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Easy Reading, 120. Time to Shop

120. Time to Shop

It was time to go to the market.

He had no bananas, no apples, and no milk. He got into his car and drove to the market. It was only five minutes away. The parking lot was almost empty. Good, he thought. He wouldn't have to stand in a long line. He parked his car and walked over to the shopping cart area. He pulled out one of the carts and pushed it ahead of him into the store. Inside, he grabbed an alcohol wipe and wiped the handle of the cart. Then he grabbed another wipe and wiped his own hands. You can never be too careful, he thought. He turned left and walked over to the produce section. Today was his lucky day. Apples were on sale, a dollar a pound. Usually they were two dollars a pound or more. He put 10 apples into a plastic bag and weighed the bag. It was three pounds. He walked over to the bananas. They were the regular price, 79 cents a pound. He bought three pounds of bananas. When he saw the carrots, he remembered that he needed carrots, too. He put a two-pound bag of carrots into his cart. They were only $1.29. He walked to the dairy section and saw that a gallon of milk was $4. He put one into his cart and walked back to the front of the store. He paid for his food, got his receipt, and walked out to his car. He put the food into his trunk and drove home.

120. Time to Shop 120. Zeit zum Einkaufen 120. Hora de comprar 120. Время делать покупки 120\. 购物时间到了

It was time to go to the market. 市場に行く時がきました。 是时候去市场了。

He had no bananas, no apples, and no milk. 彼にはバナナもリンゴも牛乳もありませんでした。 他没有香蕉,没有苹果,也没有牛奶。 He got into his car and drove to the market. 他上了车,开往市场。 It was only five minutes away. ほんの5分の距離でした。 只有五分钟的路程。 The parking lot was almost empty. 停车场几乎是空的。 Good, he thought. 很好,他想。 He wouldn’t have to stand in a long line. 他不必排长队。 He parked his car and walked over to the shopping cart area. 彼は車を駐車し、ショッピングカートエリアに歩いて行きました。 他停好车,走到购物车区。 He pulled out one of the carts and pushed it ahead of him into the store. 彼はカートの1つを引き出し、それを自分の前の店に押し込みました。 他拉出一辆手推车,推到他前面进入商店。 Inside, he grabbed an alcohol wipe and wiped the handle of the cart. 内部で、彼はアルコールワイプをつかんで、カートのハンドルを拭きました。 在里面,他抓起一块酒精湿巾擦了擦手推车的把手。 Then he grabbed another wipe and wiped his own hands. 然后他又抓起一块抹布擦了擦自己的手。 You can never be too careful, he thought. 彼はあまり注意することは決してできないと彼は思った。 你永远不能太小心,他想。 He turned left and walked over to the produce section. 彼は左に曲がり、農産物売り場に向かった。 他向左转,走到农产品区。 Today was his lucky day. 今天是他的幸运日。 Apples were on sale, a dollar a pound. 苹果正在打折,一美元一磅。 Usually they were two dollars a pound or more. 通常他们是两美元一磅或更多。 He put 10 apples into a plastic bag and weighed the bag. 他将 10 个苹果放入塑料袋中并称重。 It was three pounds. 这是三磅。 He walked over to the bananas. 他走向香蕉。 They were the regular price, 79 cents a pound. 彼らは通常の価格、79セントポンドでした。 它们是正常价格,每磅 79 美分。 He bought three pounds of bananas. 彼は3ポンドのバナナを買った。 他买了三磅香蕉。 When he saw the carrots, he remembered that he needed carrots, too. 当他看到胡萝卜时,他想起来他也需要胡萝卜。 He put a two-pound bag of carrots into his cart. 他把一袋两磅重的胡萝卜放进手推车。 They were only $1.29. 它们只有 1.29 美元。 He walked to the dairy section and saw that a gallon of milk was $4. 彼は乳製品部門に歩いて行き、1ガロンの牛乳が4ドルであることを確認しました。 他走到奶制品区,看到一加仑牛奶要 4 美元。 He put one into his cart and walked back to the front of the store. 彼は1つをカートに入れ、店の前に戻りました。 他把一个放进他的购物车,然后走回了商店的前面。 He paid for his food, got his receipt, and walked out to his car. He put the food into his trunk and drove home.