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The Outdoor Girls in Florida, by Laura Lee Hope, CHAPTER IV - COME HOME!


Grace's announcement caused a flutter of excitement among her chums, and Mr. Ford's face showed his pleasure and surprise. But a moment later he had steeled his features into a non-committal mask, for he was really much provoked by his son's conduct, and if this was an appeal for forgiveness he wanted to be in the proper censuring attitude. At least so he reasoned.

"We'll see you again, Grace," spoke Betty, as she led the way for the other two girls to follow. She felt that the family might like to be by themselves while perusing the first letter from Will since his latest escapade.

"Oh, don't go!" exclaimed Grace, guessing her chums' intention. "Stay and hear what Will has to say. I'm sure papa would want you to," and she looked at Mr. Ford, who was nervously tearing open the envelope. His brother was watching him anxiously, but it was not a kindly look on Uncle Isaac's face. At first, when it seemed as if something seriously might have happened to Will, the elderly man was rather alarmed, thinking perhaps he might be blamed. Now that a communication had come from the youth, seeming to indicate that all was well with him, his former employer was ready to deal harshly with him. He was even meditating what form of punishment could be applied, and he planned harder tasks for him, in case his father should send Will back to the cotton mill in Atlanta.

"Yes, stay, by all means," spoke the younger Mr. Ford, in rather absent-minded tones, as he flipped open the letter. "We have no secrets from you girls, and if you are going to Florida, and Will is in that neighborhood, he can take a run over and see you. Let's see now; what does the rascal say?" There was a caressing note in the father's voice in spite of the somewhat stern look on his face, and he slowly read the letter, half aloud. The girls could catch a word here and there. Grace was leaning forward expectantly, her lips parted. The strain had told on her, and her eyes were still red from the tears she could not hold back.

"'Dear Father and All,'" read Mr. Ford. "Hum—yes—I wonder if he's going to ask for money. 'I suppose this will surprise you'—yes, Will was always good on surprises." "Oh, father, do please get on with the letter—tell us what has happened to Will!" begged Grace. "We're so anxious! Mother will want to know. Read faster, please, if you can; won't you, father?" "All right, Grace. But nothing much seems to have happened to him so far. Hello, what's this, though? 'Going to strike out for myself. Can't stand Uncle'—um—'will write particulars later—I have a good chance for an opening'—I wonder if it's as a waiter in some Palm Beach hotel? 'There may be a good thing in this. I can learn the business, the agent says'——" "Oh, Daddy, please read it right!" importuned Grace. "We can't tell what Will says and what you make up as you go along. Read it yourself, and tell us what it means. Then I'll go to mamma." "Yes, and if he says anything against me, don't be afraid to come out with it," interjected Uncle Isaac. "Will and I didn't get along well—that's no secret. He didn't like work, and he didn't hesitate to say so. I've no doubt he had hard feelings against me, but I say here and now that I treated him as I would my own son. I made him work harder than I would my own son, in fact, for I felt that I had a duty to do by Will." "And I guess you did it—too well," muttered Grace, with rather a vindictive look at her uncle, which look, however, he did not see. "Well, to be frank with you, Isaac," spoke Mr. Ford, "the boy says that he did not like the life in the factory. But I did not suppose he would. I did not send him there to like it, but I thought the discipline would do him good. However, he seems to have struck out for himself." "But, Daddy!" cried Grace, clinging to his arm. "What has happened? Where is Will? Where did he go?" "There now," he said, soothingly. "It seems to be all right, and Will is in no danger. All your tears were wasted. To be brief, he writes that he did not like the work in the mill, and getting a chance to go to Jacksonville, Florida, he took it and went without the formality of a good-bye." "What is he doing in Jacksonville?" asked Mollie. "If we go to Amy's orange grove we may see him." "He writes that he has a chance to get in with a concern that is going to develop some of the Everglade lands," went on Mr. Ford, referring to the letter. 'The company plans to drain the swamps, and grow pecans, oranges and other tropical fruits and nuts.' Will says he was offered a sort of secretaryship to one of the developers, and took it.

"He asks my permission to stay and 'make good,' as he calls it. He thinks it is a great chance; better even than the cotton business, Isaac." "Oh, yes, I s'pose so. There's a lot of folks been fooled in those Everglade-developing concerns, though. They're fakes, to my way of thinking. But let him live and learn. That's the only way." "Are you going to let him stay down there?" asked Grace.

