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Learn Korean with Ganada ssaem, I'm going to / I will / Future Tense

I'm going to / I will / Future Tense

-을 거예요

내일 뭐 할 거예요?

친구를 만날 거예요.

영화를 볼 거예요?

아니요, 점심을 먹을 거예요.

추측, 예정, 의지, 가능성, 주관적 소신을 나타내는 표현.

집에 갈 거예요?

도서관에 갈 거예요.

동사 / 형용사

(으)ㄹ 거예요


(으)ㄹ 거예요



가 + ㄹ 거예요

갈 거예요


앉 + 을 거예요

앉을 거예요


만드 + ㄹ 거예요

만들 거예요

받침 있어요

-을 거예요

받침 없어요

-ㄹ 거예요


받침 있어요

-을 거예요

먹을 거예요


읽을 거예요


들을 거예요


받침 없어요

-ㄹ 거예요

볼 거예요


만날 거예요


ㄹ (리을)

만들 거예요

'ㄷ' 불규칙

동사 어간이 'ㄷ'으로 끝날 때, 뒤에 모음이 오면 'ㄹ'로 바뀐다.


-을 거예요

들을 거예요


-을 거예요

걸을 거예요


-을 거예요

물을 거예요

'닫다, 받다, 믿다'는 불규칙 동사가 아니므로, 바뀌지 않습니다.


닫을 거예요


받을 거예요


믿을 거예요

연습 문제



먹을 거예요


갈 거예요


올 거예요


웃을 거예요


울 거예요


만날 거예요


살 거예요


살 거예요


좋을 거예요


좋아할 거예요


공부할 거예요

오늘의 문제

한국어를 배우다

한국어를 배울 거예요.

댓글을 남기다

열심히 공부하다

이 영상이 마음에 드시면 '좋아요'와 '구독' 부탁드려요!

시청해 주셔서 감사합니다!

I'm going to / I will / Future Tense I am|going|||will|Future|tense |Ik ga||||Toekomstige tijd|Toekomende tijd Będę||||będę|| Ich werde / Ich werde / Future Tense I'm going to / I will / Future Tense I'm going to / I will / Tiempo futuro Je vais / Je vais / Temps du futur Vado a / lo farò / Tempo futuro I'm going to / I will / Future Tense Ik ga / Ik zal / Toekomstige tijd Zamierzam / Będę / Czas przyszły I'm going to / I will / Future Tense I'm going to / I will / Future Tense Jag ska / Jag kommer / Framtida tempus Yapacağım / Yapacağım / Gelecek Zaman Я збираюся / Я буду / Майбутній час I'm going to / I will / 将来时 我要/将要/未来时态 我要/将要/未来时态

-을 거예요 be going to -

내일 뭐 할 거예요? morgen||| What are you going to do tomorrow?

친구를 만날 거예요. I'm going to meet a friend.

영화를 볼 거예요? de film|| Are you going to see a movie?

아니요, 점심을 먹을 거예요. |lunch|to eat| ||eten| No, I will have lunch.

추측, 예정, 의지, 가능성, 주관적 소신을 나타내는 표현. speculation|schedule|will|possibility|subjective|subjective conviction|expressing| Gissing|gepland||Mogelijkheid||||uitdrukking Przypuszczenie|Planowany|wola|możliwość|subiektywny|przekonania|| تعبير يعبر عن التخمين والقدر والإرادة والاحتمال والاعتقاد الذاتي. An expression of conjecture, predestination, will, possibility, or subjective belief.

집에 갈 거예요? |naar huis gaan|Gaan naar huis? Are you going home?

도서관에 갈 거예요. Do biblioteki|| I'm going to the library.

동사 / 형용사 verb|adjective werkwoord|Bijvoeglijk naamwoord Verb / adjective

(으)ㄹ 거예요 will be|| |zal| (으)ㄹ 거예요

기본형 basic form Basisvorm Basic form

(으)ㄹ 거예요 (으)ㄹ 거예요

존댓말 honorific language Eerbiedige taal Honorific

가다 gaan to go

가 + ㄹ 거예요 I'm going to go + a

갈 거예요 will go

앉다 sit Zitten to sit

앉 + 을 거예요 sit|| Zal zitten|| Sit + I'm going to

앉을 거예요 will sit| Zal zitten| will sit

만들다 to make Maken to make

만드 + ㄹ 거예요 to make|I will make|I will make

만들 거예요 I will make|I will make |zal maken Zrobię to.| will make

받침 있어요 final consonant|there is Eindmedeklinker| There's a final consonant.

