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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 017

而家 講下 曹操 啊 , 佢 見到 嗰 個 壯士 十分 之 英勇 , 個心 非常 喜歡 , 唔 願意 傷 佢 啊 。 所以 呢 一日 交戰 嘅 時候 呢 , 就 吩咐 典韋要 詐輸 , 典韋 一 於 照辦 啦 , 噉 就 出去 迎戰 嘞 喎 。 打 咗 三十個 回合 , 就 詐輸 走 返回 陣 嘞 。 嗰 個 壯士 追到 嚟 陣門 , 畀 啲 弓箭 射住 , 就 返 轉頭 啦 。 曹操 呢 唔 , 就 急急 帶兵 退後 五里 路 , 就 暗中 派人掘 好個 陷坑 , 喺 兩 便 埋伏 定撈 鉤 手 , 準備 捉人 嘞 。 第 日 , 曹操 再次 命令 典韋 , 帶住 百 幾個 馬 軍 出去 挑戰 。 嗰 個 壯士 笑 嘞 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 你 個 敗將 仲敢 嚟 係 嘛 ? 拍馬 出 嚟 迎戰 。 典韋 係 噉 意 打 幾個 回合 , 回馬 就 走 。 個 壯士 一味 掛住 向前 追 , 點知 𠽤𡃈 唰 嘣 ! 連人帶 馬 就 摏 咗 落 陷坑 裏頭 。 嗰 班 撈 鉤 手 就 七手八腳 , 鉤 咗 個 壯士 上 嚟 , 綁住 佢 , 押 佢 嚟 見 曹操 。 押 到 嚟 嘞 , 曹操 一 起身 , 喝退 啲 軍士 , 親手 同 佢 解開 啲 繩 ,攞 件 袍 畀 佢 着 好 , 請 佢 坐 低 , 就 問 佢 姓甚名誰 籍貫 係 邊處 。 個 壯士 話 : 我 係 譙 國譙縣 人 , 姓 許名 褚 , 字仲康 。 近來 因為 賊兵 作亂 , 我 就 搵 齊 宗族 幾百人 , 喺 山窩 裏頭 築起 城牆 嚟 防備 啲 賊兵 。 有 一日 啲 賊兵 嚟 嘞 , 我 叫 大家 準備 多 啲 石 仔 喺 處 , 我飛 啲 石仔去 打 嗰 班 賊兵 , 哼 冇 話 唔 中 嘅 , 噉 嗰 班 賊兵 就 退走 咗 。 收尾 有 一日 , 啲 賊兵 又 嚟 嘞 , 我 哋 因為 冇 糧食 嘞 , 就 同 啲 賊兵 講和 , 講 好話 用 耕牛 同 佢 哋 換 米 。 佢 哋 送 咗 啲 米 嚟 , 就 趕 啲 牛 走 嘞 噃, 嗰 啲 賊兵 將 啲 牛 趕到 去 山窩 外便 , 點知 啲 牛 都 跑 返 轉頭 。 喺 呢 個 時候 , 我 雙手 掹 住 兩隻 牛 嘅 牛尾 , 拉 住 兩隻 牛 打倒 褪行 咗 百 幾步 。 嗰 班 賊兵 驚晒 , 連牛 都 唔 敢 要 就 走 咗 嘞 , 哈哈 , 所以 我 哋 保住 呢 一帶 都 冇 事 啊 。 哦 , 好極 , 好極 ! 我 聽聞 你 嘅 大名 好 耐 嘞 , 你 肯 唔 肯 投降 我 呢 ? 我 啊 , 想 投奔 曹公 你好 耐 㗎 喇 ! 於是 許褚 召集 埋 佢 嘅 宗族 幾百人 , 一齊 嚟 投降 曹操 。 曹操 呢 就 任命 許諸 做 都尉 , 賞賜 咗 好多 嘢 畀 佢 。 跟 住 斬 咗 何儀 同黃劭 , 噉 汝南 , 潁川 呢 一帶 地方 呢 就 平定 咗 嘞 。 曹操 打勝 咗 , 班師 返去 鄄城 。 曹仁 、 夏侯惇 就 迎接 咗 曹操 , 就 報告 畀 佢 聽 , 話 得到 情報 啊 , 兗州 薛蘭 同埋 李 封 嘅 軍士 啊 都 出 咗 去 城 , 四圍 去 打劫 擄掠 。 城裏 便 防守 空虛 , 如果 而家 帶兵 去 攻 佢 啊 , 好容易 得手 個 咋 噉 。 啱 晒 啦 , 曹操 又 馬不停蹄 , 率領 住 打 咗 勝仗 嘅 部隊 直奔 兗州 。 薛蘭 、 李封毫 冇 準備 嘅 , 但 係 冇 辦法 啦 , 唯有 硬住 頭皮 帶兵 出 城 迎戰 係 嘞 。 許褚話 : 等 我 去 斬 咗 呢 兩個 人 , 作為 覲見 主公 嘅 禮物 呢 。 好 啊 , 你 去 。 曹操 好 歡喜 就 叫 許褚 出戰 。 李封 使 一支 畫戟 , 上前 迎敵 , 打 咗 兩個 回合 咋 , 就 畀 許褚殺 咗 嘞 。 薛蘭 見到 , 哎 啊 , 弊 ! 唔 係 路 喇 , 趯 喇 , 急急 走返 轉頭 。 嚟 到 吊橋 邊 , 就 畀 李典 截住 , 薛蘭 都 唔 敢 返入 城咯 , 帶住 人馬 就 想 逃跑 。 點知 畀 呂 虔 飛馬 追上 嚟 , 一射 咗 咗 佢 落馬 , 噉 嗰 班 兵卒 呢 就 潰散 晒 。 曹操 呢 次 再 得到 兗州 之後 , 程昱 就 勸 佢 , 要 乘勝 進兵 去 奪取 濮陽 。 曹操 同意 , 就 命令 許褚 、 典韋 做 先鋒 , 夏侯惇 、 夏侯淵 率領 左 軍 , 李典 、 樂進 就 率領 右軍 , 曹操 自己 就 率領 中軍 。 于禁 、 呂 虔帶 一部分 人馬 喺 後 便 策應 , 浩浩蕩蕩 又 殺 奔 濮陽 嘞 。 呂布 見到 曹操 兵到 , 即刻 就要 出 城 迎戰 噃。 陳 宮 就 勸 佢 話 嘞 : 唔 好 出去 打 啊 , 等 眾位 將領 嚟 齊 之後 再 打 都 未 遲 吖 。 哼 ! 我怕過 邊個 啊 ? 打 ! 呂布 唔 聽 陳 宮講 , 自己 就 帶兵 上陣 。 曹操 派許 褚 出馬 。 呂布 同許 褚 兩個 鬥 咗 二十個 回合 , 不分勝負 。 曹操 話 嘞 : 呂布 呀 一個 人 打 佢 唔 贏 㗎 , 就 派 典韋 出去 助戰 , 噉 啊 兩個 夾攻 。 打到 咁 上下 , 左翼 夏侯惇 、 夏侯淵 , 右翼 李典 、 樂進 一齊 嚟 到 , 亦 都 加 埋入 去 打 。 嘿 呀 ! 六員 大將 圍攻 呂布 啊 。 噉 啊 呂布 更 打 得 , 亦 都 遮攔 唔 住 啦 , 佢 撥轉 馬頭 想 跑 返入 城 。 哈 , 點 知 嗰 個 有錢 佬 田氏 啊 , 佢 喺 城頭 上面 嚟 , 見到 呂布 打敗 返 嚟 就 急急 叫 人 扯 高條 吊橋 , 唔 畀 呂布 過 。 呂布 大 嗌 喇 : 開門 啊 ! 開門 啊 ! 田氏話 嘞 : 我 啊 已經 投降 咗 曹將軍 喇 ! 嘩 ! 激死 呂布 咯 ! 之 奈 佢 唔 何 啊 , 唯有 破口大罵 一輪 , 帶兵 就 趯 咗 去 定陶 。 定陶 喺 邊 處 呢 ? 就 即 喺 今日 山東省 定陶縣 。 陳 宮 見到 田氏 反水 唄 , 即刻 就 打開 東門 , 保護 呂布 一家 大細 就 出城 走 佬 嘞 。 於是 曹操 呢 噉 就 得 咗 濮陽 。 因為 田氏獻城 有功 啊 , 雖然 上次 呢 佢 係 寫 過 假 信 嚟 𧦠 自己 , 之 曹操 吖 亦 唔 計較 嘞 , 赦 咗 佢 嘅 罪 嘞 。 入 咗 城 之後 , 劉曄 對 曹操 建議 話 : 呂布乃 係 一隻 猛虎 嚟 啊 , 而 家 佢 又 疲 又 困 , 千祈 唔 好 畀 機會 佢 休息 啊 。 嗯 , 冇 錯 ! 曹操 命令 劉 曄 佢 哋 守住 濮陽 , 自己 率領 軍隊 , 一直 追到 去 定陶 。 當時 呢 , 呂布 同陳留 太守 張邈 , 廣陵 太守 張昭 都 喺 城內 , 高順 、 張 遼 、 臧霸 、 侯成 四員 大將 呢 就 出 咗 去 巡海 打 糧未返 。 曹操 大軍 嚟 到 定陶 之後 , 佢 一路 都 冇 同 呂布 交戰 , 反而 啊 , 喺 離 城 四十里 遠 嘅 地方 扎寨 。 嗰 個 時候 啊 正 係 當地 麥 熟 嘅 季節 , 曹操 命令 啲 兵士 割 啲 麥 嚟 食 。 呂 軍 嘅 探子 偵察 到 呢 個 情況 , 就 返去 報告 啦 。 呂布 即刻 帶兵 趕到 嚟 , 一 上下 嚟 到 曹操 嘅 營寨 。 咦 ? 吖 見到 左便 一帶 嘅 樹林 非常 之 茂盛 , 呂布 怕 有 伏兵 , 於是 就 走 返 轉頭 。 曹操 見到 呂布 嘅 部隊 嚟 到 半路 又 返 轉頭 , 就 對 佢 嗰 班 將領 話 嘞 : 哼 , 呂布 返 轉頭 , 實 係 懷疑 我 喺 樹林 裏 便 有 伏兵 。 噉 啦 , 我 哋 索性 喺 樹林 裏 便 插 多 啲 旗 嚟 迷惑 下 佢 添 。 寨 西 一帶 嘅 長堤 係 冇 水 嘅 , 我 哋 將 啲 精兵 全部 埋伏 喺 度 。 聽日 , 呂布 實 嚟 放火燒 樹林 嘅 , 我 哋 埋伏 喺 長堤 嘅 兵 就 出 嚟 截斷 佢 嘅 後路 , 噉 樣 一定 能夠 捉 到 呂布 ! 於是 曹操 只 係 留低 五十個 鼓手 喺 寨裏 便 擂鼓 , 又 去 啲 村莊 啊 , 拉 咗 一大 班 村民 返 嚟 , 叫 佢 哋 喺 寨裏 便 大聲 吶喊 。 同時 呢將 所有 嘅 精兵 都 埋伏 喺 長堤 一帶 嚟 。 好 嘞 , 而家 講下 呂布 。 佢 喺 半路 走返 轉頭 , 就將 啲 情形 講 畀 陳 宮 聽 , 陳 公話 嘞 : 曹操 呢 個 家伙 詭計多端 , 不可 輕敵 啊 。 呂布 話 嘞 : 唔 怕 佢 , 我用 火攻 就 可以 破 佢 嘅 伏兵 㗎 嘞 。 真 係 喎 , 第日 留低 陳 宮同 高順 守城 , 自己 帶住 大軍 又 去 嘞 噃。 又 試 嚟 到 尋日 見到 嗰 座 樹林 , 哼 ! 仲 見到 有 咁 多旗 添 , 好 ! 命令 部隊 快速 前進 , 四面 放火 。 放 起火 之後 誒 ? 奇 嘞 , 點解 一個 人 都 冇 嘅 呢 喂 ? 噉 呂布 又 想 殺 去 曹操 個 營寨 , 咦 , 又 聽見 鼓聲 咚咚 咚咚 咁 響 。 呂布 正 喺 度 思 疑 緊 , 忽然間 , 只見 寨後一彪 軍馬 衝出 嚟 。 呂布 縱馬 追上去 , 轟 一聲 炮響 , 長堤 裏 便 嘅 伏兵 啊 殺 呀 , 噉 撲 晒 出 嚟 。 夏侯惇 、 夏侯淵 、 許褚 、 典韋 、 李典 、 樂進 , 飛馬 殺過 嚟 。 六名 大將 喎 又 係 , 呂布 領教過 一次 嘞 , 估計 冇 法子 打得 過 佢 哋 㗎 嘞 , 於是 落荒而走 , 趯 喇 。 呂布 手下 嘅 一員 將領 叫做 成廉 啊 , 畀 樂進 一箭 射死 咗 。 噉 呂布 個 軍隊 呀 三份 去 咗 二 , 慘咯 呢 勻 。 有 啲 敗兵 趯 咗 返去 報告 畀 陳 宮 聽 , 陳 宮 一 諗 : 嗯 哼 , 空城 難守 啊 , 不如 快 啲 趯 嘞 。 於是 就 同高順 保護 住 呂布 一家 大細 離開 定陶 走人 嘞 。 呂布 呀 真 係 全靠 陳 宮 咋 , 如果 唔 係 , 老婆 仔女 冇 咗 幾次 嘞 。 曹操 帶住 呢 一支 得勝 嘅 軍隊 殺入 定陶 , 嘩 , 真 係 勢如破竹 啊 ! 兵敗如山倒 啦 , 張超 自刎 死 咗 , 張廟 呢 , 就 趯 咗 去 投奔 袁術 。 於是 呢 , 山東 一帶 嘅 地區 啊 ,冚𠾴唥 都 畀 曹操 得 晒 。 噉 曹操 喺 呢 啲 地方 安定 民心 、 修復 城池 等等 呢 啲 就 唔 講 佢 嘞 。 而家 講返 呂布 , 佢 收集 啲 殘兵 敗 卒 , 一路 嚟 到 海邊 , 就 遇 啱 外出 嘅 將領 返 嚟 。 陳 宮 呢 亦 都 搵 到 嚟 嘞 , 呂布 話 : 我 嘅 人馬 雖然 少 , 但仲 可以 打敗 曹操 嘅 。 呂布 佢 真 係 想 再 去 同 曹操 決戰 噃。 陳 宮 就 話 嘞 : 將軍 啊 , 而家 曹操 兵強馬壯 , 我 哋 唔 夠 力量 同 佢 爭 住 㗎 。 仲 係 搵 個 安身 嘅 地方 先 , 將來 再 同 佢 打 過 都 未 遲 吖 。 噉 呀 , 我 哋 再 去 投奔 袁紹 啦 , 好 唔 好 啊 ? 噉 我 哋 派 個人 去 冀州 探下 袁紹 嘅 消息 先 , 然後 再 決定 啦 。 好 啦 。 於是 呂布 就 派 人 去 探 消息 。 袁紹 喺 冀州 嚟 , 佢 聽聞 曹操 同 呂布 打緊 仗 , 就 同 佢 嗰 啲 謀士 即 係 參謀 啊 商量 。 謀士 審配 建議 話 : 呂布 係 豺狼 猛虎 嚟 , 如果 佢 得到 兗州 , 必定 仲會 嚟 謀 我 哋 冀州 嘅 。 不如 幫 曹操 攻 佢 , 噉 先至 可以 免除 呢 個 禍患 㗎 。 袁紹 諗 落 係 道理 噃, 就 派 大將 顏良帶 五萬 兵馬 去 幫助 曹操 。 呢 個 消息 畀 呂布 嘅 探子 探聽到 , 飛 咁 快 返去 報告 啦 。 呂布 知道 咗 呀 , 大吃一驚 , 弊 傢伙 ! 呢 趟 豈 唔 係 冇 棋行 ? 又 同陳宮 商量 嘞 。 陳 宮 考慮 咗 一下 話 : 聽講 劉玄德 最近 接管 咗 徐州 , 噉 我 哋 去 投奔 佢 罷 啦 。 呂布 同意 嘞 , 就 去 徐州 嘞 噃。 呢 件 事 呢 有人 報告 畀 劉備 聽 , 劉備 就 話 : 呂布 係 當今 嘅 英雄 人士 , 我 哋 應該 出城 去 歡迎 佢 至 係 喎 。 糜竺 話 : 唔 得 啊 ! 呂布 呢 個人 乃 係 虎狼 之輩 , 唔 能夠 收留 佢 㗎 , 一 收留 親 佢 就 會 傷人 㗎 喇 。 唔 能夠 噉 講 嘅 。嗱, 前 嗰 次 , 如果 唔 係 得 呂布 去 襲擊 兗州 , 徐州 又點 能夠 解圍 呢 ? 而 家 佢 窮途末路 , 冇 晒 辦法 , 走 嚟 投奔 我 , 又 點會 有 咩 其他 嘅 意思 呢 佢 。 張飛 話 : 大哥 你 真 係 好心 㗎 , 雖然 係 噉 講唧 , 亦 要 有 準備 至 好 啊 。 當 呂布 嚟 到 個 時候 , 劉備 真 係 帶 埋 大家 出 城 三十里 之外 去 歡迎 呂布 。 佢 同 呂布 一拍 騎住 馬入城 , 然後 嚟 到 州 衙門 大廳 行過禮 , 分 賓主 坐落 。 呂布 話 嘞 : 我 自從 同 王司徒 用計 殺 咗 董卓 之後 , 又 遇到 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 變亂 , 一直 喺 關東 漂泊 。 但 係 , 各地 嘅 諸侯 多數 都 係 容 我 唔 落 嘅 。 前 嗰 排 , 因為 曹賊 不講 仁義 , 侵犯 徐州 , 好彩 得到 使君 你 出 盡力 量 救 咗 陶謙 。 而 我 呢 , 亦 因為 去 襲擊 兗州 , 分散 咗 佢 嘅 兵力 。 哎 , 點 知道 反而 中 咗 佢 嘅 奸計 , 損兵折將 , 搞 到 我 狼狽不堪 。 而家 我 想 嚟 投奔 使君 你 , 共同 嚟 做 一番 大 事業 , 唔 知尊意 如何 呢 ? 劉備 話 嘞 : 陶使君 最近 逝世 , 冇 人 管理 徐州 , 所以 啲 人 就 叫 我 臨時 管住 先 喇 噉 。 今日 咁 好彩 得到 將軍 嚟 到 嘞 , 我 係 理應 相讓 嘅 。 劉備 講完 就 真 係 攞 個 大印 出 嚟 送 畀 呂布 噃。 呂布 一 啲 都 唔 客氣 噃, 正話 伸手 想 去 接印 。 咦 , 一眼 見到 企 喺 劉備 背後 嘅 關公 同 張飛 , 佢 兩個 人黑 起塊面 , 嬲 嬲 噉 。 呂布 即刻 轉態 嘞 : 哈哈 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 諒 我 呂布 區區 一個 軍人 , 淨 係 識得 打仗 , 有 乜嘢 能力 做個 州長 㗎 。 唔 得 嘅 , 唔 得 嘅 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 唔 得 嘅 。 劉備 仲 係 要 讓 , 陳 宮話 : 強賓 不壓主 。 請 使君 放心 啦 , 千祈 唔 好 有 咩 懷疑 啊 。 見到 呂布 同陳宮 都 係 噉 講咯 , 劉備 噉 先 至 唔 再 讓 。 跟 住 , 劉備 為 呂布 舉行宴會 , 安排 住宅 畀 佢 哋 住 落 。 第日 呢 , 呂布 就 回席 , 請 劉備 去 飲 。 劉備 同埋 關公 、 張飛 一齊 去 , 飲到 幾分 酒意 , 呂布 請 劉備入 去 後堂 , 關公 同 張飛 跟 住 一齊 入去 。 呂布 叫 佢 個 妻子 同個 女出 嚟 拜見 劉備 , 劉備 再三 謙讓 話 唔 敢當 , 唔 敢當 噉 。 呂布 話 嘞 : 賢弟 你 不必 推讓 嘞 。 張飛 一聽 , 豈有此理 ! 谷 住 嗰 肚 氣 啊 一下 就 爆晒出 嚟 : 啊 啊 呸 ! 我 大哥 係 金枝玉葉 , 你 係 個 乜嘢 人 啊 ? 竟然 敢 叫 我 大哥 做 賢弟 ? 你 嚟 嚟 嚟 , 我同 你鬥 三百個 會合 ! 劉備 連忙 喝 住 張飛 , 關公 就 勸 咗 佢 出去 。 劉備 就 同 呂布 賠禮 啦 : 真對 唔 住 啊 , 真對 唔 住 啊 。 我 劣弟 酒後 狂言 , 請 兄長 你 唔 好 見怪 啊 。 呂布 冇 說話 好講 , 唔 出聲 。 噉 過 咗 一陣 呢 就 散席 。 呂布 送 劉備 出 到 大門口 , 呵呵 , 只見 張飛 騎住 馬 , 舞住 長矛 嚟 到 大喝一聲 話 : 呂布 ! 我同 你鬥 三百個 會合 ! 嘿 啊 ! 劉備 急急 叫 關公 去 撳住 張飛 。 第 日 , 呂布 啊 走 嚟 同 劉備 告別 喎 , 佢 話 : 好 多謝 使君 唔 嫌棄 我 , 不過 就 係 怕 令弟 佢 哋 不能 相容 啊 。 哎 啊 , 呂 將軍 , 你 如果 噉 樣 走 咗 , 我 劉備 就 罪 大 喇 。 劣弟 冒犯 咗 將軍 , 第日 我 一定 要 佢 向 將軍 賠禮 。 誒 , 呢 處 附近 有個 縣城 叫做 小沛 , 乃 係 我 往日 駐兵 嘅 地方 。 如果 將軍 你 唔 嫌棄 地方 屈仄 , 就 暫時 喺 度 歇 下馬 啦 , 好 唔 好 呢 ? 啊 ? 噉 就 好極 嘞 ! 呂布 多謝 過 劉備 , 帶住 自己 嘅 人馬 去 咗 小沛 安身 。 噉 劉備 梗 係 搵 張飛 嚟 吟 佢 定 啦 , 呢 啲 呢 都 唔 講 佢 住 嘞 。 而家 講下 曹操 , 佢 平定 咗 山東 之後 啊 , 就 寫表 稟奏 朝廷 , 皇帝 就 升 佢 官爵 , 封 佢 做 建德 將軍 費亭 侯 。 當 其時 , 李 傕 自命 為 大司馬 , 郭汜 自命 為 大將軍 , 橫行無忌 , 朝廷 之上 啊 冇 個 敢講 佢 哋 半句 嘅 。 有 一日 , 太尉楊 彪 、 大司農 朱俊 暗中 對 獻帝 稟奏 話 : 主 上 , 而家 曹操 擁有 二十幾萬 兵馬 , 謀臣武將 幾十員 。 如果 得到 佢 嚟 扶持 社稷 , 保衛 皇上 , 剿除 奸黨 , 噉 天下 都 有 福咯 。 獻帝 感觸 起上 嚟 ,嚱, 佢 喊 啊 , 佢 話 : 孤家 畀 呢 兩個 奸賊 蝦 咗 好 耐咯 。 如果 能夠 殺 咗 佢 兩個 , 噉 啊 最好 不過 啦 。 楊彪 話 嘞 : 臣 有 一條 計 , 就 首先 使到 兩個 奸賊 互相 殘害 , 然後 請 皇上 你 落道 聖旨 , 召 曹操 帶兵 嚟 殺 佢 , 掃清 賊黨 , 安定 朝廷 。 哦 ? 條計 係 點 嘅 呢 ? 臣 聽聞 郭汜個 妻子 妒忌心 極 重 嘅 , 我 哋 搵 人 喺 郭 汜 妻子 嘅 身上 用 反間計 。 噉 嗰 兩個 奸賊 就 會 鬼 打鬼 , 互相 殘害 嘅 喇 。 於是 獻帝 就 寫 咗 個 秘密 命令 交 畀 楊彪 。 第 日 , 楊彪 暗中 叫 佢 個 夫人 嘞 隨便 搵 個 藉口 去 郭汜 屋企 , 睺 啱 個 機會 就 對 郭 汜 嘅 老婆 話 嘞 : 聽講 郭 將軍 同李 司馬 夫人 搭上 咗 啊 , 話 好 親密 喎 。 如果 司馬 知道 啊 , 實 畀 佢 害死 㗎 。 夫人 啊 , 你 仲 係 想 辦法 斷絕 佢 哋 來往 好 啊 。 郭汜個 老婆 就 話 嘞 : 哎呀 ! 唔 怪 得 佢 好多 時 夜晚 都 冇 返 屋企 瞓 啦 , 原來 做出 啲 咁 無恥 嘅 事 嚟 。 哎呀 , 如果 唔 係 夫人 你 話 我 知 啊 , 我仲懵盛 盛添 啊 。 哎呀 , 真 係 唔 該 晒 你 嘞 夫人 , 我 一定 提防 佢 嘅 , 我 一定 提防 佢 嘅 。 楊彪 個 夫人 說話 講完 , 已經 達到 目的 , 就 告辭 返扯 。 郭汜個 老婆 就 再三再四 多謝 啊 。 過 咗 幾日 , 郭汜 又 要 去 李 傕 屋企 參加 宴會 。 佢 老婆 話 嘞 : 李 傕 個人 都 摸 佢 唔 透 嘅 , 何況 而家 一 山難 藏二虎 , 兩雄 不 並立 噃。 如果 佢 喺 啲 酒 處 放毒 , 噉 噉 有 乜 三長兩短 , 誒 噉 叫 我 點算 好 嘩 ? 咪 咁 傻 啦 , 邊度 會 有 啲 咁 嘅 事 㗎 ! 李 傕 對 我 唔 敢 噉 做 嘅 。 郭汜 初時 唔 肯 聽 , 啊 , 到底 頂 唔 住 個 老婆 死 咁 勸 佢 , 咪 終歸 冇 去 。 到 咗 晚上 , 李 傕 派 人 送 咗 一圍 酒席 嚟 畀 郭汜 。 郭汜個 老婆 你 哋 估點 吖 嗱? 哈哈 ! 佢 偷偷地 攞 啲 毒藥 放 喺 啲 餸 裏頭 , 搞掂 晒 嘞 , 然後 先 攞 入 去 開席 噃。 郭 汜 攞 起 筷子 就 想夾 , 佢 老婆 話 : 咪 住 ! 啲 酒菜 係 喺 外 便 送 嚟 嘅 , 點 能夠 攞 起 就 食 㗎 。 郭汜個 老婆 叫 隻 狗 嚟 , 夾 啲 餸 畀 隻 狗食 。 嗰 隻 狗 一 啖 吞 咗 落 肚 , 嘩 , 踮 咗 幾 踮 就 死 咗 嘞 。 咦 ? 乜真 係 有毒 㗎 ? 從此 之後 , 郭汜 對 李 傕 就 開始 懷疑 。 有 一日 , 散 咗 朝 , 李 傕 猛 咁 拉 郭汜返 屋企 飲酒 , 一直 到 夜晚 先至 散席 。 郭汜 飲到 酩酊大醉 返 屋企 , 返到 去 之後 , 嗯 ? 唔 妥 唔 妥 , 哎 啊 , 突然 間 覺得 肚痛 。 佢 老婆 話 : 弊 喇 ! 一定 係 中毒 啊 , 一定 係 中毒 啊 呢 趟 。 即刻 嗌 人 𢳂 啲 屎 水 嚟 灌 郭汜 飲 , 誒 啊 , 嘔到 郭汜 啊 , 爭 啲 連個 胃 都 嘔 埋出 嚟 啊 。 郭汜 捱 咗 呢 一 鑊 , 火滾 喇 佢 話 : 豈有此理 ! 我同 李 傕 你 一齊 嚟 圖謀 大事 , 你 而家 竟然 無端 端要 嚟 謀害 我 ? 哼 ! 我 唔 逳 手 先 就 實 畀 你 害死 。 於是 就 秘密 噉 調動 本部 嘅 鐵甲兵 , 準備 去 打 李 傕 嘞 。 誰知 呢 件 事 走漏 咗 風聲 , 有人 去 報 咗 畀 李 傕 知 。 李 傕 嬲 到 不得了 : 乜話 ? 郭汜食 咗 老虎 膽啊 , 居然 敢 走 嚟 咬 我 ? 於是 李 傕 亦 點起 本部 嘅 鐵甲兵 去 殺 郭汜 嘞 。 兩便 出動 個 兵力 夾埋成 幾萬人 , 就 喺 長安城 下 混戰 。 一打 親啊 梗 係 乘機 擄掠 啲 居民 百姓 㗎 啦 。 李 傕 個 侄 李暹 啊 帶兵 圍住 皇宮 , 用 兩部 車 , 一部 載 皇帝 一部 載 伏皇后 , 就 吩咐 賈詡 同埋 左靈 兩個 親信 押車 。 