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PBS NewsHour (Nov to Dec 2017), Nov 12, 2017 - Trump walks back remarks on Russia as GOP faces challenges at...

Nov 12, 2017 - Trump walks back remarks on Russia as GOP faces challenges at...

Trump walks back remarks on Russia as GOP faces challenges at home.

Megan Thompson:

While the president has focused on foreign policy in Asia there have been developments in domestic politics, from the Democratic sweep in Virginia's elections last week to accusations of sexual abuse against Roy Moore, a Republican nominee in the Alabama Senate special election scheduled for next month. But taking the long view there may be a bigger political story worth paying attention to NewsHour Weekend special correspondent Jeff Greenfield joins me now from Santa Barbara, California.So it feels to me like this has been a really big week in politics but you say there's something else me we should be focusing on?Jeff Greenfield: Yeah there's a less dramatic story but when I think that potentially has much more significance and that is the retirements among House Republican members 25 incumbent Republicans have said they will not seek re-election. That's a very high number this early in the cycle and a lot of these Republicans come from districts that are the kind of districts filled with voters that helped give the Virginia Democrats their big margin, that is they're suburban they're educated, they're younger.And we should remember that that 23 Republicans in the House represent districts that Hillary Clinton carried. Why does this matter?

Because traditionally it's easier for a party to win an open seat than to defeat an incumbent.And you have to wonder whether or not some of these Republicans have a couple of whom have already been critical of the more militant members of their own party are looking at Virginia and wondering whether it's time for them to think about their career move.So this could this could be a big story.Twenty-four seats are what stand between Democrats and taking control of the House.Megan Thompson: Okay, so then a lot of open seats up for grabs in the House.

How about in the Senate?Jeff Greenfield:

It's night and day for the Democrats. As good as things may be looking right now in the House for Democrats, it's bleak in the Senate.There are only eight Republicans up in 2018.Only one, Nevada's Dean Heller, is from a state that Hillary Clinton carried.By contrast, eight Democratic incumbents are running in seats that Trump carried, five in states that Trump carried by anywhere from 19 to 35 points.And a lot of these states have far fewer of the kind of voters we saw turn out in Virginia.So if you're if you're a Democrat you may be very pessimistic now.There's one cautionary note and that's Judge Moore.If he wins and the Senate can't figure out a way to not seat him, he will become a poster boy next year in every race in the country other than Alabama.I'll remind you that in 2012 one Republican nominee Todd Akin made some very ham-handed comments about abortion and that became an issue not just in his race which he lost but in a lot of other Senate races.So if you are Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate leader, even though you may be risking the loss of a Senate seat the last thing in the world you want is Senator Roy Moore from Alabama to be in your caucus.Megan Thompson: Speaking of Roy Moore a lot of Republicans in Washington kept their distance from him this week but Republicans in Alabama are sticking with him.

How do you think that's going to play out?Jeff Greenfield: Look I think there's a broader point here and that has to do with how polarized this country has become politically. We're now at a point where 40 percent of Republicans and a third of Democrats say they'd be really upset if one of their kids married somebody from another political party.And you have actually had in Alabama State Republican official and others saying I'd rather have a pedophile than a Democrat in that seat.And on a slightly less head-shaking note you have had other Republicans and conservatives trying to see well can we postpone this election.So maybe we can have a do over.I mean that is about as unprecedented a thing as you can imagine in the way we do politics.But it just goes to show you that for some people no matter what the allegations apparently if the choice is between say an accused pedophile and a member of the other party, I don't want that or the party to win that.That's quite a sea change over the last generation and how we think about partisan politics.Megan Thompson: All right Jeff Greenfield thank you so much for joining us.

Nov 12, 2017 - Trump walks back remarks on Russia as GOP faces challenges at... ||nimmt zurück||Bemerkungen||||||| 12. November 2017 - Trump zieht Äußerungen über Russland zurück, während die GOP vor... Nov 12, 2017 - Trump se retracta de sus declaraciones sobre Rusia mientras... Nov 12, 2017 - Trump revient sur ses propos sur la Russie alors que le GOP est confronté à des ... 12 Nov 2017 - Trump ritira le dichiarazioni sulla Russia mentre il GOP affronta le sfide... 2017年11月12日 - トランプ大統領、ロシアに関する発言を撤回 共和党は議会で難題に直面... Nov 12, 2017 - Trumpas atšaukia pastabas dėl Rusijos, nes GOP susiduria su iššūkiais... 12 Nov 2017 - Trump krabbelt terug op opmerkingen over Rusland nu GOP voor uitdagingen staat bij... 12 listopada 2017 r. - Trump wycofuje się z uwag na temat Rosji, podczas gdy GOP stoi w obliczu... 12 de novembro de 2017 - Trump recua nos comentários sobre a Rússia enquanto o Partido Republicano enfrenta desafios em ... 12 ноября 2017 - Трамп отказывается от высказываний о России, поскольку GOP сталкивается с проблемами в... 12 Kasım 2017 - GOP'ta zorluklar yaşanırken Trump Rusya ile ilgili sözlerini geri aldı... 12 листопада 2017 - Трамп відмовився від своїх висловлювань щодо Росії, оскільки Республіканська партія стикається з проблемами в... 2017年11月12日 - 特朗普收回通俄言论 共和党在... 2017 年 11 月 12 日 - 川普收回有關俄羅斯的言論,因為共和黨面臨...

