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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 069

而家 講下 周瑜 佢 接到 報告 , 話 荊州 、 襄陽 都 畀 孔明 用 計 奪取 咗 喇 就氣 到 佢 呀 死死 下 。 魯肅 嚟 喇 , 佢 就 叫 魯肅 幫 佢 手 去 打 劉備 、 孔明 。 魯肅 就 勸 佢 話 喇 : 公瑾 , 唔 好 啊 。 而家 我 哋 正話 同 曹操 相持 緊 , 成功失敗 最後 都 未 分 嘅 。 主公 去 咗 攻打 合肥 , 又 打 佢 唔 落 。 如果 我 哋 同 劉備 自己 互相 吞併 , 曹兵 乘虛而入 , 噉 樣 局勢 就 極其 危險 咯 。 何況 劉備 以前 , 佢 同 曹操 嘅 交情 係 好 深厚 嘅 。 若果 我 哋 逼 得 佢 太 過 緊急 咯 , 佢 一下 獻 咗 城池 , 夾埋 曹操 一齊 嚟 打 東吳 , 噉 點算 好 啊 ? 嘿 ! 子敬 呀 , 你 話 啦 , 我 哋 用 計策 , 損 兵馬 , 費錢 糧 , 佢 就 去 撈 現成 喎 ! 你 話 嬲 唔 嬲 你 話 嬲 唔 嬲 呢 ! 公瑾 你 忍耐 下先 , 誒 等 我 親自 去 見見 玄德 , 同 佢 講道理 。 如果 講唔 掂 咯 , 到 時 起兵 去 打 佢 都 未 遲 吖 。 所有 嘅 將官 啊 都 話 魯肅 噉 樣 做好 。 周瑜 亦 只有 同意 啦 。 於是 魯肅 啊 就 帶 住 幾個 隨從 , 去 南郡 嘞 。 魯肅 嚟 到 南郡 , 就 喺 城下 叫門 。 趙雲 就 出 嚟 問 佢 有 咩 事 啊 噉 。 魯肅 話 嘞 : 我要 見 劉玄德 有 說話 同 佢 講 啊 。 趙雲 就 講 佢 聽 : 我 主公 同 軍師 喺 荊州 城 啊 , 唔 喺 呢 度 噃。 噉 魯肅 就 唔 入 南郡 嘞 直筆 去 荊州 。 一去 到 , 見到 旗幟 齊整 啊 軍容 威武 。 魯肅 個心 啊 真 係 佩服 , 佢 諗 : 孔明 呢 個人 呀 , 確係 有 本事 㗎 ! 守門 嘅 軍士 入去 報告 , 話 魯子敬 求見 噉 。 孔明 即刻 吩咐 大開 城門 , 迎接 魯肅 。 一直 陪 佢 入 到 衙門 嘅 大廳 , 彼此 行過禮 , 分 賓主 坐落 。 獻過 茶 , 魯肅 就 話 嘞 : 我 主公 吳侯 同周 都督 , 叫 我 再三 向 皇叔 講明 一件 事 。 就 係 , 前 嗰 陣 啊 , 曹操 率領 百萬 人馬 名為 下 江南 , 實際上 係 想 嚟 打 皇叔 嘅 。 好彩 得到 東吳 殺退 曹兵 就 救 咗 皇叔 。 所以 啊 , 荊州 九郡 , 理應 歸於 東吳 就 啱 嘞 。 之而家 皇叔 用 詭計 搶 咗 荊州 、 襄陽 , 使到 我 哋 江東 白白 嘥 咗 咁 多 錢糧 軍馬 。 皇叔 噉 樣 做法 , 啊 , 坐享其成 , 恐怕 喺 道理 上講 唔 過去 噃。 孔明 就 話 嘞 : 子敬 你 係 個 有 見識 嘅 人 , 點解 都 講埋 啲 噉 嘅 說話 呢 ? 開講 都 有 話 喇 : 物必 歸主 吖 嘛 。 荊襄 九郡 並非 係 東吳 嘅 地方 噃, 乃 係 劉景升 嘅 基業 嚟 㗎 嘛 。 我 主公 乃 係 景 升 嘅 兄弟 , 景升 雖然 死 咗 啫 , 之 佢 個 仔 仲 喺 處 吖 。 做 阿叔 嘅 為 咗 輔助 自己 個 侄 , 所以 就 攞 咗 荊州 噉 又 有何不可 呢 ? 係 , 如果 係 公子 劉琦 佔據 荊州 , 噉 都 仲講 得 過去 。 不過 公子 而 家 喺 江夏 嚟 , 佢 根本 唔 喺 呢 度 。 乜子敬 你 想見 公子 咩 ? 人 嚟 ! 去 請 公子 出 嚟 。 孔明 吩咐 啲 人 去 請 劉琦出 嚟 。 過 咗 一陣 , 只見 兩個 侍從 人員 , 扶住 劉 琦 喺 屏風 後 便 行出 嚟 。 劉琦 啊 對 魯肅 話 喇 : 誒 , 我 身體 有病 , 唔 能夠 行禮 喇 。 子敬 , 請 你 唔 好 怪 啊 。 講完 , 啲 侍從 就 扶 佢 返 入 裏頭 。 魯肅 根本 冇 想到 劉琦 會 喺 呢 處 出現 , 所以 一 見到 劉琦面 就 大吃一驚 , 乜嘢 說話 都講 唔 出 啦 。 過 咗 好 耐 , 魯肅 先至 話 喇 : 如果 公子 唔 喺 度 咯 , 又 如何 呢 ? 公子 喺 度 一日 , 就 守 一日 ; 如果 唔 喺 度 咯 , 就 另作 商量 啦 。 嗱, 孔明 , 如果 公子 唔 喺 度 咯 , 就要 將 城池 還返 畀 我 東吳 㗎 。 子敬 你 噉 講 係 啱 嘅 。 噉 就 傾 掂 啦 , 於是 孔明 就 設宴 嚟 款待 魯肅 。 飲 完酒 , 散 咗 席 之後 魯肅 就 告辭 走 人 。 佢 漏夜 趕返 去 營寨 見 周瑜 , 將 談判 嘅 經過 講 佢 聽 。 周瑜 話 : 劉琦 正在 青春年少 , 幾時 先至 得 佢 死 啊 ? 噉 呢 個 荊州 何時 何日 , 先至 得 佢 還 畀 東吳 呢 ? 都督 你 放心 啦 , 呢 件 事 包 喺 我 魯肅 身上 , 務必 要 攞 到 荊 襄 歸還 畀 我 哋 東吳 。 哦 ? 子敬 你 有何高見 ? 照 我 睇 , 劉琦 過份 沉迷 酒色 , 搞 到 病入膏肓 。 而 家 佢 呀 , 氣色 極差 , 氣喘 嘔血 , 唔 到 半年 佢 實 死 嘅 。 到 其時 我 哋 去 攞 荊州 , 劉備 就 冇 得 推 㗎 喇 。 魯肅 雖然 係 噉 講唧 , 但 最快 都 要 等 半年 以上 先至 係 路 㗎 。 所以 周瑜 雖然 勉強 同意 咗 啊 , 都 仲 係 忿忿不平 , 啖 氣 啊 總 係 吞 唔 落 嘅 。 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 孫權派 咗 個 使者 嚟 , 佢 同 周瑜 話 : 主公 而家 圍住 合肥 , 一直 都 打 佢 唔 落 。 特意 叫 都督 你將 大軍 撤走 , 同時 撥 啲 兵 去 合肥 助攻 。 噉 既然 孫權 有令 咯 , 周瑜 就 唯有 班師 返去 柴桑 養病 啦 。 佢 又 命令 程普 啊 率領 戰船 士卒 去 合肥 , 由 孫權 指揮 調用 。 好 喇 , 而家 講下 劉備 嘞 。 佢 得到 咗 荊州 、 南郡 、 襄陽 之後 啊 個 心 高興 非常 , 就 同 大家 商量 長遠 之計 嘞 喎 。 梗 係 啦 , 劉備 自從 喺 中平 元年 , 即 係 公元 一八 四年 嘞 , 應召 從軍 , 參加 去 破 黃巾 開始 , 一直 到 到 而家 建安 十三年 即 係 公元 二零 八年 。 佢 喺 軍事 政治 嘅 鬥爭 戰場 啊 , 碌 嚟 碌 去 就 角逐 咗 二十四年 㗎 嘞 喎 。 噉 佢 呢 次 係 第一次 奪取 到 咁 大 嘅 地盤 ,嚱 你 哋 話 佢 歡喜 唔 歡喜 呢 。 噉 啊 大家 正在 議論 得 非常 熱烈 嘅 時候 , 有 個人 行出 嚟 獻計 嘞 。 呢 個人 係 邊個 啊 ? 係 伊籍 。 嗱 大家 都 記得 啦 , 當年 喺 襄陽 嘅 時候 劉表 個 老婆 蔡夫人 同 蔡瑁 就 設計 害 劉備 吖 。 就 多 得 伊籍 通水 , 劉備 就 馬 跳 檀溪 就 免 咗 一場 殺身之禍 。 所以 劉備 就 好 感激 佢 嘅 , 對 佢 啊 十分 敬重 。 而家 劉備 見到 伊籍 行出 嚟 獻計 , 就 請 佢 坐 喺 度 慢慢 講 。 即 係 話 , 唔 當 佢 係 一般 嘅 下屬 啊 , 表示 分外 優待 嘅 意思 。 所以 劉備 呢 個人 成功 呢 確係 有 佢 嘅 原因 嘅 。 呢 呢 個 亦 都 係 佢 成功 原因 之一 。 記得 人 哋 喺 自己 困難 嘅 時候 幫助 過 自己 , 佢 會 尊重 人 啊 。 噉 當時 伊籍 就 話 : 主公 , 要問 荊州 長遠 之計 , 點解 唔 去 搵 個 賢德 嘅 人士 嚟 請教 下 呢 ? 哦 , 去 邊處 搵 到 呢 位 賢德 嘅 人士 啊 ? 荊襄 有 一家人 姓 馬 嘅 , 兄弟 五個 人 都 以 才學 高超 出名 嘅 。 最 細 嗰 個 叫做 馬 謖 , 字 幼常 。 五 兄弟 之中 最 賢德 嘅 叫做 馬良 , 字 季常 , 佢 嘅 眼眉 有 啲 白毛 嘅 。 所以 佢 家鄉 有句 諺語 , 叫做 馬 氏 五常 , 白眉 最良 啊 。 嘿嘿 , 主公 , 點解 唔 去 請教 下 佢 呢 ? 劉備 好 高興 , 就 派 人 去 請 佢 。 馬良 嚟 到 嘞 , 劉備 優禮 相待 十分 敬重 , 請教 下 佢 保守 荊 襄 嘅 計策 。 馬良 話 喇 : 荊襄 乃 係 四面受敵 之地 呀 , 恐怕 唔 能夠 長期 堅守 嘅 。 噉 啊 不如 叫 公子 劉琦 住 喺 呢 度 養病 , 吸收 舊日 嘅 人員 嚟 守 佢 。 上表 稟奏 朝廷 , 請 朝廷 委任 公子 做 荊州 刺史 , 噉 樣 做 可以 安定 民心 呀 。 然後 進行 南征 , 去 奪取 武陵 、 長沙 、 桂陽 、 零陵 四個 郡 , 積蓄 錢糧 作為 根本 , 呢 個 乃 係 久遠 之計 。 先生 嘅 意見 講得 好極 喇 。 噉 請問 四個 郡 之中 , 應該 先 奪取 邊個 呢 ? 由 湘江 去 西 便 , 最近 嘅 係 零陵 , 應該 先 去 奪取 佢 。 其次 係 奪取 武陵 ; 然後 去 湘 江東 便 奪取 桂陽 ; 長沙 就 最後 先至 去 攞 佢 。 劉備 極之 高興 , 就 任用 馬良 做 從事 , 伊籍 做 佢 嘅 副手 。 噉 又 請 孔明 嚟 商量 , 將劉琦 又 送 返去 襄陽 。 關雲長 呢 就 返 嚟 荊州 。 嗱 各位 , 馬良 建議 劉備 去 奪取 呢 四個 郡 喺 邊 處 嚟 嘅 呢 吓 ? 呢 啲 地方 啊 , 都 係 喺 荊州 嘅 南 便 。 零陵 郡 呢 就 包括 今日 廣西 桂林 啊 陽朔 啊 呢 啲 地方 , 郡 城 就 喺 而 家 湖南省 零 陵縣 。 武陵 郡 嘅 郡 城 啊 就 喺 而 家 湖南省 溆浦 縣 嘅 南 便 。 桂陽 郡 呢 就 包括 湖南 一部分 地方 , 以及 廣東 嘅 韶關 、 英德 等等 嘅 地方 , 郡 城 呢 , 就 喺 而 家 嘅 湖南省 郴州 。 長沙 郡 啊 , 郡 城 就 喺 而 家 湖南省 嘅 長沙市 。 嗱, 介紹 完喇 , 就 講返 劉備 。 佢 調撥 兵馬 去 奪取 零陵 , 就 派 張飛 做 先鋒 , 趙雲 做 押後 , 孔明 、 劉備 啊 做 中軍 , 人馬 呢 就 帶 一萬五千 人 。 留 關羽 守 荊州 , 糜竺 、 劉封 就 守 江陵 。 而家 講下 零陵 太守 劉度 , 佢 聽聞 劉備 嘅 軍馬 到 嚟 , 就 搵 佢 個 仔 劉 賢 嚟 商量對策 。 劉賢話 喇 : 父親 你 放心 啦 , 佢 雖然 有 張飛 、 趙雲 呢 啲 勇 將唧 。 但 係 我 哋 本州 嘅 上將 邢道榮 , 力敵 萬人 , 完全 打得 過 佢 嘅 。 打得 過 佢 ? 打得 過 佢 。 好 啦 , 於是 劉度 就 叫 劉賢同 邢道榮 帶住 萬幾 兵馬 , 出城卅 十幾 里 , 依山傍水 扎落 營寨 準備 迎敵 嘞 。 呢 一日 , 探馬 嚟 報告 話 : 孔明 親自 帶兵 嚟 到 喇 。 邢道榮 就 點齊 人馬 出去 應戰 。 兩陣 對圓 , 邢道榮 當先 出馬 。 佢 手執 開山 大斧 , 大聲 噉 話 : 反賊 ! 咁 斗膽 侵犯 我 哋 嘅 境界 吓 ? 只見 對陣 之中 呀 , 一隊 黃旗 湧出 嚟 。 黃旗 一 散開 , 推出 一架 四輪車 。 車 上面 端端正正 坐住 一個 人 , 頭 戴綸巾 身披 鶴氅 , 手上 揸 住 把 鵝毛扇 用 把 扇 擪 一 擪 邢道榮 話 : 我 就 係 南陽 諸葛孔明 , 曹操 率領 百萬 之眾 , 畀 我略 施小計 殺 到 佢 片甲不留 。 