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Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin, 48. ANTONIO CANOVA


A GOOD many years ago there lived in Italy a little boy whose name was Antonio Canova. He lived with his grandfather, for his own father was dead. His grandfather was a stonecutter, and he was very poor.

Antonio was a puny lad, and not strong enough to work. He did not care to play with the other boys of the town. But he liked to go with his grandfather to the stoneyard. While the old man was busy, cutting, and trimming the great blocks of stone, the lad would play among the chips. Sometimes he would make a little statue of soft clay; sometimes he would take hammer and chisel, and try to cut a statue from a piece of rock. He showed so much skill that his grandfather was delighted.

"The boy will be a sculptor some day," he said. Then when they went home in the evening, the grandmother would say, "What have you been doing to-day, my little sculptor?" And she would take him upon her lap and sing to him, or tell him stories that filled his mind with pictures of wonderful and beautiful things. And the next day, when he went back to the stoneyard, he would try to make some of those pictures in stone or clay.

There lived in the same town a rich man who was called the Count. Sometimes the Count would have a grand dinner, and his rich friends from other towns would come to visit him. Then Antonio's grandfather would go up to the Count's house to help with the work in the kitchen; for he was a fine cook as well as a good stonecutter. It happened one day that Antonio went with his grandfather to the Count's great house. Some people from the city were coming, and there was to be a grand feast. The boy could not cook, and he was not old enough to wait on the table; but he could wash the pans and kettles, and as he was smart and quick, he could help in many other ways.

All went well until it was time to spread the table for dinner. Then there was a crash in the dining room, and a man rushed into the kitchen with some pieces of marble in his hands. He was pale, and trembling with fright.

"What shall I do? What shall I do?" he cried. "I have broken the statue that was to stand at the center of the table. I cannot make the table look pretty without the statue. What will the Count say?" And now all the other servants were in trouble. Was the dinner to be a failure after all? For everything depended on having the table nicely arranged. The Count would be very angry.

"Ah, what shall we do?" they all asked.

Then little Antonio Canova left his pans and kettles, and went up to the man who had caused the trouble.

"If you had another statue, could you arrange the table?" he asked.

"Certainly," said the man; "that is, if the statue were of the right length and height." "Will you let me try to make one?" asked Antonio. "Perhaps I can make something that will do." The man laughed.

"Nonsense!" he cried. "Who are you, that you talk of making statues on an hour's notice?" "I am Antonio Canova," said the lad. "Let the boy try what he can do," said the servants, who knew him. And so, since nothing else could be done, the man allowed him to try.

On the kitchen table there was a large square lump of yellow butter. Two hundred pounds the lump weighed, and it had just come in, fresh and clean, from the dairy on the mountain. With a kitchen knife in his hand, Antonio began to cut and carve this butter. In a few minutes he had molded it into the shape of a crouching lion; and all the servants crowded around to see it.

"How beautiful!" they cried. "It is a great deal prettier than the statue that was broken." When it was finished, the man carried it to its place.

"The table will be handsomer by half than I ever hoped to make it," he said. When the Count and his friends came in to dinner, the first thing they saw was the yellow lion.

"What a beautiful work of art!" they cried. "None but a very great artist could ever carve such a figure; and how odd that he should choose to make it of butter!" And then they asked the Count to tell them the name of the artist.

"Truly, my friends," he said, "this is as much of a surprise to me as to you." And then he called to his head servant, and asked him where he had found so wonderful a statue.

"It was carved only an hour ago by a little boy in the kitchen," said the servant. This made the Count's friends wonder still more; and the Count bade the servant call the boy into the room. "My lad," he said, "you have done a piece of work of which the greatest artists would be proud. What is your name, and who is your teacher?" "My name is Antonio Canova," said the boy, "and I have had no teacher but my grandfather the stonecutter." By this time all the guests had crowded around Antonio. There were famous artists among them, and they knew that the lad was a genius. They could not say enough in praise of his work; and when at last they sat down at the table, nothing would please them but that Antonio should have a seat with them; and the dinner was made a feast in his honor.

