Er vacciner farlige?
Sind Impfstoffe gefährlich?
Are vaccines dangerous?
Vacciner er indsprøjtninger, der giver os antistoffer mod sygdomme -
||вакцинные инъекции||||антитела||
Vaccines are injections that provide us with antibodies against diseases -
- så kroppen senere hurtigt kan bekæmpe sygdommen, inden den får fat.
|||||бороться с|||||
so|the body|later|quickly|can|fight|the disease|before|it|gets|hold
- so the body can quickly fight the disease later, before it takes hold.
Godt. Nu er det på plads.
Good. Now that's settled.
Videoen handler om bevægelsen mod vacciner -
the video|is about|about|the movement|against|vaccines
The video is about the movement against vaccines -
- en debat med mange holdninger.
- a debate with many opinions.
Min mor var læge, så jeg har fuld plade på min vaccinebingo.
||||||||полный набор|||
my|mother|was|doctor|so|I|have|full|board|on|my|vaccine bingo
My mother was a doctor, so I have a full card on my vaccine bingo.
Jeg har talt med Peter Gøtzsche, der kritiserer medicinalvirksomheder -
|||||Гётше||критикует|фармацевтические компании
I|have|talked|with|Peter|Gøtzsche|who|criticizes|pharmaceutical companies
I have spoken with Peter Gøtzsche, who criticizes pharmaceutical companies -
- og han kan måske nuancere debatten.
|he|can|maybe|nuance|the debate
- and he may be able to nuance the debate.
Nogle lægemidler er gode, andre så dårlige, at vi bør undgå dem.
|лекарственные препараты||||||||||
Some medications are good, others are so bad that we should avoid them.
Det gælder også vacciner.
The same goes for vaccines.
Først skal vi se på nogle af antivaxxernes påstande.
first|shall|we|see|at|some|of|the antivaxxers'|claims
First, we need to look at some of the claims made by anti-vaxxers.
Der har altid været skepsis. Den moderne kritik begyndte i 90'erne.
there|has|always|been|skepticism|the|modern|criticism|began|in|the 90s
There has always been skepticism. Modern criticism began in the 90s.
... hvilke vacciner, vi sætter børns liv på spil for.
... which vaccines we are risking children's lives for.
Andrew Wakefields rapport i The Lancet startede det hele og fik bevågenhed -
Эндрю Уэйкфилда|Уэйкфилда||||Ланцет||||||внимание
Andrew Wakefield's report in The Lancet started it all and gained attention -
- fordi den påstod en sammenhæng mellem MFR-vaccinen og autisme.
- because it claimed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.
Vi kender ikke vaccinens konsekvenser på lang sigt.
||||последствия|||долгосрочная перспектива
we|know|not|the vaccine's|consequences|on|long|term
We do not know the long-term consequences of the vaccine.
Han anbefalede at gå fra MFR-vaccinen til enkelte vacciner -
|рекомендовал|||||||отдельные вакцины|
He recommended switching from the MMR vaccine to individual vaccines -
- for at minimere risikoen, men studiet var ikke helt godt.
to|to|minimize|the risk|but|the study|was|not|completely|good
- to minimize the risk, but the study was not very good.
Det var baseret på anekdotebeviser, og andre ting såede tvivl om det.
||основано||анекдотические доказательства||||посеяли|||
it|was|based|on|anecdotal evidence|and|other|things|sowed|doubt|about|it
It was based on anecdotal evidence, and other things raised doubts about it.
Wakefield ville få økonomisk gevinst -
Уэйкфилд получит выгоду||||финансовая выгода
Wakefield would gain financially -
- hvis han fik folk til at vælge en anden vaccine.
- if he got people to choose a different vaccine.
Han havde fået patent på netop konkurrenten.
|||||именно на|
He had obtained a patent on that very competitor.
Der var flere interessekonflikter i forskningen.
|||конфликты интересов||исследовании
there|were|several|conflicts of interest|in|the research
There were several conflicts of interest in the research.
En advokat har angivelig betalt for, at Wakefield skulle skabe evidens -
A lawyer allegedly paid for Wakefield to create evidence -
- så man kunne sagsøge firmaet.
|||подать в суд|
so|one|could|sue|the company
- so that they could sue the company.
På baggrund af det har The Lancet kaldt studiet "fatally flawed".
|На основании этого||||||||серьёзно ошибочным|фатально ошибочным
on|basis|of|that|has|The|Lancet|called|the study|fatally|flawed
Based on that, The Lancet called the study "fatally flawed."