好似 你 哋 噉 嘅 人 , 點 能夠 同 我 對敵 呢 ? 我而家 嚟 招安 你 哋 , 仲 唔 快快 投降 ! 哈哈 , 哈哈 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 赤壁鏖兵 , 乃 係 周 郎 嘅 妙計 , 關你 乜嘢 事 啊 ? 咁 大 膽敢 嚟 講 大話 ? 你 咪 走 , 吃 我 一斧 ! 邢道榮 舞起 把 大 斧 直奔 孔明 。 孔明 叫 架車 回頭 嘞 , 走 返入 陣 裏 便 , 陣門 就 立即 封住 。 邢道榮 唔 理 三七廿一 , 衝殺 過 嚟 。 陣勢 沙沙聲 分開 做 兩 便 就 走 。 邢道榮 遠遠 望見 有隊 黃旗 嘅 , 佢 諗 住 孔明 實 係 喺 嗰 處 㗎 喇 , 於是 就 一味 向 住 黃旗 嗰 處 猛追 。 轉過 咗 山腳 , 黃旗 紮 住 , 忽然間 , 中央 分開 , 咦 ? 唔 見 咗 四輪車 。 只見 一員大將 呀 挺 矛 躍馬 大喝一聲 直殺過 嚟 , 邊個 啊 ? 張翼德 啊 ! 邢道榮 舞起 把 大 斧 迎上去 , 打 咗 冇 幾個 回合 , 嘩 厲害 啊 , 頂 唔 順 喇 , 撥轉 馬頭 就 走 。 張飛 咬住 佢 尾 , 追住 唔 放 , 殺聲 震天 , 兩 便 嘅 伏兵 一齊 衝殺 出 嚟 。 邢道榮 就 拼死 衝 咗 過去 , 哈哈 , 點知 又 見 一員大將 , 喺 前 便 攔住 去路 。 你識 唔 識 常山 趙子龍 啊 ! 哎呀 識喇識 喇識 喇 , 邢道榮 諗 住 打 唔 過 㗎 喇 , 又 冇 埞 趯 啦 , 就 唯有 落馬 投降 。 趙雲 唔 客氣 啊 , 叫 人 紮起 佢 , 押 佢 返 去 大本營 見 劉備 同 孔明 。 劉備 呢 就 話 要 斬 咗 佢 , 孔明 即刻 話 唔 好 斬 , 佢 又 對 邢道榮 話 喇 : 你 如果 幫 我 捉住 劉賢 呢 , 就准 你 投降 係 啦 。 得 得 得 , 小將 一定 做 得到 。 噉 你 用 咩 嘢 辦法 嚟 捉 佢 呢 ? 軍師 如果 肯放 小將 返去 , 我 自然 會 用 說話 呃 過 佢 嘅 。 今晚 , 就 請 軍師 調兵 嚟 劫寨 , 小將 做 內應 , 活捉 劉賢獻 畀 軍師 。 劉賢 一捉 到 , 劉度 自 不然 就 投降 㗎 喇 。 劉備 就 唔 信 邢道榮 講 , 但 係 孔明 就 信 喎 , 佢 話 : 邢 將軍 唔 係 講 大話 嘅 。 嘩真 係 放 咗 邢道榮 走 喎 。 邢道榮 返到 去 營寨 , 將被 擒 之後 嘅 事 講 晒 畀 劉 賢 聽 。 劉賢 就 話 喇 : 噉 點算 呢 ? 邢道榮 話 : 我 哋 將計就計 , 今晚 喺 寨外 便 埋伏 兵馬 , 喺 寨 內 虛 插 旗幟 。 等 孔明 嚟 劫寨 喇 , 就 趁勢 捉住 佢 ! 噉 劉賢 就 聽 晒 佢 嘞 喎 。 當晚 二 更 , 果然 有 一彪 軍馬 嚟 到 寨 口 。 每人 都 帶 住 一 紮 乾草 嘅 , 嚟 到 就 一齊 放火 。 劉賢 、 邢道榮 , 立即 啊 分 兩 便 殺出 嚟 啦 。 哈 , 呢 隊 放火 軍 見到 有人 殺出 嚟 , 霎聲 下 就 撤退 。 劉賢 、 邢道榮 兩支 軍隊 啊 跟 住 尾追 過去 。 一直 追 啊 追 啊 追 咗 十幾 里 , 哼 , 唔 見 咗 放火 軍喇 。 弊 傢伙 喇 ! 劉賢 、 邢道榮 呢 陣先 至 知道 領 嘢 , 急急 收兵 返去 本寨 啦 。 返到 寨 口 , 見到 啲 火 都 仲 未曾 熄 呢 。 突然 間 喺 寨 內 衝出 一員大將 , 原來 係 張飛 ! 劉賢 就 叫 邢道榮 話 : 唔 好入 寨 喇 , 我 哋 去 劫 孔明寨 罷啦 。 於是 就 立即 帶兵 返 轉頭 嘞 。 行 咗 唔 到 十里 , 趙雲帶 住 一支 人馬 喺 側 跟 斜 斜 地 殺出 嚟 , 一槍 就 刺死 邢道榮 ,𢴈 咗 落馬 。 劉賢 見到 , 哎呀 咪 拘 , 急急 撥馬 就 逃跑 。 張飛 喺 後 便 快 馬 趕上 嚟 一手 就 揦 住 佢 , 活捉 咗 過 嚟 , 綁住 佢 去 見 孔明 。 劉賢 就 跪 喺 處 話 喇 : 哎 , 誒 係 邢道榮 教 我 噉 做 嘅 咋 , 我 本身 都 唔 係 想 噉 㗎 。 孔明 微微一笑 , 叫 人 同 佢 鬆 咗 綁 ,攞 衣服 畀 佢 着 返 , 賜 酒 畀 佢 飲 壓 下 驚 。 然後 要 佢 返 去 勸 佢 父親 投降 。 如果 唔 投降 , 噉 攻破 城池 之後 , 就 滿門 殺 盡 。 孔明 吩咐 完 嘞 , 就 叫 人 送 劉賢返 去 零陵 。 劉賢 一返 到 去 , 就 同 佢 父親 劉度講 孔明 嘅 大恩大德 , 又 勸 佢 父親 投降 。 劉度 就 聽個 仔講 啦 , 就 喺 城樓 上 便 啊 高高 豎起 一面 降旗 。 大開 城門 , 自己 又 捧住 個 大印 , 出城 去 劉備 嘅 大本營 投降 嘞 。 孔明 啊 叫 劉度 仍舊 留 喺 零陵 做 太守 ; 劉賢 呢 , 就 去 荊州 隨軍 辦事 。 零陵 一 郡 嘅 居民 呀 個個 歡喜 啊 。 劉備入 城 安民 之後 , 就 犒賞三軍 。 佢 又 問 眾 位 將領 話 喇 : 零陵 已經 奪取 到 喇 , 邊位 敢 去 奪取 桂陽 郡 呢 ? 趙雲 話 : 我 去 ! 張飛 奮起 威風 話 : 我 亦 要 去 啊 ! 噉 啊 兩個 人 就 爭起 上 嚟 嘞 喎 。 孔明 就 話 喇 : 到底 係 子龍應 先 嘅 , 應該 畀 子龍 去 。 張飛 唔 服 啊 , 事必話 要 去 , 冇 佢 修 啊 。 孔明 就 話 啦 噉 執籌 啦 , 執 到 嘅 就 去 啦 噉 。 哈 , 又 係 趙雲 執到 。 張飛 發惡 喇 佢 話 : 我 唔 使 人 幫手 ! 就 係 我 自己 帶 三千 兵去 , 穩 陣 攞 個 城池 ! 趙雲 話 : 我 亦 都 係 帶 三千 兵唧 , 如果 奪 唔 到 城 , 願受 軍法 處置 ! 嘿 , 噉 就 好極 喇 ! 孔明 十分高興 , 就 叫 趙雲 立 咗 一張 軍令狀 , 選 咗 三千名 精兵 交 畀 趙雲帶 住 出發 。 張飛 仲 係 唔 忿氣 , 劉備 就 喝 佢 走 。 哈哈 , 哎 , 張三爺 呀 就 係 有 呢 鋪 牛 頸 脾氣 吓 。 噉 啊 話 說 趙雲 帶領 三千 人馬 , 直筆 就 向 住 桂陽 進發 。 桂陽 太守 叫做 趙 范 , 佢 得到 探馬 報 嚟 嘅 消息 , 急急 搵 齊 啲 文官 武將 嚟 商量 嘞 噃。 噉 當時 管軍 校尉 陳 應 、 鮑隆 呢 , 佢 兩個 係 主張 應戰 。 原來 呢 兩個 人 啊 , 都 係 桂陽 嶺 嘅 山鄉 獵戶 出身 。 陳 應會 使 飛叉 , 鮑隆 曾經 射死 過 兩隻 老虎 嘅 。 噉 佢 兩個 恃 住 自己 有膽 有力 , 所以 就 對 趙 范話 喇 : 劉備 如果 嚟 , 我 哋 兩個 願意 去 打頭陣 ! 趙 范話 : 我 聽聞 劉玄德 乃 係 大漢 皇叔 ; 更 兼 孔明 嘅 計謀 就 好 叻 嘅 ; 關 、 張 又 極其 勇猛 ; 而家 帶兵 嚟 呢 個 趙子龍 呀 , 喺 當陽 長 坂 嘅 百萬 軍中 如入無人之境 㗎 。 唉 , 我 哋 桂陽 有 得 幾多 人馬 呢 ? 我 哋 唔 能夠 迎戰 嘅 唯有 係 投降 嘅 啫 。 陳 應 就 話 嘞 : 請 你 准 我 出戰 啦 , 如果 我 捉 唔 到 趙雲 , 到 其 時任 太守 你 投降 都 未 遲 啊 。 趙 范 拗 佢 唔 過 就 終歸 應承 咗 佢 。 噉 陳 應 就 帶 住 三千 人 馬出城 迎敵 嘞 噃。 呢 個 時候 , 見到 趙雲帶 住 軍隊 嚟 到 嘞 。 陳 應 擺好 陣勢 , 就 揸 住 支 鋼叉 飛馬 而出 。 趙雲挺 槍 出馬 就 責罵 陳 應 , 佢 話 : 我 哋 主公 劉玄德 , 乃 係 劉景升 嘅 兄弟 。 而家 輔助 公子 劉琦 一同 管理 荊州 , 特意 嚟 到 安撫 民眾 , 你 為 乜嘢 膽敢 嚟 迎敵 啊 ! 呸 ! 我 哋 只 係 服 曹丞相 嘅 啫 , 邊個 肯 跟 你 劉備 啊 ! 趙雲 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 挺槍 躍馬 直取 陳 應 。 陳 應 呀 舞起 鋼叉 上前 迎戰 啦 。 兩個 傾傾 咣 咣 打 咗 四五個 回合 , 陳 應 諗 住 都 係 打 唔 過 趙雲 㗎 就 撥轉 馬頭 就 走 。 趙雲 就 追過去 啦 , 陳 應捩 轉頭 望下 趙雲 匹馬 , 已經 嚟 到 好 近 喇 。 嘿 , 佢 突然 舉 起飛 叉 就 對 住 趙雲 掟 過去 。 誰知 趙雲 手急眼快 一下 就 接住 支叉 , 跟手 就要 嚟 掟 返 陳 應 。 陳 應 連忙 一閃 就 避開 咗 , 但 係 呢 , 避得 開支 飛叉 就 避 唔 開 趙雲 隻 手 噃。 趙雲 嗰 隻 馬 飛快 噉 跑 前去 , 趙雲 隻 手 一起 就 將陳應 活捉 過 嚟 , 掉 咗 喺 地下 。 喝 啲 軍士 將 佢 綁 起 嚟 , 押 佢 返 寨 。 噉 主將 被 捉 , 嗰 啲 敗兵 就 有 咁 快 時 趯 咁 快 啦 , 眨眼 就 四散 逃跑 晒 咯 。 趙雲 收兵 回寨 , 就 叫 人 押 陳 應 嚟 鬧 佢 話 : 諒 你 有 咩 嘢 本事 啊 ? 竟然 敢 嚟 同 我 打過 添 ! 我而家 唔 殺 你 , 放 你 返去 。 你 同 趙 范講 , 要 佢 快 啲 嚟 投降 啦 ! 陳 應以 為 實死 㗎 喇 , 而家 好彩 執返 條命 , 就 叩頭 謝罪 , 走 都 走 唔 切 就 趯 返入 城 。 將 啲 經過 講 畀 趙 范聽 , 趙 范 就 話 啦 : 我 本來 就 係 想 投降 嘅 , 你 啊 夾硬話 要 打 , 以致 搞成 噉 啫 嘛 ! 真 係 吖 , 你 出去 啦 ! 於是 喝退 咗 陳 應 , 自己 啊 親自 捧住 大印 , 帶住 十幾個 隨從 , 騎馬 出 城 , 去 趙雲 嘅 營寨 投降 嘞 。 趙雲 出到 嚟 寨 口 迎接 佢 。 將 佢 當做 貴賓 噉 嚟 接待 , 擺開 筵席 請 佢 飲酒 。 趙 范 就 恭恭敬敬 噉 將 大印 交 咗 畀 趙雲 。 飲過 幾 巡酒 , 趙 范 就 話 喇 : 將軍 姓 趙 吖 , 我 亦 係 姓 趙 , 五百年 前 是 一家 喎 。 哈哈 , 將軍 係 真定 人 , 我 亦 係 真定 人 啊 , 又 係 同鄉 添 。 啊 , 如果 將軍 唔 嫌棄 咯 , 肯同 我 結為 兄弟 , 就 真 係 萬 幸萬幸 咯 。 趙雲 好 歡喜 喎 , 噉 啊 大家 講 自己 嘅 出生年月 , 敘過 年庚 。 咁 啱 , 兩個 係 同年 , 趙雲 大趙范 四個 月 , 於是 趙 范 呢 就 拜 趙雲 做 大佬 嘞 。 兩個 人 係 同鄉 , 同年 , 又 同姓 , 噉 啊 十分 相 得 , 好 投機 啦 。 呢 餐酒 , 一直 飲到 夜晚 先至 散席 。 趙 范 就 辭別 咗 趙雲 返入 城 嘞 。 第 日 , 趙 范 嚟 請 趙雲入 城 安民 。 噉 趙雲 就 命令 部下 嘅 軍士 啊 唔 准 隨便 行動 。 自己 呢 , 只 係 帶 住 五十個 人 跟 尾 , 騎馬 入去 桂陽 城 。 城內 啲 居民 呀 , 喺 路上 , 跪 喺 地 嚟 , 手執 寶香 迎接 趙雲 。 噉 趙雲 安民 之後 , 趙 范 就 請 佢 入 去 衙門 宴會 。 飲到 咁 上下 , 趙 范再 請 趙雲入 到 後堂 最深 嗰 度 , 即 係 認真 親 嘅 人 先 至 到 嘅 地方 , 再 擺過 酒 嚟 飲過 。 趙雲 飲到 微微 醉 , 喺 呢 個 時候 , 趙 范 忽然 請 咗 個 婦人 出 嚟 , 同 趙雲 敬酒 噃。 