其餘 嘅 宮女 啊 太監 啊 , 噉 就 跟 住車 步行 。 啱 啱 湧 住 出 咗 皇宮 嘅 後宰門 , 就 撞 正 郭 汜 嘅 兵 嚟 到 。 嗰 啲 箭 呀 , 啡 啡 拂拂 亂 咁 射過 嚟 嘩 ! 射死 啲 宮女 太監 不計其數 咁 多 。 李 傕 啲 兵馬 跟 住 趕到 嚟 嘞 , 乒乒乓乓 又 殺 返 過去 , 郭汜 就 即刻 撤退 。 噉 皇帝 皇后 嘅 車架 呢 由 啲 兵 擁住 冒險 出 城 , 唔 理 咁 多 , 一擁 就 擁到 李 傕 嘅 軍營 裏 便 嘞 。 噉 郭汜 呢 亦 帶兵 入去 皇宮 喎 。 不過 佢 係 執 二 攤 嘞 , 將 啲 宮娥 彩女 冚𠾴唥 搶走 帶返 去 自己 嘅 大本營 , 仲 放火 嚟 燒 宮殿 。 到 咗 第二日 , 郭汜先 知道 原來 李 傕 劫走 咗 皇帝 , 蝕 抵咯 呢 趟 ! 即刻 帶兵 去 李 傕 嘅 軍營 廝殺 。 郭汜 啊 唔 夠李 傕 打 , 就 暫時 退 咗 兵 。 李 傕 呢 , 索性 將 皇帝 皇后 啊 轉移 咗 去 郿 塢 裏 便 住 。 叫 佢 個 侄 李 暹 去 監護 , 封鎖 晒 消息 。 飲食 啊 時時 都 供應 唔 夠 嘅 , 整到 啲 侍臣 啊 周時 捱 肚 餓 。 嘿嘿 , 有 一日 , 皇帝 叫 人 去 問李 傕 要 攞 五 石 米 、 五 副 牛骨 , 要 嚟 分 畀 啲 侍臣 食 。 李 傕 發火 嘞 : 一早 一晚 都 有 飯食 , 仲想點 啊 , 哼 ! 就將 啲 陳年 舊谷 、 變晒 味 嘅 肉 啊 畀 皇帝 , 噫 呀 , 都 係 臭 到 唔 食 得 嘅 。 皇帝 嬲 起 上 嚟 就 鬧 咗 一句 : 哼 , 嗰 個 逆賊 , 噉 樣 嚟 欺負 我 ! 皇帝 身邊 有個 侍中 係 個 官 嚟 , 叫做 楊琦 , 佢 見到 皇帝 發火 , 就 急急 稟奏 話 : 哎 啊 , 陛下 , 李 傕 嘅 為 人 極 之 殘暴 㗎 , 事情 已經 到 咗 噉 嘅 地步 , 請 陛下 忍住 下 , 唔 好惹 佢 喇 。 唉 ! 皇帝 𢱕 低頭 冇 聲出 , 啲 眼淚 啊 就 成串 成串 咁 流 啊 。 喺 呢 個 時候 , 有人 嚟 稟報 話 嘞 : 有 一路 軍馬 嚟 到 救駕 啊 。 皇帝 就 叫 人 去 探聽 清楚 係 邊個 嚟 啦 , 唉 ! 點知 原來 係 郭汜 , 皇帝 個心 啊 仲憂 多幾分 咯 。 而家 講下 李 傕 啊 。 佢 見 郭 汜 帶兵 追到 嚟 郿 塢 , 就 帶兵 出去 迎戰 啦 。 李 傕 一 見到 郭汜 就 鬧 佢 嘞 : 我 一向 待 你 咁 好 , 你 點解 要 嚟 謀害 我 ! 吓 ? 郭汜 就 頂 佢 嘞 : 你 係 個 反賊 , 梗 係 要 殺 咗 你 啦 ! 我 喺 度 保駕 , 點 係 反賊 啊 ? 仲話 保駕 ? 你 劫 駕 就 真 ! 李 傕 話 嘞 : 唔 使 噏 咁 多 嘞 , 我 哋 兩個 人 都 唔 准叫 軍士 逳 手 嘅 , 我 哋 自己 打個 輸贏 啦 ! 邊個 贏 咗 就 將個 皇帝 攞 去 。 打咪 打 ! 呵 , 兩個 家伙 啊 打起 上 嚟 , 打 到 十個 回合 , 就 不分勝負 。 呢 個 時候 , 只見 太尉楊 彪 騎 住 馬 飛快 噉 跑 嚟 , 大聲 話 : 兩位 將軍 停停 手 , 老夫 特意 請 咗 各位 官員 嚟 同 兩位 講和 啊 。 噉 李 傕 同 郭汜 就 各自 回營 嘞 。 過 咗 陣 , 楊彪 、 朱俊 , 就 會 齊 朝廷 嘅 官員 六 十幾人 , 先去 郭 汜 嘅 軍營 講和 喎 。 各位 聽眾 你 哋 估點 吖 嗱? 呢 六 十幾人 唔 去 佢 處 猶自 可 , 一去 就 弊 傢伙 嘞 。

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而家 講下 曹操 啊 , 佢 見到 嗰 個 壯士 十分 之 英勇 , 個心 非常 喜歡 , 唔 願意 傷 佢 啊 。 now|let's talk about|Cao Cao|particle|he|saw|that|classifier|warrior|very|possessive particle|brave|his heart|extremely|liked|not|willing|harm|him|particle Now let's talk about Cao Cao. He saw that warrior was very brave, and he liked him very much, not wanting to harm him. 所以 呢 一日 交戰 嘅 時候 呢 , 就 吩咐 典韋要 詐輸 , 典韋 一 於 照辦 啦 , 噉 就 出去 迎戰 嘞 喎 。 so|this|one day|battle|possessive particle|time|this|then|instructed||feign defeat|Dian Wei|once|at|complied|sentence-final particle|then|just|go out|face the battle|past tense particle|sentence-final particle So on the day of battle, he instructed Dian Wei to feign defeat. Dian Wei complied and went out to face the enemy. 打 咗 三十個 回合 , 就 詐輸 走 返回 陣 嘞 。 fight|past tense marker|thirty|rounds|then|feigned defeat|to leave|return|formation|completed action particle After fighting for thirty rounds, he pretended to be defeated and returned to the camp. 嗰 個 壯士 追到 嚟 陣門 , 畀 啲 弓箭 射住 , 就 返 轉頭 啦 。 that|measure word for people|warrior|chased|here|enemy gate|by|some|arrows|shot at|then|return|turn around|particle indicating completed action That warrior chased him to the camp gate, but when he was shot at with arrows, he turned back. 曹操 呢 唔 , 就 急急 帶兵 退後 五里 路 , 就 暗中 派人掘 好個 陷坑 , 喺 兩 便 埋伏 定撈 鉤 手 , 準備 捉人 嘞 。 Cao Cao|question particle|not|then|hurriedly|lead troops|retreat|five li|distance|then|secretly||good|pitfall|at|both|sides|ambush|ready to catch|hook|hand|prepare|catch people|past action particle Cao Cao, however, quickly led his troops to retreat five miles, secretly sending people to dig a pit, laying an ambush on both sides to catch the enemy. 第 日 , 曹操 再次 命令 典韋 , 帶住 百 幾個 馬 軍 出去 挑戰 。 the|day|Cao Cao|again|ordered|Dian Wei|to bring|hundred|several|cavalry|troops|to go out|to challenge On that day, Cao Cao once again ordered Dian Wei to take a hundred cavalrymen out to challenge. 嗰 個 壯士 笑 嘞 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 你 個 敗將 仲敢 嚟 係 嘛 ? 拍馬 出 嚟 迎戰 。 that|classifier for people|warrior|laughed|past tense marker|hahaha||you|classifier for people|defeated general||come|to be|question particle|spur on|out|come|face the battle The warrior laughed: Hahaha, you defeated general still dare to come out? 典韋 係 噉 意 打 幾個 回合 , 回馬 就 走 。 Dian Wei|is|like that|meaning|fight|a few|rounds|counterattack|then|leave Dian Wei fought a few rounds like this, then turned his horse and left. 個 壯士 一味 掛住 向前 追 , 點知 𠽤𡃈 唰 嘣 ! 連人帶 馬 就 摏 咗 落 陷坑 裏頭 。 the|warrior|solely|focused on|forward|chasing|unexpectedly|enemy|swiftly|bang||horse|then|hit|past tense marker|fall|pit|inside The warrior kept chasing forward, but unexpectedly, whoosh! Both man and horse fell into a pit. 嗰 班 撈 鉤 手 就 七手八腳 , 鉤 咗 個 壯士 上 嚟 , 綁住 佢 , 押 佢 嚟 見 曹操 。 that|group|catch|hook|hands|then|in a flurry|hooked|past tense marker|classifier|strong man|up|here|tied up|him|escort|him|here|see|Cao Cao That group of grappling hands quickly pulled the warrior up, tied him up, and escorted him to see Cao Cao. 押 到 嚟 嘞 , 曹操 一 起身 , 喝退 啲 軍士 , 親手 同 佢 解開 啲 繩 ,攞 件 袍 畀 佢 着 好 , 請 佢 坐 低 , 就 問 佢 姓甚名誰 籍貫 係 邊處 。 to bring|arrive|here|past tense marker|Cao Cao|one|stood up|drove away|some|soldiers|personally|with|him|untied|the|ropes|took|a|robe|to|him|put on|properly|invited|him|sit|down|then|asked|him||place of origin|is|where When they were brought in, Cao Cao stood up, dismissed the soldiers, personally untied the ropes for him, gave him a robe to wear, invited him to sit down, and asked for his surname, name, and place of origin. 個 壯士 話 : 我 係 譙 國譙縣 人 , 姓 許名 褚 , 字仲康 。 the|warrior|said|I|am|Qiao||person|surname||Zhu| The strong man said: I am from Qiao County in Qiao State, my surname is Xu and my name is Zhu, courtesy name Zhongkang. 近來 因為 賊兵 作亂 , 我 就 搵 齊 宗族 幾百人 , 喺 山窩 裏頭 築起 城牆 嚟 防備 啲 賊兵 。 recently|because|bandits|causing chaos|I|then|gathered|together|clan|several hundred people|in|mountain cave|inside|built|city wall|to|defend against|the|bandits Recently, due to the bandits causing chaos, I gathered several hundred members of my clan and built a wall in the mountain cave to defend against the bandits. 有 一日 啲 賊兵 嚟 嘞 , 我 叫 大家 準備 多 啲 石 仔 喺 處 , 我飛 啲 石仔去 打 嗰 班 賊兵 , 哼 冇 話 唔 中 嘅 , 噉 嗰 班 賊兵 就 退走 咗 。 there is|one day|plural marker|bandits|came|past tense marker|I|told|everyone|prepare|more|plural marker|||at|place||plural marker||hit|that|group|bandits|humph|not|say|not|hit|past tense marker|then|that|group|bandits|then|retreated|past tense marker One day, the bandits came, and I told everyone to prepare more stones at hand, I threw stones to hit those bandits, and without a doubt, they retreated. 收尾 有 一日 , 啲 賊兵 又 嚟 嘞 , 我 哋 因為 冇 糧食 嘞 , 就 同 啲 賊兵 講和 , 講 好話 用 耕牛 同 佢 哋 換 米 。 wrap up|has|one day|the|bandits|again|come|past tense marker|I|we|because|have not|food|past tense marker|then|with|the|bandits|negotiate|speak|good words|use|plow oxen|with|them|they|exchange|rice In the end, one day, the bandits came again, and because we had no food, we negotiated with the bandits, agreeing to exchange our plowing oxen for rice. 佢 哋 送 咗 啲 米 嚟 , 就 趕 啲 牛 走 嘞 噃, 嗰 啲 賊兵 將 啲 牛 趕到 去 山窩 外便 , 點知 啲 牛 都 跑 返 轉頭 。 they|plural marker|deliver|past tense marker|some|rice|here|then|drive|some|cattle|away|past tense marker||that|some|bandits|take|some|cattle|driven to|to|hideout|outside|unexpectedly|some|cattle|all|run|back|turn around They sent some rice over and drove the cows away. Those bandits herded the cows to the mountain cave, but the cows ran back. 喺 呢 個 時候 , 我 雙手 掹 住 兩隻 牛 嘅 牛尾 , 拉 住 兩隻 牛 打倒 褪行 咗 百 幾步 。 at|this|measure word for events|time|I|both hands|pull|particle indicating continuous action|two (measure word for animals)|cow|possessive particle|tail|pull|particle indicating continuous action|two (measure word for animals)|cow|knock down|retreat|past tense marker|hundred|several steps At that moment, I grabbed the tails of two cows with both hands and pulled them down, dragging them for over a hundred steps. 嗰 班 賊兵 驚晒 , 連牛 都 唔 敢 要 就 走 咗 嘞 , 哈哈 , 所以 我 哋 保住 呢 一帶 都 冇 事 啊 。 that|group|bandits|all scared||also|not|dare|to take|then|ran away|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|haha|so|I|we|protect|this|area|all|no|trouble|ah particle Those bandits were scared and didn't even dare to take the cows, so they ran away. Haha, that's why we managed to keep this area safe. 哦 , 好極 , 好極 ! 我 聽聞 你 嘅 大名 好 耐 嘞 , 你 肯 唔 肯 投降 我 呢 ? oh|very good||I|heard|you|possessive particle|full name|very|long|past action particle|you|willing|not|willing|surrender|I|question particle Oh, that's great, that's great! I've heard your great name for a long time, would you be willing to surrender to me? 我 啊 , 想 投奔 曹公 你好 耐 㗎 喇 ! 於是 許褚 召集 埋 佢 嘅 宗族 幾百人 , 一齊 嚟 投降 曹操 。 I|ah|want|defect to|Lord Cao|very|capable|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completion|so|Xu Chu|gathered|together|his|possessive particle|clan|several hundred people|together|come|surrender|Cao Cao As for me, I've wanted to join Cao Gong for a long time! So Xu Chu gathered a few hundred of his clan members to surrender to Cao Cao. 曹操 呢 就 任命 許諸 做 都尉 , 賞賜 咗 好多 嘢 畀 佢 。 Cao Cao|this|then|appointed|Xu Zhu|to be|cavalry commander|rewarded|past tense marker|many|things|to|him Cao Cao appointed Xu Zhu as the Captain and rewarded him with many gifts. 跟 住 斬 咗 何儀 同黃劭 , 噉 汝南 , 潁川 呢 一帶 地方 呢 就 平定 咗 嘞 。 ||killed|past tense marker|He Yi||then|Ru Nan|Ying Chuan|this|area|place|this|then|pacified|past tense marker|final particle Then he executed He Yi and Huang Shao, thus pacifying the areas of Runan and Yingchuan. 曹操 打勝 咗 , 班師 返去 鄄城 。 Cao Cao|won|past tense marker|withdrew|returned to|Juancheng Cao Cao won the battle and returned to Juancheng. 曹仁 、 夏侯惇 就 迎接 咗 曹操 , 就 報告 畀 佢 聽 , 話 得到 情報 啊 , 兗州 薛蘭 同埋 李 封 嘅 軍士 啊 都 出 咗 去 城 , 四圍 去 打劫 擄掠 。 Cao Ren|Xiahou Dun|then|welcomed|past tense marker|Cao Cao|then|reported|to|him|heard|said|received|intelligence|particle|Yan Province|Xue Lan|and|Li|Feng|possessive particle|soldiers|particle|all|out|past tense marker|to|city|all around|to|rob|plunder Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun welcomed Cao Cao and reported to him that they had received intelligence that the soldiers of Yan Province, Xue Lan and Li Feng, had all left the city to raid the surrounding areas. 