上次 係 講到 孫策 喺 城樓 之上 啊 , 請齊 啲 將官 嚟 , 大排 筵席 就 款待 陳 震 啦 。
last time|was|talking about|Sun Ce|at|city tower|above|ah|invite all|plural marker|generals|come|grandly set up|banquet|then|entertain|Chen|Zhen|final particle
Last time we talked about Sun Ce on the tower, asking all the generals to come and hosting a grand banquet for Chen Zhen.
佢 哋 飲 飲 下酒 , 只見 各位 將官 呀 交頭接耳 吱吱 吟吟 , 跟 住 就 紛紛 落樓 。
they|plural marker|drink|drink|with alcohol|only saw|everyone|officer|particle|whispering to each other|chirping|humming|||then|one after another|leave the building
As they were drinking, the generals were seen whispering to each other and then they all hurried down the stairs.
孫策 就 莫名其妙 就問 係 咩 嘢 事 啦 。
Sun Ce|then|inexplicably|just asked|is|what|thing|matter|particle
Sun Ce was puzzled and asked what was going on.
噉 左右 啲 侍從 就 稟告 佢 知 : 將軍 呀 , 有 個人 叫做 于 神仙 , 啱 啱 喺 樓下 經過 , 啲 將官 想 去 拜 下 佢 咋 嘛 。
like this|around|plural marker|attendants|then|report|he|know|general|particle|has|person|called|Yu|immortal|||at|downstairs|passed|plural marker|officers|want|to go|pay respects|to|him|only|particle
Then the attendants reported to him: General, there is a person called Yu Xian who just passed by downstairs, and the generals wanted to go pay their respects to him.
孫策 企 起身 , 憑 住 喺 欄杆 處想 睇 清楚 係 咩 事 。
Sun Ce|stand|up|||at|railing||see|clearly|is|what|matter
Sun Ce stood up and leaned on the railing to see what was happening.
只見 有個 道人 , 個身 呢 , 就 披住 一件 用雀毛 做 嘅 外衣 , 篤 住 支長 拐杖 , 企 正 喺 條 路 處 。
suddenly saw|there was a|Taoist priest|his body|particle indicating a question|then|wearing|a|made of bird feathers|made|possessive particle|outer robe|leaning|particle indicating continuous action||cane|standing|exactly|at|measure word for roads|road|place
I saw a Taoist, who was wearing a robe made of bird feathers and holding a long staff, standing right on the road.
嗰 啲 百姓 呀 個個 都 焚起 香 喺 路邊 猛 咁 對 住 佢 叩頭 。
that|plural marker|common people|sentence-final particle|everyone|all|burn|incense|at|roadside|fiercely|so|||him|bowing
The common people were all burning incense by the roadside and bowing to him fervently.
孫策 發火 嘞 : 係 個 乜嘢 妖人 啊 , 同 我 捉 佢 嚟 !
Sun Ce|angry|past tense marker|is|the|what|demon|question particle|with|I|catch|him|come
Sun Ce got angry: "What kind of sorcerer is this? Capture him for me!"
嗰 啲 侍衛 就 話 喇 : 呢 個人 姓于 名吉 , 佢 喺 東方 住 嘅 。
that|plural marker|guards|then|said|sentence-final particle|this|person|||he|at|East|lives|possessive particle
The guards said: "This person's surname is Yu and his name is Ji. He lives in the East."
經常 嚟 吳會 , 施捨 符咒 藥水 同人 哋 醫病 , 各種各樣 嘅 病症 呀 冇 話 唔 好 㗎 。
often|come|Wu's clinic|charity|talisman|medicine|with people|plural marker|heal illness|all kinds of|possessive particle|ailments|sentence-final particle|not|say|not|good|sentence-final particle
He often comes to Wu to distribute talismans and potions to heal people, and he can cure all kinds of ailments.
而 家人 人 都 稱呼 佢 做 神仙 , 唔 好 得罪 佢 啊 將軍 。
And the family all calls him a deity, don't offend him, General.
越 係 噉 話 孫策 就 越 嬲 : 快 啲 捉 佢 嚟 , 違抗 者 斬 !
the more|is|like this|said|Sun Ce|then|the more|angry|quickly|more|capture|him|here|disobedience|one who|beheaded
The more they say that, the angrier Sun Ce gets: Hurry up and catch him, those who resist will be executed!
嗰 啲 侍衛 冇 辦法 嘞 , 就 唯有 落樓 , 擁住 于 吉上 嚟 見 孫策 。
that|plural marker|guards|have not|way|past tense marker|then|only|go downstairs|carrying|Yu||come|see|Sun Ce
The guards had no choice, so they went downstairs and brought Yu Jue up to see Sun Ce.
孫策 就 喝 佢 : 你 呢 個 大膽 妖道 ! 喺 處 蠱惑人心 ?
Sun Ce|then|scolded|him|you|this|classifier|bold|sorcerer|at|where|
Sun Ce scolded him: You bold sorcerer! Where are you trying to deceive people?
貧道 乃 係 琅 琊 宮道士 , 喺 順帝 嘅 時候 , 有 一次 入山 採藥 , 喺 陽曲 泉水 之上 得到 一套 神書 , 叫做 太平 青領 道 。
the poor Daoist|is|is|Lang|Ya|palace Daoist|at|Emperor Shun|possessive particle|time|has|one time|entered the mountain|gathered herbs|at|Yangqu|spring water|above|obtained|a set of|divine book|called|Taiping|Qingling|Dao
I am a Taoist from Langya Palace. During the reign of Emperor Shun, I once went into the mountains to gather herbs and found a set of divine scriptures above the Yangqu spring, called the Taiping Qingling Dao.
成百 幾卷 咁 多 嘅 , 都 係 醫人 病痛 嘅 藥方 同 辦法 。
hundreds|several volumes|||possessive particle|all|are|heal people|pain|possessive particle|prescriptions|and|methods
Hundreds of volumes, all of them are prescriptions and methods for treating people's ailments.
貧道 得到 呢 一套 神書 , 唯有 就 係 代天 行善 , 普救 萬民 。
poor monk|received|this|set|holy scripture|only|then|is|on behalf of heaven|do good deeds|universally save|all people
The poor Daoist has obtained this set of divine scriptures, and can only do good deeds on behalf of heaven to save all people.
從來 都 未 要 過人 哋 一分一毫 , 點 能夠 話 係 蠱惑人心 呢 ?
never|all|not|asked for|others|plural marker|a single cent|how|able to|say|is|misleading|question particle
I have never asked anyone for a single cent, how can it be said that I am deceiving people's hearts?
哼 ! 你 一 啲 嘢 都 唔 肯要 人 哋 嘅 , 噉 衣服 飲食 喺 邊 處 嚟 㗎 ?
hum|you|a|little|thing|at all|not||people|plural marker|possessive particle|then|clothes|food|at|where|place|come|question particle
Hmph! You don't even want anything from others, so where do your clothes and food come from?
你 就 係 黃巾張 角 之流 , 今日 唔 殺 你 必為 後患 !
you|just|are|Zhang Jiao of the Yellow Turban|rebel|kind|today|not|kill|you|will definitely be|future trouble
You are just like Zhang Jiao of the Yellow Turbans; if I don't kill you today, it will bring future troubles!
人 嚟 ! 拉 佢 落 去 斬首 !
Someone come! Take him down to be beheaded!
張昭 啊 勸 佢 話 喇 : 主公 , 于 道人 喺 江東 幾十年 並 無過錯 , 又 冇 犯法 , 唔 能夠 殺 佢 㗎 。
Zhang Zhao|ah|advised|him|said|particle indicating completed action|lord|Yu|Taoist|at|Jiangdong|for decades|and||also|not|breaking the law|not|able to|kill|him|particle indicating a question or emphasis
Zhang Zhao advised him, saying: My lord, Yu Dao has not made any mistakes in Jiangdong for decades, and he has not broken the law, so we cannot kill him.
呢 啲 噉 嘅 妖人 , 我 殺 咗 佢 , 唔 係 同 劏 豬 劏 狗 一樣 咩 !
||like|possessive particle|evil people|I|||him|||with|||||the same|question particle
These kinds of demons, if I kill him, isn't it the same as slaughtering a pig or a dog?
嗰 班 官員 就 苦苦 噉 勸諫 話 唔 好 殺 。
that|group|officials|then|desperately|like that|advised|saying|not|good|kill
The officials were desperately advising against the killing.
陳 震 亦 勸 埋 一份 , 但 係 孫策 呢 怒氣 未消 啊 , 仲 係 叫 人 將于 吉 韞 喺 監 嚟 。
Chen|Zhen|also|advised|to add|one portion|but|is|Sun Ce|this|anger|not yet dissipated|ah|still|is|ordered|people||Ji|Yun|in|prison|come
Chen Zhen also joined in the persuasion, but Sun Ce's anger had not subsided, and he still ordered people to keep Yu Ji in custody.
噉 啊 本來 飲開 酒 好 高興 㗎 , 嘿嘿 , 畀 呢 件 事 一衝 , 乜嘢 癮頭 都 冇 晒 嘞 , 噉 唔 係 散席 咯 。
then|ah|originally|used to drink|alcohol|very|happy|particle|hehe|by|this|classifier for events|thing|suddenly|anything|desire|all|not|completely|particle|then|not|is|end of the event|particle
Well, I used to enjoy drinking a lot, haha, but after this incident, I have no desire for anything anymore, so isn't it just a waste of time?
陳 震 亦 返去 賓館 休息 , 呢 啲 呢 就 唔 講 佢 嘞 。
Chan|Zhen|also|return to|hotel|rest|this|plural marker|||not|talk|he|past tense marker
Chen Zhen also went back to the hotel to rest, but let's not talk about that.
噉 今日 呢 件 事 呢 , 早就 有人 講 咗 畀 孫策 嘅 母親 吳太夫人 知道 。
then|today|this|measure word|matter|this|long ago|someone|told|past tense marker|to|Sun Ce|possessive particle|mother||knew
So today, this incident was already known to Sun Ce's mother, Lady Wu.