趙雲 睇 下 呢 個 婦人 , 只見 佢 着 住 一身 素白 , 樣子 真 係 靚 , 稱得上 係 傾國傾城 。 噉 就 問趙范 嘞 : 呢 位 係 邊個 啊 ? 佢 係 家 嫂 樊 氏 啊 。 哎呀 ! 趙雲 立即 嚴肅 起 嚟 , 好 尊敬 噉 嚟 對待 呢 個 婦人 。 樊氏敬 完酒 , 趙 范 叫 佢 埋 位 坐 , 即 係 喺 度 陪 趙雲 飲酒 嘞 。 趙雲 話 唔 敢當 多謝 喇 噉 。 噉 樊氏 行個禮 就 返入 去 後堂 。 趙雲 話 嘞 : 賢弟 , 你 何必 勞煩 令嫂 出 嚟 敬酒 呢 ? 哈哈哈哈 , 啊 兄長 你 有所不知 呀 , 啊 我 噉 樣 做 , 係 有 緣故 㗎 。 先兄 去世 咗 已經 有 成 三年 喇 , 家嫂 一直 守寡 , 噉 啊 終非 了 局 吖 。 小弟 呢 都 時常 勸 佢 不如 改嫁 啦 噉 。 家嫂 就 話 : 如果 三個 條件 都 齊備 嘅 人 呢 , 我 先 至 肯 嫁 畀 佢 噉 。 噉 咩 三個 條件 呢 ? 佢 話 , 第一 , 要 文武雙全 , 名聞 天下 ; 第二 , 要 相貌堂堂 , 威儀 出眾 ; 第三 要 同 家兄 同姓 嘅 。 你 話 喇 , 天下 間 邊度 會 有 咁 湊巧 嘅 呢 ? 賢兄 啊 , 你 儀表堂堂 , 名震 四海 , 又 同 家兄 同姓 , 合正家嫂 所講 嘅 。 如果 賢兄 你 唔 嫌家 嫂個樣 醜陋 咯 , 小弟 情願 送 埋 嫁妝 , 嫁 畀 將軍 你 做 妻子 , 噉 我 哋 就 結成 世代 之親 咯 。 嘿嘿 , 誒 賢兄 意下如何 呢 ? 趙 范 呢 番 說話 唔 講由自 可 , 佢 一 講完 呀 , 趙雲 嬲 到 霎聲 企 起身 , 大聲 噉 斥責 佢 話 : 吖 吖 呸 ! 我 既然 同 你 結拜 做 咗 兄弟 , 你 阿嫂 就 即 係 我 阿嫂 , 點 可以 做 啲 亂 人倫 嘅 事 啊 ! 當堂 省到 趙 范 面紅耳赤 , 佢 話 嘞 : 嗯 我 , 我 , 我待 你 一片 好意 , 嗯 , 為 咩 嘢 你 咁 無禮 呢 你 ! 趙 范一便 講一便 用 雙眼 睄 下 睄 下 左右 嗰 啲 侍從 , 有害 趙雲 嘅 意思 嘞 喎 。 趙雲 係 乜嘢 人馬 至 得 㗎 , 好 醒目 㗎 嘛 。 佢 見到 趙 范 噉 嘅 神色 , 哼 ! 一拳 就 打 低趙范 , 自己 噔 噔 噔 直出 大門 , 上 馬出城 嘞 。 趙 范爬 返 起身 , 摸 下個 下巴 哎呀 爭 啲 連牙 骹 都 打 甩 。 佢 急急 就 嗌 陳 應 、 鮑隆 嚟 商量 啦 。 陳 應話 嘞 : 佢 發 嬲 走 咗 嘞 , 有 咩 辦法 呢 , 索性 同 佢 打 過 係 啦 。 趙 范話 : 哎 , 至怕 打 佢 唔 贏 噃。 鮑隆 就 話 喇 : 不如 噉 啦 , 我 兩個 去 趙雲 嗰 處 詐降 , 太守 你 就 帶兵 嚟 挑戰 。 到 其時 , 我 哋 兩個 就 喺 陣 上 捉 佢 啦 。 陳 應話 : 噉 都 好 , 不過 一定 要 帶 啲 人馬 至 得 。 鮑隆話 嘞 : 有 五百 人都夠 㗎 喇 。 趙 范 同意 咗 呢 個 計劃 。 於是 喺 當夜 , 陳 應 、 鮑隆 就 帶 住 五百 兵 , 去 到 趙雲 營寨 投降 喇 。

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而家 講下 周瑜 佢 接到 報告 , 話 荊州 、 襄陽 都 畀 孔明 用 計 奪取 咗 喇 就氣 到 佢 呀 死死 下 。 now|talk about|Zhou Yu|he|received|report|said|Jingzhou|Xiangyang|both|by|Kongming|using|strategy|captured|past tense marker|particle indicating completed action|was angry|to|him|particle indicating exclamation|| Now let's talk about Zhou Yu. He received a report saying that Jingzhou and Xiangyang have been taken by Kongming using a strategy, which made him extremely angry. 魯肅 嚟 喇 , 佢 就 叫 魯肅 幫 佢 手 去 打 劉備 、 孔明 。 Lu Su|come|particle indicating completed action|he|then|called||help|him|hand|to|fight|Liu Bei|Kongming Lu Su came, and he asked Lu Su to help him fight against Liu Bei and Kongming. 魯肅 就 勸 佢 話 喇 : 公瑾 , 唔 好 啊 。 Lu Su|then|advised|him|said|particle indicating completed action|Gong Jin|||particle indicating exclamation Lu Su advised him, saying: "Gongjin, don't do it." 而家 我 哋 正話 同 曹操 相持 緊 , 成功失敗 最後 都 未 分 嘅 。 now|I|we|are talking|with|Cao Cao|stalemate|ongoing|success and failure|in the end|both|not|determined|particle indicating past action Right now we are in a stalemate with Cao Cao, and the outcome of success or failure has not yet been determined. 主公 去 咗 攻打 合肥 , 又 打 佢 唔 落 。 the lord|went|past tense marker|to attack|Hefei|again|to fight|he|not|fall The lord has gone to attack Hefei, but he can't seem to take it. 如果 我 哋 同 劉備 自己 互相 吞併 , 曹兵 乘虛而入 , 噉 樣 局勢 就 極其 危險 咯 。 if|I|plural marker|with|Liu Bei|ourselves|mutually|swallow up|Cao's troops|take advantage of the situation and invade|then|the|situation|then|extremely|dangerous|sentence-final particle If we mutually swallow Liu Bei, Cao's troops will take advantage of the situation, and the situation will become extremely dangerous. 何況 劉備 以前 , 佢 同 曹操 嘅 交情 係 好 深厚 嘅 。 let alone|Liu Bei|in the past|he|with|Cao Cao|possessive particle|friendship|was|very|deep|particle indicating past state Moreover, Liu Bei had a very deep friendship with Cao Cao in the past. 若果 我 哋 逼 得 佢 太 過 緊急 咯 , 佢 一下 獻 咗 城池 , 夾埋 曹操 一齊 嚟 打 東吳 , 噉 點算 好 啊 ? if|I|plural marker|||he|too|much|urgently|particle indicating completed action|he|suddenly|surrender|past tense marker|city|together with|Cao Cao|together|come|attack|Eastern Wu|then|how to deal with|well|particle indicating question If we push him too hard, he might suddenly offer his city and join forces with Cao Cao to attack Eastern Wu, what should we do then? 嘿 ! 子敬 呀 , 你 話 啦 , 我 哋 用 計策 , 損 兵馬 , 費錢 糧 , 佢 就 去 撈 現成 喎 ! hey|Zijing|particle|you|said|particle|||use|strategy|lose|troops||supplies|he|then|go|fish|ready-made|particle Hey! Zijing, what do you think? We use strategies, lose troops and resources, and he just reaps the benefits! 你 話 嬲 唔 嬲 你 話 嬲 唔 嬲 呢 ! you|said|angry|not|angry|you|said|angry|not|angry|question particle You say whether to be angry or not! 公瑾 你 忍耐 下先 , 誒 等 我 親自 去 見見 玄德 , 同 佢 講道理 。 Gongjin|you|be patient||hey|wait|I|personally|go|meet|Xuande|with|him|reason with Gong Jin, you need to be patient for a while. Let me personally go meet Xuan De and talk to him. 如果 講唔 掂 咯 , 到 時 起兵 去 打 佢 都 未 遲 吖 。 if|can't talk|handle|particle indicating certainty|when|time|raise troops|to|fight|him|still|not yet|late|particle indicating affirmation If we can't convince him, it won't be too late to raise an army and fight him then. 所有 嘅 將官 啊 都 話 魯肅 噉 樣 做好 。 all|possessive particle|military officers|sentence-final particle|all|said|Lu Su|like this|manner|do well All the generals say that Lu Su is doing well like this. 周瑜 亦 只有 同意 啦 。 Zhou Yu|also|only|agree|particle Zhou Yu can only agree. 於是 魯肅 啊 就 帶 住 幾個 隨從 , 去 南郡 嘞 。 