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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 057

各位 聽眾 , 大家 就 唔 好 以 為 劉備 啊 冇 乜 本事 。 以 為 佢 淨 係 識 喊 嘅 唧 噉 唔 係 啊 吓 , 劉備 個人 呀 都 好 懂 兵法 㗎 。 嗱, 因為 張飛 啊 喝 退 咗 曹 軍 之後 啊 , 又 拆 咗 埲 長 坂 橋 。 呢 , 劉備 就 判斷 嘞 , 曹操 實會 睇 出 自己 兵少 心怯 , 一定 會 跟 住 追 嚟 嘅 。 所以 立即 吩咐 起程 , 混 小路 斜 斜 地 插 過去 漢津 , 向 住 沔陽 嗰 條 路 一直 行 過去 。 噉 啊 當張 遼 、 許褚 奉命 去 到 長 坂橋 探聽 消息 嘅 時候 , 發現 張飛 已經 走 咗 , 埲 橋 亦 已經 拆斷 咗 之後 , 趕緊 返去 報告 曹操 吖 。 果然 間 呀 , 曹操 個 判斷 同 劉備 諗 法 一樣 。 曹操 就 話 喇 : 佢 退走 咗 , 又 拆斷 道橋 , 哼 , 一定 係 心怯 喇 。 於是 曹操 傳令 落 去 , 馬上 調 一萬 兵卒 , 盡快 搭 三座 浮橋 , 限定 當晚 就要 搭 好 , 漏夜 過人 。 李典 考慮 咗 下 就 話 喇 : 丞相 , 呢 個 恐怕 係 諸葛亮 嘅 詭計 噃, 唔 好 輕易 進兵 啊 。 誒 , 張飛 係 個 粗人 , 有勇無謀 , 佢 有 乜嘢 詭計 吖 。 曹操 睇 穿 晒 啊 , 馬上 下令 , 浮橋 一 搭 好 就 進兵 。 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 帶 住 大家 一路 趕住 去 漢津 。 而 曹操 呢 , 亦 咬住 尾猛 咁 追緊 嚟 。 曹操 通令 全軍 將領 話 : 而家 劉備 就 好似 甕 缸 裏 便 嘅 魚 , 陷阱 裏 便 嘅 老虎 。 如果 唔 趁 呢 個 時候 捉住 佢 , 就 放魚入海 , 縱虎歸山 喇 。 眾 將官 ! 在 ! 大家 努力 向前 ! 得 令 ! 所有 嘅 將領 接受 咗 命令 , 個個 都 發起 威 嚟 , 搏命 咁 向前 追趕 啊 。 當 劉備 佢 哋 就 快 去 到 漢 津 嘅 時候 , 忽然 望見 後 便 塵頭 大起 , 鼓聲 震天 , 殺聲動 地 。 弊 喇 ! 劉備 話 前 有 大江 , 後 有 追兵 , 呢 趟 點算 好 呢 ? 嘿 ! 幾大 就 幾大 啦 , 急急 命令 趙雲 準備 迎戰 嘞 。 嗱, 噉 又 講返 曹操 嗰 便 , 佢 指揮 大軍 正在 追得 高興 。 突然 間 , 喺 山坡 後 便 , 鼓聲 咚咚 咚 , 飛 出 一隊 人馬 , 帶隊 嗰 員大將 高聲 大喝 : 我 喺 度 等 咗 好 耐 喇 ! 只見 呢 員大將 , 手執 青龍刀 , 騎住 赤兔馬 , 嘩 ! 原來 係 關雲長 啊 ! 關雲長 去 江夏 問 劉備 借 到 一萬 人馬 。 佢 接到 消息 話 喺 當陽 長 坂 , 發生 大戰 , 所以 特意 趕到 嚟 由 呢 處 殺出 嚟 截擊 曹 軍 。 曹操 一見 關雲長 , 即刻 勒住 馬 , 擰 轉頭 對 嗰 班 將官 話 : 哎呀 ! 又 中 咗 諸葛亮 之計 喇 , 退兵 , 退兵 ! 曹操 即刻 下令 全軍 撤退 。 關雲長 就 索性 嚇 到 佢 夠 , 追 咗 曹 軍 十幾 里 , 然後 先至 回兵 嚟 保護 劉備 佢 哋 去 漢 津 。 喺 江邊 , 關雲長 已經 準備 好 船隻 等候 㗎 喇 。 佢 請 劉備 、 甘夫人 、 阿斗 落 咗 船 , 入去 船艙 坐定 。 關雲長 問 嘞 : 點解 唔 見 二嫂 呢 ? 劉備 就將 當陽 作戰 嘅 經過 講 畀 佢 聽 。 聽 完 , 關雲長 歎 咗 一口氣 話 : 哎 ! 往日 喺 許 田 打獵 嗰 陣 , 如果 聽 我 話 , 就 冇 今日 之患 啦 ! 二弟 , 嗰 陣 時 我 係 投鼠忌器 啊 ! 大家 正 喺 度 傾 講 緊 , 忽然 聽見 大江 南岸 嗰 便 , 咚咚 聲 擂響 戰鼓 。 一隊 隊 嘅 戰船 呀 鋪滿 晒 江面 , 扯起 順風 里駛 緊過 嚟 。 劉備 嚇 咗 一 跳 啊 , 等到 啲 戰船 駛近 咗 , 只見 有 個人 , 着 住 白袍 銀甲 , 企 喺 船頭 大聲 噉 嗌: 叔父 , 你 身體 好 吖 嘛 ? 劉備 定眼 一 睇 , 哦 ! 原來 係 劉琦 ! 兩隻 船一 拍 埋 , 劉琦 就 跳 過船 嚟 , 跪 喺 船頭 向 劉備 行 咗 個禮 , 佢 話 : 聽講 叔父 畀 曹操 嘅 兵馬 圍困 , 小侄 特意 趕 嚟 接應 啊 。 劉備 歡喜 到極 喇 , 將軍 隊合 埋 一齊 開船 行 嘞 。 行行 下 , 只見 西南方 嘅 江面 上 , 一字 噉 擺開 一隊 戰船 , 乘風破浪 吹響 哨子 , 啡 啡 聲 噉 駛 緊過 嚟 。 呢 趟 就 唔 止 劉備 驚 啊 , 劉琦 都 驚起 上 嚟 話 : 江夏 嘅 兵 , 小侄 已經 帶齊 嚟 呢 度 㗎 喇 。 而 家 喺 前 便 有 戰船 攔路 , 如果 唔 係 曹操 嘅 , 就 係 江東 㗎 喇 , 點算 好 呢 點算 好 呢 ? 劉備 鎮定 一下 , 行去 船頭 望望 。 只見 迎面 駛緊 嚟 嘅 船上 有 個人 , 頭 戴綸巾 , 身穿 道袍 , 原來 係 孔明 ! 孫乾 就 企 喺 佢 嘅 背後 。 嚟 到 嘞 , 劉備 連忙 請 孔明 過船 嚟 問 佢 點解 會 嚟 到 呢 處 㗎 噉 。 孔明 就 話 嘞 : 我 去 到 江夏 之後 , 就 首先 派 雲 長 喺 漢 津 登陸 , 去 接應 主公 你 。 我 誒 早就 料到 曹操 必定會 嚟 追趕 嘅 , 而 主公 你 呢 , 亦 必定 唔 會行 江陵 嗰 便 嚟 , 實 係 斜 斜 地 插 去 漢津 。 所以 我 就 請 公子 劉琦 先行一步 嚟 接應 。 我 自己 去夏 口 , 將 水軍 都 帶 嚟 助戰 啊 。 劉備 噉 就 好 高興 喇 , 即刻 同 大家 一齊 嚟 商量 , 點樣 應付 曹操 嘅 追擊 。 孔明 話 : 夏 口 嘅 城池 非常 險要 , 錢糧 亦 唔 少 , 係 可以 喺 度 堅守 得 好 耐 嘅 。 就 請 主公 去夏 口 駐 扎 啦 。 大 公子 呢 , 就 先返 去 江夏 , 整頓 一下 戰船 , 收拾 好 啲 兵器 。 夏口同 江夏 互相 呼應 , 成為 犄角之勢 , 噉 就 可以 抵擋 住 曹操 嘞 。 如果 大家 都 去 埋 江夏 , 噉 仲 顯得 勢力 孤單 添 。 劉琦話 : 軍師 嘅 意見 非常 正確 。 不過 , 我 又 想 請 叔父 暫時 去一趟 江夏 先 , 將兵 馬 整頓 好 嘞 , 然後 再 去夏 口 , 唔 知 叔父 意下如何 呢 ? 賢侄 , 你 噉 講亦 啱 嘅 。 劉備 於是 留低 關羽 , 帶住 五千 人馬 守衛 夏口 。 劉備 自己 呢 就 同埋 孔明 、 劉琦 就 去 江夏 喇 。 而家返 轉頭 講下 曹操 , 佢 見 關羽 喺 半路 殺出 嚟 就 懷疑 諸葛亮 又 設 咗 埋伏 , 就 唔 敢 去 追 。 佢 又 怕 劉備 , 由 水路 先 去 奪取 江陵 , 所以 呢 , 佢 就 漏夜 帶兵 趕 去 江陵 。 呢 個 時候 , 荊州 治中 鄧義 、 別駕 劉先 , 呢 兩個 人 已經 知道 咗 襄陽 嘅 事 。 知道 蔡瑁 、 張允 投降 咗 曹操 又 封官賜 爵 。 於是 佢 哋 兩個 亦 都 看風 使里 , 帶齊 荊州 嘅 軍民 出城 嚟 投降 。 曹操 一入 城 , 安民 之後 , 接見 荊州 原來 嘅 官員 , 各人 都 有 封賞 。 然後 呢 , 曹操 又 召集 佢 嘅 謀臣武將 嚟 商量 點樣 繼續 進攻 劉備 。 曹操 話 : 目前 , 劉備 已經 去 咗 江夏 。 就 係 擔心 佢 同 東吳 連結 起 嚟 , 噉 就 更加 麻煩 咯 。 我 哋 , 用 乜嘢 計策 去 打 佢 好 呢 ? 荀 攸 就 建議 話 嘞 : 丞相 而 家 嘅 兵 勢 極其 強盛 。 丞相 可以 派 人 送 一封 檄文 去 江東 , 邀請 孫權 去 江夏 會師 , 一齊 嚟 消滅 劉備 。 事情 成功 之後 呢 就 平分 荊州 , 永遠 結成 同盟 互不侵犯 。 噉 孫權 接到 丞相 呢 一封 檄文 , 一定 會 驚起 上 嚟 要 嚟 投降 㗎 喇 。 噉 樣 , 我 哋 就 成功 啦 嘛 。 曹操 聽 咗 非常 之 贊成 , 就 寫 好 檄文 , 派 人 送 去 東吳 嘞 。 同時 呢 , 點齊馬 、 步 、 水軍 , 包括 本部 嘅 同 荊州 、 襄陽 投降 過 嚟 嘅 , 總共 八十三萬 人馬 。 對外 講呢 , 話 係 一百萬 , 噉 啊 威勢 啲 吖 嘛 係 咪 呢 。 噉 啊 水陸並進 , 有 啲 係 坐船 有 啲 騎馬 , 順住 大江 , 浩浩蕩蕩 出發 嘞 。 呢 次 行軍 , 認真 威風 啊 ! 西便 , 由 荊州 起 , 一直 到 東 便 嘅 蘄春 、 黃州 , 一路 之上 啲 兵營 呀 , 連 結成 三百 幾里 啊 。 呢 , 話分 兩頭 , 而家 講下 江東 孫權 啊 。 孫權 親自 率領 大軍 , 駐 扎 喺 柴桑郡 。 佢 對 曹操 同 劉備 喺 長江 北岸 嘅 戰爭 呀 , 一直 都 係 非常 注意 。 佢 知道 咗 曹操 嘅 大軍 已經 到 咗 襄陽 , 劉琮 呢 就 已經 投降 嘞 , 劉備 啊 退 咗 去 江夏 。 曹操 而家 正在 日夜兼程 , 進軍 去 打 江陵 。 噉 呢 個 形勢 對 江東 有 極大 威脅 。 呢 一日 , 孫權 召集 佢 嗰 班 謀士 啊 , 嚟 商量 點樣 應付 呢 個 局面 。 魯肅 話 喇 : 荊州 嘅 地界 係 同 江東 連接 嘅 , 嗰 度 嘅 地勢 險要 , 物產 富庶 。 我 哋 如果 能夠 將 荊州 攞 到手 呀 , 噉 啊 真 係 帝王 嘅 根基 嚟 啊 。 而家 劉表 死 咗 冇 幾耐 , 劉備 最近 又 打 咗 敗仗 。 我 誒 , 想 請求 主公 你 派 我 去 江夏 吊喪 , 對 劉表 嘅 逝世 表示 下 悼念 之情 。 順便 , 去 說服 劉備 , 要 佢 好好 噉 將 劉表 嘅 軍隊 整頓 一下 , 同 我 哋 聯合 起 嚟 , 一齊 嚟 對付 曹操 。 如果 劉備 應承 咯 , 噉 就 大事 成功 喇 。 孫權 覺得 魯肅 呢 個 策略 好 啊 , 就 非常 之 讚 成 。 就 派 咗 魯肅 , 帶住 祭禮 去 江夏 吊喪 嘞 。 噉 劉備 呢 , 佢 到 咗 江夏 之後 , 就 同 孔明 、 劉琦 , 一齊 研究 今後 對付 曹操 嘅 辦法 。 孔明 話 : 曹操 而 家 嘅 勢力 龐大 , 一時之間 係 好 難 對付 嘅 。 我 哋 不如 去 投奔 東吳 嘅 孫權 , 搵 一個 幫手 。 噉 當 佢 哋 南北 兩方 相持不下 , 我 哋 從中取利 又 有何不可 呢 ? 劉備 話 : 噉 好 就 好 啊 , 但 係 江東 嘅 人才 唔 少 , 佢 哋 必定 有 遠大 嘅 計劃 , 又 點肯 容納 我 哋 同 我 哋 聯合 呢 ? 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 。 當前 曹操 率領 百萬 大軍 , 就 駐 扎 喺 長江 南岸 , 虎視眈眈 。 江東 點 能夠 唔 關心 呢 ? 佢 哋 必定 會派 人 嚟 探聽虛實 嘅 。 只要 佢 有人 嚟 , 我 就 趁 呢 個 機會 去一趟 江東 , 就 憑 我 嘅 三寸不爛之舌 , 非 要說 到 佢 哋 南北 兩方 都 打起 嚟 不可 。 如果 南軍 打勝 , 我 哋 就 一齊 消滅 曹操 ,攞 到 荊州 嘅 地方 。 如果 北軍 打勝 呢 , 我 哋 就 乘機 奪取 江南 。 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 好極 喇好極 喇 ! 先生 你 呢 個 睇 法 高明 啊 ! 不過 , 點先 至 得 江東 有人 嚟 呢 ? 正 喺 度 商量 緊 , 有人 嚟 報告 話 江東 孫權派 魯肅 嚟 吊喪 , 船 已經 泊岸 嘞 噉 。 孔明 一 聽到 呢 個 報告 就 笑 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 呢 次 成功 喇 ! 佢 轉過 頭 嚟 問劉琦話 喇 : 大 公子 , 當初 孫策 死 嘅 時候 , 襄陽 有 冇 派 過人 嚟 吊喪 呢 ? 劉琦話 喇 : 江東 同 我 哋 有 殺 父之仇 , 點會 有 來往 呢 ? 照 噉 睇 , 魯肅 呢 次 嚟 , 並唔 係 為 咗 吊喪 , 而 係 嚟 探聽 軍情 啊 。 孔明 又 對 劉備 話 喇 : 等陣 魯肅 嚟 到 , 如果 佢 問及 曹操 嘅 動靜 , 主公 你 一味 推 唔 知 就 得 嘞 。 如果 佢 再三再四 噉 問 , 主公 你 就 話 呢 啲 事問 諸葛亮 啦 噉 。 商量 妥當 之後 , 就 派 人 去 迎接 魯肅 。 魯肅入 咗 城 , 吊喪 完 喇 , 劉琦 就 收 咗 魯肅 送 嚟 嘅 祭禮 , 就 請 劉備 出 嚟 同 魯肅 見面 。 彼此 行過禮 , 請入 去 後堂 飲酒 , 同 魯肅 洗塵 接風 。 酒 過數 巡 , 魯肅 話 嘞 : 久 聞皇叔 大名 , 就 係 無緣 拜會 , 今日 有幸 相見 真 係 十分 欣慰 啊 ! 誒 聽講 近來 皇叔 同 曹操 會戰 , 噉 皇叔 一定 好 了解 曹操 嘅 虛實 㗎 。 請問 曹操 嘅 兵力 , 大概 有 幾多 人馬 呢 嚱? 誒 , 我 啊 正 所謂 兵微將寡 , 一 聽到 曹操 大軍 嚟 到 我 即刻 就 走 喇 。 佢 嘅 虛實 情形 我 一 啲 都 唔 知道 噃。 聽講 皇叔 你 用 諸葛孔明 嘅 計策 , 兩場 大火 , 燒到 曹操 魂飛魄散 , 點解 話 唔 知道 佢 哋 嘅 情形 啊 ? 誒 , 呢 啲 事 要問 孔明先 至 清楚 嘞 。 孔明 喺 唔 喺 呢 處 呢 ? 好 想 同 佢 見 一 見面 啊 。 佢 喺 處 , 我 叫 佢 嚟 啦 。 於是 劉備 就 叫 人 去 請 孔明 出 嚟 同 魯肅 見面 。 魯肅 同 孔明 互相 行過禮 , 寒暄 客套 咗 幾句 。 魯肅 就 話 喇 : 一向 都 非常 仰慕 先生 嘅 才 德 , 只 係 未有 機會 拜見 。 今日 咁 好彩 能夠 認識 先生 , 好 想 請教 下 先生 關於 當前 局勢 有 咩 嘢 睇 法 呢 ? 孔明 話 : 曹操 嘅 奸計 , 我 係 十分 清楚 嘅 , 就 係 可惜 目前 我 哋 嘅 力量 唔 夠 , 所以 唯有 避開 下 佢 先 啦 。 哦 , 皇叔 係 唔 係 就 打算 喺 呢 度 長住 落去 呢 ? 唔 係 , 使君 同 蒼梧 太守 吳臣 係 老朋友 , 係 準備 去 投奔 佢 。 不過 噉 噃, 吳臣 兵微將寡 糧草 缺乏 , 佢 自己 都 保 唔 住 吖 , 仲點 能夠 關照 別人 呢 ? 係 嘅 , 吳 臣 嗰 度 雖然 係 住 唔 長 , 而家 不過 係 暫時 去 依靠 佢 一陣 , 以後 , 當然 仲有 另外 嘅 好 辦法 嘅 。 魯肅 話 喇 : 孫將軍 虎踞 江東 六郡 , 兵 精糧足 , 又極 之 尊敬 有 才學 嘅 人士 , 所以 江東 嘅 人才 大多數 都 去 咗 佢 嗰 處 。 為 咗 皇叔 着想 啊 , 最好 仲 係 派 一位 心腹 人去 東吳 , 商量一下 , 彼此 聯合 起 嚟 , 一齊 做 一番 大 事業 啊 。 劉使君 同 孫將軍 向來 都 冇 咩 嘢 交情 , 派 個人 去 恐怕 亦 係 白費 唇舌 嘅 啫 , 而且 , 亦 冇 邊個 心腹 人 可以 派 得 出去 喎 。 先生 你 嘅 兄長 而家 就 喺 江東 做 參謀 , 佢 日日 都 盼望 同 你 見面 。 如果 先生 你 唔 嫌棄 , 我 非常 願意 介紹 你 去 見 下 孫將軍 , 一齊 嚟 商量 大事 㗎 。 劉備 话 喇 : 哦 噉 唔 得 噉 唔 得 , 孔明 係 我 嘅 老師 , 一陣 間 我 都 唔 離得開 佢 㗎 , 佢 點 能够 去 啊 ? 魯肅 一味 噉 喽 孔明同 佢 一齊 去 江東 。 劉備 呢 , 一味 詐諦 , 幾 大都 唔 肯 。 呵 , 就 係 噉 做 咗 一輪 戲 , 孔明 就 話 喇 : 主公 , 而家 形勢 確係 緊急 , 請 主公 你 仲 係 派 我 去一趟 啦 。 噉 啊 既然 孔明 開聲 嘞 , 劉備 梗 係 岌頭 啦 。 於是 魯肅 啊 就 辭別 咗 劉備 、 劉琦 , 同埋 孔明 一齊 坐船去 柴桑郡 。 喺 船上 , 兩個 人 就 喺 度 商量 去 到 江東 要點 點點 噉 。 魯肅 就 對 孔明 話 : 先生 你 見到 孫將軍 , 千祈 唔 好將 曹操 兵多將廣 啲 實情 對 佢 講 啊 。 嘿嘿嘿 , 子敬 你 唔 使 叮囑 咁 多 , 去 到 我 自然 會 對答 㗎 喇 。 去 到 柴桑 嘞 , 船泊 咗 岸 , 魯肅 就 請 孔明 去 賓館 住落 休息 。 佢 自己 就 先 去 見 孫權 。 當 其時 啊 , 孫權 正 喺 大堂 上面 召開 緊 會議 , 江東 嘅 文武 大臣 都 喺 齊 處 。 孫權 聽 講話 魯肅 返 咗 嚟 唄 , 即刻 就 請 佢 入 嚟 問 佢 話 : 子敬 一路 辛苦 喇 , 你 呢 次 去 江夏 探聽虛實 , 結果 點啊 ? 主公 , 大致 嘅 情形 已經 搞清楚 , 等陣 再 同 主公 你講 啦 。 噉 好 啊 , 孫權 隨手 就將 曹操 送 嚟 嘅 檄文 遞 畀 魯肅 睇 , 佢 話 : 呢 個 係 曹操 昨日 派 人 送 嚟 , 個 使者 我 已經 打發 佢 走 先 。 今日 我 哋 正 喺 度 商量 , 但 係 傾到 而家仲未 揸 定 主意 。 魯肅 接過 檄文 嚟 睇 下 , 內容 呢 大致 係 話 : 我 曹操 奉 咗 皇帝 嘅 旨意 , 率領 大軍 南下 , 剿平 叛亂 。 不久 之前 , 劉琮 投降 嘞 , 荊州 、 襄陽 亦 已經 歸順 嘞 。 而家 , 又 統領 百萬雄兵 , 千員 上將 , 好 希望 同 孫將軍 , 喺 江夏 會師 , 一同 嚟 剿平 劉備 , 平分 土地 。 今後 , 就 結成 永久性 嘅 和 好 同盟 。 希望 孫將軍 唔 好 猶豫不定 , 趕快 答覆 啦 噉 。 魯肅 睇 完 檄文 就問 孫權 嘞 : 主公 你 嘅 意思 點呢 ? 哦 , 都 仲 未有 定論 啊 。 呢 個 時候 , 東吳 嘅 大臣 , 主要 嘅 謀士 張 昭 佢 發表意見 嘞 。 張昭話 : 主公 , 當前 曹操 帶住 百萬 大軍 , 藉 住 皇帝 嘅 名義 , 東征西討 。 如果 同 佢 對抗 啊 , 喺 道理 上講 係 唔 啱 嘅 。 況且 主公 可以 依靠 嚟 抵抗 曹操 嘅 呢 , 係 長江 天險 吖 。 不過 而家 荊州 已經 落 喺 曹操 之手 , 噉 樣 一 嚟 , 呢 個 天險 , 已經 係 兩家 所 共有 嘞 噃。 所以 睇 呢 個 形勢 , 我 哋 係 冇 辦法 抵抗 㗎 喇 。 照 我 睇 , 最好 仲 係 投降 罷啦 , 呢 個 乃 係 萬全之計 啊 。 張昭 呢 番 說話 , 講出 咗 東吳 大多數 謀士 嘅 心理 。 加之 以張 昭 嘅 地位 同 聲望 都 咁 高 , 佢 嘅 說話 係 好 有 影響 嘅 。 所以 佢 一 講完 啊 大家 都 異口同聲 噉 話 : 子布 講得 啱 啊 , 佢 嘅 說話 係 合乎 天意 㗎 ! 子布 就 係 張 昭 嘅 別字 咯 。 孫權 個心 呢 , 就 係 唔 同意 張 昭 嘅 意見 , 但 係 又 搵 唔 出 咩 說話 嚟 到 駁 佢 。 所以 孫權 就 一味 喺 度 諗 , 就 冇 出聲 。 張昭 見到 噉 就 補充 兩句話 喇 : 主公 你 不必 顧慮 咯 , 投降 咗 曹操 , 東吳 嘅 老百姓 就 平安 , 江南 六 郡 嘅 地方 亦 都 保得住 咯 。 孫權 聽 咗 仍然 耷 低頭 冇 出聲 。 過 咗 一陣 , 孫權 企 起身 去 廁所 。 魯肅 即刻 跟 住 尾 。 孫權 就 知道 魯肅 嘅 意思 , 就 拉 住 佢 隻 手 問 佢 話 : 你 有 咩 說話 啊 ? 講啦 。 主公 , 剛才 大家 嗰 啲 說話 , 會誤 咗 你 㗎 ! 千祈千祈 唔 好聽 啊 ! 人人 投降 曹操 , 都 唔 緊要 , 唯獨 主公 你 唔 能夠 投降 啊 ! 噉 講 係 咩 意思 呢 ? 主公 , 好似 我 哋 呢 啲 人 , 投降 之後 , 曹操 大 可以 將我 哋 安排 喺 家鄉 , 做 返個 州郡 嘅 官員 亦 好容易 唔 。 如果 你 投降 咗 曹操 , 結果 會 點樣 呢 ? 最多 最多 , 封個 侯爵 啦 。 按照 噉 嘅 地位 , 坐車 不過 一部 , 騎馬 不過 一匹 , 隨從人員 亦 不過 幾個 。 到 其時 , 仲點 能 夠學 似 今日 噉 南面稱孤 , 獨霸一方 不 受 拘束 呢 ? 先頭 大家 嗰 啲 意見 , 無非 係 各為 自己 , 唔 好聽 佢 哋 講 啊 ! 主公 , 你 應該 及早 揸 定 主意 。 魯肅 呢 番 說話 , 處處 為 孫權 着想 , 講得 光明正大 。 孫權 聽 咗 感動 到 不得了 , 佢 歎 咗 口氣 話 : 唉 , 嗰 班 人 啲 說話 , 真 係 令 我 失望 啊 。 你 噉 講 , 就 講正 我 嘅 心思 喇 。 真 係 多謝 上天 , 將你賜 咗 畀 我 嚟 幫助 我 。 不過 噉 噃, 曹操 最近 又 得 咗 袁紹 同 荊州 兩支 軍隊 , 勢力 咁 大 , 恐怕 係 好 難 抵敵 㗎 噃。 主公 , 我 去 到 江夏 約 咗 諸葛瑾 嘅 細 佬 諸葛亮 嚟 , 你 有 咩 事 即 管問 下 佢 , 一切 都 清楚 㗎 喇 。 哦 ? 乜 臥龍 先生 嚟 咗 咩 ? 係 啊 , 佢 而 家 喺 賓館 休息 。 哦 , 今日 已經 好 晏 喇 , 就 唔 見 佢 住 嘞 。 誒 , 等到 聽日 啦 。 將 文武百官 都 叫 齊 嚟 , 再 請 孔明 嚟 , 等 佢 首先 見識 下 我 哋 江東 嘅 英俊 人才 , 然後 再 嚟 商量 大事 啦 。 魯肅 接受 咗 命令 就 返 扯 嘞 。 第 日 , 魯肅 去 賓館 請 孔明 。 見面 第一句 說話 又 叮囑 佢 嘞 : 今日 見到 我 主公 , 千祈 唔 好話 曹操 兵多 啊 吓 。 孔明笑 嘞 : 哈哈哈哈 , 我 自然 會見 機而變 , 點都 唔 會 誤事 嘅 , 你 放心 啦 。 於是 魯肅 就 帶 孔明 去 見 孫權 。 未見 孫權 之前 啊 , 就 先將 孔明 帶到 去 一間 大廳 。 只見 張昭 啊 、 顧雍 啊 等等 一班 文武 官員 二十幾 人 , 個個 都 穿着 得 齊齊整整 , 一本正經 噉 坐 齊 喺 處 。 諸葛亮 逐個 逐個 同 佢 哋 行 過 禮 , 請教 過 姓名 , 然後 就 喺 客位 坐低 。 張昭 呢 一班人 , 見到 孔明 器宇軒昂 神態 瀟灑 。 佢 哋 諗 : 哼哼 , 此人 呀 , 一定 係 嚟 遊說 落咀頭 㗎 喇 。 噉 張昭 就 打頭炮 , 先 用 說話 嚟 挑 佢 。 張昭話 : 我 喺 江東 , 只不過 係 個 卑微 嘅 人 , 今日 , 能夠 向 先生 請教 十分 榮幸 。 我 早就 聽講 , 先生 喺 隆中 隱居 嘅 時候 , 就將 自己 比做 管仲 同樂 毅 , 唔 知 係 唔 係 有 噉 嘅 事 呢 ? 孔明 話 : 哦 , 呢 個 係 我 隨便 噉 攞 嚟 比 下 啫 。 聽講 劉豫州 為 咗 請 先生 出 嚟 幫 佢 做事 , 曾經 三顧草廬 , 得到 先生 之後 , 就 認為 係 如魚得水 一樣 。 想 一下 就將 荊州 、 襄陽 都 奪 到手 , 點知 , 今日 呢 兩個 地方 都 畀 曹操 攞 咗 去 咯 。 唔 知 對 呢 件 事 又 點樣 解釋 呢 ? 張昭講 劉豫州 就 係指 劉備 。 因為 劉備 當年 喺 徐州 畀 呂布 趕走 咗 呢 , 就 去 投奔 曹操 吖 。 曹操 啊 曾經 向 皇帝 推薦 劉備 做 豫州 牧 , 就 係 做 豫州 嘅 軍政 長官 。 噉 喺 古時 啊 , 係 有用 官名 嚟 代表人 名 嘅 習慣 。 因為 劉備 做過 豫州 牧咯 , 所以 張昭 呢 , 就 稱呼 佢 做 劉豫州 。 好 喇 , 閒話 休提 吓 。 孔明見 張昭放馬過 嚟 想 將軍 噃。 佢 諗 : 呵呵 , 張昭 乃 係 孫權 手下 第一位 嘅 謀士 。 如果 唔 首先 駁倒 佢 剝 咗 佢 棚 牙 , 仲 點樣 講得 掂 孫權 呢 ? 好 ! 於是 孔明 就 起象 𨂽 佢 。 噉 究竟 孔明 點樣 駁張 昭 呢 ? 噉 啊 且 聽 下回分解 。

