2001 年 6 月 12 日
Conventus UE et Russiae
the meeting|||
Meeting of the EU and Russia
30.11.2006, klo 16.57
Septimana vergente in urbe Helsinki conventus Unionis Europaeae et Russiae habitus est, cui etiam praesidens Russiae Vladimir Putin interfuit.
At the end of the week, a meeting of the European Union and Russia was held in the city of Helsinki, which was also attended by the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.
В конце недели в городе Хельсинки прошла встреча Евросоюза и России, на которой также присутствовал президент России Владимир Путин.
Ille coetus quidem multis rationibus spem fefellisse dicitur, sed in hoc successum habuit, quod inter utramque partem convenit, ut societates aeronauticae Unionis Europaeae permissu Russorum super Sibiriam posthac paulatim gratis volarent.
that|the group|indeed||reasons|hope|has failed|is said|but|||success|he had|that|between|both|part|it agreed|that|societies|of aviation|||with the permission|||Siberia|hereafter|gradually|free|would fly
That group is indeed said to have disappointed hope for many reasons, but it was successful in that it was agreed between both parties that the aeronautical companies of the European Union would gradually fly over Siberia free of charge from now on with the permission of the Russians.
Говорят, что эта группа действительно обманула надежды по многим причинам, но она добилась успеха в том, что обе стороны договорились, что авиационные компании Европейского Союза, с разрешения русских, будут постепенно свободно летать над Сибирью из теперь дальше.
Maximum tempus in quaestionibus ad energiam pertinentibus consumebatur, sed de iis nihil novi decretum est.
maximum time|||questions||energy|pertaining|was being consumed|||them|||decree|
Much time was spent on energy-related issues, but nothing new was decided about them.
Много времени было уделено вопросам энергетики, но ничего нового по ним не решено.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
I gnistitium regionis Gazae
|gnistitium||of Gaza
1 gnistia of the region of Gaza
Die dominico mane in regione Gaza ignistitium Israelianorum et Palestinensium initium cepit.
the|Sunday|on Sunday|||Gaza|ceasefire|of the Israelites||of the Palestinians|beginning|began
On Sunday morning, a firefight between Israelis and Palestinians began in the Gaza Strip.
Утром в воскресенье в секторе Газа началась перестрелка между израильтянами и палестинцами.
Erkki Tuomioja, minister Finniae, quae presidentiam Unionis Europaeae in praesenti tenet, ait illam intermissionem pugnarum etiam rationibus politicis sustentandam esse ne occasio pacis in regione orientali proximae provehendae amitteretur.
Erkki|Tuomioja|||which|the presidency||||present|holds|says|it|intermission|of wars||for political reasons|political|to be sustained|to be|not|opportunity|of peace||region|of the East|next|promoting|be lost
Erkki Tuomioja, the minister of Finland, which currently holds the presidency of the European Union, said that the cessation of hostilities should also be supported by political reasons so as not to lose the opportunity to advance peace in the Near Eastern region.
Эркки Туомиоя, министр Финляндии, которая в настоящее время председательствует в Европейском Союзе, заявил, что прекращение боевых действий должно быть подкреплено также политическими причинами, чтобы не потерять возможность продвижения мира в ближневосточном регионе.
Ita dixit in urbe Tampere quo ministeri negotiorum exteriorum Unionis Europaeae et civitatum Arabicarum congregati erant
||||Tampere||ministry|of affairs|of external affairs|||||of the Arab states|gathered|they were
He said so in the city of Tampere where the ministers of foreign affairs of the European Union and the Arab states were gathered
Об этом он заявил в городе Тампере, где собрались министры иностранных дел Евросоюза и арабских государств.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Quebecum sua natio facta
with Quebec|her|nation|deeds
Quebec became its own nation
30.11.2006, klo 16.56
Parlamentum Canadae incolis provinciae Quebeci statum nationis concessit.
Parliament||to the inhabitants||of Quebec|the status|of the nation|granted
The Parliament of Canada granted the inhabitants of the province of Quebec the status of a nation.
Парламент Канады предоставил жителям провинции Квебек статус нации.
Ex nova lege Canada adhuc unica res publica est, intra quam Quebecum suam propriam nationem constituit.
|||Canada|still|only|thing|republic||within|which||its|own|nation|it established
As a result of the new law, Canada is still the only country within which Quebec has established its own nation.
В результате принятия нового закона Канада по-прежнему остается единственной страной, в которой Квебек создал свою собственную нацию.
Quamquam plebiscitum in camera inferiore manifeste comprobatum est, illa rogatio tamen regimini Canadensi tantum stomacum moverat, ut unus e ministris munus deponeret.
although|plebiscite||chamber|lower|clearly|approved|||bill||to the government|Canadian|only|stomach|had moved|so||||office|would resign
Although the plebiscite was clearly approved in the lower house, that bill had upset the Canadian government so much that one of the ministers resigned.