Trump walks back remarks on Russia as GOP faces challenges at home. |||||||Republikanische Partei|steht vor||| Trump revient sur ses remarques sur la Russie alors que le GOP fait face à des défis à la maison.

Megan Thompson:

While the president has focused on foreign policy in Asia there have been developments in domestic politics, from the Democratic sweep in Virginia's elections last week to accusations of sexual abuse against Roy Moore, a Republican nominee in the Alabama Senate special election scheduled for next month. ||||||||||dabei|||||innenpolitisch|||||Erdrutschsieg|||Wahlen||||Anschuldigungen||||||||||||||||||| Alors que le président s'est concentré sur la politique étrangère en Asie, il y a eu des développements dans la politique intérieure, du balayage démocrate aux élections de Virginie la semaine dernière aux accusations d'abus sexuels contre Roy Moore, un candidat républicain aux élections spéciales du Sénat de l'Alabama prévues le mois prochain. 虽然总统一直关注亚洲的外交政策,但国内政治也出现了一些进展,从上周民主党在弗吉尼亚州选举中大获全胜,到定于下个月举行的阿拉巴马州参议院特别选举中对共和党候选人罗伊·摩尔的性虐待指控。 But taking the long view there may be a bigger political story worth paying attention to NewsHour Weekend special correspondent Jeff Greenfield joins me now from Santa Barbara, California.So it feels to me like this has been a really big week in politics but you say there's something else me we should be focusing on?Jeff Greenfield: |||||||||||||||||||Sonderkorrespondent|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Mais à long terme, il peut y avoir une histoire politique plus importante qui mérite de prêter attention au correspondant spécial de NewsHour Weekend, Jeff Greenfield, qui me rejoint maintenant de Santa Barbara, en Californie. J'ai donc l'impression que cette semaine a été très importante en politique, mais vous dites autre chose sur laquelle nous devrions nous concentrer ? Jeff Greenfield : Yeah there's a less dramatic story but when I think that potentially has much more significance and that is the retirements among House Republican members 25 incumbent Republicans have said they will not seek re-election. |||||||||||potenziell|||||||||Pensionierungen|unter den||||Amtsinhaber||||||||| Oui, il y a une histoire moins dramatique, mais quand je pense que cela a potentiellement beaucoup plus de signification et que ce sont les départs à la retraite des membres républicains de la Chambre, 25 républicains sortants ont déclaré qu'ils ne chercheraient pas à être réélus. That's a very high number this early in the cycle and a lot of these Republicans come from districts that are the kind of districts filled with voters that helped give the Virginia Democrats their big margin, that is they're suburban they're educated, they're younger.And we should remember that that 23 Republicans in the House represent districts that Hillary Clinton carried. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Demokraten|||Vorsprung||||vorstädtisch|||||||||||||||||||| C'est un nombre très élevé au début du cycle et beaucoup de ces républicains viennent de districts qui sont le genre de districts remplis d'électeurs qui ont contribué à donner aux démocrates de Virginie leur grande marge, c'est-à-dire qu'ils sont de banlieue, qu'ils sont éduqués, ils 're plus jeune. Et nous devons nous rappeler que les 23 républicains à la Chambre représentent des districts que Hillary Clinton a portés. Why does this matter? Pourquoi cela est-il important ?

Because traditionally it's easier for a party to win an open seat than to defeat an incumbent.And you have to wonder whether or not some of these Republicans have a couple of whom have already been critical of the more militant members of their own party are looking at Virginia and wondering whether it's time for them to think about their career move.So this could this could be a big story.Twenty-four seats are what stand between Democrats and taking control of the House.Megan Thompson: ||||||||||offene Stelle|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||militante|||||||||||sich fragen|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Parce que traditionnellement, il est plus facile pour un parti de remporter un siège ouvert que de vaincre un titulaire. en Virginie et se demandant s'il est temps pour eux de réfléchir à leur changement de carrière. Cela pourrait donc être une grande histoire. Vingt-quatre sièges sont ce qui se dresse entre les démocrates et la prise de contrôle de la Chambre. Megan Thompson : Okay, so then a lot of open seats up for grabs in the House. Il y a donc beaucoup de sièges à pourvoir à la Chambre des représentants.