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各位 聽眾 , 大家 就 唔 好 以 為 劉備 啊 冇 乜 本事 。 everyone|listeners|everyone|then|||||Liu Bei|ah|has no|any|ability Ladies and gentlemen, please do not think that Liu Bei has no abilities. 以 為 佢 淨 係 識 喊 嘅 唧 噉 唔 係 啊 吓 , 劉備 個人 呀 都 好 懂 兵法 㗎 。 ||he||is||||||||ah|huh|Liu Bei|person|particle|also|very|understands|military strategy|particle Just because he only knows how to shout does not mean that he is not capable; Liu Bei is actually very knowledgeable about military strategy. 嗱, 因為 張飛 啊 喝 退 咗 曹 軍 之後 啊 , 又 拆 咗 埲 長 坂 橋 。 well|because|Zhang Fei|particle|drank|repelled|past tense marker|Cao|army|after|particle|again|destroyed|past tense marker|Changban|long|slope|bridge After Zhang Fei repelled Cao's army, he also destroyed the Changban Bridge. 呢 , 劉備 就 判斷 嘞 , 曹操 實會 睇 出 自己 兵少 心怯 , 一定 會 跟 住 追 嚟 嘅 。 this|Liu Bei|then|judged|past tense marker|Cao Cao|really would|||his own|few soldiers|timid|definitely|would|||||particle indicating action completion At this point, Liu Bei judged that Cao Cao would definitely realize that his troops were few and would be fearful, and would certainly pursue them. 所以 立即 吩咐 起程 , 混 小路 斜 斜 地 插 過去 漢津 , 向 住 沔陽 嗰 條 路 一直 行 過去 。 so|immediately|ordered|to set off|mixed|small road|slanting|||to insert|past|Hanzin|towards|living|Mianyang|that|measure word for roads|road|straight|walk|past So he immediately ordered to set off, taking a small path to sneak over to Hanzin, heading straight towards the road to Mianyang. 噉 啊 當張 遼 、 許褚 奉命 去 到 長 坂橋 探聽 消息 嘅 時候 , 發現 張飛 已經 走 咗 , 埲 橋 亦 已經 拆斷 咗 之後 , 趕緊 返去 報告 曹操 吖 。 then|ah||Liao|Xu Chu|under orders|to go|to|Chang|Banqiao|to inquire|news|possessive particle|time|discovered|Zhang Fei|already|left|past tense marker|the|bridge|also|already|destroyed|past tense marker|after|hurriedly|returned|to report|Cao Cao|ah particle So, when Zhang Liao and Xu Chu were ordered to go to Changban Bridge to gather intelligence, they discovered that Zhang Fei had already left and the bridge had been destroyed, so they hurried back to report to Cao Cao. 果然 間 呀 , 曹操 個 判斷 同 劉備 諗 法 一樣 。 as expected|measure word|particle|Cao Cao|possessive particle|judgment|and|Liu Bei|thinking|method|the same Sure enough, Cao Cao's judgment was the same as Liu Bei's thinking. 曹操 就 話 喇 : 佢 退走 咗 , 又 拆斷 道橋 , 哼 , 一定 係 心怯 喇 。 Cao Cao|then|said|particle indicating completed action|he|retreated|past tense marker|again|destroyed|bridge|humph|definitely|is|cowardly|particle indicating completed action Cao Cao then said: He has retreated and destroyed the bridge, hmph, he must be scared. 於是 曹操 傳令 落 去 , 馬上 調 一萬 兵卒 , 盡快 搭 三座 浮橋 , 限定 當晚 就要 搭 好 , 漏夜 過人 。 then|Cao Cao|issued an order|down|to|immediately|mobilize|ten thousand|soldiers|as soon as possible|build|three|pontoon bridges|limited|that night|must|||overnight|transport people So Cao Cao issued an order to immediately mobilize ten thousand soldiers to quickly build three floating bridges, with a deadline to complete them by that night, to cross overnight. 李典 考慮 咗 下 就 話 喇 : 丞相 , 呢 個 恐怕 係 諸葛亮 嘅 詭計 噃, 唔 好 輕易 進兵 啊 。 Li Dian|consider|past tense marker|next|then|said|sentence-final particle|Prime Minister|this|measure word|probably|is|Zhuge Liang|possessive particle|trick|sentence-final particle|not|easily|lightly|advance troops|sentence-final particle Li Dian considered for a moment and said: Prime Minister, this might be Zhuge Liang's trick, we shouldn't advance lightly. 誒 , 張飛 係 個 粗人 , 有勇無謀 , 佢 有 乜嘢 詭計 吖 。 hey|Zhang Fei|is|a|rough man|brave but not wise|he|has|what|schemes|question particle Eh, Zhang Fei is a rough man, brave but not clever, what tricks does he have? 曹操 睇 穿 晒 啊 , 馬上 下令 , 浮橋 一 搭 好 就 進兵 。 Cao Cao|saw|through|completely|ah|immediately|gave orders|floating bridge|one|set up|well|then|advance troops Cao Cao saw through it all, and immediately ordered that as soon as the floating bridge was built, the troops would advance. 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 帶 住 大家 一路 趕住 去 漢津 。 now|talk about|Liu Bei|he|||everyone|all the way|hurriedly|go|Han Jin Now let's talk about Liu Bei, he is leading everyone to rush towards Hanjin. 而 曹操 呢 , 亦 咬住 尾猛 咁 追緊 嚟 。 and|Cao Cao|question particle|also|biting||so|chasing|coming And Cao Cao is closely pursuing them. 曹操 通令 全軍 將領 話 : 而家 劉備 就 好似 甕 缸 裏 便 嘅 魚 , 陷阱 裏 便 嘅 老虎 。 Cao Cao|issued a decree|entire army|generals|said|now|Liu Bei|just|like|jar|vat|inside|easily|possessive particle|fish|trap|inside|easily|possessive particle|tiger Cao Cao ordered all the generals to say: Now Liu Bei is like a fish in a jar, a tiger in a trap. 如果 唔 趁 呢 個 時候 捉住 佢 , 就 放魚入海 , 縱虎歸山 喇 。 if|not|take advantage of|this|measure word|time|catch|him|then|let the fish back into the sea||particle indicating completed action If we don't take this opportunity to catch it, it will be like putting fish back into the sea, letting the tiger return to the mountain. 眾 將官 ! crowd|general All officers! 在 ! here Present! 大家 努力 向前 ! everyone|work hard|move forward Everyone, let's work hard and move forward! 得 令 ! can|make Understood! 所有 嘅 將領 接受 咗 命令 , 個個 都 發起 威 嚟 , 搏命 咁 向前 追趕 啊 。 all|possessive particle|generals|accepted|past tense marker|orders|everyone|all|launched|intimidation|coming|risking their lives|so|forward|chasing|sentence-final particle All the generals received the orders, and everyone launched an attack, desperately chasing forward. 當 劉備 佢 哋 就 快 去 到 漢 津 嘅 時候 , 忽然 望見 後 便 塵頭 大起 , 鼓聲 震天 , 殺聲動 地 。 when|Liu Bei|he|they|then|quickly|go|arrive|Han|Jin|possessive particle|time|suddenly|saw|behind|immediately|dust|rise|drum sound|shook the heavens||earth When Liu Bei and his group were about to reach Hanzhong, they suddenly saw a large cloud of dust rising behind them, with the sound of drums shaking the heavens and the cries of battle shaking the earth. 弊 喇 ! 劉備 話 前 有 大江 , 後 有 追兵 , 呢 趟 點算 好 呢 ? bad|particle indicating completed action|Liu Bei|said|in front|has|big river|behind|has|pursuing soldiers|this|trip|how to calculate|good|particle indicating question Oh no! Liu Bei said there is a great river in front and pursuing soldiers behind, what should we do this time? 嘿 ! 幾大 就 幾大 啦 , 急急 命令 趙雲 準備 迎戰 嘞 。 hey|how big|then|how big|particle|urgently|order|Zhao Yun|prepare|to face the battle|particle Hey! No matter how big it is, it is what it is, quickly order Zhao Yun to prepare for battle. 嗱, 噉 又 講返 曹操 嗰 便 , 佢 指揮 大軍 正在 追得 高興 。 well|then|again|talk about|Cao Cao|that|time|he|commanded|army|is|chasing|happily Now, back to Cao Cao, he was commanding the army and was happily pursuing. 突然 間 , 喺 山坡 後 便 , 鼓聲 咚咚 咚 , 飛 出 一隊 人馬 , 帶隊 嗰 員大將 高聲 大喝 : suddenly|moment|at|hillside|behind|immediately|sound of drums|||flew|out|a group of|soldiers and horses|leading|that||loudly|shouted Suddenly, from behind the hillside, the sound of drums went boom boom boom, and a group of cavalry burst forth, led by a general who shouted loudly: 我 喺 度 等 咗 好 耐 喇 ! I|at|place|wait|past tense marker|very|long|sentence-final particle I have been waiting here for a long time! 只見 呢 員大將 , 手執 青龍刀 , 騎住 赤兔馬 , 嘩 ! 原來 係 關雲長 啊 ! only saw|this||holding in hand|Green Dragon Blade|riding|Red Hare horse|wow|originally|is|Guan Yun Chang|ah I saw this general holding a Green Dragon Crescent Blade, riding a Red Hare horse, wow! It turned out to be Guan Yu! 關雲長 去 江夏 問 劉備 借 到 一萬 人馬 。 Guan Yu|go|Jiangxia|ask|Liu Bei|borrow|get|ten thousand|troops Guan Yu went to Jiangxia to borrow ten thousand troops from Liu Bei. 佢 接到 消息 話 喺 當陽 長 坂 , 發生 大戰 , 所以 特意 趕到 嚟 由 呢 處 殺出 嚟 截擊 曹 軍 。 He|received|news|saying|at|Dongyang|Chang|Slope|occurred|great battle|so|specially|rushed to|here|from|this|place|burst out|here|ambush|Cao|army He received news that a great battle was happening at Changban, so he hurried here to break out and ambush Cao's army. 曹操 一見 關雲長 , 即刻 勒住 馬 , 擰 轉頭 對 嗰 班 將官 話 : Cao Cao|upon seeing|Guan Yu|immediately|reined in|horse|twisted|turned his head|to|that|group|generals|said Cao Cao, upon seeing Guan Yunchang, immediately reined in his horse, turned his head to the group of generals and said: 哎呀 ! 