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Fight Club, #2. In Pain

#2. In Pain

SPEAKER: I always wanted three kids. Two boys and a girl. Mindy wanted two girls and a boy. We never could agree on anything.

SPEAKER: Well, she had her first child last week. A girl. With her new husband... And, thank God, you know... I'm glad for her, Because she deserves... LEADER: Everyone, let's thank Thomas for sharing himself with us. EVERYONE: Thank you, Thomas.

LEADER: I look around this room and I see a lot of courage. And it gives me strength. We give each other strength.

LEADER: It's time for the one-on-one. Let's follow Thomas's good example and really open ourselves up. LEADER: Could you find a partner?

JACK: And this is how I met the big moosie. His eyes already shrink-wrapped in tears. Knees together. Those awkward little steps.

BOB: My name is Bob.

JACK: Bob?

JACK: Bob had been a champion bodybuilder. You know that chest expansion program on late-night TV? That was his idea.

BOB I was a juicer. You know, using steroids? Diabonol, Wisterol... They use that on racehorses, for Christ sake. And now I'm bankrupt. I'm divorced. My two grown kids wouldn't even return my phone calls... JACK: Strangers with this kind of honesty make me go a big rubbery one.

BOB: Go ahead, Cornelius. You can cry.

JACK: And then... something happened. I let go.

BOB: That's really good. JACK: Lost in oblivion. Dark and silent and complete.

JACK: I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom. It's OK. JACK: Babies don't sleep this well. I became addicted.

JACK: If I didn't say anything, people always assumed the worst. They cried harder. Then I cried harder.

LEADER: Now, we're going to open the green door, the heart chakra... JACK: I wasn't really dying, I wasn't host to cancer or parasites. I was the warm little center that the life of this world crowded around.

LEADER: Imagine your pain as a white ball of healing light. It moves over your body, healing you. Now keep this going. Remember to breathe. and step forward, through the back door of the room. Where does it lead? To your cave. Step forward into your cave.

LEADER'S VOICE That's right. You're going deeper into your cave. And you're going to find your power animal... PENGUIN: Slide.

JACK: Every evening I died. And every evening I was born again. Resurrected.

JACK: Bob loved me because he thought my testicles were removed too. Being there, pressed against his tits, ready to cry. This was my vacation. And, she ruined everything.

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#2. In Pain #2. Unter Schmerzen #2. Με πόνο #2. Con dolor #2. Dans la douleur #2. Nel dolore #2.痛みの中で #2. 고통 속에서 #2. Skausmas #2. W Bólu #2. Na dor #2. От боли #2. У болю #2. 痛苦 #2.在疼痛

SPEAKER: I always wanted three kids. Two boys and a girl. Mindy wanted two girls and a boy. We never could agree on anything. 우리는 어떤 것도 합의할 수 없었습니다.

SPEAKER: Well, she had her first child last week. A girl. With her new husband... And, thank God, you know... I'm glad for her, Because she deserves... ||||||||||рада за неё|||||заслуживает 새 남편과 함께... 그리고 다행히도... 그녀를 위해 기쁘다. 왜냐면 그녀는 그럴 자격이 있으니까... LEADER: Everyone, let's thank Thomas for sharing himself with us. EVERYONE: Thank you, Thomas.

LEADER: I look around this room and I see a lot of courage. ||||||||||||смелость ||||||||||||Mut 리더: 이 방을 둘러보니 많은 용기가 보입니다. And it gives me strength. We give each other strength.

LEADER: It's time for the one-on-one. Let's follow Thomas's good example and really open ourselves up. 토마스의 좋은 모범을 따라 우리 자신을 진정으로 개방해 봅시다. LEADER: Could you find a partner?

JACK: And this is how I met the big moosie. |||||||||moosie JACK: Büyük moosie ile böyle tanıştım. His eyes already shrink-wrapped in tears. |||сжаты от слёз|завёрнуты|| 그의 눈은 이미 눈물을 머금고 있었습니다. Knees together. 무릎을 꿇습니다. Those awkward little steps. |неловкие|| 그 어색한 작은 단계들.