How about in the Senate?Jeff Greenfield:

It's night and day for the Democrats. As good as things may be looking right now in the House for Democrats, it's bleak in the Senate.There are only eight Republicans up in 2018.Only one, Nevada's Dean Heller, is from a state that Hillary Clinton carried.By contrast, eight Democratic incumbents are running in seats that Trump carried, five in states that Trump carried by anywhere from 19 to 35 points.And a lot of these states have far fewer of the kind of voters we saw turn out in Virginia.So if you're if you're a Democrat you may be very pessimistic now.There's one cautionary note and that's Judge Moore.If he wins and the Senate can't figure out a way to not seat him, he will become a poster boy next year in every race in the country other than Alabama.I'll remind you that in 2012 one Republican nominee Todd Akin made some very ham-handed comments about abortion and that became an issue not just in his race which he lost but in a lot of other Senate races.So if you are Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate leader, even though you may be risking the loss of a Senate seat the last thing in the world you want is Senator Roy Moore from Alabama to be in your caucus.Megan Thompson: |||||||||||||||düster|||||||||||||||||||||||getragen|||||Amtsinhaber||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||warnende||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||gemacht||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Aussi bon que les choses puissent se présenter en ce moment à la Chambre des démocrates, c'est sombre au Sénat. Les titulaires démocrates se présentent aux sièges que Trump a remportés, cinq dans des États que Trump a remportés entre 19 et 35 points. Et beaucoup de ces États ont beaucoup moins d'électeurs que nous avons vus en Virginie. Donc, si vous êtes si vous êtes démocrate, vous êtes peut-être très pessimiste maintenant. Il y a une mise en garde et c'est le juge Moore. S'il gagne et que le Sénat ne trouve pas un moyen de ne pas le faire asseoir, il deviendra un porte-affiche l'année prochaine dans chaque race dans un pays autre que l'Alabama. Je vous rappelle qu'en 2012, un candidat républicain, Todd Akin, a fait des commentaires très maladroits sur l'avortement et que cela est devenu un problème non seulement dans sa course qu'il a perdue, mais dans de nombreux autres sénateurs. courses.Donc, si vous êtes Mitch McConnell, le leader du Sénat républicain, même t Même si vous risquez de perdre un siège au Sénat, la dernière chose au monde que vous souhaitiez, c'est que le sénateur Roy Moore de l'Alabama fasse partie de votre caucus. Megan Thompson : Speaking of Roy Moore a lot of Republicans in Washington kept their distance from him this week but Republicans in Alabama are sticking with him. En ce qui concerne Roy Moore, beaucoup de républicains à Washington ont gardé leurs distances avec lui cette semaine, mais les républicains de l'Alabama le soutiennent.

How do you think that's going to play out?Jeff Greenfield: Comment pensez-vous que cela va se passer ? Jeff Greenfield : Look I think there's a broader point here and that has to do with how polarized this country has become politically. |||||umfassenderen||||||||||||||| Je pense qu'il y a un point plus important à soulever ici, et il s'agit de la polarisation politique de ce pays. We're now at a point where 40 percent of Republicans and a third of Democrats say they'd be really upset if one of their kids married somebody from another political party.And you have actually had in Alabama State Republican official and others saying I'd rather have a pedophile than a Democrat in that seat.And on a slightly less head-shaking note you have had other Republicans and conservatives trying to see well can we postpone this election.So maybe we can have a do over.I mean that is about as unprecedented a thing as you can imagine in the way we do politics.But it just goes to show you that for some people no matter what the allegations apparently if the choice is between say an accused pedophile and a member of the other party, I don't want that or the party to win that.That's quite a sea change over the last generation and how we think about partisan politics.Megan Thompson: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||verschieben|||||||||||||||||beispiellos||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Anschuldigungen|offenbar|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||parteiisch||| Nous en sommes à un point où 40 % des républicains et un tiers des démocrates disent qu'ils seraient vraiment contrariés si l'un de leurs enfants épousait quelqu'un d'un autre parti politique. En Alabama, un représentant républicain de l'État et d'autres ont dit qu'ils préféraient avoir un pédophile plutôt qu'un démocrate pour occuper ce siège.Mais cela montre que pour certaines personnes, quelles que soient les allégations, si le choix est entre un pédophile accusé et un membre de l'autre parti, je ne veux pas que ce soit lui ou le parti qui gagne. C'est un changement radical par rapport à la dernière génération et à la façon dont nous pensons à la politique partisane : All right Jeff Greenfield thank you so much for joining us. Très bien, Jeff Greenfield, merci beaucoup de nous avoir rejoints.