所以 孫策 一返 到 屋企 , 佢 母親 就 叫 佢 入 去 後堂 同 佢 話 :
so|Sun Ce||to|home|he|mother|then|called|him|go in|to|back room|with|him|talk
Therefore, as soon as Sun Ce got home, his mother called him into the back hall and said to him:
我 聽聞 話 你 將于 神仙 韞 住 喺 監 嚟 係 嘛 ?
I|heard|that|you|will be|fairy|hidden|live|in|prison|come|is|question particle
I heard that you have been keeping the immortal Yu in prison, right?
呢 個人 時時 都 幫人 醫病 嘅 , 軍民 百姓 對 佢 十分 敬仰 , 千祈 唔 好 加害於 佢 呀 。
this|person|always|also|help others|treat illness|possessive particle|military and civilians|common people|towards|him|very|admire|absolutely|||harm|him|sentence-final particle
This person often helps others with their illnesses, and both the military and civilians hold him in great respect. Please do not harm him.
母親 唔 好聽 嗰 啲 人 亂 咁 噏 , 孩兒 自己 識 做 㗎 喇 。
mother|not|nice to hear|those|plural marker|people|randomly|so|talk|child|self|knows|to do|sentence-final particle|past action particle
Mother, don't listen to those people talking nonsense; the child knows how to behave.
孫策 啊 行返 出去 , 就 叫 獄吏 押于 吉出 嚟 , 準備 審問 佢 嘞 噃。
Sun Ce|ah|return|go out|then|call|jailer|escort||here|prepare|interrogate|him|past tense particle|
Sun Ce, after going out, called the jailers to bring Yu Ji out, preparing to interrogate him.
哈 原來 呢 班 獄吏 呀 , 都 係 非常 之 尊敬 于 吉 嘅 。
ha|originally|this|group|prison guards|particle|all|are|very|particle|respectful|to|a name|possessive particle
Ah, it turns out that these jailers also hold Yu Ji in very high regard.
于 吉 啊 雖然 話 韞 喺 監 嚟 , 但 係 呢 , 手鐐 腳銬 等等 嘅 刑具 呀 , 都 係 同 佢 除開 晒 嘅 。
|a name|ah|although|said|hidden|in|prison|come||are|||||possessive particle|||||||||
Although Yu Ji said he was in prison, the handcuffs and leg shackles were all removed from him.
等到 孫策 而家話 要 提審 佢 嘞 , 先至 臨時 同 佢 戴 返 枷鎖 個 啫 。
wait until|Sun Ce||needs to|interrogate|him|past tense marker|only then|temporarily|with|him|put on|back|shackles|measure word|particle
Waiting for Sun Ce to say he wants to summon him, only then did they temporarily put the shackles back on him.
點知 呢 件 事 畀 孫策 知道 咗 , 嬲 到 呀 不得了 , 重重 噉 處分 嗰 班 獄吏 , 然後 將于 吉擔 枷 上鎖 韞 返 入監 。
how could he know|this|measure word for events|matter|by|Sun Ce|knew|past tense marker|angry|to|exclamatory particle|extremely|heavily|like that|punish|that|measure word for groups|jailers|then||Gan|shackles|locked|to carry|return|to prison
Little did they know that when Sun Ce found out about this, he was furious and severely punished those jailers, then locked Yu Ji back in prison.
第 日 , 張昭 等等 幾十人 啊 , 聯名 寫 咗 份 請求書 , 就 懇求 孫策 放返 于 吉 。
the|day|Zhang Zhao|and others|several dozen people|ah|jointly|wrote|past tense marker|a|petition|then|earnestly requested|Sun Ce|release|Yu|Ji
The next day, Zhang Zhao and dozens of others wrote a petition, earnestly requesting Sun Ce to release Yu Ji.
孫策 就 對 佢 哋 話 喇 : 各位 先生 都 係 讀書人 , 點解 咁 唔 懂道理 嘅 呢 ?
Sun Ce|then|to|he|them|said|particle indicating completed action|everyone|sir|all|are|educated people|why|so|not|understand reason|particle indicating possession|question particle
Sun Ce then said to them: "Gentlemen, you are all educated people, why do you not understand reason?"
往時 交州 刺史 張津 , 聽信 邪教 , 焚香 奏樂 , 用條 紅巾 包住 個頭 , 話 噉 樣 做 就 可以 喺 出兵 打仗 嘅 時候 助威 喎 , 收尾 , 卒 之 畀 敵軍 殺死 。
in the past|Jiaozhou|governor|Zhang Jin|believed|heretical teachings|burned incense|played music||red scarf|wrapped around||said|like this|way|doing|then|could|at|deploying troops|battle|possessive particle|time|boost morale|particle indicating suggestion|in the end|soldier|possessive particle|by|enemy forces|killed
In the past, the Inspector of Jiaozhou, Zhang Jin, believed in a cult, burned incense and played music, wrapped his head in a red scarf, saying that doing so would help boost morale during battles, but in the end, he was killed by the enemy.
呢 啲 噉 嘅 事 , 極之 冇 益 , 諸君 就 係 未 醒悟 啊 。
||like this|possessive particle|things|extremely|no|benefit|everyone|just|are|not yet|realized|ah particle
These kinds of things are extremely unhelpful, everyone has not yet awakened.
我 之 要 殺 于 吉 , 正 係 為 咗 要 禁絕 邪氣 , 使到 迷信 嘅 人 能夠 覺悟 過 嚟 。
I|possessive particle|want|kill|Yu|Ji|just|is|for|past tense marker|to|eradicate|evil spirit|so that|superstitious|possessive particle|people|can|awaken|past|come
The reason I want to kill Yu Ji is precisely to eliminate evil influences, so that superstitious people can awaken.
呂范話 喇 : 我 素來 都 知道 于 道人 能夠 祈風禱 雨 嘅 , 而家 正 係 天旱 , 不如 叫 佢 求雨 嚟 贖罪 呢 , 好 唔 好 呢 ?
Lyu Fan said|particle indicating change of state|I|always|also|knew|Yu|Taoist priest|able to|||particle indicating possession|now|currently|is|drought|might as well|ask|him|pray for rain|come|atone for sins|particle indicating a question||||particle indicating a question
Lü Fan said: I have always known that Yu Daoist can pray for wind and rain, and now it is a drought, why not ask him to pray for rain to atone for his sins, is that good?
哼 ! 等 我 即 管 睇 下 呢 個 妖人 點至 得 !
hum|wait|I|||||this|classifier for people|monster|how|can
Hmph! Let me see how this sorcerer can manage!
於是 孫策 叫 人 喺 監獄 裏 便 , 拉 咗 于 吉出 嚟 , 開 咗 枷鎖 , 叫 佢 登 壇 求雨 。
then|Sun Ce|called|people|at|prison|inside|then|pulled|past tense marker|Yu||came|opened|past tense marker|shackles|told|him|to ascend|altar|to pray for rain
So Sun Ce ordered someone in the prison to pull Yu Ji out, unlocked the shackles, and told him to go on stage to pray for rain.
于吉話 得 吖 , 接受 咗 命令 。 即刻 沐浴 更衣 ,攞 條 繩 嚟 綁住 自己 。
Yuji said|okay|particle|accepted|past tense marker|order|immediately|bathed|changed clothes|took|measure word for long objects|rope|to|tie up|himself
Yu Jue said, "Alright, I accept the command." He immediately bathed and changed clothes, then took a rope to tie himself up.
行 上個 壇 , 企 喺 烈日 之下 。
walk|last|stage|stand|in|scorching sun|under
He walked up to the altar and stood under the scorching sun.
嘩 哎 , 聽 講話 于 神仙 嚟 求雨 喎 , 城裏 便 嘅 老百姓 呀 行得 路 嘅 都 冚𠾴唥 出 晒 嚟 睇 , 唔 行得 路 嗰 啲 抬 都 要 抬 出 嚟 睇 下 。
wow|sigh|hear|talking|about|deity|come|pray for rain|particle indicating realization|in the city|then|possessive particle|common people|particle indicating exclamation|able to walk|road|possessive particle|all|crowded|go out|all|come|see|not|able to walk|road|that|particle indicating plural|carry|all|must|carry|go out|come|see|particle indicating action completion
Wow, I heard that Yu is a deity who comes to ask for rain. The common people in the city, everyone who could walk came out to watch, and those who couldn't walk were also carried out to see.
嘿 , 人山人海 , 水洩不通 。
hey|a sea of people|not even a drop of water can pass through
Hey, the place was packed with people, it was like a sea of people.
于吉對 大家 話 喇 : 我求 三尺 甘霖 , 拯救 萬民 。
|everyone|said|particle indicating completed action||three feet|sweet rain|save|all people
Yu Jue told everyone: "I ask for three feet of sweet rain to save the people."
但 係 呢 , 我 終於 不免 一 死 嘅 。
||this|I|finally|inevitably|one|death|possessive particle
But in this case, I will inevitably die.
大家 就 話 嘞 : 如果 靈驗 咯 , 主公 必定 敬服 你 嘅 , 仲點 會 殺 你 嘅 呢 ? 唔 會 嘅 唔 會 嘅 。
everyone|then|said|past tense marker|if|effective|past tense marker|lord|definitely|respect and submit to|you|possessive particle||would|kill|you|possessive particle|question particle|not|would|possessive particle|not|would|possessive particle
Everyone said: If it is effective, the lord will definitely respect you, how could he kill you? No way, no way.
于 吉 就 話 : 氣數 已經 定咯 , 恐怕 走 唔 甩 咯 。
Yu|lucky|then|said|fate|already|determined|afraid|escape|not|slip away|particle indicating completed action
Yu Ji said: The fate has already been set, I'm afraid there's no escaping it.
過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 孫策 親自 嚟 到 個壇 處 , 當眾 宣佈 :
passed|past tense marker|not|long|Sun Ce|personally|come|to||place|in public|announced
Not long after, Sun Ce personally came to the altar and publicly announced:
如果 午時 仲 冇 雨落 , 即刻 燒死 于 吉 !
if|noon|still|no|rain|immediately|burn to death|Yu|Kit
If it doesn't rain by noon, I will immediately burn Yu Ji to death!
