당신이 몰랐던 삼성의 역사 5편 | 범삼성家의 상속전쟁! [브랜드 스토리]
you|didn't know|of Samsung|history|part 5|of the Lee family|inheritance war|brand|story
5 Dinge, die Sie nicht über Samsungs Geschichte wussten | Der Pan-Samsung-Familien-Erbschaftskrieg [Markengeschichte]
5 cose che non sapevate sulla storia di Samsung e sulla guerra di successione della famiglia Pan-Samsung! [Storia del marchio].
The history of Samsung you didn't know, Part 5 | The inheritance war of the Lee family! [Brand Story]
지난 영상에 이어 삼성 5편 바로 시작하겠습니다.
last|video|following|Samsung|episode 5|immediately|I will start
Let's start Part 5 of Samsung right after the last video.
초대 회장이던 병철의 죽음 이후
After the death of the founding chairman, Byung-chul,
삼성그룹은 병철의 재산을 분할해야 하는 숙제를 안게 됩니다.
Samsung Group|Byung-cheol's|property|must divide|that|homework|must face|becomes
the Samsung Group faced the task of dividing Byung-chul's estate.
특히 1991년
In particular, in 1991,
병철의 차남 창희가 혈액암으로 세상을 떠나며
Byung-cheol's|second son|Chang-hee|from blood cancer|world|leaving
Byung-cheol's second son Chang-hee passed away from blood cancer,
병철의 자녀들 간의 재산 분할이 본격적으로 진행되었습니다.
Byung-cheol's|children|among|property|division|in earnest|was carried out
and the division of Byung-cheol's estate among his children began in earnest.
병철과 두을 사이에는 3남 5녀의 자녀가 있었습니다.
Byung-cheol|Dae-eul|between|3 sons|5 daughters|children|were
Byung-cheol and Dae-eul had three sons and five daughters.
이중 여섯째 자녀 이덕희는 사실 병철의 혼외자라고 합니다.
among them|sixth|child|Lee Deok-hee|in fact|Byeong-cheol's|is an illegitimate child|is said to be
Among them, the sixth child Lee Deok-hee is said to actually be Byung-cheol's illegitimate child.
게다가 병철에게는 일본인 아내가 또 있었습니다.
moreover|to Byung-cheol|Japanese|wife|also|was
Moreover, Byeong-cheol had a Japanese wife.
그리고 일본인 아내와의 사이에서 1남 1녀의 자녀가 태어났기 때문에
and|Japanese|with my wife|between|one son|one daughter|children|were born|because
And since he had one son and one daughter with his Japanese wife,
병철에게는 총 10명의 자녀가 있었습니다.
Byeong-cheol had a total of 10 children.
첫째이자 장녀였던 이인희에게는 종이 사업을 하던 전주제지와 고려병원이 상속됩니다.
first|eldest daughter|to Lee In-hee|paper|business|was doing|Jeonju Paper|Goryeo Hospital|is inherited
The eldest and first daughter, Lee In-hee, inherited the Jeonju Paper Company and Korea Hospital, which were in the paper business.
인희는 1979년에 호텔신라의 상임 이사로 취임,
Inhee|in 1979|of Hotel Shilla|permanent|as director|assumed office
In-hee was appointed as a permanent director of Hotel Shilla in 1979,
1983년에는 전주제지 고문이 되어 삼성그룹의 제지 사업을 맡았습니다.
in 1983|Jeonju Paper|as an advisor|became|of Samsung Group|paper|business|was in charge of
In 1983, he became an advisor to Jeonju Paper and took charge of the paper business of the Samsung Group.
그래서 전주제지를 상속받은 뒤
so|previous subject|inherited|after
So after inheriting Jeonju Paper,
1991년에 삼성그룹으로부터 독립하여
in 1991|from Samsung Group|became independent
in 1991, he became independent from the Samsung Group,
한국의 소나무라는 뜻의 순우리말인 한솔로 이름을 바꾸며 지금의 한솔제지가 됩니다.
Korean|pine tree|meaning of|pure Korean|Hansol|name|changing|current|Hansol Paper|
changing the name to Hansol, which means 'Korean pine' in pure Korean, and it becomes the current Hansol Paper.
고려병원은 지금의 강북삼성병원입니다.