The very next day the Count sent for Antonio to come and live with him. The best artists in the land were employed to teach him the art in which he had shown so much skill; but now, instead of carving butter, he chiseled marble. In a few years, Antonio Canova became known as one of the greatest sculptors in the world.

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48. ANTONIO CANOVA 48\. アントニオ・カノヴァ 48. ANTÓNIO CANOVA

A GOOD many years ago there lived in Italy a little boy whose name was Antonio Canova. جيد منذ عدة سنوات عاش هناك في إيطاليا ولدًا صغيرًا اسمه أنطونيو كانوفا. He lived with his grandfather, for his own father was dead. Dedesiyle birlikte yaşadı, çünkü kendi babası öldü. His grandfather was a stonecutter, and he was very poor. Büyükbabası bir taş ustasıydı ve çok fakirdi.

Antonio was a puny lad, and not strong enough to work. アントニオはちっぽけな若者で、働けるほど強くはありませんでした。 He did not care to play with the other boys of the town. 彼は町の他の少年たちと遊ぶことを気にしませんでした。 But he liked to go with his grandfather to the stoneyard. しかし、彼は祖父と一緒に石庭に行くのが好きでした。 Fakat büyükbabasıyla taş bahçeye gitmeyi severdi. While the old man was busy, cutting, and trimming the great blocks of stone, the lad would play among the chips. وبينما كان الرجل العجوز مشغولاً بقطع وتقطيع القطع الحجرية العظيمة ، كان اللاعب يلعب بين الرقائق. おじいさんが大きな石のブロックを切ったり整えたりするのに忙しくしている間、若者は切りくずの間で遊んでいました。 Yaşlı adam meşguldü, büyük taş blokları kesip biçerken, delikanlı çiplerin arasında oynayacaktı. Sometimes he would make a little statue of soft clay; sometimes he would take hammer and chisel, and try to cut a statue from a piece of rock. 時々、彼は柔らかい粘土で小さな彫像を作りました。時々彼はハンマーとノミを取り、岩片から彫像を切り出そうとしました。 Bazen yumuşak bir kil heykel yapardı; bazen çekiç ve keski kullanır ve bir kaya parçasından bir heykel kesmeye çalışır. He showed so much skill that his grandfather was delighted. أظهر مهارة كبيرة لدرجة أن جده كان سعيدًا. 彼は祖父が喜んだほどの腕前を見せた.

"The boy will be a sculptor some day," he said. Then when they went home in the evening, the grandmother would say, "What have you been doing to-day, my little sculptor?" Sonra akşam eve gittiklerinde büyükanne, "Bugün ne yaptın, küçük heykeltraşım?" And she would take him upon her lap and sing to him, or tell him stories that filled his mind with pictures of wonderful and beautiful things. そして、彼女は彼をひざに乗せて歌を歌ったり、素晴らしくて美しいものの写真で彼の心を満たした話をしたりしました。 And the next day, when he went back to the stoneyard, he would try to make some of those pictures in stone or clay. そして翌日、彼が石庭に戻ったとき、彼はそれらの絵のいくつかを石や粘土で作ろうとしました.

There lived in the same town a rich man who was called the Count. Sometimes the Count would have a grand dinner, and his rich friends from other towns would come to visit him. أحيانًا ما كان الكونت يحضر مأدبة عشاء كبيرة ، ويأتي أصدقاؤه الأثرياء من مدن أخرى لزيارته. Then Antonio's grandfather would go up to the Count's house to help with the work in the kitchen; for he was a fine cook as well as a good stonecutter. ثم كان جد أنطونيو يصعد إلى منزل الكونت للمساعدة في العمل في المطبخ ؛ لأنه كان طباخا جيدا وكذلك stonecutter جيدة. それからアントニオの祖父は伯爵の家に行って台所での仕事を手伝いました。彼は料理が上手で、石切りも上手だったからです。 It happened one day that Antonio went with his grandfather to the Count's great house. Some people from the city were coming, and there was to be a grand feast. 街から何人かの人々がやって来て、盛大なごちそうが開かれることになっていました。 Şehirden bazı insanlar geliyordu ve büyük bir şölen olacaktı. The boy could not cook, and he was not old enough to wait on the table; but he could wash the pans and kettles, and as he was smart and quick, he could help in many other ways. لم يستطع الصبي الطهي ، ولم يكن كبيرًا بما يكفي لانتظاره على الطاولة ؛ لكنه كان يستطيع غسل الأحواض والغلايات ، ولأنه ذكي وسريع ، يمكنه أن يساعد بعدة طرق أخرى. 少年は料理ができず、テーブルで待つのに十分な年齢ではありませんでした。しかし、彼は鍋ややかんを洗うことができ、頭が良くて迅速だったので、他の多くの方法で助けることができました。