跟 住 , 就 命令 士兵 搬 啲 乾柴 喺 度 等 嘞 喎 。
||then|order|soldiers|move|some|firewood|at|place|wait|past action particle|sentence-final particle
Then, he ordered the soldiers to move some dry wood here to wait.
就 嚟 到 午時 喇 , 呼 ! 呼 ! 狂風 驟起 呀 。
just|come|arrive|noon|particle indicating action completion|call|call|strong wind|suddenly rises|particle indicating exclamation
It's almost noon, whoosh! Whoosh! A strong wind suddenly rises.
風過 之處 , 四周圍 烏雲 漸漸 合埋 嚟 喇 。
wind passed|where|all around|dark clouds|gradually|gathered|coming|particle indicating completed action
Where the wind passes, dark clouds gradually gather around.
但 係 孫策 話 : 已經 就 嚟 到 午時 喇 , 淨 係 有 烏雲 , 一滴 雨 都 冇 , 佢 正 係 妖人 嚟 呀 !
||Sun Ce|said|already|just|come|arrive|noon|particle indicating completed action|||have|dark clouds|a drop|rain|at all|not have|he|||supernatural being|come|particle indicating exclamation
But Sun Ce said: It's already noon, there are only dark clouds, not a drop of rain, it's definitely a demon!
孫策 唔 理 咁 多 , 立即 喝 啲 士兵 將于 吉 抬 咗 上去 柴堆 , 四個 角 呀 一齊 點火 。
Sun Ce|not|care|so|much|immediately|order|some|soldiers||Ji|lift|past tense marker|up|wood pile||corners|particle|together|set fire
Sun Ce didn't care much, immediately ordered the soldiers to lift Yu Ji onto the wood pile, and set fire to all four corners.
火 隨 風勢 好 快 就 燒到 含 含聲 , 哎呀 ! 弊喇弊 喇 ! 眼睇 住 于 吉 就要 畀 大火 燒死 喇 。
fire|following|wind force|very|quickly|then|burned to|containing|sound|oh no||particle indicating completed action|||||||||
The fire quickly spread with the wind, and oh no! It's going to burn Yu Ji to death.
忽然 之間 , 只見 一道 黑煙 㗾 噉 直衝 上 天呀 。
suddenly|in between|suddenly saw|a beam of|black smoke|like that|so|shot straight|up|to the sky
Suddenly, a black smoke shot straight up into the sky.
跟 住 , 啦 轟 ! 電閃雷鳴 啪啪 聲 , 即刻 就 大雨傾盆 , 誒 呀 ! 倒水 咁 倒 。
||particle indicating action|rumble|thunder and lightning|crackling sound|sound|immediately|then|heavy rain|interjection|particle|pouring water|so|pouring
Then, boom! Thunder and lightning, and immediately it started pouring rain, oh my! It was like water being dumped.
嗰 啲 火 熄 咗 就 唔 在 講 啦 , 真 係 話 都 冇 咁 快 呀 , 睇 住 街市 成河 溪澗 都 滿 晒 , 足足有 成 三尺 好 雨水 。
that|plural marker|fire|extinguished|past tense marker|then|not|at|talk|sentence-final particle|really|is|words|all|have not|so|fast|sentence-final particle|see|continuous aspect marker|market||stream|all|full|completely||whole|three feet|very|rainwater
Once the fire was out, it was really fast, I tell you, the market was completely flooded, with at least three feet of rainwater.
于 吉 係 打昂 啊 瞓 喺 柴堆 上 便 , 呢 個 時候 , 佢 大喝一聲 : 停 !
at|name|is|to hit|particle|sleep|at|woodpile|on|then|this|measure word|time|he||stop
Yu Ji was lying on the pile of firewood, and at that moment, he shouted loudly: Stop!
哈 ! 靈啊真 係 , 馬上 就 雲 收雨 歇 , 又 出返 日頭 嘞 喎 。
ha||is|immediately|then|clouds||stop|again|come out again|sun|past tense particle|sentence-final particle
Ha! It's really magical, the clouds immediately clear and the sun comes out again.
哎呀 , 真 係 活神仙 喇 !
oh no|||living deity|particle indicating completed action
Oh my, it's truly like a living deity!
所有 嗰 啲 官員 同 老百姓 喇喇聲 湧 上去 , 將于 吉 喺 柴堆 上面 抱 返落 嚟 , 同 佢 解開 啲 繩索 。
all|that|plural marker|officials|and|common people|in a rush|surge|up||a name|at|woodpile|on|carry|back down|here|and|he|untie|plural marker|ropes
All those officials and common people rush up, bringing Yu Ji down from the pile of firewood and untie the ropes.
大家 就 跪 喺 地 嚟 叩頭 多謝 , 都 唔 知 幾 誠心誠意 呀 。
everyone|then|kneel|at|ground|come|bow|thank you|all|not|know|how|sincerely|particle
Everyone kneels on the ground to bow and thank him, not knowing how sincere they are.
孫策 見到 啲 官 係 噉 樣 , 百姓 又 係 噉 樣 。
Sun Ce|saw|the|officials|are|like|appearance|common people|again|are|like|appearance
Sun Ce sees the officials like this, and the common people like that.
雖然 地下 水汪汪 咋 , 連 衣服 都 唔 顧 啊 , 一樣 跪 晒 喺 地 嚟 拜 于 吉 喎 , 嬲 到 佢 不得了 。
Although the ground is wet and muddy, not caring about the clothes, still kneeling on the ground to worship Yu Ji, he was extremely angry.
佢 鬧 嗰 啲 人 話 : 哼 ! 好天 落雨 都 係 天數 。
He|scolded|those|particle|people|said|humph|sunny day|rain|all|is|fate
He scolded those people saying: Hmph! It's just fate that it rains on a good day.
呢 個 妖人 , 不過 偶然 睺 正 機會 咋 嘛 !
this|measure word|monster|but|by chance|to encounter|just|opportunity|only|particle
This demon, it's just a rare opportunity!
你 哋 啲 人 , 噉 都 受 佢 迷惑 咁 蠢 嘅 ! 人 嚟 ! 即刻 將于 吉 斬首 !
||possessive particle|people|like this|all|be deceived|he|confused|so|stupid|particle indicating description|human|come|immediately||Ji (a name)|beheaded
You people, how can you be so foolish to be deceived by him! He is a person! Immediately behead Yu Ji!
孫策 一 講完 ,𠻘 聲 拔出 把 劍 。
Sun Ce|one|finished speaking|he|with a sound|drew out|measure word for weapons|sword
As soon as Sun Ce finished speaking, he drew his sword with a loud sound.
嗰 班 文武 官員 慌 喇 , 乜求 到 雨 喇仲話 要 斬 咩 ? 就 一味 懇求 孫策 唔 好 啦 。
that|group|civil and military|officials|panicked|particle indicating completed action||arrive|rain||want|kill|question particle|then|only|pleading|Sun Ce|not|good|particle indicating suggestion
Those civil and military officials are panicking. What are they asking for? They are just begging Sun Ce not to do it.
孫策 發火 嘞 , 你 哋 想 做 咩 啊 ? 想 跟 住 于 吉 造反 係 唔 係 !
Sun Ce|got angry|past tense particle|||want|do|what|question particle|want|||||rebel|is|not|is
Sun Ce is furious. What do you all want to do? Do you want to rebel with Yu Ji or not?
嘩 乜 噉 講 啊 , 造反 ? 噉 得 了 嘅 ? 噉 就 個個 都 唔 敢 出聲 。
wow|what|like that|say|particle|rebel|like that|can|past tense marker|particle|like that|then|everyone|all|not|dare|speak up
Wow, what are you talking about? Rebel? Is that even possible? Then no one dares to speak up.
孫策 叫 刀斧手 去 斬 于 吉 , 一刀 落 去 , 于 吉 就 人頭 落地 。
Sun Ce|ordered|axe-wielding soldier|to|kill|Yu|Ji|one strike|fell|down|Yu|Ji|then|head|fell to the ground
Sun Ce ordered the executioners to behead Yu Ji. With one stroke, Yu Ji's head fell to the ground.
咦 ? 只見 一道 青氣 呀 , 向 住 東北方 飛 咗 去 喎 。
eh|only saw|a beam of|green light|particle indicating surprise|towards|in the direction of|northeast|flying|past tense marker|go|particle indicating realization
Huh? I just saw a green light flying towards the northeast.
孫策 又 命令 將于 吉 嘅 屍體 , 擺 喺 街市 嚟 示眾 , 話 佢 啊 用 妖法 迷惑 民眾 有罪 喎 。
Sun Ce|again|ordered||Ji|possessive particle|corpse|to place|at|marketplace|to|display to the public|said|he|ah|using|sorcery|to confuse|people|guilty|sentence particle
Sun Ce also ordered that Yu Ji's body be displayed in the market for the public to see, claiming that he used sorcery to deceive the people and was guilty.
當晚 , 橫風 橫雨 。
that night|strong wind|heavy rain
That night, there was a strong wind and heavy rain.
到 咗 第朝 早 , 哈 奇怪 嘞 , 唔 見 咗 于 吉 嘅 屍體 。
arrive|past tense marker|the next morning|early|ha|strange|sentence-final particle|not|see|past tense marker|Yu|Ji|possessive particle|corpse
By the next morning, strangely, Yu Ji's body was missing.
噉 看守 屍體 嘅 士兵 就 去 報告 孫策 啦 。
then|guarding|corpse|possessive particle|soldier|then|go|report|Sun Ce|sentence-final particle
So the soldier who was guarding the body went to report to Sun Ce.
孫策 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 想 殺 咗 嗰 個 看守 屍體 嘅 士兵 。
Sun Ce|angry|get up|on|come|wanted|kill|past tense marker|that|classifier|guard|corpse|possessive particle|soldier
Sun Ce became furious and wanted to kill the soldier who was guarding the body.