"Well, I don't know," said Mr. Ford, musingly. "I don't bank much on Will's knowledge of affairs. This company may be all right, and again it may not. I'd rather investigate a bit." "Will says," he went on, again referring to the letter, "that he is sorry he went off in the abrupt way he did, but he felt that it was the only method to pursue. He says he feared you would stop him, if you heard about it, Isaac." "I'd have tried, anyhow," was the grim comment. "And as the opportunity had to be taken up quickly, or be lost, Will went away in a hurry," continued his father. "He says he wants to show all of us that he can make his own way in the world, if given a chance, and he doesn't want to come back until he has done so. He thinks he has had enough of school. He sends his love to—to all of us—and his mother, and says he will write again soon, and run up for a few days' visit as soon as he can get the time." Mr. Ford's voice faltered a little as he went on. After all, he loved Will very much, and he knew that it was only the spirit of a proud boy that was keeping him away from home.

"Are you going to let him stay, Daddy?" asked Grace again.

"No, Grace, I think I'll write to him to come home," replied Mr. Ford. "I think this has been a lesson to him. He gives his prospective Jacksonville address in this note. I'll just send him a wire." Going to the telephone, Mr. Ford dictated this brief telegram to his son.

"Come home. All is forgiven." "It's like one of those advertisements you see in the newspapers," said Grace, with a little laugh. She was much relieved now, and so were her chums. They could think with more pleasure of the prospective trip to Florida.

"But if Will left you a week ago, Uncle Isaac, I don't see why this letter has only now arrived," spoke Grace. "When is it postmarked, father?" "It reached Deepdale to-day, but it was mailed in—let me see—why, I can't make out the other mark, nor the date either." "Let me try," suggested Uncle Isaac, putting on his glasses. But he had no better luck.

"Either Will carried that letter around in his pocket after writing it," said Mr. Ford, "or he dropped it in some obscure postoffice where their cancelling stamps are worn out and letters go only once a week or so. The letter was written on the night he left your house, evidently," he said to his brother, indicating the superscription. "I guess the mails down your way are not very certain, Isaac." "Not always. Well, I'm glad the boy is all right. I tried to do my duty by him, as I promised I would, Jim." "I know you did, Isaac, and I think this will be a lesson to him. I'll be glad to have him back, though. For I—I've missed him," and again Mr. Ford's voice faltered. "So have I," said Grace, softly. "And this will make mamma's headache better. I'm going up to tell her." "And we'll be going, now that you have good news," remarked Betty. "Wasn't it odd to get good and bad news so close together?" "But the good came last—and that makes it the best," observed Amy with a smile. Mr. Ford gave Grace her brother's letter to take up to her mother, while he and his brother prepared to go down town again, to finish transacting some business that had called the Southerner up North. "And I guess I'd better telegraph Will some money while I am at it," his father said. "He writes that he has plenty of cash, but his idea of a lot of money is a few one dollar bills and a pocket full of change. I'll wire twenty-five dollars to him in Jacksonville to come home with." "I'll be down in a minute, girls," called Grace, as she hurried up stairs to her mother's room. "Wait for me, and we'll talk about this Florida trip." When Grace came down, having made her mother happy with her good news, she was eating chocolates.

"Now we know she is all right," laughed Betty.


Grace's announcement caused a flutter of excitement among her chums, and Mr. Ford's face showed his pleasure and surprise. L'annuncio di Grace provocò un'agitazione tra i suoi compagni, e il volto del signor Ford mostrò il suo piacere e la sua sorpresa. But a moment later he had steeled his features into a non-committal mask, for he was really much provoked by his son's conduct, and if this was an appeal for forgiveness he wanted to be in the proper censuring attitude. Ma un attimo dopo aveva irrigidito i suoi lineamenti in una maschera di non impegno, perché era davvero molto provocato dalla condotta del figlio, e se questo era un appello al perdono voleva essere nel giusto atteggiamento di censura. At least so he reasoned. Almeno così ha ragionato.

"We'll see you again, Grace," spoke Betty, as she led the way for the other two girls to follow. "Ci rivedremo, Grace", disse Betty, mentre apriva la strada alle altre due ragazze. She felt that the family might like to be by themselves while perusing the first letter from Will since his latest escapade. Pensò che la famiglia avrebbe voluto stare da sola mentre leggeva la prima lettera di Will dopo la sua ultima scappatella.