又 中 咗 諸葛亮 之計 喇 , 退兵 , 退兵 ! oh no|again|fall for|past tense marker|Zhuge Liang||sentence-final particle|retreat the troops| "Oh no! I've fallen for Zhuge Liang's scheme again, retreat, retreat!" 曹操 即刻 下令 全軍 撤退 。 Cao Cao|immediately|ordered|entire army|retreat Cao Cao immediately ordered the entire army to retreat. 關雲長 就 索性 嚇 到 佢 夠 , 追 咗 曹 軍 十幾 里 , 然後 先至 回兵 嚟 保護 劉備 佢 哋 去 漢 津 。 Guan Yu|then|simply|||him|enough|chased|past tense marker|Cao|army|more than ten|li (a unit of distance)|then|only then|return troops|come|protect|Liu Bei|he|plural marker|go|Han|Jin Guan Yunchang was so frightened that he chased the Cao army for over ten miles, and then he returned to protect Liu Bei and the others to go to Hanjin. 喺 江邊 , 關雲長 已經 準備 好 船隻 等候 㗎 喇 。 at|riverside|Guan Yu|already|||boat|waiting||particle By the riverside, Guan Yunchang had already prepared the boats waiting. 佢 請 劉備 、 甘夫人 、 阿斗 落 咗 船 , 入去 船艙 坐定 。 He|invited|Liu Bei|Lady Gan|A Dou|get|past tense marker|boat|enter|cabin|sit down He invited Liu Bei, Lady Gan, and A Dou to board the ship and sit down in the cabin. 關雲長 問 嘞 : 點解 唔 見 二嫂 呢 ? Guan Yu|asked|particle indicating past action|why|not|see|second sister-in-law|question particle Guan Yun Chang asked: Why can't I see Second Sister-in-law? 劉備 就將 當陽 作戰 嘅 經過 講 畀 佢 聽 。 Liu Bei||Changban|battle|possessive particle|process|tell|to|him|listen Liu Bei then recounted the events of the battle at Dangyang to him. 聽 完 , 關雲長 歎 咗 一口氣 話 : 哎 ! 往日 喺 許 田 打獵 嗰 陣 , 如果 聽 我 話 , 就 冇 今日 之患 啦 ! listen|finish|Guan Yu|sighed|past tense marker|a breath|said|sigh|in the past|at|||hunting|that|time|if|listen|me|advice|then|wouldn't have|today||particle After listening, Guan Yun Chang sighed and said: Ah! If I had listened to my advice back when we were hunting at Xu Tian, we wouldn't have today's troubles! 二弟 , 嗰 陣 時 我 係 投鼠忌器 啊 ! second younger brother|that|time|when|I|was|afraid of harming the innocent while trying to catch a rat|ah Second Brother, at that time I was hesitant to act! 大家 正 喺 度 傾 講 緊 , 忽然 聽見 大江 南岸 嗰 便 , 咚咚 聲 擂響 戰鼓 。 everyone|currently|at|place|talking|||suddenly|heard|big river|south bank|that|boat|thumping|sound|sounded|war drum Everyone was chatting when suddenly they heard the sound of drums beating from the southern bank of the river. 一隊 隊 嘅 戰船 呀 鋪滿 晒 江面 , 扯起 順風 里駛 緊過 嚟 。 a fleet|team|possessive particle|warships|particle indicating exclamation|spread across|completely|river surface|hoisted|favorable wind|||coming A fleet of warships was spread across the river, sailing over with the wind. 劉備 嚇 咗 一 跳 啊 , 等到 啲 戰船 駛近 咗 , 只見 有 個人 , 着 住 白袍 銀甲 , 企 喺 船頭 大聲 噉 嗌: Liu Bei|scared|past tense marker|one|jump|particle|wait until|plural marker|warships||past tense marker|only saw|there is|a person|wearing|continuous aspect marker|white robe|silver armor|standing|at|bow of the ship|loudly|like that|shout Liu Bei was startled and jumped. As the warships approached, he saw a person wearing a white robe and silver armor standing at the bow of the ship, shouting loudly: 叔父 , 你 身體 好 吖 嘛 ? uncle|you|health|good|particle|question particle "Uncle, are you in good health?" 劉備 定眼 一 睇 , 哦 ! 原來 係 劉琦 ! Liu Bei|focused his eyes|one|look|oh|originally|is|Liu Qi Liu Bei took a closer look and realized, oh! It was Liu Qi! 兩隻 船一 拍 埋 , 劉琦 就 跳 過船 嚟 , 跪 喺 船頭 向 劉備 行 咗 個禮 , 佢 話 : two||hit|together|Liu Qi|then|jumped||here|knelt|at|bow|towards|Liu Bei|performed|past tense marker||he|said As the two boats bumped together, Liu Qi jumped over to the boat, knelt at the bow, and paid his respects to Liu Bei, saying: 聽講 叔父 畀 曹操 嘅 兵馬 圍困 , 小侄 特意 趕 嚟 接應 啊 。 I heard|uncle|by|Cao Cao|possessive particle|troops|besieged|little nephew|specially|hurry|come|provide support|sentence-final particle I heard that my uncle is surrounded by Cao Cao's troops, so I rushed here to provide assistance. 劉備 歡喜 到極 喇 , 將軍 隊合 埋 一齊 開船 行 嘞 。 Liu Bei|happy|to the extreme|particle indicating completion|general|team|together|all|set sail|travel|particle indicating past action Liu Bei was extremely delighted and gathered the troops together to set sail. 行行 下 , 只見 西南方 嘅 江面 上 , 一字 噉 擺開 一隊 戰船 , 乘風破浪 吹響 哨子 , 啡 啡 聲 噉 駛 緊過 嚟 。 walk|down|only see|southwest|possessive particle|river surface|on|in a line|like that|arranged|a fleet|warships|riding the wind and breaking the waves|blew|whistle|||sound|like that|||here As they sailed along, they saw a line of warships arranged in a row on the river surface to the southwest, cutting through the waves and blowing their whistles, approaching with a booming sound. 呢 趟 就 唔 止 劉備 驚 啊 , 劉琦 都 驚起 上 嚟 話 : this|trip|then|not|stop|Liu Bei|scared|ah|Liu Qi|also|startled|up|here|said This time, not only was Liu Bei frightened, but Liu Qi was also startled and said: 江夏 嘅 兵 , 小侄 已經 帶齊 嚟 呢 度 㗎 喇 。 Jiangxia|possessive particle|soldiers|nephew|already|brought all|come|this|place|sentence-final particle|past action particle The soldiers from Jiangxia, my nephew has already brought them here. 而 家 喺 前 便 有 戰船 攔路 , 如果 唔 係 曹操 嘅 , 就 係 江東 㗎 喇 , 點算 好 呢 點算 好 呢 ? and|family|at|front|then|has|warship|blocking the road|if|not|is|Cao Cao|possessive particle|then|is|Jiangdong|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|how to calculate|good|question particle||| Right now, there are warships blocking the way ahead, if they are not from Cao Cao, then they are from Jiangdong, what should we do, what should we do? 劉備 鎮定 一下 , 行去 船頭 望望 。 Liu Bei|calm|for a moment|walked to|bow of the boat|took a look Liu Bei calmed down for a moment and walked to the bow of the ship to take a look. 只見 迎面 駛緊 嚟 嘅 船上 有 個人 , 頭 戴綸巾 , 身穿 道袍 , 原來 係 孔明 ! only saw|head-on|driving|coming|possessive particle|on the boat|there is|a person|head||wearing|Daoist robe|originally|is|Kongming He saw a person on a ship approaching, wearing a silk cap and a Daoist robe, it turned out to be Kongming! 孫乾 就 企 喺 佢 嘅 背後 。 Sun Qian|then|stand|at|he|possessive particle|behind Sun Qian was standing behind him. 嚟 到 嘞 , 劉備 連忙 請 孔明 過船 嚟 問 佢 點解 會 嚟 到 呢 處 㗎 噉 。 come|||||||||to ask|he|why|would|||||particle|like this When he arrived, Liu Bei quickly invited Kongming over to the boat to ask him why he had come to this place. 孔明 就 話 嘞 : 我 去 到 江夏 之後 , 就 首先 派 雲 長 喺 漢 津 登陸 , 去 接應 主公 你 。 Kongming|then|said|past tense marker|I|go|arrive|Jiangxia|after|then|first|send|Yun|Chang|at|Han|Jin|land|go|assist|lord|you Kongming replied: After I arrived in Jiangxia, I first sent Yun Chang to land at Hanjin to assist you, my lord. 我 誒 早就 料到 曹操 必定會 嚟 追趕 嘅 , 而 主公 你 呢 , 亦 必定 唔 會行 江陵 嗰 便 嚟 , 實 係 斜 斜 地 插 去 漢津 。 I|ah|long ago|anticipated|Cao Cao|definitely will|come|chase|particle indicating possession|but|lord|you|question particle|also|definitely|not|will go|Jiangling|that|route|come|really|is||||insert|to|Hanjin I had long anticipated that Cao Cao would definitely come to pursue us, and you, my lord, would also not take the route through Jiangling, but would actually head straight to Hanjin. 所以 我 就 請 公子 劉琦 先行一步 嚟 接應 。 so|I|then|request|young master|Liu Qi|go ahead one step|to|assist So I asked Young Master Liu Qi to go ahead and assist. 我 自己 去夏 口 , 將 水軍 都 帶 嚟 助戰 啊 。 I|by myself|||will|navy|all|bring|here|assist in battle|particle I myself will go to Xiakou and bring the navy to support the battle. 劉備 噉 就 好 高興 喇 , 即刻 同 大家 一齊 嚟 商量 , 點樣 應付 曹操 嘅 追擊 。 Liu Bei|then|just|very|happy|particle indicating completed action|immediately|with|everyone|together|come|discuss|how|deal with|Cao Cao|possessive particle|pursuit Liu Bei was very happy, and immediately gathered everyone to discuss how to deal with Cao Cao's pursuit. 孔明 話 : 夏 口 嘅 城池 非常 險要 , 錢糧 亦 唔 少 , 係 可以 喺 度 堅守 得 好 耐 嘅 。 Kongming|said|Xia|mouth|possessive particle|city|very|strategic|supplies|also|not|few|is|can|at|here|hold out|able|very|long|particle Kongming said: The city of Xiakou is very strategically important, and there is also a good amount of supplies, so we can hold out there for a long time. 就 請 主公 去夏 口 駐 扎 啦 。 then|please|lord||mouth|stationed|to pierce|particle indicating completion or change So please, my lord, go to Xiakou to set up camp. 大 公子 呢 , 就 先返 去 江夏 , 整頓 一下 戰船 , 收拾 好 啲 兵器 。 big|young master|question particle|then||to|Jiangxia|tidy up|a bit|warship|organize|well|more|weapons As for the eldest son, he should return to Jiangxia first to organize the warships and tidy up the weapons. 夏口同 江夏 互相 呼應 , 成為 犄角之勢 , 噉 就 可以 抵擋 住 曹操 嘞 。 |Jiangxia|mutually|supporting each other|becoming|flanking position|then|just|can|resist|against|Cao Cao|past action particle Xiakou and Jiangxia can support each other, forming a flanking position, which will allow us to withstand Cao Cao. 如果 大家 都 去 埋 江夏 , 噉 仲 顯得 勢力 孤單 添 。 if|everyone|all|go|together|Jiangxia|then|still|appears|power|lonely|even more If everyone goes to Jiangxia, it will make our forces seem even more isolated. 劉琦話 : 軍師 嘅 意見 非常 正確 。 Liu Qi said|strategist|possessive particle|opinion|very|correct Liu Qi said: The strategist's opinion is very correct. 不過 , 我 又 想 請 叔父 暫時 去一趟 江夏 先 , 將兵 馬 整頓 好 嘞 , 然後 再 去夏 口 , 唔 知 叔父 意下如何 呢 ? but|I|again|want|ask|uncle|temporarily|make a trip to|Jiangxia|first|||in order|well|particle indicating completion|then|again|||||uncle||question particle However, I would like to ask my uncle to temporarily go to Jiangxia first, to organize the troops properly, and then go to Xiakou. I wonder what my uncle thinks about this? 