忽然間 , 見到 有 個人 , 喺 大堂 前 便 , 慢慢 慢慢 噉 行入 嚟 一 睇 嘩 嗨 ! 原來 係 于 吉 !
suddenly|saw|there is|a person|at|lobby|in front of|then|slowly|slowly|like that|walked in|here|one|look|wow|hi|originally|is||
Suddenly, I saw someone slowly walking in from the front of the lobby. Wow, hey! It turned out to be Yu Jue!
孫策 就 更加 嬲 嘞 , 正話 想 掹 劍 出 嚟 斬 佢 。
Sun Ce|then|even more|angry|(past action particle)|really|wanted|draw|sword|out|(directional particle)|to cut|him
Sun Ce was even angrier, just thinking about drawing his sword to cut him.
誒 , 佢 突然 暈 咗 , 噼啪 噉 𢴈 喺 地 嚟 , 不省人事 。
hey|he|suddenly|fainted|past tense marker|with a thud|like that|fell|at|ground|come|unconscious
Oh, he suddenly fainted, falling to the ground with a thud, unconscious.
嚇親 嚟 咯 , 啲 侍衛 就 急 急救 起 佢 , 抬 咗 佢 返 入 去 臥室 。
frightened|came|particle indicating completed action|plural marker|guards|then|hurriedly|first aid|lifted|him|carried|past tense marker|him|returned|inside|to|bedroom
Startled, the guards hurriedly rescued him and carried him back into the bedroom.
過 咗 好 耐好 耐先 至醒 返 。
past|completed action particle|very||||return
It took a long, long time before he woke up.
吳太夫人 知道 咗 , 哎呀 ! 慌到 個 老人家 手 揗 腳 震 , 走 嚟 探下個 仔 啦 , 佢 就 對 孫策 話 喇 :
Lady Wu|knows|past tense marker|oh no|panicked|classifier for people|old man|hands|trembling|feet|shaking|come|here||son|sentence final particle|he|then|to|Sun Ce|said|sentence final particle
Madam Wu knows this, oh dear! The old man is so flustered that his hands and feet are trembling, he comes over to check on his son, and he says to Sun Ce:
仔呀 仔 , 你 殺 咗 于 神仙 , 太過 冤屈 咯 , 所以 招 咗 禍殃 啊 !
hey kid|child|you|killed|past tense marker|Yu|immortal|too|wronged|sentence-final particle|so|attracted|past tense marker|disaster|exclamatory particle
Son, son, you have killed the immortal Yu, it is too unjust, that's why calamity has befallen us!
哈哈哈哈 , 母親 你 不必 過慮 。
hahaha|mother|you|don't have to|worry
Hahaha, mother, you need not worry.
孩兒 自細 跟隨 父親 出征 , 殺人如麻 , 幾時 有 乜嘢 禍殃 呢 ?
child|since young|followed|father|went to war|killed like weeds|when|has|what|disaster|question particle
Since I was young, I have followed my father into battle, killing people like it's nothing, when have I ever faced any calamity?
而家 殺 咗 呢 個 妖人 , 正 係 根絕 咗 禍患 呀 , 佢 仲 點 能夠 害 我 吖 ?
now|kill|past tense marker|this|classifier|evil person|just|is|eradicated|past tense marker|threat|sentence-final particle|he|still|how|able to|harm|me|sentence-final particle
Now that I have killed this demon, it is precisely to eradicate the threat, how could he possibly harm me?
就 係 因為 仔 你 唔 信 所以 搞 到 噉 啫 , 我話 要 打醮 嚟 消災 至 得 喇 。
It's because you don't believe, that's why it turned out like this. I said we need to hold a ritual to dispel the disaster.
母親 呀 , 我 嘅 命 在於 天 , 妖人 決 唔 能夠 害 我 , 何必 打醮 消災 呢 ?
mother|particle|I|possessive particle|life|depends on|heaven|evil person|definitely|not|able to|harm|me|why bother|perform a ritual|ward off disaster|particle
Mother, my life is in the hands of heaven, no evil spirit can harm me. Why do we need to hold a ritual to dispel the disaster?
吳太夫人 諗 落個 仔 都 係 勸 唔 聽 㗎 喇 , 再講 都 係 噉 㗎 啫 , 就 安慰 孫策 幾句 , 自己 就 返 扯 。
Lady Wu|think|about|son|all|is|advised|not|listened|particle|particle||all|is|like that|particle|only|then|comforted|Sun Ce|a few words|herself|then|return|argue
Madam Wu thinks that the child is just not listening to advice. No matter how much we say, it will still be like this. Just comfort Sun Ce a bit, and then go back to do our own things.
然後 叫 人 靜靜 搵 啲 和尚 道士 打醮 , 同個 仔 消災 。
then|to call|people|quietly|to find|some|monk|Taoist priest|to perform a ritual|the same|child|to eliminate misfortune
Then, ask someone to quietly find some monks and Taoists to hold a ritual to dispel the disaster for the child.
當晚 二 更 , 孫策 呀 正 喺 度 瞓 緊 。
that night|2|watch (of the night)|Sun Ce|particle indicating exclamation|currently|at|place|sleep|progressive aspect particle
That night, during the second watch, Sun Ce was just sleeping.
忽然 呼 噉 一陣 陰風 , 嗰 盞燈 呀 , 閃下 閃下 , 熄一 熄 又 着 返 。
suddenly|exhale|like this|a gust of|cold wind|that|light|particle|flicker|flicker||off|again|on|back
Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew, and that lamp flickered, going out and then lighting up again.
咦 ! 喺 燈影 之下 , 見到 于 吉 就 企 喺 床 前 !
eh|at|light shadow|under|saw|||then|standing|at|bed|front
Hey! Under the light of the lamp, I saw Yu JI standing in front of the bed!
孫策 大聲 噉 喝 佢 : 我 平生 誓殺 妖魔 安定 天下 , 你 係 個 鬼魂 , 咁 大膽 行近 我 ? 呸 !
Sun Ce|loudly|like this|scolded|him|I|in my lifetime|vowed to kill|demons|to pacify|the world|you|are|a|ghost|so|bold|approached|me|phew
Sun Ce shouted at him loudly: I have sworn to kill demons and stabilize the world, and you are a ghost, how dare you approach me? Bah!
一手 揦 起床 頭 嗰 把 劍 掟 過去 , 誒 , 于 吉 忽然 又 唔 見 咗 嘞 。
with one hand|lifted|get up|head|that|(measure word for tools)|sword|threw|away|eh|Yu|Ji|suddenly|again|not|see|past tense marker|final particle
He picked up the sword from the head of the bed and threw it over, but suddenly, Yu Ji disappeared.
第 日 , 吳太夫人 知道 咗 呢 件 事 呀 擔心 到 死 啦 。
the|day|Mrs Ng|knew|past tense marker|this|classifier for events|matter|sentence-final particle|worried|to|death|sentence-final particle
The next day, Lady Wu heard about this and was worried to death.
孫策 就 為 咗 安慰 個 母親 , 夾硬 起身 , 裝作 冇 事 噉 樣 呀 使個 母親 寬心 咯 喎 。
Sun Ce|then|for|past tense marker|to comfort|(classifier)|mother|stubbornly|got up|pretended|not|thing|like|appearance|particle||mother|at ease|particle|particle
Sun Ce got up hard to comfort his mother, pretending that nothing happened to ease her mind.
吳太夫人 對 孫策 話 : 聖人 都 話 係 有 鬼神 㗎 咯 , 不可不 信 啊 !
Lady Wu|to|Sun Ce|said|sage|all|said|is|have|spirits|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating finality|must not|believe|ah
Madam Wu told Sun Ce: "Even sages say that there are ghosts and gods, so you must believe!"
你 屈殺 咗 于 先生 , 點會 話 冇 報應 㗎 。
you|killed|past tense marker|Mr Yu|Mr|how could|say|no|retribution|sentence-final particle
You killed Mr. Yu, how could you say there is no retribution?
我 已經 吩咐 人 喺 玉清觀 開壇 打醮 喇 。
I|already|instructed|people|at|Yuqing Temple|set up the altar|hold the ritual|particle indicating completed action
I have already instructed people to hold a ritual at the Yuling Temple.
你 要 親自 去 上 香 參拜 , 噉 就 自然 逢凶化吉 , 消災 免禍 㗎 喇 。
you|must|personally|go|||worship|then|will|naturally|turn misfortune into good luck|eliminate disaster|avoid calamity|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action
You need to personally go and offer incense and pay your respects, then naturally you will turn misfortune into good fortune and avoid disasters.
孫策 係 個 孝順 仔 , 唔 敢 違抗 佢 母親 嘅 命令 , 唯有 勉強 坐轎 去 玉清觀 。
Sun Ce|is|a|filial pious|son|not|dare|disobey|his|mother|possessive particle|order|only|reluctantly|ride in a sedan chair|go|Yuqing Temple
Sun Ce is a filial son, who does not dare to disobey his mother's orders, so he can only reluctantly take a sedan chair to the Yuling Temple.
啲 道士 迎接 咗 佢 入 去 , 請 孫策 上 香 。
plural marker|Taoist priest|welcomed|past tense marker|he|enter|inside|invited|Sun Ce|offer|incense
The Taoists welcomed him in and invited Sun Ce to offer incense.
孫策 就 上 咗 香 , 但 係 點都 唔 肯拜 。
Sun Ce|then|went|past tense marker|incense|||no matter how|not|
Sun Ce offered incense, but he absolutely refused to bow.
忽然間 , 香爐 上面 嗰 啲 煙 啊 , 聚住 唔 散 喎 就 結成 一朵 五色 雲氣 , 于 吉 就 端端正正 坐 住 喺 上 便 嚟 。
suddenly|incense burner|on top|that|plural marker|smoke|particle|gathered|not|dispersed|particle|then|formed|a|multicolored|cloud|Yu|Ji|then|properly|||at|on|just|came
Suddenly, the smoke from the incense burner gathered and did not disperse, forming a five-colored cloud, and Yu Ji appeared sitting upright on it.
孫策 嬲 , 呸 噉 𦧲 督 口水 , 鬧 咗 幾句 就 行出 大雄寶殿 嘞 。
Sun Ce|angry|spit|like that|hit|supervise|saliva|scold|past tense marker|a few words|then|walked out|Main Hall of the Great Hero|past action marker
Sun Ce was angry, spat out some words, scolded a few times, and then walked out of the Great Hero Hall.