城裏 便 防守 空虛 , 如果 而家 帶兵 去 攻 佢 啊 , 好容易 得手 個 咋 噉 。 in the city|then|defense|weak|if|now|lead troops|to|attack|him|ah|very easily|succeed|that|guy|like this The city was defenseless, so if we lead troops to attack them now, it would be very easy to succeed. 啱 晒 啦 , 曹操 又 馬不停蹄 , 率領 住 打 咗 勝仗 嘅 部隊 直奔 兗州 。 right|completely|particle|Cao Cao|again|without stopping|led|particle indicating ongoing action|fight|past tense marker|victory|possessive particle|troops|headed straight for|Yan Province That's right, Cao Cao, without stopping, led the victorious troops straight to Yanzhou. 薛蘭 、 李封毫 冇 準備 嘅 , 但 係 冇 辦法 啦 , 唯有 硬住 頭皮 帶兵 出 城 迎戰 係 嘞 。 Xue Lan|Li Fenghao|not|prepared|possessive particle||is||||||||||||sentence-final particle Xue Lan and Li Feng were unprepared, but there was no choice, they could only grit their teeth and lead the troops out of the city to meet the enemy. 許褚話 : 等 我 去 斬 咗 呢 兩個 人 , 作為 覲見 主公 嘅 禮物 呢 。 Xu Chu said|wait|I|go|kill|past tense marker|this|two|people|as||lord|possessive particle|gift|this Xu Chu said: Let me go and take down these two people as a gift to present to the lord. 好 啊 , 你 去 。 ||you|go Alright, you go. 曹操 好 歡喜 就 叫 許褚 出戰 。 Cao Cao|very|happily|then|called|Xu Chu|to battle Cao Cao was very pleased and called Xu Chu to go into battle. 李封 使 一支 畫戟 , 上前 迎敵 , 打 咗 兩個 回合 咋 , 就 畀 許褚殺 咗 嘞 。 Li Feng|wielded|a|halberd|stepped forward|to face the enemy|fought|past tense marker|two|rounds|just|then|was||past tense marker|sentence final particle Li Feng used a halberd, stepped forward to meet the enemy, fought for two rounds, and was killed by Xu Chu. 薛蘭 見到 , 哎 啊 , 弊 ! 唔 係 路 喇 , 趯 喇 , 急急 走返 轉頭 。 Syed Lan|saw|||bad|||road|particle indicating completed action|wrong|particle indicating completed action|hurriedly|run back|turn around Xue Lan saw this and exclaimed, 'Oh no! It's not the way anymore, it's a dead end!' and hurriedly turned back. 嚟 到 吊橋 邊 , 就 畀 李典 截住 , 薛蘭 都 唔 敢 返入 城咯 , 帶住 人馬 就 想 逃跑 。 come|to|suspension bridge|side|then|by|Li Dian|stopped|Xue Lan|also|not|dare|return to||bringing|people and horses|then|wanted|to escape When he reached the edge of the suspension bridge, he was intercepted by Li Dian. Xue Lan didn't dare to return to the city and wanted to escape with his troops. 點知 畀 呂 虔 飛馬 追上 嚟 , 一射 咗 咗 佢 落馬 , 噉 嗰 班 兵卒 呢 就 潰散 晒 。 unexpectedly|by|a surname|a name|a horse|caught up|here|one shot|past tense marker||he|off the horse|then|that|group|soldiers|particle indicating a question|then|scattered|completely Unexpectedly, he was chased down by Lü Qian on horseback, who shot him off his horse, causing the soldiers to scatter. 曹操 呢 次 再 得到 兗州 之後 , 程昱 就 勸 佢 , 要 乘勝 進兵 去 奪取 濮陽 。 Cao Cao|this|time|again|obtained|Yan Province|after|Cheng Yu|then|advised|him|should|take advantage of victory|advance troops|to|capture|Puyang After Cao Cao regained Yanzhou this time, Cheng Yu advised him to take advantage of the victory and advance to capture Puyang. 曹操 同意 , 就 命令 許褚 、 典韋 做 先鋒 , 夏侯惇 、 夏侯淵 率領 左 軍 , 李典 、 樂進 就 率領 右軍 , 曹操 自己 就 率領 中軍 。 Cao Cao|agreed|then|ordered|Xu Chu|Dian Wei|to be|vanguard|Xiahou Dun|Xiahou Yuan|led|left|army|Li Dian|Le Jin|then|led|right army|Cao Cao|himself|then|led|central army Cao Cao agreed and ordered Xu Chu and Dian Wei to be the vanguards, while Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan led the left army, and Li Dian and Le Jin led the right army, with Cao Cao himself leading the central army. 于禁 、 呂 虔帶 一部分 人馬 喺 後 便 策應 , 浩浩蕩蕩 又 殺 奔 濮陽 嘞 。 Yu Jin|Lü|||troops|at|rear|then|support|grandly|again|attacked|rushed|Puyang|past tense particle Yu Jin and Lu Qian took a part of the troops to support from the rear, and they marched towards Puyang in a grand manner. 呂布 見到 曹操 兵到 , 即刻 就要 出 城 迎戰 噃。 Lu Bu|saw|Cao Cao||immediately||exit|city|fight|particle indicating suggestion or emphasis When Lü Bu saw Cao Cao's troops arriving, he immediately wanted to go out of the city to engage in battle. 陳 宮 就 勸 佢 話 嘞 : 唔 好 出去 打 啊 , 等 眾位 將領 嚟 齊 之後 再 打 都 未 遲 吖 。 Chan|Gong|then|advised|he|said|past tense marker|not|well|go out|fight|sentence-final particle|wait|all|generals|come|together|after|again|fight|all|not yet|late|sentence-final particle Chen Gong advised him, saying: "Don't go out to fight, it's better to wait until all the generals are gathered before we fight, it's not too late." 哼 ! 我怕過 邊個 啊 ? 打 ! hum||who|question particle|fight Hmph! Who am I afraid of? Let's fight! 呂布 唔 聽 陳 宮講 , 自己 就 帶兵 上陣 。 Lu Bu|not|listen|Chen||himself|then|lead troops|go into battle Lü Bu did not listen to Chen Gong and went to battle with his troops by himself. 曹操 派許 褚 出馬 。 Cao Cao||Zhu|to take the field Cao Cao sent Xu Chu to the battlefield. 呂布 同許 褚 兩個 鬥 咗 二十個 回合 , 不分勝負 。 Lu Bu||Zhu|the two|fought|past tense marker|twenty|rounds| Lü Bu and Xu Chu fought for twenty rounds, with no clear winner. 曹操 話 嘞 : 呂布 呀 一個 人 打 佢 唔 贏 㗎 , 就 派 典韋 出去 助戰 , 噉 啊 兩個 夾攻 。 Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|Lu Bu|particle indicating surprise|one|person|fight|him|not|win|particle indicating certainty|then|send|Dian Wei|go out|assist in battle|then|particle indicating realization|two|attack together Cao Cao said: Lü Bu cannot win against one person, so he sent Dian Wei to assist in the battle, allowing them to attack together. 打到 咁 上下 , 左翼 夏侯惇 、 夏侯淵 , 右翼 李典 、 樂進 一齊 嚟 到 , 亦 都 加 埋入 去 打 。 hit|so|up and down|left wing|Xiahou Dun|Xiahou Yuan|right wing|Li Dian|Le Jin|together||||||||fight As the battle intensified, the left flank with Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan, and the right flank with Li Dian and Le Jin all joined in to fight. 嘿 呀 ! 六員 大將 圍攻 呂布 啊 。 Hey! The six generals are surrounding Lü Bu! 噉 啊 呂布 更 打 得 , 亦 都 遮攔 唔 住 啦 , 佢 撥轉 馬頭 想 跑 返入 城 。 like this|ah|Lu Bu|even|fight|able|also|all|block|not|stop|particle|he|turned|horse's head|wanted|run|back into|city Lü Bu is fighting even harder, but he can't hold on anymore. He turns his horse's head, wanting to run back into the city. 哈 , 點 知 嗰 個 有錢 佬 田氏 啊 , 佢 喺 城頭 上面 嚟 , 見到 呂布 打敗 返 嚟 就 急急 叫 人 扯 高條 吊橋 , 唔 畀 呂布 過 。 ha|||that|classifier for people|rich|man|Tian family|ah|he|at|city wall|above|came|saw|Lu Bu|defeated|||then|hurriedly|called|people|pull|high|suspension bridge|not|let|Lu Bu|cross Ha, little did he know that the rich man Tian was up on the city wall. When he saw Lü Bu defeated and coming back, he hurriedly called for people to pull up the drawbridge, not letting Lü Bu pass. 呂布 大 嗌 喇 : 開門 啊 ! 開門 啊 ! Lu Bu|very|shout|particle indicating urgency|open the door|ah|open the door|ah Lü Bu shouted loudly: Open the gate! Open the gate! 田氏話 嘞 : 我 啊 已經 投降 咗 曹將軍 喇 ! Tian said|past tense marker|I|particle indicating realization|already|surrender|past tense marker|General Cao|particle indicating completion Tian said: I have already surrendered to General Cao! 嘩 ! 激死 呂布 咯 ! 之 奈 佢 唔 何 啊 , 唯有 破口大罵 一輪 , 帶兵 就 趯 咗 去 定陶 。 wow|infuriating|Lu Bu|particle indicating realization|possessive particle|how|he|not|what|particle indicating exclamation|only|curse loudly|one round|lead troops|then|rush|past tense marker|go|Dingtao Wow! Lu Bu is furious! But what can he do? He can only curse loudly and then lead his troops to Dingtao. 定陶 喺 邊 處 呢 ? 就 即 喺 今日 山東省 定陶縣 。 Dingtao|at|where|place|question particle|then|immediately|at|today|Shandong Province|Dingtao County Where is Dingtao? It is in today's Dingtao County, Shandong Province. 陳 宮 見到 田氏 反水 唄 , 即刻 就 打開 東門 , 保護 呂布 一家 大細 就 出城 走 佬 嘞 。 Chen|Gong|saw|Tian family|rebel|particle|immediately|then|opened|east gate|protect|Lu Bu|whole family|big and small|then|out of the city|leave|escape|past tense particle When Chen Gong saw that the Tian family had defected, he immediately opened the east gate to protect Lu Bu's family and let them escape the city. 於是 曹操 呢 噉 就 得 咗 濮陽 。 then|Cao Cao|this|like this|then|obtained|past tense marker|Puyang As a result, Cao Cao was able to take Puyang. 因為 田氏獻城 有功 啊 , 雖然 上次 呢 佢 係 寫 過 假 信 嚟 𧦠 自己 , 之 曹操 吖 亦 唔 計較 嘞 , 赦 咗 佢 嘅 罪 嘞 。 because|Tian family offered the city|had merit|ah|although|last time|particle indicating a question|he|was|wrote|past tense marker|false|letter|to|deceive|himself|possessive particle|Cao Cao|ah|also|not|hold grudges|past action marker|pardon|past action marker|his|possessive particle|crime|past action marker Because the Tian family contributed by surrendering the city, even though last time they had sent a false letter to deceive him, Cao Cao did not hold it against them and pardoned their crimes. 入 咗 城 之後 , 劉曄 對 曹操 建議 話 : 呂布乃 係 一隻 猛虎 嚟 啊 , 而 家 佢 又 疲 又 困 , 千祈 唔 好 畀 機會 佢 休息 啊 。 enter|past tense marker|city|after|Liu Ye|to|Cao Cao|suggested|saying||is|a|fierce tiger|coming|particle|but|now|he|again|tired|again|sleepy|absolutely|not|good|give|opportunity|him|rest|particle After entering the city, Liu Ye suggested to Cao Cao: "Lü Bu is like a fierce tiger, and now he is tired and worn out. We must not give him a chance to rest." 嗯 , 冇 錯 ! 曹操 命令 劉 曄 佢 哋 守住 濮陽 , 自己 率領 軍隊 , 一直 追到 去 定陶 。 hmm|not|wrong|Cao Cao|ordered|Liu||they|plural marker|to defend|Puyang|he himself|led|army|continuously|chased until|to|Dingtao Yes, that's right! Cao Cao ordered Liu Ye to guard Puyang while he led the army and continued to chase after Lü Bu to Dingtao. 當時 呢 , 呂布 同陳留 太守 張邈 , 廣陵 太守 張昭 都 喺 城內 , 高順 、 張 遼 、 臧霸 、 侯成 四員 大將 呢 就 出 咗 去 巡海 打 糧未返 。 