to them a group of customs guards; on the other side, the firefighters, in festive uniform, and many soldiers out of order, who had come to see: cavalry soldiers, sharpshooters, artillerymen.
Poi tutt'intorno dei signori, dei popolani, alcuni ufficiali, e donne e ragazzi, che si accalcavano.
then|all around|of the|gentlemen||commoners|some|officers|and|women||boys|who|they|crowded
Luego, alrededor, algunos caballeros, algunos plebeyos, algunos oficiales, y mujeres y muchachos, que se agolpaban.
Then all around were gentlemen, common people, some officers, and women and boys, who were crowding together.
Noi ci stringemmo in un angolo dov'erano già affollati molti alunni d'altre sezioni, coi loro maestri, e c'era vicino a noi un gruppo di ragazzi del popolo, tra i dieci e i diciott'anni, che ridevano e parlavan forte, e si capiva ch'erano tutti di Borgo Po, compagni o conoscenti di quello che doveva aver la medaglia.
we|we|we squeezed|in|a|corner|where there were|already|crowded|many|students|from other|sections|with the|their|teachers|and|there was|near|to|us||group|of|boys|of the|people|between|the|ten|||eighteen years|who|they laughed||they spoke|loud||it|it was understood|that they were|all|from|||classmates|or|acquaintances||the one|who|had to|to have|the|medal
We huddled in a corner where many students from other sections were already gathered, with their teachers, and near us was a group of boys from the lower class, between ten and eighteen years old, who were laughing and talking loudly, and it was clear they were all from Borgo Po, companions or acquaintances of the one who was supposed to receive the medal.
Su, a tutte le finestre, c'erano affacciati degli impiegati del Municipio; la loggia della biblioteca pure era piena di gente, che si premeva contro la balaustrata; e in quella del lato opposto, che è sopra il portone d'entrata, stavano pigiate un gran numero di ragazze delle scuole pubbliche, e molte ragazze militari, coi loro bei veli celesti.
On|at|all|the|windows|there were|leaning out|some|employees|of the|Municipality|the|loggia||library|also|was|full|of|people|who|they|pressed|against||balustrade|and|inside|that|of the|side|opposite|which|it is|above||door|entrance|they were|packed|a|large|number||girls|of the|schools|public||many||military|with their||beautiful|veils|sky blue
Up at all the windows, there were municipal employees leaning out; the library loggia was also full of people, pressing against the railing; and in the opposite loggia, which is above the entrance door, a large number of girls from public schools were crammed in, along with many military girls, wearing their beautiful light blue veils.
Pareva un teatro.
it seemed|a|theater
It looked like a theater.
Tutti discorrevano allegri, guardando a ogni tratto dalla parte del tavolo rosso, se comparisse nessuno.
everyone|they were talking|cheerful|looking|at|every|once in a while|from the|side|of the|table|red|if|someone appeared|nobody
Todos hablaban alegremente, mirando a todos los lados de la mesa roja, si no aparecía nadie.
Everyone was chatting happily, glancing every now and then towards the red table, to see if anyone appeared.
La banda musicale suonava piano in fondo al portico.
the|band|musical|it was playing|softly|at|the end|to the|porch
The band was playing softly at the end of the porch.
Sui muri alti batteva il sole.
on the|walls|tall|it was beating|the|sun
En los altos muros pegaba el sol.
The sun was shining on the tall walls.
Era bello.
It was|beautiful
It was beautiful.
All'improvviso tutti si misero a batter le mani dal cortile, dalle logge, dalle finestre.
all of a sudden|everyone|they|they started|to|to clap|the|hands|from the|courtyard|from the|balconies||windows
Suddenly everyone started clapping from the courtyard, from the balconies, from the windows.
Io m'alzai in punta di piedi per vedere.
I|I got up|in|tip|of|feet|to|to see
I stood on tiptoe to see.
La folla che stava dietro al tavolo rosso s'era aperta, ed eran venuti avanti un uomo e una donna.
the|crowd|that|was|behind|the|table|red|it had|open|and|they were|come|forward|a|man|and|a|woman
The crowd that was behind the red table had parted, and a man and a woman had come forward.
L'uomo teneva per mano un ragazzo.
the man|he was holding|by|hand|a|boy
The man was holding a boy by the hand.
Era quello che aveva salvato il compagno.
it was|that one|who|he had|saved|the|companion
He was the one who had saved his companion.
