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ART OF SALES 1, 1.09 (V) Salesperson Vs. Advisor

1.09 (V) Salesperson Vs. Advisor

One of the first exercises I do in my courses on sales, is to ask you to think of the first words that come to mind, when I say this word, salesperson. When I do this exercise, something interesting always happens no matter where I am in the world. I capture these words on a white board. These are the words people say. Aggressive, pushy, persistent, slick, relentless, hustles, sleazy, helpful, and manipulative. And then I ask one more question. Okay, do that again, but this time do it with this word. What about adviser? What words do you think of when I say the word adviser? And guess what happens, I get a totally different set of words. This time the words are, trusted, knowledgeable, empathy, listener, dedicated, words like that. Wait a minute, what's going on here? What's going on is that most of us have a bias against salespeople. We think these people are slick, fast talkers, who are going to manipulate us into doing something we don't want to do. That's not what a salesperson does. Are there people like this out in the world? Of course, there are. Every profession has people who don't do the right thing. But the sales people we want to be, are the sales people who combine the best characteristics from our salespeople list. Persistent, helpful, resourceful, and yes, even relentless. And then mix these characteristics from our adviser list. Listener, dedicated, knowledgeable, trusted. This is what salespeople are. What is selling anyway? Selling is helping people solve their problems. It's creating a strong, long-term relationship with people, based on great work together. Think of it this way, all relationships start like this, face to face. Almost confrontational or transactional. What selling is, is this. As I ask you questions, as I listen, and as I build trust, I move around your side of the desk, and I get on your side and guess what? Now we are looking at this problem together. And we can solve it together. This is selling, and this is why it's the best profession in the world.

1.09 (V) Salesperson Vs. Advisor 1,09 (V) Vendedor Vs. Asesor 1,09 (V) Vendedor Vs. Consultor 1,09 (V) Satış Elemanına Karşı Danışman 1.09 (V) 营业员比。顾问

One of the first exercises I do in my courses on sales, is to ask you to think of the first words that come to mind, when I say this word, salesperson. When I do this exercise, something interesting always happens no matter where I am in the world. 私がこの運動をするとき、私が世界のどこにいても常に面白いことが起こります。 I capture these words on a white board. These are the words people say. Aggressive, pushy, persistent, slick, relentless, hustles, sleazy, helpful, and manipulative. And then I ask one more question. Okay, do that again, but this time do it with this word. What about adviser? What words do you think of when I say the word adviser? 私が助言者と言うとき、どんな言葉を思い浮かべますか? And guess what happens, I get a totally different set of words. そして何が起こるかを推測すると、私はまったく異なる言葉を手に入れます。 This time the words are, trusted, knowledgeable, empathy, listener, dedicated, words like that. 今回は言葉が、信頼できる、知識豊かな、共感、聴取者、献身的な言葉です。 Wait a minute, what's going on here? What's going on is that most of us have a bias against salespeople. 何が起こっているのは、ほとんどの人が営業員に対して偏見を持っているということです。 We think these people are slick, fast talkers, who are going to manipulate us into doing something we don't want to do. 私たちは、これらの人々は、私たちがやりたくないことをするように私たちを操作しようとしているすっきりとした話し手だと思っています。 That's not what a salesperson does. それはセールス担当者が行うことではありません。 Are there people like this out in the world? このような人が世界に出ていますか? Of course, there are. Every profession has people who don't do the right thing. すべての職業には、正しいことをしていない人がいます。 But the sales people we want to be, are the sales people who combine the best characteristics from our salespeople list. しかし、私たちが欲しいセールスの人々は、セールスマンのリストから最高の特徴を組み合わせたセールスの人々です。 Persistent, helpful, resourceful, and yes, even relentless. And then mix these characteristics from our adviser list. そして、これらの特性をアドバイザーリストから組み合わせます。 Listener, dedicated, knowledgeable, trusted. This is what salespeople are. What is selling anyway? とにかく何を売っているのですか? Selling is helping people solve their problems. It's creating a strong, long-term relationship with people, based on great work together. それは一緒に偉大な仕事に基づいて、人々との強力な、長期的な関係を作り出しています。 Think of it this way, all relationships start like this, face to face. それをこのように考えてみましょう。すべての人間関係は、顔を向いてこのように始まります。 Almost confrontational or transactional. ほぼ対立しているかトランザクション的である。 What selling is, is this. 何が売れているのですか? As I ask you questions, as I listen, and as I build trust, I move around your side of the desk, and I get on your side and guess what? Now we are looking at this problem together. And we can solve it together. This is selling, and this is why it's the best profession in the world. これは売り物なので、これは世界でも最高の職業です。