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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), What chickens can teach us about hierarchies: 6 Minute English - YouTube

What chickens can teach us about hierarchies: 6 Minute English - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English, I'm Neil.

Catherine: And I'm Catherine.

Neil: Catherine, what's the connection between

hierarchies, managers and chickens?

Catherine: Well, I don't know Neil, but I'm, sure you're

going to tell me.

Neil: First of all, could you explain for our listeners

what a hierarchy is?

Catherine: Of course! A hierarchy is a way of organising

people. For example, in a company, where there are

people working at different levels. You've

got bosses, managers and workers.

The workers do the work and the managers have

meetings that stop the workers doing the work!

Neil: But where do the chickens come in?

We'll find out shortly, but first here is today's question

and it is – surprise, surprise – about chickens.

What is the record number of eggs laid by one chicken

in a year? Is it:

a: 253

b: 371

or c: 426

What do you think Catherine:?

Catherine: Well, I think most chickens lay an egg once

a day, so I think it's 371.

Neil: Well, we will have an answer later in the


Now, for hierarchies and chickens.

In the radio programme The Joy of 9 to 5,

produced by Somethin' Else for the BBC,

entrepreneur Margaret Heffernan

described an experiment.

In this experiment, researchers compared the

egg production of a group of average chickens

to a group of super-chickens.

That's chickens with an above average egg production.

Which was the most successful?

Here's Margaret Heffernan, and by the way,

the noun for a group of chickens is a flock.

Margaret Heffernan: He compares the two flocks

over six generations.

The average flock just gets better and better and better.

Egg production increases dramatically.

The super-flock of super-chickens,

at the end of six generations, all but three are dead,

because the other three have killed the rest.

They've achieved their individual

productivity by suppressing the productivity of the rest.

And that's what we do at work.

Neil: Which flock was most successful?

Catherine: Well, the super-flock actually killed each

other, so it turned out that the average flock

laid more eggs in total and was more successful.

Neil: Yes, but why was that?

Catherine: Well, the super-chickens must have seen

their other flock members not as colleagues,

but as competitors.

Now to understand this, we have to start with the word


This noun refers to the amount of work that's done.

So, on an individual level, the super-chickens achieved

productivity because they suppressed

the productivity of their flock members.

'Suppressed' here means they 'stopped the other

chickens from being productive' by killing them.

Neil: So, what do we learn from this experiment?

Catherine: Well, Margaret Heffernan suggests that we

see this kind of behaviour in the human workplace.

When everyone is equal, productivity is high,

but as soon as there's a hierarchy

- as soon as there are managers -

things can go wrong because not all managers see their

role as making life easier for the workers.

They demonstrate their productivity as managers,

by interfering with the productivity of the workers.

Neil: But there are other experiments which show

that chickens are productive in a hierarchy.

How are those hierarchies different though?

Here's Margaret Heffernan again.

Margaret Heffernan: So chickens have an inbuilt

or, if you like, an inherited hierarchy - that's where we

get the term 'pecking order' from.

But it's one that they create among themselves,

rather than one that's imposed upon them.

Neil: So, which hierarchy works, at least for chickens?

Catherine: Well, the best hierarchy is one that isn't

imposed. That means a good hierarchy isn't

forced on the chickens.

They do well when they create the hierarchy themselves,

naturally. They work out the pecking order themselves.

Neil: 'Pecking order' is a great phrase.

We use it to describe levels of importance in an

organisation. The more important you are, the higher in

the pecking order you are.

Where does this phrase originate?

Catherine: Well, 'pecking' describes what chickens do

with their beaks.

They hit or bite other chickens with them.

And the most important or dominant chickens, peck

all the others. The top chicken does all the pecking,

middle-level chickens get pecked and do some pecking

themselves, and some chickens are only pecked

by other chickens.

So, there is a definite pecking order in chickens.

Neil: Right, time to review this week's vocabulary,

but before that let's have the answer to the quiz.

I asked what the record number of eggs

laid by a single chicken in a year was.

The options were:

a: 253

b: 371

or c: 426

What did you say, Catherine?

Catherine: I said 371.

Neil: Well, lucky you! You're definitely top of

the pecking order, aren't you?