"Oh, don't go!" exclaimed Grace, guessing her chums' intention. "Stay and hear what Will has to say. I'm sure papa would want you to," and she looked at Mr. Ford, who was nervously tearing open the envelope. Sono sicura che papà vorrebbe che tu lo facessi", e guardò il signor Ford, che stava strappando nervosamente la busta. His brother was watching him anxiously, but it was not a kindly look on Uncle Isaac's face. Suo fratello lo guardava con ansia, ma lo zio Isaac non aveva uno sguardo benevolo. At first, when it seemed as if something seriously might have happened to Will, the elderly man was rather alarmed, thinking perhaps he might be blamed. All'inizio, quando sembrava che a Will potesse essere successo qualcosa di grave, l'anziano era piuttosto allarmato, pensando che forse poteva essere incolpato. Now that a communication had come from the youth, seeming to indicate that all was well with him, his former employer was ready to deal harshly with him. Ora che il giovane aveva ricevuto una comunicazione che sembrava indicare che tutto andava bene, il suo ex datore di lavoro era pronto a trattare duramente con lui. He was even meditating what form of punishment could be applied, and he planned harder tasks for him, in case his father should send Will back to the cotton mill in Atlanta. Stava persino meditando quale forma di punizione potesse essere applicata e aveva pianificato per lui compiti più difficili, nel caso in cui il padre dovesse rimandare Will al cotonificio di Atlanta.

"Yes, stay, by all means," spoke the younger Mr. Ford, in rather absent-minded tones, as he flipped open the letter. "Sì, rimanga pure", disse il più giovane Mr. Ford, in tono piuttosto distratto, mentre apriva la lettera. "We have no secrets from you girls, and if you are going to Florida, and Will is in that neighborhood, he can take a run over and see you. "Non abbiamo segreti per voi ragazze, e se andate in Florida e Will è da quelle parti, può fare un salto a trovarvi. Let's see now; what does the rascal say?" Vediamo ora; cosa dice il furfante?". There was a caressing note in the father's voice in spite of the somewhat stern look on his face, and he slowly read the letter, half aloud. C'era una nota carezzevole nella voce del padre, nonostante l'espressione un po' severa del suo volto, e lesse lentamente la lettera, a mezza voce. The girls could catch a word here and there. Grace was leaning forward expectantly, her lips parted. Grace era protesa in avanti in attesa, con le labbra dischiuse. The strain had told on her, and her eyes were still red from the tears she could not hold back. La tensione si era fatta sentire e i suoi occhi erano ancora rossi per le lacrime che non riusciva a trattenere.