賢侄 , 你 噉 講亦 啱 嘅 。 wise nephew|you|like this|speaking also|correct|particle Noble nephew, what you said is also correct. 劉備 於是 留低 關羽 , 帶住 五千 人馬 守衛 夏口 。 Liu Bei|then|left behind|Guan Yu|took|five thousand|troops|to guard|Xiakou Liu Bei then left Guan Yu behind and took five thousand troops to guard Xiakou. 劉備 自己 呢 就 同埋 孔明 、 劉琦 就 去 江夏 喇 。 Liu Bei|himself|question particle|then|and|Kongming|Liu Qi|then|go|Jiangxia|final particle Liu Bei himself, along with Kong Ming and Liu Qi, went to Jiangxia. 而家返 轉頭 講下 曹操 , 佢 見 關羽 喺 半路 殺出 嚟 就 懷疑 諸葛亮 又 設 咗 埋伏 , 就 唔 敢 去 追 。 |turn around|talk about|Cao Cao|he|saw|Guan Yu|at|halfway|charge out|here|then|suspected|Zhuge Liang|again|set|past tense marker|ambush|then|not|dare|to|chase Now turning back to Cao Cao, he saw Guan Yu suddenly appear in the middle of the road and suspected that Zhuge Liang had set an ambush, so he did not dare to pursue. 佢 又 怕 劉備 , 由 水路 先 去 奪取 江陵 , 所以 呢 , 佢 就 漏夜 帶兵 趕 去 江陵 。 He|again|fears|Liu Bei|by|waterway|first|go|capture|Jiangling|so|this|he|then|in the night|led his troops|hurry|to|Jiangling He was also afraid of Liu Bei, so he first took the water route to seize Jiangling, thus he hurriedly led his troops to Jiangling at night. 呢 個 時候 , 荊州 治中 鄧義 、 別駕 劉先 , 呢 兩個 人 已經 知道 咗 襄陽 嘅 事 。 this|measure word|time|Jingzhou|administrative officer|Deng Yi|assistant officer|Liu Xian|these|two|people|already|knew|past tense marker|Xiangyang|possessive particle|matter At this time, the governor of Jingzhou, Deng Yi, and the deputy officer Liu Xian, already knew about the situation in Xiangyang. 知道 蔡瑁 、 張允 投降 咗 曹操 又 封官賜 爵 。 know|Cai Mao|Zhang Yun|surrender|past tense marker|Cao Cao|again||nobility rank They knew that Cai Mao and Zhang Yun had surrendered to Cao Cao and were granted titles and ranks. 於是 佢 哋 兩個 亦 都 看風 使里 , 帶齊 荊州 嘅 軍民 出城 嚟 投降 。 then|they|plural marker|two|also|all|assess the situation|strategy|bring along|Jingzhou|possessive particle|soldiers and civilians|out of the city|come|surrender So, the two of them also looked at the wind and led the troops and civilians of Jingzhou out of the city to surrender. 曹操 一入 城 , 安民 之後 , 接見 荊州 原來 嘅 官員 , 各人 都 有 封賞 。 Cao Cao|upon entering|city|pacifying the people|afterwards|met with|Jingzhou|original|possessive particle|officials|everyone|all|had|rewards After Cao Cao entered the city and stabilized the people, he met with the original officials of Jingzhou, and everyone received rewards. 然後 呢 , 曹操 又 召集 佢 嘅 謀臣武將 嚟 商量 點樣 繼續 進攻 劉備 。 then|question particle|Cao Cao|again|summoned|his|||to|discuss|how|continue|attack|Liu Bei Then, Cao Cao summoned his strategists and generals to discuss how to continue the attack on Liu Bei. 曹操 話 : 目前 , 劉備 已經 去 咗 江夏 。 Cao Cao|said|currently|Liu Bei|already|go|past tense marker|Jiangxia Cao Cao said: Currently, Liu Bei has already gone to Jiangxia. 就 係 擔心 佢 同 東吳 連結 起 嚟 , 噉 就 更加 麻煩 咯 。 then|||||||||||even more|troublesome|particle indicating finality He is worried that he will connect with Eastern Wu, which would be even more troublesome. 我 哋 , 用 乜嘢 計策 去 打 佢 好 呢 ? ||use|what|strategy|to|defeat|him|well|question particle What strategy should we use to defeat him? 荀 攸 就 建議 話 嘞 : 丞相 而 家 嘅 兵 勢 極其 強盛 。 Xun|You|then|suggested|saying|past tense marker|Prime Minister|and|currently|possessive particle|army|strength|extremely|powerful Xun You suggested: The Prime Minister's military strength is extremely strong right now. 丞相 可以 派 人 送 一封 檄文 去 江東 , 邀請 孫權 去 江夏 會師 , 一齊 嚟 消滅 劉備 。 Prime Minister|can|send|person|deliver|a|letter of challenge|to|Jiangdong|invite|Sun Quan|to|Jiangxia|join forces|together|come|eliminate|Liu Bei The Prime Minister can send someone to deliver a proclamation to Jiangdong, inviting Sun Quan to meet in Jiangxia to jointly eliminate Liu Bei. 事情 成功 之後 呢 就 平分 荊州 , 永遠 結成 同盟 互不侵犯 。 matter|successful|after|question particle|then|equally divide|Jingzhou|forever|form|alliance|mutual non-aggression After the success of this plan, we will divide Jingzhou equally and form a permanent alliance of non-aggression. 噉 孫權 接到 丞相 呢 一封 檄文 , 一定 會 驚起 上 嚟 要 嚟 投降 㗎 喇 。 then|Sun Quan|received|Prime Minister|this|a|edict|definitely|will|be alarmed|up|come|demand|to|surrender||particle indicating completed action So when Sun Quan receives this proclamation from the Prime Minister, he will definitely be alarmed and want to surrender. 噉 樣 , 我 哋 就 成功 啦 嘛 。 like this|way|||then|succeed|particle indicating completion|particle indicating obviousness In that case, we will succeed. 曹操 聽 咗 非常 之 贊成 , 就 寫 好 檄文 , 派 人 送 去 東吳 嘞 。 Cao Cao|heard|past tense marker|very|possessive particle|approval|then|wrote|good|proclamation|sent|person|deliver|to|Eastern Wu|past action marker Cao Cao listened and strongly agreed, so he wrote a proclamation and sent someone to deliver it to Eastern Wu. 同時 呢 , 點齊馬 、 步 、 水軍 , 包括 本部 嘅 同 荊州 、 襄陽 投降 過 嚟 嘅 , 總共 八十三萬 人馬 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question||infantry|navy|including|headquarters|possessive particle|with|Jingzhou|Xiangyang|surrender|past|come|possessive particle|in total|830000|troops At the same time, we gathered cavalry, infantry, and navy, including those who had surrendered from Jingzhou and Xiangyang, totaling 830,000 troops. 對外 講呢 , 話 係 一百萬 , 噉 啊 威勢 啲 吖 嘛 係 咪 呢 。 to outsiders|say this|said|is|one million|then|ah|imposing|more|particle|particle|is|surely|question particle Outwardly, we said it was one million, which sounds more imposing. 噉 啊 水陸並進 , 有 啲 係 坐船 有 啲 騎馬 , 順住 大江 , 浩浩蕩蕩 出發 嘞 。 like this|ah|simultaneous travel by water and land|there are|some|are|by boat|||by horse|following|the great river|in a grand and mighty manner|set off|past tense marker So, we advanced by both land and water, some by boat and some on horseback, following the Yangtze River, setting off in great numbers. 呢 次 行軍 , 認真 威風 啊 ! this|time|march|really|impressive|particle This march is really impressive! 西便 , 由 荊州 起 , 一直 到 東 便 嘅 蘄春 、 黃州 , 一路 之上 啲 兵營 呀 , 連 結成 三百 幾里 啊 。 west side|from|Jingzhou|starting|straight|to|east|side|possessive particle|Qichun|Huangzhou|along the way|on|plural marker|barracks|particle|even|formed|three hundred|miles|particle From Xi, starting from Jingzhou, all the way to the eastern side of Qichun and Huangzhou, the military camps along the way connect for over three hundred miles. 呢 , 話分 兩頭 , 而家 講下 江東 孫權 啊 。 this|conversation|two sides|now|let's talk about|Jiangdong|Sun Quan|ah Now, let's talk about Sun Quan from Jiangdong. 孫權 親自 率領 大軍 , 駐 扎 喺 柴桑郡 。 Sun Quan|personally|led|large army|stationed|at|in|Chaisang County Sun Quan personally leads the army, stationed in Chaisang County. 佢 對 曹操 同 劉備 喺 長江 北岸 嘅 戰爭 呀 , 一直 都 係 非常 注意 。 He|towards|Cao Cao|and|Liu Bei|at|Yangtze River|north bank|possessive particle|war|sentence-final particle|always|all|is|very|attentive He has always been very attentive to the battles between Cao Cao and Liu Bei on the northern bank of the Yangtze River. 佢 知道 咗 曹操 嘅 大軍 已經 到 咗 襄陽 , 劉琮 呢 就 已經 投降 嘞 , 劉備 啊 退 咗 去 江夏 。 He|knows|past tense marker|Cao Cao|possessive particle|army|already|arrived|past tense marker|Xiangyang|Liu Cong|question particle|then|already|surrendered|past action marker|Liu Bei|exclamatory particle|retreated|past tense marker|to|Jiangxia He knew that Cao Cao's large army had already arrived in Xiangyang, and Liu Cong had already surrendered, while Liu Bei had retreated to Jiangxia. 曹操 而家 正在 日夜兼程 , 進軍 去 打 江陵 。 Cao Cao|right now|is|traveling day and night|advancing|to|attack|Jiangling Cao Cao is currently marching day and night to attack Jiangling. 噉 呢 個 形勢 對 江東 有 極大 威脅 。 then|this|measure word|situation|to|Jiangdong|has|extremely large|threat This situation poses a great threat to Jiangdong. 呢 一日 , 孫權 召集 佢 嗰 班 謀士 啊 , 嚟 商量 點樣 應付 呢 個 局面 。 this|day|Sun Quan|gathered|his|that|group|strategists|particle|to come|discuss|how|deal with|this|particle|situation On this day, Sun Quan gathered his group of strategists to discuss how to deal with this situation. 魯肅 話 喇 : 荊州 嘅 地界 係 同 江東 連接 嘅 , 嗰 度 嘅 地勢 險要 , 物產 富庶 。 Lu Su|said|particle indicating assertion|Jingzhou|possessive particle|territory|is|with|Jiangdong|connected|possessive particle|that|place|possessive particle|terrain|strategic|resources|prosperous Lu Su said: The territory of Jingzhou is connected to Jiangdong, and the terrain there is strategic and the resources are abundant. 我 哋 如果 能夠 將 荊州 攞 到手 呀 , 噉 啊 真 係 帝王 嘅 根基 嚟 啊 。 ||if|can|take|Jingzhou|get|in hand|particle|then|particle|really|is|emperor|possessive particle|foundation|come|particle If we can take Jingzhou, then it will truly be the foundation of an emperor. 而家 劉表 死 咗 冇 幾耐 , 劉備 最近 又 打 咗 敗仗 。 now|Liu Biao|died|past tense marker|not||Liu Bei|recently|again|fought|past tense marker|defeat Now that Liu Biao has died not long ago, Liu Bei has recently suffered a defeat. 我 誒 , 想 請求 主公 你 派 我 去 江夏 吊喪 , 對 劉表 嘅 逝世 表示 下 悼念 之情 。 I|eh|want|request|lord|you|send|me|go|Jiangxia|attend funeral|towards|Liu Biao|possessive particle|death|express|some|condolences| I would like to request you, my lord, to send me to Jiangxia to pay respects, to express condolences for Liu Biao's passing. 順便 , 去 說服 劉備 , 要 佢 好好 噉 將 劉表 嘅 軍隊 整頓 一下 , 同 我 哋 聯合 起 嚟 , 一齊 嚟 對付 曹操 。 