Wakefield fik inddraget sin autorisation i Storbritannien.
||лишён лицензии||лицензия||
Wakefield|got|revoked|his|license|in|the UK
Wakefield had his license revoked in the UK.
Anerkendt forskning har prøvet at efterprøve Wakefields hypotese -
|||||проверить заново||
Recognized research has tried to verify Wakefield's hypothesis -
- og forskellige undersøgelser har ikke fundet nogen sammenhæng -
- and various studies have found no correlation -
- mellem MFR-vaccinen og autisme, som Wakefield ellers sagde.
- between the MMR vaccine and autism, as Wakefield claimed.
Påstand to: "HPV-vaccinen har alvorlige bivirkninger."
claim|two|HPV||has|serious|side effects
Claim two: "The HPV vaccine has serious side effects."
Lad os se på Danmark. I 2013 skrev flere medier om -
Let's take a look at Denmark. In 2013, several media outlets reported on -
- at HPV-vaccinen kunne give alvorlig sygdom. Flere oplevede bivirkninger.
||||||||испытывали|побочные эффекты
that|||could|give|serious|illness|several|experienced|side effects
- that the HPV vaccine could cause serious illness. Several experienced side effects.
Er det vaccinens skyld eller ej?
is|it|the vaccine's|fault|or|not
Is it the vaccine's fault or not?
- Mulige bivirkninger af HPV-vaccine. - 543 tilfælde af bivirkninger.
possible|side effects|of|||cases|of|side effects
- Possible side effects of the HPV vaccine. - 543 cases of side effects.
Familierne mistænkte HPV-vaccinen for at stå bag lidelserne.
the families|suspected|||for|to|stand|behind|the ailments
Families suspected the HPV vaccine of being behind the ailments.
Debatten rasede i pressen og på sociale medier.
the debate|raged|in|the press|and|on|social|media
The debate raged in the press and on social media.
Vi kan se det i statistikkerne. Der er et tydeligt fald i vaccinationer.
we|can|see|it|in|the statistics|there|is|a|clear|decline|in|vaccinations
We can see it in the statistics. There is a clear decline in vaccinations.
Der er siden blevet forsket i det, og konklusionen er -
||||||||вывод таков|
there|is|since|been|researched|in|it|and|the conclusion|is
Research has since been conducted on it, and the conclusion is -
- at vaccinen ikke giver de her sygdomme.
that|the vaccine|not|gives|the|these|diseases
- that the vaccine does not cause these diseases.
Den kan have bivirkninger, men ikke det her.
it|can|have|side effects|but|not|that|this
It can have side effects, but not this.
Påstand tre: "Vacciner indeholder farlig kemi."
Claim three: "Vaccines contain dangerous chemicals."
Vi bliver spurgt om, hvad vacciner indeholder, og hvorfor.
We are asked about what vaccines contain and why.
Vacciner er forskellige og indeholder forskellige ting -
Vaccines are different and contain different things -
- men de tre stoffer, der oftest kritiseres, er:
but|the|three|substances|that|most often|criticized|are
- but the three substances that are most often criticized are:
... siger Sundhedsstyrelsen. Ja, stoffet findes i vacciner.
says|the Health Authority|yes|the substance|exists|in|vaccines
... says the Health Authority. Yes, the substance is found in vaccines.
Det deaktiver bakterier og vira, så vi ikke bliver syge af vaccinen.
it|deactivate|bacteria|and|viruses|so|we|not|become|sick|from|the vaccine
It deactivates bacteria and viruses, so we do not get sick from the vaccine.
Det stof konserverer man lig og de underlige dyr i biologilokalet i.
||консервируют||||||||кабинет биологии|
that|substance|preserves|one|corpses|and|the|strange|animals|in|biology room|in
That substance is used to preserve corpses and the strange animals in the biology room.
Det handler om mængden. Hvor stor en dosis får du?
it|concerns|about|the amount|how|large|a|dose|do you get|you
It's about the amount. How large a dose do you get?
Det stof indgår i din krop, og den producerer det selv.
||входит в состав||||||производит||
That substance is incorporated into your body, and it produces it itself.
Får du ikke særlig meget af det, er du good. Det er også i fødevarer.
|||||||||в порядке|||||
do you get|you|not|particularly|much|of|it|are|you|good|it|is|also|in|foods
If you don't get very much of it, you're good. It's also in food.
Et æble indeholder 0,68 mg af det. 2,7 mg, hvis du spiser 100 g blomkål.
|||||||||||Цветная капуста
An apple contains 0.68 mg of it. 2.7 mg if you eat 100 g of cauliflower.
