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Society and people, Sunday 3

Sunday 3

Eli: I had a really nice day today. It's Sunday today, so obviously I got nothing to do so I went to meet my English friend Ben in a place called Harajuku in Tokyo, which is a great place to hang out in on Sundays anyway, but we found this amazing sushi restaurant that we used to go to together every time we meet up. Sundays usually our day for meeting up together cause he lives in Yokohama which is quite a long way away from me. So I don't ever see him during the week. Anyway, this sushi restaurant we found is the best one I've eaten at in Tokyo. It's one of those ones with all the sushi on a little conveyor belt, that goes along, but it doesn't just do raw fish it does all the different meats. It does little hamburgers on rice, little bits of bacon on rice, melon, salad, and also loads of puddings. We ended up I think eating about 7 puddings between us today. Um, it's, the pricing system really good. It's done on, the, how many plates you eat, and each plate is different color and that's a different price and it's so cheap and you end up, just gorging yourself eating loads and loads, for really a very cheap price, so after that we were both stuffed, and left the restaurant, went to a, up to a place in Harajuku where all the crazy kids hang out wearing costume. Had a look around there. Took some pictures and then walked along the road together about 15 minutes to a place called Shibuya which is really one of the good sort of trendy young shopping, hanging out places in Tokyo, um, just so crowded all the time, but today they were having a Matsuri festival on, where all the sort of people from the local different sort of dojos and clubs get together and carry this big heavy thing through the streets all in there traditional Japanese clothes, and all that chanting and singing and whistling, so that was really nice to see. We decided we wanted to go to the cinema to see a new film that has just come out so we walked all around Shibuya looking for cinemas and everyone we went to didn't have this film, wasn't playing this film, so we gave up on that in the end. Ben went home and I went into one of the shopping centers in Shibuya looking for souvenirs for my friends, cause it's getting to that time now where I gotta start thinking I'm leaving Japan in a month and there's just my list of presents that I've got to get for people, a number of people I've got to get things for is just getting longer and longer as I keep on remembering more and more people, so I've stuffed my souvenir buying now and I think Shibuya, as far as my girlfriend's is concerned is the best to buy stuff.

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Sunday 3 Sonntag 3 Domingo 3 日曜日 3 일요일 3 Niedziela 3 Domingo 3 Воскресенье 3 Pazar 3 Неділя 3 星期日 3 星期日 3