by the way|go|persuade|Liu Bei|need|he|properly|like this|take|Liu Biao|possessive particle|army|reorganize|a little|and|I|plural marker|unite|up|come|||deal with|Cao Cao By the way, I will persuade Liu Bei to properly reorganize Liu Biao's army, so that we can unite and deal with Cao Cao together. 如果 劉備 應承 咯 , 噉 就 大事 成功 喇 。 if|Liu Bei|agrees|particle indicating completed action|then|will|great matter|succeed|particle indicating completed action If Liu Bei agrees, then it will be a great success. 孫權 覺得 魯肅 呢 個 策略 好 啊 , 就 非常 之 讚 成 。 Sun Quan|thinks|Lu Su|this|measure word|strategy|good|particle|then|very|particle|| Sun Quan thought that Lu Su's strategy was good, and he highly approved of it. 就 派 咗 魯肅 , 帶住 祭禮 去 江夏 吊喪 嘞 。 then|sent|past tense marker|Lu Su|bringing|funeral offerings|to|Jiangxia|mourn|past action marker So he sent Lu Su to Jiangxia to attend the funeral with the sacrificial offerings. 噉 劉備 呢 , 佢 到 咗 江夏 之後 , 就 同 孔明 、 劉琦 , 一齊 研究 今後 對付 曹操 嘅 辦法 。 then|Liu Bei|question particle|he|arrive|past tense marker|Jiangxia|after|then|with|Kongming|Liu Qi|together|study|future|dealing with|Cao Cao|possessive particle|method When Liu Bei arrived in Jiangxia, he discussed with Kongming and Liu Qi about how to deal with Cao Cao in the future. 孔明 話 : 曹操 而 家 嘅 勢力 龐大 , 一時之間 係 好 難 對付 嘅 。 Kongming|said|Cao Cao|and|family|possessive particle|power|huge|in a short time|is|very|difficult|deal with|particle indicating past action Kongming said: Cao Cao's current power is enormous, and it is very difficult to deal with him at the moment. 我 哋 不如 去 投奔 東吳 嘅 孫權 , 搵 一個 幫手 。 ||might as well|go|seek refuge|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|Sun Quan|find|a|helper We might as well go to seek help from Sun Quan of Eastern Wu. 噉 當 佢 哋 南北 兩方 相持不下 , 我 哋 從中取利 又 有何不可 呢 ? then|when|they|plural marker|north and south|two sides|stalemate|I|plural marker||again||question particle So, when they are at a stalemate in the north and south, what is wrong with us taking advantage of the situation? 劉備 話 : 噉 好 就 好 啊 , 但 係 江東 嘅 人才 唔 少 , 佢 哋 必定 有 遠大 嘅 計劃 , 又 點肯 容納 我 哋 同 我 哋 聯合 呢 ? Liu Bei|said|like this|good|then|good|ah|||Jiangdong|possessive particle|talented people|not|few|they|plural marker|definitely|have|grand||plans|again|how could|accommodate|us|plural marker|and|us|plural marker|unite|question particle Liu Bei said: "That's fine, but there are many talents in Jiangdong, and they must have grand plans. How could they possibly accommodate us and our alliance?" 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 。 hehe|hehe|hehe Hehe hehe hehe. 當前 曹操 率領 百萬 大軍 , 就 駐 扎 喺 長江 南岸 , 虎視眈眈 。 currently|Cao Cao|leads|one million|army|then|stationed|firmly|at|Yangtze River|south bank|watching with greedy eyes Currently, Cao Cao is leading a million-strong army, stationed on the southern bank of the Yangtze River, watching closely. 江東 點 能夠 唔 關心 呢 ? 佢 哋 必定 會派 人 嚟 探聽虛實 嘅 。 Jiangdong|how|able to|not|care about|question particle|he|they|definitely||people|come||possessive particle How can Jiangdong not be concerned? They will definitely send someone to investigate the situation. 只要 佢 有人 嚟 , 我 就 趁 呢 個 機會 去一趟 江東 , 就 憑 我 嘅 三寸不爛之舌 , 非 要說 到 佢 哋 南北 兩方 都 打起 嚟 不可 。 as long as|he|someone|comes|I|then|take advantage of|this|measure word|opportunity|make a trip to|Jiangdong|then|relying on|my|possessive particle|tongue that can win arguments|must|||them|they|north and south|both sides|all|fight|come|impossible As long as they have someone coming, I will take this opportunity to go to Jiangdong, and with my silver tongue, I will make sure that they fight each other from both the south and the north. 如果 南軍 打勝 , 我 哋 就 一齊 消滅 曹操 ,攞 到 荊州 嘅 地方 。 if|Southern army|wins|we|plural marker|then|together|eliminate|Cao Cao|||Jingzhou|possessive particle|territory If the southern army wins, we will eliminate Cao Cao together and take over the territory of Jingzhou. 如果 北軍 打勝 呢 , 我 哋 就 乘機 奪取 江南 。 if|Northern Army|wins|question particle|we|plural marker|then|take the opportunity|seize|Jiangnan If the northern army wins, we will take the opportunity to seize Jiangnan. 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 好極 喇好極 喇 ! ah|hahaha||extremely good||particle Ah! Hahahaha, that's great, that's great! 先生 你 呢 個 睇 法 高明 啊 ! sir|you|question particle|measure word|reading|method|insightful|exclamatory particle Sir, your perspective is brilliant! 不過 , 點先 至 得 江東 有人 嚟 呢 ? but||until|get|Jiangdong|someone|come|question particle But how can someone from Jiangdong come here? 正 喺 度 商量 緊 , 有人 嚟 報告 話 江東 孫權派 魯肅 嚟 吊喪 , 船 已經 泊岸 嘞 噉 。 currently|at|place|discussing|ongoing|someone|came|report|said|Jiangdong||Lu Su|to come|pay respects|ship|already|docked|past tense marker|like that Just discussing this, someone came to report that Sun Quan from Jiangdong sent Lu Su to pay respects, and the ship has already docked. 孔明 一 聽到 呢 個 報告 就 笑 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 呢 次 成功 喇 ! Kongming|one|heard|this|measure word|report|then|laughed|particle indicating completed action|hahaha|hahaha|||success|particle indicating completed action As soon as Kongming heard this report, he laughed: Hahaha, this time it's a success! 佢 轉過 頭 嚟 問劉琦話 喇 : he|turned|head|here||particle indicating completed action He turned to Liu Qi and asked: 大 公子 , 當初 孫策 死 嘅 時候 , 襄陽 有 冇 派 過人 嚟 吊喪 呢 ? big|son|at that time|Sun Ce|died|past tense marker|time|Xiangyang|||sent||come|mourn|question particle Eldest son, when Sun Ce died, did anyone from Xiangyang come to pay respects? 劉琦話 喇 : 江東 同 我 哋 有 殺 父之仇 , 點會 有 來往 呢 ? Liu Qi said|particle indicating certainty|Jiangdong|with|||have|kill||how could|have|interaction|question particle Liu Qi said: Jiang Dong has a vendetta against us, how could there be any interaction? 照 噉 睇 , 魯肅 呢 次 嚟 , 並唔 係 為 咗 吊喪 , 而 係 嚟 探聽 軍情 啊 。 according to|like this|see|Lu Su|this|time|come|not|is|for|past tense marker|mourning|but|is|come|to inquire|military situation|sentence-final particle From this perspective, Lu Su's visit this time is not for mourning, but to gather military intelligence. 孔明 又 對 劉備 話 喇 : 等陣 魯肅 嚟 到 , 如果 佢 問及 曹操 嘅 動靜 , 主公 你 一味 推 唔 知 就 得 嘞 。 Zhuge Liang|again|to|Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completed action|wait a moment|Lu Su|come|arrive|if|he|asks about|Cao Cao|possessive particle|movements|lord|you|just|push away|||then|fine|particle indicating completed action Kong Ming also told Liu Bei: When Lu Su arrives, if he inquires about Cao Cao's movements, you should just keep saying you don't know. 如果 佢 再三再四 噉 問 , 主公 你 就 話 呢 啲 事問 諸葛亮 啦 噉 。 if|he|repeatedly|like this|asks|lord|you|then|say||||Zhuge Liang|particle|like this If he keeps asking repeatedly, you should say that these matters should be directed to Zhuge Liang. 商量 妥當 之後 , 就 派 人 去 迎接 魯肅 。 discuss|properly|afterwards|then|send|person|to|welcome|Lu Su After discussing it thoroughly, they sent someone to welcome Lu Su. 魯肅入 咗 城 , 吊喪 完 喇 , 劉琦 就 收 咗 魯肅 送 嚟 嘅 祭禮 , 就 請 劉備 出 嚟 同 魯肅 見面 。 |past tense marker|city|mourning|finished|completed action particle|Liu Qi|then|received|past tense marker|Lu Su|sent|coming|possessive particle|sacrificial offering|then|invited|Liu Bei|to come|coming|with|Lu Su|to meet Lu Su entered the city, after the mourning was completed, Liu Qi received the offerings sent by Lu Su and invited Liu Bei to come out to meet Lu Su. 彼此 行過禮 , 請入 去 後堂 飲酒 , 同 魯肅 洗塵 接風 。 each other|exchanged greetings||to|back hall|drink|together|Lu Su|wash away dust|welcome party After exchanging pleasantries, they invited each other to the back hall to drink, and Lu Su was welcomed. 酒 過數 巡 , 魯肅 話 嘞 : 久 聞皇叔 大名 , 就 係 無緣 拜會 , 今日 有幸 相見 真 係 十分 欣慰 啊 ! wine|settle the bill|patrol|Lu Su|said|past tense marker|long||great name|just|is|no fate|meeting|today|fortunate|encounter|really|is|very|gratified|ah After a few rounds of drinks, Lu Su said: I have long heard of the great name of the Emperor Uncle, but have never had the chance to meet. It is truly a great pleasure to meet today! 誒 聽講 近來 皇叔 同 曹操 會戰 , 噉 皇叔 一定 好 了解 曹操 嘅 虛實 㗎 。 hey|I heard|recently|Uncle Huang|with|Cao Cao|battle|then|Uncle Huang|definitely|very|understand|Cao Cao|possessive particle|strengths and weaknesses|sentence-final particle I heard that recently the Emperor Uncle has been in battle with Cao Cao, so the Emperor Uncle must have a good understanding of Cao Cao's strengths and weaknesses. 請問 曹操 嘅 兵力 , 大概 有 幾多 人馬 呢 嚱? may I ask|Cao Cao|possessive particle|military strength|approximately|has|how many|troops|question particle|exclamation particle May I ask, how many troops does Cao Cao have? 誒 , 我 啊 正 所謂 兵微將寡 , 一 聽到 曹操 大軍 嚟 到 我 即刻 就 走 喇 。 hey|I|ah|just|so-called|few soldiers and fewer generals|one|heard|Cao Cao|large army|||I|immediately|then|run|past tense particle Hey, I am in a situation where I have few troops, and as soon as I heard that Cao Cao's army was coming, I immediately ran away. 佢 嘅 虛實 情形 我 一 啲 都 唔 知道 噃。 he|possessive particle|reality and illusion|situation|I|one|a little|all|not|know|sentence-final particle I don't know anything about their true situation. 