L'uomo era suo padre, un muratore, vestito a festa.
the man|he was|his|father|a|bricklayer|dressed|to|party
The man was his father, a bricklayer, dressed up.
La donna, - sua madre, - piccola e bionda, aveva una veste nera.
the|woman|her|mother|small|and|blonde|she had|a|dress|black
The woman, - his mother, - small and blonde, wore a black dress.
Il ragazzo, anche biondo e piccolo, aveva una giacchetta grigia.
the|boy|also|blonde|and|small|he had|a|jacket|gray
The boy, also blonde and small, wore a gray jacket.
A veder tutta quella gente e a sentir quello strepito d'applausi, rimasero lì tutti e tre, che non osavano più né guardare né muoversi.
At|to see|all|that|people|and|to|to hear|that|din|of applause|they remained|there|all|and|three|who|not|they dared|more|neither|to look|neither|to move
Al ver a toda aquella gente y oír aquel estruendo de aplausos, los tres se quedaron allí parados, sin atreverse a mirar ni a moverse.
Seeing all those people and hearing that roar of applause, all three of them stood there, not daring to look or move.
Un usciere municipale li spinse accanto al tavolo, a destra.
a||municipal|them|he pushed|next to|to the|table|on|right
Un ujier municipal los empujó junto a la mesa, a la derecha.
A municipal usher pushed them next to the table, to the right.
Tutti stettero zitti un momento, e poi un'altra volta scoppiarono gli applausi da tutte le parti.
everyone|they stood|quiet|a|moment|and|then|another|time|they burst|the|applause|from|all|the|sides
Todo el mundo guardó silencio durante un momento, y luego estallaron aplausos de todas partes.
Everyone was silent for a moment, and then once again applause erupted from all sides.
Il ragazzo guardò su alle finestre e poi alla loggia delle Figlie dei militari ; teneva il cappello fra le mani, sembrava che non capisse bene dove fosse.
the|boy|he looked|up|at the|windows|and|then|to the|loggia|of the|Daughters|of the|military|he held|the|hat|between|the|hands|he seemed|that|not|he understood|well|where|he was
El chico levantó la vista hacia las ventanas y luego hacia la logia de las Hijas de la Milicia; sostenía el sombrero entre las manos, parecía no entender muy bien dónde estaba.
The boy looked up at the windows and then at the loggia of the Daughters of the Soldiers; he held his hat in his hands, seeming not to understand well where he was.
Mi parve che somigliasse un poco a Coretti, nel viso; ma più rosso.
I|it seemed|that|it resembled|a|little|to|Coretti|in the|face|but|more|red
Pensé que se parecía un poco a Coretti, en la cara; pero más rojo.
It seemed to me that he resembled Coretti a little, in the face; but more red.
Suo padre e sua madre tenevan gli occhi fissi sul tavolo.
his|father|and|her|mother||the|eyes|fixed|on the|table
Su padre y su madre mantenían la mirada fija en la mesa.
His father and mother kept their eyes fixed on the table.
Intanto tutti i ragazzi di borgo Po, che eran vicini a noi, si sporgevano avanti, facevano dei gesti verso il loro compagno per farsi vedere, chiamandolo a voce bassa: - Pin!
meanwhile|all|the|boys|of|neighborhood|Po|who|they were|near|to|us|they|they leaned|forward|they made|some|gestures|towards|the|their|companion|to|to make oneself|to see|calling him|at|voice|low|Pin
Mientras tanto, todos los muchachos de Borgo Po, que estaban cerca de nosotros, se inclinaban hacia delante, haciendo gestos a su camarada para que les viera, llamándole en voz baja: - ¡Pin!
Meanwhile, all the boys from Borgo Po, who were close to us, leaned forward, gesturing towards their friend to be seen, calling him in a low voice: - Pin!
- A furia di chiamarlo si fecero sentire.
At|rage|of|calling him|they|they made|to hear
- A fuerza de llamarle, se hicieron oír.
- By calling him so much, they made themselves heard.
Il ragazzo li guardò, e nascose il sorriso dietro il cappello.
the|boy|them|he looked|and|he hid|the|smile|behind|the|hat
The boy looked at them and hid his smile behind his hat.
A un dato punto tutte le guardie si misero sull'attenti.
At|a|given|point|all|the|guards|they|they put|at attention
En un momento dado, todos los guardias se pusieron firmes.
At a certain point, all the guards stood at attention.
