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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 053

到 劉琦 啊 一味 𠼮 求 孔明 , 教個 計仔 畀 佢 。 孔明 啊點 都 唔 肯 , 又 話 要 告辭 走人 喇 噉 。 劉琦 就 話 喇生 唔 講就 係 啦 , 使 乜 走 咁 快 呢 ? 噉 孔明 又 只好 坐返 低 啦 。 劉琦 啊 出術 喇 , 佢 話 : 啊 係 喇 , 我 有 一 啲 古書 , 想 請 先生 你 睇 下 , 好 嘛 ? 於是 呢 就 帶 咗 孔明 上去 一個 樓仔 。 上 到 去 , 孔明 就 話 喇 : 啲 古書 喺 邊 處 呀 ? 劉琦 就 流住 眼淚 跪低 話 嘞 : 先生 , 繼母 唔 容得 我 , 我 嘅 性命 危在旦夕 。 唔 通 先生 真 係 咁 忍心 , 教個 辦法 救 我 都 唔 肯 咩 ? 孔明 唔 高興 , 板 起塊 面企 起身 , 想 落樓 。 嘿 , 唔 落得 樓 啊 , 點解 啊 ? 因為 上 落 嗰 埲 梯 呀 已經 拎 開 咗 喇 。 劉琦 就 話 喇 : 我 想 請 先生 教 我 一個 好 辦法 。 先生 你 係 怕 會 洩 露出 去 , 所以 唔 肯出 聲 啦 。 而家 , 上 不到 天下 不到 地 , 出君 之口入 我 之 耳 。 先生 你 噉 就 可以 教 我 啦 。 常言 話 疏不間親 , 我點 能夠 為 公子 策劃 呢 啲 事 呢 ? 唉 , 先生 , 你 終歸 唔 肯 指教 我 , 我 嘅 性命 保 唔 住 嘅 咯 , 我 不如 就 喺 先生 面前 死 咗 佢 罷 啦 。 劉琦 𠻘 聲 掹 出 把 劍 就 想 自刎 。 孔明 連忙 制止 佢 : 公子 唔 好 噉 , 公子 唔 好 噉 。 我 已經 有個 好 辦法 喇 。 劉琦 即刻 跪 喺 處 話 : 請 先生 講我 聽 。 公子 你 冇 聽講 過 關於 申生 、 重耳 嘅 事 咩 ? 申生 在內 而亡 , 重耳 在外 而安 。 黃 祖 最近 死 咗 , 江夏 缺 人 喺 度 鎮守 。 公子 你 點解 唔 向 令尊 講 一聲 話 自己 願意 去 守衛 江夏 呢 ? 噉 樣 , 就 可以 避禍 啦 嘛 。 啊 ! 多謝 先生 指教 ! 劉琦 拜謝 過 孔明 , 就 叫 人 擔梯 嚟 送 孔明 落樓 。 孔明 啊 辭別 咗 劉琦 就 返去 見到 劉備 。 將呢 件 事 嘅 經過 講 畀 劉備 聽 , 劉備 好 歡喜 啦 。 誒 喺 呢 處 啊 , 我 又 囉嗦 多 幾句 吓 。 剛才 孔明 講 : 申生 在內 而亡 , 重耳 在外 而安 啊 , 究竟 講 嘅 係 咩 事 啊 噉 。 申生 同 重耳 啊 , 佢 兩個 都 係 春秋 時候 , 晉國 嘅 君主 晉獻公 嘅 仔 嚟 。 晉獻公 呢 , 就 非常 寵愛 一個 妃 叫做 驪姬 。 驪姬 呢 又 生 咗 個 仔 叫做 奚齊 。 晉獻公 啊 , 就 想立 奚齊 做 太子 。 驪姬 就 成日 都 喺 獻 公 面前 , 講 申生 同 重耳 嘅 壞話 就 想 陷害 佢 哋 兩個 。 申生 就 唔 肯 逃亡 , 結果 就 被 逼 自殺 。 重耳 就 逃亡 咗 去 國外 , 收尾 呢 , 佢 卒 之 又 返回 晉國 , 做 咗 國君 , 就 係 晉文公 嘞 , 成為 春秋 時候 嘅 五霸 之一 。 噉 啊 申生 同 重耳 嘅 事 就 係 噉 喇 。 噉 啊 劉琦聽 咗 孔明教 佢 計 仔 之後 , 第二日 , 就 向 佢 父親 請求 去 守衛 江夏 。 劉表 啊 仲 係 有 啲 猶豫不定 , 就 請 劉備 嚟 一齊 商量 。 劉備 就 話 喇 : 江夏 重地 , 確實 係 需要 公子 親自 去 守衛 至 得 呀 。 搵 另外 個人 去 總 係 唔 夠 妥當 嘅 。 東南 便 嘅 事 , 就 由 兄長 你 父子 負責 , 西北 便 嘅 事 呢 , 我 可以 負責 。 劉表 話 : 最近 , 聽講 曹操 喺 鄴 郡 , 開闢 咗 個 玄武池 用 嚟 訓練 水軍 。 佢 係 必定 有 南征 嘅 意思 嘅 , 誒 不可不 防 啊 。 小弟 知道 , 兄長 不必 憂慮 。 噉 商量 妥當 之後 , 劉表 就 告辭 返去 新野 。 劉表 呢 , 就 命令 劉琦帶 三千 兵馬 去 江夏 鎮守 。 呢 啲 呢 , 就 暫時 放落 唔 講 。 而家 再 嚟 講返 下 曹操 。 喺 朝廷 上 啊 , 本來 係 有 三公 嘅 官職 , 太尉 、 司徒 、 司空 , 夾埋 就 稱做 三公 。 喺 東漢 時候 呢 , 乃 係 共同 負責 軍政 嘅 最高 長官 。 噉 而家 曹操 啊 , 佢 就 索性 撤銷 咗 三公 嘅 官職 , 自己 以 丞相 嘅 身份 兼 埋 佢 呢 個 職位 , 噉 啊 認真 係 大權獨攬 嘞 。 佢 仲 任用 咗 毛 玠 , 做東 曹 掾 , 崔琰 做 西 曹 掾 , 司馬懿 做 文學 掾 。 噉 呢 個 東 曹 掾 、 西 曹 掾 、 文學 掾 都 係 官名 嘞 。 司馬懿 啊 字仲達 , 係 河內 溫人 。 佢 祖父 係 潁川 太守 司馬雋 , 父親 呢 , 係 京兆尹 , 司馬 防 , 佢 阿哥 係 主簿 司馬 朗 。 司馬懿 係 個 非常 重要 重要 非常 嘅 人物 , 以後 呢 , 就 會 講到 佢 㗎 喇 。 嗱 大家 而家 就 記住 佢 個 名 先 吓 。 曹操 將 文官 嘅 任命 安排 妥帖 之後 , 又 召集 啲 武將 嚟 , 商議 南征 。 夏侯惇 又 向 曹操 建議 話 : 最近 聽講 , 劉備 喺 新野 每日 咁 操練 兵馬 , 日後 , 必定會 成為 禍患 , 要 及早 設法 對付 佢 至 好 啊 。 佢 呢 個 建議 合晒 曹操 嘅 心意 。 所以 曹操 就 任命 夏侯惇 做 都督 , 于禁 、 李典 、 夏侯蘭 、 韓浩 做 副將 , 帶 十萬 人馬 , 一直 開 到 博望城 , 準備 啊 , 向 駐 扎 喺 新野 嘅 劉備 發動 進攻 。 博望城 嘅 縣城 啊 , 就 即 係 喺 今日 河南省 南陽市 嘅 東北 便 嚟 。 噉 但 係 荀彧 就 唔 同意 嘞 佢 話 : 劉備 係 個 英雄 , 而家 更 兼有 咗 諸葛亮 嚟 做 佢 嘅 軍師 , 唔 好 輕敵 啊 丞相 。 夏侯惇 就 唔 高興 嘞 : 哼 ! 劉備 不過 係 區區 鼠輩 , 我非 活捉 佢 不可 ! 徐 庶 喺 旁邊 聽聽 下忍 唔 住 , 佢 對 夏侯惇 話 : 將軍 , 你 唔 好 睇 小 劉玄德 啊 , 而家 得到 諸葛亮 嚟 輔助 佢 , 簡直 係 如虎添翼 啊 ! 曹操 就問 嘞 : 諸葛亮 係 邊個 嚟 啊 ? 諸葛亮 字 孔明 , 道 號 臥龍 先生 。 佢 有 經天緯地 之才 , 出神入化 之計 , 確係 當代 嘅 奇才 , 千萬 唔 好 睇 小 佢 啊 。 噉 , 比起 你 嚟 點樣 呢 ? 我 邊度 敢 同 諸葛亮 嚟 比 吖 。 我 就 好比 螢火蟲 , 諸葛亮 , 乃 係 天上 一輪 明月 啊 。 徐庶 噉 樣一講 , 又 激 嬲 夏侯惇 嘞 噃, 佢 話 : 元直 , 你 呢 句 說話 唔 啱 , 照 我 睇 啊 , 諸葛亮 連 草芥 都 不如 啊 。 我 如果 一仗 唔 生擒 劉備 活捉 諸葛 , 我 情願 將 個人 頭割 落 嚟 獻 畀 丞相 。 曹操 話 : 好極 喇好極 喇 ! 我 等 住 你 嘅 捷報 。 夏侯惇 氣勢 昂昂 , 辭別 咗 曹操 , 帶兵 起程 喇 。 而家 再 返 轉頭 講下 劉備 。 佢 自從 得到 孔明 出 嚟 幫助 佢 , 佢 對 孔明 呀 係 極其 尊重 啊 , 直情 待 佢 好似 老師 一樣 噉 。 但 係 關羽 同 張飛 兩個 就 唔 服氣 喇 。 佢 哋 同 劉備 話 : 孔明 年紀輕輕 , 有 乜嘢 本事 呀 ! 大哥 , 你 噉 樣 待 佢 太 過份 嘞 。 而且 又 冇 見 過 佢 到底 有 乜嘢 真材實 學 啊 。 我 得到 孔明 , 就 好似 魚之得 水 啊 。 兩位 賢弟 , 以後 唔 好 再講 啲 噉 說話 喇 。 關羽 、 張飛 見到 噉 樣 , 亦 都 冇 再講 乜嘢 嘞 , 悶聲不響 噉 就 退返 出去 。 有 一日 , 有人 送 咗 啲 氂牛 尾 嚟 , 劉備 呢 ? 就 攞 嚟 自己 逳 手織 頂帽 。 誒 , 乜 劉備 會織 帽個 咩 ? 識 , 佢 年輕 嘅 時候 , 係 織席織 草鞋 賣 㗎 嘛 。 噉 佢 織 織 下 , 撞 啱 孔明 嚟 搵 佢 。 孔明 見到 佢 喺 度 織 帽 , 就 好 嚴肅 噉 對 佢 話 : 睇 個樣 , 明公 你 冇 乜嘢 大志 啦 。 得閒 織下帽 就算 喇 咩 ? 劉備 即刻 掉 低 頂 帽 喺 地 。 哦 , 我 不過 係 愛 嚟 解下 悶唧 , 先生 請 坐 。 坐落 之後 , 諸葛亮 就問 劉備 : 明公 , 你 自己 估計 一下 , 你 比起 曹操 嚟 點呢 ? 我 , 比 唔 上 佢 。 明 公 嘅 兵馬 不過 得 幾千人 。 萬一 曹操 嘅 兵馬 嚟 到 , 噉 點樣 抵擋 啊 ? 我 正 係 為 咗 呢 件 事 喺 度 擔憂 , 又 想 唔 出 好 嘅 辦法 。 我個 意思 就 請 主公 你 盡快 招募 一批 民兵 , 等 我 嚟 訓練 佢 哋 , 可以 抵擋 敵人 嘅 。 劉備 聽 孔明 嘅 說話 , 就 喺 新野縣 招募 咗 三千名 民兵 。 孔明 就 每日 親自 教練 , 操演 各種 陣法 。 過 咗 一段時間 , 有 一日 , 消息 傳 嚟 , 話 曹操 派 夏侯惇 帶領 十萬 人馬 , 殺 奔 新野 而來 喇 。 張飛 正 係 唂 住 成肚氣 㗎 , 一 聽到 呢 個 消息 就 同 關羽 扽 氣 嘞 喎 , 佢 話 : 呢 趟 , 派 孔明 去 迎敵 就 得 嘞 。 兩個 人 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 劉備 就 搵 咗 佢 哋 去 商量 。 劉備 話 嘞 : 夏侯惇 帶兵 嚟 到 嘞 , 點樣 迎敵 好 呢 ? 張飛 話 嘞 : 大哥 , 你 派 阿水 去 就 得 啦 嘛 。 水 ?嚱 邊個 係 阿水 啊 喂 ? 吖 , 張飛 都 幾識講 怪話 㗎 吓 。 劉備 唔 係 對 關羽 、 張飛 講過 , 話 佢 得 咗 諸葛亮 , 就 好似 魚之得 水 噉 。 所以 張飛 而家 就 話 喇 , 你 派 阿水 去 啦 , 就 即 係 話 你 派 孔明 去 啦 噉 。 劉備 好 聰明 嘅 , 一聽 就 明白 。 佢 話 : 定 計策 出 計謀 , 要 靠 孔明 , 講到 喺 戰場 奮勇 殺敵 , 噉 就要 靠 兩位 賢弟 咯 。 呢 啲 事點 能夠 推 畀 第二個 人 呢 ? 關羽 、 張飛 唔 出聲 , 行 咗 出去 , 噉 即 係 有 意見 啦 。 劉備 就 請 孔明 嚟 商量 嘞 。 孔明 話 : 我 就 係 怕關 、 張 兩位 唔 肯 聽 我 嘅 號令 。 主公 你 如果 想 我 嚟 指揮 作戰 , 噉 就 請 你將 寶劍 同 大印 交 畀 我 使用 啦 。 劉備 啊 真 係 將 寶劍 同 大印 交 咗 畀 孔明 。 呢 一日 , 孔明 就 召集 所有 個 將領 嚟 , 下達 作戰 命令 嘞 。 張飛 個心 當然 仲 係 唔 服 㗎 啦 。 佢 同 關羽 話 喇 : 二哥 , 我 哋 即 管去 聽 下 佢 點樣 落 命令 啦 , 睇 下 佢 點樣 調度 至 得 。 噉 佢 兩個 同埋 大家 一齊 去 嘞 。 好 喇 , 孔明 升堂 嘞 噃。 佢 坐 喺 主帥 嘅 位置 , 劉備 就 坐 喺 佢 旁邊 。 一班 將領 喺 兩 便 企 好 , 孔明 下令 喇 , 佢 話 : 博望城 嘅 左 便 有 座 山 , 叫做 豫山 ; 右 便 係 一片 樹林 , 叫做 安林 ; 呢 兩 笪 地方 都 可以 埋伏 兵馬 。 雲長 , 你 帶 一千 兵馬 去豫山 埋伏 。 等 曹兵 嚟 嘅 時候 , 就 放 佢 哋 過去 , 唔 好 抵擋 。 佢 哋 嘅 輜重 糧食 一定 喺 後 便 跟 住 嘅 , 你 只要 睇 見 南 便 燒起 大火 , 就 可以 全軍 出擊 , 順便 燒 咗 佢 哋 嘅 糧草 。 翼德 , 你 就 帶 一千 人馬 去安林 背後 嘅 山谷 裏 便 埋伏 。 一 望見 南便 起火 , 就 可以 出 嚟 , 去 博望城 原來 儲存 糧草 嗰 處 , 放火燒 咗 佢 。 關平 、 劉封 , 你 哋 帶 五百 兵馬 , 準備 好 引火 嘅 材料 , 去 博望坡 背後 兩便 等候 , 等到 初 更 兵 到 之後 就 放火 。 孔明 跟 住 又 命令 , 喺 樊城 調 趙雲 返 嚟 , 派 佢 打前鋒 , 只 准輸 , 不准 贏 。 然後 呢 , 佢 對 劉備 話 喇 : 主公 , 你 自己 帶 一支 部隊 作為 後備軍 。 大家 都 要 按照 計劃 行事 , 唔 好 失誤 啊 。 關羽 就問 嘞 : 我 哋 都 去 打仗 , 唔 知 軍師 你 有 乜嘢 事 做 呢 ? 孔明 就 回答 佢 話 : 我 只 係 坐守 縣城 啊 。 張飛 一聽 就 咔 咔聲 大笑 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我 哋 都 去 廝殺 , 你 啊 坐 喺 屋企 嚟 , 好 自 在 啊 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 孔明 話 : 寶劍 同 大印 都 喺 處 , 違抗命令 者 , 斬 ! 劉備 開聲 同 諸葛亮 撐腰 嘞 佢 話 : 你 哋 冇 聽過 咩 ? 運籌帷幄之中 , 決勝千里之外 吖 嘛 。 軍師 喺 處 計劃 好 嘞 , 就 可以 取得 作戰 嘅 勝利 。 兩位 賢弟 , 你 哋 唔 准 違抗命令 啊 。 張飛 見 大哥 出 嚟 幫住 孔明 唄 , 哼 噉 冷笑 一聲 , 就 同 關羽 行 咗 出去 。 關羽 對 張飛 話 喇 : 我 哋 睇 下 佢 嘅 計策 靈唔 靈先 , 然後 再 嚟 問 佢 都 未 遲 。 噉 兩個 人 就 按照 命令 帶兵 出發 。 唔 相信 諸葛亮 就 唔 止關 、 張 兩個 人 呀 , 其他 嘅 將領 亦 係 同樣 。 事關 呢 個 軍師 係 新 嚟 嘅 , 從來未 見 過 佢 嘅 真本事 。 命令 係 接 咗 喇 , 之 難免 滿腹 猜疑 啊 。 孔明 就 對 劉備 話 : 主公 你 今日 就 可以 帶兵 去 博望 山下 便 駐 扎 。 聽日 黃昏 嘅 時候 , 敵軍 一定 嚟 到 㗎 喇 。 到 其時 , 主公 你 就連 軍營 都 唔 好 要 嘞 , 掉 低 就 逃走 。 等到 睇 見 起火 喇 , 就 回過 頭 嚟 反攻 。 我 啊 同 糜竺 、 糜芳 帶 五百 人馬 守住 縣城 。 另外 , 我會 叫 孫乾同 簡雍 準備 定 慶功 嘅 酒席 , 安排 好 功勞簿 等 住 你 哋 得勝 歸來 啊 。 孔明 樣樣 都 分派 好 嘞 , 劉備 雖然 表面 上 好 鎮定 啊 , 其實 個心 呢 , 亦 有 啲 顧慮 㗎 , 事關 唔 知 到底 得 唔 得 嘅 嘛 。 而家 講下 夏侯惇 同于 禁 啊 , 帶領 人馬 就 嚟 到 博望 。 分出 一半 嘅 精銳部隊 作為 前鋒 , 其餘 嘅 , 就 喺 後 便 保護 糧車 。 呢 個 時候 正 係 秋天 啊 , 啲 西風 呼呼 噉 , 慢慢 吹起 。 佢 哋 嘅 人馬 正在 趕路 , 忽然 見到 前面 飛一浸 煙塵 。 夏侯惇 就立 即將 人馬 擺開 , 問 嗰 個 響導 官話 : 而家 , 我 哋 嚟 到 咩 嘢 地方 ? 稟告 將軍 , 前 便 就 係 博望坡 , 後 便 係 羅川 口 啊 。 夏侯惇 就 命令 于禁 、 李典 壓住 陣腳 。 自己 就 騎馬 去 到 陣前 觀察 。 佢 遠遠 望見 有 一隊 人馬 嚟 到 , 突然 間 , 佢 放聲 大笑 起 嚟 喎 。 旁邊 啲 人 就 問喇 : 將軍 , 你 笑 咩 嘢 啊 ? 夏侯惇 話 : 我 笑 徐元直 啊 , 佢 喺 丞相 面前 , 將 諸葛亮 誇獎 到 好似 神仙 咁 本事 。 嘿嘿 , 而家 睇 下 , 原來 佢 係 噉 樣 用兵 嘅 。 你 哋 睇 , 韞 一批 噉 嘅 兵馬 嚟 打前鋒 , 同 我 嚟 對敵 , 簡直 就 好似 趕住 一群 綿羊 嚟 同 老虎 打 噉 啊 。 哈哈哈哈 , 我 喺 丞相 面前 曾經 誇過 口 , 要 活捉 劉備 、 諸葛亮 。 呢 次 呀 , 我 嘅 說話 應晒 喇 。 講完 , 夏侯惇 就 縱 馬向前 。 劉備 呢 便 係 邊個 呢 ? 係 趙雲 出馬 。 兩 軍 相遇 , 夏侯惇 破口大罵 : 吖 呀 呸 ! 你 哋 跟 住 劉備 啊 , 直情 就 好似 孤魂 跟 住 野鬼 一樣 啊 ! 趙雲 聽到 嬲 到 極喇 , 拍馬 上前 同 夏侯惇 交手 。 打 咗 冇 幾個 回合 , 趙雲 詐敗 走 嘞 喎 。 夏侯惇 喺 後 便 猛追 過去 。 追 咗 約莫 十幾 里路 , 趙雲 回過 馬 嚟 又 同 夏侯惇 打 過 。 哈 , 冇 打 咗 幾個 回合 又 走 。 呢 個 時候 , 跟 住 夏侯惇 後 便 嘅 韓 浩 啊 見到 情形 可疑 , 即刻 拍馬 趕上 嚟 對 夏侯惇 話 : 趙雲 係 引 我 哋 㗎 咋 , 前 便 恐怕 會 有 埋伏 呀 。 唓! 噉 樣 嘅 敵軍 , 就算 佢 十面埋伏 我 都 唔 怕 佢 啊 。 夏侯惇 唔 聽 韓浩講 , 一直 追過去 , 追 到 博望 波 。 突然 之間 , 轟 噉 一聲 炮響 , 劉備 親自 帶住 人馬 衝 咗 出 嚟 , 接應 趙雲 。 夏侯惇 擰 轉頭 笑 住 對 韓浩話 : 哈哈 , 呢 啲 啊 就 係 所謂 埋伏 喇 。 哼 ! 我 今晚 唔 殺 到 新野 決不 收兵 。 於是 催促 軍馬 , 繼續前進 。 劉備 、 趙雲 見 佢 追 嚟 , 啱 嘞 , 撥轉 馬頭 退後 就 走 。 呢 個 時候 , 天色 已經 黑 嘞 , 濃雲密佈 , 又 冇 到 月色 。 今日 日頭 嘅 時候 呢 已經 起風 , 到 咗 夜晚 呀 啲 風 就 更 大 。 之 夏侯惇 冇 理 咁 多 , 只 係 顧住 催促 啲 軍馬 趕殺 前去 。 于 禁同 李典 兩個 呢 , 一直 追到 一 笪 非常 狹窄 嘅 地段 。 兩便 都 係 蘆葦 。 李典 有 啲 醒 水 喇 , 佢 對 于 禁 話 : 輕敵 者 必敗 呀 。 你 睇 , 南 便 嘅 路 咁 窄 , 又 山 又 河 挾住 晒 , 四便 都 係 樹木 。 如果 佢 哋 用 火攻 , 噉 點算 啊 ? 于 禁話 喇 : 講得 啱 , 等 我 追上去 同 都督 講 一聲 , 你 去 叫 後 便 嘅 部隊 停住 先 啦 。 李典 即刻 勒轉 隻 馬 大聲 噉 命令 : 後 便 嘅 隊伍 唔 好行 喇 。 後 便 嘅 隊伍 唔 好行 喇 ! 哈哈 , 唔 得 啊 。 咁 大 一支 部隊 揈揈 聲 衝 住 上 嚟 , 又 邊度 停得 住 腳 吖 ? 而家 講下 夏侯惇 啊 , 佢 正 喺 度 行 緊 , 見到 于禁 騎住 馬 喺 後 便 追 住 上 嚟 大聲 噉 嗌: 前軍 都督 先 等一等 ! 夏侯惇 噉 就勒定 馬 。 等于 禁 嚟 到 就 問 佢 咩 嘢 事 。 于 禁話 : 南 便 嘅 路 好 窄 , 又 山 又 河 噉 挾到 實 , 四面 都 係 樹木 , 要 提防 火攻 啊 ! 夏侯惇 一聽 , 猛然 醒 唔 過 嚟 , 立即 拉 轉馬 頭 , 下令 停止 前進 。 嘿 ! 不過 遲咯 。 佢 話 未 完 啊 , 就 聽見 背後 吶喊聲 震天動地 。 一睇 , 嘩 嗨 ! 一片 大火 已經 含 含聲 燒起 上 嚟 喇 。 好 快脆 , 兩便 啲 蘆葦 亦 都 燒着 晒 。 霎時之間 , 四面八方 都 係 火 。 又 遇 着 大風 , 正 所謂 風助 火勢 又 火仗 風威 呀 , 越燒 越 猛 。 曹 軍 嘅 人馬 當堂 亂 晒 大龍 , 互相 踐踏 , 死 咗 都 唔 知 幾多 。 呢 個 時候 , 趙雲 就 乘機 帶住 隊伍 殺返 轉頭 。 夏侯惇 就 冒煙 突火衝 咗 出去 , 搏命 咁 走 。 李典 呢 , 佢 一 睇 形勢 不妙 , 趕緊 回馬想 趯 返去 博望城 。 只見 喺 火光 之中 , 突然 殺出 一支 軍馬 。 當頭 一員大將 乃 係 關雲長 啊 ! 哎呀 ! 弊 ! 李典 混戰 一輪 , 奪路 而 走 。 于禁 睇 見 運 糧草 嗰 啲 車輛 啊 都 畀 火燒 晒 喇 , 就 混 小路 逃命 走 咗 。 夏侯蘭 同 韓浩 呢 , 就 想 嚟 救 啲 糧草 , 點知 又 撞 正 張飛 呢 個 殺星 。 打 咗 冇 幾個 回合 唧 , 張飛 一槍 就 刺死 咗 夏侯蘭 。 韓浩搏命 噉 衝開 條 血路 走 甩 咗 。 呢 場仗 呀 , 一直 殺到 天光 噉 先至 結束 , 真 係 殺 得 屍橫遍野 就 血流成河 。 夏侯惇 收拾 啲 殘兵敗將 就 趯 咗 返去 許昌 。 呢 場仗 打得 威風 啊 , 收尾 有人 寫 咗 首 詩 讚 諸葛亮 , 首詩 係 噉 嘅 : 博望 相持 用 火攻 , 指揮 如意 笑談 中 。 直須 驚破 曹公膽 , 初出茅廬 第一 功 ! 噉 諸葛亮 打贏 咗 仗 就 下令 收兵 啦 。 關羽 同 張飛 呢 一陣 呀 真真正正 佩服 孔明 嘅 指揮 喇 。 佢 哋 都 話 : 孔明 呀 , 真 係 英明 傑出 啊 ! 行 咗 冇 幾遠 , 就 見到 糜竺 、 糜芳 啊 帶 住 一隊 人馬 , 簇擁 住 一架 小車 , 車上 便 , 孔明 端端正正 噉 坐 喺 度 。 關羽 、 張飛 一 見到 呀 , 立即 落馬 , 行到 個車 前面 跪低 , 叩頭 行禮 啊 。 冇 幾耐 , 劉備 、 趙雲 、 劉封 、 關平 等等 都 嚟 到 嘞 。 孔明 就 下令 集合 好 軍隊 , 將 繳獲 嘅 糧食 物資 , 分賞 畀 啲 將士 , 然後 就 班師 返去 新野 。 一路上 呀 , 新野 嘅 老百姓 都 喺 路邊 叩頭 行禮 , 歡迎 呢 一支 得勝 歸來 嘅 隊伍 啊 。 啲 老百姓 都 話 : 如果 唔 係 劉使君 請 咗 呢 位 咁 有才幹 嘅 軍師 返 嚟 呀 , 哎 , 我 哋 啲 老百姓 都 冇 命 喇 。 噉 劉備 佢 哋 返 到 新野 之後 呢 , 有 一日 , 孔明 就 對 劉備 話 : 呢 次 夏侯惇 雖然 失敗 走 咗 , 但 係 曹操 必定會 親自 帶 大軍 嚟 㗎 。 劉備 就 話 喇 : 誒 噉 點算 呢 ? 新野 係 小小 一個 縣 , 住 唔 長久 嘅 。 近來 聽聞 劉景升 病到 就 快 死 喇 。 主公 可以 趁 呢 個 機會 ,攞 咗 佢 嘅 荊州 作為 安身之地 , 噉 就 可以 抵禦 曹操 嘅 進攻 。 先生 你 嘅 意見 係 啱 嘅 , 但 係 , 景升 對 我 有 恩 呀 , 我 又點 忍心 去 攞 佢 嘅 地方 呢 ? 主公 , 而家 唔 攞 就 後悔莫及 喇 。 我 寧可 死 , 都 唔 願 做 啲 不仁不義 嘅 事 啊 。 噉 , 就 唯有 以後 再 商量 啦 。 喺 呢 個 時候 呀 , 孔明 都 仲 冇 辦法 勸 得 逳 劉備 啊 。 噉 啊 劉備 呢 便 啲 事 呢 , 暫時 放落 唔 講住 。 而家 講返 夏侯惇 , 佢 打 咗 敗仗 返去 許昌 , 將 自己 用繩 綁 起 嚟 去 見 曹操 , 跪 喺 地下 請求 處分 。 但 係 曹操 冇 懲辦 佢 , 叫 人 解開 佢 啲 繩 , 問 清楚 佢 戰敗 嘅 經過 。 曹操 就 話 喇 : 你 自細 就 帶兵 , 唔 通仲 唔 知道 , 狹窄 嘅 地方 要 提防 火攻 咩 ? 係 , 李典 、 于禁 都 曾經 同 我 講過 , 而家 , 後悔 都 嚟 唔 切 咯 。 於是 曹操 就 賞賜 李典 、 于禁 呢 兩個 人 。 夏侯惇 又 對 曹操 話 : 劉備 咁 猖狂 真 係 心腹大患 。 丞相 , 應該 想 辦法 早 啲 剷除 咗 佢 。 曹操 話 嘞 : 我個 心所 顧慮 嘅 呢 , 亦 都 就 係 劉備 同 孫權 唧 , 其餘 啲 人 都 不必 介意 嘅 。 冇 錯 , 係 應該 趁 呢 個 時候 掃平 江南 喇 ! 好 快脆 , 曹操 就 決定 咗 南征 嘅 計劃 。 佢 下令 出動 五十萬 大軍 : 命令 曹仁 、 曹洪 , 率領 第一隊 ; 張 遼 、 張 郃 率領 第二隊 ; 夏侯淵 、 夏侯惇 率領 第三隊 ; 于禁 、 李典 率領 第四隊 ; 曹操 自己 呢 , 就 帶 住 所有 其他 嘅 將官 做 第五隊 ; 每隊 都 各 帶兵 十萬人 。 又 派許 褚 做 折衝 將軍 , 帶 三千 人馬 做 先鋒 , 就 選定 咗 建安 十三年 , 即 係 , 公元 二零 八年 嘅 秋天 , 七月 丙 五日 出師 。 太中 大夫 孔融 呢 就 反對 曹操 呢 個 軍事行動 嘅 。 呢 一日 , 佢 勸 曹操 話 嘞 : 丞相 , 劉備 、 劉表 , 兩位 都 係 漢室 宗親 , 唔 好 隨便 去 攻打 佢 哋 。 孫權 虎踞 六郡 , 而且 有 長江 天險 , 亦 唔 容易 打 嘅 。 而家 丞相 出兵 南征 , 但 係 無義之 師 恐怕 有失 天下 之 希望 啊 ! 曹操 嬲 : 哼 ! 劉備 、 劉表 、 孫權 , 都 係 叛逆 之臣 , 唔 去 討伐 佢 哋 點得 啊 ! 不准 多講 , 你 出去 ! 以後 仲 有人 敢 反對 嘅 , 斬 !