at that time|particle indicating a question or emphasis|Lü Bu||governor|Zhang Miao|Guangling|governor|Zhang Zhao|all|in|the city|Gao Shun|Zhang|Liao|Zang Ba|Hou Cheng|four|generals|particle indicating a question or emphasis|then|go out|past tense marker|to|patrol the sea|transport| At that time, Lü Bu was inside the city with the governor of Chenliu, Zhang Miao, and the governor of Guangling, Zhang Zhao. The four generals, Gao Shun, Zhang Liao, Zang Ba, and Hou Cheng, had gone out to patrol the sea and had not returned. 曹操 大軍 嚟 到 定陶 之後 , 佢 一路 都 冇 同 呂布 交戰 , 反而 啊 , 喺 離 城 四十里 遠 嘅 地方 扎寨 。 Cao Cao|army|come|arrive|Dingtao|after|he|all the way|all|did not|with|Lü Bu|engage in battle|instead|ah|at|away from|city|forty li|far|possessive particle|place|set up camp After Cao Cao's army arrived at Dingtao, he did not engage in battle with Lü Bu but instead set up camp forty miles away from the city. 嗰 個 時候 啊 正 係 當地 麥 熟 嘅 季節 , 曹操 命令 啲 兵士 割 啲 麥 嚟 食 。 that|measure word|time|ah|just|is|local|wheat|ripe|possessive particle|season|Cao Cao|ordered|plural marker|soldiers|cut|plural marker|wheat|to|eat At that time, it was the season when the wheat was ripe in the area, and Cao Cao ordered the soldiers to cut some wheat for food. 呂 軍 嘅 探子 偵察 到 呢 個 情況 , 就 返去 報告 啦 。 Lui|army|possessive particle|scout|reconnaissance|arrived|this|measure word|situation|then|return|report|final particle The scouts of Lu Jun reported this situation back. 呂布 即刻 帶兵 趕到 嚟 , 一 上下 嚟 到 曹操 嘅 營寨 。 Lu Bu|immediately|lead his troops|rush to|come|one|up and down|||Cao Cao|possessive particle|camp Lu Bu immediately led his troops to rush over and arrived at Cao Cao's camp. 咦 ? 吖 見到 左便 一帶 嘅 樹林 非常 之 茂盛 , 呂布 怕 有 伏兵 , 於是 就 走 返 轉頭 。 eh|particle|saw|left|area|possessive particle|forest|very|particle|lush|Lü Bu|afraid|have|ambush troops|so|then|ran|back|turned around Huh? He saw that the forest on the left was very dense, and Lu Bu was afraid there were ambushes, so he turned back. 曹操 見到 呂布 嘅 部隊 嚟 到 半路 又 返 轉頭 , 就 對 佢 嗰 班 將領 話 嘞 : Cao Cao|saw|Lü Bu|possessive particle|army|||halfway|again|turned|back|then|to|him|that|group|generals|said|past tense particle Cao Cao saw that Lu Bu's troops turned back halfway and said to his generals: 哼 , 呂布 返 轉頭 , 實 係 懷疑 我 喺 樹林 裏 便 有 伏兵 。 hum|Lü Bu|return|turn around|really|is|suspicious of|I|at|forest|inside|then|have|ambush troops Hmph, Lu Bu turned back, he really suspects that I have ambushes in the forest. 噉 啦 , 我 哋 索性 喺 樹林 裏 便 插 多 啲 旗 嚟 迷惑 下 佢 添 。 like this|sentence final particle|I|plural marker|simply|at|forest|inside|then|insert|more|measure word|flags|come|confuse|particle indicating action|he|also So, we might as well plant more flags in the forest to confuse him. 寨 西 一帶 嘅 長堤 係 冇 水 嘅 , 我 哋 將 啲 精兵 全部 埋伏 喺 度 。 village|west|area|possessive particle|long embankment|is|no|water||I|we|will|plural marker|elite soldiers|all|ambush|at|this place The long dyke in the Zhai Xi area is dry, so we will ambush all our elite soldiers there. 聽日 , 呂布 實 嚟 放火燒 樹林 嘅 , 我 哋 埋伏 喺 長堤 嘅 兵 就 出 嚟 截斷 佢 嘅 後路 , 噉 樣 一定 能夠 捉 到 呂布 ! tomorrow|Lu Bu|really|come|set fire to|forest|possessive particle|I|we|ambush|at|Long Dyke|possessive particle|soldiers|then|come out|to|cut off|his|possessive particle|escape route|like this|way|definitely|able to|||Lu Bu Tomorrow, when Lu Bu actually comes to set fire to the forest, the soldiers we have ambushed at the long dyke will come out to cut off his escape route, and this way we will definitely be able to capture Lu Bu! 於是 曹操 只 係 留低 五十個 鼓手 喺 寨裏 便 擂鼓 , 又 去 啲 村莊 啊 , 拉 咗 一大 班 村民 返 嚟 , 叫 佢 哋 喺 寨裏 便 大聲 吶喊 。 then|Cao Cao|||left|fifty|drummers|in|the stockade|then|beat the drums|again|went|some|villages||recruited|past tense marker|||villagers|||ordered|them|plural marker|in|the stockade|then|loudly|shout So Cao Cao only left fifty drummers in the camp to beat the drums, and then went to the villages to gather a large group of villagers to come back and shout loudly in the camp. 同時 呢將 所有 嘅 精兵 都 埋伏 喺 長堤 一帶 嚟 。 at the same time|this unit|all|possessive particle|elite soldiers|all|ambush|at|Long Tide|area|came At the same time, all the elite soldiers were ambushed around the long dyke. 好 嘞 , 而家 講下 呂布 。 ||now|talk about|Lu Bu Alright, now let's talk about Lü Bu. 佢 喺 半路 走返 轉頭 , 就將 啲 情形 講 畀 陳 宮 聽 , 陳 公話 嘞 : 曹操 呢 個 家伙 詭計多端 , 不可 輕敵 啊 。 He|at|halfway|turned back|around||the|situation|told|to|Chen|Gong|heard|Chen||past tense particle|Cao Cao|this|measure word|guy|full of tricks|not|underestimate|ah particle He turned back halfway and told Chen Gong about the situation. Chen Gong said: 'Cao Cao is a crafty guy, we must not underestimate him.' 呂布 話 嘞 : 唔 怕 佢 , 我用 火攻 就 可以 破 佢 嘅 伏兵 㗎 嘞 。 Lu Bu|said|past tense particle|not|afraid|he||fire attack|then|can|defeat|he|possessive particle|ambush troops||past tense particle Lü Bu replied: 'I'm not afraid of him, I can defeat his ambush with fire attacks.' 真 係 喎 , 第日 留低 陳 宮同 高順 守城 , 自己 帶住 大軍 又 去 嘞 噃。 |||next day|leave behind|||Gao Shun|defend the city|himself|lead|large army|again|go|past tense marker| Indeed, he left Chen Gong and Gao Shun to defend the city, while he took the army to attack. 又 試 嚟 到 尋日 見到 嗰 座 樹林 , 哼 ! 仲 見到 有 咁 多旗 添 , 好 ! 命令 部隊 快速 前進 , 四面 放火 。 again|try|come|arrived|yesterday|saw|that|measure word for buildings|forest|humph|still|saw|have|so||also|good|order|troops|quickly|advance|from all sides|set fire He also tried to find the grove he saw yesterday, hmm! He even saw so many flags! Good! He ordered the troops to advance quickly and set fire on all sides. 放 起火 之後 誒 ? 奇 嘞 , 點解 一個 人 都 冇 嘅 呢 喂 ? set|on fire|after|eh|strange|particle|why|one|person|all|not have|particle|question particle|hey After the fire was set, huh? Strange, why is there not a single person here? 噉 呂布 又 想 殺 去 曹操 個 營寨 , 咦 , 又 聽見 鼓聲 咚咚 咚咚 咁 響 。 then|Lu Bu|again|wants|to kill|to go|Cao Cao|possessive particle|camp|eh|again|heard|drum sound|sound of drums|sound of drums|so|loud Then Lü Bu wanted to kill his way to Cao Cao's camp, and oh, he heard the sound of drums booming. 呂布 正 喺 度 思 疑 緊 , 忽然間 , 只見 寨後一彪 軍馬 衝出 嚟 。 Lu Bu|currently|at|in|||continuous aspect particle|suddenly|suddenly saw||war horses|charging out|coming While Lü Bu was in doubt, suddenly, he saw a group of cavalry charging out from behind the camp. 呂布 縱馬 追上去 , 轟 一聲 炮響 , 長堤 裏 便 嘅 伏兵 啊 殺 呀 , 噉 撲 晒 出 嚟 。 Lu Bu|galloping|chased after|with a bang|one sound|cannon fire|long embankment|inside|then|possessive particle|ambush troops|ah|kill|particle|then|pounced|all|out|came Lü Bu spurred his horse to chase after them, and with a loud bang, the ambush troops hidden in the long embankment sprang out. 夏侯惇 、 夏侯淵 、 許褚 、 典韋 、 李典 、 樂進 , 飛馬 殺過 嚟 。 Xiahou Dun|Xiahou Yuan|Xu Chu|Dian Wei|Li Dian|Le Jin|Feima|killed|here Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Xu Chu, Dian Wei, Li Dian, and Le Jin charged over on horseback. 六名 大將 喎 又 係 , 呂布 領教過 一次 嘞 , 估計 冇 法子 打得 過 佢 哋 㗎 嘞 , 於是 落荒而走 , 趯 喇 。 six|generals|particle indicating realization|again|is|Lü Bu|has experienced|once|past tense particle|estimated|no|way|||he|they|particle indicating certainty|past tense particle|so|fled in defeat|kicked| Six generals, right? Lu Bu has experienced it once, and I estimate there’s no way to defeat them, so he fled in a hurry. 呂布 手下 嘅 一員 將領 叫做 成廉 啊 , 畀 樂進 一箭 射死 咗 。 Lu Bu|subordinate|possessive particle|a|general|called|Cheng Lian|ah|by|Le Jin|an arrow|shot dead|past tense marker One of Lu Bu's generals, named Cheng Lian, was shot dead by Le Jin with an arrow. 噉 呂布 個 軍隊 呀 三份 去 咗 二 , 慘咯 呢 勻 。 then|Lu Bu|possessive particle|army|exclamatory particle|three parts|go|past tense marker|two|unfortunate|this|battle So Lu Bu's army was reduced from three parts to two, which is quite tragic. 有 啲 敗兵 趯 咗 返去 報告 畀 陳 宮 聽 , 陳 宮 一 諗 : 嗯 哼 , 空城 難守 啊 , 不如 快 啲 趯 嘞 。 there is|a little|defeated soldiers|to flee||return|report|to|Chen|Gong|listen|Chen|Gong|one|thought|hmm|hmm|empty city|hard to defend|ah|might as well|quickly|a little|to flee|past tense particle Some defeated soldiers hurried back to report to Chen Gong, and Chen Gong thought: Hmm, an empty city is hard to defend, so it’s better to leave quickly. 於是 就 同高順 保護 住 呂布 一家 大細 離開 定陶 走人 嘞 。 then|immediately||protect|live|Lü Bu|family|all|leave|Dingtao|leave|past tense particle So he and Gao Shun protected Lu Bu's entire family and left Dingtao. 呂布 呀 真 係 全靠 陳 宮 咋 , 如果 唔 係 , 老婆 仔女 冇 咗 幾次 嘞 。 Lu Bu|particle indicating surprise|really|is|all depends on|Chen|Gong|particle indicating a question|if|||wife|children|have not|past tense marker|several times|particle indicating completed action Lü Bu really relies on Chen Gong, if not for him, my wife and daughter would have been lost several times. 曹操 帶住 呢 一支 得勝 嘅 軍隊 殺入 定陶 , 嘩 , 真 係 勢如破竹 啊 ! Cao Cao|leading|this|a|victorious|possessive particle|army|charged into|Dingtao|wow|||unstoppable|ah Cao Cao led this victorious army into Dingtao, wow, it was truly like a hot knife through butter! 兵敗如山倒 啦 , 張超 自刎 死 咗 , 張廟 呢 , 就 趯 咗 去 投奔 袁術 。 the defeat was like a mountain collapsing|particle indicating a completed action|Zhang Chao|committed suicide|die|past tense marker|Zhang Miao|particle indicating a question|then|ran away|past tense marker|to|defect to|Yuan Shu When the army collapses, it falls like a mountain, Zhang Chao committed suicide, and Zhang Miao fled to join Yuan Shu. 於是 呢 , 山東 一帶 嘅 地區 啊 ,冚𠾴唥 都 畀 曹操 得 晒 。 so|particle indicating a question|Shandong|surrounding area|possessive particle|region|particle indicating exclamation|all the people|all|by|Cao Cao|to gain|completely As a result, in the Shandong region, everything was completely taken over by Cao Cao. 噉 曹操 喺 呢 啲 地方 安定 民心 、 修復 城池 等等 呢 啲 就 唔 講 佢 嘞 。 then|Cao Cao|at|these|plural marker|places|stabilize|people's hearts|repair|cities|etc|these|plural marker|just|not|mention|he|past tense marker So, Cao Cao stabilized the people's hearts in these areas, repaired the cities, and so on, but I won't go into that. 