弊 ! 又 見到 于吉企 正 喺 大殿 門口 , 嬲 嬲 噉 , 瞪 大 雙眼 碌實 孫策 。
damn|again|saw|Yujiqi|just|at|main hall|entrance|||like that|stared|big|eyes|rolling|Sun Ce
Damn! I saw Yu Ji standing at the entrance of the main hall, looking angry, glaring at Sun Ce.
噉 啊 孫策 問 佢 啲 侍衛 : 你 哋 見 唔 見 嗰 個 妖鬼 啊 ?
then|particle|Sun Ce|asked|he|plural marker|guards|you|plural marker|see|not|see|that|classifier|monster|particle
So, Sun Ce asked his guards: Did you see that monster?
吓 ? 主公 , 我 哋 唔 見 噃。
huh|lord|I|we|not|see|particle indicating realization or emphasis
Huh? My lord, we didn't see it.
唔 見 ? 孫策 越發 嬲 嘞 ,𠻘 噉 掹 出 把 劍 嚟 , 嘿 ! 一下 向 住 于 吉 掟 過去 。
not|see|Sun Ce|increasingly|angry|past tense particle|then|like this|pull|out|measure word for tools|sword|come|hey|in one go|towards|to stop|Yu|Ji|throw|past
Didn't see? Sun Ce got even angrier, pulled out his sword, and threw it at Yu Ji!
誒 呀 ! 啊 ! 當堂 有 個人 中劍 𢴈 咗 喺 處 。
hey|particle|particle|on the spot|there is|person|was hit by a sword|fell|past tense marker|at|place
Oh no! Ah! Someone got hit by the sword right there.
大家 上前 一睇 , 原來 就 係 前日 逳 手 殺 于 吉 嗰 個 小卒 。
everyone|step forward|take a look|it turns out|just|is|the day before yesterday|escaped|hand|murder|by|a person's name|that|classifier for people|pawn
Everyone came forward to take a look, and it turned out to be the pawn that was killed by Yu Ji the day before.
畀 把 劍 呀 斬 中 個頭 殼 , 七竅流血 死 咗 咯 。
give|measure word for tools|sword|particle indicating exclamation|chop|hit||shell||die|past tense marker|particle indicating completed action
He was struck in the head with a sword, and died with blood flowing from all seven orifices.
孫策 就 叫 人 抬 咗 佢 出去 埋葬 好 。
Sun Ce|then|ordered|people|carry|past tense marker|him|outside|bury|well
Sun Ce ordered someone to carry him out for a proper burial.
等到 孫策 扯 喇 , 行出 間 玉清觀 嘅 時候 , 又 見 于 吉 迎面 行入 門口 。
waiting until|Sun Ce|to pull|particle indicating completion|walking out|the|Yuqing Temple|possessive particle|time|again|saw|Yu|Ji|head-on|walking in|entrance
When Sun Ce was leaving the Yuqing Temple, he saw Yu Ji walking in through the entrance.
孫策 話 喇 : 呢 間 玉清觀 亦 係 妖人 藏身 之地 嚟 㗎 !
Sun Ce|said|particle indicating certainty|this|measure word for buildings|Yuqing Temple|also|is|demon|hiding||come|particle indicating assertion
Sun Ce said: This Yuqing Temple is also a place where evil people hide!
於是 就 叫 人擔 張椅 嚟 , 擺 喺 門口 , 佢 坐 正 喺 度 , 叫 五百名 士兵 即刻 逳 手 拆 咗 間 玉清觀 。
then|immediately|called|||here|placed|at|the entrance|he|sat|directly|at|that place|ordered|five hundred|soldiers|immediately|to raise|hand|to demolish|past tense marker|measure word for buildings|Yuqing Temple
So, he called someone to bring a chair and placed it at the door, where he sat down and ordered five hundred soldiers to immediately go and tear down the Jade Clear Temple.
啲 士兵 啱 啱 上 屋頂 揭瓦唧 , 咦 , 只見 于 吉 就 企 喺 屋頂 上 便 嚟 就 飛 啲 瓦片 掟 落地 。
plural marker|soldiers|||on|roof||eh|only saw|a name|a name|then|stood|at|roof|on|quickly|came|then|flew|plural marker|tiles|threw|to the ground
The soldiers had just climbed onto the roof and were lifting tiles when they saw Yu Ji standing on the roof, throwing tiles down.
孫策 嬲 到 火 遮眼 喇 , 立即 下令 , 趕晒 啲 道士 出 嚟 , 放火燒 屋 !
Sun Ce|angry|to|fire|blind|particle indicating completed action|immediately|gave orders|drove away|particle indicating plural|Taoist priests|out|come|set fire to|house
Sun Ce was so angry that he couldn't see straight, and immediately ordered all the Taoists to be driven out and to set the house on fire!
火光 一起 , 又 見到 于 吉 企 喺 火光 之中 。
As the flames rose, they saw Yu Ji standing amidst the fire.
嘿 ! 激死 嚟 喇 !
hey|so exciting|come|particle indicating action completion
Hey! This is infuriating!
孫策 嬲 到 咕咕 聲 , 坐轎 返 屋企 , 哈哈 , 又 見到 于 吉 企 喺 屋企 門口 。
Sun Ce|angry|arrived|crow|sound|take a sedan chair|return|home|haha|again|saw|Yu|Ji|standing|at|home|door
Sun Ce was so angry that he made a grumbling sound, took a sedan chair back home, haha, and saw Yu Ji standing at the door.
孫策 唔 返 屋企 嘞 , 跟 住 點起 三軍 , 出去 城外 安營 扎寨 。
Sun Ce|not|return|home|past tense marker|||set up|army|go out|outside the city|set up camp|build fortifications
Sun Ce didn't go home, instead he gathered the three armies and went outside the city to set up camp.
就 召集 所有 啲 將領 謀士 嚟 商量 , 想起 兵去 幫助 袁紹 夾攻 曹操 。
then|gather|all|possessive particle|generals|strategists|come|discuss|remember||help|Yuan Shao|encircle and attack|Cao Cao
He summoned all the generals and strategists to discuss, thinking of sending troops to assist Yuan Shao in attacking Cao Cao.
啲 將官 都 話 : 主公 身體 唔 舒服 , 唔 好 逳 動 咯 , 仲 係 等 病痛 好返 之後 再 出兵 都 未 遲 吖 。
plural marker|generals|all|said|our lord|body|not|well|not|good|rashly|move|final particle|still|is|wait|illness|recover|afterwards|again|deploy troops|all|not yet|late|final particle
The generals all said: "Your Majesty is not feeling well, it's better not to move, it's still not too late to send troops after you recover from your illness."
當晚 , 孫策 就 喺 軍營 瞓 , 又 見到 于 吉 披頭散髮 行入 嚟 嘞 喎 。
that night|Sun Ce|then|at|barracks|slept|also|saw|||disheveled|walk in|here|past tense particle|sentence-final particle
That night, Sun Ce slept in the military camp, and saw Yu Ji walking in with disheveled hair.
搞 到 孫策 呀 成晚 冇 得 瞓 , 一味 冇 停口 咁 大聲 喝 罵 。
||Sun Ce|particle indicating exclamation|whole night|not|||||stop talking|so|loudly||
It made Sun Ce unable to sleep all night, constantly shouting and cursing loudly.
第 日 , 吳太夫人 派 個人 嚟 叫 孫策 返 屋企 。
the|day|Mrs Wu|sent|a person|here|to call|Sun Ce|to return|home
The next day, Lady Wu sent someone to call Sun Ce back home.
孫策 就 返 去 見 母親 啦 。
Sun Ce|then|return|to|see|mother|sentence-final particle
Sun Ce then went back to see his mother.
吳太夫人 一 見到 個 孫策 , 唉 , 陰公咯 ! 只見 佢 呀 形容憔悴 , 眼核 深深 面色 又 青 又 白 。
Lady Wu|one|saw|classifier for people|Sun Ce|sigh|unfortunate|only saw|he|particle|looking haggard|eye sockets|deep|complexion|both|pale|and|white
As soon as Lady Wu saw Sun Ce, she sighed, oh dear! She saw that he looked haggard, with deep-set eyes and a pale complexion.
忍 唔 住 就 流起 眼淚 嚟 話 : 唉 , 仔呀 仔 , 你 落 晒 形喇 !
|||then|start to flow|tears|come|said|sigh|||you|drop|all|face
Unable to hold back her tears, she said: Oh, my son, you look so worn out!
孫策 即刻 攞 面 鏡 嚟 照 下 嘩 嗨 , 果然 瘦到 唔 似人 樣 嘅 大吃一驚 , 對 啲 侍衛 講 :
Sun Ce|immediately|take|face|mirror|come|look|down|wow|hi|indeed|thin to|not||appearance|possessive particle|greatly surprised|to|plural marker|guards|said
Sun Ce immediately took a mirror to look at himself and exclaimed, "Wow, hi, I really look so thin that I don't even look human!" He said to the guards:
我 點解 憔悴 到 噉 樣 啊 ?
I|why|haggard|to|so|appearance|question particle
"Why do I look so haggard?"
話口 未 完 , 忽然 見到 于 吉 企 喺 面 鏡 裏頭 喎 。
speaking|not|finished|suddenly|saw|Yu|Kit|standing|at|front|mirror|inside|particle indicating realization
Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly saw Yu Jue standing in the mirror.
啪 ! 啊 ! 孫策 一拍 面鏡 大叫 一聲 , 傷口 裂開 就 成個暈 咗 跌 喺 地 嚟 。
bang|ah|Sun Ce|with one slap|mirror|shouted|one sound|wound|opened|then||past tense marker|fell|at|ground|particle indicating action completion
Bang! Ah! Sun Ce slapped the mirror and shouted, and his wound opened up, causing him to faint and fall to the ground.
吳太夫人 即刻 叫 人 扶 佢 返 入 臥室 。
Mrs Ng|immediately|call|someone|help|him|return|into|bedroom
Madam Wu immediately called for someone to help him back into the bedroom.