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到 劉琦 啊 一味 𠼮 求 孔明 , 教個 計仔 畀 佢 。 to|Liu Qi|ah|persistently|to|seek|Kongming||little plan|to|him Liu Qi kept asking Kongming for advice. 孔明 啊點 都 唔 肯 , 又 話 要 告辭 走人 喇 噉 。 Kongming|how come|all|not|willing|again|said|wants|to take leave|leave|particle indicating completed action|like this Kongming was unwilling and said he wanted to take his leave. 劉琦 就 話 喇生 唔 講就 係 啦 , 使 乜 走 咁 快 呢 ? Liu Chi|then|said|La Sheng|not|if he speaks|is|particle|need|what|run|so|fast|question particle Liu Qi then said, 'If you don't speak, then why leave so quickly?' 噉 孔明 又 只好 坐返 低 啦 。 then|Kongming|again|had no choice but to|sit back|down|sentence-final particle So Kongming had no choice but to sit back down. 劉琦 啊 出術 喇 , 佢 話 : 啊 係 喇 , 我 有 一 啲 古書 , 想 請 先生 你 睇 下 , 好 嘛 ? Liu Qi|ah|perform surgery|particle indicating completed action|he|said|ah|yes|particle indicating completed action|I|have|one|some|ancient books|want|please|sir|you|read|a little|good|question particle Liu Qi then said, 'Oh, I have some ancient books, would you like to take a look, sir?' 於是 呢 就 帶 咗 孔明 上去 一個 樓仔 。 so|this|then|took|past tense marker|Kongming|up|a|small building So, he took Kongming up to a small building. 上 到 去 , 孔明 就 話 喇 : 啲 古書 喺 邊 處 呀 ? |||Kongming|then|said|particle indicating completed action|some|ancient books|at|||question particle When they got there, Kongming asked: Where are the ancient books? 劉琦 就 流住 眼淚 跪低 話 嘞 : Liu Qi|then|flowing|tears|knelt down|said|past tense marker Liu Qi, with tears streaming down his face, knelt down and said: 先生 , 繼母 唔 容得 我 , 我 嘅 性命 危在旦夕 。 sir|stepmother|not|allow|me|||life|in imminent danger Sir, my stepmother does not allow me, my life is in imminent danger. 唔 通 先生 真 係 咁 忍心 , 教個 辦法 救 我 都 唔 肯 咩 ? not|||||||||||||willing|question particle Is it possible that you are really so heartless, that you won't even teach me a way to save myself? 孔明 唔 高興 , 板 起塊 面企 起身 , 想 落樓 。 Kong Ming|not|happy|slap|||get up|want|go downstairs Kong Ming is not happy, he straightens his face and stands up, wanting to go downstairs. 嘿 , 唔 落得 樓 啊 , 點解 啊 ? hey|not|able to go down|building|question particle|why|question particle Hey, you can't go downstairs, why not? 因為 上 落 嗰 埲 梯 呀 已經 拎 開 咗 喇 。 because|up|down|that|floor|elevator|sentence final particle|already|take|open|past tense marker|sentence final particle Because the stairs have already been taken away. 劉琦 就 話 喇 : 我 想 請 先生 教 我 一個 好 辦法 。 Liu Qi|then|said|particle indicating completed action|I|want|to invite|Mr|to teach|me|one|good|method Liu Qi then said: I want to ask you, sir, to teach me a good method. 先生 你 係 怕 會 洩 露出 去 , 所以 唔 肯出 聲 啦 。 sir|you|are|afraid|will|||go|so|not|||particle Sir, you are afraid it will be revealed, so you don't want to speak. 而家 , 上 不到 天下 不到 地 , 出君 之口入 我 之 耳 。 now|up|not able to|||ground|||I|possessive particle|ear Now, I can't reach the heavens or the earth, whatever comes out of your mouth goes into my ears. 先生 你 噉 就 可以 教 我 啦 。 sir|you|like this|then|can|teach|me|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Sir, you can teach me like this. 常言 話 疏不間親 , 我點 能夠 為 公子 策劃 呢 啲 事 呢 ? common saying|says|distance does not hinder close relationships||can|for|young master|plan|these|things|matters|question particle As the saying goes, distance does not hinder kinship, how can I plan these matters for you, young master? 唉 , 先生 , 你 終歸 唔 肯 指教 我 , 我 嘅 性命 保 唔 住 嘅 咯 , 我 不如 就 喺 先生 面前 死 咗 佢 罷 啦 。 sigh|sir|you|ultimately|not|willing|to instruct|I|I|||||||||might as well|then|in|sir|front of|die|past tense marker|he|give up|final particle Alas, sir, you ultimately refuse to guide me, I can't protect my life, I might as well die in front of you. 劉琦 𠻘 聲 掹 出 把 劍 就 想 自刎 。 Liu Qi|suddenly|sound|drew|out|measure word for weapons|sword|then|wanted|to commit suicide Liu Qi suddenly drew his sword and wanted to commit suicide. 孔明 連忙 制止 佢 : 公子 唔 好 噉 , 公子 唔 好 噉 。 Kongming|hurriedly|stopped|him|young master|||like that|||| Kong Ming quickly stopped him: "Young master, don't do that, young master, don't do that." 我 已經 有個 好 辦法 喇 。 I|already||good|method|particle indicating completed action I already have a good plan. 劉琦 即刻 跪 喺 處 話 : 請 先生 講我 聽 。 Liu Qi|immediately|kneel|at|place|said|please|sir||hear Liu Qi immediately knelt down and said: "Please tell me, sir." 公子 你 冇 聽講 過 關於 申生 、 重耳 嘅 事 咩 ? young master|you|not|heard|past tense marker|about|Shen Sheng|Chong Er|possessive particle|matter|question particle Young master, haven't you heard about Shen Sheng and Chong Er? 申生 在內 而亡 , 重耳 在外 而安 。 Shen Sheng|||Chong Er|| Shen Sheng perished within, while Chong Er was safe outside. 黃 祖 最近 死 咗 , 江夏 缺 人 喺 度 鎮守 。 Wong|ancestor|recently|died|past tense marker|Jiangxia|lack|people|at|place|stationed Wong Cho recently passed away, and there is a lack of people to guard Jiangxia. 公子 你 點解 唔 向 令尊 講 一聲 話 自己 願意 去 守衛 江夏 呢 ? young master|you|why|not|to|your father|tell|a word|that|oneself|willing|to|guard|Jiangxia|question particle Young master, why don't you tell your father that you are willing to guard Jiangxia? 噉 樣 , 就 可以 避禍 啦 嘛 。 like this|way|then|can|avoid disaster|particle|particle That way, you can avoid disaster. 啊 ! 多謝 先生 指教 ! ah|thank you|sir|guidance Ah! Thank you, sir, for your advice! 劉琦 拜謝 過 孔明 , 就 叫 人 擔梯 嚟 送 孔明 落樓 。 Liu Qi|thanked|after|Kong Ming|then|called|someone||here|help|Kong Ming|down the stairs Liu Qi thanked Kong Ming, and then asked someone to bring a ladder to help Kong Ming down the stairs. 孔明 啊 辭別 咗 劉琦 就 返去 見到 劉備 。 Kongming|ah|farewell|past tense marker|Liu Qi|then|returned|saw|Liu Bei Kongming said goodbye to Liu Qi and then went to see Liu Bei. 將呢 件 事 嘅 經過 講 畀 劉備 聽 , 劉備 好 歡喜 啦 。 |measure word for events|matter|possessive particle|process|to speak|to|Liu Bei|to hear|Liu Bei|very|happy|sentence-final particle He told Liu Bei about what happened, and Liu Bei was very happy. 誒 喺 呢 處 啊 , 我 又 囉嗦 多 幾句 吓 。 hey|at|this|place|particle|I|again|nagged|more|a few sentences|particle Hey, at this point, let me elaborate a bit more. 剛才 孔明 講 : 申生 在內 而亡 , 重耳 在外 而安 啊 , 究竟 講 嘅 係 咩 事 啊 噉 。 just now|Kongming|said|Shensheng|||Chong'er|||ah|after all|talking|possessive particle|is|what|matter|ah|like this Just now, Kongming mentioned: 'Shen Sheng perished within, while Chong Er found peace outside.' What exactly does that refer to? 申生 同 重耳 啊 , 佢 兩個 都 係 春秋 時候 , 晉國 嘅 君主 晉獻公 嘅 仔 嚟 。 Shen Sheng|and|Chong Er|ah|they|both|all|are|Spring and Autumn|period|Jin state|possessive particle|ruler|Duke Xian of Jin|possessive particle|son|come Shen Sheng and Chong Er, both of them were sons of Jin Xian Gong, the ruler of the Jin state during the Spring and Autumn period. 晉獻公 呢 , 就 非常 寵愛 一個 妃 叫做 驪姬 。 Duke Xian of Jin|this|then|very|favored|one|concubine|named|Li Ji Duke Xian of Jin was very fond of a concubine named Li Ji. 驪姬 呢 又 生 咗 個 仔 叫做 奚齊 。 Li Ji|this|again|gave birth|past tense marker|measure word|son|named|Xi Qi Li Ji gave birth to a son named Xi Qi. 晉獻公 啊 , 就 想立 奚齊 做 太子 。 Duke Xian of Jin|ah|then|wanted to establish|Xi Qi|as|crown prince Duke Xian of Jin wanted to establish Xi Qi as the crown prince. 驪姬 就 成日 都 喺 獻 公 面前 , 講 申生 同 重耳 嘅 壞話 就 想 陷害 佢 哋 兩個 。 Li Ji|then|all day|all|at|Xian|Gong|in front of|talking|Shen Sheng|and|Chong Er|possessive particle|bad words|just|want|frame|them|plural marker|two Li Ji often spoke ill of Shen Sheng and Chong Er in front of the Duke, trying to frame them. 申生 就 唔 肯 逃亡 , 結果 就 被 逼 自殺 。 Shen Sheng|then|not|willing|escape|as a result|then|by|forced|suicide Shen Sheng refused to flee, and as a result, he was forced to commit suicide. 重耳 就 逃亡 咗 去 國外 , 收尾 呢 , 佢 卒 之 又 返回 晉國 , 做 咗 國君 , 就 係 晉文公 嘞 , 成為 春秋 時候 嘅 五霸 之一 。 Chong'er|then|fled|past tense marker|to|abroad|in the end|question particle|he|finally|possessive particle|again|returned|Jin state|became|past tense marker|king|then|is|Duke Wen of Jin|sentence-final particle|became|Spring and Autumn|period|possessive particle|five hegemons|one of Chong Er fled to a foreign country, and in the end, he returned to the Jin state after his death, becoming the ruler, known as Duke Wen of Jin, and became one of the Five Hegemons during the Spring and Autumn period. 