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The Infographics Show, How Disney Sanitized Fairy Tales That Were Originally Horror Stories

How Disney Sanitized Fairy Tales That Were Originally Horror Stories

As kids we listen to fairytales and those stories stay with us for the rest of our lives.

In any given year movies are made about these stories, and while they can get a bit dark

they are usually very child-friendly.

But what if we told you that the origins of these stories are brutal?

What if you learned that your favorite fairy tale was based on something absolutely horrific?

Well, that's often the truth.

Little Red Riding Hood So, we all know the story about the girl who

is fooled by a wolf.

It's rather grim, but as kids we get through it.

In a book called “Sons of Cain” about serial killers penned by Peter Vronsky he

writes about how crazed killers in the past were sometimes accused of being werewolves.

These were especially brutal murders so society at times said a monster of a man must be behind


Werewolves were taken seriously, and quite a few people were convicted of being one.

Many people back then just couldn't see how anything but a monster could do such terrible


What we are saying is that this story could have been based on crazed maniacs.

Little Red Riding was written shortly Europe's werewolf epidemic from 1450 to 1650.

We saw the first printed version in 1697, although there would be many versions.

In this first version the girl is seduced by the wolf, takes off all her clothes, and

is basically savaged by the wolf and dies.

Vronsky calls it a “dark and vile horror story.”

In other versions the girl is likely based on a person who sells her own body.

Some scholars believe that the moral of the story is don't do this or you will get ripped

apart by a wolf.

It's a dark cautionary tale.

While in other versions the grandmother is cut up into small pieces, her blood is drained

and turned into a kind of wine, and the girl is tricked into eating and drinking her and

so becomes a cannibal.

The language is so strong in that version that we won't utter it today.

In yet another versions the girl plays along with the wolf and let's just say the story

has a very sexual slant.

She actually does a striptease for the wolf in one of the stories.

She also goes to bed with the wolf and before she is brutally killed by him, he has his

wicked way with her.

Vronsky writes that over the years we had to sanitize the story because the depravity

of Little Red Riding Hood just didn't sit well with more modern folks.

As you will see, we cleaned up a lot of fairytales.

Sleeping Beauty The 17th century version of this story has

been called by some people “deeply disturbing.”

You all know the version which involves a curse sending a woman into an eternal sleep

and a handsome prince coming to her aid.

Well, the original is slightly more horrific.

In a 17th century version written by a famous fairytale writer called Charles Perrault,

the beautiful woman is pretty much attacked in her sleep.

The man has her way with her.

In another version the same happens to the unfortunate woman, and these are some of the

lines: “Crying aloud, the king beheld her charms

and felt his blood course hotly through his veins.

He lifted her in his arms, and carried her to a bed, where he gathered the first fruits

of love.”

We think you can understand what actually happened in that scene, and it's not something

you'll see in a Disney movie.

In that same version she falls pregnant and has two kids in her sleep.

The babies then suck on Sleeping Beauty's fingers to try and wake her, and when she

does wake from her coma she has more trouble.

The king then comes back and he wants the kids he helped make.

He is married, though, to an evil woman.

She doesn't much like the fact her cheating husband goes to get these kids, at least in

one version, and she orders that the kids be killed and then fed to her wretched husband.

She does this, and all the while the king does not know what he is eating.

As he chomps down on the food the queen tells him, “Eat, eat, you are eating of your own.”

Lots more happens that you just couldn't' show to kids today, such as the Queen trying

to burn Sleeping Beauty to death, or Sleeping Beauty taking off all her clothes.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs We hate to burst your bubble, but this story

also has some pretty dark origins.

It's likely based on the life of a Bavarian noblewoman in the 16th century called Margarete

von Waldeck.

She was famed for her beauty and at a young age was sought after by many noblemen.

But the story takes shape, according to some scholars, because of child labor.

Let us explain.

Her father owned a copper mine and in that mine little children were sent to work.

They were the only ones small enough to do the job.

The labor was very hard and it's said this deformed some of those kids.

So, we have a beautiful woman and a load of deformed little kids doing hard labor.

All these kids lived in one house and they often wore bright hoods.

Some of them understandably didn't like the dangerous work, and it's said that if

any of them got on the wrong side of their employers they would be poisoned with nightshade.

That's where the poisoned apple comes from.

Margarete died at age 21, and it is suspected that she was poisoned.

It's said her father, who was the King of Spain, opposed her love affair and so he sent

assassins to kill her.

But even the Brothers Grimm version of this story is really dark.

Here is some text from that: “Finally she summoned a huntsman and said

to him, 'Take Snow White out into the woods to a remote spot, and stab her to death.

As proof that she is dead bring her lungs and her liver back to me.

