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News in Levels, Barbados becomes a republic – level 2

Barbados becomes a republic – level 2

Last week, the Caribbean island of Barbados became the newest republic in the world.

After 400 years, the island had its own first government. The country was a British colony in the past, and 200 years ago, it was a center of slave trade in the Atlantic. In 1834, slavery formally ended in Barbados, and in 1966, the country became fully independent.

Dame Sandra Mason became the first president of Barbados, and she replaced Queen Elizabeth II, who was the leader before her. Prince Charles was a special guest at a ceremony in the capital city of Bridgetown. He said that he was sorry for what happened to people in Barbados in the past.

Difficult words: colony (a country which is under the control of another country, and people from the other country come to live there), slave trade (keeping, transporting, and selling people usually from Africa to Europe and North America), slavery (the system of keeping Black people by people in Europe and North America as slaves).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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Barbados becomes a republic – level 2 巴巴多斯|||共和国| Barbados wird eine Republik - Stufe 2 Barbados becomes a republic – level 2 Barbados se convierte en república - nivel 2 Barbados diventa una repubblica - livello 2 バルバドスが共和国になる – レベル 2 바베이도스가 공화국이 되다 - 레벨 2 Barbados staje się republiką - poziom 2 Barbados torna-se uma república - nível 2 Барбадос становится республикой - уровень 2 Barbados cumhuriyet oldu - seviye 2 巴巴多斯成为共和国——2级 巴貝多成為共和國 – 2 級

Last week, the Caribbean island of Barbados became the newest republic in the world. |||加勒比海|||巴巴多斯||||||| |||加勒比海的|||巴巴多斯||||共和国||| 先週、カリブ海のバルバドス島が世界で最も新しい共和国になりました。

After 400 years, the island had its own first government. |年|||||自己的||政府 400年後、島には独自の最初の政府がありました。 The country was a British colony in the past, and 200 years ago, it was a center of slave trade in the Atlantic. |||||殖民地||||||||||||奴隸贸易|奴隸貿易|||大西洋 |||||殖民地||||||||||||奴隶||||大西洋 El país fue una colonia británica en el pasado, y hace 200 años, era un centro de comercio de esclavos en el Atlántico. この国は過去に英国の植民地であり、200 年前には大西洋の奴隷貿易の中心地でした。 Đất nước này trước đây là thuộc địa của Anh và 200 năm trước, đây là trung tâm buôn bán nô lệ ở Đại Tây Dương. In 1834, slavery formally ended in Barbados, and in 1966, the country became fully independent. |奴隸制度|正式地|結束了||巴巴多斯|||該||||獨立 En 1834, la esclavitud terminó formalmente en Barbados, y en 1966, el país se convirtió en totalmente independiente. 1834 年、バルバドスでは奴隷制度が正式に廃止され、1966 年に国は完全に独立しました。

Dame Sandra Mason became the first president of Barbados, and she replaced Queen Elizabeth II, who was the leader before her. ||||||||巴巴多斯|||取代||||||||| La dama Sandra Mason se convirtió en la primera presidenta de Barbados, y reemplazó a la reina Isabel II, quien fue la líder antes que ella. サンドラ・メイソン夫人がバルバドスの初代大統領になり、彼女の前の指導者であった女王エリザベス 2 世に取って代わりました。 Prince Charles was a special guest at a ceremony in the capital city of Bridgetown. ||||||||儀式|||首都|||布里奇敦 |||||invitado especial||||||||| El príncipe Carlos fue un invitado especial en una ceremonia en la capital, Bridgetown. チャールズ皇太子は、首都ブリッジタウンでの式典に特別ゲストとして出席しました。 He said that he was sorry for what happened to people in Barbados in the past. ||||||||發生的事||||||| Dijo que lamentaba lo que sucedió con la gente en Barbados en el pasado. 彼は、過去にバルバドスの人々に起こったことを気の毒に思っていると言いました。

Difficult words: colony (a country which is under the control of another country, and people from the other country come to live there), slave trade (keeping, transporting, and selling people usually from Africa to Europe and North America), slavery (the system of keeping Black people by people in Europe and North America as slaves). ||||國家|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||奴隸 Schwierige Wörter: Kolonie (ein Land, das unter der Kontrolle eines anderen Landes steht und Menschen aus dem anderen Land dort leben), Sklavenhandel (Halten, Transportieren und Verkaufen von Menschen, normalerweise von Afrika nach Europa und Nordamerika), Sklaverei ( das System, Schwarze von Menschen in Europa und Nordamerika als Sklaven zu halten). Palabras difíciles: colonia (un país que está bajo el control de otro país, y personas del otro país vienen a vivir allí), trata de esclavos (mantener, transportar y vender personas, generalmente de África a Europa y América del Norte), esclavitud (el sistema de mantener a personas negras por parte de personas en Europa y América del Norte como esclavos). 難しい言葉:植民地(他国の支配下にあり、他国の人々がそこに住むようになる国)、奴隷貿易(通常はアフリカからヨーロッパや北アメリカに人々を維持、輸送、販売する)、奴隷制(ヨーロッパと北アメリカの人々による黒人を奴隷として維持するシステム)。 Težke besede: kolonija (država, ki je pod nadzorom druge države in v katero pridejo živeti ljudje iz druge države), trgovina s sužnji (zadrževanje, prevoz in prodaja ljudi iz Afrike v Evropo in Severno Ameriko), suženjstvo (sistem zadrževanja temnopoltih ljudi kot sužnjev v Evropi in Severni Ameriki).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section. レベル 3 セクションで元のビデオを視聴できます。