Goryeo Hospital|current|is Gangbuk Samsung Hospital
Korea Hospital is now known as Gangbuk Samsung Hospital.
둘째이자 장남인 이맹희에게는 제일제당과 안국화재의 주식이 분할됩니다.
second|eldest son|to Lee Maeng-hee|of CJ CheilJedang|of Anguk Fire Insurance|stocks|will be divided
The shares of Cheil Jedang and Anguk Fire Insurance will be divided among Lee Maeng-hee, the second son and eldest son.
당시 건희가 가지고 있던 제일제당의 지분이 있었는데
at that time|Geonhee|having|was|of CJ CheilJedang|shares|was
At that time, Geon-hee had shares in Cheil Jedang.
제일제당을 삼성으로부터 완전 독립하기위해
CJ CheilJedang|from Samsung|completely|in order to become independent
In order to completely separate Cheil Jedang from Samsung,
맹희의 안국화재 주식과 건희의 제일제당 주식을 맞교환하게 됩니다.
Manghee's|Anguk Fire Insurance|stock|Geonhee's|CJ CheilJedang|stock|exchange|will be
the shares of Anguk Fire Insurance held by Maeng-hee and the shares of Cheil Jedang held by Geon-hee will be exchanged.
그렇게 1993년
like that|year 1993
Thus, in 1993.
삼성에서 독립한 제일제당이 지금의 CJ그룹입니다.
from Samsung|independent|CheilJedang|current|is CJ Group
The company that became CJ Group is the one that was independent from Samsung.
셋째이자 차남인 이창희는 사망 이후에 재산 분할이 진행됐기 때문에
third|second son|Lee Chang-hee|death|after|property|division|was carried out|because
The third son, Lee Chang-hee, had his estate divided after his death.
직물 화학사업을 하던 제일합섬이 창희가 설립했던 새한미디어에 편입되며
textile|chemical business|was doing|Jeil Hapsum|Changhee|established|to Saehan Media|was incorporated
The textile chemical business, Jeil Hapsum, was incorporated into Saehan Media, which was founded by Chang-hee.
창희의 아내와 자녀에게 분할되었습니다.
Chang-hee's|wife|to children|was divided
It was divided among Chang-hee's wife and children.
LG가로 시집간 넷째이자 둘째 딸인 이숙희는 병철의 뜻에 따라 상속에서 완전히 배제됐다고 합니다.
LG|married|fourth|second|daughter|Lee Sook-hee|Byung-cheol's|intention|according to|inheritance|completely|was excluded|is said to be
The fourth and second daughter, Lee Sook-hee, who married into LG, was completely excluded from the inheritance according to Byeong-cheol's wishes.
숙희에게 재산을 상속하면 경쟁회사에 재산을 주는 것과 같다고 생각했기 때문입니다.
to Sukhee|property|if I inherit|to the competing company|property|giving|as|same|thought|because
This is because I thought that inheriting the property to Sook-hee would be like giving the property to a competing company.
다섯째이자 3녀인 이순희에게는 재산분할이 이뤄지는 상황에서
fifth|third daughter|to Lee Soon-hee|property division|taking place|in the situation
It seems that the fifth child and third daughter, Lee Soon-hee, did not receive a significant share in the division of property.
별다른 몫이 주어지지 않은 듯합니다.
no special|share|given|not|seems
It appears that she was not given a particular share.
그래서 그런지 병철의 자녀 중 잘 알려지지 않은 자녀에 속합니다.
so|perhaps|Byung-cheol's|children|among|well|known|not|child|belongs to
Perhaps because of this, she is one of the lesser-known children of Byeong-cheol.
그러던 2005년 5월
then|year 2005|May
Then in May 2005,
공정거래위원회는 3개월간 위장계열사 자진신고를 실시합니다.
|for 3 months|disguised affiliates|voluntary reporting|will be conducted
The Fair Trade Commission will conduct a self-reporting period for disguised affiliates for three months.
이때 충남 아산에 있던 한 휴대폰 부품 및 액세서리 업체가
at this time|Chungnam|in Asan|was|a|mobile phone|parts|and|accessories|company
During this time, a mobile phone parts and accessories company located in Asan, Chungnam,
자진 신고하며 계열분리를 신청했습니다.
voluntary|reporting|separation of affiliates|applied
self-reported and applied for affiliate separation.