I shall cook them with salt and eat them.”

This gives an entirely new meaning to evil queen.

Snow White gets her revenge on the evil queen, though, and this is how she did it:

“They put a pair of iron shoes into the fire until they glowed, and she had to put

them on and dance in them.

Her feet were terribly burned, and she could not stop until she had danced herself to death.”

Pinocchio The original version of Pinocchio was written

by a man called Carlo Collodi.

He never had kids and it's said that he hated them.

In his version all the kids in the story and terrible, greedy, the worst things on Earth

except for the naughty protagonist Pinocchio.

Experts say the bad behavior of the puppet and all the other kids in the story is not

supposed to be endearing.

It is a warning that kids are little devils, which at this time in history a lot of people

really believed.

In one version he wrote the puppet is strung up and hanged on a tree.

You can see just how much this man hated children.

This is some text from the hanging of Pinocchio: “A tempestuous northerly wind began to blow

and roar angrily, and it beat the poor puppet from side to side, making him swing violently,

like the clatter of a bell ringing for a wedding.

And the swinging gave him atrocious spasms.”

Yep, that's not exactly child-friendly.

The moral of the story is that if you are naughty you will be tortured and then murdered,

so this is quite extreme reading.

Pinocchio is just not nice at all.

He is a proper little rascal, and he kills the talking cricket with a hammer.

He often gets beat for his naughtiness, with the writer saying after one transgression

the puppet is tortured and is “so giddy with pain that stars of every color danced

before his eyes.”

In other scenes he is humiliated and faces greater pains.

It reads like the Marquis de Sade but for children.

This is basically a very extreme cautionary tale and it is no doubt a story of sadism.

They didn't have PTSD back then, well, at least they didn't have a term for it, but

we imagine after reading this story a lot of kids suffered from it.

You might have seen some of our other shows in which we referenced author Steven Pinker's

book on historical violence called, “The Better Angels of our Nature.”

Pinker details how before we had children's rights the “little devils” grew up amid

a lot of violence.

The story of Pinocchio stands as a testament to that.

Little Jack Horner This is such a nice nursery rhyme.

Here it is: “Little Jack Horner

Sat in the corner, Eating his Christmas pie;

He put in his thumb, And pulled out a plum,

And said, "What a good boy am I!”

What could possibly be dark about that?

Well, some people think it was based on a guy called Thomas Horner.

He was the steward of a man who was the last abbot of Glastonbury before King Henry VIII

dissolved the monasteries in England.

The abbot's name was Richard Whiting.

As the story goes, Whiting sent Horner to London to meet the king.

With him was a great big pie and hidden in the pie were the deeds to lots of country


Whiting didn't want the king to nationalize the church lands.

The gift was supposed to impress Henry so he wouldn't do that.

It's said little Horner actually put his hands in the pie and took one of the manors

for himself.

As for Mr. Whiting, he was later hanged, drawn and quartered, and his head was removed and

stuck on a gate.

Cinderella In the 17th century version of this tale written

by Italian writer Giambattista Basile, Cinderella is basically a contract killer.

She is told by a governess to kill her own mother, which she does.

In the writer's words, “she snaps her step-mother's neck with the lid of a dressing


The governess then marries the father and Cinderella is sent to work in the kitchens.

This version then goes like the story we know.

She loses a slipper and meets a dashing prince.

But there is an earlier version written in Scotland and that was called “Rashin Coatie.”

In that story the stepmother cuts off little bits of Cinderella's feet so they'll be

too deformed to fit the slipper.

In yet another version, the evil sisters mutilate themselves and birds peck out their eyes.

Pied Piper of Hamelin This is the story you all know of the guy

that played a pipe and lured rats away from the town of Hamelin.

The towns folks, though, didn't actually pay him and so he lured the children away,


In some versions he brings the children back when the money has been paid, but in other

versions he kills most of the kids by drowning them.

It's actually written that this town in the 14th century did have a lot of kids that

suddenly went missing.

They might have simply starved to death, but some theories suggest the kids were lured

away by pagans to perform ritual dancing.

They were then danced to death.

Other theories say the kids were forced to emigrate en-masse.

Life was tough back then and there is evidence of something called “dancing mania” happening

around Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries.

Basically, a number of people would just start dancing really erratically.

This is sometimes called “mass psychogenic illness” and involves lots of people coming

down with the same malady at the same time.

It's literally collective madness.

In this case people would dance until they collapsed from exhaustion.

It was kind of a crazy rave for the hysterical.

We don't know if this is what happened to the missing kids of Hamelin, but you can be

sure that the Pied Piper story has some dark origins.

Just out of interest we tried to find modern examples of mass hysteria and we didn't

come up empty handed.

