sloveso chtít
the verb want
Chci jít do hospody, ale moje manželka nechce, abych šel.
|||||||will nicht||
|||||||does not want||
|andare|||||||che io|andassi
I want to go to the pub, but my wife doesn't want me to go.
Chce, abych byl doma a sledoval s ní balet v televizi.
Vuole|che io||||guardassi|||balletto||televisione
She wants me to be home and watch her ballet on TV.
Chtěl jsem jít do hospody, ale moje manželka nechtěla, abych šel.
||||||||did not want||
Volevo||||osteria|||moglie|non voleva|che io|andassi
I wanted to go to the pub, but my wife didn't want me to go.
Chtěla, abych byl doma a sledoval s ní balet v televizi.
Voleva|che io||||guardassi|||balletto||
She wanted me to be home and watch her ballet on TV.
Budu chtít jít do hospody, ale moje manželka nebude chtít, abych šel.
Vorrò||||osteria|||moglie|non vorrà|volere||andassi
I'll want to go to the pub, but my wife won't want me to go.
Bude chtít, abych byl doma a sledoval s ní balet v televizi.
||perché io||||guardare|||balletto||televisione