바로 이순희의 아들 김상용이 1998년에 설립한 영보엔지니어링이었습니다.
right|of Lee Soon-hee|son|Kim Sang-yong|in 1998|founded|was Youngbo Engineering
This was Youngbo Engineering, founded by Lee Soon-hee's son, Kim Sang-yong, in 1998.
영보엔지니어링은 설립 15년 만에 매출 4000억 원을 기록하며 크게 성장했습니다.
Youngbo Engineering|establishment|15 years|in|revenue|400 billion||recording|greatly|grew
Youngbo Engineering achieved significant growth, recording sales of 400 billion won in just 15 years since its establishment.
영보엔지니어링 매출의 90% 정도가 삼성전자와의 거래에서 발생해서
Youngbo Engineering|of the sales||with Samsung Electronics|in transactions|generated
about 90% of Youngbo Engineering's sales come from transactions with Samsung Electronics,
친족 기업 일감 몰아주기 의심사례로 지목되기도 했습니다.
family|company|work|preferential treatment|as a case of suspicion|was pointed out|was
which has raised suspicions of favoritism towards family-owned businesses.
현재는 알머스라고 사명을 바꿔서 운영 중입니다.
currently|called Almus|company name|changed|operating|is
It is currently operating under the name Almus.
여섯째이자 4녀인 이덕희는 혼외자였기 때문에 재산분할에서 제외되었다고 합니다.
sixth|fourth daughter|Lee Deok-hee|was an illegitimate child|because|in the property division|was excluded|it is said
The sixth child and fourth daughter, Lee Deok-hee, was excluded from the division of assets because she was an illegitimate child.
일곱째이자 3남이던 건희는
seventh|third son|Geonhee
The seventh child and the third son, Geonhee,
삼성물산, 삼성전자, 삼성반도체통신, 제일모직, 중앙일보, 동방생명을 모두 물려받으며
Samsung C&T|Samsung Electronics|Samsung Semiconductor Communications|Cheil Industries|JoongAng Ilbo||all|inheriting
inherits Samsung C&T, Samsung Electronics, Samsung Semiconductor Communications, Cheil Industries, JoongAng Ilbo, and Dongbang Life.
삼성그룹 제2대 회장이 됩니다.
Samsung Group|||chairman|becomes
He becomes the second chairman of the Samsung Group.
여덟째이자 5녀인 이명희에게는 신세계백화점이 주어졌습니다.
eighth|fifth daughter|to Lee Myung-hee|Shinsegae Department Store|was given
The eighth child and the fifth daughter, Lee Myung-hee, was given Shinsegae Department Store.
일본인 아내에게서 낳은 자녀 이태휘와 이혜자에게도
Japanese|from my wife|born|children|Lee Tae-hwi|to Lee Hye-ja
To his children, Lee Tae-hwi and Lee Hye-ja, born from his Japanese wife,
역시 재산은 분할되지 않았습니다.
as expected|the property|divided|was not
As expected, the assets were not divided.
어쨌든 삼성가의 재산분할은 그렇게 잘 마무리되는 듯했습니다.
anyway|of the Samsung family|property division|like that|well|being concluded|seemed
In any case, the division of the Samsung family's assets seemed to be coming to a good conclusion.
한편 1988년 5월
on the other hand|year 1988|May
Meanwhile, in May 1988,
건희는 대표 상속인으로 상속재산은 237억2300만 원, 상속세는 150억 1800만 원으로 신고했습니다.
Geonhee|representative|as heir|inherited property|15 billion|18 million|||||in won|reported
Geonhee reported that the inherited assets were 23.723 billion won, and the inheritance tax was 15.018 billion won.
국내 1위 재벌 총수의 상속세 치고는 너무 작은 액수에 다들 의심 을 품었습니다.
domestic|number one|conglomerate|of the head|inheritance tax|considering|too|small|amount|everyone|suspicion|(object marker)|had
Everyone was suspicious of such a small amount for the inheritance tax of the number one chaebol leader in the country.
얼마 후 국세청이 추가로 조사하여 누락된 신고분을 찾아내고
how much|later|National Tax Service|additionally|investigating|missing|reported amount|finding
After a while, the National Tax Service conducted an additional investigation and found the omitted reports.