All went well until it was time to spread the table for dinner. سارت الامور بشكل جيد حتى حان الوقت لنشر المائدة لتناول العشاء. 夕食のためにテーブルを広げる時が来るまで、すべてがうまくいきました. Then there was a crash in the dining room, and a man rushed into the kitchen with some pieces of marble in his hands. その後、ダイニングルームで衝突があり、男性が大理石の破片を手にキッチンに駆け込みました。 Sonra yemek odasında bir çarpışma oldu ve bir adam elinde mermer parçaları olan mutfağa koştu. He was pale, and trembling with fright. 彼は青ざめ、恐怖で震えていました。

"What shall I do? "Ne yapmalıyım? What shall I do?" 何をすればよいでしょうか?" he cried. 彼は泣いた。 "I have broken the statue that was to stand at the center of the table. 「テーブルの中央に立つ予定だった像を壊してしまいました。 I cannot make the table look pretty without the statue. 彫像がなければテーブルをきれいに見せることはできません。 What will the Count say?" 伯爵は何と言うでしょう?」 And now all the other servants were in trouble. والآن جميع الخدم الآخرين كانوا في مأزق. Was the dinner to be a failure after all? 結局、夕食は失敗だったのですか? For everything depended on having the table nicely arranged. すべては、テーブルをうまく配置することにかかっていました。 The Count would be very angry.

"Ah, what shall we do?" they all asked. طلبوا جميعا.

Then little Antonio Canova left his pans and kettles, and went up to the man who had caused the trouble. それから小さなアントニオ・カノーヴァは鍋とやかんを残して、問題を起こした男に近づきました。

"If you had another statue, could you arrange the table?" 「別の彫像があれば、テーブルを手配してもらえますか?」 he asked.

"Certainly," said the man; "that is, if the statue were of the right length and height." "بالتأكيد ،" قال الرجل ؛ "هذا هو ، إذا كان التمثال من الطول والارتفاع المناسبين." 「確かに」男は言った。 「つまり、像の長さと高さが適切であれば」 "Will you let me try to make one?" 「作ってみようかな?」 asked Antonio. "Perhaps I can make something that will do." 「たぶん、私は何かを作ることができます。」 The man laughed.

"Nonsense!" 「ナンセンス!」 he cried. "Who are you, that you talk of making statues on an hour's notice?" "من أنت ، أنت تتحدث عن صنع تماثيل في غضون ساعة؟" 「一時間前に彫像を作ると言うあなたは誰ですか?」 "Кто вы, что вы говорите о создании статуй на час уведомления?" "I am Antonio Canova," said the lad. "Let the boy try what he can do," said the servants, who knew him. And so, since nothing else could be done, the man allowed him to try. それで、他に何もできないので、男は彼に試すことを許した.

On the kitchen table there was a large square lump of yellow butter. 台所のテーブルの上に、黄色いバターの大きな四角い塊がありました。 Two hundred pounds the lump weighed, and it had just come in, fresh and clean, from the dairy on the mountain. وزن الجني مائتي جنيه ، وقد جاء للتو ، طازجة ونظيفة ، من الألبان على الجبل. 塊の重さは 200 ポンドで、山の乳製品工場から新鮮できれいな状態で入ってきたばかりでした。 İki yüz kilo topak tartı ve dağın sütçüsünden yeni çıkmış ve temizdi. With a kitchen knife in his hand, Antonio began to cut and carve this butter. In a few minutes he had molded it into the shape of a crouching lion; and all the servants crowded around to see it. 数分で、彼はそれをしゃがむライオンの形に成形しました。しもべたちは皆、それを見ようと群がりました。

"How beautiful!" they cried. "It is a great deal prettier than the statue that was broken." 「壊れた像よりずっときれいです。」 When it was finished, the man carried it to its place.