Entrò il Sindaco, accompagnato da molti signori.
he entered|the|Mayor|accompanied|by|many|gentlemen
The Mayor entered, accompanied by many gentlemen.
Il Sindaco, tutto bianco, con una gran sciarpa tricolore, si mise al tavolino, in piedi; tutti gli altri dietro e dai lati.
the|Mayor|all|white|with|a|big|s scarf|tricolor|he|he put|at the|small table|on|feet|everyone|the|others|behind|and|from the|sides
El alcalde, todo de blanco, con un gran pañuelo tricolor, se situó en la mesa; todos los demás detrás y a los lados.
The Mayor, all in white, with a large tricolor scarf, stood at the small table; all the others behind and to the sides.
La banda cessò di suonare, il Sindaco fece un cenno, tutti tacquero.
the|band|stopped|to|play|the|Mayor|he made|a|gesture|everyone|they fell silent
The band stopped playing, the Mayor made a gesture, everyone fell silent.
Cominciò a parlare.
he started|to|to speak
He began to speak.
Le prime parole non le intesi bene; ma capii che raccontava il fatto del ragazzo.
the|first|words|not|the|I understood|well|but|I understood|that|he was telling|the|fact|of the|boy
I didn't understand the first words well; but I realized he was telling the story of the boy.
Poi la sua voce s'alzò, e si sparse così chiara e sonora per tutto il cortile, che non perdetti più una parola.
then|the|his|voice|it rose|and|it|spread|so|clear|and|loud|through|all|the|courtyard|that|not|I lost|more|a|word
Then his voice rose, and it spread so clear and loud throughout the courtyard that I didn't miss a word anymore.
- ...Quando vide dalla sponda il compagno che si dibatteva nel fiume, già preso dal terrore della morte, egli si strappò i panni di dosso e accorse senza titubare un momento.
when|he saw|from the|bank|the|companion|who|himself|he was struggling|in the|river|already|taken|by the|terror|of the|death|he|||the|clothes|off|back||he ran|without||a|moment
- ...Cuando vio desde la orilla a su compañero debatiéndose en el río, atenazado ya por el terror de la muerte, se arrancó la ropa y echó a correr sin dudarlo un instante.
- ...When he saw from the bank the companion struggling in the river, already seized by the terror of death, he tore off his clothes and rushed in without hesitating for a moment.
Gli gridarono: - T'anneghi!, - non rispose; lo afferrarono, si svincolò; lo chiamaron per nome, era già nell'acqua.
they|they shouted|you drown|not|he answered|him|they grabbed|he|he freed himself|him|they called|by|name|he was|already|
Le gritaron: -¡Te estás ahogando!, -no respondió; le agarraron, se soltó; le llamaron por su nombre, ya estaba en el agua.
They shouted: - You're drowning!, - he didn't respond; they grabbed him, he broke free; they called him by name, he was already in the water.
Il fiume era gonfio, il rischio terribile, anche per un uomo.
the|river|it was|swollen|the|risk|terrible|even|for|a|man
The river was swollen, the risk terrible, even for a man.
Ma egli si slanciò contro la morte con tutta la forza del suo piccolo corpo e del suo grande cuore; raggiunse e afferrò in tempo il disgraziato, che già era sott'acqua, e lo tirò a galla; lottò furiosamente con l'onda che li volea travolgere, col compagno che tentava d'avvinghiarlo; e più volte sparì sotto e rivenne fuori con uno sforzo disperato; ostinato, invitto nel suo santo proposito, non come un ragazzo che voglia salvare un altro ragazzo, ma come un uomo, come un padre che lotti per salvare un figliuolo, che è la sua speranza e la sua vita.
But|he|he|he launched|against|the|death|with|all|the|force|of the|his|small|body|and|of the|his|big|heart|he reached|and|he grabbed|in|time|the|unfortunate|who|already|he was|underwater|and|him|he pulled|to|surface|he fought|fiercely|with||that|them|he wanted|to overwhelm|with the|companion|who|he tried|to cling to him|and|more|times|he disappeared|under|and|he reappeared|out|with|a|effort|desperate|stubborn||in the||holy|purpose|not|like|a|boy|who|he wants|to save|a|another|boy|but|like|a|man|like|a|father|who|he fights|to|to save|a|son|who|he is|the|his|hope|and|the|his|life
But he launched himself against death with all the strength of his small body and his great heart; he reached and grabbed the unfortunate one in time, who was already underwater, and pulled him to the surface; he fought fiercely with the wave that wanted to overwhelm them, with the companion who tried to cling to him; and several times he disappeared below and came back up with a desperate effort; stubborn, undefeated in his holy purpose, not like a boy wanting to save another boy, but like a man, like a father fighting to save a son, who is his hope and his life.