최종적으로 176억 원의 상속세가 확정되었습니다.
ultimately|176 billion|won|inheritance tax|was confirmed
Ultimately, 17.6 billion won in inheritance tax was confirmed.
하지만 이 액수도 터무니없이 작은 금액이었습니다.
However, this amount was still absurdly small.
그러던 2007년 10월 29일
Then, on October 29, 2007,
삼성그룹 법무팀장 출신이던 김용철 변호사가 삼성 비자금에 대한 양심선언을 하게 됩니다.
Samsung Group|legal team leader|former|Kim Yong-cheol|lawyer|Samsung|slush fund|regarding|whistleblowing|to make|happens
lawyer Kim Yong-chul, who was the head of the legal team at Samsung Group, made a whistleblower statement about Samsung's slush funds.
이어서 2008년에는 삼성특검 수사를 통해 병철의 차명재산이 공개되며
subsequently|in 2008|Samsung special investigation|investigation|through|Byung-cheol's|hidden assets|were revealed
Subsequently, in 2008, through the Samsung special investigation, Byung-cheol's hidden assets were revealed,
무려 4조 5천억 원에 달하는 비자금이 드러나게 됩니다.
as much as|4 trillion|500 billion|won|amounting to|slush fund|becomes revealed|will be
and a staggering 4.5 trillion won in slush funds came to light.
그리고 이 차명재산에 대한 상속 문제를 제기하며
and|this|name-registered property|regarding|inheritance|issue|raising
Then, raising the issue of inheritance regarding these hidden assets,
장남 맹희가 7100억 원, LG가로 시집 간 2녀 숙희가 1900억 원,
eldest son|Maeng-hee|71 trillion|won|to LG|married|went|second daughter|Suk-hee|19 trillion|won
the eldest son, Maeng-hee, demanded 710 billion won, and the second daughter, Suk-hee, who married into LG, demanded 190 billion won,
총 9000억 원의 상속분 요구 청구 소송을 하게 됩니다.
total|900 billion|won|inheritance|demand|claim|lawsuit|will|be filed
resulting in a total inheritance claim of 900 billion won.
나머지 형제들은 과거 재산 상속 과정에서 이미 끝났다고 인정했습니다.
the remaining|siblings|past|property|inheritance|in the process of|already|concluded|acknowledged
The other siblings acknowledged that the inheritance process had already been concluded in the past.
맹희과 숙희의 차명 재산에 대한 상속 법정 공방은 2014년까지 계속되는데
Manghee|Sookhee's|under a false name|property|regarding|inheritance|legal|battle|until 2014|continues
The legal battle over the hidden assets of Maeng-hee and Suk-hee continued until 2014.
이 과정에서 장남 이맹희는
this|in the process|eldest son|Lee Maeng-hee
In this process, the eldest son Lee Maeng-hee said,
"건희는 늘 자기 욕심을 챙겨왔습니다."
Geonhee|always|his/her|greed|has taken care of
"Geon-hee has always prioritized his own greed."
"한 푼도 안 주겠다는 그런 탐욕이 이 소송을 초래한 겁니다." 라고 했으며
one|penny|not|willing to give|such|greed|this|lawsuit|caused|is||
"It is that greed of not wanting to give even a penny that led to this lawsuit."
이에 건희는
So, Geonhee said,
"감히 날 보고 건희 건희 할 상대가 아니요."
daring|me|looking at|Geonhee|Geonhee|to|opponent|not
"You dare to call me Geonhee? You are not worthy of it."
"바로 내 얼굴을 못 보던 양반이라고.."라며 서로 디스 하기도 했습니다.
right|my|face|not|seeing|gentleman|saying|each other|diss|also|did
"You are the one who couldn't even look at my face.." and they dissed each other.
그러던 2014년
then|year 2014
Then in 2014,
상속 주식에 대한 권리 행사 기간이 지났다는 이유로 건희가 승소하며 마무리됩니다.
inheritance|stock|regarding|rights|exercise|period|has passed|reason|Geonhee|wins|concludes
Geonhee won the case, concluding that the period for exercising rights over the inherited shares had expired.
삼성 6편에서 계속됩니다.
Samsung|in episode 6|continues
Continues in Samsung Episode 6.
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