Der er restriktioner for indholdet i vacciner, ofte 0,2 mg.
there|are|restrictions|for|the content|in|vaccines|often|mg
There are restrictions on the content in vaccines, often 0.2 mg.
Videre til thiomersal, ethylkviksølv.
||тиомерсал, этилртуть|этилртуть
Moving on to thimerosal, ethylmercury.
Det indeholder kviksølv. Det lyder som methylkviksølv, som er farligt.
It contains mercury. It sounds like methylmercury, which is dangerous.
Methylkviksølv er giftigt og ophober sig i kroppen, når vi spiser fisk.
methylmercury|is|toxic|and|accumulates|itself|in|the body|when|we|eat|fish
Methylmercury is toxic and accumulates in the body when we eat fish.
Ethylkviksølv uden M er ufarligt, og vores krop skyller det ud igen.
Ethylmercury without M is harmless, and our body flushes it out again.
Det sidste stof, aluminiumhydroxid, findes i nogle vacciner.
|||гидроксид алюминия||||
the|last|substance|aluminum hydroxide|is found|in|some|vaccines
The last substance, aluminum hydroxide, is found in some vaccines.
Det er nok det, der irriterer kroppen mest, for det har bivirkninger.
|||||раздражает||||||побочные эффекты
it|is|probably|that|which|irritates|the body|most|because|it|has|side effects
It is probably the one that irritates the body the most, as it has side effects.
Men irritationer er grunden til, at det er i vacciner.
but|irritations|are|the reason|to|that|it|is|in|vaccines
But irritations are the reason why it is in vaccines.
Man vil sikre sig en immunreaktion, altså at kroppen laver antistoffer.
||обеспечить|||иммунная реакция|||||антитела
one|will|ensure|oneself|an|immune reaction|thus|that|the body|makes|antibodies
One wants to ensure an immune reaction, that is, for the body to produce antibodies.
For at runde af: Det er godt med faktabaseret skepsis -
To conclude: It is good to have fact-based skepticism -
- og sundt med nuancer. Det talte jeg med Peter Gøtzsche om.
and|healthy|with|nuances|it|I talked|I|with|Peter|Gøtzsche|about
- and healthy to have nuances. I talked about this with Peter Gøtzsche.
Vi skal vurdere hver vaccine for sig ligesom lægemidler.
||оценивать||||||лекарственные препараты
we|shall|assess|each|vaccine|for|itself|just like|medicines
We need to evaluate each vaccine individually just like medications.
Om det er godt at bruge. Langt de fleste vacciner er utrolig gavnlige.
Whether it is good to use. The vast majority of vaccines are incredibly beneficial.
Selvfølgelig vil industrien tjene på deres vacciner -
of course|will|the industry|earn|on|their|vaccines
Of course, the industry will profit from their vaccines -
- men vacciner har været afgørende for verdenssundheden.
||||решающее значение||мировое здравоохранение
but|vaccines|have|been|crucial|for|global health
- but vaccines have been crucial for global health.
Vi har slået sygdomme ned, og børnedødelighed er faldet.
||||||детская смертность||
we|have|beaten|diseases|down|and|child mortality|is|fallen
We have eradicated diseases, and child mortality has decreased.
Til sidst overraskede Peter Gøtzsche mig ved at sige noget uventet.
In the end, Peter Gøtzsche surprised me by saying something unexpected.
Gider man ikke sætte sig ind i noget -
не удосуживается|||||||
If one does not want to engage in something -
- så er mit råd at tage alt, hvad der bliver tilbudt.
then|is|my|advice|to|take|everything|what|that|is being|offered
- then my advice is to take everything that is offered.
Jeg vil fortælle om en oplevelse under min research.
I want to tell about an experience during my research.
Google ændrede sine resultater. Først var det artikler og debunks -
Гугл изменил результаты|||||||||разоблачения
Google changed its results. At first, it was articles and debunks -
- men som jeg googlede, fik jeg mere kritisk indhold og helseblogs.
|||гуглил|||||критический контент||оздоровительные блоги
but|as|I|googled|got|I|more|critical|content|and|health blogs
- but as I googled, I got more critical content and health blogs.
Jeg er altså kommet ind i en filterboble, et ekkokammer -
|||||||фильтровальный пузырь||эхокамера
I|am|thus|come|into|a|a|filter bubble|an|echo chamber
So I have entered a filter bubble, an echo chamber -
- med mere tvivlsomme fakta.
- with more questionable facts.
Det er der en video på vej om, så klik abonner, og så ses vi.
There is a video on the way about that, so click subscribe, and we'll see you.
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