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Lear Japanese with Stories -Mike's Diary
Lear Japanese with Stories -Mike's Diary
Mike has been living in Japan for over a year now, and he is eager to tell you all he's learned during that time. Mike's a jokester. Admittedly, he isn't very good at it, so we hope you will give him a break. Usually, when he tells a joke, his confused Japanese friends politely smile and say, 「あ、アメリカンジョークか」 which means, "Ah, that must be an American joke" or "I have no idea why he thinks that's funny."
Clay & Yumi Boutwell (and Makoto & Megumi) clay@thejapanshop.com
www.facebook.com/LearningJapaneseatTheJapanShop/ www.TheJapanShop.com | www.TheJapanesePage.com | www.MakotoPlus.com