then|Lu Su|ah|then|||a few|attendants|go|Nanjun|past tense particle So, Lu Su took a few attendants and went to Nan Jun. 魯肅 嚟 到 南郡 , 就 喺 城下 叫門 。 Lu Su|arrived|at|Nanjun|then|at|the city gate|called out Lu Su arrived at Nan Jun and called at the city gate. 趙雲 就 出 嚟 問 佢 有 咩 事 啊 噉 。 Zhao Yun|then|go out|come|ask|he|has|what|matter|ah|like that Zhao Yun came out and asked him what was the matter. 魯肅 話 嘞 : 我要 見 劉玄德 有 說話 同 佢 講 啊 。 Lu Su|said|past tense marker|I want|to see|Liu Xuande|to have|conversation|with|him|to talk|sentence-final particle Lu Su said: I want to see Liu Xuande to discuss something with him. 趙雲 就 講 佢 聽 : 我 主公 同 軍師 喺 荊州 城 啊 , 唔 喺 呢 度 噃。 Zhao Yun|then|said|he|heard|I|lord|and|strategist|at|Jingzhou|city|particle|not|at|this|place|particle Zhao Yun replied: My lord and the strategist are in Jingzhou City, not here. 噉 魯肅 就 唔 入 南郡 嘞 直筆 去 荊州 。 then|Lu Su|then|not|enter|Nanjun|past tense marker|directly|go|Jingzhou So Lu Su did not enter Nan Jun and went straight to Jingzhou. 一去 到 , 見到 旗幟 齊整 啊 軍容 威武 。 ||saw|flags|in order|ah|military appearance|imposing Upon arrival, I saw the flags neatly arranged and the military presence was impressive. 魯肅 個心 啊 真 係 佩服 , 佢 諗 : 孔明 呢 個人 呀 , 確係 有 本事 㗎 ! Lu Su|his heart|ah|really|is|admire|he|thought|Kongming|this|person|ah|definitely|has|ability|particle Lu Su's heart truly admired this; he thought: This person, Kongming, really has the ability! 守門 嘅 軍士 入去 報告 , 話 魯子敬 求見 噉 。 gatekeeper|possessive particle|soldier|went in|report|said|Lu Zijing|requested an audience|like that The soldier guarding the gate went in to report, saying that Lu Zijing requested to see him. 孔明 即刻 吩咐 大開 城門 , 迎接 魯肅 。 Kongming|immediately|ordered|to fully open|city gate|to welcome|Lu Su Kongming immediately instructed to open the city gates wide to welcome Lu Su. 一直 陪 佢 入 到 衙門 嘅 大廳 , 彼此 行過禮 , 分 賓主 坐落 。 continuously|accompany|he|enter|to|courthouse|possessive particle|hall|each other|exchanged greetings|separate|guests and hosts|seated He accompanied him into the main hall of the government office, where they exchanged greetings and took their respective seats. 獻過 茶 , 魯肅 就 話 嘞 : 我 主公 吳侯 同周 都督 , 叫 我 再三 向 皇叔 講明 一件 事 。 offered|tea|Lu Su|then|said|past tense marker|I|lord|Wu Hou||governor|ordered|me|repeatedly|to|uncle of the emperor|clarify|one|matter After offering tea, Lu Su said: My lord, the Wu Marquis, and the Zhou governor, asked me to repeatedly explain one thing to the Emperor's uncle. 就 係 , 前 嗰 陣 啊 , 曹操 率領 百萬 人馬 名為 下 江南 , 實際上 係 想 嚟 打 皇叔 嘅 。 |was||||||||||||||wanted|to come|fight|Uncle Huang|particle That is, back then, Cao Cao led a million troops under the pretense of going south to Jiangnan, but in reality, he wanted to attack the Emperor's uncle. 好彩 得到 東吳 殺退 曹兵 就 救 咗 皇叔 。 fortunately|received|Eastern Wu|repelled|Cao's troops|then|saved|past tense marker|Prince of the House of Liu Fortunately, the Eastern Wu managed to repel Cao's troops, which saved the Emperor's uncle. 所以 啊 , 荊州 九郡 , 理應 歸於 東吳 就 啱 嘞 。 ||Jingzhou|nine commanderies|should|belong to|Eastern Wu|just|right|particle indicating completion or affirmation Therefore, the nine prefectures of Jingzhou should rightly belong to Eastern Wu. 之而家 皇叔 用 詭計 搶 咗 荊州 、 襄陽 , 使到 我 哋 江東 白白 嘥 咗 咁 多 錢糧 軍馬 。 now|Prince of the Emperor|used|trick|to seize|past tense marker|Jingzhou|Xiangyang|causing|I|plural marker|Jiangdong|in vain|wasted|past tense marker|so|much|money and grain|military horses Now, the Emperor's uncle has used trickery to seize Jingzhou and Xiangyang, causing us in Jiangdong to waste so many resources and troops. 皇叔 噉 樣 做法 , 啊 , 坐享其成 , 恐怕 喺 道理 上講 唔 過去 噃。 uncle|like this|appearance|method|ah|enjoying the fruits of others' labor|I'm afraid|at|reason||not|past|particle The Emperor's uncle, this kind of behavior, ah, enjoying the fruits of others' labor, is probably not justifiable in principle. 孔明 就 話 嘞 : 子敬 你 係 個 有 見識 嘅 人 , 點解 都 講埋 啲 噉 嘅 說話 呢 ? Kongming|then|said|past tense marker|Zijing|you|are|a|have|insight|possessive particle|person|why|also|say such|those|like|possessive particle|words|question particle Kongming said: "Zijing, you are a knowledgeable person, why are you saying such things?" 開講 都 有 話 喇 : 物必 歸主 吖 嘛 。 starting to talk|all|have|saying|particle indicating completed action|things must||particle indicating affirmation|particle indicating obviousness As they say: "Things must return to their rightful owner." 荊襄 九郡 並非 係 東吳 嘅 地方 噃, 乃 係 劉景升 嘅 基業 嚟 㗎 嘛 。 Jingxiang|Nine Commanderies|not|is|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|place|sentence-final particle|indeed|is|Liu Jingsheng|possessive particle|foundation|come|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle The nine counties of Jingxiang do not belong to Eastern Wu, but are the foundation of Liu Jingsheng. 我 主公 乃 係 景 升 嘅 兄弟 , 景升 雖然 死 咗 啫 , 之 佢 個 仔 仲 喺 處 吖 。 I|lord|actually|am|||possessive particle|brother|Jing Sheng|although|die|past tense marker|only|his|he|classifier|son|still|at|place|sentence-final particle My lord is the brother of Jingsheng, and although Jingsheng has died, his son is still around. 