The Guardian reported in 2015 that it happened at a school in the UK.

One day girls at that school just started fainting.

One of the students said people were just falling like dominos, but the police and fire

department could find no reason for this.

It turned out it was mass psychogenic illness.

The Guardian interviewed a psychiatrist who said that it was actually quite common, and

schools are where it seems to happen a lot.

We found cases in countries around the world where this occurred, and it seems to happen

to females more than males.

Sometimes food or drink is at first blamed, but that wasn't the case at all.

In one of the stranger cases a bunch of girls in the school in New York in 2011 developed

facial tics, but it was just hysteria, not a medical problem.

So, which of these tales so you think is the most horrific?

Do you think Hollywood should try and recreate the originals?

Tell us in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out our other video Why Life During The Dark Ages Sucked.

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time.

How Disney Sanitized Fairy Tales That Were Originally Horror Stories كيف||||||||| Wie Disney Märchen, die ursprünglich Horrorgeschichten waren, hygienisiert hat Πώς η Disney εξυγίανε τα παραμύθια που αρχικά ήταν ιστορίες τρόμου Cómo Disney desinfectó cuentos de hadas que originalmente eran historias de terror Comment Disney a aseptisé des contes de fées qui étaient à l'origine des histoires d'horreur Come la Disney ha sanificato le fiabe che in origine erano storie dell'orrore もともとホラーだった童話をディズニーはどのように衛生化したか 디즈니가 원래 공포 이야기였던 동화를 위생 처리한 방법 Jak Disney zdezynfekował bajki, które pierwotnie były horrorami Como a Disney higienizou contos de fadas que eram originalmente histórias de terror Как Disney дезинфицировал сказки, которые изначально были ужастиками Disney Aslında Korku Hikayeleri Olan Peri Masallarını Nasıl Sanitize Etti? Як Дісней санірував казки, які спочатку були страшилками 迪士尼如何美化原本是恐怖故事的童话故事

As kids we listen to fairytales and those stories stay with us for the rest of our lives. 当我们还是孩子时,我们听童话故事,而这些故事会伴随我们一生。

In any given year movies are made about these stories, and while they can get a bit dark 在任何一年,都会有关于这些故事的电影推出,虽然它们有时会变得有点黑暗,

they are usually very child-friendly. 但通常都很适合儿童观看。

But what if we told you that the origins of these stories are brutal? |||||||||||||tàn bạo 但如果我们告诉你这些故事的起源是残酷的呢?

What if you learned that your favorite fairy tale was based on something absolutely horrific? 如果你发现你最喜欢的童话故事是基于某些非常可怕的事情呢?

Well, that's often the truth. 嗯,这通常就是事实。

Little Red Riding Hood So, we all know the story about the girl who 小红帽,我们都知道这个女孩被狼欺骗的故事。

is fooled by a wolf. 这故事相当严峻,但我们小时候总会克服。

It's rather grim, but as kids we get through it. 小红帽,我们都知道这个女孩被狼欺骗的故事。

In a book called “Sons of Cain” about serial killers penned by Peter Vronsky he 彼得·弗朗斯基(Peter Vronsky)著有一本名为《亚当的儿子们》(Sons of Cain)的书,探讨连环杀手,

writes about how crazed killers in the past were sometimes accused of being werewolves. 提到过去的疯狂杀手有时被指控是狼人。

These were especially brutal murders so society at times said a monster of a man must be behind 这些谋杀案特别残忍,因此社会有时说背后必定有一个怪物般的男人。

them. 他们。

Werewolves were taken seriously, and quite a few people were convicted of being one. Người sói||||||||||kết án||| lycanthropes||||||||||found guilty||| 狼人受到严肃对待,相当多的人被判定为狼人。

Many people back then just couldn't see how anything but a monster could do such terrible 当时许多人根本无法理解,除了怪物外,怎么可能有人做出如此可怕的事情

things. things.

What we are saying is that this story could have been based on crazed maniacs. 我们所说的是这个故事可能是基于疯狂的疯子。

Little Red Riding was written shortly Europe's werewolf epidemic from 1450 to 1650. 小红帽在欧洲狼人流行病从1450年到1650年间不久后被写成。

We saw the first printed version in 1697, although there would be many versions. 我们在1697年看到了第一个印刷版本,尽管会有许多版本。

In this first version the girl is seduced by the wolf, takes off all her clothes, and |||||||bị quyến rũ||||||||| 在这个第一个版本中,女孩被狼诱惑,脱光所有衣服,然后

is basically savaged by the wolf and dies. ||bị sói tấn công||||| ||brutally attacked||||| 基本上被狼残害并丧生。

