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The Adventures of Pinocchio - Carlo Collodi. Read by Mark F. Smith, CHAPTER 2


[Mastro Cherry gives the piece of wood to his friend Geppetto, who takes it to make himself a Marionette that will dance, fence, and turn somersaults]

In that very instant, a loud knock sounded on the door.

"Come in," said the carpenter, not having an atom of strength left with which to stand up. At the words, the door opened and a dapper little old man came in.

His name was Geppetto, but to the boys of the neighborhood he was Polendina,[1] on account of the wig he always wore which was just the color of yellow corn. [1] Cornmeal mush

Geppetto had a very bad temper.

Woe to the one who called him Polendina! He became as wild as a beast and no one could soothe him. "Good day, Mastro Antonio," said Geppetto.

"What are you doing on the floor? "I am teaching the ants their A B C's.

"Good luck to you!

"What brought you here, friend Geppetto?

"My legs.

And it may flatter you to know, Mastro Antonio, that I have come to you to beg for a favor. "Here I am, at your service," answered the carpenter, raising himself on to his knees.

"This morning a fine idea came to me.

"Let's hear it.

"I thought of making myself a beautiful wooden Marionette.

It must be wonderful, one that will be able to dance, fence, and turn somersaults. With it I intend to go around the world, to earn my crust of bread and cup of wine. What do you think of it? "Bravo, Polendina!

cried the same tiny voice which came from no one knew where. On hearing himself called Polendina, Mastro Geppetto turned the color of a red pepper and, facing the carpenter, said to him angrily:

"Why do you insult me?

"Who is insulting you?

"You called me Polendina.

"I did not.

"I suppose you think I did!

Yet I KNOW it was you. "No!




And growing angrier each moment, they went from words to blows, and finally began to scratch and bite and slap each other.

When the fight was over, Mastro Antonio had Geppetto's yellow wig in his hands and Geppetto found the carpenter's curly wig in his mouth.

"Give me back my wig!

shouted Mastro Antonio in a surly voice. "You return mine and we'll be friends.

The two little old men, each with his own wig back on his own head, shook hands and swore to be good friends for the rest of their lives.

"Well then, Mastro Geppetto," said the carpenter, to show he bore him no ill will, "what is it you want?

"I want a piece of wood to make a Marionette.

Will you give it to me? Mastro Antonio, very glad indeed, went immediately to his bench to get the piece of wood which had frightened him so much.

But as he was about to give it to his friend, with a violent jerk it slipped out of his hands and hit against poor Geppetto's thin legs. "Ah!

Is this the gentle way, Mastro Antonio, in which you make your gifts? You have made me almost lame! "I swear to you I did not do it!

"It was I, of course!

"It's the fault of this piece of wood.

"You're right; but remember you were the one to throw it at my legs.

"I did not throw it!


"Geppetto, do not insult me or I shall call you Polendina.





"Ugly monkey!


On hearing himself called Polendina for the third time, Geppetto lost his head with rage and threw himself upon the carpenter.

Then and there they gave each other a sound thrashing. After this fight, Mastro Antonio had two more scratches on his nose, and Geppetto had two buttons missing from his coat.

Thus having settled their accounts, they shook hands and swore to be good friends for the rest of their lives. Then Geppetto took the fine piece of wood, thanked Mastro Antonio, and limped away toward home.

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[Mastro Cherry gives the piece of wood to his friend Geppetto, who takes it to make himself a Marionette that will dance, fence, and turn somersaults] |||||||||||||||||||||||||flips over [يعطي Mastro Cherry قطعة الخشب لصديقه Geppetto ، الذي يأخذها ليجعل من نفسه دمية متحركة ترقص وتسيّر وتتحول إلى شقلبة] [O Mestre Cherry dá o pedaço de madeira para seu amigo Gepeto, que o pega para fazer uma marionete que vai dançar, esgrimir e dar cambalhotas]

In that very instant, a loud knock sounded on the door. في تلك اللحظة بالذات ، دق طرقة عالية على الباب. Nesse mesmo instante, uma batida forte soou na porta.

"Come in," said the carpenter, not having an atom of strength left with which to stand up. ||||||||a particle|||||||| قال النجار: "تعال" ، وليس لديه ذرة من القوة للوقوف. "Entre", disse o carpinteiro, não tendo mais um átomo de força para se levantar. At the words, the door opened and a dapper little old man came in. ||||||||stylishly dressed||||| عند الكلمات ، انفتح الباب ودخل رجل عجوز أنيق. Com essas palavras, a porta se abriu e um velhinho elegante entrou.

His name was Geppetto, but to the boys of the neighborhood he was Polendina,[1] on account of the wig he always wore which was just the color of yellow corn. كان اسمه Geppetto ، ولكن بالنسبة لأبناء الحي كان Polendina ، [1] بسبب الباروكة التي كان يرتديها دائمًا والتي كانت مجرد لون الذرة الصفراء. Seu nome era Geppetto, mas para os meninos da vizinhança ele era Polendina,[1] por causa da peruca que sempre usava, que era apenas da cor do milho amarelo. [1] Cornmeal mush [1] هريسة دقيق الذرة [1] mingau de fubá

Geppetto had a very bad temper. |||||mood or disposition كان جيبيتو مزاجًا سيئًا للغاية. Gepeto tinha um temperamento muito ruim.