Infine, Dio non permise che una così generosa prodezza fosse inutile.
Finalmente, Dios no permitió que tan generosa hazaña fuera en vano.
Finally, God did not allow such a generous feat to be in vain.
Il nuotatore fanciullo strappò la vittima al fiume gigante, e la recò a terra, e le diè ancora, con altri, i primi conforti; dopo di che se ne tornò a casa solo e tranquillo, a raccontare ingenuamente l'atto suo.
the|swimmer|boy|he tore|the|victim|to the|river|giant|and|her|he brought|to|land||to her|he gave|again|with|others|the|first|comforts|after|of|that|he|it|he returned|to|home|alone||calm||to tell|naively|the act|his
El nadador infantil arrebató a la víctima del gigantesco río, la llevó a la orilla y le dio, junto con otros, las primeras comodidades; después se fue a casa solo y en silencio, relatando ingenuamente su hazaña.
The young swimmer tore the victim from the giant river, brought him to shore, and gave him, along with others, the first comforts; after which he returned home alone and calm, to innocently recount his deed.
Bello, venerabile è l'eroismo nell'uomo.
Beautiful|venerable|it is|the heroism|in man
Hermoso, venerable es el heroísmo en el hombre.
Beautiful, venerable is heroism in man.
Ma nel fanciullo, in cui nessuna mira d'ambizione o d'altro interesse è ancor possibile; nel fanciullo che tanto deve aver più d'ardimento quanto ha meno di forza; nel fanciullo a cui nulla domandiamo, che a nulla è tenuto, che ci pare già tanto nobile e amabile, non quando compia, ma solo quando comprenda e riconosca il sacrificio altrui; l'eroismo nel fanciullo è divino.
but|in the|child|in|whom|no|aim|of ambition|or|of other|interest|it is|still|possible|in the|child|||||||||||||||||||||it is||||||||||||||||||||||||||divine
But in the child, in whom no aim of ambition or other interest is yet possible; in the child who must have so much more courage as he has less strength; in the child to whom we ask nothing, who is bound to nothing, who seems already so noble and lovable, not when he accomplishes, but only when he understands and recognizes the sacrifice of others; heroism in the child is divine.
Non dirò altro, signori.
not|I will say|else|gentlemen
I will say no more, gentlemen.
Non voglio ornar di lodi superflue una così semplice grandezza.
not|I want|to adorn|of|praises|superfluous|a|so|simple|greatness
No deseo adornar tan sencilla grandeza con elogios superfluos.
I do not want to adorn such simple greatness with superfluous praises.
Eccolo qui davanti a voi il salvatore valoroso e gentile.
here he is|here|in front of|to|you|the|savior|valiant|and|kind
Here he is before you, the brave and gentle savior.
Soldati, salutatelo come un fratello; madri, beneditelo come un figliuolo; fanciulli, ricordatevi il suo nome, stampatevi nella mente il suo viso, ch'egli non si cancelli mai più dalla vostra memoria e dal vostro cuore.
soldiers|salute him|like|a|brother|mothers|bless him|||son|children|remember|the|his|name|print|in the|mind|||face|that he|not|himself|erase|never|more|from the|your|memory||||heart
Soldiers, greet him as a brother; mothers, bless him as a son; children, remember his name, imprint his face in your minds, so that he may never be erased from your memory and your hearts.
Avvicinati, ragazzo.
come closer|boy
Come closer, boy.
In nome del Re d'Italia, io ti do la medaglia al valor civile.
In|name|of the|King|of Italy|I|you|I give|the|medal|to the|valor|civil
In the name of the King of Italy, I give you the medal for civil valor.
Un evviva altissimo, lanciato insieme da molte voci, fece echeggiare il palazzo.
a|hooray|very high|launched|together|by|many|voices|made|to echo|the|palace
A loud cheer, launched together by many voices, echoed through the palace.
Il Sindaco prese sul tavolo la medaglia e l'attaccò al petto del ragazzo.
the|Mayor|he took|on the|table|the|medal|and|he attached it|to the|chest|of the|boy
The Mayor took the medal from the table and pinned it to the boy's chest.