過 咗 一陣 , 孫策 蘇醒 返 嘞 , 佢 長 歎 一聲 話 :
after|past tense marker|a while|Sun Ce|woke up|back|past action marker|he|long|sigh|one time|said
After a while, Sun Ce woke up and sighed, saying:
唉 ! 我 唔 好 得 返 , 實死 㗎 喇 !
sigh|I|not|very|||really dead|particle|past tense particle
Alas! I can't recover, I'm really dying!
跟 住 , 佢 叫 張 昭 等等 一班人 , 同埋 佢 細 佬 孫權 , 就 嚟 到 病床 前 便 , 囑咐 佢 哋 話 :
||he|called|Zhang|Zhao|and so on|a group of people|and|he|younger|brother|Sun Quan|then|come|to|sickbed|in front of|immediately|instructed|them|they|to say
Then, he called Zhang Zhao and a group of people, along with his younger brother Sun Quan, who came to his bedside and he instructed them saying:
而家 , 天下 正 係 大亂 。
now|world|currently|is|in chaos
Right now, the world is in great chaos.
以 我 哋 吳越 咁 多 人 , 三江 咁 險固 , 大有 可為 呀 !
with|I|plural marker|Wu and Yue|so|many|people|Three Rivers|so|dangerous and solid|greatly有|achievable|particle
With so many of us in Wu and Yue, and the Three Rivers being so perilous, there is much we can achieve!
希望 子布 你 哋 各位 , 好好 地 幫助 我細 佬 啦 !
hope|name|you|plural marker|everyone|well|adverbial particle|help||son|sentence-final particle
I hope you all, Zi Bu, will help my son well!
孫策 就 於是 叫 人 攞 個 大印 出 嚟 交 畀 孫權 。
Sun Ce|then|so|called|someone|to take|the|great seal|out|here|to hand over|to|Sun Quan
Sun Ce then called someone to take out the big seal and hand it over to Sun Quan.
如果 , 講到 率領 江東 嘅 兵馬 , 喺 兩 軍 對陣 之中 , 當機立斷 , 同 天下英雄 抗爭 , 你 唔 及 我 。
if|talking about|leading|Jiangdong|possessive particle|troops|at|two|armies|face-off|within|decisive action|with||struggle|you|not|match|me
If we talk about leading the troops of Jiangdong, in the midst of the two armies facing each other, making quick decisions and fighting against the heroes of the world, you cannot compare to me.
但 係 講到 善於 用人 , 發掘 大家 嘅 長處 , 使到 人人 都 各盡其 力 , 嚟 確保 江東 , 我 就 唔 及 你 咯 。
||when it comes to|good at|utilizing people|discovering|everyone|possessive particle|strengths|making|everyone|all|||to|ensure|Jiangdong|I|then|not|match|you|particle indicating finality
But when it comes to being good at using people, discovering everyone's strengths, and ensuring that everyone does their best to secure Jiangdong, I cannot compare to you.
唉 ! 希望 你 , 乃念 父兄 創業 咁 艱難 , 好 自為 之 呀 !
sigh|hope|you|should consider|father and brothers|starting a business|so|difficult|well|take care of oneself|of|particle
Alas! I hope you, remembering how difficult it was for your father and brothers to start their business, will take care of yourself!
孫權 一面 放聲大哭 , 一面 跪 喺 處 接 咗 個 大印 。
Sun Quan|while|cried loudly|while|knelt|at|place|received|past tense marker|the|great seal
Sun Quan cried loudly while kneeling to receive the great seal.
孫策 又 對 佢 母親 話 : 孩兒 天年 已經 盡 嘞 , 唔 能夠 侍奉 母親 喇 。
Sun Ce|again|to|his|mother|said|child|lifespan|already|ended|past tense marker|not|able to|serve|mother|sentence-final particle
Sun Ce also told his mother: The child's lifespan has already come to an end, and he can no longer serve his mother.
而家 , 將個 大印 交 咗 畀 細佬 , 望 母親 時常 教訓 佢 。
now||big stamp|to hand over|past tense marker|to|younger brother|to hope|mother|often|to scold|him
Now, I will pass the great seal to my younger brother, hoping that mother will often teach him.
唉 , 父兄 舊時 用 開 嘅 人 呀 , 千祈千祈 唔 好 怠慢 佢 哋 呀 !
sigh|father and brothers|in the past|used|to drive|possessive particle|person|sentence-final particle|absolutely|not|well|neglect|they|plural particle|
Alas, the people that our father and brothers used to rely on, please do not neglect them!
仔 , 仔呀 , 就 係 怕 你 細佬 年紀輕輕 , 擔唔 起 咁 重 嘅 責任 , 噉 點算 好 嘩 ?
child|oh child|||afraid|you|younger brother|at such a young age|||so|heavy||responsibility|then|what to do|good|exclamation particle
Son, son, I am just worried that your younger brother is too young to bear such a heavy responsibility, what should we do?
母親 你 放心 , 細 佬 嘅 才能 , 勝 孩兒 十倍 , 完全 可以 擔得 起 。
mother|you|don't worry|younger|brother|possessive particle|talent|surpass|child|ten times|completely|can||
Mother, don't worry, the little brother's abilities are ten times that of a child, he can definitely handle it.
日後 , 內部 嘅 事情 難以解決 , 可以 問張 昭 ; 外 便 嘅 事情 難以解決 , 可以 問 周瑜 。
in the future|internal|possessive particle|matters||can||Zhao|external|convenient|possessive particle|matters||can|ask|Zhou Yu
In the future, if there are internal matters that are difficult to resolve, you can ask Zhang Zhao; if there are external matters that are difficult to resolve, you can ask Zhou Yu.
唉 ! 唉 可惜 周瑜 唔 喺 度 , 我 唔 能夠 當面 囑咐 佢 呀 !
sigh||unfortunately|Zhou Yu|not|at|here|I|not|able to|in person|advise|him|sentence-final particle
Alas! Alas, it's a pity that Zhou Yu is not here, I can't give him instructions in person!
跟 住 , 孫策 又 叫 齊 啲 細佬妹 嚟 叮囑 佢 哋 話 : 我 死 咗 之後 , 你 哋 都 要 齊心合力 輔助 阿仲謀 啊 !
||Sun Ce|again|called|all|particle indicating plural|younger siblings|to come|instructed|they|plural pronoun|said|I|||after|you|plural pronoun|all|must|work together|assist|Zhou Yu|particle indicating exclamation
Then, Sun Ce called all the younger siblings to remind them: After I die, you all must work together to support Zhuge Liang!
宗族 裏 便 , 有 邊個 心懷 異志 嘅 , 你 哋 就 一齊 殺 咗 佢 !
clan|inside|then|have|anyone|harboring|ulterior motives|particle indicating possession|you|plural marker|then|together|kill|past tense marker|him
Within the clan, if anyone has ulterior motives, you all should kill him together!
我 哋 孫家 嘅 骨肉 , 如果 有人 做 叛逆 嘅 , 佢 死 後 , 唔 准入 祖墳 安葬 !
I|plural marker|Sun family|possessive particle|flesh and blood|if|someone|acts as|rebel|possessive particle|he|dies|after|not||ancestral grave|burial
We, the descendants of the Sun family, if anyone acts rebelliously, after their death, they are not allowed to be buried in the ancestral grave!
謹 遵 兄長 之命 !
respectfully|follow|elder brother|
I will strictly follow the elder brother's command!
孫策 又 叫 佢 妻子 喬 夫人 嚟 對 佢 話 : 我同 你 , 不幸 中途 分離 , 你 事 必要 孝順 母親 啊 !
Sun Ce|again|called|him|wife|Qiao|lady|to come|to|him|said||you|unfortunately|midway|separated|you|thing|necessary|to be filial to|mother|ah
Sun Ce also called his wife, Lady Qiao, to tell her: "You and I, unfortunately, have been separated midway; you must be filial to your mother!"
幾時 你 個妹 嚟 喇 , 你 就 叫 佢 轉告 周郎知 , 要 盡心盡力 輔助 我細 佬 , 唔 好 辜負 我 平日 對 佢 嘅 期望 啊 !
when|you||come|particle indicating completed action|you|then|tell|her|inform|Zhou Langzhi|must|wholeheartedly|assist||brother|||disappoint|my|usual|towards|her|possessive particle|expectations|particle for emphasis
Whenever your sister comes, you should tell her to inform Zhou Lang that she must do her utmost to assist my younger brother and not let down my expectations of him!
一 講完 , 雙眼 一合 埋 噉 就 逝世 嘞 。
one|finished speaking|both eyes|closed|together|like that|then|passed away|past tense particle
As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes closed and he passed away.
當時 呀 , 孫策 只有 二十六歲 。
at that time|particle|Sun Ce|was only|26 years old
At that time, Sun Ce was only twenty-six years old.
後 嚟 有 一首 詩 讚 佢 喎 , 首詩 係 噉 嘅 :
||has|a|poem|praising|him|sentence-final particle|this poem|is|like this|possessive particle
Later, there was a poem praising him, and the poem goes like this:
獨戰 東南 地 , 人稱 小霸王 。 運籌 如 虎踞 , 決策 似 鷹揚 。 威鎮 三江 靖 , 名聞 四海 香 。 臨終 遺 大事 , 專意屬 周郎 。
single combat|southeast|region|known as|little overlord|strategy|like|tiger's den|decision-making|like|eagle's flight|dominance|three rivers|pacification|fame|four seas|fragrant|at the end of life|leave behind|great matter|specifically intended for|Zhou Lang
Fighting alone in the southeast, he was known as the Little Overlord. Strategizing like a tiger perched, making decisions like an eagle soaring. He dominated the three rivers, his name fragrant across the four seas. Before his death, he entrusted great matters specifically to Zhou Lang.
孫策 一死 , 孫權 呀 喊 到 仆 喺 床 前 便 嚟 。
Sun Ce|died|Sun Quan|particle indicating exclamation|shout|until|fall|at|bed|in front of|then|come
When Sun Ce died, Sun Quan cried out and fell to the ground.