做 阿叔 嘅 為 咗 輔助 自己 個 侄 , 所以 就 攞 咗 荊州 噉 又 有何不可 呢 ? do|uncle|possessive particle|for|past tense marker|assist|himself|measure word|nephew|so|then|take|past tense marker|Jingzhou|like this|again||question particle As an uncle, in order to support my own nephew, what's wrong with taking Jingzhou? 係 , 如果 係 公子 劉琦 佔據 荊州 , 噉 都 仲講 得 過去 。 yes|if|is|young master|Liu Qi|occupies|Jingzhou|then|still||able|past Yes, if Prince Liu Qi occupies Jingzhou, then that would be acceptable. 不過 公子 而 家 喺 江夏 嚟 , 佢 根本 唔 喺 呢 度 。 but|young master|and|family|is|Jiangxia|from|he|basically|not|is|this|place However, the prince is currently in Jiangxia, he is not here at all. 乜子敬 你 想見 公子 咩 ? what about|you|want to see|young master|question particle What, do you want to see the prince? 人 嚟 ! 去 請 公子 出 嚟 。 people|come|go|please|young master|out|come Someone is here! Go invite the prince out. 孔明 吩咐 啲 人 去 請 劉琦出 嚟 。 Kongming|instructed|particles|people|to go|invite||here Kong Ming instructed the people to invite Liu Qi to come out. 過 咗 一陣 , 只見 兩個 侍從 人員 , 扶住 劉 琦 喺 屏風 後 便 行出 嚟 。 after|past tense marker|a moment|only saw|two|attendants|personnel|supporting|Liu|Qi|at|screen|behind|then|walked out|here After a while, two attendants were seen supporting Liu Qi as he walked out from behind the screen. 劉琦 啊 對 魯肅 話 喇 : 誒 , 我 身體 有病 , 唔 能夠 行禮 喇 。 Liu Qi|ah|to|Lu Su|said|particle indicating completed action|hey|I|body|am sick|not|able to|bow|particle indicating completed action Liu Qi said to Lu Su: "Ah, I am unwell and cannot bow." 子敬 , 請 你 唔 好 怪 啊 。 Zijing|please|you|||blame|particle Zijing, please do not blame me. 講完 , 啲 侍從 就 扶 佢 返 入 裏頭 。 after speaking|the|servants|then|helped|him|return|inside|inside After saying this, the attendants helped him back inside. 魯肅 根本 冇 想到 劉琦 會 喺 呢 處 出現 , 所以 一 見到 劉琦面 就 大吃一驚 , 乜嘢 說話 都講 唔 出 啦 。 Lu Su|at all|not|thought|Liu Qi|would|at|this|place|appear|so|one|saw|Liu Qi's face|then|was greatly shocked|anything|words||not|out|particle Lu Su never expected Liu Qi to appear here, so when he saw Liu Qi's face, he was taken aback and couldn't say a word. 過 咗 好 耐 , 魯肅 先至 話 喇 : passed|past tense marker|very|long|Lu Su|only then|said|final particle After a long time, Lu Su finally spoke up: 如果 公子 唔 喺 度 咯 , 又 如何 呢 ? if|young master|not|at|place|past tense particle|again|how|question particle What if the young master is not here? 公子 喺 度 一日 , 就 守 一日 ; 如果 唔 喺 度 咯 , 就 另作 商量 啦 。 young master|at|this place|one day|then|stay|one day|if|not|at|this place|particle indicating completed action|then|another|discussion|particle indicating suggestion As long as the young master is here for a day, we will guard for a day; if he is not here, then we will discuss it differently. 嗱, 孔明 , 如果 公子 唔 喺 度 咯 , 就要 將 城池 還返 畀 我 東吳 㗎 。 well|Kongming|if|young master|not|at|here|particle indicating certainty|then must|to return|city|return|to|I|Eastern Wu|particle indicating assertion Look, Kongming, if the young master is not here, we will have to return the city to our Eastern Wu. 子敬 你 噉 講 係 啱 嘅 。 Zijing|you|like this|saying|is|correct|particle indicating possession or emphasis Zijing, what you said is correct. 噉 就 傾 掂 啦 , 於是 孔明 就 設宴 嚟 款待 魯肅 。 then|just|discuss|settled|particle|so|Kongming|then|held a banquet|to|entertain|Lu Su Then let's settle it, so Kongming held a banquet to entertain Lu Su. 飲 完酒 , 散 咗 席 之後 魯肅 就 告辭 走 人 。 drink||disperse|past tense marker|gathering|after|Lu Su|then|take leave|leave|people After drinking and finishing the banquet, Lu Su took his leave. 佢 漏夜 趕返 去 營寨 見 周瑜 , 將 談判 嘅 經過 講 佢 聽 。 he|overnight|rushed back|to|camp|see|Zhou Yu|will|negotiation|possessive particle|process|tell|him|listen He hurried back to the camp at night to see Zhou Yu and told him about the negotiation process. 周瑜 話 : 劉琦 正在 青春年少 , 幾時 先至 得 佢 死 啊 ? Zhou Yu|said|Liu Qi|is|in his youth|when|only then|able to|he|die|question particle Zhou Yu said: Liu Qi is still young, when will he die? 噉 呢 個 荊州 何時 何日 , 先至 得 佢 還 畀 東吳 呢 ? then|question particle|measure word|Jingzhou|when|what day|only then|able to|he|return|give|Eastern Wu|question particle So, when will this Jingzhou be returned to Eastern Wu? 都督 你 放心 啦 , 呢 件 事 包 喺 我 魯肅 身上 , 務必 要 攞 到 荊 襄 歸還 畀 我 哋 東吳 。 Governor|you|rest assured|particle indicating suggestion|this|measure word for events|matter|take responsibility for|on|I|Lu Su|on him|must|need to|get|to|Jing|Xiang|return|to|us|plural marker|Eastern Wu Don't worry, Commander. This matter is on me, and I will definitely get Jingxiang returned to us in Eastern Wu. 哦 ? 子敬 你 有何高見 ? oh|Zijing|you| Oh? Zijing, what do you think? 照 我 睇 , 劉琦 過份 沉迷 酒色 , 搞 到 病入膏肓 。 according to|I|see|Liu Qi|excessively|addicted to|indulgence in wine and lust|||terminally ill In my opinion, Liu Qi is overly indulged in wine and lust, which has led to his serious illness. 而 家 佢 呀 , 氣色 極差 , 氣喘 嘔血 , 唔 到 半年 佢 實 死 嘅 。 and|family|he|particle|complexion|extremely poor|asthma|coughing up blood|not|reach|half a year|he|really|die|particle Right now, he looks extremely unwell, with shortness of breath and coughing up blood. If it goes on like this, he will definitely die within half a year. 