Vronsky calls it a “dark and vile horror story.” 弗朗斯基称之为“黑暗邪恶的恐怖故事”。

In other versions the girl is likely based on a person who sells her own body. В других версиях девушка, скорее всего, основана на человеке, который продает свое тело. 在其他版本中,这个女孩很可能是基于一个卖身的人。

Some scholars believe that the moral of the story is don't do this or you will get ripped |||||||||||||||||bị lừa gạt Sommige geleerden geloven dat de moraal van het verhaal is: doe dit niet, anders word je gescheurd 一些学者认为,这个故事的教训是不要这样做,否则你会被狼撕裂。

apart by a wolf. 被狼分开。

It's a dark cautionary tale. |||warning or advisory| 这是一个黑暗的警世故事。

While in other versions the grandmother is cut up into small pieces, her blood is drained 在其他版本中,祖母被切成小块,她的血被抽干

and turned into a kind of wine, and the girl is tricked into eating and drinking her and 并被制成一种葡萄酒,女孩被欺骗着吃下她,喝下她,

so becomes a cannibal. 于是成为了食人者。

The language is so strong in that version that we won't utter it today. De taal is zo sterk in die versie dat we het vandaag niet zullen uitspreken. 那个版本中的语言如此强烈,我们今天不会说出来。

In yet another versions the girl plays along with the wolf and let's just say the story 在另一个版本中,女孩与狼一起玩,可以说故事有很强的性倾向。

has a very sexual slant. ||||nghiêng về tình dục heeft een zeer seksuele inslag. 事实上,在其中一个故事中,她为狼表演脱衣舞。

She actually does a striptease for the wolf in one of the stories. ||||thoát y múa|||||||| 她为狼表演脱衣舞。

She also goes to bed with the wolf and before she is brutally killed by him, he has his 她也和狼一起上床,在被他残忍杀害之前,他肆意纵欲。

wicked way with her. 弗朗斯基写道,多年来,我们不得不清洗这个故事,因为其中的堕落行为。

Vronsky writes that over the years we had to sanitize the story because the depravity |||||||||làm sạch|||||sự suy đồi ||||||||||||||moral corruption 弗朗斯基写道,多年来,我们不得不清洗这个故事,因为其中的堕落行为。

of Little Red Riding Hood just didn't sit well with more modern folks. 小红帽这个故事对现代人来说并不那么合适。

As you will see, we cleaned up a lot of fairytales. 正如你所看到的,我们修饰了许多童话故事。

Sleeping Beauty The 17th century version of this story has 《睡美人》这个故事的17世纪版本

been called by some people “deeply disturbing.” 大家都知道这个版本,讲述了一个咒语让一个女人陷入永久的睡眠

You all know the version which involves a curse sending a woman into an eternal sleep 你们都知道的版本是涉及一个诅咒将一个女人送入永恒睡眠

and a handsome prince coming to her aid. 和一个英俊王子前来帮助她。

Well, the original is slightly more horrific. 原始版本稍微更加可怕。

In a 17th century version written by a famous fairytale writer called Charles Perrault, 在17世纪一位名为夏尔·佩罗的着名童话作家编撰的版本中,

the beautiful woman is pretty much attacked in her sleep. 这位美丽的女子几乎是在睡梦中受到攻击的。

The man has her way with her. 这个男人以自己的方式对待她。

In another version the same happens to the unfortunate woman, and these are some of the 在另一个版本中,不幸的女人也遭遇同样的遭遇,以下是其中一些句子:“君王看到她的魅力大声哭泣

lines: “Crying aloud, the king beheld her charms 。”

and felt his blood course hotly through his veins. |||||nóng rực rỡ|||mạch máu и почувствовал, как кровь горячо запульсировала в его жилах. 感到自己的血脉中热流涌动。”

He lifted her in his arms, and carried her to a bed, where he gathered the first fruits 他把她抱在怀里,把她抱到床上,他收获了爱的第一份果实。

of love.” 我们认为你可以理解那一幕实际发生了什么,并且那不是什么。

We think you can understand what actually happened in that scene, and it's not something 的故事。

you'll see in a Disney movie. 你将在迪士尼电影中看到。

In that same version she falls pregnant and has two kids in her sleep. 在同一版本中,她在睡梦中怀孕并生下两个孩子。

The babies then suck on Sleeping Beauty's fingers to try and wake her, and when she 这两个宝宝然后吮吸睡美人的手指,试图唤醒她,当她

does wake from her coma she has more trouble. 当她从昏迷中醒来时,她遇到了更多的麻烦。

The king then comes back and he wants the kids he helped make. 国王随后回来,他想要那些他帮助制造的孩子。