噉 啊 申生 同 重耳 嘅 事 就 係 噉 喇 。 like this|ah|Shen Sheng|and|Chong Er|possessive particle|matter|just|is|like this|final particle So, that's the story of Shen Sheng and Chong Er. 噉 啊 劉琦聽 咗 孔明教 佢 計 仔 之後 , 第二日 , 就 向 佢 父親 請求 去 守衛 江夏 。 then|ah||past tense marker||he|calculate|son|after|the next day|then|towards|his|father|requested|to go|guard|Jiangxia After Liu Qi listened to Kong Ming's advice on how to manage his son, the next day, he asked his father for permission to guard Jiangxia. 劉表 啊 仲 係 有 啲 猶豫不定 , 就 請 劉備 嚟 一齊 商量 。 Liu Biao|ah|still|is|have|a little|indecisive|then|invite|Liu Bei|come|together|discuss Liu Biao was still a bit hesitant, so he invited Liu Bei to discuss it together. 劉備 就 話 喇 : 江夏 重地 , 確實 係 需要 公子 親自 去 守衛 至 得 呀 。 Liu Bei|then|said|particle indicating completion|Jiangxia|important territory|indeed|is|needs|young master|personally|to go|guard|until|successful|particle indicating affirmation Liu Bei said: Jiangxia is a crucial area, and it really requires the young master to personally guard it. 搵 另外 個人 去 總 係 唔 夠 妥當 嘅 。 find|another|person|go|always|is|not|sufficient|appropriate|particle Finding another person is always not appropriate. 東南 便 嘅 事 , 就 由 兄長 你 父子 負責 , 西北 便 嘅 事 呢 , 我 可以 負責 。 Southeast|regarding|possessive particle|matters|then|by|elder brother|you|father and son|responsible|Northwest|regarding||matters|question particle|I|can|responsible As for the matters in the southeast, you and your father will be responsible, and for the northwest, I can take charge. 劉表 話 : 最近 , 聽講 曹操 喺 鄴 郡 , 開闢 咗 個 玄武池 用 嚟 訓練 水軍 。 Liu Biao|said|recently|heard|Cao Cao|at|Ye|commandery|opened|past tense marker|classifier|Xuanwu Pool|used|to|train|navy Liu Biao said: Recently, I heard that Cao Cao has opened a Xuanwu Pool in Ye County for training the navy. 佢 係 必定 有 南征 嘅 意思 嘅 , 誒 不可不 防 啊 。 he|is|definitely|has|southern expedition|possessive particle|meaning|possessive particle|ah|must not|guard against|ah He definitely has intentions of a southern expedition, so we must be on guard. 小弟 知道 , 兄長 不必 憂慮 。 younger brother|knows|older brother|no need to|worry I understand, brother, you don't need to worry. 噉 商量 妥當 之後 , 劉表 就 告辭 返去 新野 。 then|discuss|properly|after|Liu Biao|then|took his leave|returned to|Xinye After discussing and coming to an agreement, Liu Biao took his leave and returned to Xinye. 劉表 呢 , 就 命令 劉琦帶 三千 兵馬 去 江夏 鎮守 。 Liu Biao|this|then|ordered||three thousand|troops|to|Jiangxia|garrison Liu Biao then ordered Liu Qi to take three thousand troops to garrison Jiangxia. 呢 啲 呢 , 就 暫時 放落 唔 講 。 question particle|||then|temporarily|put aside|not|talk These matters will be temporarily set aside. 而家 再 嚟 講返 下 曹操 。 now|again|come|talk about|next|Cao Cao Now let's talk about Cao Cao again. 喺 朝廷 上 啊 , 本來 係 有 三公 嘅 官職 , 太尉 、 司徒 、 司空 , 夾埋 就 稱做 三公 。 at|court|on|ah|originally|was|had|three officials|possessive particle|official positions|Grand Commandant|Minister of Education|Minister of Works|combined|then|called|three officials In the court, there were originally three official positions: Grand Commandant, Minister of Works, and Minister of Personnel, collectively known as the Three Dukes. 喺 東漢 時候 呢 , 乃 係 共同 負責 軍政 嘅 最高 長官 。 at|Eastern Han|time|this|was|is|jointly|responsible for|military and political affairs|possessive particle|highest|commander During the Eastern Han period, he was the highest commander responsible for military and political affairs. 噉 而家 曹操 啊 , 佢 就 索性 撤銷 咗 三公 嘅 官職 , 自己 以 丞相 嘅 身份 兼 埋 佢 呢 個 職位 , 噉 啊 認真 係 大權獨攬 嘞 。 then|now|Cao Cao|ah|he|then|simply|revoked|past tense marker|Three Excellencies|possessive particle|official position|himself|as|Chancellor|possessive particle|identity|||he|this|measure word|position|then|ah|really|is|monopolizing power|past tense marker Now, Cao Cao has simply abolished the positions of the Three Dukes and has taken on the role of Chancellor himself, which really means he has concentrated power in his hands. 佢 仲 任用 咗 毛 玠 , 做東 曹 掾 , 崔琰 做 西 曹 掾 , 司馬懿 做 文學 掾 。 He|still|appointed|past tense marker|Mao|Jie||Cao|assistant|Cui Yan|served as|West|Cao|assistant|Sima Yi|served as|literary|assistant He also appointed Mao Jie as the Eastern Minister, Cui Yan as the Western Minister, and Sima Yi as the Literary Minister. 噉 呢 個 東 曹 掾 、 西 曹 掾 、 文學 掾 都 係 官名 嘞 。 like this|this|measure word|East|officer|assistant|West||assistant|||all|are|official titles|past action particle The positions of Eastern Minister, Western Minister, and Literary Minister are all official titles. 司馬懿 啊 字仲達 , 係 河內 溫人 。 Sima Yi|ah||is|Hanoi|warm person Sima Yi, whose courtesy name was Zhongda, was from Wen County. 佢 祖父 係 潁川 太守 司馬雋 , 父親 呢 , 係 京兆尹 , 司馬 防 , 佢 阿哥 係 主簿 司馬 朗 。 he|grandfather|is|Yingchuan|governor|Sima Jun|father|question particle|is|Jingzhao magistrate|Sima|Fang|he|older brother|is|chief clerk|Sima|Lang His grandfather was Sima Jun, the governor of Yingchuan, his father was Sima Fang, the Jingzhao Yin, and his brother was Sima Lang, the chief clerk. 司馬懿 係 個 非常 重要 重要 非常 嘅 人物 , 以後 呢 , 就 會 講到 佢 㗎 喇 。 Sima Yi|is|a|very|important|||possessive particle|character|in the future|this|then|will|talk about|him|sentence-final particle|past action particle Sima Yi is a very important figure, and in the future, we will talk about him. 嗱 大家 而家 就 記住 佢 個 名 先 吓 。 well|everyone|now|just|remember|he|his|name|first|particle Now everyone remember his name first. 曹操 將 文官 嘅 任命 安排 妥帖 之後 , 又 召集 啲 武將 嚟 , 商議 南征 。 Cao Cao|will|civil officials|possessive particle|appointments|arrangements|proper|after|again|gathered|plural marker|military generals|to come|discuss|southern expedition After Cao Cao arranged the appointments of the civil officials, he summoned the military generals to discuss the southern expedition. 夏侯惇 又 向 曹操 建議 話 : Xiahou Dun|again|to|Cao Cao|suggested|words Xiahou Dun also suggested to Cao Cao: 最近 聽講 , 劉備 喺 新野 每日 咁 操練 兵馬 , 日後 , 必定會 成為 禍患 , 要 及早 設法 對付 佢 至 好 啊 。 recently|I heard|Liu Bei|at|Xin Ye|every day|so|trains|troops|in the future||become|a threat|must|early|find a way|deal with|him|||ah Recently, I heard that Liu Bei is training his troops in Xinye every day. In the future, he will definitely become a threat, and we need to find a way to deal with him as soon as possible. 佢 呢 個 建議 合晒 曹操 嘅 心意 。 he|this|measure word|suggestion|fully aligns|Cao Cao|possessive particle|intention This suggestion of his aligns perfectly with Cao Cao's intentions. 所以 曹操 就 任命 夏侯惇 做 都督 , 于禁 、 李典 、 夏侯蘭 、 韓浩 做 副將 , 帶 十萬 人馬 , 一直 開 到 博望城 , 準備 啊 , 向 駐 扎 喺 新野 嘅 劉備 發動 進攻 。 so|Cao Cao|then|appointed|Xiahou Dun|as|commander|Yu Jin|Li Dian|Xiahou Lan|Han Hao|as|deputy generals|led|100000|troops|continuously|marched|to|Bowang City|prepared|particle|towards|stationed|stationed|at|Xinye|possessive particle|Liu Bei|launching|attack So Cao Cao appointed Xiahou Dun as the commander, with Yu Jin, Li Dian, Xiahou Lan, and Han Hao as deputy generals, leading a hundred thousand troops, heading straight to Bowang City, preparing to launch an attack on Liu Bei, who is stationed in Xinye. 博望城 嘅 縣城 啊 , 就 即 係 喺 今日 河南省 南陽市 嘅 東北 便 嚟 。 Bowang City|possessive particle|county town|sentence-final particle|then|||at|today|Henan Province|Nanyang City|possessive particle|northeast|just|come Bowang City is located in the northeast of today's Nanyang City in Henan Province. 噉 但 係 荀彧 就 唔 同意 嘞 佢 話 : then|||Xun Yu|then|not|agree|past tense marker|he|said However, Xun Yu disagreed and said: 劉備 係 個 英雄 , 而家 更 兼有 咗 諸葛亮 嚟 做 佢 嘅 軍師 , 唔 好 輕敵 啊 丞相 。 Liu Bei|is|a|hero|now|even|has|past tense marker|Zhuge Liang|come|be|he|possessive particle|military advisor|not|very|underestimate|ah|Prime Minister Liu Bei is a hero, and now he has also gained Zhuge Liang as his strategist. Don't underestimate him, Prime Minister. 夏侯惇 就 唔 高興 嘞 : 哼 ! 劉備 不過 係 區區 鼠輩 , 我非 活捉 佢 不可 ! Xiahou Dun|then|not|happy|past tense particle|humph|Liu Bei|just|is|insignificant|rat||capture alive|him|cannot Xiahou Dun was not happy: Hmph! Liu Bei is just a mere rat, I must capture him alive! 徐 庶 喺 旁邊 聽聽 下忍 唔 住 , 佢 對 夏侯惇 話 : ||at|beside|listen||||he|to|Xiahou Dun|said Xu Shu, who was listening nearby, couldn't help but speak up. He said to Xiahou Dun: 將軍 , 你 唔 好 睇 小 劉玄德 啊 , 而家 得到 諸葛亮 嚟 輔助 佢 , 簡直 係 如虎添翼 啊 ! General|you|||||Liu Xuande|particle|now|has obtained|Zhuge Liang|to|assist|him|simply|is|like a tiger with wings|particle General, you shouldn't underestimate Liu Xuande. Now that he has Zhuge Liang to assist him, it's like adding wings to a tiger! 曹操 就問 嘞 : 諸葛亮 係 邊個 嚟 啊 ? Cao Cao||past tense marker|Zhuge Liang|is|who|come|question particle Cao Cao then asked: Who is Zhuge Liang? 諸葛亮 字 孔明 , 道 號 臥龍 先生 。 佢 有 經天緯地 之才 , 出神入化 之計 , 確係 當代 嘅 奇才 , 千萬 唔 好 睇 小 佢 啊 。 Zhuge Liang|courtesy name|Kongming|||Sleeping Dragon|Master|he|has|extraordinary||brilliant||definitely|contemporary|possessive particle|genius|absolutely|||||him|particle Zhuge Liang, styled Kongming, is known as Master卧龙. He has the talent to manage the heavens and the earth, and his strategies are extraordinary. He is indeed a genius of his time, so don't underestimate him. 噉 , 比起 你 嚟 點樣 呢 ? then|compared to|you|in terms of|how|question particle So, how do you compare to him? 我 邊度 敢 同 諸葛亮 嚟 比 吖 。 I|where|dare|to|Zhuge Liang|come|compete|particle How could I dare to compare myself to Zhuge Liang? 我 就 好比 螢火蟲 , 諸葛亮 , 乃 係 天上 一輪 明月 啊 。 I|just|like|firefly|Zhuge Liang|is|is|in the sky|a round|bright moon|ah I am like a firefly, while Zhuge Liang is like a bright moon in the sky. 