聽講 皇叔 你 用 諸葛孔明 嘅 計策 , 兩場 大火 , 燒到 曹操 魂飛魄散 , 點解 話 唔 知道 佢 哋 嘅 情形 啊 ? I heard|Uncle Huang|you|used|Zhuge Kongming|possessive particle|strategy|two|big fires|burned until|Cao Cao|spirit lost|why|said|not|know|he|they|possessive particle|situation|question particle I heard that you, Emperor Uncle, used Zhuge Kongming's strategy, with two big fires that scared Cao Cao out of his wits. Why do you say you don't know their situation? 誒 , 呢 啲 事 要問 孔明先 至 清楚 嘞 。 hey|||things|||only|clear|past tense particle Hey, these matters need to be asked to Kongming to be clear. 孔明 喺 唔 喺 呢 處 呢 ? 好 想 同 佢 見 一 見面 啊 。 Kongming|is|not|at|this|place|question particle|very|want|with|him|to meet|one|face-to-face|exclamation particle Is Kongming here? I really want to meet him. 佢 喺 處 , 我 叫 佢 嚟 啦 。 he|at|place|I|call|him|come|particle He is at the place, I will call him over. 於是 劉備 就 叫 人 去 請 孔明 出 嚟 同 魯肅 見面 。 then|Liu Bei|then|called|someone|to go|invite|Kongming|come|out|with|Lu Su|meet So Liu Bei asked someone to invite Kong Ming to meet with Lu Su. 魯肅 同 孔明 互相 行過禮 , 寒暄 客套 咗 幾句 。 Lu Su|and|Kongming|mutually|exchanged greetings|small talk|polite remarks|past tense marker|a few sentences Lu Su and Kong Ming exchanged greetings and made some polite small talk. 魯肅 就 話 喇 : 一向 都 非常 仰慕 先生 嘅 才 德 , 只 係 未有 機會 拜見 。 Lu Su|then|said|particle indicating completed action|always|all|very|admired|sir|possessive particle|||||not yet|opportunity|to meet Lu Su then said: I have always greatly admired your talents and virtues, but I have not had the opportunity to meet you. 今日 咁 好彩 能夠 認識 先生 , 好 想 請教 下 先生 關於 當前 局勢 有 咩 嘢 睇 法 呢 ? today|so|fortunately|able to|meet|sir|very|want|ask for advice|a little||about|current|situation|has|what|thing|||question particle Today, I am fortunate to meet you, and I would like to ask your opinion on the current situation. 孔明 話 : 曹操 嘅 奸計 , 我 係 十分 清楚 嘅 , 就 係 可惜 目前 我 哋 嘅 力量 唔 夠 , 所以 唯有 避開 下 佢 先 啦 。 Kongming|said|Cao Cao|possessive particle|cunning plan|I|am|very|clear|possessive particle|just|||currently|||possessive particle|strength|not|enough|so|only|avoid|next|him|first|sentence-final particle Kong Ming said: I am very clear about Cao Cao's schemes, but unfortunately our current strength is insufficient, so we can only avoid him for now. 哦 , 皇叔 係 唔 係 就 打算 喺 呢 度 長住 落去 呢 ? oh|uncle|is|not|is|then|planning|at|this|place|to live permanently|down|this Oh, is the Emperor's uncle planning to stay here for a long time? 唔 係 , 使君 同 蒼梧 太守 吳臣 係 老朋友 , 係 準備 去 投奔 佢 。 |is|||||||old friends||preparing|to|seek refuge|him No, the governor and the Cangwu prefect Wu Chen are old friends, and he is preparing to seek refuge with him. 不過 噉 噃, 吳臣 兵微將寡 糧草 缺乏 , 佢 自己 都 保 唔 住 吖 , 仲點 能夠 關照 別人 呢 ? but|like this|right|Wu Chen||supplies|lacking|he|himself|also|protect||sustain|particle||able to|take care of|others|question particle However, Wu Chen's troops are few, his generals are scarce, and he lacks supplies. He can't even protect himself, so how can he take care of others? 係 嘅 , 吳 臣 嗰 度 雖然 係 住 唔 長 , 而家 不過 係 暫時 去 依靠 佢 一陣 , 以後 , 當然 仲有 另外 嘅 好 辦法 嘅 。 is|particle indicating possession|surname|minister|that|place|although|is|living|not|long|now|but|is|temporarily|to|rely on|him|for a while|in the future|of course||another|particle indicating possession||| That's right, although Wu Chen's place is not a long-term residence, we are just temporarily relying on him for a while. In the future, of course, there will be other good solutions. 魯肅 話 喇 : 孫將軍 虎踞 江東 六郡 , 兵 精糧足 , 又極 之 尊敬 有 才學 嘅 人士 , 所以 江東 嘅 人才 大多數 都 去 咗 佢 嗰 處 。 Lu Su|said|particle|General Sun|Tiger's Nest|Jiangdong|Six Commanderies|troops|well-supplied||possessive particle|respectful|have|talent and learning|possessive particle|people|therefore|Jiangdong|possessive particle|talented individuals|majority|all|go|past tense marker|his|that|place Lu Su said: General Sun occupies the six counties of Jiangdong, with a strong army and ample supplies. He also highly respects talented individuals, so most of the talents in Jiangdong have gone to him. 為 咗 皇叔 着想 啊 , 最好 仲 係 派 一位 心腹 人去 東吳 , 商量一下 , 彼此 聯合 起 嚟 , 一齊 做 一番 大 事業 啊 。 ||uncle|consideration|particle|it is best|||send|one|trusted||Eastern Wu||each other|unite|||together|do|a|great|undertaking|particle For the sake of the Emperor's uncle, it would be best to send a trusted person to Eastern Wu to discuss a potential alliance and work together on a great enterprise. 劉使君 同 孫將軍 向來 都 冇 咩 嘢 交情 , 派 個人 去 恐怕 亦 係 白費 唇舌 嘅 啫 , 而且 , 亦 冇 邊個 心腹 人 可以 派 得 出去 喎 。 Liu Shijun|and|General Sun|always|all|have not|any|thing|friendship|send|someone|go|I'm afraid|also|is|wasted|words|possessive particle|only|moreover|also|have not|anyone|trusted|person|can|send|able||sentence-final particle Lord Liu and General Sun have never had much of a relationship, so sending someone might just be a waste of breath, and there isn't anyone trustworthy to send out. 先生 你 嘅 兄長 而家 就 喺 江東 做 參謀 , 佢 日日 都 盼望 同 你 見面 。 sir|you|possessive particle|elder brother|now|just|at|Jiangdong|work as|staff officer|he|every day|also|hopes|with|you|to meet Your elder brother is currently serving as an advisor in Jiangdong, and he looks forward to meeting you every day. 如果 先生 你 唔 嫌棄 , 我 非常 願意 介紹 你 去 見 下 孫將軍 , 一齊 嚟 商量 大事 㗎 。 if|sir|you|not|mind|I|very|willing|to introduce|you|to|meet|next|General Sun|together|come|discuss|important matters|particle If you don't mind, I would be very willing to introduce you to General Sun so that you can discuss important matters together. 劉備 话 喇 : 哦 噉 唔 得 噉 唔 得 , 孔明 係 我 嘅 老師 , 一陣 間 我 都 唔 離得開 佢 㗎 , 佢 點 能够 去 啊 ? Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completed action|oh|like that|not|possible|like that|not|possible|Kongming|is|I|possessive particle|teacher|later|time|I|also|not|able to leave|he|particle indicating certainty|he|how|able to|go|particle indicating question Liu Bei said: "Oh, that's not possible, that's not possible. Kongming is my teacher, I can't leave him for a moment, how can he go?" 魯肅 一味 噉 喽 孔明同 佢 一齊 去 江東 。 Lu Su|stubbornly|like that|then||he|together|go|Jiangdong Lu Su insisted that Kongming go with him to Jiangdong. 劉備 呢 , 一味 詐諦 , 幾 大都 唔 肯 。 Liu Bei|this|always|pretending to be wise|quite|mostly|not|willing As for Liu Bei, he was always hesitant and unwilling. 呵 , 就 係 噉 做 咗 一輪 戲 , 孔明 就 話 喇 : ha|then|||||||||said|particle Ah, after a round of drama, Kongming said: 主公 , 而家 形勢 確係 緊急 , 請 主公 你 仲 係 派 我 去一趟 啦 。 Your Majesty|right now|situation|definitely|urgent|please||you|||send|me|go once|particle indicating suggestion or request "Your Majesty, the situation is indeed urgent now, please, Your Majesty, send me on a trip." 噉 啊 既然 孔明 開聲 嘞 , 劉備 梗 係 岌頭 啦 。 then|ah|since|Kongming|spoke up|past tense marker|Liu Bei|surely|is|in trouble|sentence-final particle Well, since Kongming has spoken, Liu Bei must be in a difficult situation. 於是 魯肅 啊 就 辭別 咗 劉備 、 劉琦 , 同埋 孔明 一齊 坐船去 柴桑郡 。 then|Lu Su|ah|then|bid farewell|past tense marker|Liu Bei|Liu Qi|and|Kongming|together||Chaisang County So, Lu Su bid farewell to Liu Bei, Liu Qi, and together with Kongming, they took a boat to Chaisang County. 喺 船上 , 兩個 人 就 喺 度 商量 去 到 江東 要點 點點 噉 。 on|the boat|two|people|then|at|there|discuss|go|to|Jiangdong|how to|do things|like that On the boat, the two of them discussed how to approach Jiangdong. 魯肅 就 對 孔明 話 : 先生 你 見到 孫將軍 , 千祈 唔 好將 曹操 兵多將廣 啲 實情 對 佢 講 啊 。 Lu Su|then|to|Kongming|said|sir|you|see|General Sun|absolutely|||Cao Cao|many soldiers and generals|more|true situation|to|him|speak|ah Lu Su said to Kongming: "Sir, when you meet General Sun, please do not mention the true situation of Cao Cao's large army to him." 嘿嘿嘿 , 子敬 你 唔 使 叮囑 咁 多 , 去 到 我 自然 會 對答 㗎 喇 。 hehehe|Zijing|you|not|need|remind|so|much|go|arrive|I|naturally|will|respond|particle|particle Hehe, Zijing, you don't need to remind me so much, I will naturally respond when we get there. 去 到 柴桑 嘞 , 船泊 咗 岸 , 魯肅 就 請 孔明 去 賓館 住落 休息 。 go|to|Chaisang|past tense marker||past tense marker|shore|Lu Su|then|invited|Kongming|to go|hotel|stay|rest Upon arriving at Chaisang, the boat docked at the shore, and Lu Su invited Kongming to stay at the inn to rest. 佢 自己 就 先 去 見 孫權 。 he|himself|then|first|go|meet|Sun Quan He himself went to meet Sun Quan first. 當 其時 啊 , 孫權 正 喺 大堂 上面 召開 緊 會議 , 江東 嘅 文武 大臣 都 喺 齊 處 。 when|at that time|ah|Sun Quan|currently|at|main hall|above|holding|continuous aspect marker|meeting|Jiangdong|possessive particle|civil and military|officials|all|at|together|place At that time, Sun Quan was holding a meeting in the main hall, with the civil and military officials of Jiangdong all present. 孫權 聽 講話 魯肅 返 咗 嚟 唄 , 即刻 就 請 佢 入 嚟 問 佢 話 : Sun Quan|heard|speaking|Lu Su|return|past tense marker|come|particle|immediately|then|invited|him|in|come|asked|him|said When Sun Quan heard that Lu Su had returned, he immediately invited him in and asked him: 子敬 一路 辛苦 喇 , 你 呢 次 去 江夏 探聽虛實 , 結果 點啊 ? Zijing|all the way|hard work|particle indicating completion|you|question particle|time|go|Jiangxia||result|how Zijing, you must have had a hard journey. How did it go this time when you went to Jiangxia to gather information? 主公 , 大致 嘅 情形 已經 搞清楚 , 等陣 再 同 主公 你講 啦 。 Your Excellency|roughly|possessive particle|situation|already|clarified|wait a moment|again|with|Your Excellency||sentence-final particle My lord, the general situation has been clarified, I will talk to you again later. 