Because you are right!

Catherine: That's a lot of eggs!

Neil: Indeed. Now, the vocabulary.

We are talking about 'hierarchies'

- a way to organise a society or workplace with

different levels of importance.

Catherine: An expression with a similar meaning is

'pecking order', which relates to how important

someone, or a chicken, is, within a hierarchy.

Neil: A group of chickens is a 'flock'.

It's also the general collective noun for birds as well,

not just chickens.

Catherine: Another of our words was the noun


which refers to 'the amount of work that is done'.

Neil: And if you 'suppress' someone's productivity,

you stop them from being as productive

as they could be.

Catherine: And finally, there was the verb to 'impose'.

If you impose something, you force it on people.

For example,

the government imposed new taxes on fuel.

Neil: Well that is the end of the programme. For

more from us though, check out Instagram,

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and of course,

our App! Don't forget the website as well

- bbclearningenglish.com.

See you soon, bye.

Catherine: Bye!

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What chickens can teach us about hierarchies: 6 Minute English - YouTube |鸡群|||||等级制度||| ||||||Hierarchien||| what||||||hierarchies||| ||||||hierarquias||| Was Hühner uns über Hierarchien lehren können: 6 Minuten Englisch - YouTube Ce que les poules peuvent nous apprendre sur les hiérarchies : L'anglais en 6 minutes - YouTube O que as galinhas nos podem ensinar sobre hierarquias: 6 Minute English - YouTube Tavuklar bize hiyerarşiler hakkında ne öğretebilir? 6 Minute English - YouTube 鸡可以教给我们关于等级制度的哪些知识:6 分钟英语 - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English, I'm Neil.

Catherine: And I'm Catherine.

Neil: Catherine, what's the connection between

hierarchies, managers and chickens? 层级结构|||

Catherine: Well, I don't know Neil, but I'm, sure you're

going to tell me.

Neil: First of all, could you explain for our listeners

what a hierarchy is? ||层级结构| ||a hierarchy|

Catherine: Of course! A hierarchy is a way of organising ||||层级结构|||||

people. For example, in a company, where there are

people working at different levels. You've 다양한 수준의 사람들이 일하고 있습니다. 당신은

got bosses, managers and workers. |老板们||| |Chefs|||

The workers do the work and the managers have

meetings that stop the workers doing the work! ||halt||||| 작업을 중단시키는 회의! встречи, которые останавливают рабочих, выполняющих работу!

Neil: But where do the chickens come in? Neil: Ale kde jsou kuřata? Neil: 그런데 닭은 어디로 들어오나요? Neil: 但是鸡是从哪里来的?

We'll find out shortly, but first here is today's question 我们马上就会知道,但首先这里是今天的问题

and it is – surprise, surprise – about chickens. a je - překvapivě - o kuřatech. e é - surpresa, surpresa - sobre galinhas. 问题是 - 惊喜啊,是关于鸡的。

What is the record number of eggs laid by one chicken |||Rekord||||||| |||||||produced||| Jaký je rekordní počet vajec snesených jednou slepicí 닭 한 마리가 낳는 알의 기록적인 수는 얼마입니까? 一只鸡所产下的蛋的最高纪录是多少?

in a year? Is it:

a: 253

b: 371

or c: 426

What do you think Catherine:?

Catherine: Well, I think most chickens lay an egg once |||||||a||

a day, so I think it's 371.

Neil: Well, we will have an answer later in the


Now, for hierarchies and chickens. ||gerarchia|| 이제 계층 구조와 닭에 대해 알아보겠습니다.

In the radio programme The Joy of 9 to 5, |||||Joy||

produced by Somethin' Else for the BBC, ||由Somethin' Else制作|||| |||else|||

entrepreneur Margaret Heffernan 企业家玛格丽特·赫夫南||赫弗南 entrepreneur|Margaret| empreendedora||

described an experiment. 실험을 설명했습니다.

In this experiment, researchers compared the 이 실험에서 연구원들은

egg production of a group of average chickens 평균 닭 그룹의 계란 생산량

to a group of super-chickens. 를 슈퍼 닭 무리에 비유할 수 있습니다.