徐庶 噉 樣一講 , 又 激 嬲 夏侯惇 嘞 噃, 佢 話 : Xu Shu|like that|once said|again|angered|annoyed|Xiahou Dun|past tense particle||he|said When Xu Shu said this, it also angered Xiahou Dun, who said: 元直 , 你 呢 句 說話 唔 啱 , 照 我 睇 啊 , 諸葛亮 連 草芥 都 不如 啊 。 Yuan Zhi|you|question particle|measure word for sentences|statement|not|correct|according to|I|see|particle indicating exclamation or emphasis|Zhuge Liang|even|grass|all|not as good as|particle indicating exclamation or emphasis Yuan Zhi, your statement is incorrect. In my opinion, Zhuge Liang is even worse than a blade of grass. 我 如果 一仗 唔 生擒 劉備 活捉 諸葛 , 我 情願 將 個人 頭割 落 嚟 獻 畀 丞相 。 I|if|one battle|not|capture alive|Liu Bei|capture|Zhuge|I|would rather|to give|my||off|to|offer|to|Prime Minister If I don't capture Liu Bei and seize Zhuge alive in one battle, I would rather cut off my own head and present it to the Prime Minister. 曹操 話 : 好極 喇好極 喇 ! 我 等 住 你 嘅 捷報 。 Cao Cao|said|extremely good||particle indicating completed action|I|waiting|for|you|possessive particle|victory report Cao Cao said: Great, great! I am waiting for your good news. 夏侯惇 氣勢 昂昂 , 辭別 咗 曹操 , 帶兵 起程 喇 。 Xiahou Dun|momentum|high-spirited|bid farewell|past tense marker|Cao Cao|lead troops|set off|sentence-final particle Xiahou Dun, full of vigor, bid farewell to Cao Cao and set off with his troops. 而家 再 返 轉頭 講下 劉備 。 now|again|return|turn around|talk about|Liu Bei Now let's turn back and talk about Liu Bei. 佢 自從 得到 孔明 出 嚟 幫助 佢 , 佢 對 孔明 呀 係 極其 尊重 啊 , 直情 待 佢 好似 老師 一樣 噉 。 He|since|got|Kongming|come|here|help|him|him|||||||||||like|teacher|the same|in that way Since he received help from Kongming, he has great respect for Kongming, treating him almost like a teacher. 但 係 關羽 同 張飛 兩個 就 唔 服氣 喇 。 ||Guan Yu|and|Zhang Fei|both|then|not|convinced|particle indicating a completed action However, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were not convinced. 佢 哋 同 劉備 話 : They|plural marker|with|Liu Bei|said They said to Liu Bei: 孔明 年紀輕輕 , 有 乜嘢 本事 呀 ! Kongming|so young|has|what|ability|question particle Kongming is so young, what abilities does he have! 大哥 , 你 噉 樣 待 佢 太 過份 嘞 。 elder brother|you|like this|way|treat|he|too|harsh|past tense marker Big brother, you are treating him too excessively. 而且 又 冇 見 過 佢 到底 有 乜嘢 真材實 學 啊 。 moreover|again|not|seen|past tense marker|he|after all|has|what|||question particle Moreover, I have never seen what real talent he has. 我 得到 孔明 , 就 好似 魚之得 水 啊 。 I|have|Kongming|then|just like||water|ah When I met Kongming, it was like a fish finding water. 兩位 賢弟 , 以後 唔 好 再講 啲 噉 說話 喇 。 two|wise younger brothers|in the future|||say again|such|like that|words|particle indicating change of state My dear brothers, please do not speak like that anymore in the future. 關羽 、 張飛 見到 噉 樣 , 亦 都 冇 再講 乜嘢 嘞 , 悶聲不響 噉 就 退返 出去 。 Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|saw|that|appearance|||did not||anything|past tense particle|silently|like that|then|retreated|outside When Guan Yu and Zhang Fei saw this, they also did not say anything further and quietly retreated. 有 一日 , 有人 送 咗 啲 氂牛 尾 嚟 , 劉備 呢 ? 就 攞 嚟 自己 逳 手織 頂帽 。 there is|one day|someone|delivered|past tense marker|some|ox|tail|here|Liu Bei|question particle|then|took|here|himself|to use|handwoven|hat One day, someone sent some ox tails, and Liu Bei? He took them to weave a hat for himself. 誒 , 乜 劉備 會織 帽個 咩 ? hey|what|Liu Bei||hat|question particle Hey, what is Liu Bei weaving a hat for? 識 , 佢 年輕 嘅 時候 , 係 織席織 草鞋 賣 㗎 嘛 。 know|he|young|possessive particle|time|was||straw sandals|selling|sentence-final particle|question particle You know, when he was young, he used to weave mats and straw sandals to sell. 噉 佢 織 織 下 , 撞 啱 孔明 嚟 搵 佢 。 then|he|weave|weave|action particle|bump|right|Kong Ming|come|find|him So while he was weaving, he happened to run into Kongming who came to find him. 孔明 見到 佢 喺 度 織 帽 , 就 好 嚴肅 噉 對 佢 話 : Kongming|saw|he|at|place|knitting|hat|then|very|serious|like this|to|him|said When Kongming saw him weaving a hat, he said to him very seriously: 睇 個樣 , 明公 你 冇 乜嘢 大志 啦 。 look|face|Mr Ming|you|have not|anything|great ambition|particle Looking at your appearance, my lord, you don't have any great ambitions. 得閒 織下帽 就算 喇 咩 ? when free||even if|particle|question particle What’s the point of weaving a hat when you have time? 劉備 即刻 掉 低 頂 帽 喺 地 。 Liu Bei|immediately|drop|down|top|hat|at|ground Liu Bei immediately dropped his hat on the ground. 哦 , 我 不過 係 愛 嚟 解下 悶唧 , 先生 請 坐 。 oh|I|just|am|love|come|relieve|boredom|sir|please|sit Oh, I just came to relieve some boredom, please have a seat, sir. 坐落 之後 , 諸葛亮 就問 劉備 : located|after|Zhuge Liang||Liu Bei After sitting down, Zhuge Liang asked Liu Bei: 明公 , 你 自己 估計 一下 , 你 比起 曹操 嚟 點呢 ? Your Excellency|you|yourself|estimate|a little|you|compared to|Cao Cao|in terms of|how about My lord, how do you think you compare to Cao Cao? 我 , 比 唔 上 佢 。 I|can|||him I am not as good as him. 明 公 嘅 兵馬 不過 得 幾千人 。 Ming|Duke|possessive particle|soldiers and horses|only|just|a few thousand men Ming Gong's army only has a few thousand men. 萬一 曹操 嘅 兵馬 嚟 到 , 噉 點樣 抵擋 啊 ? in case|Cao Cao|possessive particle|troops|||then|how|resist|question particle What if Cao Cao's army arrives, how can we resist? 我 正 係 為 咗 呢 件 事 喺 度 擔憂 , 又 想 唔 出 好 嘅 辦法 。 I|currently|am|for|past tense marker|this|measure word for events|matter|at|location particle|worried|also|want|not|come up with|good|possessive particle|solution I am worried about this matter and can't think of a good solution. 我個 意思 就 請 主公 你 盡快 招募 一批 民兵 , 等 我 嚟 訓練 佢 哋 , 可以 抵擋 敵人 嘅 。 my|meaning|then|please|lord|you|as soon as possible|recruit|a group of|militia|so that|I|come|train|they|plural marker|can|resist|enemy|possessive particle What I mean is, I ask you, my lord, to quickly recruit a batch of militia, so that I can train them to resist the enemy. 劉備 聽 孔明 嘅 說話 , 就 喺 新野縣 招募 咗 三千名 民兵 。 Liu Bei|heard|Kongming|possessive particle|words|then|at|Xinye County|recruited|past tense marker|three thousand|militia Liu Bei listened to Kongming's advice and recruited three thousand militiamen in Xinye County. 孔明 就 每日 親自 教練 , 操演 各種 陣法 。 Kongming|then|every day|personally|coach|practice|various|formations Kongming personally trained them every day, practicing various formations. 過 咗 一段時間 , 有 一日 , 消息 傳 嚟 , 話 曹操 派 夏侯惇 帶領 十萬 人馬 , 殺 奔 新野 而來 喇 。 passed|past tense marker|a period of time|there was|one day|news|transmitted|came|said|Cao Cao|sent|Xiahou Dun|leading|one hundred thousand|troops|attacking|rushing|Xinye|coming|sentence-final particle After a while, one day, news came that Cao Cao had sent Xiahou Dun to lead a hundred thousand troops to attack Xinye. 張飛 正 係 唂 住 成肚氣 㗎 , 一 聽到 呢 個 消息 就 同 關羽 扽 氣 嘞 喎 , 佢 話 : Zhang Fei|really|is|holding|in|full of anger|particle|one|heard|this|particle|news|then|with|Guan Yu|hit|anger|past tense particle|particle|he|said Zhang Fei was already very angry, and upon hearing this news, he started arguing with Guan Yu, saying: 呢 趟 , 派 孔明 去 迎敵 就 得 嘞 。 this|trip|send|Kongming|to|confront the enemy|then|fine|past action particle This time, we should just send Kongming to meet the enemy. 兩個 人 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 劉備 就 搵 咗 佢 哋 去 商量 。 two|people|currently|at|in|talking|continuous aspect particle|Liu Bei|then|found|past tense marker|they|plural marker|to|discuss Two people are talking, and Liu Bei is looking for them to discuss. 劉備 話 嘞 : 夏侯惇 帶兵 嚟 到 嘞 , 點樣 迎敵 好 呢 ? Liu Bei|said|past tense marker|Xiahou Dun|lead troops|||past tense marker|how|confront the enemy|well|question particle Liu Bei said: 'Xiahou Dun has brought troops here, how should we face the enemy?' 張飛 話 嘞 : 大哥 , 你 派 阿水 去 就 得 啦 嘛 。 Zhang Fei|said|past tense marker|elder brother|you|send|Ah Shui|go|then|fine|sentence-final particle|question particle Zhang Fei said: 'Big brother, just send Ah Shui, that will do!' 水 ?嚱 邊個 係 阿水 啊 喂 ? water|sound|who|is|Ah Shui|ah|hey Ah Shui? Who is Ah Shui? 吖 , 張飛 都 幾識講 怪話 㗎 吓 。 ah|Zhang Fei|also||strange language|particle|huh Ah, Zhang Fei can really speak some strange words. 劉備 唔 係 對 關羽 、 張飛 講過 , 話 佢 得 咗 諸葛亮 , 就 好似 魚之得 水 噉 。 Liu Bei|not|is|to|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|said|said|he|got|past tense marker|Zhuge Liang|then|just like||water|like Liu Bei said to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei that having Zhuge Liang is like a fish having water. 所以 張飛 而家 就 話 喇 , 你 派 阿水 去 啦 , 就 即 係 話 你 派 孔明 去 啦 噉 。 so|Zhang Fei|now|then|says|particle indicating completed action|you|send|Ah Shui|go|particle indicating suggestion|just|immediately|is|saying|you|send|Kong Ming|go|particle indicating suggestion|like that So now Zhang Fei is saying, just send Ah Shui, which means you are sending Kong Ming. 劉備 好 聰明 嘅 , 一聽 就 明白 。 Liu Bei|very|smart|possessive particle|upon hearing it|immediately|understands Liu Bei is very smart, he understood immediately. 佢 話 : 定 計策 出 計謀 , 要 靠 孔明 , 講到 喺 戰場 奮勇 殺敵 , 噉 就要 靠 兩位 賢弟 咯 。 he|said|to formulate|strategy|to come up with|plan|to rely on|to depend on|Kongming|when it comes to|at|battlefield|bravely|kill enemies|then||to depend on|two|wise younger brothers|particle indicating finality or emphasis He said: to devise strategies and plans, we need Kong Ming, but when it comes to bravely fighting on the battlefield, we need my two virtuous brothers. 呢 啲 事點 能夠 推 畀 第二個 人 呢 ? question particle|||||||| How can these matters be pushed onto someone else? 關羽 、 張飛 唔 出聲 , 行 咗 出去 , 噉 即 係 有 意見 啦 。 Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|not|speak|walk|past tense marker|outside|then|immediately|is|have|opinion|sentence-final particle Guan Yu and Zhang Fei didn't say anything and walked out, which means they have objections. 