噉 好 啊 , 孫權 隨手 就將 曹操 送 嚟 嘅 檄文 遞 畀 魯肅 睇 , 佢 話 : like this|good|ah|Sun Quan|casually||Cao Cao|sent|here|possessive particle|edict|to pass|to|Lu Su|read|he|said Alright, Sun Quan casually handed the edict sent by Cao Cao to Lu Su to read, and he said: 呢 個 係 曹操 昨日 派 人 送 嚟 , 個 使者 我 已經 打發 佢 走 先 。 this|measure word|is|Cao Cao||sent|person|deliver|here|measure word|messenger|I|already|dismissed|him|leave|first This was sent by Cao Cao's messenger yesterday, and I have already sent the messenger away. 今日 我 哋 正 喺 度 商量 , 但 係 傾到 而家仲未 揸 定 主意 。 today|I|we|currently|at|in|discussing|||discussing until||drive|make|decision Today we are discussing this matter, but we still haven't made a decision yet. 魯肅 接過 檄文 嚟 睇 下 , 內容 呢 大致 係 話 : Lu Su|received|edict|to|read|down|content|this|roughly|is|saying Lu Su took the edict to read, and the content was roughly saying: 我 曹操 奉 咗 皇帝 嘅 旨意 , 率領 大軍 南下 , 剿平 叛亂 。 I|Cao Cao|to accept|past tense marker|emperor|possessive particle|imperial decree|to lead|army|to march south|to suppress|rebellion I, Cao Cao, have received the emperor's decree to lead a large army south to quell the rebellion. 不久 之前 , 劉琮 投降 嘞 , 荊州 、 襄陽 亦 已經 歸順 嘞 。 not long|before|Liu Cong|surrendered|past tense marker|Jingzhou|Xiangyang|also|already|submitted|past tense marker Not long ago, Liu Cong surrendered, and Jingzhou and Xiangyang have also submitted. 而家 , 又 統領 百萬雄兵 , 千員 上將 , 好 希望 同 孫將軍 , 喺 江夏 會師 , 一同 嚟 剿平 劉備 , 平分 土地 。 now|again|commanding|million strong army|thousand officers|generals|very|hope|with|General Sun|at|Jiangxia|meeting|together|come|eliminate|Liu Bei|equally divide|land Now, I command a million strong troops and thousands of generals, and I hope to meet General Sun in Jiangxia to jointly quell Liu Bei and divide the land. 今後 , 就 結成 永久性 嘅 和 好 同盟 。 希望 孫將軍 唔 好 猶豫不定 , 趕快 答覆 啦 噉 。 in the future|then|form|permanent|possessive particle|||alliance|hope|General Sun|||hesitate|quickly|reply|sentence-final particle|like that In the future, we will form a permanent peace alliance. I hope General Sun will not hesitate and respond quickly. 魯肅 睇 完 檄文 就問 孫權 嘞 : 主公 你 嘅 意思 點呢 ? Lu Su|||edict||Sun Quan|past tense marker|lord|you|possessive particle|meaning|how After Lu Su read the edict, he asked Sun Quan: "My lord, what do you think?" 哦 , 都 仲 未有 定論 啊 。 oh|still|yet|not have|conclusion|particle Oh, there is still no conclusion. 呢 個 時候 , 東吳 嘅 大臣 , 主要 嘅 謀士 張 昭 佢 發表意見 嘞 。 this|measure word|time|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|minister|main||strategist|Zhang|Zhao|he||past tense marker At this time, the minister of Eastern Wu, the main strategist Zhang Zhao expressed his opinion. 張昭話 : 主公 , 當前 曹操 帶住 百萬 大軍 , 藉 住 皇帝 嘅 名義 , 東征西討 。 Zhang Zhao said|Your Majesty|currently|Cao Cao|leading|one million|army|||the Emperor|possessive particle|name|waging war in the east and west Zhang Zhao said: My lord, currently Cao Cao is leading a million troops, using the emperor's name to conquer the east and the west. 如果 同 佢 對抗 啊 , 喺 道理 上講 係 唔 啱 嘅 。 if|with|him|confront|ah|at|reason||is|not|right|particle If we oppose him, it is not right in principle. 況且 主公 可以 依靠 嚟 抵抗 曹操 嘅 呢 , 係 長江 天險 吖 。 moreover|my lord|can|rely on|here|resist|Cao Cao|possessive particle|question particle|is|Yangtze River|natural barrier|sentence-final particle Moreover, my lord can rely on the natural barrier of the Yangtze River to resist Cao Cao. 不過 而家 荊州 已經 落 喺 曹操 之手 , 噉 樣 一 嚟 , 呢 個 天險 , 已經 係 兩家 所 共有 嘞 噃。 but|now|Jingzhou|already|fallen|in|Cao Cao|under|like that|situation|one|come|this|(measure word)|natural defense|already|is|two families|(particle indicating possession)|shared|(past action particle)| However, now Jingzhou has already fallen into Cao Cao's hands, so this natural fortress is now shared by both sides. 所以 睇 呢 個 形勢 , 我 哋 係 冇 辦法 抵抗 㗎 喇 。 so|look|this|measure word|situation|I|we|are|not have|means|resist||particle So looking at this situation, we have no way to resist. 照 我 睇 , 最好 仲 係 投降 罷啦 , 呢 個 乃 係 萬全之計 啊 。 according to|I|see|best|still|is|surrender|give up|this|measure word|only|is|perfect plan|particle In my opinion, it is best to surrender, as this is the safest plan. 張昭 呢 番 說話 , 講出 咗 東吳 大多數 謀士 嘅 心理 。 Zhang Zhao|this|time|conversation|revealed|past tense marker|Eastern Wu|most|strategists|possessive particle|psychology Zhang Zhao's words reflect the mindset of most strategists in Eastern Wu. 加之 以張 昭 嘅 地位 同 聲望 都 咁 高 , 佢 嘅 說話 係 好 有 影響 嘅 。 moreover||Zhao|possessive particle|status|and|reputation|all|so|high|he|possessive particle|words|is|very|has|influence|possessive particle Moreover, with Zhang Zhao's high status and reputation, his words carry a lot of weight. 所以 佢 一 講完 啊 大家 都 異口同聲 噉 話 : so|he|one|finished speaking|ah|everyone|all|in unison|like that|said So as soon as he finished speaking, everyone unanimously said: 子布 講得 啱 啊 , 佢 嘅 說話 係 合乎 天意 㗎 ! Zi Bu|speaks|right|particle|he|possessive particle|words|is|in accordance with|divine will|particle Zibu is right, his words are in accordance with the will of heaven! 子布 就 係 張 昭 嘅 別字 咯 。 Zibu|just|is|Zhang|Zhao|possessive particle|nickname|sentence-final particle Zibu is just the courtesy name of Zhang Zhao. 孫權 個心 呢 , 就 係 唔 同意 張 昭 嘅 意見 , 但 係 又 搵 唔 出 咩 說話 嚟 到 駁 佢 。 Sun Quan|mindset|particle indicating a question|then|is|not|agree|Zhang|Zhao|possessive particle|opinion|||again|find|not|out|what|argument|come|to|refute|him Sun Quan's heart is that he disagrees with Zhang Zhao's opinion, but he can't find any words to refute him. 所以 孫權 就 一味 喺 度 諗 , 就 冇 出聲 。 so|Sun Quan|then|just|at|here|thought|then|didn't|speak up So Sun Quan just kept thinking and didn't speak up. 張昭 見到 噉 就 補充 兩句話 喇 : Cheung Chiu|saw|like that|then|added|two sentences|particle indicating completion Zhang Zhao saw this and added two more sentences: 主公 你 不必 顧慮 咯 , 投降 咗 曹操 , 東吳 嘅 老百姓 就 平安 , 江南 六 郡 嘅 地方 亦 都 保得住 咯 。 Your Majesty|you|need not|worry|particle indicating certainty|surrender|past tense marker|Cao Cao|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|common people|then|safe|Jiangnan|six|counties|possessive particle|territory|||can be protected|particle indicating certainty My lord, you don't need to worry. If you surrender to Cao Cao, the common people of Eastern Wu will be safe, and the territories of the six counties in Jiangnan will also be preserved. 孫權 聽 咗 仍然 耷 低頭 冇 出聲 。 Sun Quan|heard|past tense marker|still|droop|head|did not|make a sound Sun Quan listened but still lowered his head and remained silent. 過 咗 一陣 , 孫權 企 起身 去 廁所 。 after|past tense marker|a while|Sun Quan|stood|up|went|bathroom After a while, Sun Quan stood up and went to the restroom. 魯肅 即刻 跟 住 尾 。 Lu Su|immediately|||tail Lu Su immediately followed him. 孫權 就 知道 魯肅 嘅 意思 , 就 拉 住 佢 隻 手 問 佢 話 : 你 有 咩 說話 啊 ? 講啦 。 Sun Quan|then|knew|Lu Su|possessive particle|meaning|then|||him|measure word for hands|hand|asked|him|speech|you|have|what|words|particle|speak up Sun Quan understood Lu Su's meaning, so he held his hand and asked him: What do you have to say? Go ahead. 主公 , 剛才 大家 嗰 啲 說話 , 會誤 咗 你 㗎 ! 千祈千祈 唔 好聽 啊 ! lord|just now|everyone|that|plural marker|conversation||past tense marker|you|sentence final particle|please please|not|take to heart|sentence final particle My lord, just now what everyone said could mislead you! Please, please don't listen! 人人 投降 曹操 , 都 唔 緊要 , 唯獨 主公 你 唔 能夠 投降 啊 ! everyone|surrenders|Cao Cao|all|not|important|only|lord|you|not|able to|surrender|ah Everyone else may surrender to Cao Cao, but you, my lord, cannot surrender! 噉 講 係 咩 意思 呢 ? then|say|is|what|meaning|question particle What does that mean? 主公 , 好似 我 哋 呢 啲 人 , 投降 之後 , 曹操 大 可以 將我 哋 安排 喺 家鄉 , 做 返個 州郡 嘅 官員 亦 好容易 唔 。 Your Excellency|like|I|we|these|plural marker|people|surrender|after|Cao Cao|very|can||we|arrange|in|hometown|be|back to being|prefecture|possessive particle|officials|also||not My lord, for people like us, after surrendering, Cao Cao could easily arrange for us to return to our hometowns and become officials in the local government. 如果 你 投降 咗 曹操 , 結果 會 點樣 呢 ? if|you|surrender|past tense marker|Cao Cao|result|would|how|question particle What would happen if you surrendered to Cao Cao? 最多 最多 , 封個 侯爵 啦 。 most||seal the|marquis|particle indicating suggestion or emphasis At most, you would be granted a marquis title. 按照 噉 嘅 地位 , 坐車 不過 一部 , 騎馬 不過 一匹 , 隨從人員 亦 不過 幾個 。 according to|that|possessive particle|status|taking a car|only|one vehicle|riding a horse|only|one horse|accompanying personnel|also|only|a few With such a status, you would only have one carriage, one horse, and just a few attendants. 到 其時 , 仲點 能 夠學 似 今日 噉 南面稱孤 , 獨霸一方 不 受 拘束 呢 ? at|that time||||like|today|like||dominate one side|not|subjected to|restrictions|question particle At that time, how could you still learn to be like today, claiming sovereignty in the south, dominating a region without restrictions? 先頭 大家 嗰 啲 意見 , 無非 係 各為 自己 , 唔 好聽 佢 哋 講 啊 ! first|everyone|that|plural marker|opinions|nothing more than|is|each for|themselves|||||say|ah The opinions of everyone at the beginning were merely for their own benefit, don't listen to what they say! 主公 , 你 應該 及早 揸 定 主意 。 lord|you|should|as soon as possible|drive|firm|decision My lord, you should make a decision as soon as possible. 魯肅 呢 番 說話 , 處處 為 孫權 着想 , 講得 光明正大 。 Lu Su|this|time|conversation|everywhere|for|Sun Quan|thinking|speaking|openly and honestly Lu Su's words this time are considerate of Sun Quan everywhere, and he speaks openly and honestly. 