BOB: My name is Bob.

JACK: Bob?

JACK: Bob had been a champion bodybuilder. ||||||bodybuilder You know that chest expansion program on late-night TV? 심야 TV에 나오는 가슴 확장 프로그램 아시죠? That was his idea.

BOB I was a juicer. ||||БОБ, я был соковыжималкой. ||||juice extractor BOB 저는 주스기였습니다. BOB Ben bir meyve sıkacağıydım. You know, using steroids? |||anabolic substances Diabonol, Wisterol... They use that on racehorses, for Christ sake. ||||||||ради Бога|ради Бога ||||||||um Himmels willen| ||||||thoroughbreds||| ||||||cavalos de corrida||| 디아보놀, 위스테롤... 경주마에나 쓰는 약이잖아요 And now I'm bankrupt. Ve şimdi iflas ettim. I'm divorced. |Я разведен. My two grown kids wouldn't even return my phone calls... 다 큰 두 아이는 내 전화에 답장도 하지 않아요... JACK: Strangers with this kind of honesty make me go a big rubbery one. ||||||||||||резиновым| |||||||||||very|| ||||||||||||elástico| JACK: Los extraños con este tipo de honestidad me ponen muy gomoso. JACK: 이런 솔직함을 가진 낯선 사람은 저를 고무줄처럼 만들죠.

BOB: Go ahead, Cornelius. BOB: 말해봐요, 코넬리우스. You can cry.

JACK: And then... something happened. I let go. 놓아주었습니다.

BOB: That's really good. JACK: Lost in oblivion. |||Джек: Потерян в забвении. |||Vergessenheit 잭: 망각 속에서 길을 잃었습니다. JACK: Unutulma içinde kaybolmuş. Dark and silent and complete. 어둡고 조용하며 완벽합니다.

JACK: I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom. 모든 희망을 잃은 것은 자유였습니다. It's OK. JACK: Babies don't sleep this well. 잭: 아기들은 이렇게 잘 자지 않아요. I became addicted.

JACK: If I didn't say anything, people always assumed the worst. JACK: 제가 아무 말도 하지 않으면 사람들은 항상 최악의 상황을 가정했습니다. JACK: Bir şey söylemeseydim, insanlar her zaman en kötüsünü varsaydılar. They cried harder. Then I cried harder.

LEADER: Now, we're going to open the green door, the heart chakra... ||||||||||сердечная чакра| |||||||||||energy center LİDER: Şimdi yeşil kapıyı, kalp çakrasını açacağız ... JACK: I wasn't really dying, I wasn't host to cancer or parasites. |||||||||||Parasiten |||||||||||organisms living off host 잭: 저는 실제로 죽어가는 것도 아니었고, 암이나 기생충에 감염된 것도 아니었습니다. I was the warm little center that the life of this world crowded around. ||||||||||||толпилась вокруг| 저는 이 세상의 생명들이 모여드는 따뜻한 작은 중심이었습니다.

LEADER: Imagine your pain as a white ball of healing light. |||||||||исцеляющий свет| 리더: 당신의 고통을 하얀 빛의 치유 공이라고 상상해 보세요. It moves over your body, healing you. 몸 위로 움직이며 치유합니다. Now keep this going. 이제 계속 진행하세요. Remember to breathe. and step forward, through the back door of the room. 를 클릭하고 방의 뒷문을 통해 앞으로 나가세요. Where does it lead? 어디로 연결되나요? To your cave. Step forward into your cave.

LEADER'S VOICE That's right. You're going deeper into your cave. And you're going to find your power animal... PENGUIN: Slide. |ПИНГВИН: Скользит. PENGUIN: Kaydırın.

JACK: Every evening I died. And every evening I was born again. Resurrected. Воскрешённый. Wiederauferstanden. Brought back 부활. Dirildi.

JACK: Bob loved me because he thought my testicles were removed too. ||||||||яички||| Being there, pressed against his tits, ready to cry. 거기서 그의 가슴에 기대어 울 준비가 되어 있었습니다. This was my vacation. |||Это был мой отпуск. And, she ruined everything.