He is married, though, to an evil woman. 然而,他已经结婚,娶了一个邪恶的女人。

She doesn't much like the fact her cheating husband goes to get these kids, at least in 她并不喜欢她不忠的丈夫带着这些孩子去,至少在某个版本中,她下令要杀死孩子然后喂给她那个可憎的丈夫。

one version, and she orders that the kids be killed and then fed to her wretched husband. |||||||||||||||khốn khổ| 她做了这件事,而国王却毫不知情自己吃的是什么。

She does this, and all the while the king does not know what he is eating. 这些孩子。

As he chomps down on the food the queen tells him, “Eat, eat, you are eating of your own.” Terwijl hij op het eten kauwt, zegt de koningin tegen hem: "Eet, eet, je eet zelf." 当国王大口吃着食物时,王后告诉他:“吃吧,吃吧,你正在吃你自己的。”

Lots more happens that you just couldn't' show to kids today, such as the Queen trying 《白雪公主和七个小矮人》,我们很抱歉要泼冷水,但这个故事中发生了很多如今不适合展示给孩子们的事情,比如女王试图烧死睡美人,或者睡美人脱掉所有的衣服。

to burn Sleeping Beauty to death, or Sleeping Beauty taking off all her clothes. 《白雪公主和七个小矮人》,我们很抱歉要泼冷水,但这个故事中发生了很多如今不适合展示给孩子们的事情,比如女王试图烧死睡美人,或者睡美人脱掉所有的衣服。

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs We hate to burst your bubble, but this story |||||||||||ảo tưởng||| 《白雪公主和七个小矮人》,我们很抱歉要泼冷水,但这个故事中发生了很多如今不适合展示给孩子们的事情,比如女王试图烧死睡美人,或者睡美人脱掉所有的衣服。

also has some pretty dark origins. 也有一些相当黑暗的起源。

It's likely based on the life of a Bavarian noblewoman in the 16th century called Margarete |||||||||quý bà Bavarian|||||| 这很可能是基于16世纪巴伐利亚贵族女士玛格丽特·冯·瓦尔德克的生活。

von Waldeck. 她以美貌而闻名,年轻时被许多贵族追求。

She was famed for her beauty and at a young age was sought after by many noblemen. ||||||||||||theo đuổi||||quý tộc ||||||||||||pursued|||| 冯·瓦尔德克。

But the story takes shape, according to some scholars, because of child labor. ||||hình thành nên|||||||| Но, по мнению некоторых ученых, эта история сложилась благодаря детскому труду. 但是据一些学者称,这个故事的成形是因为童工问题。

Let us explain. 让我们解释一下。

Her father owned a copper mine and in that mine little children were sent to work. ||||đồng|mỏ quặng|||||||||| 她的父亲拥有一座铜矿,在那座矿山里,小孩被派去工作。

They were the only ones small enough to do the job. 他们是唯一身材够小的人可以做这份工作。

The labor was very hard and it's said this deformed some of those kids. |||||||||biến dạng|||| 劳动非常艰苦,据说这导致一些孩子畸形。

So, we have a beautiful woman and a load of deformed little kids doing hard labor. 所以,我们有一个美丽的女人和一群做着艰苦劳动的畸形小孩。

All these kids lived in one house and they often wore bright hoods. 所有这些孩子住在一栋房子里,他们经常戴着明亮的兜帽。

Some of them understandably didn't like the dangerous work, and it's said that if 一些人可以理解地不喜欢危险的工作,据说如果

any of them got on the wrong side of their employers they would be poisoned with nightshade. ||||||||||||||||deadly plant poison Если бы кто-то из них нарвался на недоброжелателей, его бы отравили пасленом. 他们中的任何人得罪了雇主,他们会被用曼陀罗毒死。

That's where the poisoned apple comes from. 这就是有毒苹果的由来。

Margarete died at age 21, and it is suspected that she was poisoned. 玛格丽特在21岁时去世,有嫌疑说她被毒害了。

It's said her father, who was the King of Spain, opposed her love affair and so he sent Говорят, что ее отец, который был королем Испании, был против ее любовных отношений и поэтому послал 据说她的父亲,谁是西班牙国王,反对她的恋情,所以他派刺客来杀她。

assassins to kill her. 但即使格林兄弟的版本也是非常黑暗的。

But even the Brothers Grimm version of this story is really dark. 这个故事。

Here is some text from that: “Finally she summoned a huntsman and said ||||||||called upon||hunter|| 这里有一些来自那个版本的文本:“最后她召集了一名猎人并说

to him, 'Take Snow White out into the woods to a remote spot, and stab her to death. ему: "Отведи Белоснежку в лес, в глухое место, и зарежь ее до смерти. '把白雪公主带到树林里的一个荒僻地点并将她刺死。

As proof that she is dead bring her lungs and her liver back to me. 作为她死亡的证明,把她的肺和肝带回给我。