而家 講返 呂布 , 佢 收集 啲 殘兵 敗 卒 , 一路 嚟 到 海邊 , 就 遇 啱 外出 嘅 將領 返 嚟 。 now|talk about|Lu Bu|he|gathered|some|remaining soldiers|defeated|troops|all the way|came|to|the seaside|then|encountered|right|out|possessive particle|general|return|come Now let's talk about Lü Bu. He gathered some remnants of soldiers and made his way to the seaside, where he happened to encounter the returning general. 陳 宮 呢 亦 都 搵 到 嚟 嘞 , 呂布 話 : 我 嘅 人馬 雖然 少 , 但仲 可以 打敗 曹操 嘅 。 Chen|Gong|question particle|also|all|find|arrive|here|past action particle|Lu Bu|said|I|possessive particle|troops|although|few||can|defeat|Cao Cao|possessive particle Chen Gong also found his way there. Lü Bu said: Although my troops are few, we can still defeat Cao Cao. 呂布 佢 真 係 想 再 去 同 曹操 決戰 噃。 Lu Bu|he|really|is|wants|again|to go|with|Cao Cao|decisive battle|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Lü Bu really wanted to go and fight Cao Cao again. 陳 宮 就 話 嘞 : 將軍 啊 , 而家 曹操 兵強馬壯 , 我 哋 唔 夠 力量 同 佢 爭 住 㗎 。 Chan|Gong|then|said|past tense marker|General|ah|now|Cao Cao|has strong and powerful troops|we|plural marker|not|enough|strength|with|him|compete|for|sentence-final particle Chen Gong said: General, right now Cao Cao's army is strong and powerful, we don't have the strength to compete with him. 仲 係 搵 個 安身 嘅 地方 先 , 將來 再 同 佢 打 過 都 未 遲 吖 。 ||find|a|settling down|possessive particle|place|first|in the future|again|with|him|||also|not yet|late|sentence-final particle We should find a safe place first, and it won't be too late to fight him again in the future. 噉 呀 , 我 哋 再 去 投奔 袁紹 啦 , 好 唔 好 啊 ? like this|sentence-final particle|I|plural marker|again|go|seek refuge|Yuan Shao|sentence-final particle|good|not|good|question particle So, shall we go seek refuge with Yuan Shao again, okay? 噉 我 哋 派 個人 去 冀州 探下 袁紹 嘅 消息 先 , 然後 再 決定 啦 。 then|we|plural marker|send|someone|to|Jizhou|check|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|news|first|then|again|decide|sentence-final particle Then let's send someone to Ji Province to investigate Yuan Shao's news first, and then decide. 好 啦 。 good|particle indicating suggestion or agreement Alright. 於是 呂布 就 派 人 去 探 消息 。 then|Lü Bu|then|sent|someone|to|investigate|news So, Lü Bu sent someone to gather information. 袁紹 喺 冀州 嚟 , 佢 聽聞 曹操 同 呂布 打緊 仗 , 就 同 佢 嗰 啲 謀士 即 係 參謀 啊 商量 。 Yuan Shao|at|Jizhou|from|he|heard|Cao Cao|and|Lu Bu|fighting|battle|then|with|his|those|plural marker|strategists|namely|is|staff officer|particle|discuss Yuan Shao was in Ji Province, and upon hearing that Cao Cao and Lü Bu were fighting, he discussed with his strategists. 謀士 審配 建議 話 : 呂布 係 豺狼 猛虎 嚟 , 如果 佢 得到 兗州 , 必定 仲會 嚟 謀 我 哋 冀州 嘅 。 strategist|Shen Pei|suggested|said|Lü Bu|is|wolf|tiger|come|if|he|obtains|Yan Province|definitely||come|plot|us|we|Ji Province|possessive particle The strategist Shen Pei suggested: "Lü Bu is like a fierce wolf and tiger. If he gains control of Yan Province, he will definitely come to plot against us in Ji Province." 不如 幫 曹操 攻 佢 , 噉 先至 可以 免除 呢 個 禍患 㗎 。 might as well|help|Cao Cao|attack|him|then|only then|can|eliminate|this|measure word|disaster|particle "Why not help Cao Cao to attack him? This way, we can eliminate this threat." 袁紹 諗 落 係 道理 噃, 就 派 大將 顏良帶 五萬 兵馬 去 幫助 曹操 。 Yuan Shao|think|down|is|reason|particle|then|send|general||fifty thousand|troops|go|help|Cao Cao Yuan Shao thought this made sense, so he sent the general Yan Liang with fifty thousand troops to assist Cao Cao. 呢 個 消息 畀 呂布 嘅 探子 探聽到 , 飛 咁 快 返去 報告 啦 。 this|measure word|message|by|Lu Bu|possessive particle|spy|found out|fly|so|fast|return|report|sentence-final particle This news was overheard by Lü Bu's scouts, who quickly flew back to report. 呂布 知道 咗 呀 , 大吃一驚 , 弊 傢伙 ! 呢 趟 豈 唔 係 冇 棋行 ? 又 同陳宮 商量 嘞 。 Lu Bu|knows|past tense marker|particle|greatly surprised|bad|guy|this|trip|how|not|is|no|chess move|again||discuss|past tense marker Lü Bu was shocked upon learning this, saying, "Damn it! Is this trip not without a plan?" He then discussed it with Chen Gong. 陳 宮 考慮 咗 一下 話 : 聽講 劉玄德 最近 接管 咗 徐州 , 噉 我 哋 去 投奔 佢 罷 啦 。 Chan|Gong|considered|past tense marker|a moment|said|I heard|Liu Xuande|recently|took over|past tense marker|Xuzhou|then|I|plural marker|go|seek refuge|him|let's|sentence final particle Chen Gong considered for a moment and said: I heard that Liu Xuande has recently taken over Xuzhou, so let's go and seek refuge with him. 呂布 同意 嘞 , 就 去 徐州 嘞 噃。 Lu Bu|agrees|past tense particle|then|go|Xuzhou|past tense particle| Lü Bu agreed, and they went to Xuzhou. 呢 件 事 呢 有人 報告 畀 劉備 聽 , 劉備 就 話 : 呂布 係 當今 嘅 英雄 人士 , 我 哋 應該 出城 去 歡迎 佢 至 係 喎 。 this|classifier for events|matter|this||report|to|Liu Bei|hear|Liu Bei|then|said|Lu Bu|is|present|possessive particle|hero|person|I|plural marker|should|out of the city|to|welcome|him|to|be|sentence-final particle This matter was reported to Liu Bei, who said: Lü Bu is a hero of our time, we should go out of the city to welcome him. 糜竺 話 : 唔 得 啊 ! 呂布 呢 個人 乃 係 虎狼 之輩 , 唔 能夠 收留 佢 㗎 , 一 收留 親 佢 就 會 傷人 㗎 喇 。 Mi Zhu|said|not|possible|particle|Lu Bu|this|person|indeed|is|tiger and wolf|kind|not|able to|take in|him|particle|once|take in|relative|he|then|will|harm others|particle|particle Mi Zhu said: No way! Lü Bu is a person of tiger and wolf nature, we cannot take him in; if we do, he will harm us. 唔 能夠 噉 講 嘅 。嗱, 前 嗰 次 , 如果 唔 係 得 呂布 去 襲擊 兗州 , 徐州 又點 能夠 解圍 呢 ? no|able to|like that|say|particle indicating possession or modification|well|previous|that|time|if|not|were|only|Lü Bu|to|attack|Yan Province|Xu Province||able to|rescue|question particle We can't say that. Look, last time, if it weren't for Lü Bu attacking Yanzhou, how could Xuzhou have been saved? 而 家 佢 窮途末路 , 冇 晒 辦法 , 走 嚟 投奔 我 , 又 點會 有 咩 其他 嘅 意思 呢 佢 。 and|family|he|at the end of his rope|not|completely|solution|come|here|seek refuge|me|again|how could|have|any|other|possessive particle|meaning|question particle|he Now he is at the end of his rope, has no way out, and has come to seek refuge with me. What other meaning could he have? 張飛 話 : 大哥 你 真 係 好心 㗎 , 雖然 係 噉 講唧 , 亦 要 有 準備 至 好 啊 。 Zhang Fei|said|elder brother|you|really|are|kind|particle indicating certainty|although|are|like that|talking|also|need|have|preparation|only|good|particle for emphasis Zhang Fei said: "Big brother, you are really kind. Although it sounds like that, we still need to be prepared to be at our best." 當 呂布 嚟 到 個 時候 , 劉備 真 係 帶 埋 大家 出 城 三十里 之外 去 歡迎 呂布 。 when|Lü Bu|||the|time|Liu Bei|really|was|||everyone|out|city|thirty li|outside|to|welcome|Lü Bu When Lü Bu arrived, Liu Bei really led everyone thirty miles out of the city to welcome Lü Bu. 佢 同 呂布 一拍 騎住 馬入城 , 然後 嚟 到 州 衙門 大廳 行過禮 , 分 賓主 坐落 。 He|with|Lu Bu|in unison|riding||then|||state|government office|main hall|exchanged greetings|distinguish|guests and hosts|seating arrangement He and Lü Bu rode into the city together, then went to the state government hall to pay their respects and took their seats as host and guest. 呂布 話 嘞 : 我 自從 同 王司徒 用計 殺 咗 董卓 之後 , 又 遇到 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 變亂 , 一直 喺 關東 漂泊 。 Lu Bu|said|past tense marker|I|since|with|Wang Situ|used a scheme|killed|past tense marker|Dong Zhuo|after|again|encountered|Li|Kuo|Guo|Si|possessive particle|rebellion|all along|at|Guandong|drifting Lü Bu said: "Since I used a scheme with Wang Situ to kill Dong Zhuo, I have encountered the turmoil of Li Jue and Guo Si, and have been drifting in the east for a long time." 但 係 , 各地 嘅 諸侯 多數 都 係 容 我 唔 落 嘅 。 |are||possessive particle||||||||| However, most of the local lords are unwilling to accept me. 前 嗰 排 , 因為 曹賊 不講 仁義 , 侵犯 徐州 , 好彩 得到 使君 你 出 盡力 量 救 咗 陶謙 。 previously|that|period|because|the bandit Cao|does not speak|of righteousness|invaded|Xuzhou|fortunately|received|Lord|you|exerted|all|effort|saved|past tense marker|Tao Qian Recently, because the Cao bandits do not speak of righteousness and invaded Xuzhou, fortunately, you, my lord, exerted all your efforts to save Tao Qian. 而 我 呢 , 亦 因為 去 襲擊 兗州 , 分散 咗 佢 嘅 兵力 。 and|I|question particle|also|because|to|attack|Yan Prefecture|dispersed|past tense marker|his|possessive particle|military strength As for me, I also attacked Yanzhou, which dispersed their military strength. 哎 , 點 知道 反而 中 咗 佢 嘅 奸計 , 損兵折將 , 搞 到 我 狼狽不堪 。 ah|how|to know|instead|fell for|past tense marker|he|possessive particle|scheme|heavy losses|||I|in a terrible situation Alas, who would have known that I fell into their trap instead, suffering heavy losses and ending up in a dire situation. 而家 我 想 嚟 投奔 使君 你 , 共同 嚟 做 一番 大 事業 , 唔 知尊意 如何 呢 ? now|I|want|to come|seek refuge|noble sir|you|together|to come|do|a great|big|undertaking|not||how|question particle Now I wish to seek refuge with you, my lord, to jointly undertake a great enterprise. I wonder what your esteemed opinion is? 劉備 話 嘞 : 陶使君 最近 逝世 , 冇 人 管理 徐州 , 所以 啲 人 就 叫 我 臨時 管住 先 喇 噉 。 Liu Bei|said|past tense marker|Governor Tao|recently|passed away|no|one|manage|Xuzhou|so|the|people|then|called|me|temporarily|manage|first|sentence-final particle|like this Liu Bei said: "Recently, Governor Tao has passed away, and there is no one to manage Xuzhou, so the people have asked me to temporarily take charge for now." 今日 咁 好彩 得到 將軍 嚟 到 嘞 , 我 係 理應 相讓 嘅 。 today|so|fortunately|got|the general|come|arrive|past tense particle|I|am|should|yield|past tense particle "Today, I am fortunate to have the general here, so I should rightfully yield my position." 劉備 講完 就 真 係 攞 個 大印 出 嚟 送 畀 呂布 噃。 Liu Bei|finished speaking|then|really|is|take|the|big seal|out|come|give|to|Lu Bu|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation After Liu Bei finished speaking, he really took out the big seal and handed it to Lü Bu. 呂布 一 啲 都 唔 客氣 噃, 正話 伸手 想 去 接印 。 