1 second before turning into a gray dog...
1 second before turning into a gray dog...
За 1 секунду до превращения в серую собаку...
[설이랑 갯벌 체험 왔어요~]
[We're here for mudflat experience with Seol~]
[여기가 어디지..]
[Where am I?]
[처음 접하는 갯벌이 낯선 듯]
[Looks like he's unfamiliar with a mudflat]
[도무지 바구니에서 나올 생각이 없어 보여요 ㅠㅠ]
[He doesn't seem to want to get out of the basket..]
[새로운 것을 많이 경험해야 더 넓은 세상을 바라보게 되는 법! / *관계자의 동의 후 촬영을 진행하였습니다]
[You have to experience a lot of new things to see a wider world! / *Filming was carried out with the permission of the relevant personnel]
[직접 갯벌에 내려줘 보는데..]
[Trying to drop him off on the mudflat myself..]
[파닥 파닥]
[빠지면 안 돼..]
[Don't wanna fall..]
[뻘에서 열심히 입수 준비를 하는 설이]
[Seol is getting ready to dive in]
[어서 와 이런 느낌은 처음이지~?]
[Welcome~ First time~?]
[당황한 네발]
[Confused feet]
[이게 뭐야!]
[What is this?!]
[코리안 머드의 부드러움에 깜짝 놀란 듯 우왕좌왕~]
[Surprised by the softness of Korean mud~]
[누나야 나 좀 안아주라..]
[Please get me up..]
[조개통에서 다시 들어가고 싶은 듯]
[Looks like he wants to get back in the shell]
[안 되겠다..]
[This isn't going to work..]
설이야 어디 가?
Seol, where are you going?
[아무래도 여기 좀 이상해..]
[This place is weird...]
쟤 지금 육지로 다시 가고 싶은가 봐.
I guess he wants to go back to land.
[홀로 육지로 떠나가는 그..]
[Going back to the land.. alone...]
[설이를 갯벌에 적응시킬 방법은 단 하나뿐..] 설아!
[There's only one way for Seol to get used to the mudflat..] Seol!
조개 먹자!
Let's eat clams!
[뭐를 먹는다고?]
[Eat what?]
[뭐 먹자는 소리에 바로 유턴]
[Making a U-turn, hearing that he'll get to eat something]
먹자는 건 엄청 좋아해요~
He loves to eat~
[일단 먹고 탈출해야지~]
[Let's eat and then escape~]
[먹겠다는 의지로 뻘에 빠져도 금방 극뽁해내는 못말리는 설이]
[Seol even manages to get right up after falling deep into the mudflat--all because he wants to eat]
[조개가 뭔 줄 알고 저렇게 킁킁거리는지..]
[Does he even know what he's sniffing at?..]
이제 잘 걷네?
Looks like you're used to it now.
[빨리 조개 좀 찾아봐!]
[Quickly find some clams!]
[어느새 갯벌 적응 완료!]
[Got used to the mudflat in no time!]
[아까 갯벌 싫다고 했던 애가 누구더라?]
[Who said he didn't like mudflats?]
[뭐 시원하니 나쁘지 않네!!] 신났어.
[Well, it's cool and not bad!] He's so excited.
[조개 캐는 작은 누나 옆에 계속 서성거리는 설이]
[Seol hangs around next to the second older sister, who's digging for clams]
[드디어 발견한 첫 조개!]
[Finally found the first clam!]
[너무 짠데?]
[Too salty]
[짜기만 한 조개에 당황]
[Taken aback at the salty shellfish]
[다시 한 번 줘봐도]
[He's given one again, but...]
[짠 거 싫어!]
[I don't like salty food!]
[조개에 실망한 듯 물만 벌컥벌컥]
[He drinks water quickly as if he's disappointed at the clam]
[완전 속았어..]
[I've been fooled..]
[어떻게 복수하지?]
[How do I take my revenge?]
[Like this?]
[현실 경악] 아!
[Surprised for real] Ah!
[Oh my god...]
왜 그러는 거야 대체!!!