I shall cook them with salt and eat them.” 我要用盐烹饪它们然后吃掉。

This gives an entirely new meaning to evil queen. 这给邪恶皇后带来了全新的意义。

Snow White gets her revenge on the evil queen, though, and this is how she did it: 白雪公主向邪恶皇后复仇,这就是她的做法:

“They put a pair of iron shoes into the fire until they glowed, and she had to put ||||||||||||became red-hot||||| “他们把一双铁鞋放进火中直到它们发出光芒,然后她不得不穿上

them on and dance in them. 它们在里面跳舞。”

Her feet were terribly burned, and she could not stop until she had danced herself to death.” 她的脚被严重烧伤,直到跳舞跳到死为止。

Pinocchio The original version of Pinocchio was written 匹诺曹的原作是由一位名叫卡洛·科洛迪的人写的。

by a man called Carlo Collodi. 匹诺曹的原作是由一位名叫卡洛·科洛迪的人写的。

He never had kids and it's said that he hated them. 他从未有过孩子,据说他讨厌他们。

In his version all the kids in the story and terrible, greedy, the worst things on Earth |||||||||||avaricious||||| 在他的版本中,故事中所有的孩子都很可怕、贪婪,是地球上最糟糕的东西

except for the naughty protagonist Pinocchio. 除了调皮的主人公匹诺曹。

Experts say the bad behavior of the puppet and all the other kids in the story is not 专家称,木偶和故事中所有其他孩子的恶劣行为并不

supposed to be endearing. |||meant to charm 专家表示,木偶和故事中的其他孩子的不良行为并不应该讨人喜欢。

It is a warning that kids are little devils, which at this time in history a lot of people 这是一个警告,告诉人们孩子们是小恶魔,在当今这个时代,很多人真的相信这一点。

really believed. 某个版本中,他写道木偶被吊起来挂在树上。

In one version he wrote the puppet is strung up and hanged on a tree. 在一个版本中,他写道木偶被吊起来吊在一棵树上。

You can see just how much this man hated children. 你可以看到这个人是多么地讨厌孩子。

This is some text from the hanging of Pinocchio: “A tempestuous northerly wind began to blow 这是来自匹诺曹吊死的一些文本:“一阵狂暴的北风开始刮

and roar angrily, and it beat the poor puppet from side to side, making him swing violently, 愤怒地咆哮着,殴打着可怜的木偶来回摇动,使他猛烈摇摆,

like the clatter of a bell ringing for a wedding. 就像为婚礼敲响的钟声一样。

And the swinging gave him atrocious spasms.” 然后摇摆使他痉挛不断。

Yep, that's not exactly child-friendly. 是的,这并不是非常适合孩子的。

The moral of the story is that if you are naughty you will be tortured and then murdered, 故事的寓意是,如果你调皮,你会被折磨然后被谋杀,

so this is quite extreme reading. 所以这是相当极端的阅读。

Pinocchio is just not nice at all. 匹诺曹根本不好。

He is a proper little rascal, and he kills the talking cricket with a hammer. Он - настоящий маленький плут и убивает говорящего сверчка молотком. 他是个合适的小顽童,用锤子将会说话的小蟋蟀打死。

He often gets beat for his naughtiness, with the writer saying after one transgression 他经常因调皮而挨打,作者在一次过错后写道

the puppet is tortured and is “so giddy with pain that stars of every color danced 木偶被折磨,"疼痛使他如此头昏眼花,以至于所有颜色的星星都舞动起来"

before his eyes.” 在他的眼前。

In other scenes he is humiliated and faces greater pains. В других сценах он унижен и сталкивается с еще большими страданиями. 在其他场景中,他受到了羞辱并面临着更大的痛苦。

It reads like the Marquis de Sade but for children. 这读起来就像萨德侯爵的作品,但是专为儿童而写。

This is basically a very extreme cautionary tale and it is no doubt a story of sadism. ||||||warning|||||||||| 这基本上是一个非常极端的警世故事,毫无疑问是一个关于虐待狂的故事。

They didn't have PTSD back then, well, at least they didn't have a term for it, but 那时候他们没有创伤后应激障碍,至少他们没有专门名称来描述,但是

we imagine after reading this story a lot of kids suffered from it. 我们想象在读完这个故事之后,许多孩子可能遭受了这种疾病。

You might have seen some of our other shows in which we referenced author Steven Pinker's 您可能已经看过我们提到作者史蒂文·平克的其他节目。

book on historical violence called, “The Better Angels of our Nature.” книга об историческом насилии под названием "Лучшие ангелы нашей природы". 关于历史暴力的书,名为“我们内心的更好的天使”。