Woe to the one who called him Polendina! الويل لمن دعاه بوليدينا! Ai daquele que o chamou de Polendina! He became as wild as a beast and no one could soothe him. |||||||||||calm down| أصبح وحشيًا مثل الوحش ولم يستطع أحد تهدئته. Tornou-se selvagem como um animal e ninguém conseguia acalmá-lo. "Good day, Mastro Antonio," said Geppetto. قال جيبيتو: "يوم جيد ، ماسترو أنطونيو". "Bom dia, Mestre Antonio", disse Gepeto.

"What are you doing on the floor? "ماذا تفعل على الأرض؟ "I am teaching the ants their A B C’s. "أقوم بتدريس النمل ABC. "Estou ensinando às formigas o seu ABC.

"Good luck to you!

"What brought you here, friend Geppetto? "ما الذي أتى بك إلى هنا يا صديقي جيبيتو؟

"My legs.

And it may flatter you to know, Mastro Antonio, that I have come to you to beg for a favor. |||please||||||||||||||||request وقد يسعدك أن تعرف ، يا ماسترو أنطونيو ، أنني أتيت إليك لأطلب معروفًا. E pode ser lisonjeiro saber, Mestre Antonio, que vim até você para pedir um favor. "Here I am, at your service," answered the carpenter, raising himself on to his knees. أجاب النجار: "ها أنا في خدمتك" ، راكعًا على ركبتيه. "Aqui estou, ao seu dispor", respondeu o carpinteiro, pondo-se de joelhos.

"This morning a fine idea came to me.

"Let’s hear it. "لنستمع الى هذا.

"I thought of making myself a beautiful wooden Marionette. ||||||||puppet "فكرت في جعل نفسي دمية خشبية جميلة. "Pensei em fazer para mim uma linda marionete de madeira.

It must be wonderful, one that will be able to dance, fence, and turn somersaults. يجب أن يكون رائعًا ، سيكون قادرًا على الرقص والتسييج والانعطاف. With it I intend to go around the world, to earn my crust of bread and cup of wine. ||||||||||||livelihood|||||| أنوي أن أتجول حول العالم لأحصل على قشرة من الخبز وكوب من النبيذ. Com ela pretendo dar a volta ao mundo, ganhar minha côdea de pão e meu cálice de vinho. What do you think of it? ما رأيك في ذلك؟ "Bravo, Polendina! "برافو ، Polendina! "Bravo, Polendina!

cried the same tiny voice which came from no one knew where. بكى نفس الصوت الخفيف الذي جاء من لا أحد يعرف أين. On hearing himself called Polendina, Mastro Geppetto turned the color of a red pepper and, facing the carpenter, said to him angrily: |||||||||||||red pepper||turning to|||||| عندما سمع نفسه يدعى Polendina ، قام Mastro Geppetto بتحويل لون الفلفل الأحمر ، وواجه النجار ، وقال له بغضب: Ao ouvir-se chamar Polendina, Mastro Gepeto ficou da cor de uma pimenta vermelha e, de frente para o carpinteiro, disse-lhe com raiva:

"Why do you insult me? "لماذا تهينني؟ "Por que você me insulta?

"Who is insulting you? "من يهينك؟ "Quem está te insultando?

"You called me Polendina. "لقد اتصلت بي Polendina. "Você me chamou de Polendina.

"I did not. "لم أفعل.

"I suppose you think I did! "أفترض أنك تعتقد أنني فعلت!

Yet I KNOW it was you. ومع ذلك ، أعلم أنه كان أنت. "No! "لا!

"Yes! "نعم!

"No! "لا!

"Yes! "نعم!

And growing angrier each moment, they went from words to blows, and finally began to scratch and bite and slap each other. ||more furious||||||||||||||||||| وزاد غضبهم كل لحظة ، وانتقلوا من الكلمات إلى الضربات ، وبدأوا أخيرًا في الخدش والعض وصفع بعضهم البعض. E ficando mais furiosos a cada momento, eles passaram das palavras aos golpes e, finalmente, começaram a se arranhar, morder e esbofetear um ao outro.

When the fight was over, Mastro Antonio had Geppetto’s yellow wig in his hands and Geppetto found the carpenter’s curly wig in his mouth. عندما انتهى القتال ، كان ماسترو أنطونيو يضع شعر مستعار جيبيتو الأصفر في يديه ، ووجد جيبيتو شعر مستعار نجار مجعد في فمه. Quando a luta acabou, Mastro Antonio estava com a peruca amarela de Gepeto nas mãos e Gepeto encontrou a peruca crespa do carpinteiro em sua boca.

"Give me back my wig! "أعطني شعري المستعار! "Devolva minha peruca!

shouted Mastro Antonio in a surly voice. |||||grumpy| صاح ماسترو أنطونيو بصوت خشن. gritou Mastro Antonio com voz mal-humorada. "You return mine and we’ll be friends. "عدت لي وسنكون أصدقاء. "Você devolve o meu e seremos amigos.