劉備 就 請 孔明 嚟 商量 嘞 。 Liu Bei|then|invited|Kongming|to come|discuss|past action particle Liu Bei then invited Kong Ming to discuss. 孔明 話 : 我 就 係 怕關 、 張 兩位 唔 肯 聽 我 嘅 號令 。 Kongming|said|I|just|am||Zhang|both of you|not|willing|to listen|my|possessive particle|orders Kong Ming said: I am just afraid that Guan and Zhang will not listen to my orders. 主公 你 如果 想 我 嚟 指揮 作戰 , 噉 就 請 你將 寶劍 同 大印 交 畀 我 使用 啦 。 Your Majesty|you|if|want|I|to come|command|battle|then|just|please||sword|and|seal|to give|to|me|use|particle indicating suggestion or request My lord, if you want me to command the battle, then please hand over the treasured sword and the great seal for me to use. 劉備 啊 真 係 將 寶劍 同 大印 交 咗 畀 孔明 。 Liu Bei|ah|really|is|to hand over|sword|and|seal|to hand over|past tense marker|to|Kongming Liu Bei really handed over the treasured sword and the great seal to Kong Ming. 呢 一日 , 孔明 就 召集 所有 個 將領 嚟 , 下達 作戰 命令 嘞 。 this|day|Kongming|then|summoned|all|measure word for people|generals|here|issued|combat|orders|past tense marker On that day, Kongming summoned all the generals to issue the battle orders. 張飛 個心 當然 仲 係 唔 服 㗎 啦 。 Zhang Fei||of course|still|is|not|submissive|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle Zhang Fei's heart was certainly still not convinced. 佢 同 關羽 話 喇 : 二哥 , 我 哋 即 管去 聽 下 佢 點樣 落 命令 啦 , 睇 下 佢 點樣 調度 至 得 。 he|with|Guan Yu|said|particle indicating completed action|second brother|I|we|immediately||listen|to|he|how|give|orders|particle indicating suggestion|see|to|he|how|deploy|to|succeed He said to Guan Yu: "Second Brother, let's go listen to how he gives the orders and see how he arranges everything." 噉 佢 兩個 同埋 大家 一齊 去 嘞 。 then|he|two|and|everyone|together|go|past tense marker So the two of them went together with everyone. 好 喇 , 孔明 升堂 嘞 噃。 good|particle indicating completed action|Kongming (a name)|enter the hall|particle indicating completed action|particle indicating suggestion or emphasis Alright, Kongming is about to take the stage. 佢 坐 喺 主帥 嘅 位置 , 劉備 就 坐 喺 佢 旁邊 。 he|sits|at|commander|possessive particle|position|Liu Bei|then|sits|at|him|next to He sat in the position of the commander, while Liu Bei sat next to him. 一班 將領 喺 兩 便 企 好 , 孔明 下令 喇 , 佢 話 : a group of|generals|at|two|sides|stand|well|Kongming|gave the order|particle indicating completion|he|said A group of generals stood on both sides, and Kongming ordered, saying: 博望城 嘅 左 便 有 座 山 , 叫做 豫山 ; Bawang City|possessive particle|left|side|has|measure word for mountains|mountain|called|Yushan On the left side of Bowang City, there is a mountain called Yushan; 右 便 係 一片 樹林 , 叫做 安林 ; right|then|is|a piece of|forest|called|Anlin on the right side is a forest called Anlin; 呢 兩 笪 地方 都 可以 埋伏 兵馬 。 this|two|narrow|places|all|can|ambush|troops both of these places can be used to ambush troops. 雲長 , 你 帶 一千 兵馬 去豫山 埋伏 。 Yun Chang|you|lead|one thousand|soldiers||ambush Yun Chang, you take a thousand soldiers to ambush at Yu Mountain. 等 曹兵 嚟 嘅 時候 , 就 放 佢 哋 過去 , 唔 好 抵擋 。 wait|the soldiers|arrive|possessive particle|time|then|let|them|plural marker|pass|||resist When the Cao soldiers arrive, let them pass, do not resist. 佢 哋 嘅 輜重 糧食 一定 喺 後 便 跟 住 嘅 , 你 只要 睇 見 南 便 燒起 大火 , 就 可以 全軍 出擊 , 順便 燒 咗 佢 哋 嘅 糧草 。 they|plural marker|possessive particle|supply|food|definitely|at|rear|then||particle indicating continuous action|possessive particle|you|as long as|||south|then|set on fire|big fire|then|can|entire army|attack|conveniently|burn|past tense marker|they|plural marker|possessive particle|fodder Their supplies and food must be following behind, you just need to see a big fire in the south, then you can launch a full attack and burn their supplies. 翼德 , 你 就 帶 一千 人馬 去安林 背後 嘅 山谷 裏 便 埋伏 。 Xuande|you|then|lead|one thousand|troops||behind|possessive particle|valley|inside|then|ambush Yide, you take a thousand soldiers to ambush in the valley behind Anlin. 一 望見 南便 起火 , 就 可以 出 嚟 , 去 博望城 原來 儲存 糧草 嗰 處 , 放火燒 咗 佢 。 one|saw|south|catch fire|then|can|come out|here|go|Baimang City|originally|stored|grain and fodder|that|place|set fire to|past tense marker|it As soon as you see a fire in the south, you can come out and burn down the place where they store their supplies in Bowang City. 關平 、 劉封 , 你 哋 帶 五百 兵馬 , 準備 好 引火 嘅 材料 , 去 博望坡 背後 兩便 等候 , 等到 初 更 兵 到 之後 就 放火 。 Guan Ping|Liu Feng|you|plural marker|bring|five hundred|soldiers and horses|prepare|well|igniting fire|possessive particle|materials|go|Bowang Slope|behind|two convenient places|wait|wait until|||soldiers|arrive|after|then|set fire Guan Ping and Liu Feng, you bring five hundred soldiers, prepare the materials to start a fire, and wait behind the back of Mount Bowang for the two sides. Once the soldiers arrive at the first watch, set the fire. 孔明 跟 住 又 命令 , 喺 樊城 調 趙雲 返 嚟 , 派 佢 打前鋒 , 只 准輸 , 不准 贏 。 Zhuge Liang|||again|ordered|at|Fancheng|transfer|Zhao Yun|back|here|send|him||only||not allowed|win Kongming then ordered Zhao Yun to return from Fan City, sending him to be the vanguard, only allowed to lose, not to win. 然後 呢 , 佢 對 劉備 話 喇 : 主公 , 你 自己 帶 一支 部隊 作為 後備軍 。 then|question particle|he|to|Liu Bei|said|past action particle|lord|you|yourself|lead|a|army|as|reserve force Then he said to Liu Bei: My lord, you should lead a troop as a reserve force. 大家 都 要 按照 計劃 行事 , 唔 好 失誤 啊 。 everyone|all|must|according to|plan|act|||make mistakes|ah Everyone must act according to the plan, do not make mistakes. 關羽 就問 嘞 : 我 哋 都 去 打仗 , 唔 知 軍師 你 有 乜嘢 事 做 呢 ? Guan Yu||particle indicating past action|I|plural marker|all|go|to battle|not|know|military advisor|you|have|what|matter|do|question particle Guan Yu then asked: We are all going to battle, what are you doing, strategist? 孔明 就 回答 佢 話 : 我 只 係 坐守 縣城 啊 。 Kongming|then|replied|he|said|I|||garrisoned|county town|ah Kongming replied to him: I am just sitting in the county town. 張飛 一聽 就 咔 咔聲 大笑 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我 哋 都 去 廝殺 , 你 啊 坐 喺 屋企 嚟 , 好 自 在 啊 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 Zhang Fei|upon hearing|immediately|||laughed loudly|hahaha|haha|haha||||||||||||||||haha| Zhang Fei heard this and laughed loudly, hahaha, hahaha, we are all going to fight, and you are just sitting at home, how carefree! Hahaha, hahaha. 孔明 話 : 寶劍 同 大印 都 喺 處 , 違抗命令 者 , 斬 ! Kongming|said|sword|and|seal|all|at|place|disobeying orders|one|beheaded Kongming said: The treasured sword and the great seal are both in place; those who disobey orders shall be executed! 劉備 開聲 同 諸葛亮 撐腰 嘞 佢 話 : 你 哋 冇 聽過 咩 ? 運籌帷幄之中 , 決勝千里之外 吖 嘛 。 Liu Bei|spoke|with|Zhuge Liang|supporting|past tense marker|he|said|you|plural marker|not|heard|what|strategizing within the tent|winning from a thousand miles away|sentence-final particle|emphasis particle Liu Bei spoke up to support Zhuge Liang, saying: Haven't you heard? Planning within the tent, deciding victory a thousand miles away. 軍師 喺 處 計劃 好 嘞 , 就 可以 取得 作戰 嘅 勝利 。 strategist|at|location|plan|well|past action marker|then|can|achieve|combat|possessive particle|victory The strategist plans well, and then victory in battle can be achieved. 兩位 賢弟 , 你 哋 唔 准 違抗命令 啊 。 two|virtuous younger brothers|you|plural marker|not|||sentence-final particle You two, my dear brothers, you are not allowed to disobey orders. 張飛 見 大哥 出 嚟 幫住 孔明 唄 , 哼 噉 冷笑 一聲 , 就 同 關羽 行 咗 出去 。 Zhang Fei|saw|elder brother|come|out|help|Kongming|particle indicating suggestion|hum|like that|cold laugh||then|together|Guan Yu|walk|past tense marker|outside Zhang Fei saw his elder brother come out to help Kongming, and with a cold snort, he went out with Guan Yu. 關羽 對 張飛 話 喇 : 我 哋 睇 下 佢 嘅 計策 靈唔 靈先 , 然後 再 嚟 問 佢 都 未 遲 。 Guan Yu|to|Zhang Fei|said|particle indicating completed action|I|plural marker|see|at|he|possessive particle|strategy||clever first|then|again|come|ask|he|also|not yet|late Guan Yu said to Zhang Fei: Let's see if his strategy is effective first, then we can ask him later. 噉 兩個 人 就 按照 命令 帶兵 出發 。 then|two|people|then|according to|order|lead the troops|depart So the two of them set off with the troops according to orders. 唔 相信 諸葛亮 就 唔 止關 、 張 兩個 人 呀 , 其他 嘅 將領 亦 係 同樣 。 not|believe|Zhuge Liang|then|not|stop|Zhang|two|people|particle|other|possessive particle|generals|also|are|the same Not only do Guan and Zhang not trust Zhuge Liang, but other generals feel the same way. 事關 呢 個 軍師 係 新 嚟 嘅 , 從來未 見 過 佢 嘅 真本事 。 regarding|this|measure word for people|strategist|is|new|come|possessive particle||seen|past tense marker|he|possessive particle|true ability The reason is that this strategist is new, and I have never seen his true abilities. 命令 係 接 咗 喇 , 之 難免 滿腹 猜疑 啊 。 order|is|received|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|indeed|unavoidable|full of|suspicion|particle for emphasis The order has been received, so it's inevitable to be full of suspicion. 孔明 就 對 劉備 話 : 主公 你 今日 就 可以 帶兵 去 博望 山下 便 駐 扎 。 Zhuge Liang|then|to|Liu Bei|said|my lord|you|today|then|can|lead troops|to|Bowang|below the mountain|then|| Kongming then said to Liu Bei: "My lord, you can lead the troops to camp at the foot of Mount Bowang today." 聽日 黃昏 嘅 時候 , 敵軍 一定 嚟 到 㗎 喇 。 tomorrow|dusk|possessive particle|time|enemy|definitely|||sentence-final particle|past action particle Tomorrow evening, the enemy will definitely arrive. 到 其時 , 主公 你 就連 軍營 都 唔 好 要 嘞 , 掉 低 就 逃走 。 at|that time|lord|you||barracks|all|not|good|to keep|past action particle|drop|down|then|escape At that time, my lord, you shouldn't even keep the military camp; just drop everything and escape. 