"'Dear Father and All,'" read Mr. Ford. "Hum—yes—I wonder if he's going to ask for money. "Sì, mi chiedo se chiederà dei soldi. 'I suppose this will surprise you'—yes, Will was always good on surprises." 'Immagino che questo ti sorprenderà' - sì, Will era sempre bravo con le sorprese". "Oh, father, do please get on with the letter—tell us what has happened to Will!" "Oh, padre, ti prego, vai avanti con la lettera - dicci cosa è successo a Will!". begged Grace. implorò Grace. "We're so anxious! Mother will want to know. Read faster, please, if you can; won't you, father?" "All right, Grace. But nothing much seems to have happened to him so far. Ma finora non sembra essergli successo granché. Hello, what's this, though? Ma cos'è questo? 'Going to strike out for myself. Andrò a cercare di risolvere il problema da solo. Can't stand Uncle'—um—'will write particulars later—I have a good chance for an opening'—I wonder if it's as a waiter in some Palm Beach hotel? Non sopporto lo zio' -um- 'scriverò i dettagli più tardi - ho una buona opportunità di lavoro' - mi chiedo se è come cameriere in qualche hotel di Palm Beach? 'There may be a good thing in this. I can learn the business, the agent says'——" Posso imparare il mestiere, dice l'agente...". "Oh, Daddy, please read it right!" "Oh, papà, ti prego, leggi bene!". importuned Grace. importunò Grace. "We can't tell what Will says and what you make up as you go along. "Non possiamo dire quello che dice Will e quello che vi inventate strada facendo. Read it yourself, and tell us what it means. Then I'll go to mamma." "Yes, and if he says anything against me, don't be afraid to come out with it," interjected Uncle Isaac. "Will and I didn't get along well—that's no secret. "Io e Will non andavamo d'accordo, non è un segreto. He didn't like work, and he didn't hesitate to say so. I've no doubt he had hard feelings against me, but I say here and now that I treated him as I would my own son. Non ho dubbi che avesse dei rancori nei miei confronti, ma dico qui e ora che l'ho trattato come se fosse mio figlio. I made him work harder than I would my own son, in fact, for I felt that I had a duty to do by Will." Lo facevo lavorare più di quanto avrei fatto con mio figlio, infatti, perché sentivo di avere un dovere nei confronti di Will". "And I guess you did it—too well," muttered Grace, with rather a vindictive look at her uncle, which look, however, he did not see. "E credo che tu l'abbia fatto troppo bene", mormorò Grace, con uno sguardo piuttosto vendicativo verso lo zio, che però non lo vide. "Well, to be frank with you, Isaac," spoke Mr. Ford, "the boy says that he did not like the life in the factory. But I did not suppose he would. Ma non pensavo che l'avrebbe fatto. I did not send him there to like it, but I thought the discipline would do him good. However, he seems to have struck out for himself." Tuttavia, sembra che si sia messo in proprio". "But, Daddy!" cried Grace, clinging to his arm. gridò Grace, aggrappandosi al suo braccio. "What has happened? Where is Will? Where did he go?" Dove è andato?". "There now," he said, soothingly. "Ecco fatto", disse con tono rassicurante. "It seems to be all right, and Will is in no danger. All your tears were wasted. To be brief, he writes that he did not like the work in the mill, and getting a chance to go to Jacksonville, Florida, he took it and went without the formality of a good-bye." In breve, scrive che non gli piaceva il lavoro in fabbrica e che, avendo la possibilità di andare a Jacksonville, in Florida, l'ha colta e ci è andato senza la formalità di un addio". "What is he doing in Jacksonville?" asked Mollie. "If we go to Amy's orange grove we may see him." "He writes that he has a chance to get in with a concern that is going to develop some of the Everglade lands," went on Mr. Ford, referring to the letter. "Scrive che ha la possibilità di entrare in un'impresa che intende sviluppare alcune terre dell'Everglade", ha proseguito Ford, riferendosi alla lettera. 'The company plans to drain the swamps, and grow pecans, oranges and other tropical fruits and nuts.' L'azienda intende prosciugare le paludi e coltivare noci pecan, arance e altri frutti tropicali". Will says he was offered a sort of secretaryship to one of the developers, and took it. Will racconta che gli è stata offerta una sorta di segretariato per uno degli sviluppatori, e l'ha accettata.

"He asks my permission to stay and 'make good,' as he calls it. "Mi chiede il permesso di restare e di 'fare del bene', come lo chiama lui. He thinks it is a great chance; better even than the cotton business, Isaac." "Oh, yes, I s'pose so. "Oh, sì, credo proprio di sì. There's a lot of folks been fooled in those Everglade-developing concerns, though. Tuttavia, molte persone sono state ingannate dalle preoccupazioni relative allo sviluppo di Everglade. They're fakes, to my way of thinking. But let him live and learn. That's the only way." "Are you going to let him stay down there?" asked Grace.

"Well, I don't know," said Mr. Ford, musingly. "Beh, non lo so", disse Mr. Ford, pensieroso. "I don't bank much on Will's knowledge of affairs. This company may be all right, and again it may not. Questa azienda può andare bene, ma anche no. I'd rather investigate a bit." Preferisco indagare un po'". "Will says," he went on, again referring to the letter, "that he is sorry he went off in the abrupt way he did, but he felt that it was the only method to pursue. "Will dice", ha proseguito, facendo di nuovo riferimento alla lettera, "che gli dispiace di essersene andato in quel modo brusco, ma ha ritenuto che fosse l'unico metodo da seguire. He says he feared you would stop him, if you heard about it, Isaac." Dice che temeva che l'avresti fermato, se l'avessi saputo, Isaac". "I'd have tried, anyhow," was the grim comment. "Ci avrei provato, in ogni caso", fu il cupo commento. "And as the opportunity had to be taken up quickly, or be lost, Will went away in a hurry," continued his father. "E poiché l'occasione doveva essere colta al volo, o persa, Will partì in fretta", continuò il padre. "He says he wants to show all of us that he can make his own way in the world, if given a chance, and he doesn't want to come back until he has done so. He thinks he has had enough of school. He sends his love to—to all of us—and his mother, and says he will write again soon, and run up for a few days' visit as soon as he can get the time." Ci manda i suoi saluti a tutti noi e a sua madre, e dice che ci scriverà di nuovo presto, e che correrà a trovarci per qualche giorno non appena ne avrà il tempo". Mr. Ford's voice faltered a little as he went on. La voce del signor Ford vacillò un po' mentre proseguiva. After all, he loved Will very much, and he knew that it was only the spirit of a proud boy that was keeping him away from home.