Хотя плебисцит был явно одобрен нижней палатой, этот законопроект настолько расстроил канадское правительство, что один из министров подал в отставку.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
De imbribus autumnalibus
|the autumn rains|autumnal
Of the autumnal rains
30.11.2006, klo 16.56
Superficies lacuum et fluminum Finniae meridianae hoc autumno propter nives liquescentes et imbres assiduos tam alte ascendit, ut multis locis iam metueretur, ne aquae eorum agros inundarent.
The surface|of the lakes||of rivers||||||snow|melting||rains|persistent|so|high|rises||||already|it was being feared|||their|fields|would flood
The surface of the lakes and rivers of southern Finland has risen so high this autumn, owing to the melting snows and the constant rains, that in many places it is already feared that the water will flood their fields.
Поверхность озер и рек южной Финляндии этой осенью из-за таяния снегов и постоянных дождей поднялась настолько высоко, что во многих местах уже возникли опасения, что вода зальет поля.
Id autem bonum est, quod copiae lympharum subterranearum, quae post aestatem siccissimam omnino fere exhaustae erant, in pristinum statum restitutae sunt.
|but|||that|the supplies|of the lymph|of the underground||after|summer|driest|entirely|almost|exhausted|had been||former|state|have been restored|
This is a good thing, because the supply of subterranean lymph, which was almost completely exhausted after the dry summer, has been restored to its original state.
Это хорошо, потому что запас подземной лимфы, почти полностью исчерпанный после засушливого лета, восстановлен в прежнем состоянии.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Alandi et Finni discordes
the Alans|||at odds
The Alans and the Finns were at odds
30.11.2006, klo 16.55
Inter Alandiam et Finniam continentalem discordia de re aleatoria orta est.
A dispute arose between Åland and mainland Finland over gambling.
Между Аландскими островами и материковой Финляндией возник спор по поводу азартных игр.
Societas enim Alandiae in automatis lusoriis occupata Finnis in continenti habitantibus permisit, ut lusus Alandorum nummarios per interrete participarent, quamvis magistratus Finniae id legi contrarium esse censerent.
the Society||of Åland||gaming|games|occupied|Finland||the continent|to those living|permitted||games|of the Aland Islands|money||the internet|they participate|although|||||to the law||they would consider
In fact, the Åland company engaged in slot machines allowed Finns living on the continent to participate in Åland cash games over the Internet, although the Finnish authorities considered this to be against the law.
Фактически, аландская компания, занимающаяся игровыми автоматами, разрешила проживающим на континенте финнам участвовать в аландских кэш-играх через Интернет, хотя финские власти посчитали это противозаконным.
Piget politicos Finnos etiam Alandorum postulantium, ut ipsis in parlamento Unionis Europaeae una sedes ultro concedatur.
it displeases|politicians|Finns|||of those requesting||to them||parliament|||||voluntarily|it be granted
The politicians of the Finns, even the Ålanders, are reluctant to demand that they be granted one seat in the European Union Parliament.
Политики финнов, даже аландцев, неохотно требуют предоставления им одного места в парламенте Евросоюза.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Indoles puerorum et puellarum
the nature|||
Characters of boys and girls
30.11.2006, klo 16.55
Puellae in amicis suis fidem et probitatem pluris aestimant quam pueri, ut ex investigatione recens facta apparet.
||||||honesty|more|they value|than|boys|||investigation|recently|done|it appears
Girls value trust and honesty in their friends more than boys, according to recent research.
Согласно недавним исследованиям, девочки больше ценят доверие и честность в своих друзьях, чем мальчики.
Puerorum autem plurimi interest variis delectationibus gaudere et in diversis occupationibus versari.
||most|it is important||pleasures|to rejoice|||different|occupations|to be engaged
But it is most important for children to enjoy various pleasures and engage in different occupations.
Но самое главное, чтобы дети наслаждались различными удовольствиями и занимались разными занятиями.
Accedit, quod a pueris maxime id exspectatur, ut aliquid perficiant et rem bene gerant, cum puellas aptiores ad curam pro aliis agendam et consuetudines sociales iungendas esse credatur.
it is added|that|||most||is expected||something|they accomplish||||they manage||||||||doing||social customs|social|joining||it is believed
Additionally, it is mainly expected from boys to accomplish something and do things well, while girls are believed to be better suited to take care of others and join social routines.
Кроме того, от мальчиков в основном ожидают, что они добьются чего-то и преуспеют, в то время как считается, что девочки лучше подходят для того, чтобы заботиться о других и участвовать в общественной жизни.
(Tom Bergman)