Pinker details how before we had children's rights the “little devils” grew up amid 平克详细阐述在我们有儿童权利之前,“小恶魔”们在暴力中长大。

a lot of violence. 许多暴力。

The story of Pinocchio stands as a testament to that. 匹诺曹的故事是这一点的明证。

Little Jack Horner This is such a nice nursery rhyme. 小杰克霍纳这是一首很好的童谣。

Here it is: “Little Jack Horner 这是它:“小杰克霍纳

Sat in the corner, Eating his Christmas pie; 坐在角落里,吃着他的圣诞馅饼;

He put in his thumb, And pulled out a plum, |||||||||juicy fruit Он вставил большой палец и вытащил сливу, 他伸进他的大拇指,掏出一个李子,

And said, "What a good boy am I!” 并说:“我是多么乖的好孩子!”

What could possibly be dark about that? 关于那个有什么可能会是黑暗的呢?

Well, some people think it was based on a guy called Thomas Horner. 一些人认为它是基于一个名叫托马斯·霍纳的人。

He was the steward of a man who was the last abbot of Glastonbury before King Henry VIII 他是最后一位亨利八世国王之前格拉斯顿伯里的修道院院长的管家。

dissolved the monasteries in England. disbanded|||| 亨利八世解散了英格兰的修道院。

The abbot's name was Richard Whiting. 方丈的名字是理查德·惠廷。

As the story goes, Whiting sent Horner to London to meet the king. 故事说,惠廷派霍纳去伦敦见国王。

With him was a great big pie and hidden in the pie were the deeds to lots of country ||||||||||||||property documents|||| Вместе с ним был большой пирог, а в пироге были спрятаны права на многие страны. 他带着一个巨大的馅饼,馅饼里隐藏着许多乡村的契约。

manors. Large country houses manors.

Whiting didn't want the king to nationalize the church lands. 惠廷不希望国王将教会土地纳为国有。

The gift was supposed to impress Henry so he wouldn't do that. 这份礼物原本是为了让亨利印象深刻,让他不会这么做。

It's said little Horner actually put his hands in the pie and took one of the manors Er wordt gezegd dat kleine Horner echt zijn handen in de taart stak en een van de landhuizen nam 据说小霍纳实际上把手伸进馅饼里,拿走了一个庄园。

for himself. 为他自己。

As for Mr. Whiting, he was later hanged, drawn and quartered, and his head was removed and 至于威廉先生,他后来被绞死、拉肠和四分五裂,他的头被割下并

stuck on a gate. 钉在一扇门上。

Cinderella In the 17th century version of this tale written 灰姑娘在17世纪版本的故事中写道

by Italian writer Giambattista Basile, Cinderella is basically a contract killer. 意大利作家乔万·巴蒂斯塔·巴西莱创作的《灰姑娘》基本上是一个职业杀手。

She is told by a governess to kill her own mother, which she does. 她被一个家庭女教师告知要杀自己的母亲,而她果然这样做了。

In the writer's words, “she snaps her step-mother's neck with the lid of a dressing In de woorden van de schrijver: “ze knipt de nek van haar stiefmoeder met het deksel van een verband 用作者的话来说,“她用一个梳妆台盖脖子将继母扼杀”。

trunk.” 树干。

The governess then marries the father and Cinderella is sent to work in the kitchens. 然后女家教嫁给了父亲,灰姑娘被送去厨房工作。

This version then goes like the story we know. 这个版本接着就是我们熟知的故事。

She loses a slipper and meets a dashing prince. Ze verliest een pantoffel en ontmoet een onstuimige prins. 她失去了一只拖鞋,并遇见了一位英俊的王子。

But there is an earlier version written in Scotland and that was called “Rashin Coatie.” Но есть и более ранняя версия, написанная в Шотландии, которая называлась "Рашин Коути". 但是在苏格兰还有一个早期版本,那个版本叫做“拉辛·科蒂(Rashin Coatie)”。

In that story the stepmother cuts off little bits of Cinderella's feet so they'll be 在那个故事中,继母割下灰姑娘脚的一点点肉,这样它们会变得畸形,无法适应玻璃拖鞋。

too deformed to fit the slipper. 但是在苏格兰还有一个早期版本,那个版本叫做“拉辛·科蒂(Rashin Coatie)”。

In yet another version, the evil sisters mutilate themselves and birds peck out their eyes. |||||||disfigure or maim||||||| По другой версии, злые сестры калечат себя, а птицы выклевывают им глаза. 在另一种版本中,邪恶的姐妹们自相残害,鸟儿啄出她们的眼睛。

Pied Piper of Hamelin This is the story you all know of the guy 哈梅林的吹笛人 这是一个大家都知道的故事

that played a pipe and lured rats away from the town of Hamelin. 一个吹笛的人引诱老鼠离开哈梅林镇。