"Are you going to let him stay, Daddy?" "Lo lascerai restare, papà?". asked Grace again.

"No, Grace, I think I'll write to him to come home," replied Mr. Ford. "I think this has been a lesson to him. He gives his prospective Jacksonville address in this note. I'll just send him a wire." Gli manderò un telegramma". Going to the telephone, Mr. Ford dictated this brief telegram to his son.

"Come home. All is forgiven." Tutto è perdonato". "It's like one of those advertisements you see in the newspapers," said Grace, with a little laugh. "È come una di quelle pubblicità che si vedono sui giornali", disse Grace, con una piccola risata. She was much relieved now, and so were her chums. They could think with more pleasure of the prospective trip to Florida.

"But if Will left you a week ago, Uncle Isaac, I don't see why this letter has only now arrived," spoke Grace. "Ma se Will ti ha lasciato una settimana fa, zio Isaac, non capisco perché questa lettera sia arrivata solo ora", disse Grace. "When is it postmarked, father?" "Quando fa il timbro postale, padre?". "It reached Deepdale to-day, but it was mailed in—let me see—why, I can't make out the other mark, nor the date either." "È arrivata a Deepdale oggi, ma è stata spedita in... vediamo... non riesco a distinguere l'altro segno e nemmeno la data". "Let me try," suggested Uncle Isaac, putting on his glasses. But he had no better luck.

"Either Will carried that letter around in his pocket after writing it," said Mr. Ford, "or he dropped it in some obscure postoffice where their cancelling stamps are worn out and letters go only once a week or so. "O Will si è portato la lettera in tasca dopo averla scritta", ha detto il signor Ford, "o l'ha lasciata in qualche oscuro ufficio postale dove i timbri di annullamento sono consumati e le lettere arrivano solo una volta alla settimana o giù di lì". The letter was written on the night he left your house, evidently," he said to his brother, indicating the superscription. La lettera è stata scritta la notte in cui ha lasciato la vostra casa, evidentemente", disse al fratello, indicando la scritta. "I guess the mails down your way are not very certain, Isaac." "Immagino che la posta dalle tue parti non sia molto sicura, Isaac". "Not always. Well, I'm glad the boy is all right. I tried to do my duty by him, as I promised I would, Jim." "I know you did, Isaac, and I think this will be a lesson to him. I'll be glad to have him back, though. Sarò comunque felice di riaverlo con me. For I—I've missed him," and again Mr. Ford's voice faltered. "So have I," said Grace, softly. "And this will make mamma's headache better. I'm going up to tell her." "And we'll be going, now that you have good news," remarked Betty. "E noi ce ne andremo, ora che avete buone notizie", osservò Betty. "Wasn't it odd to get good and bad news so close together?" "Non era strano ricevere una notizia buona e una cattiva a distanza così ravvicinata?". "But the good came last—and that makes it the best," observed Amy with a smile. "Ma il bene è arrivato per ultimo e questo lo rende il migliore", osservò Amy con un sorriso. Mr. Ford gave Grace her brother's letter to take up to her mother, while he and his brother prepared to go down town again, to finish transacting some business that had called the Southerner up North. Il signor Ford diede a Grace la lettera del fratello perché la portasse alla madre, mentre lui e il fratello si preparavano a scendere di nuovo in città per concludere alcuni affari che avevano richiamato il sudista al Nord. "And I guess I'd better telegraph Will some money while I am at it," his father said. "E credo che sia meglio telegrafare a Will un po' di soldi già che ci sono", disse il padre. "He writes that he has plenty of cash, but his idea of a lot of money is a few one dollar bills and a pocket full of change. "Scrive di avere molti soldi, ma la sua idea di molti soldi è qualche banconota da un dollaro e una tasca piena di spiccioli. I'll wire twenty-five dollars to him in Jacksonville to come home with." Gli spedirò venticinque dollari a Jacksonville per tornare a casa". "I'll be down in a minute, girls," called Grace, as she hurried up stairs to her mother's room. "Wait for me, and we'll talk about this Florida trip." When Grace came down, having made her mother happy with her good news, she was eating chocolates.

"Now we know she is all right," laughed Betty.