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Asd 3, My favorite author’s most accessible book to date

My favorite author's most accessible book to date

Vaclav Smil's books are amazing.

They give you a very deep understanding

of how civilization is developed.

Here in this book, "Numbers Don't Lie"

he's boiled it down into

71 Things You Need to Know About the World.

This is the most information he's ever put in a book,

and yet probably the most digestible.

A great one is about batteries.

He explains to keep the electricity system reliable

is going to be very hard

if we only have weather dependent sources

like solar and wind.

He gives examples like Tokyo

and what needs go on with batteries

and how little change in batteries there's actually been.

But it's nothing like microchips,

which sometimes confuses us to think

that exponential improvement can just show up everywhere.

One of those facts that you just have to go;

“That's wild, I wouldn't have expected that.”

is the reduction in alcohol consumption.

That was stunning to me, and you know,

when I was reading this thing,

I said to people,

“Hey, how much wine people were drinking in 1850, versus 2020?”

Just to guess.

So drinking is pretty constant from 1850 to 1950,

but French wine consumption

is now a third of what it was in 1950.

That's amazing to me.

I mean, wow!

What happened there?

Was life just so bleak?

Here's another one.

The whole thing about humans

that came down from the trees

to chase grass-eating animals.

Our endurance comes from two-legged running

and the ability to sweat,

and that that allows us

to run down these rich sources of protein,

that allow our brain to develop,

to enhance the social behaviors

that make us even more effective

at being hunter-gatherers.

It's just super novel, and kind of unusual.

You will love a lot of these numbers.

I unabashedly recommend this book.

It'll give you a framework to think about things.

My favorite author’s most accessible book to date El libro más accesible de mi autor favorito hasta la fecha 私の好きな作家の、これまでで最も親しみやすい本 O livro mais acessível do meu autor favorito até à data En sevdiğim yazarın bugüne kadarki en erişilebilir kitabı 我最喜欢的作者迄今为止最容易理解的书

Vaclav Smil's books are amazing. Os livros de Vaclav Smil são fantásticos.

They give you a very deep understanding Dão-nos uma compreensão muito profunda

of how civilization is developed. de como a civilização se desenvolve.

Here in this book, "Numbers Don't Lie" Aqui neste livro, "Os números não mentem"

he's boiled it down into ele resumiu-o em

71 Things You Need to Know About the World. 71 coisas que precisa de saber sobre o mundo.

This is the most information he's ever put in a book, Esta é a maior quantidade de informação que ele alguma vez colocou num livro,

and yet probably the most digestible. e, no entanto, provavelmente o mais digerível.

A great one is about batteries. Um ótimo exemplo é o das pilhas.

He explains to keep the electricity system reliable Ele explica como manter a fiabilidade do sistema elétrico

is going to be very hard vai ser muito difícil

if we only have weather dependent sources se só tivermos fontes dependentes do clima

like solar and wind. como a energia solar e eólica.

He gives examples like Tokyo Dá exemplos como Tóquio

and what needs go on with batteries e o que é necessário fazer com as pilhas

and how little change in batteries there's actually been. e a pouca mudança nas baterias que houve de facto.

But it's nothing like microchips, Mas não é nada como os microchips,

which sometimes confuses us to think que por vezes nos confunde ao pensar

that exponential improvement can just show up everywhere. que a melhoria exponencial pode aparecer em todo o lado.

One of those facts that you just have to go; É um daqueles factos que não se pode deixar passar;

“That's wild, I wouldn't have expected that.” "Isso é fantástico, não estava à espera disso".

is the reduction in alcohol consumption. é a redução do consumo de álcool.

That was stunning to me, and you know, Isso foi impressionante para mim, e tu sabes,

when I was reading this thing, quando estava a ler esta coisa,

I said to people, Eu disse às pessoas,

“Hey, how much wine people were drinking in 1850, versus 2020?” "Ei, quanto vinho é que as pessoas bebiam em 1850, em comparação com 2020?"

Just to guess. Só para adivinhar.

So drinking is pretty constant from 1850 to 1950, Assim, o consumo de álcool é bastante constante de 1850 a 1950,

but French wine consumption mas o consumo de vinho francês

is now a third of what it was in 1950. é atualmente um terço do que era em 1950.

That's amazing to me. Isso é espantoso para mim.

I mean, wow! Quero dizer, uau!

What happened there? O que é que aconteceu?

Was life just so bleak? A vida era assim tão sombria?

Here's another one. Aqui está outra.

The whole thing about humans A questão dos humanos

that came down from the trees que desceu das árvores

to chase grass-eating animals. para perseguir animais herbívoros.

Our endurance comes from two-legged running A nossa resistência vem da corrida com duas pernas

and the ability to sweat, e a capacidade de transpirar,

and that that allows us e que isso nos permite

to run down these rich sources of protein, para analisar estas ricas fontes de proteínas,

that allow our brain to develop, que permitem ao nosso cérebro desenvolver-se,

to enhance the social behaviors para reforçar os comportamentos sociais

that make us even more effective que nos tornam ainda mais eficazes

at being hunter-gatherers. em ser caçadores-recolectores.

It's just super novel, and kind of unusual. É super inovador e um pouco invulgar.

You will love a lot of these numbers. Vai adorar muitos destes números.

I unabashedly recommend this book. Recomendo este livro sem qualquer pudor.

It'll give you a framework to think about things. Dar-lhe-á uma estrutura para pensar sobre as coisas.