Eli: I had a really nice day today. It’s Sunday today, so obviously I got nothing to do so I went to meet my English friend Ben in a place called Harajuku in Tokyo, which is a great place to hang out in on Sundays anyway, but we found this amazing sushi restaurant that we used to go to together every time we meet up. Bugün Pazar, açıkçası yapacak bir şeyim yok, bu yüzden İngiliz arkadaşım Ben ile Tokyo'daki Harajuku adlı bir yerde buluşmaya gittim, zaten Pazar günleri takılmak için harika bir yer, ama her buluştuğumuzda birlikte gittiğimiz bu harika suşi restoranını bulduk. Sundays usually our day for meeting up together cause he lives in Yokohama which is quite a long way away from me. So I don’t ever see him during the week. Ich sehe ihn also nie unter der Woche. だから平日は彼と会うことはない。 Bu yüzden onu hafta içi hiç görmüyorum. Anyway, this sushi restaurant we found is the best one I’ve eaten at in Tokyo. Jedenfalls ist dieses Sushi-Restaurant, das wir gefunden haben, das beste, in dem ich in Tokio gegessen habe. とにかく、私たちが見つけたこの寿司屋は、私が東京で食べた中で最高のものだった。 It’s one of those ones with all the sushi on a little conveyor belt, that goes along, but it doesn’t just do raw fish it does all the different meats. Es ist eines von denen, bei denen alle Sushi auf einem kleinen Fließband laufen, aber es gibt nicht nur rohen Fisch, sondern auch alle möglichen Fleischsorten. 小さなベルトコンベアーに寿司が並んでいるんだけど、生魚だけじゃなくて、いろんな肉もあるんだ。 Tüm suşilerin küçük bir konveyör bant üzerinde ilerlediği yerlerden biri, ancak sadece çiğ balık değil, tüm farklı etleri de yapıyor. It does little hamburgers on rice, little bits of bacon on rice, melon, salad, and also loads of puddings. ご飯の上にハンバーグを乗せたり、ベーコンを乗せたり、メロンやサラダを乗せたり、プリンを乗せたり。 We ended up I think eating about 7 puddings between us today. Sanırım bugün aramızda yaklaşık 7 puding yedik. Um, it’s, the pricing system really good. Fiyatlandırma sistemi gerçekten çok iyi. It’s done on, the, how many plates you eat, and each plate is different color and that’s a different price and it’s so cheap and you end up, just gorging yourself eating loads and loads, for really a very cheap price, so after that we were both stuffed, and left the restaurant, went to a, up to a place in Harajuku where all the crazy kids hang out wearing costume. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||吃得很飽|||||||||||||||||||||| Es kommt darauf an, wie viele Teller man isst, und jeder Teller hat eine andere Farbe, und das ist ein anderer Preis, und es ist so billig, und am Ende isst man einfach Unmengen, für einen wirklich sehr billigen Preis, und danach waren wir beide satt und verließen das Restaurant, gingen zu einem Ort in Harajuku, wo alle verrückten Kinder in Kostümen herumhängen. Kaç tabak yediğinize göre yapılıyor ve her tabak farklı renkte ve bu farklı bir fiyat ve çok ucuz ve sonunda gerçekten çok ucuz bir fiyata bir sürü ve bir sürü yiyerek kendinizi doyuruyorsunuz, bundan sonra ikimiz de tıka basa doyduk ve restorandan ayrıldık, Harajuku'da tüm çılgın çocukların kostüm giyerek takıldığı bir yere gittik. Had a look around there. Ich habe mich dort umgesehen. Etrafa bir göz attım. Took some pictures and then walked along the road together about 15 minutes to a place called Shibuya which is really one of the good sort of trendy young shopping, hanging out places in Tokyo, um, just so crowded all the time, but today they were having a Matsuri festival on, where all the sort of people from the local different sort of dojos and clubs get together and carry this big heavy thing through the streets all in there traditional Japanese clothes, and all that chanting and singing and whistling, so that was really nice to see. |||||||||||||||||||||道場|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ama bugün bir Matsuri festivali düzenliyorlardı, yerel farklı dojolardan ve kulüplerden insanlar bir araya gelip geleneksel Japon kıyafetleri içinde sokaklarda bu büyük ve ağır şeyi taşıyorlardı, ilahiler, şarkılar ve ıslıklar çalıyorlardı, bunu görmek gerçekten çok güzeldi. We decided we wanted to go to the cinema to see a new film that has just come out so we walked all around Shibuya looking for cinemas and everyone we went to didn’t have this film, wasn’t playing this film, so we gave up on that in the end. Wir beschlossen, ins Kino zu gehen, um einen neuen Film zu sehen, der gerade herausgekommen war, also liefen wir durch ganz Shibuya und suchten nach Kinos, aber alle, in die wir gingen, hatten diesen Film nicht, spielten ihn nicht, also gaben wir es schließlich auf. Yeni çıkan bir filmi görmek için sinemaya gitmek istediğimize karar verdik ve Shibuya'da dolaşıp sinema aradık ama gittiğimiz hiçbir yerde bu film yoktu, oynamıyordu, biz de sonunda bundan vazgeçtik. Ben went home and I went into one of the shopping centers in Shibuya looking for souvenirs for my friends, cause it’s getting to that time now where I gotta start thinking I’m leaving Japan in a month and there’s just my list of presents that I’ve got to get for people, a number of people I’ve got to get things for is just getting longer and longer as I keep on remembering more and more people, so I’ve stuffed my souvenir buying now and I think Shibuya, as far as my girlfriend’s is concerned is the best to buy stuff. Ben ging nach Hause und ich ging in eines der Einkaufszentren in Shibuya, um nach Souvenirs für meine Freunde zu suchen, denn jetzt kommt der Zeitpunkt, an dem ich anfangen muss, daran zu denken, dass ich Japan in einem Monat verlasse, und da ist einfach meine Liste von Geschenken, die ich für Leute besorgen muss, Die Liste der Leute, für die ich etwas besorgen muss, wird immer länger, weil ich mich an immer mehr Leute erinnere, also habe ich meine Souvenir-Einkäufe jetzt vollgestopft und ich denke, dass Shibuya, soweit es meine Freundin betrifft, der beste Ort ist, um Sachen zu kaufen. Ben eve gitti ve ben de Shibuya'daki alışveriş merkezlerinden birine girip arkadaşlarım için hediyelik eşya bakmaya başladım, çünkü artık bir ay sonra Japonya'dan ayrılacağımı ve insanlara almam gereken hediyelerin listesi olduğunu düşünmeye başlamam gerekiyor, Bir şeyler almam gereken insanların sayısı, daha fazla insanı hatırlamaya devam ettikçe uzadıkça uzuyor, bu yüzden hediyelik eşya alışverişimi şimdi doldurdum ve kız arkadaşımın söz konusu olduğu kadarıyla Shibuya'nın bir şeyler satın almak için en iyisi olduğunu düşünüyorum. 本回家了,我则去了涩谷的一家购物中心为朋友们寻找纪念品,因为现在我得开始想我一个月后就要离开日本了,而我要为人们买的礼物清单就列在那里,我要为他们买东西的人越来越多,我记起的人也越来越多,所以我现在已经买满了纪念品,我认为涩谷,对我的女朋友来说,是买东西的最佳地点。