到 其時 我 哋 去 攞 荊州 , 劉備 就 冇 得 推 㗎 喇 。 at|that time|we|(plural marker)|go|take|Jingzhou|Liu Bei|then|not have|able|push|(sentence-final particle)|(completed action particle) At that time, when we go to take Jingzhou, Liu Bei will have no way to push back. 魯肅 雖然 係 噉 講唧 , 但 最快 都 要 等 半年 以上 先至 係 路 㗎 。 Lu Su|although|is|like this|talking|but|soonest|at least|will|wait|half a year|more than|only then|be|road|particle indicating certainty Although Lu Su said this, it will still take at least half a year before we are on the road. 所以 周瑜 雖然 勉強 同意 咗 啊 , 都 仲 係 忿忿不平 , 啖 氣 啊 總 係 吞 唔 落 嘅 。 so|Zhou Yu|although|reluctantly|agreed|past tense marker|particle|still|again|is|resentful|mouthful|breath|particle|always|is|swallow|not|down|particle So even though Zhou Yu reluctantly agreed, he was still very unhappy, and it was hard to swallow his anger. 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 孫權派 咗 個 使者 嚟 , 佢 同 周瑜 話 : just|at|this|classifier for events|time||past tense marker|classifier for people|messenger|here|he|with|Zhou Yu|said Just at that moment, Sun Quan sent a messenger, and he told Zhou Yu: 主公 而家 圍住 合肥 , 一直 都 打 佢 唔 落 。 lord|now|surrounded|Hefei|continuously|all|attacking|him|not|fall The lord is currently besieging Hefei and has been unable to break through. 特意 叫 都督 你將 大軍 撤走 , 同時 撥 啲 兵 去 合肥 助攻 。 deliberately|ordered|commander||main army|withdraw|at the same time|allocate|some|troops|to|Hefei|assist in the attack Specifically ordered the governor to withdraw the troops, while also sending some soldiers to Hefei to assist in the attack. 噉 既然 孫權 有令 咯 , 周瑜 就 唯有 班師 返去 柴桑 養病 啦 。 then|since|Sun Quan||particle indicating realization|Zhou Yu|then|only|retreat|return to|Chaisang|recuperate|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Since Sun Quan has given the order, Zhou Yu can only return to Chaisang to recuperate. 佢 又 命令 程普 啊 率領 戰船 士卒 去 合肥 , 由 孫權 指揮 調用 。 He|again|ordered|Cheng Pu|ah|to lead|warships|soldiers|to|Hefei|by|Sun Quan|commanding|calling up He also commanded Cheng Pu to lead the warships and soldiers to Hefei, under the command of Sun Quan. 好 喇 , 而家 講下 劉備 嘞 。 good|particle indicating completed action|now|let's talk about|Liu Bei|particle indicating completed action Alright, now let's talk about Liu Bei. 佢 得到 咗 荊州 、 南郡 、 襄陽 之後 啊 個 心 高興 非常 , 就 同 大家 商量 長遠 之計 嘞 喎 。 he|obtained|past tense marker|Jingzhou|Nanjun|Xiangyang|after|particle indicating excitement|measure word for people|heart|happy|very|then|with|everyone|discuss|long-term|plan|past action marker|particle indicating suggestion After he obtained Jingzhou, Nanjun, and Xiangyang, he was extremely happy and began discussing long-term plans with everyone. 梗 係 啦 , 劉備 自從 喺 中平 元年 , 即 係 公元 一八 四年 嘞 , 應召 從軍 , 參加 去 破 黃巾 開始 , 一直 到 到 而家 建安 十三年 即 係 公元 二零 八年 。 |||Liu Bei|since|at|Zhongping|first year|||AD|||particle indicating completed action|conscripted|to serve in the army|to participate|in|defeating|Yellow Turbans|started|all the way|until||now|Jian'an|thirteenth year|||AD|| Of course, since Liu Bei was summoned to join the army in the first year of Zhongping, which is the year 184 AD, and participated in the campaign against the Yellow Turbans, it has been a continuous struggle until now, the thirteenth year of Jian'an, which is the year 208 AD. 佢 喺 軍事 政治 嘅 鬥爭 戰場 啊 , 碌 嚟 碌 去 就 角逐 咗 二十四年 㗎 嘞 喎 。 He|at|military|political|possessive particle|struggle|battlefield|sentence-final particle|roll|come|roll|go|then|compete|past tense marker||sentence-final particle|past action particle|sentence-final particle He has been rolling around in the battlefield of military and political struggles for twenty-four years. 噉 佢 呢 次 係 第一次 奪取 到 咁 大 嘅 地盤 ,嚱 你 哋 話 佢 歡喜 唔 歡喜 呢 。 like this|he|this|time|is|first|to seize|to|so|big|possessive particle|territory|then|you|plural marker|say|he|happy|not|happy|question particle So this time, he has taken such a large territory for the first time; what do you all think, is he happy or not? 噉 啊 大家 正在 議論 得 非常 熱烈 嘅 時候 , 有 個人 行出 嚟 獻計 嘞 。 then|ah|everyone|currently|discussing|very|extremely|heated|possessive particle|time|there is|a person|walked out|to|offer advice|past tense particle While everyone was discussing very passionately, someone stepped forward to offer advice. 呢 個人 係 邊個 啊 ? 係 伊籍 。 this|person|is|who|question particle|is|he/she is Who is this person? It is Yi Ji. 嗱 大家 都 記得 啦 , 當年 喺 襄陽 嘅 時候 劉表 個 老婆 蔡夫人 同 蔡瑁 就 設計 害 劉備 吖 。 well|everyone|all|remembers|particle|back then|at|Xiangyang|possessive particle|time|Liu Biao|particle|wife|Lady Cai|and|Cai Mao|then|plotted|harm|Liu Bei|particle Now, everyone remembers, back in Xiangyang, Liu Biao's wife, Lady Cai, and Cai Mao conspired to harm Liu Bei. 就 多 得 伊籍 通水 , 劉備 就 馬 跳 檀溪 就 免 咗 一場 殺身之禍 。 then|more|able|his nationality|to have water supply|Liu Bei|then|horse|jumped|Tanxi|then|avoided|past tense marker|one|disaster of being killed Thanks to Yi Ji's warning, Liu Bei was able to escape a deadly disaster. 