The two little old men, each with his own wig back on his own head, shook hands and swore to be good friends for the rest of their lives. تصافح الرجلان الصغيران ، اللذان يرتدي كل منهما باروكة شعر مستعار على رأسه ، وأقسموا أن يكونا صديقين حميمين لبقية حياتهما. Os dois velhinhos, cada um com sua própria peruca na cabeça, apertaram as mãos e juraram ser bons amigos pelo resto de suas vidas.

"Well then, Mastro Geppetto," said the carpenter, to show he bore him no ill will, "what is it you want? قال النجار: "حسنًا ، ماسترو جيبيتو ، ليُظهر أنه لا يحمل له سوء نية ، ما الذي تريده؟ "Bem, então, Mastro Gepeto", disse o carpinteiro, para mostrar que não tinha má vontade, "o que você quer?

"I want a piece of wood to make a Marionette. "أريد قطعة من الخشب لصنع دمية متحركة.

Will you give it to me? هل ستعطيني اياه؟ Mastro Antonio, very glad indeed, went immediately to his bench to get the piece of wood which had frightened him so much. ماسترو أنطونيو ، سعيد جدًا حقًا ، ذهب على الفور إلى مقعده للحصول على قطعة الخشب التي أخافته كثيرًا.

But as he was about to give it to his friend, with a violent jerk it slipped out of his hands and hit against poor Geppetto’s thin legs. ولكن عندما كان على وشك إعطائها لصديقه ، انزلق من يديه برعشة عنيفة وضرب بساقي جيبيتو النحيفتين. Mas, quando ia entregá-lo ao amigo, com um puxão violento, escapou de suas mãos e bateu nas pernas finas do pobre Gepeto. "Ah! "آه!

Is this the gentle way, Mastro Antonio, in which you make your gifts? هل هذه هي الطريقة اللطيفة ، ماسترو أنطونيو ، التي تقدم بها هداياك؟ É assim, mestre Antonio, que você faz seus presentes? You have made me almost lame! |||||unable to walk Você quase me deixou manco! "I swear to you I did not do it! |promise||||||| "أقسم لك أني لم أفعلها! "Juro para você que não fiz isso!

"It was I, of course! "لقد كنت بالطبع!

"It’s the fault of this piece of wood. "إنه خطأ قطعة الخشب هذه.

"You’re right; but remember you were the one to throw it at my legs. "أنت على حق ؛ لكن تذكر أنك كنت من ألقى بها على ساقي. "Você está certo; mas lembre-se de que foi você quem jogou isso nas minhas pernas.

"I did not throw it! "أنا لم أرميها!

"Liar! "كذاب! "Mentiroso!

"Geppetto, do not insult me or I shall call you Polendina. "جيبيتو ، لا تهينني وإلا سأتصل بك بوليدينا. "Gepeto, não me insulte ou eu o chamarei de Polendina.

"Idiot. "غبي.

"Polendina! "بوليندينا! "Polendina!

"Donkey! "حمار! "Burro!

"Polendina! "بوليندينا!

"Ugly monkey! "قرد قبيح! "Macaco feio!

"Polendina! "بوليندينا!

On hearing himself called Polendina for the third time, Geppetto lost his head with rage and threw himself upon the carpenter. عندما سمع نفسه يدعى Polendina للمرة الثالثة ، فقد Geppetto رأسه بغضب وألقى بنفسه على النجار. Ao ouvir-se chamar Polendina pela terceira vez, Gepeto perdeu a cabeça de raiva e se jogou sobre o carpinteiro.

Then and there they gave each other a sound thrashing. |||||||||beating ثم وهناك ضرب كل منهما الآخر. Então e ali eles se deram uma surra sonora. After this fight, Mastro Antonio had two more scratches on his nose, and Geppetto had two buttons missing from his coat. ||||||||marks|||||||||||| بعد هذه المعركة ، كان لدى Mastro Antonio خدوشان على أنفه ، وكان لدى Geppetto زرين مفقودين من معطفه. Após essa luta, Mastro Antonio teve mais dois arranhões no nariz, e Gepeto ficou com dois botões faltando no casaco.

Thus having settled their accounts, they shook hands and swore to be good friends for the rest of their lives. وهكذا بعد تسوية حساباتهم ، تصافحوا وأقسموا أن يكونوا أصدقاء حميمين لبقية حياتهم. Assim, tendo acertado suas contas, eles apertaram as mãos e juraram ser bons amigos pelo resto de suas vidas. Then Geppetto took the fine piece of wood, thanked Mastro Antonio, and limped away toward home. ||||||||||||walked awkwardly||| ثم أخذ Geppetto قطعة الخشب الجميلة ، وشكر ماسترو أنطونيو ، وخرج متجهًا نحو المنزل. Então Gepeto pegou o belo pedaço de madeira, agradeceu a Mastro Antonio e saiu mancando em direção a casa.