孫權 聽 咗 感動 到 不得了 , 佢 歎 咗 口氣 話 : Sun Quan|heard|past tense marker|moved|to|extremely|he|sighed|past tense marker|breath|said Sun Quan was deeply moved after hearing this, and he sighed and said: 唉 , 嗰 班 人 啲 說話 , 真 係 令 我 失望 啊 。 sigh|that|group|people|possessive particle|talk|||make|me|disappointed|ah Alas, what those people said really disappoints me. 你 噉 講 , 就 講正 我 嘅 心思 喇 。 you|like this|say|then|speaking correctly|my|possessive particle|thoughts|final particle What you said is exactly what I was thinking. 真 係 多謝 上天 , 將你賜 咗 畀 我 嚟 幫助 我 。 ||thank you|heaven|||to|me|to come|help|me Thank you so much, heaven, for granting me you to help me. 不過 噉 噃, 曹操 最近 又 得 咗 袁紹 同 荊州 兩支 軍隊 , 勢力 咁 大 , 恐怕 係 好 難 抵敵 㗎 噃。 but|like this|particle indicating realization|Cao Cao|recently|again|obtained|past tense marker|Yuan Shao|and|Jingzhou|two|armies|power|so|large|I'm afraid|is|very|difficult|resist|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating realization However, Cao Cao has recently gained two armies from Yuan Shao and Jingzhou, and with such great power, it will probably be very difficult to resist. 主公 , 我 去 到 江夏 約 咗 諸葛瑾 嘅 細 佬 諸葛亮 嚟 , 你 有 咩 事 即 管問 下 佢 , 一切 都 清楚 㗎 喇 。 Your Excellency|I|||Jiangxia|arranged|past tense marker|Zhuge Jin|possessive particle|younger|brother|Zhuge Liang|to come|you|have|what|matter|immediately||polite particle|he|everything|all|clear|sentence-final particle|completed action particle My lord, I went to Jiangxia to invite Zhuge Jin's younger brother, Zhuge Liang, to come. If you have any questions, just ask him; everything will be clear. 哦 ? 乜 臥龍 先生 嚟 咗 咩 ? oh|what|Mr Wolong|sir|come|past tense marker|question particle Oh? Has Mr. Sleeping Dragon arrived? 係 啊 , 佢 而 家 喺 賓館 休息 。 ||he|||at|hotel|resting Yes, he is currently resting at the hotel. 哦 , 今日 已經 好 晏 喇 , 就 唔 見 佢 住 嘞 。 oh|today|already|very|late|particle indicating change of state|then|not|see|he|live|particle indicating completed action Oh, it's already very late today, so let's not see him. 誒 , 等到 聽日 啦 。 hey|wait until|tomorrow|particle indicating a suggestion or reminder Eh, let's wait until tomorrow. 將 文武百官 都 叫 齊 嚟 , 再 請 孔明 嚟 , 等 佢 首先 見識 下 我 哋 江東 嘅 英俊 人才 , 然後 再 嚟 商量 大事 啦 。 will|civil and military officials|all|call|together|here|again|invite|Kongming|here|wait|he|first|see|a bit|I|we|Jiangdong|possessive particle|talented|person|then|again|come|discuss|important matters|sentence-final particle Gather all the civil and military officials, and then invite Kongming to come, so he can first see the talented people of Jiangdong, and then we can discuss important matters. 魯肅 接受 咗 命令 就 返 扯 嘞 。 Lu Su|accepted|past tense marker|order|then|returned|to pull|past tense marker Lu Su accepted the order and went back. 第 日 , 魯肅 去 賓館 請 孔明 。 the|day|Lu Su|went|inn|to invite|Kongming The next day, Lu Su went to the hotel to invite Kongming. 見面 第一句 說話 又 叮囑 佢 嘞 : 今日 見到 我 主公 , 千祈 唔 好話 曹操 兵多 啊 吓 。 meet|first sentence|conversation|again|reminded|he|past tense marker|today|saw|I|lord|must not|not|say|Cao Cao|has many soldiers|ah|scare When they met, the first thing he said was to remind him: Today, when you see my lord, make sure not to mention that Cao Cao has many troops. 孔明笑 嘞 : 哈哈哈哈 , 我 自然 會見 機而變 , 點都 唔 會 誤事 嘅 , 你 放心 啦 。 Kongming smiled|past tense marker|hahaha|I|naturally|will see|opportunity and adapt|no matter what|not|will|delay the matter|particle indicating certainty|you|worry|particle indicating suggestion Kongming laughed: Hahaha, I will naturally adapt to the situation, and I won't mess things up, so don't worry. 於是 魯肅 就 帶 孔明 去 見 孫權 。 then|Lu Su|then|took|Kongming|to|meet|Sun Quan So, Lu Su took Kongming to meet Sun Quan. 未見 孫權 之前 啊 , 就 先將 孔明 帶到 去 一間 大廳 。 not seen|Sun Quan|before|ah|then||Kongming|brought to|to|a|hall Before meeting Sun Quan, they first brought Kongming to a large hall. 只見 張昭 啊 、 顧雍 啊 等等 一班 文武 官員 二十幾 人 , 個個 都 穿着 得 齊齊整整 , 一本正經 噉 坐 齊 喺 處 。 only saw|Zhang Zhao|ah|Gu Yong|ah|and so on|a group of|civil and military|officials|over twenty|people|everyone|all|dressed|in|neat and tidy|serious|like that|sitting|together|at|place In the hall, there were more than twenty civil and military officials, including Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong, all dressed neatly and sitting properly. 諸葛亮 逐個 逐個 同 佢 哋 行 過 禮 , 請教 過 姓名 , 然後 就 喺 客位 坐低 。 Zhuge Liang|one by one||with|he|they|walk|past|greeting|ask|past|name|then|then|at|guest seat|sit down Zhuge Liang walked over to each of them, asked for their names, and then sat down in the guest seat. 張昭 呢 一班人 , 見到 孔明 器宇軒昂 神態 瀟灑 。 Zhang Zhao|this|group of people|saw|Kongming|imposing demeanor|expression|carefree Zhang Zhao and his group saw Kongming's imposing demeanor and elegant posture. 佢 哋 諗 : 哼哼 , 此人 呀 , 一定 係 嚟 遊說 落咀頭 㗎 喇 。 they|plural marker|think|hmm|this person|particle|definitely|is|come|persuade|in the election|particle|particle They thought: Hmph, this person must be here to persuade us. 噉 張昭 就 打頭炮 , 先 用 說話 嚟 挑 佢 。 then|Cheung Chiu|then|take the lead|first|use|words|to|provoke|him So Zhang Zhao took the lead and first tried to provoke him with words. 張昭話 : 我 喺 江東 , 只不過 係 個 卑微 嘅 人 , 今日 , 能夠 向 先生 請教 十分 榮幸 。 Zhang Zhao said|I|at|Jiangdong|just|am|a|humble|possessive particle|person|today|able to|to|sir|ask for advice|very|honored Zhang Zhao said: I am just a humble person from Jiangdong, and today, it is a great honor to consult with you, sir. 我 早就 聽講 , 先生 喺 隆中 隱居 嘅 時候 , 就將 自己 比做 管仲 同樂 毅 , 唔 知 係 唔 係 有 噉 嘅 事 呢 ? I|long ago|heard|sir|at|Longzhong|lived in seclusion|possessive particle|time||himself|compare to|Guan Zhong|||||is|||have|such|possessive particle|thing|question particle I heard long ago that when the gentleman was living in seclusion at Longzhong, he compared himself to Guan Zhong and Le Yi. I wonder if that really happened? 孔明 話 : 哦 , 呢 個 係 我 隨便 噉 攞 嚟 比 下 啫 。 Kongming|said|oh|this|measure word|is|I|casually|like this|take|come|give|a little|just Kongming said: Oh, I just casually took that comparison. 聽講 劉豫州 為 咗 請 先生 出 嚟 幫 佢 做事 , 曾經 三顧草廬 , 得到 先生 之後 , 就 認為 係 如魚得水 一樣 。 I heard|Liu Yuzhou|in order to|past tense marker|invite|Mr|go out|come|help|him|work|once|three visits to the thatched cottage|obtained|Mr|after|then|thought|is|like a fish in water|the same I heard that Liu Yuzhou, in order to invite the gentleman to help him with his work, once visited the thatched cottage three times, and after getting the gentleman, he felt like a fish in water. 想 一下 就將 荊州 、 襄陽 都 奪 到手 , 點知 , 今日 呢 兩個 地方 都 畀 曹操 攞 咗 去 咯 。 think|for a moment||Jingzhou|Xiangyang|both|capture|in hand|unexpectedly|today|these|two|places|all|by|Cao Cao|take|past tense marker|go|sentence-final particle Just thinking about it, he managed to seize Jingzhou and Xiangyang, but who would have thought that today these two places have been taken by Cao Cao. 唔 知 對 呢 件 事 又 點樣 解釋 呢 ? not|know|to|this|classifier for events|matter|again|how|explain|this I wonder how to explain this matter? 張昭講 劉豫州 就 係指 劉備 。 |Liu Yuzhou|just|refers to|Liu Bei Zhang Zhao said Liu Yuzhou refers to Liu Bei. 因為 劉備 當年 喺 徐州 畀 呂布 趕走 咗 呢 , 就 去 投奔 曹操 吖 。 because|Liu Bei|that year|at|Xuzhou|by|Lu Bu|driven away|past tense marker|this|then|go|seek refuge|Cao Cao|sentence-final particle Because Liu Bei was driven out by Lü Bu in Xuzhou back then, he went to seek refuge with Cao Cao. 曹操 啊 曾經 向 皇帝 推薦 劉備 做 豫州 牧 , 就 係 做 豫州 嘅 軍政 長官 。 Cao Cao|ah|once|to|emperor|recommended|Liu Bei|to be|Yuzhou|governor|then|is|to be|Yuzhou|possessive particle|military and political|commander Cao Cao once recommended Liu Bei to the emperor to be the governor of Yuzhou, which means he was the military and political leader of Yuzhou. 噉 喺 古時 啊 , 係 有用 官名 嚟 代表人 名 嘅 習慣 。 like this|at|ancient times|particle|was|useful|official name|to||name|possessive particle|habit In ancient times, it was a custom to use official titles to represent people's names. 因為 劉備 做過 豫州 牧咯 , 所以 張昭 呢 , 就 稱呼 佢 做 劉豫州 。 because|Liu Bei|had served as|Yuzhou|governor|so|Zhang Zhao|question particle|then|called|him|as|Liu of Yuzhou Since Liu Bei had served as the governor of Yuzhou, Zhang Zhao referred to him as Liu Yuzhou. 好 喇 , 閒話 休提 吓 。 good|particle indicating completed action|small talk|don't mention|particle indicating a suggestion or request Alright, let's not digress. 孔明見 張昭放馬過 嚟 想 將軍 噃。 ||come|thought|general|particle indicating suggestion Kong Ming saw Zhang Zhao letting his horse come over and wanted to challenge him. 佢 諗 : 呵呵 , 張昭 乃 係 孫權 手下 第一位 嘅 謀士 。 he|thought|haha|Zhang Zhao|is|is|Sun Quan|subordinate|first|possessive particle|strategist He thought: Haha, Zhang Zhao is the first strategist under Sun Quan. 如果 唔 首先 駁倒 佢 剝 咗 佢 棚 牙 , 仲 點樣 講得 掂 孫權 呢 ? if|not|first|refute|he|strip|past tense marker|his|shed|tooth|still|how|talk|well|Sun Quan|question particle If I don't first refute him and take away his confidence, how can I talk to Sun Quan? 好 ! 於是 孔明 就 起象 𨂽 佢 。 good|then|Kongming|then|drew a symbol|to indicate|him Alright! So Kong Ming decided to confront him. 噉 究竟 孔明 點樣 駁張 昭 呢 ? 噉 啊 且 聽 下回分解 。 then|exactly|Kongming|how||Zhao|question particle|then|ah|and|listen| So how did Kongming connect with Zhang Zhao? Well, let's wait for the next part to find out.

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