Lu Bu|one|a little|all|not|polite|particle|really|reach out|want|to|receive the seal Lü Bu was not polite at all and was just about to reach out to take the seal. 咦 , 一眼 見到 企 喺 劉備 背後 嘅 關公 同 張飛 , 佢 兩個 人黑 起塊面 , 嬲 嬲 噉 。 hey|at a glance|saw|standing|at|Liu Bei|behind|possessive particle|Guan Gong|and|Zhang Fei|they|two|||angry||like that Oh, at a glance, he saw Guan Gong and Zhang Fei standing behind Liu Bei, and the two of them had darkened expressions, looking angry. 呂布 即刻 轉態 嘞 : Lu Bu|immediately|change attitude|particle indicating completed action Lü Bu immediately changes his attitude: 哈哈 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 諒 我 呂布 區區 一個 軍人 , 淨 係 識得 打仗 , 有 乜嘢 能力 做個 州長 㗎 。 haha|hahahaha||understand|I|Lü Bu|mere|one|soldier|only|is|knows how to|fight|have|what|ability|to be a|governor|question particle Haha, hahahaha, hahahaha, how could I, Lü Bu, a mere soldier, only know how to fight, have any ability to be a governor. 唔 得 嘅 , 唔 得 嘅 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 唔 得 嘅 。 ||||||hahaha|||| No way, no way, hahahaha, no way. 劉備 仲 係 要 讓 , 陳 宮話 : 強賓 不壓主 。 Liu Bei|still|is|wants|to yield|Chen||strong guest| Liu Bei still has to yield, Chen Gong said: A strong guest should not overshadow the host. 請 使君 放心 啦 , 千祈 唔 好 有 咩 懷疑 啊 。 please|your honor|don't worry|sentence-final particle|absolutely|||have|any|doubts|sentence-final particle Please rest assured, my lord, do not have any doubts. 見到 呂布 同陳宮 都 係 噉 講咯 , 劉備 噉 先 至 唔 再 讓 。 saw|Lu Bu||both|are|like that|talking|Liu Bei|like that|||not|again|yield Seeing that Lü Bu and Chen Gong were talking like this, Liu Bei then decided not to yield anymore. 跟 住 , 劉備 為 呂布 舉行宴會 , 安排 住宅 畀 佢 哋 住 落 。 |live|||||||||||down After that, Liu Bei held a banquet for Lü Bu and arranged accommodations for them to stay. 第日 呢 , 呂布 就 回席 , 請 劉備 去 飲 。 the next day|question particle|Lu Bu|then|return to the table|invite|Liu Bei|to|drink The next day, Lü Bu returned the favor and invited Liu Bei to drink. 劉備 同埋 關公 、 張飛 一齊 去 , 飲到 幾分 酒意 , 呂布 請 劉備入 去 後堂 , 關公 同 張飛 跟 住 一齊 入去 。 Liu Bei|and|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|together|go|drank to|a few|drunkenness|Lu Bu|invited||go|back hall|Guan Yu|same|Zhang Fei|follow|continuously|together|enter Liu Bei went with Guan Gong and Zhang Fei, and after drinking a bit, Lü Bu invited Liu Bei to the back hall, with Guan Gong and Zhang Fei following him in. 呂布 叫 佢 個 妻子 同個 女出 嚟 拜見 劉備 , 劉備 再三 謙讓 話 唔 敢當 , 唔 敢當 噉 。 Lu Bu|called|him|measure word for people|wife|||here|to pay respects to|Liu Bei||repeatedly|modestly declined|said|not|worthy of such praise|||like that Lü Bu called his wife and daughter to come out and greet Liu Bei, who repeatedly humbly declined, saying he didn't dare to accept. 呂布 話 嘞 : 賢弟 你 不必 推讓 嘞 。 Lu Bu|said|past tense marker|wise younger brother|you|no need to|be modest|past tense marker Lü Bu said: "Brother, you don't have to be modest." 張飛 一聽 , 豈有此理 ! 谷 住 嗰 肚 氣 啊 一下 就 爆晒出 嚟 : Zhang Fei|upon hearing|how can this be reasonable|vent|to hold back|that|stomach|anger|ah|suddenly|then|| Zhang Fei heard this and was furious! His anger erupted immediately: 啊 啊 呸 ! 我 大哥 係 金枝玉葉 , 你 係 個 乜嘢 人 啊 ? 竟然 敢 叫 我 大哥 做 賢弟 ? ah|ah|phew|I|older brother|is|a person of noble birth|you|is|a|what|person|ah|unexpectedly|dare|to call|me|older brother|to be|virtuous younger brother "Ah! My elder brother is of noble lineage, who are you? How dare you call my elder brother 'brother'?" 你 嚟 嚟 嚟 , 我同 你鬥 三百個 會合 ! you|come|||||three hundred|meetings "Come on, let's fight three hundred rounds!" 劉備 連忙 喝 住 張飛 , 關公 就 勸 咗 佢 出去 。 Liu Bei|hurriedly|scolded|to stop|Zhang Fei|Guan Yu|then|advised|past tense marker|he|go out Liu Bei quickly stopped Zhang Fei, and Guan Gong advised him to go outside. 劉備 就 同 呂布 賠禮 啦 : 真對 唔 住 啊 , 真對 唔 住 啊 。 Liu Bei|then|with|Lu Bu|apologize|sentence-final particle|really sorry|||ah|||| Liu Bei apologized to Lü Bu: I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry. 我 劣弟 酒後 狂言 , 請 兄長 你 唔 好 見怪 啊 。 I|younger brother|after drinking|boastful talk|please|elder brother|you|||take offense|ah My younger brother spoke recklessly after drinking, please don't take it to heart, brother. 呂布 冇 說話 好講 , 唔 出聲 。 Lu Bu|didn't|talk|easy to talk to|not|make a sound Lü Bu didn't say anything, remained silent. 噉 過 咗 一陣 呢 就 散席 。 then|past|completed action particle|a while|this|then|dismiss class After a while, they dispersed. 呂布 送 劉備 出 到 大門口 , 呵呵 , 只見 張飛 騎住 馬 , 舞住 長矛 嚟 到 大喝一聲 話 : 呂布 ! 我同 你鬥 三百個 會合 ! Lu Bu|sent|Liu Bei|out|to|main gate|haha|suddenly saw|Zhang Fei|riding|horse|wielding|spear|came|to|shouted loudly|said||||three hundred|meeting Lü Bu escorted Liu Bei to the main gate, and then Zhang Fei rode in on a horse, brandishing a spear, and shouted: Lü Bu! I challenge you to a duel with three hundred men! 嘿 啊 ! 劉備 急急 叫 關公 去 撳住 張飛 。 ||Liu Bei|urgently|called|Guan Gong|to|hold down|Zhang Fei Hey! Liu Bei urgently called Guan Gong to hold Zhang Fei. 第 日 , 呂布 啊 走 嚟 同 劉備 告別 喎 , 佢 話 : 好 多謝 使君 唔 嫌棄 我 , 不過 就 係 怕 令弟 佢 哋 不能 相容 啊 。 the|day|Lu Bu|particle|walk|here|with|Liu Bei|farewell|particle|he|said|very|thank|Lord|not|despise|me|but|just|is|afraid|his brother|they|plural particle|cannot|coexist|particle The next day, Lü Bu came to say goodbye to Liu Bei, saying: Thank you very much, my lord, for not rejecting me, but I am afraid it will cause conflict with your brothers. 哎 啊 , 呂 將軍 , 你 如果 噉 樣 走 咗 , 我 劉備 就 罪 大 喇 。 ||Lu|General|you|if|||||I|Liu Bei|then|sin|great|already Oh, General Lü, if you leave like this, I, Liu Bei, will be in great trouble. 劣弟 冒犯 咗 將軍 , 第日 我 一定 要 佢 向 將軍 賠禮 。 younger brother|offend|past tense marker|general|next day|I|definitely|want|he|towards|general|apologize My younger brother has offended the general, and I will definitely make him apologize to the general. 誒 , 呢 處 附近 有個 縣城 叫做 小沛 , 乃 係 我 往日 駐兵 嘅 地方 。 hey|this|place|nearby||county town|called|Xiaopei|is|is|I|in the past|stationed troops|possessive particle|place Hey, there is a county town nearby called Xiaopei, which is where I stationed my troops in the past. 如果 將軍 你 唔 嫌棄 地方 屈仄 , 就 暫時 喺 度 歇 下馬 啦 , 好 唔 好 呢 ? if|general|you|not|mind|place|cramped|then|temporarily|at|here|rest|dismount|particle|good|not|good|question particle If General, you don't mind the cramped place, then let's rest here for a while, okay? 啊 ? 噉 就 好極 嘞 ! 呂布 多謝 過 劉備 , 帶住 自己 嘅 人馬 去 咗 小沛 安身 。 ah|then|just|extremely good|particle indicating completed action|Lu Bu|thank|surpass|Liu Bei|bringing|his own|possessive particle|troops|went|past tense marker|Xiao Pei|settle down Ah? That's great! Lü Bu thanked Liu Bei and took his troops to Xiao Pei to settle down. 噉 劉備 梗 係 搵 張飛 嚟 吟 佢 定 啦 , 呢 啲 呢 都 唔 講 佢 住 嘞 。 then|Liu Bei|surely|is|looking for|Zhang Fei|to come|to drink|he|definitely||these|plural marker|these|all|not|tell|him|living|past tense marker Then Liu Bei must be looking for Zhang Fei to complain about him, but let's not talk about that. 而家 講下 曹操 , 佢 平定 咗 山東 之後 啊 , 就 寫表 稟奏 朝廷 , 皇帝 就 升 佢 官爵 , 封 佢 做 建德 將軍 費亭 侯 。 now|let's talk about|Cao Cao|he|pacified|past tense marker|Shandong|after|sentence-final particle|then|wrote a memorial|reported to|the court|the emperor|then|promoted|him|official rank|enfeoffed|him|as|Jiande|general|Feiting|marquis Now let's talk about Cao Cao. After he pacified Shandong, he wrote a memorial to the court, and the emperor promoted him, granting him the title of General Jian De and Marquis of Fei Ting. 當 其時 , 李 傕 自命 為 大司馬 , 郭汜 自命 為 大將軍 , 橫行無忌 , 朝廷 之上 啊 冇 個 敢講 佢 哋 半句 嘅 。 at that time|at that time|Li|Jue|self-appointed|as|Grand Marshal|Guo|self-appointed|as|Grand General|rampant and unrestrained|imperial court|above|ah|not|any||they|them|half a word|possessive particle At that time, Li Jue declared himself as Grand Marshal, and Guo Si declared himself as Grand General, acting recklessly, and no one in the court dared to say a word against them. 有 一日 , 太尉楊 彪 、 大司農 朱俊 暗中 對 獻帝 稟奏 話 : there is|one day||Biao|Grand Minister of Agriculture||secretly|to|Emperor Xian|report|said One day, the Grand Commandant Yang Biao and the Grand Minister of Agriculture Zhu Jun secretly reported to Emperor Xian. 主 上 , 而家 曹操 擁有 二十幾萬 兵馬 , 謀臣武將 幾十員 。 Lord|above|now|Cao Cao|has|over two hundred thousand|troops|| Your Majesty, now Cao Cao has over two hundred thousand troops and dozens of strategists and generals. 如果 得到 佢 嚟 扶持 社稷 , 保衛 皇上 , 剿除 奸黨 , 噉 天下 都 有 福咯 。 if|can get|he|come|support|state|protect|emperor|eliminate|treasonous party|then|the world|all|have|blessings If we could get him to support the state, protect the Emperor, and eliminate the traitors, then the world would be blessed. 獻帝 感觸 起上 嚟 ,嚱, 佢 喊 啊 , 佢 話 : Emperor Xian|touched|get up|come|sound of crying|he|cry|ah|he|said Emperor Xian felt emotional and cried out, saying: 孤家 畀 呢 兩個 奸賊 蝦 咗 好 耐咯 。 I|was given|these|two|thieves|to cheat|past tense marker|very|long time ago I have been tormented by these two traitors for a long time. 如果 能夠 殺 咗 佢 兩個 , 噉 啊 最好 不過 啦 。 if|can|kill|past tense marker|him|two|then|ah|best|nothing better|particle If we can kill those two, that would be the best. 楊彪 話 嘞 : 臣 有 一條 計 , 就 首先 使到 兩個 奸賊 互相 殘害 , 然後 請 皇上 你 落道 聖旨 , 召 曹操 帶兵 嚟 殺 佢 , 掃清 賊黨 , 安定 朝廷 。 Yang Biao|said|past tense marker|I (the humble servant)|have|one|plan|then|first|make|two|traitors|each other|harm|then|request|Your Majesty|you|issue|imperial decree|summon|Cao Cao|bring troops|come|kill|him|eliminate|bandits|stabilize|court Yang Biao said: I have a plan, which is to first make the two traitors harm each other, and then ask Your Majesty to issue a decree, summoning Cao Cao to bring troops to kill them, clearing out the traitorous faction and stabilizing the court. 哦 ? 