所以 劉備 就 好 感激 佢 嘅 , 對 佢 啊 十分 敬重 。 so|Liu Bei|then|very|grateful|he|possessive particle|towards|him|ah|extremely|respectful So Liu Bei was very grateful to him and held him in high regard. 而家 劉備 見到 伊籍 行出 嚟 獻計 , 就 請 佢 坐 喺 度 慢慢 講 。 now|Liu Bei|saw|Yi Ji|walk out|here|offer advice|then|invited|him|to sit|at|place|slowly|talk Now, when Liu Bei saw Yi Ji come out to offer advice, he invited him to sit down and speak slowly. 即 係 話 , 唔 當 佢 係 一般 嘅 下屬 啊 , 表示 分外 優待 嘅 意思 。 |as||||||ordinary|possessive particle|subordinate|particle indicating exclamation|indicates|especially|preferential treatment|possessive particle|meaning This means that he did not treat him as a regular subordinate, indicating a special favor. 所以 劉備 呢 個人 成功 呢 確係 有 佢 嘅 原因 嘅 。 so|Liu Bei|this|person|successful|this|definitely|has|his|possessive particle|reason|possessive particle So Liu Bei's success definitely has its reasons. 呢 呢 個 亦 都 係 佢 成功 原因 之一 。 this||measure word|also|all|is|he|success|reason|one of This is also one of the reasons for his success. 記得 人 哋 喺 自己 困難 嘅 時候 幫助 過 自己 , 佢 會 尊重 人 啊 。 remember|people|plural marker|at|oneself|difficulties|possessive particle|time|help|past tense marker|oneself|he|will|respect|people|sentence-final particle Remembering those who helped you during your difficulties, he will respect them. 噉 當時 伊籍 就 話 : 主公 , 要問 荊州 長遠 之計 , 點解 唔 去 搵 個 賢德 嘅 人士 嚟 請教 下 呢 ? then|at that time|he|then|said|lord||Jingzhou|long-term|strategy|why|not|go|find|a|virtuous|possessive particle|person|to come|consult|a little|question particle At that time, he said: "My lord, if you want to ask about the long-term plan for Jingzhou, why not find a virtuous person to consult?" 哦 , 去 邊處 搵 到 呢 位 賢德 嘅 人士 啊 ? oh|go|where|||this|measure word for people|virtuous|possessive particle|person|question particle Oh, where can we find such a virtuous person? 荊襄 有 一家人 姓 馬 嘅 , 兄弟 五個 人 都 以 才學 高超 出名 嘅 。 Jingxiang|has|a family|surname|Ma|possessive particle|brothers|five|people|all|with|academic ability|outstanding|famous|particle indicating description In Jingxiang, there is a family with the surname Ma, and all five brothers are famous for their exceptional talents. 最 細 嗰 個 叫做 馬 謖 , 字 幼常 。 most|small|that|measure word|is called|horse|a name|character|young and common The youngest one is named Ma Xun, courtesy name Youchang. 五 兄弟 之中 最 賢德 嘅 叫做 馬良 , 字 季常 , 佢 嘅 眼眉 有 啲 白毛 嘅 。 five|brothers|among|most|virtuous|possessive particle|called|Ma Liang|courtesy name|Jichang|he|possessive particle|eyebrows|has|a little|white hair|possessive particle Among the five brothers, the most virtuous is named Ma Liang, courtesy name Jichang, and he has some white hair in his eyebrows. 所以 佢 家鄉 有句 諺語 , 叫做 馬 氏 五常 , 白眉 最良 啊 。 so|he|hometown||proverb|called|Ma|family name|Five Virtues|Bai Mei||ah Therefore, there is a saying in his hometown: 'The Ma family has five virtues, and the one with white eyebrows is the best.' 嘿嘿 , 主公 , 點解 唔 去 請教 下 佢 呢 ? hehe|lord|why|not|go|ask for advice|a little|he|question particle Hehe, my lord, why not go and ask him? 劉備 好 高興 , 就 派 人 去 請 佢 。 Liu Bei|very|happy|then|send|person|to|invite|him Liu Bei was very happy, so he sent someone to invite him. 馬良 嚟 到 嘞 , 劉備 優禮 相待 十分 敬重 , 請教 下 佢 保守 荊 襄 嘅 計策 。 Ma Liang|come|arrive|past tense marker|Liu Bei|treat with courtesy|treat each other|very|respect|ask for advice|him|he|keep|Jing|Xiang|possessive particle|strategy When Ma Liang arrived, Liu Bei treated him with great courtesy and respect, asking him about the strategy to defend Jingxiang. 馬良 話 喇 : 荊襄 乃 係 四面受敵 之地 呀 , 恐怕 唔 能夠 長期 堅守 嘅 。 Ma Liang|said|particle indicating a change|Jingxiang|is|is|||particle indicating a question|afraid that|not|able to|long-term|hold out|particle indicating possession Ma Liang said: Jingxiang is a place surrounded by enemies on all sides, so it might not be possible to hold it for a long time. 噉 啊 不如 叫 公子 劉琦 住 喺 呢 度 養病 , 吸收 舊日 嘅 人員 嚟 守 佢 。 then|ah|might as well|call|young master|Liu Qi|live|at|this|place|recuperate|absorb|past|possessive particle|personnel|come|guard|him In that case, it would be better to have Young Master Liu Qi stay here to recuperate and gather former personnel to defend it. 上表 稟奏 朝廷 , 請 朝廷 委任 公子 做 荊州 刺史 , 噉 樣 做 可以 安定 民心 呀 。 submit memorial|report|imperial court|request|imperial court|appoint|prince|to be|Jingzhou|governor|that|way|doing|can|stabilize|people's hearts|particle Submit a report to the court, requesting the court to appoint the Young Master as the governor of Jingzhou, so that the people's hearts can be stabilized. 然後 進行 南征 , 去 奪取 武陵 、 長沙 、 桂陽 、 零陵 四個 郡 , 積蓄 錢糧 作為 根本 , 呢 個 乃 係 久遠 之計 。 then|carry out|southern expedition|to|capture|Wuling|Changsha|Guiyang|Lingling|four|counties|accumulate|money and grain|as|foundation|||is|is|long-term|plan Then proceed to the south to capture the four counties of Wuling, Changsha, Guiyang, and Lingling, accumulating money and grain as a foundation; this is a long-term plan. 先生 嘅 意見 講得 好極 喇 。 