The towns folks, though, didn't actually pay him and so he lured the children away, 虽然镇上的人们实际上并没有付给他钱,于是他诱拐了孩子们

too. 也是。

In some versions he brings the children back when the money has been paid, but in other 在某些版本中,当钱被支付时,他会把孩子们带回来,但在其他版本中

versions he kills most of the kids by drowning them. 在大多数版本中,他淹死了大部分孩子。

It's actually written that this town in the 14th century did have a lot of kids that 实际上,据写道,14世纪这个小镇有很多孩子突然失踪。

suddenly went missing. 实际上,据写道,14世纪这个小镇有很多孩子突然失踪。

They might have simply starved to death, but some theories suggest the kids were lured 实际上记录着,这个城镇在14世纪确实有很多孩子突然失踪了。

away by pagans to perform ritual dancing. ||non-Christians|||| 被异教徒抓走进行仪式舞蹈。

They were then danced to death. 然后他们被跳死。

Other theories say the kids were forced to emigrate en-masse. 其他理论认为这些孩子被迫大规模移民。

Life was tough back then and there is evidence of something called “dancing mania” happening 那时的生活很艰难,有证据表明发生了被称为“狂舞症”的现象

around Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries. 在14至17世纪的欧洲各地。

Basically, a number of people would just start dancing really erratically. 基本上,许多人会突然开始疯狂地跳舞。

This is sometimes called “mass psychogenic illness” and involves lots of people coming 这有时被称为“集体心因性疾病”,涉及很多人参与。

down with the same malady at the same time. ||||illness|||| 在同一时间患上同样的疾病。

It's literally collective madness. 这实际上是集体疯狂。

In this case people would dance until they collapsed from exhaustion. 在这种情况下,人们会跳舞直到因疲惫而倒下。

It was kind of a crazy rave for the hysterical. Это было что-то вроде сумасшедшего рейва для истеричек. 这有点像是为歇斯底里的人举办的疯狂派对。

We don't know if this is what happened to the missing kids of Hamelin, but you can be |||||||||||||Hamelin, Germany|||| 我们不知道这是否就是哈梅林失踪孩子们的遭遇,但可以肯定的是,吹笛手的故事具有一些黑暗的起源。

sure that the Pied Piper story has some dark origins. sure that the Pied Piper story has some dark origins.

Just out of interest we tried to find modern examples of mass hysteria and we didn't 仅出于兴趣,我们试图寻找现代的大规模歇斯底里的例子,但没有找到。

come up empty handed. 结果并非一无所获。

The Guardian reported in 2015 that it happened at a school in the UK. 《卫报》在2015年报道称,这种情况曾在英国一所学校发生过。

One day girls at that school just started fainting. 有一天,那所学校的女生突然开始昏倒。

One of the students said people were just falling like dominos, but the police and fire Een van de studenten zei dat mensen gewoon als domino's vielen, maar de politie en brandweer 其中一名学生表示,人们就像多米诺骨牌一样倒下,但警察和消防员

department could find no reason for this. 部门找不到任何原因。

It turned out it was mass psychogenic illness. 事实证明这是一种集体心因性疾病。

The Guardian interviewed a psychiatrist who said that it was actually quite common, and 卫报采访了一位精神科医生,他说这实际上是相当普遍的

schools are where it seems to happen a lot. 学校似乎是事件发生的地方。

We found cases in countries around the world where this occurred, and it seems to happen 我们发现在世界各地发生这种情况,并且看起来更多发生在女性身上。

to females more than males. We found cases in countries around the world where this occurred, and it seems to happen

Sometimes food or drink is at first blamed, but that wasn't the case at all. 有时食物或饮料起初被指责,但实际并非如此。

In one of the stranger cases a bunch of girls in the school in New York in 2011 developed 在一个更奇怪的案例中,2011年,纽约一所学校的一群女孩出现了面部抽搐,但这只是歇斯底里,并非医学问题。

facial tics, but it was just hysteria, not a medical problem. gezichtstics, maar het was gewoon hysterie, geen medisch probleem. 有时食物或饮料被指责,但实际上与此无关。

So, which of these tales so you think is the most horrific? 那么,你认为这些故事中哪一个最可怕?

Do you think Hollywood should try and recreate the originals? 你认为好莱坞是否应该尝试重拍原著?

Tell us in the comments. 在评论中告诉我们。

Also, be sure to check out our other video Why Life During The Dark Ages Sucked. 此外,请务必查看我们的另一个视频《为什么黑暗时代的生活糟糕》。

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe. 感谢观看,记得点赞,分享和订阅哦。

See you next time. 下次再见。