等到 睇 見 起火 喇 , 就 回過 頭 嚟 反攻 。 wait until|see|seeing|catch fire|particle indicating completed action|then|turn back|head|come|counterattack Wait until we see the fire, then we will turn back and counterattack. 我 啊 同 糜竺 、 糜芳 帶 五百 人馬 守住 縣城 。 I|particle indicating exclamation|with|Mi Zhu|Mi Fang|lead|five hundred|troops|defend|county town I, along with Mi Zhu and Mi Fang, will lead five hundred troops to defend the county city. 另外 , 我會 叫 孫乾同 簡雍 準備 定 慶功 嘅 酒席 , 安排 好 功勞簿 等 住 你 哋 得勝 歸來 啊 。 in addition||ask||Kan Yung|prepare|fixed|celebration of success|possessive particle|banquet|arrange|well|merit book|||you|plural particle|victorious|return|ah In addition, I will ask Sun Qian and Jian Yong to prepare a celebration banquet, and arrange a merit book to welcome your victorious return. 孔明 樣樣 都 分派 好 嘞 , 劉備 雖然 表面 上 好 鎮定 啊 , 其實 個心 呢 , 亦 有 啲 顧慮 㗎 , 事關 唔 知 到底 得 唔 得 嘅 嘛 。 Zhuge Liang|everything|all|assigned|well|particle indicating completed action|Liu Bei|although|surface|on|very|calm|particle|actually|his heart|particle|also|has|a little|concern|particle|matter|not|know|in the end|succeed|not|succeed|particle|particle Kongming has assigned everything well. Although Liu Bei appears calm on the surface, he actually has some concerns in his heart, as he is unsure whether it will succeed. 而家 講下 夏侯惇 同于 禁 啊 , 帶領 人馬 就 嚟 到 博望 。 now|let's talk about|Xiahou Dun||Jin|ah|leading|troops|then|come|to|Bowang Now let's talk about Xiahou Dun and Yu Jin, who are leading the troops to arrive at Bowang. 分出 一半 嘅 精銳部隊 作為 前鋒 , 其餘 嘅 , 就 喺 後 便 保護 糧車 。 divide|half|possessive particle|elite troops|as|vanguard|the rest|possessive particle|then|at|rear|then|protect|supply truck Divide half of the elite troops to serve as the vanguard, while the rest will stay at the back to protect the supply carts. 呢 個 時候 正 係 秋天 啊 , 啲 西風 呼呼 噉 , 慢慢 吹起 。 this|measure word|time|exactly|is|autumn|particle|plural marker|west wind|whistling|like that|slowly|blows up At this time, it is autumn, and the west wind is blowing gently. 佢 哋 嘅 人馬 正在 趕路 , 忽然 見到 前面 飛一浸 煙塵 。 They|plural marker|possessive particle|horses and people|currently|traveling|suddenly|saw|ahead||dust Their troops were on the move when they suddenly saw a cloud of dust ahead. 夏侯惇 就立 即將 人馬 擺開 , 問 嗰 個 響導 官話 : Xiahou Dun||about to|cavalry|spread out|asked|that|classifier for people|guide|Mandarin Xiahou Dun immediately arranged the troops and asked the signal officer: 而家 , 我 哋 嚟 到 咩 嘢 地方 ? now|||||what|thing|place Now, what place have we arrived at? 稟告 將軍 , 前 便 就 係 博望坡 , 後 便 係 羅川 口 啊 。 report|general|front|then|just|is|Bowang Slope|back|then|is|Luochuan|mouth|ah Reporting to the general, in front is the Bo Wang Po, and behind is the Luo Chuan Kou. 夏侯惇 就 命令 于禁 、 李典 壓住 陣腳 。 Xiahou Dun|then|ordered|Yu Jin|Li Dian|to hold down|formation Xiahou Dun ordered Yu Jin and Li Dian to hold the line. 自己 就 騎馬 去 到 陣前 觀察 。 oneself|then|ride a horse|||battlefield|observe He himself rode to the front lines to observe. 佢 遠遠 望見 有 一隊 人馬 嚟 到 , 突然 間 , 佢 放聲 大笑 起 嚟 喎 。 He|from afar|saw|there is|a group of|horsemen|||suddenly|moment|he|burst into|laughter|||particle indicating realization He saw a group of cavalry approaching from a distance, and suddenly, he burst out laughing. 旁邊 啲 人 就 問喇 : 將軍 , 你 笑 咩 嘢 啊 ? next to|plural marker|people|then|asked|general|you|laugh|what|thing|question particle The people beside him asked: General, what are you laughing at? 夏侯惇 話 : 我 笑 徐元直 啊 , 佢 喺 丞相 面前 , 將 諸葛亮 誇獎 到 好似 神仙 咁 本事 。 Xiahou Dun|said|I|laugh|Xu Yuanzhi|ah|he|at|Prime Minister|in front of|to|Zhuge Liang|praise|to|like|immortal|so|ability Xiahou Dun said: I laugh at Xu Yuanzhi, he praises Zhuge Liang in front of the Prime Minister as if he has divine abilities. 嘿嘿 , 而家 睇 下 , 原來 佢 係 噉 樣 用兵 嘅 。 hehe|now|||it turns out|he|is|like this|way|using troops|particle Hehe, now looking at it, it turns out he uses troops like this. 你 哋 睇 , 韞 一批 噉 嘅 兵馬 嚟 打前鋒 , 同 我 嚟 對敵 , 簡直 就 好似 趕住 一群 綿羊 嚟 同 老虎 打 噉 啊 。 ||see|carry|a group of|like this|possessive particle|soldiers|come||with|I|come|face the enemy|simply|just|like|driving|a herd of|sheep|come|with|tiger|fight|like this|particle Look, he sends a batch of troops to charge forward and confront me, it's just like driving a flock of sheep to fight a tiger. 哈哈哈哈 , 我 喺 丞相 面前 曾經 誇過 口 , 要 活捉 劉備 、 諸葛亮 。 Hahaha|I|at|Prime Minister|in front of|once|boasted|mouth|to|capture alive|Liu Bei|Zhuge Liang Hahaha, I once boasted in front of the Prime Minister that I would capture Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang alive. 呢 次 呀 , 我 嘅 說話 應晒 喇 。 this|time|particle|I|possessive particle|speech|should be taken into account|particle indicating completed action This time, my words should be fulfilled. 講完 , 夏侯惇 就 縱 馬向前 。 after speaking|Xiahou Dun|then|urged| After speaking, Xiahou Dun rode forward. 劉備 呢 便 係 邊個 呢 ? 係 趙雲 出馬 。 Liu Bei|question particle|then|is|who|question particle|is|Zhao Yun|to go into battle Who is Liu Bei? It is Zhao Yun who takes the lead. 兩 軍 相遇 , 夏侯惇 破口大罵 : two|armies|met|Xiahou Dun|shouted angrily When the two armies met, Xiahou Dun shouted angrily: 吖 呀 呸 ! 你 哋 跟 住 劉備 啊 , 直情 就 好似 孤魂 跟 住 野鬼 一樣 啊 ! ah|ah|phew|you|plural marker|||Liu Bei|ah|really|just|like|lonely spirit|||wild ghost|the same|ah Ah! You guys are following Liu Bei, it's just like a lonely soul following a ghost! 趙雲 聽到 嬲 到 極喇 , 拍馬 上前 同 夏侯惇 交手 。 Zhao Yun|heard|angry|to|the extreme|urged his horse|moved forward|with|Xiahou Dun|fought Zhao Yun was extremely angry upon hearing this, and he spurred his horse forward to confront Xiahou Dun. 打 咗 冇 幾個 回合 , 趙雲 詐敗 走 嘞 喎 。 fight|past tense marker|not|a few|rounds|Zhao Yun|feigned defeat|ran away|past tense marker|sentence-final particle After fighting for a few rounds, Zhao Yun pretended to be defeated and ran away. 夏侯惇 喺 後 便 猛追 過去 。 Xiahou Dun|at|behind|then|fiercely chased|past Xiahou Dun was chasing him fiercely from behind. 追 咗 約莫 十幾 里路 , 趙雲 回過 馬 嚟 又 同 夏侯惇 打 過 。 chase|past tense marker|approximately|more than ten|miles|Zhao Yun|turned around|horse|come|again|with|Xiahou Dun|fight|past tense marker After chasing for about ten miles, Zhao Yun turned back and fought with Xiahou Dun again. 哈 , 冇 打 咗 幾個 回合 又 走 。 ha|didn't|fight|past tense marker|a few|rounds|again|leave Ha, they fought for just a few rounds before Zhao Yun ran away again. 呢 個 時候 , 跟 住 夏侯惇 後 便 嘅 韓 浩 啊 見到 情形 可疑 , 即刻 拍馬 趕上 嚟 對 夏侯惇 話 : this|measure word|time|||Xiahou Dun|behind|then|possessive particle|Han|Hao|ah|saw|situation|suspicious|immediately|spur the horse|catch up|here|to|Xiahou Dun|said At this time, Han Hao, who was following closely behind Xiahou Dun, saw the situation was suspicious and immediately urged his horse to catch up and said to Xiahou Dun: 趙雲 係 引 我 哋 㗎 咋 , 前 便 恐怕 會 有 埋伏 呀 。 Zhao Yun|is|lead|us|plural marker|sentence final particle|only|front|then|I'm afraid|will|have|ambush|sentence final particle Zhao Yun is leading us, but there might be an ambush ahead. 唓! 噉 樣 嘅 敵軍 , 就算 佢 十面埋伏 我 都 唔 怕 佢 啊 。 ah|like this|appearance|possessive particle|enemy|even if|he|surrounded from all sides|I|also|not|afraid|him|ah particle Huh! With such an enemy, even if they surround us from all sides, I'm not afraid of them. 夏侯惇 唔 聽 韓浩講 , 一直 追過去 , 追 到 博望 波 。 Xiahou Dun|not|listen||continuously||chase|to|Bowang|Bo Xiahou Dun didn't listen to Han Hao and kept chasing after them, all the way to the Battle of Bowang. 突然 之間 , 轟 噉 一聲 炮響 , 劉備 親自 帶住 人馬 衝 咗 出 嚟 , 接應 趙雲 。 ||||one sound|cannon fire|Liu Bei|personally|leading|troops|||out|here|to support|Zhao Yun Suddenly, there was a loud cannon sound, and Liu Bei personally led his troops out to support Zhao Yun. 夏侯惇 擰 轉頭 笑 住 對 韓浩話 : 哈哈 , 呢 啲 啊 就 係 所謂 埋伏 喇 。 Xiahou Dun||turning his head|||to||haha|||particle|just|are|so-called|ambush|particle Xiahou Dun turned his head and smiled at Han Hao, saying: Haha, this is what they call an ambush. 哼 ! 我 今晚 唔 殺 到 新野 決不 收兵 。 hum|I|tonight|not|||new guy|absolutely not|retreat Hmph! I won't retreat until I kill something new tonight. 於是 催促 軍馬 , 繼續前進 。 so|urged|cavalry| So I urged the cavalry to continue advancing. 劉備 、 趙雲 見 佢 追 嚟 , 啱 嘞 , 撥轉 馬頭 退後 就 走 。 Liu Bei|Zhao Yun|saw|him|chasing|coming|right|past tense particle|turned|horse's head|retreated|then|ran away Liu Bei and Zhao Yun saw him chasing after them, so they turned their horses around and retreated. 呢 個 時候 , 天色 已經 黑 嘞 , 濃雲密佈 , 又 冇 到 月色 。 this|measure word|time|sky|already|dark|past tense marker|thick clouds everywhere|again|not have|arrive|moonlight At this time, it was already dark, with thick clouds covering the sky, and there was no moonlight. 今日 日頭 嘅 時候 呢 已經 起風 , 到 咗 夜晚 呀 啲 風 就 更 大 。 today|daytime|possessive particle|time|particle indicating a change of state|already|windy|when|past tense marker|night|particle for exclamation|plural marker|wind|then|even|strong Today, during the day, the wind had already picked up, and by night, the wind was even stronger. 之 夏侯惇 冇 理 咁 多 , 只 係 顧住 催促 啲 軍馬 趕殺 前去 。 possessive particle|Xiahou Dun|not|care|so|much|only|is|focused on|urging|plural marker|cavalry|driving forward|forward Zhi Xiahou Dun didn't care so much, only focusing on urging the cavalry to rush forward. 于 禁同 李典 兩個 呢 , 一直 追到 一 笪 非常 狹窄 嘅 地段 。 Yu||Li Dian|the two|question particle|continuously|chased to|a|car|very|narrow|possessive particle|area Yu Jin and Li Dian both chased until they reached a very narrow area. 兩便 都 係 蘆葦 。 both sides|all|are|reeds Both sides were covered with reeds. 