"The table will be handsomer by half than I ever hoped to make it," he said. 「このテーブルは、私がこれまで作りたいと思っていたよりも半分ハンサムになるだろう. When the Count and his friends came in to dinner, the first thing they saw was the yellow lion.

"What a beautiful work of art!" they cried. "None but a very great artist could ever carve such a figure; and how odd that he should choose to make it of butter!" 「このような形を彫ることができるのは、非常に偉大な芸術家だけです。そして、彼がバターでそれを作ることを選択するなんて、なんて奇妙なことでしょう!」 And then they asked the Count to tell them the name of the artist. Sonra Kont'tan onlara sanatçının adını söylemelerini istediler.

"Truly, my friends," he said, "this is as much of a surprise to me as to you." 「本当に、私の友人たち」と彼は言った、「これはあなたと同じくらい私にとっても驚きです。」 And then he called to his head servant, and asked him where he had found so wonderful a statue. ثم اتصل برئيس خادمه وسأله أين وجد تمثالًا رائعًا للغاية. それから彼は頭のしもべを呼んで、どこでそんなに素晴らしい彫像を見つけたのか尋ねました。

"It was carved only an hour ago by a little boy in the kitchen," said the servant. This made the Count's friends wonder still more; and the Count bade the servant call the boy into the room. هذا جعل أصدقاء الكونت يتساءلون أكثر. والكونت بادي يدعو الخادم الصبي إلى الغرفة. これは伯爵の友人たちをさらに驚かせました。そして伯爵は使用人に男の子を部屋に呼ぶように命じました。 "My lad," he said, "you have done a piece of work of which the greatest artists would be proud. 「少年よ」と彼は言った、「あなたは最高の芸術家が誇りに思うような作品を完成させました。 What is your name, and who is your teacher?" "My name is Antonio Canova," said the boy, "and I have had no teacher but my grandfather the stonecutter." 「私の名前はアントニオ・カノーヴァです」と少年は言いました。 By this time all the guests had crowded around Antonio. この時までに、すべてのゲストがアントニオの周りに群がっていました。 There were famous artists among them, and they knew that the lad was a genius. كان هناك فنانين مشهورين بينهم ، وكانوا يعرفون أن الفتى كان عبقريًا. They could not say enough in praise of his work; and when at last they sat down at the table, nothing would please them but that Antonio should have a seat with them; and the dinner was made a feast in his honor. لم يتمكنوا من قول ما يكفي في مدح عمله ؛ وعندما جلسوا أخيرًا على الطاولة ، لم يكن هناك ما يرضيهم ولكن أنطونيو يجب أن يكون له مقعد معهم ؛ وصنع العشاء وليمة على شرفه. 彼らは彼の業績を十分に称賛することができませんでした。そしてついに彼らがテーブルに着いたとき、彼らを喜ばせるものは何もありませんでした。そして夕食は彼に敬意を表してごちそうになりました。

The very next day the Count sent for Antonio to come and live with him. 翌日、伯爵はアントニオに来て彼と一緒に暮らすように言いました。 The best artists in the land were employed to teach him the art in which he had shown so much skill; but now, instead of carving butter, he chiseled marble. تم توظيف أفضل الفنانين في البلاد لتعليمه الفن الذي أظهر الكثير من المهارة ؛ لكن الآن ، بدلاً من نحت الزبدة ، أزال الرخام. Ülkedeki en iyi sanatçılar, kendisine çok fazla yetenek gösterdiği sanatı öğretmek için kullanıldı; ama şimdi, tereyağı yapmak yerine mermerden oyulmuş. In a few years, Antonio Canova became known as one of the greatest sculptors in the world.