Poi lo abbracciò e lo baciò.
then|him|he hugged|and||he kissed
Then he hugged him and kissed him.
La madre si mise una mano sugli occhi, il padre teneva il mento sul petto.
the|mother|he|he put|a|hand|on the|eyes|the|father|he held|the|chin|on the|chest
The mother put a hand over her eyes, the father held his chin on his chest.
Il Sindaco strinse la mano a tutti e due, e preso il decreto della decorazione, legato con un nastro, lo porse alla donna.
the|Mayor|he shook|the|hand|to|everyone|and|two||taken||decree||decoration|tied|with||ribbon|it|he handed|to the|woman
The Mayor shook hands with both of them, and taking the decoration decree, tied with a ribbon, he handed it to the woman.
Poi si rivolse al ragazzo e disse: - Che il ricordo di questo giorno così glorioso per te, così felice per tuo padre e per tua madre, ti mantenga per tutta la vita sulla via della virtù e dell'onore.
then|he|he turned|to the|boy|and|he said|that|the|memory|of|this|day|so|glorious|for|you||happy|for||||||||||all|the|life|on the|way||virtue||
Then he turned to the boy and said: - May the memory of this glorious day for you, so happy for your father and mother, keep you for your whole life on the path of virtue and honor.
Il Sindaco uscì, la banda sonò e tutto parea finito, quando il drappello dei pompieri s'aperse, e un ragazzo di otto o nove anni, spinto innanzi da una donna che subito si nascose, si slanciò verso il decorato e gli cascò fra le braccia.
the|Mayor|he went out|the|band|it played|and|everything|it seemed|finished|when|the|group|of the|firefighters|it opened|and|a|boy|of|eight|or|nine|years|pushed|forward|by|a|woman|who|immediately|he|he hid|he|he rushed|towards|the|decorated|and|to him|he fell|between|the|arms
El alcalde salió, la banda tocó y todo parecía haber terminado, cuando los bomberos abrieron fuego y un niño de ocho o nueve años, empujado por una mujer que se escondió inmediatamente, corrió hacia el condecorado y cayó en sus brazos.
The Mayor came out, the band played and everything seemed over, when the group of firefighters parted, and a boy of eight or nine years, pushed forward by a woman who immediately hid, rushed towards the decorated man and fell into his arms.
Un altro scoppio d'evviva e d'applausi fece rintronare il cortile; tutti avevan capito alla prima: quello era il ragazzo stato salvato dal Po, che veniva a ringraziare il suo salvatore.
one|other|burst|of hooray|and|of applause|made|to resound|the|courtyard|everyone|they had|understood|at the|first|that|he was|the|boy|been|saved|from the|Po|who|he was coming|to|to thank|the|his|savior
Otro estallido de vítores y aplausos resonó en el patio; todos lo habían entendido a la primera: era el chico salvado del Po, que venía a dar las gracias a su salvador.
Another burst of cheers and applause echoed in the courtyard; everyone understood at once: that was the boy who had been saved from the Po, who came to thank his savior.
Dopo averlo baciato, gli si attaccò a un braccio per accompagnarlo fuori.
after|having him|kissed|to him|he|he attached|to|a|arm|to|to accompany him|outside
Tras besarle, se ató a su brazo para acompañarle fuera.
After kissing him, he clung to one arm to accompany him outside.
Essi due primi, e il padre e la madre dietro, s'avviarono verso l'uscita, passando a stento fra la gente che faceva ala al loro passaggio, guardie, ragazzi, soldati, donne, alla rinfusa.
they|two|first|and|the|father||the|||||||||||people|who|made|wing|to the|their|passage|guards|boys|soldiers|women|at the|randomly
Ellos dos primero, y su padre y su madre detrás, caminaron hacia la salida, pasando a duras penas entre la gente que se alineaba a su paso, guardias, chicos, soldados, mujeres, a granel.
The two of them first, and the father and mother behind, made their way towards the exit, barely passing through the crowd that parted for their passage, guards, boys, soldiers, women, all mixed together.
Tutti si spingevano avanti e s'alzavano in punta di piedi per vedere il ragazzo.
everyone|they|they pushed|forward|and|they raised themselves|in|tip|of|feet|to|to see|the|boy
Everyone pushed forward and stood on tiptoe to see the boy.
