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Ekot (with Audio), A road through hell – Wesley Nel survived

A road through hell – Wesley Nel survivedLyssna från tidpunkt:

2021-05-10 14:00:00

On March 24th the terror group launched a major attack against Palma in Mozambique, and people were fleeing in panic.

A lot of expats and locals sought refuge in the Amarula Hotel, close to the beach, in the hope of being evacuated by the South African security company DAG.

Wesley Nel, a contractor, was one of them. He was there with his father and his older brother Adrian.

A road through hell – Wesley Nel survivedLyssna från tidpunkt:

2021-05-10 14:00:00

On March 24th the terror group launched a major attack against Palma in Mozambique, and people were fleeing in panic.

A lot of expats and locals sought refuge in the Amarula Hotel, close to the beach, in the hope of being evacuated by the South African security company DAG.

Wesley Nel, a contractor, was one of them. He was there with his father and his older brother Adrian.