張昭 勸 佢 話 : 將軍 , 而家 唔 係 你 喊 嘅 時候 啊 。
Zhang Zhao|advised|him|said|General|now|not|is|you|crying|possessive particle|time|sentence-final particle
Zhang Zhao advised him, saying: General, this is not the time for you to cry.
應該 一便 辦 喪事 , 一便 治理 軍國大事 呀 !
should|at the same time|handle|funeral||govern|military and national affairs|particle indicating exclamation
One should handle the funeral affairs while also managing the military and national matters!
於是 孫權 就 抹 乾 眼淚 , 強忍 悲痛 。
then|Sun Quan|then|wipe|dry|tears|strongly suppress|sorrow
So, Sun Quan wiped away his tears and forced himself to endure the grief.
張昭 呢 , 就 分派 孫靜 嚟 負責 辦理 喪事 ; 同時 就 請 孫權 出堂 , 接受 眾位 文武 官員 嘅 朝賀 嘞 。
Zhang Zhao|question particle|then|assigned|Sun Jing|to|be responsible for|handling|funeral|at the same time|then|invite|Sun Quan|to appear in court|accept|all|civil and military|officials|possessive particle|court tribute|past action particle
Zhang Zhao then assigned Sun Jing to take charge of the funeral arrangements; at the same time, he invited Sun Quan to the hall to receive the morning greetings from the civil and military officials.
孫權 呀 , 生得 闊口 大面 , 碧眼 紫 鬚 , 相貌 奇偉 。
Sun Quan|particle indicating exclamation|born with|broad mouth|big face|blue eyes|purple|beard|appearance|extraordinary
Sun Quan, with a broad mouth and a big face, had blue eyes and a purple beard, and his appearance was remarkable.
當時 佢 接替 孫策 統治 江東 嘅 時候 , 先至 係 十八歲 咋 。
at that time|he|succeeded|Sun Ce|ruled|Jiangdong|possessive particle|time|only then|was|eighteen years old|only
At that time, when he took over the governance of Jiangdong from Sun Ce, he was only eighteen years old.
噉 孫權 呀 秉承 孫策 嘅 遺命 , 掌管 江東 。
then|Sun Quan|particle|upholding|Sun Ce|possessive particle|last will|governing|Jiangdong
So, Sun Quan, following Sun Ce's last wishes, took charge of Jiangdong.
一時 頭緒 紛紜 啊 唔 知點 先至 搞 得定 。
at the moment|clue|confused|ah|not|know how|only then||
At that time, everything was chaotic, and I didn't know how to sort it out.
呢 一日 , 周瑜 喺 巴丘 帶兵 返 嚟 嘞 。
this|day|Zhou Yu|at|Baqiu|led his troops|return|come|past action marker
One day, Zhou Yu returned with troops from Baqiu.
孫權 一聽 講話 周瑜 返 嚟 唄 , 佢 就 話 喇 : 公瑾 返 嚟 我 就 唔 使 憂 喇 。
Sun Quan|upon hearing|speak|Zhou Yu|return|come|particle indicating suggestion|he|then|said|particle indicating completed action|Gongjin (Zhou Yu's courtesy name)|return|come|I|then|not|need|worry|particle indicating completed action
As soon as Sun Quan heard that Zhou Yu was back, he said: 'With Gongjin back, I no longer have to worry.'
原來 周瑜 呢 , 就 一直 守衛 喺 巴丘 嚟 。
it turns out|Zhou Yu|question particle|then|always|guarding|at|Baqiu|here
It turns out that Zhou Yu had been stationed at Baqiu all along.
巴丘 呢 乃 係 , 東吳 嘅 重鎮 , 即 係 而家湖 南岳 陽啊 。
Baqiu|question particle|is|is|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|stronghold|that is|is||Nanyue|Yang
Bachau is a stronghold of Eastern Wu, which is now Hunan's Yang.
噉 周瑜 聽 聞孫策 中 箭 負傷 , 就 即刻 趕返 嚟 問候 㗎 喇 。
then|Zhou Yu|heard||hit|arrow|injured|then|immediately|rushed back|here|to inquire about|sentence-final particle|past action particle
When Zhou Yu heard that Sun Ce was injured by an arrow, he immediately rushed back to inquire.
點知 就 嚟 返到吳 郡 嘅 時候 , 就 得到 孫策 已經 死 咗 嘅 消息 , 所以 就 漏夜 趕返 嚟 奔喪 。
unexpectedly|then|come||county|possessive particle|time|then|received|Sun Ce|already|dead|past tense marker|possessive particle|news|so|then|overnight|rush back|come|attend the funeral
However, just as he was returning to Wu County, he received the news that Sun Ce had already died, so he hurried back overnight to mourn.
佢 入 到 靈堂 , 周瑜 點都 忍 唔 住 眼淚 喇 。
he|enter|到|funeral hall|Zhou Yu|no matter how||||tears|particle indicating completed action
When he entered the mourning hall, Zhou Yu couldn't hold back his tears.
跪 喺 孫策 嘅 棺材 前 便 叩 咗 幾個 頭 , 眼淚 啪啪 聲 咁 流 啊 十分 哀痛 。
kneel|at|Sun Ce|possessive particle|coffin|in front of|then|knock|past tense marker|several|heads|tears|sound of dripping|sound|so|flow|ah|very|grief
Kneeling in front of Sun Ce's coffin, he bowed several times, tears streaming down his face in deep sorrow.
吳太夫人 將 孫策 嘅 遺囑 講 畀 周瑜 聽 。
Lady Wu|will|Sun Ce|possessive particle|will|tell|to|Zhou Yu|hear
Lady Wu conveyed Sun Ce's will to Zhou Yu.
周瑜 跪低 對 吳太夫人 話 : 我 誓效 犬馬之力 , 到 死 方休 !
Zhou Yu|knelt down|to|Lady Wu|said|I|swear to serve|my utmost effort|until|death|rest
Zhou Yu knelt down and said to Lady Wu: I swear to serve with all my strength, until death!
過 咗 一陣 , 孫權 嚟 到 嘞 , 周瑜 拜見 咗 佢 之後 , 孫權 就 對 佢 話 :
after|past tense marker|a while|Sun Quan|||past tense marker|Zhou Yu|paid respects|past tense marker|he|after|Sun Quan|then|to|him|said
After a while, Sun Quan arrived, and after Zhou Yu paid his respects to him, Sun Quan said to him:
希望 你 唔 好 忘記 先兄 嘅 遺命 呀 !
hope|you|||forget|elder brother|possessive particle|last wish|sentence-final particle
I hope you do not forget the last wishes of your elder brother!
我願 肝腦塗地 , 報答 知己 之恩 !
|to sacrifice everything|to repay|close friend|
I am willing to sacrifice my life to repay the kindness of a true friend!
而家 , 我 繼承 父兄 嘅 事業 , 要 用 乜嘢 辦法 嚟 守住 佢 好 呢 ?
now|I|inherit|father and brothers|possessive particle|business|need|use|what|method|to|protect|it|well|question particle
Now, I inherit my brothers' business, what methods should I use to maintain it well?
自古 話 : 得人者昌 , 失人者亡 。
since ancient times|saying|those who gain people prosper|those who lose people perish
Since ancient times, it has been said: those who gain people prosper, those who lose people perish.
為 今之計 必須 要 有 一個 高明 遠見 嘅 人 嚟 輔助 將軍 你 , 噉 江東 嘅 大局 就 可以 定 嘞 。
for|current plan|must|to have|have|one|wise|far-sighted|possessive particle|person|to come|assist|general|you|then|Jiangdong|possessive particle|overall situation|then|can|settle|past action particle
For the current plan, it is necessary to have a wise and far-sighted person to assist you, General, then the overall situation in Jiangdong can be determined.
先兄 嘅 遺言 話 , 內部 嘅 事情 可以 委託 子布 , 外 便 嘅 事 就 全 靠 公 瑾 你 嘞 。
elder brother|possessive particle|last words|said|internal|possessive particle|matters|can|entrusted|Zibu|||possessive particle|matters|then|completely|rely on|public|Jin|you|past action particle
My elder brother's last words said that internal matters can be entrusted to Zibu, while external affairs rely entirely on you, Gongjin.
子布 係 個 賢達 之士 , 完全 可以 擔當 呢 個 重任 。
Zibu|is|a|wise|person|completely|can|take on|this|a|heavy responsibility
Zibu is a capable person and can fully take on this important responsibility.
不過 , 我 才疏學淺 , 恐怕 有負 期望 啊 。
but|I|lacking in talent and learning|I'm afraid||expectations|ah
However, I am inexperienced and shallow in knowledge, so I fear I may disappoint expectations.
因此 , 我 想 舉薦 一個 人 嚟 輔助 將軍 。
therefore|I|want|to recommend|one|person|to|assist|general
Therefore, I would like to recommend someone to assist the general.
邊個 呢 ?
who|question particle
Who is it?
呢 個人 , 姓魯名肅 , 字子敬 , 係 臨淮 東川 人 。
This person, surnamed Lu and named Su, courtesy name Zijing, is from Linhuai Dongchuan.
佢 胸懷 韜略 , 腹隱 機謀 , 軍事 上 嘅 素養 甚深 。
He|has a mind full of|strategy|hidden|cunning|military|in|possessive particle|literacy|very profound
He has great strategies in mind and hidden schemes in his belly, with profound military knowledge.
佢 年輕 嘅 時候 , 父親 就 死 咗 , 佢 對 母親 非常 之 孝順 嘅 。
he|young|possessive particle|time|father|then|die|past tense marker|he|towards|mother|very|particle indicating degree|filial piety|possessive particle
When he was young, his father passed away, and he was very filial to his mother.
佢 屋企 極之 富有 , 經常 周濟 窮人 。
He|family|extremely|wealthy|often|help|poor people
His family was extremely wealthy and often helped the poor.
以前 我 喺 居巢 帶兵 嘅 時候 , 有 一次 率領 幾百人 經過 臨淮 。
in the past|I|at|Ju Chao|led troops|possessive particle|time|had|one time|led|several hundred people|passed|Linhuai
In the past, when I was leading troops in the residence, there was an occasion when I led hundreds of people through Linhuai.