That's chickens with an above average egg production. 이는 평균 이상의 계란 생산량을 가진 닭입니다. Это куры с яйценоскостью выше средней. 这是具有高于平均蛋产量的鸡。

Which was the most successful? 哪个是最成功的?

Here's Margaret Heffernan, and by the way, 这里是玛格丽特·赫夫南,顺便说一句

the noun for a group of chickens is a flock. |||||||||群 |||||||||Herde |noun||||||||Group of chickens |||||||||stormo |||||||||um bando 닭 무리를 나타내는 명사는 무리입니다.

Margaret Heffernan: He compares the two flocks ||||||群体 |Heffernan||||| |||he compares||| ||||||stada

over six generations.

The average flock just gets better and better and better.

Egg production increases dramatically. 달걀 생산량이 급격히 증가합니다. 鸡蛋产量大幅增加。

The super-flock of super-chickens, 超级鸡群中的超级鸡,

at the end of six generations, all but three are dead, 6세대가 지난 지금, 세 명을 제외하고는 모두 죽었습니다, В конце шести поколений все, кроме трех, умерли, 六代后,除三只外,全部死亡。

because the other three have killed the rest. 因为其他三个人杀死了其他人。

They've achieved their individual |achieved||individual 그들은 각자의 他们通过压制其他人的生产力来实现他们的个人

productivity by suppressing the productivity of the rest. 生产力||||||| ||unterdrücken||||| productivity||Inhibiting||||| produktivitu tím, že potlačuje produktivitu ostatních. 나머지의 생산성을 억제하여 생산성을 높일 수 있습니다. 生产力。

And that's what we do at work.

Neil: Which flock was most successful?

Catherine: Well, the super-flock actually killed each

other, so it turned out that the average flock ||||||||group of birds 另外,结果证明,平均群体

laid more eggs in total and was more successful. 总共产卵更多,更成功。

Neil: Yes, but why was that? 尼尔:是的,但为什么?

Catherine: Well, the super-chickens must have seen

their other flock members not as colleagues, ||||||colleagues

but as competitors. ||竞争对手 ||competitors

Now to understand this, we have to start with the word 이제 이를 이해하려면 다음과 같은 단어로 시작해야 합니다.


This noun refers to the amount of work that's done. 이 명사는 완료된 작업의 양을 나타냅니다.

So, on an individual level, the super-chickens achieved 따라서 개인 수준에서 슈퍼 닭은 다음을 달성했습니다. 因此,在个体层面上,这些超级鸡实现了

productivity because they suppressed |||压制 |||unterdrückt 생산성 저하를 억제하여 高生产力,因为它们抑制了

the productivity of their flock members. 무리의 구성원들의 생산성을 향상시킬 수 있습니다. 它们的群体成员的生产力。

'Suppressed' here means they 'stopped the other suprimido|||||| Tłumione||||||

chickens from being productive' by killing them. |||高产||| |||productive|||

Neil: So, what do we learn from this experiment?

Catherine: Well, Margaret Heffernan suggests that we

see this kind of behaviour in the human workplace.

When everyone is equal, productivity is high, Wenn||||||

but as soon as there's a hierarchy ||||||hierarchy 但一旦出现了等级制度

- as soon as there are managers - 一旦||||| - 一旦出现了管理者 -

things can go wrong because not all managers see their 모든 관리자들이 자신의 事情可能会出错,因为并不是所有的管理者都能看到他们的

role as making life easier for the workers. 작업자의 삶을 더 편하게 만드는 역할을 합니다. 作为为工人们的生活变得更轻松的角色。

They demonstrate their productivity as managers, |demonstrate|||| 이들은 관리자로서의 생산성을 입증합니다, 作为管理者展示他们的生产力,

by interfering with the productivity of the workers. |干扰|||||| |störend|||||| |disrupting|||||| 작업자의 생산성을 방해함으로써. 干扰工人的生产力。

Neil: But there are other experiments which show

that chickens are productive in a hierarchy. ||||||in a hierarchy 닭은 계층 구조에서 생산성이 높다는 것을 알 수 있습니다. 鸡在等级制度中很有生产力。

How are those hierarchies different though? |||||不过 Wie||||anders| |||le gerarchie|| Wie unterscheiden sich diese Hierarchien jedoch? 하지만 이러한 계층 구조는 어떻게 다를까요? 这些等级制度又有何不同呢?

