Royal Winter Fair!
Royal Winter Fair!
こんにちは !
トロント 大学 に 留学 して いる 先日 ホストマザー と 2 人 で 、 11 月 6 日 から 15 日 まで 開催 さ れて いる Royal Winter Fair と いう イベント に 行って き ました !
||||||the other day|host mother|||||||||held|||||||||||||
The other day I studied at the University of Toronto with my host mother and I went to the Royal Winter Fair event which is being held from November 6 to 15!
Minha mãe anfitriã, que está estudando no exterior na Universidade de Toronto, e eu recentemente fomos a um evento chamado Royal Winter Fair, que está sendo realizado de 6 a 15 de novembro!
そこ で は たくさんの 動物 たち が いたり 、 催し物 が あったり 、 買い物 が できたり して 、 存分に 楽しめる イベント でした !
there|||||||and|entertainment|||||such as||to one's heart's content|enjoy||
There were many animals, events, and shopping opportunities, so it was a very enjoyable event!
Havia muitos animais, eventos e compras, então foi um evento que eu gostei muito!
私 は まず たくさん いる 動物 ( ウサギ 、 馬 、 牛 、 アルパカ 、 ヤギ など ) を 見 ました 。
First, I saw a lot of animals such as rabbits, horses, cows, alpacas, and goats.
触ったり も でき ます し 、 餌 を あげたり 、 育てて いる 人 と 話したり も でき ます 。
touching|||||food||such as||||||||
You can also touch the animals, feed them, and even talk to the people who take care of them.
Você pode tocá-los, alimentá-los e conversar com as pessoas que os criam.
動物 の 体つき の 優劣 を 決める SHOW も ある ので 、 人間 の ように ドライヤー を して もらって いたり 、 ヘアスプレー で 毛並み を 整えて いたり も して い ました !
||body shape||superiority or inferiority|||show|||||||dryer|||||hairspray||coat||styled|||||
There is also a SHOW that determines the superiority or inferiority of the animals, so they were given a hair dryer like a human being, or had their hair sprays trimmed their hair!
Há também um SHOW que determina a superioridade e inferioridade do corpo do animal, então mandei fazer o secador de cabelo como um ser humano, e o cabelo foi ajustado com laca!
( 笑 ) その あと 様々な 国 の 食べもの 類 が 売って いる ブース の 方 へ 行き ました !
(Laughs) Then I went to the booth where food items from various countries were sold!
(risos) Depois disso, fui ao estande onde se vendiam comidas de vários países!
私 は 3 色 の 綿菓子 と メープルシロップ を 買い ました !
||||cotton candy||maple syrup|||
I bought three colors cotton candy and maple syrup!
Comprei três cores de algodão doce e maple syrup!
どれ も 日本 に は ない もの ばかり で 、 1 回 1 回 珍しい もの が 出て きて 、 oh !! の 連続 でした ( 笑 ) 1 日 中 英語 を 話して いた ので 、 とっても 疲れ ました が 、 すっごく 楽しい 休日 に なり ました !
||にっぽん|||||||かい|かい|めずらしい|||でて||||れんぞく||わら|ひ|なか|えいご||はなして||||つかれ|||す っ ごく|たのしい|きゅうじつ|||
|||||||||||rare|||||oh||||||||||||very|tired|||very||day off|||
None of them were unique in Japan, and once an unusual one came out, it was a series of oh !! (laughs) I was talking English all day, so I was very tired but it was so fun It was a holiday!
Todas elas eram coisas que não existiam no Japão, e cada vez eu me deparava com algo inusitado, e era uma série de oh!!é feriado!
ちなみに 私 は horse ( 馬 ) の 発音 が うまく 出来 なくて 、 何 回 も 挑戦 し ました が 結局 出来 ず 、 1 日 中 ponny と 言って い ました ( 笑 )
By the way, I was not able to pronounce horse (horse) well, but I tried many times, but after all I couldn't, and I was saying ponny all day (laughs)
Aliás, eu não conseguia pronunciar muito bem a palavra "cavalo", então tentei várias vezes, mas no final não consegui, então fiquei falando "ponny" o dia todo (risos).