因為 缺糧 , 聽講 魯肅 屋企 有 兩倉 米 , 每倉 三千 石 , 所以 就 去 求 佢 幫助 啦 。
because|lack of grain|I heard|Lu Su|home|has|two granaries|rice|each granary|three thousand|picul|so|then|go|ask|him|help|sentence-final particle
Due to a shortage of grain, I heard that Lu Su had two granaries of rice at home, each with three thousand stones, so I went to ask him for help.
一開 聲唧 , 魯肅 就 送 咗 一倉 米 畀 我 , 由此可見 佢 慷慨 到 噉 。
as soon as|sound|Lu Su|then|sent|past tense marker|a warehouse|rice|to|me|from this it can be seen|he|generous|to|such
As soon as I opened my mouth, Lu Su sent me a granary of rice, which shows how generous he was.
佢 平生 喜愛 擊劍 騎馬 射箭 , 而 家 佢 住 喺 曲 阿 嚟 。
He|throughout his life|loves|fencing|horseback riding|archery|and|family|he|lives|in|Qu|a|village
He has loved fencing, horseback riding, and archery all his life, and now he lives in Qu A Lai.
最近 佢 祖母 逝世 , 佢 又 返 咗 去 東城 安葬 祖母 。
recently|he|grandmother|passed away|he|again|returned|past tense marker|to|East City|bury|grandmother
Recently, his grandmother passed away, and he returned to Dongcheng to bury her.
佢 有 個 朋友 叫做 劉子揚 , 聽講 佢 要約 魯肅 去 巢湖 , 投奔 鄭寶 噉 話 。
He|has|a|friend|named|Liu Ziyang|I heard|he|wants to invite|Lu Su|to go|Chao Lake|to seek refuge|Zheng Bao|like that|said
He has a friend named Liu Ziyang, and it is said that he wants to invite Lu Su to Chaohu to seek refuge with Zheng Bao.
但 係 魯肅 仲 喺 度 躊躇 緊未 決定 去 唔 去 , 請 將軍 快 啲 去 請 佢 嚟 。
||Lu Su|still|at|place|hesitating||decided|to go|not|go|please|general|||to go|invite|him|come
But Lu Su is still hesitating and has not decided whether to go or not, please ask the general to hurry and invite him.
孫權 聽 咗 好 歡喜 , 就 叫 周瑜 去 聘請 佢 。
Sun Quan|heard|past tense marker|very|happy|then|called|Zhou Yu|to|invite|him
Sun Quan was very pleased to hear this, so he asked Zhou Yu to invite him.
周瑜 就 親自 去 嘞 喎 , 見 咗 面 , 行過禮 。
Zhou Yu|then|personally|go|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|see|past tense marker|face|
Zhou Yu personally went to meet him, and they exchanged greetings.
周瑜 就 對 魯肅 講 , 話 孫權 對 佢 非常 之 仰慕 , 好 希望 佢 出 嚟 做事 噉 。
Zhou Yu|then|to|Lu Su|said|that|Sun Quan|to|him|very|particle indicating possession|admiration|very|hopes|he|come|out|to work|like this
Zhou Yu told Lu Su that Sun Quan greatly admired him and hoped he would come out to work.
魯肅 話 喇 : 最近 劉子揚 約 我 去 巢湖 , 我 好 快 就要 去 嘞 噃。
Lu Su|said|particle indicating completed action|recently|Liu Ziyang|invited|me|to go|Chaohu|I|very|soon||go|particle indicating completed action|
Lu Su said: Recently, Liu Ziyang invited me to Chaohu, and I will be going soon.
子敬兄 , 以前 馬 援 對 光武帝 講過 句 說話 好 有意思 。
Brother Zijing|previously|Ma|Yuan|to|Emperor Guangwu|said|a|statement|very|interesting
Brother Zijing, there was something very meaningful that Ma Yuan said to Emperor Guangwu before.
佢 話 : 當今 之世 , 非但 君擇 臣 , 臣亦擇 君 。
he|said|in today's|world|not only|the ruler chooses|the subject||the ruler
He said: In today's world, not only does the ruler choose his ministers, but the ministers also choose their ruler.
確係 要 選擇 啊 !
really|need to|choose|particle
Indeed, we have to make a choice!
而家 我 哋 孫將軍 對 各種 人才 嘅 愛護 同 敬重 , 係 世所 罕有 嘅 。
now|I|we|General Sun|towards|all kinds of|talents|possessive particle|care|and|respect|is|in the world|rare|possessive particle
Right now, General Sun's care and respect for various talents is rare in the world.
子敬兄 , 你 無謂 諗 咁 多 其他 嘅 地方 喇 , 就 係 同埋 我 去 投奔 東吳 就 啱 喇 。
Brother Zi Jing|you|unnecessary|think|||other|possessive particle|places|final particle|just|is|and|I|go|seek refuge|Eastern Wu|just|right|final particle
Brother Zijing, there's no need to think so much about other places, just going to join Eastern Wu is just right.
魯肅 呀 聽 佢 講 , 同 佢 一齊 去 見 孫權 。
Lu Su|ah|hear|he|talk|with|him|together|go|meet|Sun Quan
Lu Su, I heard him say, will go with him to meet Sun Quan.
孫權 對 佢 十分 敬重 啊 , 同 魯肅 談論 起 天下大事 呀 , 談足 一日 咁 長 都 唔 覺得 攰 㗎 。
Sun Quan|towards|him|very|respects|particle|and|Lu Su|discuss|about|matters of the world|particle|talk for|a whole day|so|long|all|not|feel|tired|particle
Sun Quan respects him greatly, discussing major affairs of the world with Lu Su, talking for a whole day without feeling tired.
呢 有 日 噃, 所有 啲 文武 官員 都 散 咗 嘞 , 孫權 就 留低 魯肅 喺 度 飲酒 。
this|has|day|particle indicating suggestion|all|plural marker|civil and military|officials|all|disperse|past tense marker|particle indicating completed action|Sun Quan|then|left|Lu Su|at|place|drinking
One day, all the civil and military officials had dispersed, and Sun Quan stayed behind with Lu Su to drink.
到 咗 夜晚 , 兩個 就 孖 鋪 同床 瞓 , 噉 啊 兩個 人 一直 傾到 半夜三更 。
By nightfall, the two of them shared a bed and talked until the early hours of the morning.
孫權 話 : 當前 , 漢室 傾危 四方 紛擾 。
Sun Quan|said|currently|Han dynasty|in danger of collapse|from all directions|turmoil
Sun Quan said: "Currently, the Han dynasty is in turmoil and facing threats from all sides."
我 繼承 咗 父兄 留落 嚟 嘅 事業 , 我 好 想 效法 齊桓公 、 晉文公 王霸之 業 。
I|inherited|past tense marker|father and brothers|left|to me|possessive particle||I|very|want|to emulate|Duke Huan of Qi|Duke Wen of Jin||achievements
I have inherited the legacy left by my father and brothers, and I really want to emulate the achievements of Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin.
請 先生 你 指教 下 我 點樣 做 至 好 呢 。
please|sir|you|advise|later|I|how|do|||question particle
Please, sir, advise me on how to proceed best.
將軍 , 以前 , 漢高祖 曾經 想用過 尊崇 義 帝 嘅 名義 , 嚟 到 擴充 自己 勢力 , 操縱 其他 嘅 諸侯 。
general|in the past|Emperor Gao of Han|once||to revere|||possessive particle|name|||expand|his own|power|manipulate|other|possessive particle|feudal lords
General, in the past, Emperor Gaozu of Han once tried to use the name of the revered Yi Emperor to expand his own power and manipulate other lords.
但 係 做 唔 到 啊 , 點解 呢 ?
|||||particle|why|question particle
But he couldn't do it, why?
因為 有個 項羽 喺 度 同 佢 爭 吖 嘛 。
because|there is|Xiang Yu|at|place|with|he|compete|particle|particle
Because there was a Xiang Yu competing with him.
噉 今日 呢 , 曹操 就 好比 項羽 , 噉 將軍 你仲有 咩 辦法 , 學得成 齊桓公 、 晉文公 呢 ?
then|today|question particle|Cao Cao|just|comparable to|Xiang Yu|then|general||what|method|able to learn|Duke Huan of Qi|Duke Wen of Jin|question particle
So today, Cao Cao is like Xiang Yu, what other methods do you have, General, to learn from Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin?
照 我 淺陋 嘅 睇 法 啊 , 漢室 係 不能 復興 ; 而 曹操 呢 , 亦 不能 一下 就 消滅 嘅 。
according to|I|shallow|possessive particle|||ah|Han dynasty|is|cannot|be revived|but|Cao Cao|question particle|also|cannot|in one go|then|be eliminated|possessive particle
In my humble opinion, the Han dynasty cannot be revived; and Cao Cao cannot be easily eliminated either.
以 將軍 嚟 講 , 最好 就 係 立足於 江東 , 睇 定 天下 事情 嘅 變化 。
in terms of|general|to|speak|best|then|is|based in|Jiangdong|observe|clearly|the world|matters|possessive particle|changes
To speak as a general, it is best to establish oneself in Jiangdong and observe the changes in the world.
當前 呢 , 趁住 北方 多事 , 出兵 去 剿滅 黃 祖 , 進攻 劉表 , 佔據 整個 長江流域 , 然後 建立 帝王 稱號 , 奪取 全 天下 !
currently|particle indicating a question|taking advantage of|North|troubled|send troops|to|exterminate|Huang|Zu|attack|Liu Biao|occupy|entire|Yangtze River basin|then|establish|emperor|title|seize|all|world
Currently, taking advantage of the troubles in the north, we should send troops to eliminate Huang Zu, attack Liu Biao, occupy the entire Yangtze River basin, and then establish an imperial title to seize the whole world!
呢 個 呀 , 乃 係 漢高祖 嘅 事業 啊 將軍 。
this|measure word|particle|indeed|is|Emperor Gaozu of Han|possessive particle|career|particle|general
This, indeed, is the undertaking of Han Gaozu, General.
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