李典 有 啲 醒 水 喇 , 佢 對 于 禁 話 : 輕敵 者 必敗 呀 。 Li Dian|has|a little|||particle indicating completed action|he|towards|at|strict|saying|underestimating the enemy|one who|will surely lose|particle for emphasis Li Dian was a bit alert, he said to Yu Jin: 'Underestimating the enemy will surely lead to defeat.' 你 睇 , 南 便 嘅 路 咁 窄 , 又 山 又 河 挾住 晒 , 四便 都 係 樹木 。 you|look|south|convenient|possessive particle|road|so|narrow|both|mountain|and|river|squeezed|completely|everywhere|all|are|trees Look, the road to the south is so narrow, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and all sides are filled with trees. 如果 佢 哋 用 火攻 , 噉 點算 啊 ? if|they|plural marker|use|fire attack|then|what to do|question particle What if they use fire attacks? 于 禁話 喇 : 講得 啱 , 等 我 追上去 同 都督 講 一聲 , 你 去 叫 後 便 嘅 部隊 停住 先 啦 。 at|don't talk|particle|speak|right|let|I|catch up|with|commander|tell||you|go|call|rear|then|possessive particle|troops|stop|first|particle Yu Jin said: You're right, let me catch up and tell the governor, you go and tell the rear troops to stop for now. 李典 即刻 勒轉 隻 馬 大聲 噉 命令 : 後 便 嘅 隊伍 唔 好行 喇 。 Li Dian|immediately|turn|measure word for animals|horse|loudly|like this|ordered|rear|then|possessive particle|team|not||particle indicating completed action Li Dian immediately turned his horse and loudly ordered: The rear troops should not move! 後 便 嘅 隊伍 唔 好行 喇 ! later|then|possessive particle|team|not||sentence-final particle The rear troops should not move! 哈哈 , 唔 得 啊 。 haha||| Haha, that's not good. 咁 大 一支 部隊 揈揈 聲 衝 住 上 嚟 , 又 邊度 停得 住 腳 吖 ? then|big|a|army|loudly|sound|charge|at|up|come|again|where|can stop|at|feet|particle Then a large troop came charging up with a loud noise, where could they possibly stop? 而家 講下 夏侯惇 啊 , 佢 正 喺 度 行 緊 , 見到 于禁 騎住 馬 喺 後 便 追 住 上 嚟 大聲 噉 嗌: now|talk about|Xiahou Dun|ah|he|currently|at|place|walking|ongoing|saw|Yu Jin|riding|horse|at|behind|then|chased|ongoing|up|here|loudly|like that|shouted Now let's talk about Xiahou Dun, he was walking and saw Yu Jin riding a horse behind him, so he chased after him and shouted loudly: 前軍 都督 先 等一等 ! vanguard|commander|first|wait a moment "Commander of the front army, wait a moment!" 夏侯惇 噉 就勒定 馬 。 Xiahou Dun|then||horse Xiahou Dun then reined in his horse. 等于 禁 嚟 到 就 問 佢 咩 嘢 事 。 equals|can't|come|arrive|then|ask|he|what|thing|matter When Yu Jin arrived, he asked him what was the matter. 于 禁話 : 南 便 嘅 路 好 窄 , 又 山 又 河 噉 挾到 實 , 四面 都 係 樹木 , 要 提防 火攻 啊 ! at|forbidden to speak|south|then|possessive particle|road|very|narrow|both|mountain|and|river|like this|squeezed|tight|all sides|all|are|trees|must|be cautious of|fire attack|ah Yu Jin said: The road to the south is very narrow, with mountains and rivers blocking the way, surrounded by trees, we need to be careful of fire attacks! 夏侯惇 一聽 , 猛然 醒 唔 過 嚟 , 立即 拉 轉馬 頭 , 下令 停止 前進 。 Xiahou Dun|upon hearing|suddenly|realized|||here|immediately|pulled|turned the horse|head|ordered|to stop|advancing Xiahou Dun suddenly woke up when he heard this, immediately turned his horse around, and ordered to stop advancing. 嘿 ! 不過 遲咯 。 佢 話 未 完 啊 , 就 聽見 背後 吶喊聲 震天動地 。 hey|but|is late|he|said|not yet|finished|ah|then|heard|behind|shouting|earth-shattering Hey! But it's too late. He hadn't finished speaking when he heard a deafening shout from behind. 一睇 , 嘩 嗨 ! 一片 大火 已經 含 含聲 燒起 上 嚟 喇 。 at a glance|wow|hi|a whole|big fire|already|||burning|up|here|particle indicating completed action Looking back, wow! A large fire has already started roaring up. 好 快脆 , 兩便 啲 蘆葦 亦 都 燒着 晒 。 very|crispy|both|particle|reeds|also|all|burning|completely Very quickly, the reeds on both sides are also completely on fire. 霎時之間 , 四面八方 都 係 火 。 in an instant|from all directions|all|were|fire In an instant, fire was everywhere. 又 遇 着 大風 , 正 所謂 風助 火勢 又 火仗 風威 呀 , 越燒 越 猛 。 again|||strong wind|just|so-called|wind assisting|fire intensity|again|fire relying on|wind's might|particle|the more it burns|the more|fierce Then came a strong wind, as the saying goes, the wind helps the fire and the fire takes advantage of the wind, burning more fiercely. 曹 軍 嘅 人馬 當堂 亂 晒 大龍 , 互相 踐踏 , 死 咗 都 唔 知 幾多 。 Cao|army|possessive particle|soldiers and horses|on the spot|chaos|completely|Dulong|mutually|trample|die|past tense marker|all|not|know|how many The troops of Cao's army were in complete chaos, trampling over each other, not even knowing how many had died. 呢 個 時候 , 趙雲 就 乘機 帶住 隊伍 殺返 轉頭 。 this|measure word|time|Zhao Yun|then|take the opportunity|lead|army|attack back|turn around At this moment, Zhao Yun took the opportunity to lead his troops to counterattack. 夏侯惇 就 冒煙 突火衝 咗 出去 , 搏命 咁 走 。 Xiahou Dun|then|smoking|rushed out in a blaze of fire|past tense marker|outside|risking his life|so|ran away Xiahou Dun charged out through the smoke and flames, running for his life. 李典 呢 , 佢 一 睇 形勢 不妙 , 趕緊 回馬想 趯 返去 博望城 。 Li Dian|question particle|he|one|saw|situation|unfavorable|hurriedly|turned back|to kick|return to|Bowang City Li Dian, upon seeing the situation was not good, quickly turned back to head towards Bowang City. 只見 喺 火光 之中 , 突然 殺出 一支 軍馬 。 suddenly saw|in|firelight|within|suddenly|burst out|a|cavalry horse Suddenly, amidst the flames, a cavalry unit burst out. 當頭 一員大將 乃 係 關雲長 啊 ! at the forefront|a great general|is|is|Guan Yu|ah Leading them was the great general Guan Yunchang! 哎呀 ! 弊 ! oh no|mistake Oh no! 李典 混戰 一輪 , 奪路 而 走 。 Li Dian|chaotic battle|one round|break through|and|escape Li Dian fought through the chaos and made his escape. 于禁 睇 見 運 糧草 嗰 啲 車輛 啊 都 畀 火燒 晒 喇 , 就 混 小路 逃命 走 咗 。 Yu Jin|see|saw|transport|grain and fodder|those|plural marker|vehicles|ah|all|by|fire burned|completely|particle indicating completed action|then|mix|small road|escape|run|past tense marker Yuan Jin saw that the supply carts were all burned down, so he escaped through the back roads. 夏侯蘭 同 韓浩 呢 , 就 想 嚟 救 啲 糧草 , 點知 又 撞 正 張飛 呢 個 殺星 。 Xiahou Lan|with|Han Hao|particle indicating a question|then|want|to come|to rescue|some|supplies|unexpectedly|again|||Zhang Fei|particle indicating a question|classifier|star of death Xiahou Lan and Han Hao wanted to rescue the supplies, but unexpectedly ran into the killing star, Zhang Fei. 打 咗 冇 幾個 回合 唧 , 張飛 一槍 就 刺死 咗 夏侯蘭 。 to fight|past tense marker|not|a few|rounds|to poke|Zhang Fei|one spear|then|killed|past tense marker|Xiahou Lan After a few exchanges, Zhang Fei stabbed Xiahou Lan to death with one spear. 韓浩搏命 噉 衝開 條 血路 走 甩 咗 。 Han Ho-bok desperately|like that|break through|measure word for road|bloody path|walk|slip|past tense marker Han Hao fought desperately and broke through a bloody path to escape. 呢 場仗 呀 , 一直 殺到 天光 噉 先至 結束 , 真 係 殺 得 屍橫遍野 就 血流成河 。 this|battle|particle|continuously|fought until|dawn|like that|only then|ended|really|is|kill|to|corpses everywhere|then|blood flowed like a river This battle continued until dawn before it ended, truly leaving a scene of corpses everywhere and rivers of blood. 夏侯惇 收拾 啲 殘兵敗將 就 趯 咗 返去 許昌 。 Xiahou Dun|clean up|particle indicating a small amount|defeated soldiers|then|hurriedly|past tense marker|return|Xuchang Xiahou Dun gathered the remnants of the defeated troops and returned to Xuchang. 呢 場仗 打得 威風 啊 , 收尾 有人 寫 咗 首 詩 讚 諸葛亮 , 首詩 係 噉 嘅 : this|battle|fought|valiantly|ah|at the end|someone|wrote|past tense marker|a|poem|praising|Zhuge Liang|the poem|is|like this|possessive particle This battle was impressive; someone wrote a poem praising Zhuge Liang at the end, and the poem goes like this: 博望 相持 用 火攻 , 指揮 如意 笑談 中 。 Bo Wang|stalemate|use|fire attack|command|Ru Yi (a type of scepter)|joking|during The strategist at Bowang used fire attacks, commanding with ease and laughter. 直須 驚破 曹公膽 , 初出茅廬 第一 功 ! must|be frightened||just out of the thatched cottage|first|achievement One must be shocked to break Cao Gong's courage, the first achievement upon emerging from obscurity! 噉 諸葛亮 打贏 咗 仗 就 下令 收兵 啦 。 then|Zhuge Liang|won|past tense marker|battle|then|ordered|retreat|sentence-final particle Thus, after Zhuge Liang won the battle, he ordered the troops to withdraw. 關羽 同 張飛 呢 一陣 呀 真真正正 佩服 孔明 嘅 指揮 喇 。 Guan Yu|and|Zhang Fei|this|moment|particle|truly|admire|Kongming|possessive particle|command|particle Guan Yu and Zhang Fei really admire Kong Ming's command. 佢 哋 都 話 : 孔明 呀 , 真 係 英明 傑出 啊 ! they|plural marker|all|said|Kongming|sentence-final particle|really|is|wise|outstanding|exclamatory particle They all said: Kong Ming is truly brilliant and outstanding! 行 咗 冇 幾遠 , 就 見到 糜竺 、 糜芳 啊 帶 住 一隊 人馬 , 簇擁 住 一架 小車 , 車上 便 , 孔明 端端正正 噉 坐 喺 度 。 walk|past tense marker|not|very far|then|saw|Mi Zhu|Mi Fang|ah||by|||||a|small cart|on the cart|then|Kongming|upright|like that|sitting|at|place After walking for a short distance, they saw Mi Zhu and Mi Fang leading a group of soldiers, surrounding a small cart, and on the cart, Kong Ming was sitting upright. 關羽 、 張飛 一 見到 呀 , 立即 落馬 , 行到 個車 前面 跪低 , 叩頭 行禮 啊 。 Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|one|saw|ah|immediately|dismounted|walked to||in front of|knelt down|knocked their heads|paid respects|ah As soon as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei saw this, they immediately dismounted, walked to the front of the cart, knelt down, and bowed in greeting. 冇 幾耐 , 劉備 、 趙雲 、 劉封 、 關平 等等 都 嚟 到 嘞 。 not|long|Liu Bei|Zhao Yun|Liu Feng|Guan Ping|etc|all|||past tense marker Before long, Liu Bei, Zhao Yun, Liu Feng, Guan Ping, and others arrived. 孔明 就 下令 集合 好 軍隊 , 將 繳獲 嘅 糧食 物資 , 分賞 畀 啲 將士 , 然後 就 班師 返去 新野 。 