條計 係 點 嘅 呢 ? oh|bill|is|how|question particle|final particle Oh? What is the plan? 臣 聽聞 郭汜個 妻子 妒忌心 極 重 嘅 , 我 哋 搵 人 喺 郭 汜 妻子 嘅 身上 用 反間計 。 I|heard||wife|jealousy|extremely|strong|particle indicating possession|we|plural marker|find|someone|at|||wife|possessive particle|on|use|sow discord plan I have heard that Guo Si's wife is extremely jealous, so we can find someone to use a counter-espionage tactic on Guo Si's wife. 噉 嗰 兩個 奸賊 就 會 鬼 打鬼 , 互相 殘害 嘅 喇 。 like this|that|two|thieves|then|will|ghost|fight|each other|harm|possessive particle|final particle Then those two traitors will fight each other and harm one another. 於是 獻帝 就 寫 咗 個 秘密 命令 交 畀 楊彪 。 then|Emperor Xian|then|wrote|past tense marker|the|secret|order|handed|to|Yang Biao So, the Emperor Xian wrote a secret order and handed it to Yang Biao. 第 日 , 楊彪 暗中 叫 佢 個 夫人 嘞 隨便 搵 個 藉口 去 郭汜 屋企 , 睺 啱 個 機會 就 對 郭 汜 嘅 老婆 話 嘞 : the|day|Yeung Biu|secretly|called|him|measure word for people|wife|past tense marker|casually|find|measure word for people|excuse|go|Guok Si|home|he|right|measure word for people|opportunity|then|to|||possessive particle|wife|said|past tense marker The next day, Yang Biao secretly told his wife to find an excuse to go to Guo Si's house, and when the opportunity arose, he said to Guo Si's wife: 聽講 郭 將軍 同李 司馬 夫人 搭上 咗 啊 , 話 好 親密 喎 。 I heard|Guo|General||Sima|wife|got together|past tense marker|sentence final particle|said|very|close|sentence final particle I heard that General Guo is getting close to Sima's wife, they say they are very intimate. 如果 司馬 知道 啊 , 實 畀 佢 害死 㗎 。 if|Sima|knows|ah|really|by|him|killed|particle indicating certainty If Sima finds out, it would really harm him. 夫人 啊 , 你 仲 係 想 辦法 斷絕 佢 哋 來往 好 啊 。 madam|ah|you|still|are|want|way|to cut off|he|they|interaction|good|ah Madam, you should find a way to cut off their relationship. 郭汜個 老婆 就 話 嘞 : 哎呀 ! 唔 怪 得 佢 好多 時 夜晚 都 冇 返 屋企 瞓 啦 , 原來 做出 啲 咁 無恥 嘅 事 嚟 。 |wife|then|said|past tense marker|oh no||||he|a lot|times|night|all|not|return|home|sleep|sentence-final particle|originally|do out|some|so|shameless|possessive particle|things|come Guo Si's wife said: "Oh! No wonder he often doesn't come home to sleep at night, it turns out he does such shameless things." 哎呀 , 如果 唔 係 夫人 你 話 我 知 啊 , 我仲懵盛 盛添 啊 。 oh no|if|||madam|you|said|I|know|ah||even more|ah Oh, if it weren't for you telling me, I would still be in the dark. 哎呀 , 真 係 唔 該 晒 你 嘞 夫人 , 我 一定 提防 佢 嘅 , 我 一定 提防 佢 嘅 。 oh no||||||you|past tense particle|madam|I|definitely|be on guard against|he|possessive particle||||| Oh, thank you so much, madam, I will definitely keep an eye on him, I will definitely keep an eye on him. 楊彪 個 夫人 說話 講完 , 已經 達到 目的 , 就 告辭 返扯 。 Yeung Biu|possessive particle|wife|conversation|finished speaking|already|achieved|goal|then|took his leave|returned home After Yang Biao's wife finished speaking, she had already achieved her purpose and took her leave. 郭汜個 老婆 就 再三再四 多謝 啊 。 |wife|then|repeatedly|thank you|sentence-final particle Guo Si's wife repeatedly thanked her. 過 咗 幾日 , 郭汜 又 要 去 李 傕 屋企 參加 宴會 。 past|completed action marker||Guo Si|again|needs to|go|Li|Jue|home|attend|banquet A few days later, Guo Si had to go to Li Jue's house to attend a banquet. 佢 老婆 話 嘞 : 李 傕 個人 都 摸 佢 唔 透 嘅 , 何況 而家 一 山難 藏二虎 , 兩雄 不 並立 噃。 he|wife|said|past tense marker|Li|Jue|person|all|understand|him|not|thorough|particle|let alone|now|one||||not|coexist|particle His wife said: Li Jue is a person who is hard to read, let alone now that two tigers cannot coexist in one mountain. 如果 佢 喺 啲 酒 處 放毒 , 噉 噉 有 乜 三長兩短 , 誒 噉 叫 我 點算 好 嘩 ? if|he|at|some|alcohol|place|poison|then|then||||||ask|me|how to deal|well|wow If he poisons the wine, what if something goes wrong? What should I do then? 咪 咁 傻 啦 , 邊度 會 有 啲 咁 嘅 事 㗎 ! 李 傕 對 我 唔 敢 噉 做 嘅 。 don't|so|silly|sentence-final particle|where|will|have|some|so|particle indicating possession or modification|thing|particle indicating certainty|Li|Kuo|towards|me|not|dare|like that|do|particle indicating possession or modification Don't be so silly, how could something like that happen! Li Jue wouldn't dare to do that to me. 郭汜 初時 唔 肯 聽 , 啊 , 到底 頂 唔 住 個 老婆 死 咁 勸 佢 , 咪 終歸 冇 去 。 Guo Si|at first|not|willing|to listen|ah|after all||||the|wife|die|so|to persuade|him|then|ultimately|didn't|go At first, Guo Si was unwilling to listen, but in the end, he couldn't withstand his wife's persistent persuasion, so he ultimately did not go. 到 咗 晚上 , 李 傕 派 人 送 咗 一圍 酒席 嚟 畀 郭汜 。 arrive|past tense marker|evening|Li|Jue|send|person|deliver|past tense marker|a round|banquet|come|to|Guo Si In the evening, Li Jue sent a banquet to Guo Si. 郭汜個 老婆 你 哋 估點 吖 嗱? 哈哈 ! 佢 偷偷地 攞 啲 毒藥 放 喺 啲 餸 裏頭 , 搞掂 晒 嘞 , 然後 先 攞 入 去 開席 噃。 |wife|you|plural marker||question particle|interjection|haha|he|secretly|took|some|poison|put|in|some|dishes|inside|finished|all|past tense particle|then|first|took|in|to|start eating|sentence-final particle What do you think Guo Si's wife did? Haha! She secretly put some poison in the dishes, all sorted out, and then brought it in to start the banquet. 郭 汜 攞 起 筷子 就 想夾 , 佢 老婆 話 : 咪 住 ! 啲 酒菜 係 喺 外 便 送 嚟 嘅 , 點 能夠 攞 起 就 食 㗎 。 ||||chopsticks|then|wants to pick up|he|wife|said|||the|food and drinks|is|at|outside|delivery|||particle|how|able to|||then|eat|particle Guo Si picked up his chopsticks and was about to eat, but his wife said: "Wait! The food was sent from outside, how can you just pick it up and eat it?" 郭汜個 老婆 叫 隻 狗 嚟 , 夾 啲 餸 畀 隻 狗食 。 |wife|called|measure word for animals|dog|come|pick up|some|food|give|measure word for animals| Guo Si's wife called a dog over and fed it some of the dishes. 嗰 隻 狗 一 啖 吞 咗 落 肚 , 嘩 , 踮 咗 幾 踮 就 死 咗 嘞 。 that|measure word for animals|dog|one|bite|swallowed|past tense marker|down|stomach|wow|jump|past tense marker|a few|jumps|then|died|past tense marker|sentence-final particle That dog swallowed it in one bite, wow, it twitched a few times and then died. 咦 ? 乜真 係 有毒 㗎 ? 從此 之後 , 郭汜 對 李 傕 就 開始 懷疑 。 eh|really|is|poisonous|question particle|from now on|after|Guo Si|towards|Li|Kuo|then|started|to doubt Huh? Is it really poisonous? From then on, Guo Si began to suspect Li Kuo. 有 一日 , 散 咗 朝 , 李 傕 猛 咁 拉 郭汜返 屋企 飲酒 , 一直 到 夜晚 先至 散席 。 there is|one day|finish|past tense marker|morning|Li|Jue|fiercely|so|pull||home|drink alcohol|continuously|until|night|only then|finish drinking One day, after the morning assembly, Li Kuo forcefully dragged Guo Si home to drink, and they only dispersed at night. 郭汜 飲到 酩酊大醉 返 屋企 , 返到 去 之後 , 嗯 ? 唔 妥 唔 妥 , 哎 啊 , 突然 間 覺得 肚痛 。 Guo Si|drank until|completely drunk|return|home|when returned|to|after|hmm|not|okay|||||suddenly|moment|felt|stomach pain Guo Si got so drunk that he returned home, and after getting home, hmm? Something's not right, oh no, suddenly he felt a stomach ache. 佢 老婆 話 : 弊 喇 ! 一定 係 中毒 啊 , 一定 係 中毒 啊 呢 趟 。 he|wife|said|bad|particle indicating completed action|definitely|is|poisoned|particle for emphasis|||||this|trip His wife said: Oh no! It must be poisoning, it must be poisoning this time. 即刻 嗌 人 𢳂 啲 屎 水 嚟 灌 郭汜 飲 , 誒 啊 , 嘔到 郭汜 啊 , 爭 啲 連個 胃 都 嘔 埋出 嚟 啊 。 immediately|shout|person|bring|some|||come|pour|Guo Si|drink|eh|ah|vomited until|Guo Si|ah|almost|a little||stomach|all|||come|ah Immediately, they called someone to bring some laxative to force Guo Si to drink, oh no, he vomited so much that he almost threw up his stomach. 郭汜 捱 咗 呢 一 鑊 , 火滾 喇 佢 話 : 豈有此理 ! 我同 李 傕 你 一齊 嚟 圖謀 大事 , 你 而家 竟然 無端 端要 嚟 謀害 我 ? Guo Zi|endure|past tense marker|this|one|trouble|furious|sentence-final particle|he|said|how can this be reasonable||Li|Que|you|together|come|plot|major event|you|now|unexpectedly|||come|harm|me Guo Si endured this situation and angrily said: "How outrageous! I came together with Li Kuo to plot a major event, and now you suddenly want to harm me?" 哼 ! 我 唔 逳 手 先 就 實 畀 你 害死 。 hum|I|not|able to|hand|first|then|really|let|you|die Hmph! If I don't take action first, I will be truly harmed by you. 於是 就 秘密 噉 調動 本部 嘅 鐵甲兵 , 準備 去 打 李 傕 嘞 。 so|then|secretly|like this|mobilize|headquarters|possessive particle|armored troops|prepare|to|fight|Li|Kuo|past tense particle So he secretly mobilized the armored troops from his headquarters, preparing to attack Li Kuo. 誰知 呢 件 事 走漏 咗 風聲 , 有人 去 報 咗 畀 李 傕 知 。 who would have known|this|measure word for events|matter|leaked|past tense marker|rumor|someone|went|report|past tense marker|to|Li|Jue|knowledge Who would have thought that this matter leaked out, and someone reported it to Li Kuo. 李 傕 嬲 到 不得了 : 乜話 ? 郭汜食 咗 老虎 膽啊 , 居然 敢 走 嚟 咬 我 ? Li|Jue|angry|to|extremely|what||past tense marker|tiger||unexpectedly|dare|come|here|bite|me Li Kuo was furious: "What? Guo Si has eaten the courage of a tiger, daring to come and bite me?" 於是 李 傕 亦 點起 本部 嘅 鐵甲兵 去 殺 郭汜 嘞 。 then|Li|Kuo|also|mobilized|headquarters|possessive particle|armored troops|to|kill|Kuo Szu|past tense marker So, Li Jue also mobilized his armored troops to kill Guo Si. 兩便 出動 個 兵力 夾埋成 幾萬人 , 就 喺 長安城 下 混戰 。 both sides|mobilize|measure word|military strength||several ten thousand people|then|at|Chang'an city|under|melee Both sides deployed a combined force of several tens of thousands of people, engaging in a chaotic battle outside Chang'an city. 一打 親啊 梗 係 乘機 擄掠 啲 居民 百姓 㗎 啦 。 a hit|relative|||taking the opportunity|plundering|plural marker|residents|common people||particle In the heat of battle, it was natural to take the opportunity to plunder the residents and common people. 李 傕 個 侄 李暹 啊 帶兵 圍住 皇宮 , 用 兩部 車 , 一部 載 皇帝 一部 載 伏皇后 , 就 吩咐 賈詡 同埋 左靈 兩個 親信 押車 。 Li|Jue|possessive particle|nephew|Li Xian|ah||surround|imperial palace|use|two|cars|one|carry|emperor|one|carry|Empress Fu|then|ordered|Jia Xu|and|Zuo Ling|two|trusted aides|drive the car Li Jue's nephew, Li Xian, led troops to surround the imperial palace, using two carts, one to carry the emperor and the other to carry Empress Fu, and instructed his two trusted aides, Jia Xu and Zuo Ling, to escort the carts. 