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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast, Polyglot Olly Richards Chats about his Story Learning Method, YouTube channel and a Near-Death Experience! (4)

Polyglot Olly Richards Chats about his Story Learning Method, YouTube channel and a Near-Death Experience! (4)

Well, he speaks great Italian by the way. Yeah. And you can, if you want to see an example of that um...

Elle: I do, because that just makes him more attractive. I'll check that out right after. Olly: But what I'll try and do is I'll kind of I'll I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll try to like analyze it and then tie it back to what you can take away from that. Right. So, so actually I try to make it informative and educational as well as, as well as fun. So yeah go now, go subscribe. Like I say, um, if you're listening to this and leave me a comment on my video, say that you came from the, from the LingQ podcast and, uh, I will, uh, I'll look out for those because I love getting, I love, uh, I love getting comments from people. I love hearing from people that come from different places.

Elle: Excellent. Well, I will of course pop the link in the description to your YouTube channel Olly Richards. Also, I will teach you a language.com. Actually no, it will be storylearning.com moving forward. So I'll just say story learning. I'll change the link when it, the website changes in the description and also a link to your excellent readers, which polyglots are raving about on this podcast as well. So, um, listen, Olly, thank you so, so much, it's been a great chat. I wish you the best of luck with the story learning method and with your YouTube channel and, um, yeah, thank you so much for joining us today.

Olly: All right. Thank you. It's been a pleasure. Elle: Cheers. Bye-bye.

Polyglot Olly Richards Chats about his Story Learning Method, YouTube channel and a Near-Death Experience! (4) Polyglott Olly Richards plaudert über seine Methode des Geschichtenlernens, seinen YouTube-Kanal und eine Nahtoderfahrung! (4) El políglota Olly Richards habla de su método de aprendizaje de cuentos, de su canal de YouTube y de una experiencia cercana a la muerte. (4) Le polyglotte Olly Richards parle de sa méthode d'apprentissage des histoires, de sa chaîne YouTube et d'une expérience de mort imminente ! (4) Il poliglotta Olly Richards parla del suo metodo di apprendimento delle storie, del suo canale YouTube e di un'esperienza di quasi morte! (4) ポリグロットのオリー・リチャーズが、ストーリー学習法、YouTubeチャンネル、臨死体験について語ります!(4) 스토리 학습법, 유튜브 채널, 임사 체험에 대해 이야기하는 폴리글로트 올리 리차드 (4) (4) Poliglota Olly Richards opowiada o swojej metodzie nauki historii, kanale YouTube i doświadczeniu bliskim śmierci! (4) O poliglota Olly Richards fala sobre o seu método de aprendizagem de histórias, o seu canal no YouTube e uma experiência de quase morte! (4) Полиглот Олли Ричардс рассказывает о своем методе изучения историй, канале на YouTube и опыте, близком к смерти! (4) Poliglot Olly Richards Hikaye Öğrenme Yöntemi, YouTube Kanalı ve Ölüme Yakın Deneyimi Hakkında Konuşuyor! (4) Поліглот Оллі Річардс розповідає про свій метод вивчення історій, канал на YouTube та досвід на межі життя і смерті! (4) 多语言专家奥利-理查兹谈他的故事学习法、YouTube 频道和濒死体验!(4) 通曉多國語言的 Olly Richards 談論他的故事學習方法、YouTube 頻道和瀕死體驗! (4)

Well, he speaks great Italian by the way. Przy okazji, świetnie mówi po włosku. Yeah. And you can, if you want to see an example of that um... Jeśli chcesz zobaczyć przykład tego...

Elle: I do, because that just makes him more attractive. Elle: Tak, bo to czyni go bardziej atrakcyjnym. I'll check that out right after. Zaraz to sprawdzę. Olly: But what I'll try and do is I'll kind of I'll I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll try to like analyze it and then tie it back to what you can take away from that. Olly: Aber was ich versuchen werde, ist, ich werde irgendwie, ich werde, ich werde, ich werde, ich werde versuchen, es zu mögen, analysieren und es dann mit dem verbinden, was Sie mitnehmen können davon. Olly: Spróbuję to przeanalizować, a następnie powiązać z tym, co można z tego wyciągnąć. Right. So, so actually I try to make it informative and educational as well as, as well as fun. ||||||||信息丰富||||||||| So yeah go now, go subscribe. Like I say, um, if you're listening to this and leave me a comment on my video, say that you came from the, from the LingQ podcast and, uh, I will, uh, I'll look out for those because I love getting, I love, uh, I love getting comments from people. ||||||||||||||||||||来了||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| I love hearing from people that come from different places.

Elle: Excellent. Well, I will of course pop the link in the description to your YouTube channel Olly Richards. Also, I will teach you a language.com. Actually no, it will be storylearning.com moving forward. So I'll just say story learning. I'll change the link when it, the website changes in the description and also a link to your excellent readers, which polyglots are raving about on this podcast as well. |||||||||||||||||||||||狂热讨论|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||entusiasmados con|||||| So, um, listen, Olly, thank you so, so much, it's been a great chat. I wish you the best of luck with the story learning method and with your YouTube channel and, um, yeah, thank you so much for joining us today. Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Glück mit der Lernmethode Geschichten und mit Ihrem YouTube-Kanal und, ähm, ja, vielen Dank, dass Sie heute dabei sind.

Olly: All right. Thank you. It's been a pleasure. Elle: Cheers. Bye-bye.