Quelli che eran sul passaggio gli toccavan la mano.
those|who|they were|on the|passage|to them|they touched|the|hand
Those on the walkway touched his hand.
Quando passò davanti ai ragazzi delle scuole, tutti agitarono i berretti per aria.
when|he passed|in front of|to the|boys|of the|schools|everyone|they waved|the|caps|for|air
When he passed in front of the schoolboys, they all waved their caps in the air.
Quelli di borgo Po fecero un grande schiamazzo, tirandolo per le braccia e per la giacchetta, e gridando: - Pin, viva Pin!
those|of|neighborhood|Po|they made|a|big|commotion|pulling him|by|the|arms|and|||||shouting|Pin|long live|
Los de Borgo Po armaron un gran alboroto, tirando de él por los brazos y por la chaqueta, y gritando: -¡Pin, viva Pin!
The ones from Borgo Po made a great racket, pulling him by the arms and by his jacket, and shouting: - Pin, long live Pin!
Bravo Pinot!
well done|a type of grape or wine
Good job, Pinot!
- Io lo vidi passar proprio vicino.
I|him|I saw|to pass|just|nearby
- I saw him pass right by.
Era tutto acceso nel viso, contento: la medaglia aveva il nastro bianco, rosso e verde.
it was|everything|lit up|in the|face|happy|the|medal|it had|the|ribbon|white|red|and|green
Tenía la cara iluminada, feliz: la medalla tenía una cinta blanca, roja y verde.
He was all lit up in the face, happy: the medal had a white, red, and green ribbon.
Sua madre piangeva e rideva; suo padre si torceva un baffo con una mano, che gli tremava forte, come se avesse la febbre.
his|mother|was crying|and|was laughing|his|father|he|was twisting|a|mustache|with|a|hand|which|to him|was trembling|strongly|as|if|he had|the|fever
Su madre lloraba y reía; su padre se retorcía el bigote con una mano, que temblaba con fuerza, como si tuviera fiebre.
His mother was crying and laughing; his father was twisting a mustache with one hand, which was shaking strongly, as if he had a fever.
E su dalle finestre e dalle logge seguitavano a sporgersi fuori e ad applaudire.
and|on|from the|windows|and|from the|balconies|they continued|to|to lean out|outside||to|to applaud
Y desde las ventanas y logias seguían asomándose y aplaudiendo.
And from the windows and balconies, they continued to lean out and applaud.
Tutt'a un tratto, quando furono per entrar sotto il portico, venne giù dalla loggia delle Figlie dei militari una vera pioggia di pensieri, di mazzettini di viole e di margherite, che caddero sulla testa del ragazzo, del padre, della madre, e si sparsero in terra.
all of a sudden|a|moment|when|they were|to|to enter|under|the|portico|it came|down|from the|loggia|of the|Daughters|of the|military|a|true|rain|of|thoughts|of|||violets|||daisies|that|they fell|on the|head|of the|boy||father||mother||they|they spread|in|ground
De repente, cuando estaban a punto de entrar bajo el pórtico, bajó de la logia de las Hijas de los Soldados una verdadera lluvia de pensamientos, pequeños ramos de violetas y margaritas, que cayeron sobre las cabezas del muchacho, de su padre, de su madre, y se esparcieron por el suelo.
Suddenly, as they were about to enter under the portico, a real rain of thoughts, little bouquets of violets and daisies came down from the balcony of the Daughters of the Soldiers, falling on the heads of the boy, the father, the mother, and spreading on the ground.
Molti si misero a raccoglierli in fretta e li porgevano alla madre.
many|they|they put|to|to collect them|in|haste|and|them|they handed|to the|mother
Muchos se apresuraron a recogerlos y entregárselos a su madre.
Many began to quickly gather them and handed them to the mother.
E la banda in fondo al cortile sonava piano piano un'aria bellissima, che pareva il canto di tante voci argentine che s'allontanassero lente giù per le rive d'un fiume.
and|the|band|at|bottom|to the|courtyard|it played|piano|||beautiful|which|it seemed|the|song|of|many|voices|silver|that|they were moving away|slowly|down|by|the|banks|of a|river
Y la banda, al final del patio, tocaba suavemente un hermoso aire, que sonaba como el canto de muchas voces plateadas que se deslizaban lentamente por las orillas de un río.
And the band at the end of the courtyard played softly a beautiful tune, which seemed like the song of many silvery voices slowly drifting down the banks of a river.
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