Just why are you doing that!!!
[가끔씩 이해할 수 없는 강아지 마음..]
[Sometimes can't fathom what goes on inside a puppy's mind...]
Hong Seol!!!
일어나!! ㅜㅜ
Get up!! :(
[조개 맛없다고 시위하는 거야 뭐야..]
[Are you putting up a show because you didn't like the clam or what?]
You look stupid...
[에라 모르겠다 놀자~]
[Whatever.. Let's play~]
[조개 잡으려고 땅만 파면 들어와서 방해하는 솜뭉치]
[Whenever we dig for clams, he comes and interrupts..]
[잘 좀 파봐바바바]
[Dig something up~]
[조개 잡는 족족 설이한테 검사]
[For every clam we get, Seol inspects it..]
[아우 짜!]
[Too salty!]
[근데 너 혹시 여기 머드팩 하러 왔어?]
[Are you here to get a mud pack?]
[흰둥이 견주들이 보면 한숨 나오는 상황.mov]
[Situation that'd make any owner of a white dog sigh.mov]
[나 멋져?]
[Am I cool?]
[현타 온 누나들]
[Sisters are just stressed out..]
너 어떡할 거야~
What are we going to do with you~
[그저 해맑]
[Just smiling brightly]
[나 왜?] 오마이갓..
[Me? Why?] Oh my god...
[왜 안 오나 했더니..]
[I was wondering why he wasn't following..]
[다 놀고 힘드니까 조개통 넣어달라고 저러고 있음]
[Now that he's tired out, he wants to be put in the clam bucket]
[대왕털조개 홍설..] 뭐죠? 대왕조개인가요?
[The giant, haired clam--Hong Seol...] What is this? Giant clam?
[한쪽 귀는 또 어디 갔니..] 귀여워!
[Where's one of your ears..?] So cute!
[누나 나 내려놓으면 안 된다?]
[Don't you let go]
[빨리 출발해!]
[Get going now!]
[다리에 힘이 없어!]
[My legs are all tired out!]
[너 자냐?]
[Are you sleeping?]
[아 멈추지 말라고!]
[Don't stop!]
[그리고 바로 또 주르륵]
[Falling asleep again]
[내 다리가 내 다리가 아니야..]
[I can't feel my legs...]
이제 지 놀 거 다 놀고 피곤하다 이거지?
Now that he's played all he wanted to, he's tired...
[자..꾸 눈이 감겨..]
[My eyes... keep... closing...]
Excuse me!!!
[아무리 깨워도 안 일어나서 결국 저러고 숙소로~]
[We tried to wake him up to no avail... So we came back to the accommodation~]
[오늘 자 세상에서 제일 잘 논 강아지]
[The puppy who's played the most in the world today]
[너무 쿨한 거 아니냐?] 설아!
[Aren't you just too cool?] Seol!
누나 머리고 가는 거야?..
You're leaving me..?
[저 누나 따라가면 목욕해야 해]
[If I follow her, I'll have to take a shower..]
Seol... :(
[똑똑한 자식..]
[So clever..]
[오늘 잡은 조개들과 함께 해감 중인 대왕털조개]
[Getting rid of sand from giant, haired clam along with the other clams]
[아로마 스파로 쌓인 피로를 싹 풀어줬어요!]
[All the fatigue is gone with aroma spa!]
[너무 졸려..]
[So sleepy...]
[한숨 푹 자다가 고기 파티]
[After a good nap, barbecue party]
[누나 혹시 이거 한우?]
[Is this Korean beef?]
설이야 식으면 줄게~
Seol, I'll give you one when it's cool enough~
[나 그냥 줘도 되는데..]
[I can handle it though..]
[역시 잘 먹어..]
[Of course, he eats so well..]
[아 물론 상추는 빼고^^]
[Except the lettuce, of course^^]
누가 편식하래!!
Who told you to be picky!
[그건 누나꺼!]
[That's yours!]
[대단한 녀석..] 대단한데?
[What an amazing dog..] Amazing..