-을 거예요 will| -을 거예요

받침 없어요 final consonant| There's no final consonant.

-ㄹ 거예요

먹다 to eat Eten to eat

받침 있어요 There's a final consonant.

-을 거예요 will

먹을 거예요 I will eat| I will eat.

읽다 read Lezen to listen

읽을 거예요 I will read| I will listen.

듣다 listen luisteren naar to hear, listen

들을 거예요 I will listen| Zal horen| I will listen.

보다 to see zien, kijken, vergelijken see

받침 없어요 |there is not There's no final consonant.

-ㄹ 거예요 will

볼 거예요 to see| I will see.

만나다 to meet ontmoeten to meet

만날 거예요 I will meet| I will meet.

만들다 to make to make

ㄹ (리을) |rieul |rieul |리을: Rieul ㄹ (Ri-eul)

만들 거예요 I will make|I will make I will make.

'ㄷ' 불규칙 |irregular ㄷ-onregelmatigheid|'d' onregelmatigheid 'ㄷ' irregular conjugation

동사 어간이 'ㄷ'으로 끝날 때, 뒤에 모음이 오면 'ㄹ'로 바뀐다. |verb stem||||after|vowel|||changes to |rdzeń czasownika|na "ㄷ"||||samogłoska||na 'ㄹ'|zmienia się عندما ينتهي أصل الفعل بـ "ㄷ"، إذا تبعه حرف متحرك، يتغير إلى "ㄹ". When a verb stem ends in 'ㄷ' and is followed by a vowel, when conjugated, the 'ㄷ' is changed to 'ㄹ'.

듣다 to listen to listen

-을 거예요 will

들을 거예요 I will listen| I will listen.

걷다 walk lopen to walk

-을 거예요 will

걸을 거예요 I will walk| I will walk.

묻다 ask vragen, begraven Zapytać to ask

-을 거예요 will

물을 거예요 I will drink water| I will ask.

'닫다, 받다, 믿다'는 불규칙 동사가 아니므로, 바뀌지 않습니다. to close|to receive|to believe||verb|not being|changes| sluiten|ontvangen|"geloven"|onregelmatig|werkwoorden|omdat het niet|verandert niet| ||"wierzyć"||czasownik|nie jest więc|nie zmienia się| 'Close, receive, believe' are not irregular verbs, so they do not change.

닫다 to close to close

닫을 거예요 I will close| Zal sluiten| I will close.

받다 to receive to receive

받을 거예요 I will receive| I will receive.

믿다 to believe Geloven in iets wierzyć to believe

믿을 거예요 I will believe| uwierzę| I will believe.

연습 문제 Practice Questions

보기 example example

먹다 to eat to eat

먹을 거예요 I will eat| I will eat.

가다 to go to go

갈 거예요 I will go| I will go.

오다 to come to come

올 거예요 will come|will come I will come.

웃다 to laugh to laugh

웃을 거예요 will smile| I will laugh.

울다 to cry to cry

울 거예요 cry| I will cry.

만나다 to meet to meet

만날 거예요 I will meet| I will meet.

사다 to buy to buy

살 거예요 I will live| I will buy.

살다 to live to live

살 거예요 I will live| I will live.

좋다 good nice to like

좋을 거예요 will be good|it will be It will be good.

좋아하다 to like to like

좋아할 거예요 will like| I will like it.

공부하다 to study to study

공부할 거예요 I will study| I will study.

오늘의 문제 today's|problem Today's question

한국어를 배우다 Korean language|learn to learn Korean

한국어를 배울 거예요. |I will learn|I will I'm going to learn Korean.

댓글을 남기다 a comment|leave |Zostawić komentarz to leave a comment

열심히 공부하다 diligently|to study to study hard

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