Here's Margaret Heffernan again. Hier ist wieder Margaret Heffernan. 这是玛格丽特·赫夫南再次出现。

Margaret Heffernan: So chickens have an inbuilt ||||||内置的 |Heffernan|||||eingebaute Margaret Heffernan||||||innate ||||||inbuilt ||||||inata Margaret Heffernan: Hühner haben eine eingebaute

or, if you like, an inherited hierarchy - that's where we |||||继承的|||| |||||inherited = passed down from previous generations|||| |||||inherited||||

get the term 'pecking order' from. |||pecking|hierarchy| |||bica|| herausfinden|||Hackordnung|| |||啄食|| |||pecking|| |||hierarchii szczebli||

But it's one that they create among themselves, 但这种等级制度是他们自己建立起来的,

rather than one that's imposed upon them. ||||强加的|| ||||forced upon them|upon| 而不是被强加给他们的。

Neil: So, which hierarchy works, at least for chickens? 尼尔:那么,至少对鸡来说,哪种等级制度有效呢?

Catherine: Well, the best hierarchy is one that isn't

imposed. That means a good hierarchy isn't forced upon||||||

forced on the chickens.

They do well when they create the hierarchy themselves, sie||||||||

naturally. They work out the pecking order themselves. ||解决||||| |sie|||||| 自然地。它们自行建立了优先次序。

Neil: 'Pecking order' is a great phrase. 尼尔:'优先次序' 是一个很棒的短语。

We use it to describe levels of importance in an 我们用它来描述重要性的级别

organisation. The more important you are, the higher in |||||||更高层|

the pecking order you are.

Where does this phrase originate? ||||起源于哪里 ||||stammen ||||origina

Catherine: Well, 'pecking' describes what chickens do

with their beaks. ||用它们的喙 ||Schnäbeln ||bills ||くちばし ||bicos

They hit or bite other chickens with them. |||they bite|||| 他们用它们来打击或咬其他鸡。

And the most important or dominant chickens, peck |||||主导的|| |||||||picken |||||||bicam 而且最重要或最主导的鸡会啄

all the others. The top chicken does all the pecking, 所有的||||||||| 其他所有鸡。最高阶的鸡会进行所有的啄。

middle-level chickens get pecked and do some pecking ||||啄食|||| |||werden gepickt|picken|||| ||||picoteados||||

themselves, and some chickens are only pecked ||||||啄食 ||||||picadas

by other chickens.

So, there is a definite pecking order in chickens.

Neil: Right, time to review this week's vocabulary,

but before that let's have the answer to the quiz.

I asked what the record number of eggs

laid by a single chicken in a year was.

The options were:

a: 253

b: 371

or c: 426

What did you say, Catherine?

Catherine: I said 371.

Neil: Well, lucky you! You're definitely top of

the pecking order, aren't you? |social hierarchy|||

Because you are right!

Catherine: That's a lot of eggs!

Neil: Indeed. Now, the vocabulary.

We are talking about 'hierarchies'

- a way to organise a society or workplace with

different levels of importance.

Catherine: An expression with a similar meaning is

'pecking order', which relates to how important

someone, or a chicken, is, within a hierarchy.

Neil: A group of chickens is a 'flock'.

It's also the general collective noun for birds as well, ||||collective|||||

not just chickens.

Catherine: Another of our words was the noun


which refers to 'the amount of work that is done'.

Neil: And if you 'suppress' someone's productivity, ||||压制|| ||||unterdrückst||

you stop them from being as productive

as they could be.

Catherine: And finally, there was the verb to 'impose'. Catherine||||||||

If you impose something, you force it on people. ||auferlegen||du|||| ||force upon||||||

For example,

the government imposed new taxes on fuel.

Neil: Well that is the end of the programme. For

more from us though, check out Instagram, |||though|||

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and of course,

our App! Don't forget the website as well our application's|||||||

- bbclearningenglish.com. BBC Learning English|

See you soon, bye. |you||

Catherine: Bye!