其餘 嘅 宮女 啊 太監 啊 , 噉 就 跟 住車 步行 。 the rest|possessive particle|palace maid|particle|eunuch|particle|then|just|follow||walk The remaining palace maids and eunuchs followed the carts on foot. 啱 啱 湧 住 出 咗 皇宮 嘅 後宰門 , 就 撞 正 郭 汜 嘅 兵 嚟 到 。 ||||out|past tense marker|palace|possessive particle|rear gate|then|||||possessive particle|soldiers|| Just as I rushed out of the back gate of the palace, I ran into Guo Si's soldiers. 嗰 啲 箭 呀 , 啡 啡 拂拂 亂 咁 射過 嚟 嘩 ! 射死 啲 宮女 太監 不計其數 咁 多 。 that|plural marker|arrows|sentence-final particle|||lightly|wildly|so|shot over|here|wow|shot dead|plural marker|palace maids|eunuchs|countless|so|many Those arrows, flying chaotically, shot over! Countless palace maids and eunuchs were killed. 李 傕 啲 兵馬 跟 住 趕到 嚟 嘞 , 乒乒乓乓 又 殺 返 過去 , 郭汜 就 即刻 撤退 。 Li|Jue|possessive particle|troops|to follow|continuous aspect particle|arrived|here|past action particle|in a chaotic manner|again|to kill|to return|to the past|Guo Si|then|immediately|retreated Li Jue's troops followed closely and fought back, causing Guo Si to retreat immediately. 噉 皇帝 皇后 嘅 車架 呢 由 啲 兵 擁住 冒險 出 城 , 唔 理 咁 多 , 一擁 就 擁到 李 傕 嘅 軍營 裏 便 嘞 。 then|emperor|empress|possessive particle|chariot|this|by|plural marker|soldiers|surrounding|daringly|out|city|not|care|so|many|with one rush|then|rushed to|Li|Kuo|possessive particle|military camp|inside|then|past tense marker The emperor and empress's carriage was escorted by soldiers, daring to venture out of the city, and without hesitation, they rushed straight into Li Jue's camp. 噉 郭汜 呢 亦 帶兵 入去 皇宮 喎 。 then|Guo Si|this|also|lead troops|enter|imperial palace|sentence-final particle So Guo Si also led his troops into the palace. 不過 佢 係 執 二 攤 嘞 , 將 啲 宮娥 彩女 冚𠾴唥 搶走 帶返 去 自己 嘅 大本營 , 仲 放火 嚟 燒 宮殿 。 but|he|is|collecting|two|stalls|past tense marker|to take|plural marker|palace maids|colorful girls|all|robbed|brought back|to|his own|possessive particle|base|also|set fire|to|burn|palace However, he was in charge of the second stall, taking the palace maids and colorful girls away to his own base, and even set fire to the palace. 到 咗 第二日 , 郭汜先 知道 原來 李 傕 劫走 咗 皇帝 , 蝕 抵咯 呢 趟 ! 即刻 帶兵 去 李 傕 嘅 軍營 廝殺 。 arrive|past tense marker|the next day||knew|originally|Li|Kuo|kidnapped|past tense marker|emperor|lose|worth it|this|trip|immediately||to|Li|Kuo|possessive particle|military camp|fight The next day, Guo Si realized that Li Jue had kidnapped the emperor, what a loss this trip was! He immediately led his troops to attack Li Jue's camp. 郭汜 啊 唔 夠李 傕 打 , 就 暫時 退 咗 兵 。 Guo Si|ah|not||Qia|fight|then|temporarily|retreat|past tense marker|troops Guo Si was no match for Li Jue, so he temporarily retreated his troops. 李 傕 呢 , 索性 將 皇帝 皇后 啊 轉移 咗 去 郿 塢 裏 便 住 。 ||question particle|simply|to move|emperor|empress|particle|transfer|past tense marker|to|||inside|then|live As for Li Jue, he simply moved the emperor and empress to reside in Maiwu. 叫 佢 個 侄 李 暹 去 監護 , 封鎖 晒 消息 。 飲食 啊 時時 都 供應 唔 夠 嘅 , 整到 啲 侍臣 啊 周時 捱 肚 餓 。 call|him|measure word for people|nephew|Lee|Siam|go|guard|block|all|news|food and drink|particle|always|all|supply|not|enough|particle|causing|measure word for things|servants|particle|all the time|endure|stomach|hungry He sent his nephew Li Xian to guard them and sealed off all news. Their food and drink were often insufficient, causing the attendants to suffer from hunger all the time. 嘿嘿 , 有 一日 , 皇帝 叫 人 去 問李 傕 要 攞 五 石 米 、 五 副 牛骨 , 要 嚟 分 畀 啲 侍臣 食 。 hee hee|there is|one day|emperor|ordered|someone|to go||Qia|to demand|to take|five|measures|rice|five|pairs|ox bones|to demand|to come|to distribute|to give|some|ministers|eat Hehe, one day, the emperor ordered someone to ask Li Jue for five stones of rice and five pairs of ox bones to distribute to the attendants for food. 李 傕 發火 嘞 : 一早 一晚 都 有 飯食 , 仲想點 啊 , 哼 ! Li|Kuo|got angry|past tense particle|early morning|late evening|both|have|food||particle|humph Li Jue got angry: "We have meals morning and night, what more do you want, hmph!" 就將 啲 陳年 舊谷 、 變晒 味 嘅 肉 啊 畀 皇帝 , 噫 呀 , 都 係 臭 到 唔 食 得 嘅 。 |plural marker|old|rice|completely changed|taste|possessive particle|meat|sentence-final particle|to give|emperor|exclamation|sentence-final particle|all|is|smelly|to the extent of|not|eat|able|possessive particle He then sent the old, stale grain and the meat that had gone bad to the emperor, ugh, it was so rotten that it was inedible. 皇帝 嬲 起 上 嚟 就 鬧 咗 一句 : 哼 , 嗰 個 逆賊 , 噉 樣 嚟 欺負 我 ! emperor|angry|get up|on|come|then|scold|past tense marker|one sentence|humph|that|classifier|traitor|like this|appearance|come|bully|me The emperor got furious and scolded: "Hmph, that rebel is trying to bully me like this!" 皇帝 身邊 有個 侍中 係 個 官 嚟 , 叫做 楊琦 , 佢 見到 皇帝 發火 , 就 急急 稟奏 話 : emperor|beside|has a|palace attendant|is|a|official|come|called|Yang Qi|he|saw||get angry|then|hurriedly|report|said There was a court official beside the emperor named Yang Qi, and when he saw the emperor getting angry, he hurriedly reported: 哎 啊 , 陛下 , 李 傕 嘅 為 人 極 之 殘暴 㗎 , 事情 已經 到 咗 噉 嘅 地步 , 請 陛下 忍住 下 , 唔 好惹 佢 喇 。 ||Your Majesty|Li|Kuo|possessive particle|||||cruel||situation|already|reached|past tense marker|such|possessive particle|point|please||endure|a little|||him|particle indicating a completed action Ah, Your Majesty, Li Jue is extremely brutal. The situation has reached this point, please bear with it, and do not provoke him. 唉 ! 皇帝 𢱕 低頭 冇 聲出 , 啲 眼淚 啊 就 成串 成串 咁 流 啊 。 sigh|emperor|suddenly|bowed his head|no|sound out|the|tears|particle|then|in a stream|in a stream|so|flow|particle Alas! The emperor lowered his head and did not make a sound, and tears flowed down in streams. 喺 呢 個 時候 , 有人 嚟 稟報 話 嘞 : 有 一路 軍馬 嚟 到 救駕 啊 。 at|this|measure word for events|time|someone|came|report|saying|past tense marker|there is|a group of|cavalry|||to the rescue|sentence-final particle At this moment, someone came to report that a troop of cavalry had arrived to rescue. 皇帝 就 叫 人 去 探聽 清楚 係 邊個 嚟 啦 , 唉 ! 點知 原來 係 郭汜 , 皇帝 個心 啊 仲憂 多幾分 咯 。 emperor|then|ordered|someone|to go|investigate|clearly|is|who|came|particle|sigh|unexpectedly|originally|is|Guo Si|emperor|heart|ah|||particle The emperor then ordered someone to find out clearly who it was, alas! Little did he know it was Guo Si, which made the emperor even more worried. 而家 講下 李 傕 啊 。 now|let's talk about|Li|Jue|ah Now let's talk about Li Jue. 佢 見 郭 汜 帶兵 追到 嚟 郿 塢 , 就 帶兵 出去 迎戰 啦 。 He|saw|Guo|Si|led troops|caught up|here|Mai|fort|then|led troops|out|to fight|particle He saw Guo Si leading troops chasing after him to Maiwu, so he led his troops out to meet the battle. 李 傕 一 見到 郭汜 就 鬧 佢 嘞 : 我 一向 待 你 咁 好 , 你 點解 要 嚟 謀害 我 ! 吓 ? Li|Jue|one|saw|Guo Si|then|scolded|him|past tense marker|I|always|treated|you|so|well|you|why|want|come|harm|me|huh When Li Jue saw Guo Si, he scolded him: I have always treated you so well, why do you want to conspire against me! Huh? 郭汜 就 頂 佢 嘞 : 你 係 個 反賊 , 梗 係 要 殺 咗 你 啦 ! Guo Si|then|defeat|him|past tense marker|you|are|classifier|traitor|certainly|are|want|kill|past tense marker|you|sentence-final particle Guo Si retorted: You are a rebel, of course I have to kill you! 我 喺 度 保駕 , 點 係 反賊 啊 ? I|am|here|protecting|how|is|traitor|question particle I am here to protect the emperor, how can I be a rebel? 仲話 保駕 ? 你 劫 駕 就 真 ! still saying|protecting|you|rob|driver|then|really Still talking about protecting the emperor? You are really the one who is usurping! 李 傕 話 嘞 : 唔 使 噏 咁 多 嘞 , 我 哋 兩個 人 都 唔 准叫 軍士 逳 手 嘅 , 我 哋 自己 打個 輸贏 啦 ! 邊個 贏 咗 就 將個 皇帝 攞 去 。 ||said|past tense marker|not|need|talk|so|much|past tense marker|||two|people|all|not||soldier|run away|hand|possessive particle|||ourselves||win or lose|sentence-final particle|whoever|wins|past tense marker|then||emperor|take|away Li Jue said: "No need to talk so much, we both are not allowed to let the soldiers interfere, let's just fight it out ourselves! Whoever wins will take the emperor." 打咪 打 ! 呵 , 兩個 家伙 啊 打起 上 嚟 , 打 到 十個 回合 , 就 不分勝負 。 fighting|hit|ha|two|guys|ah|start fighting|up|here|hit|until|ten|rounds|then|no winner or loser Let's fight then! Haha, the two guys started fighting, and after ten rounds, it was still a draw. 呢 個 時候 , 只見 太尉楊 彪 騎 住 馬 飛快 噉 跑 嚟 , 大聲 話 : this|measure word|time|suddenly saw||Biao|riding|particle indicating continuous action|horse|very fast|like that|run|here|loudly|said At this moment, they saw General Yang Biao riding quickly on his horse, shouting loudly: 兩位 將軍 停停 手 , 老夫 特意 請 咗 各位 官員 嚟 同 兩位 講和 啊 。 the two|generals|stop|hands|I (old man)|specially|invite|past tense marker|all|officials|come|with|the two|negotiate|particle "Generals, stop fighting! I have specially invited all the officials to come and mediate between you two." 噉 李 傕 同 郭汜 就 各自 回營 嘞 。 then|Li|Jue|and|Guo Si|then|each|return to camp|past tense particle So Li Jue and Guo Si each returned to their camps. 過 咗 陣 , 楊彪 、 朱俊 , 就 會 齊 朝廷 嘅 官員 六 十幾人 , 先去 郭 汜 嘅 軍營 講和 喎 。 past|completed action marker|time|Yang Biao|Zhu Jun|then|will|together|imperial court|possessive particle|officials||||||possessive particle|military camp|negotiate peace|sentence-final particle After a while, Yang Biao and Zhu Jun, along with more than sixty officials from the court, will first go to Guo Si's military camp to negotiate. 各位 聽眾 你 哋 估點 吖 嗱? everyone|audience|you|plural marker|guess|question particle|look Listeners, what do you think? 呢 六 十幾人 唔 去 佢 處 猶自 可 , 一去 就 弊 傢伙 嘞 。 this|||not|go|he|place|still|possible|once he goes|then|bad|guy|particle These more than sixty people could have avoided him, but once they go, it's trouble.

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