Zhuge Liang|then|ordered|assemble|good|army|will|captured|possessive particle|food|supplies|distribute rewards|to|plural marker|soldiers|then|then|retreat|return to|Xinye Kongming ordered to gather the troops, distribute the captured food supplies as rewards to the soldiers, and then return to Xinye. 一路上 呀 , 新野 嘅 老百姓 都 喺 路邊 叩頭 行禮 , 歡迎 呢 一支 得勝 歸來 嘅 隊伍 啊 。 along the way|particle indicating exclamation|Xinye|possessive particle|common people|all|at|roadside|bowing|greeting|welcome|this|a|victorious|returning|possessive particle|team|particle indicating exclamation Along the way, the common people of Xinye were bowing and greeting by the roadside, welcoming this victorious returning army. 啲 老百姓 都 話 : 如果 唔 係 劉使君 請 咗 呢 位 咁 有才幹 嘅 軍師 返 嚟 呀 , 哎 , 我 哋 啲 老百姓 都 冇 命 喇 。 the|common people|all|said|if|||Liu Shijun|invited|past tense marker|this|measure word for people|so|talented|possessive particle|military strategist|return|come|sentence-final particle|sigh|I|we|the|common people|all|have not|life|sentence-final particle The common people said: If it weren't for Liu Shijun inviting such a talented strategist to return, sigh, we common people would have no lives left. 噉 劉備 佢 哋 返 到 新野 之後 呢 , 有 一日 , 孔明 就 對 劉備 話 : then|Liu Bei|he|plural marker|return|to|Xin Ye|after|particle indicating past action|have|one day|Kongming|then|to|Liu Bei|said After Liu Bei and the others returned to Xinye, one day, Kongming said to Liu Bei: 呢 次 夏侯惇 雖然 失敗 走 咗 , 但 係 曹操 必定會 親自 帶 大軍 嚟 㗎 。 this|time|Xiahou Dun|although|failed|retreat|past tense marker|||Cao Cao||personally|bring|large army|come|sentence-final particle This time, although Xiahou Dun failed and retreated, Cao Cao will definitely come personally with a large army. 劉備 就 話 喇 : 誒 噉 點算 呢 ? Liu Bei|then|said|particle indicating completed action|eh|like this|what to do|question particle Liu Bei said: Hey, what should we do now? 新野 係 小小 一個 縣 , 住 唔 長久 嘅 。 Xinye|is|very small|a|county|live|not|long term|possessive particle Xinye is just a small county, it's not a long-term place to stay. 近來 聽聞 劉景升 病到 就 快 死 喇 。 recently|heard|Liu Jing Sheng|illness|then|soon|die|particle indicating completed action Recently, I've heard that Liu Jingsheng is very ill and is about to die. 主公 可以 趁 呢 個 機會 ,攞 咗 佢 嘅 荊州 作為 安身之地 , 噉 就 可以 抵禦 曹操 嘅 進攻 。 lord|can|take advantage of|this|measure word|opportunity|take|past tense marker|he|possessive particle|Jingzhou|as|place of refuge|then|then|can|resist|Cao Cao|possessive particle|attack The lord can take this opportunity to seize his Jingzhou as a place to settle, then we can resist Cao Cao's attack. 先生 你 嘅 意見 係 啱 嘅 , 但 係 , 景升 對 我 有 恩 呀 , 我 又點 忍心 去 攞 佢 嘅 地方 呢 ? sir|you|possessive particle|opinion|is|correct|particle indicating past action|||name|to|I|have|favor|particle indicating exclamation|I||heart to|to|take|his|possessive particle|place|question particle Your opinion is correct, but Jingsheng has been kind to me, how can I bear to take his land? 主公 , 而家 唔 攞 就 後悔莫及 喇 。 lord|now|not|take|then||particle indicating completed action My lord, if we don't take action now, it will be too late to regret. 我 寧可 死 , 都 唔 願 做 啲 不仁不義 嘅 事 啊 。 I|would rather|die|still|not|willing|do|some|unprincipled|possessive particle|things|ah particle I would rather die than do something immoral. 噉 , 就 唯有 以後 再 商量 啦 。 then|just|only|in the future|again|discuss|sentence-final particle Then, we can only discuss it again later. 喺 呢 個 時候 呀 , 孔明 都 仲 冇 辦法 勸 得 逳 劉備 啊 。 at|this|measure word|time|particle|Kongming|also|still|not have|method|persuade|successfully|to|Liu Bei|particle At this moment, even Kongming has no way to persuade Liu Bei. 噉 啊 劉備 呢 便 啲 事 呢 , 暫時 放落 唔 講住 。 like this|ah|Liu Bei|question particle|then|more|matter|question particle|temporarily|put down|not|talk about it So, let's temporarily set aside Liu Bei's matters for now. 而家 講返 夏侯惇 , 佢 打 咗 敗仗 返去 許昌 , 將 自己 用繩 綁 起 嚟 去 見 曹操 , 跪 喺 地下 請求 處分 。 now|talk about|Xiahou Dun|he|fought|past tense marker|losing battle|returned to|Xuchang|to|himself||bind|up|in order to|go|see|Cao Cao|kneel|at|ground|request|punishment Now, let's talk about Xiahou Dun. After he was defeated, he returned to Xuchang, tied himself up with a rope, and went to see Cao Cao, kneeling on the ground to request punishment. 但 係 曹操 冇 懲辦 佢 , 叫 人 解開 佢 啲 繩 , 問 清楚 佢 戰敗 嘅 經過 。 ||Cao Cao|did not|punish|him|ordered|people|to untie|him|plural marker|ropes|to ask|clearly|him|defeat|possessive particle|circumstances But Cao Cao did not punish him. He ordered someone to untie his ropes and asked him to clarify the circumstances of his defeat. 曹操 就 話 喇 : 你 自細 就 帶兵 , 唔 通仲 唔 知道 , 狹窄 嘅 地方 要 提防 火攻 咩 ? Cao Cao|then|said|particle indicating completed action|you|since you were young|already|led troops|not|||know|narrow|possessive particle|place|need to|guard against|fire attack|question particle Cao Cao then said: "You've been leading troops since you were young. Don't you know that in narrow places, you need to guard against fire attacks?" 係 , 李典 、 于禁 都 曾經 同 我 講過 , 而家 , 後悔 都 嚟 唔 切 咯 。 yes|Li Dian|Yu Jin|all|once|with|I|have talked|now|regret|all|come|not|timely|particle Yes, Li Dian and Yu Jin have both told me about this. Now, it's too late to regret. 於是 曹操 就 賞賜 李典 、 于禁 呢 兩個 人 。 then|Cao Cao|then|rewarded|Li Dian|Yu Jin|question particle|two|people So Cao Cao rewarded these two men, Li Dian and Yu Jin. 夏侯惇 又 對 曹操 話 : Xiahou Dun|again|to|Cao Cao|said Xiahou Dun said to Cao Cao: 劉備 咁 猖狂 真 係 心腹大患 。 Liu Bei|so|arrogant|really|is|internal threat Liu Bei is really a serious threat. 丞相 , 應該 想 辦法 早 啲 剷除 咗 佢 。 Prime Minister|should|think|way|||eliminate|past tense marker|him Prime Minister, you should think of a way to eliminate him as soon as possible. 曹操 話 嘞 : 我個 心所 顧慮 嘅 呢 , 亦 都 就 係 劉備 同 孫權 唧 , 其餘 啲 人 都 不必 介意 嘅 。 Cao Cao|said|past tense marker||heart|worries|possessive particle|this|also|all|just|is|Liu Bei|and|Sun Quan|to be concerned|the rest|plural marker|people|all|need not|worry about|possessive particle Cao Cao replied: What I am concerned about is actually Liu Bei and Sun Quan; the others are not worth worrying about. 冇 錯 , 係 應該 趁 呢 個 時候 掃平 江南 喇 ! not|wrong|is|should|take advantage of|this|measure word|time|pacify|Jiangnan|particle indicating completed action That's right, we should take this opportunity to sweep through Jiangnan! 好 快脆 , 曹操 就 決定 咗 南征 嘅 計劃 。 very|quickly|Cao Cao|then|decided|past tense marker|southern expedition|possessive particle|plan Quickly, Cao Cao decided on the plan for the southern expedition. 佢 下令 出動 五十萬 大軍 : He|ordered|to mobilize|500000|troops He ordered the mobilization of five hundred thousand troops: 命令 曹仁 、 曹洪 , 率領 第一隊 ; order|Cao Ren|Cao Hong|lead|First Unit He commanded Cao Ren and Cao Hong to lead the first team; 張 遼 、 張 郃 率領 第二隊 ; ||||led|second unit Zhang Liao and Zhang He to lead the second team; 夏侯淵 、 夏侯惇 率領 第三隊 ; Xiahou Yuan|Xiahou Dun|led|third team Xiahou Yuan and Xiahou Dun to lead the third team; 于禁 、 李典 率領 第四隊 ; Yu Jin|Li Dian|led|Fourth Unit Yuan Jin and Li Dian led the fourth team; 曹操 自己 呢 , 就 帶 住 所有 其他 嘅 將官 做 第五隊 ; 每隊 都 各 帶兵 十萬人 。 Cao Cao|himself|question particle|then|||all|other|possessive particle|generals|make|fifth unit|each unit|all|each|leading soldiers|100000 men Cao Cao himself led all the other generals to form the fifth team; each team had 100,000 soldiers. 又 派許 褚 做 折衝 將軍 , 帶 三千 人馬 做 先鋒 , 就 選定 咗 建安 十三年 , 即 係 , 公元 二零 八年 嘅 秋天 , 七月 丙 五日 出師 。 again|appointed|Zhu|to be|strategist|general|leading|three thousand|troops|as|vanguard|then|decided|past tense marker|Jian'an||that is|is|AD|two thousand||possessive particle|autumn|July|Bing||to march out He also appointed Xu Zhu as the General of the Vanguard, leading 3,000 troops as the vanguard, and decided to launch the campaign on the fifth day of the seventh month in the autumn of the thirteenth year of Jian'an, which is the year 208 AD. 太中 大夫 孔融 呢 就 反對 曹操 呢 個 軍事行動 嘅 。 Tai Zhong|doctor|Kong Rong|this|then|opposed|Cao Cao|this|measure word|military action|possessive particle The Grand Minister Kong Rong opposed Cao Cao's military action. 呢 一日 , 佢 勸 曹操 話 嘞 : 丞相 , 劉備 、 劉表 , 兩位 都 係 漢室 宗親 , 唔 好 隨便 去 攻打 佢 哋 。 this|one day|he|advised|Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|Prime Minister|Liu Bei|Liu Biao|both|all|are|Han dynasty|royal relatives|||casually|go|attack|them|plural marker On that day, he advised Cao Cao, saying: "Prime Minister, Liu Bei and Liu Biao are both relatives of the Han dynasty, so we should not attack them lightly." 孫權 虎踞 六郡 , 而且 有 長江 天險 , 亦 唔 容易 打 嘅 。 Sun Quan|tiger's den|six commanderies|moreover|has|Yangtze River|natural barrier|also|not|easily|defeated|particle Sun Quan occupies six prefectures and has the natural defense of the Yangtze River, making it not easy to attack. 而家 丞相 出兵 南征 , 但 係 無義之 師 恐怕 有失 天下 之 希望 啊 ! now|Prime Minister|deploy troops|southern campaign|||unjust|army|afraid|will lose|the world|possessive particle|hope|ah Now the Prime Minister is sending troops to the south, but this unjust war may jeopardize the hope for the world! 曹操 嬲 : 哼 ! 劉備 、 劉表 、 孫權 , 都 係 叛逆 之臣 , 唔 去 討伐 佢 哋 點得 啊 ! Cao Cao|angry|humph|Liu Bei|Liu Biao|Sun Quan|all|are|rebellious||not|go|attack|they|plural marker|how to|question particle Cao Cao is angry: Hmph! Liu Bei, Liu Biao, and Sun Quan are all rebellious ministers; how can we not attack them? 不准 多講 , 你 出去 ! not allowed|to talk more|you|go out No more talking, you go out! 以後 仲 有人 敢 反對 嘅 , 斬 ! in the future|still|anyone|dares|oppose|particle indicating possession or emphasis|cut off If anyone dares to oppose in the future, execute them!

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