sir|possessive particle|opinion|spoke|extremely well|sentence-final particle The gentleman's opinion is very well expressed. 噉 請問 四個 郡 之中 , 應該 先 奪取 邊個 呢 ? then|may I ask|four|counties|among|should|first|capture|which one|question particle So, may I ask which of the four counties should be captured first? 由 湘江 去 西 便 , 最近 嘅 係 零陵 , 應該 先 去 奪取 佢 。 from|Xiangjiang|to|west|then|nearest|possessive particle|is|Lingling|should|first|go|capture|him From Xiangjiang to the west, the closest is Lingling, so we should capture it first. 其次 係 奪取 武陵 ; secondly|is|to seize|Wuling Next is to capture Wuling. 然後 去 湘 江東 便 奪取 桂陽 ; then|go|||then|capture|Guiyang Then, go to Xiangjiang East and seize Guiyang; 長沙 就 最後 先至 去 攞 佢 。 Changsha|then|finally|only then|go|take|him Changsha will be the last to go and take it. 劉備 極之 高興 , 就 任用 馬良 做 從事 , 伊籍 做 佢 嘅 副手 。 Liu Bei|extremely|happy|then|appointed|Ma Liang|to be|strategist|Yi Ji|to be|him|possessive particle|assistant Liu Bei was extremely happy, so he appointed Ma Liang as his assistant, and Yi Jie as his deputy. 噉 又 請 孔明 嚟 商量 , 將劉琦 又 送 返去 襄陽 。 then|again|invite|Kongming|to come|discuss||again|send||Xiangyang Then he invited Kongming to discuss, and sent Liu Qi back to Xiangyang. 關雲長 呢 就 返 嚟 荊州 。 Guan Yu|this|then|return|to|Jingzhou Guan Yunchang then returned to Jingzhou. 嗱 各位 , 馬良 建議 劉備 去 奪取 呢 四個 郡 喺 邊 處 嚟 嘅 呢 吓 ? well|everyone|Ma Liang|suggested|Liu Bei|to|capture|these|four|counties|at|where|place|come|possessive particle|question particle|ah So everyone, where did Ma Liang suggest Liu Bei go to seize these four counties? 呢 啲 地方 啊 , 都 係 喺 荊州 嘅 南 便 。 ||places|particle|all|are|at|Jingzhou|possessive particle|south|side These places are all in the southern part of Jingzhou. 零陵 郡 呢 就 包括 今日 廣西 桂林 啊 陽朔 啊 呢 啲 地方 , 郡 城 就 喺 而 家 湖南省 零 陵縣 。 Lingling|county|question particle|then|includes|today|Guangxi|Guilin|ah|Yangshuo|ah|question particle|plural marker|places|||just|at|||Hunan Province|Ling|Ling County Lingling County includes today's Guangxi Guilin and Yangshuo, and the county seat is in present-day Lingling County, Hunan Province. 武陵 郡 嘅 郡 城 啊 就 喺 而 家 湖南省 溆浦 縣 嘅 南 便 。 Wuling|county|possessive particle|||ah|just|at|||Hunan Province|Xupu|county|possessive particle|south|convenient The county seat of Wuling County is in the southern part of present-day Xupu County, Hunan Province. 桂陽 郡 呢 就 包括 湖南 一部分 地方 , 以及 廣東 嘅 韶關 、 英德 等等 嘅 地方 , 郡 城 呢 , 就 喺 而 家 嘅 湖南省 郴州 。 Guiyang|county|this|just|includes|Hunan||area|as well as|Guangdong|possessive particle|Shaoguan|Yingde|etc|possessive particle||||||||||Hunan Province|Chenzhou Guiyang County includes part of Hunan, as well as places like Shaoguan and Yingde in Guangdong, and the county seat is in present-day Chenzhou, Hunan Province. 長沙 郡 啊 , 郡 城 就 喺 而 家 湖南省 嘅 長沙市 。 Changsha|county|ah|||just|at|||Hunan Province|possessive particle|Changsha City Changsha County, ah, the county city is now in Changsha City, Hunan Province. 嗱, 介紹 完喇 , 就 講返 劉備 。 well|introduction|finished|then|talk about again|Liu Bei Now that the introduction is done, let's talk about Liu Bei. 佢 調撥 兵馬 去 奪取 零陵 , 就 派 張飛 做 先鋒 , 趙雲 做 押後 , 孔明 、 劉備 啊 做 中軍 , 人馬 呢 就 帶 一萬五千 人 。 He|redeploy|troops|to|capture|Lingling|then|sent|Zhang Fei|as|vanguard|Zhao Yun|as|rearguard|Kongming|Liu Bei|particle|as|central army|troops|particle|then|led|fifteen thousand|men He dispatched troops to seize Lingling, sending Zhang Fei as the vanguard, Zhao Yun as the rear guard, and Kongming and Liu Bei as the central army, with a total of fifteen thousand troops. 留 關羽 守 荊州 , 糜竺 、 劉封 就 守 江陵 。 stay|Guan Yu|defend|Jingzhou|Mi Zhu|Liu Feng|then|defend|Jiangling He left Guan Yu to guard Jingzhou, while Mi Zhu and Liu Feng defended Jiangling. 而家 講下 零陵 太守 劉度 , 佢 聽聞 劉備 嘅 軍馬 到 嚟 , 就 搵 佢 個 仔 劉 賢 嚟 商量對策 。 now|talk about|Lingling|governor|Liu Du|he|hearing|Liu Bei|possessive particle|cavalry|arrive|come|then|find|his|measure word|son|Liu|Xian|come| Now let's talk about the governor of Lingling, Liu Du. Upon hearing that Liu Bei's troops were approaching, he called his son Liu Xian to discuss strategies. 劉賢話 喇 : 父親 你 放心 啦 , 佢 雖然 有 張飛 、 趙雲 呢 啲 勇 將唧 。 Liu Hin said|particle indicating certainty|father|you|don't worry|particle indicating reassurance|he|although|has|Zhang Fei|Zhao Yun|||brave|generals Liu Xian said: Father, don't worry, although he has brave generals like Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun. 但 係 我 哋 本州 嘅 上將 邢道榮 , 力敵 萬人 , 完全 打得 過 佢 嘅 。 ||||province|possessive particle|general|Xing Daorong|could fight against|ten thousand men|completely|||him|possessive particle But our province's general Xing Daorong can fight against tens of thousands and can completely defeat him. 打得 過 佢 ? can fight|beat|him Defeat him? 打得 過 佢 。 can hit|more than|him Defeat him. 好 啦 , 於是 劉度 就 叫 劉賢同 邢道榮 帶住 萬幾 兵馬 , 出城卅 十幾 里 , 依山傍水 扎落 營寨 準備 迎敵 嘞 。 ||so|Liu Du|then|called||Xing Daorong|to bring|over ten thousand|troops||more than ten|li (a unit of distance)||set up|camp|prepare|to face the enemy|past action particle Alright, so Liu Duo ordered Liu Xian and Xing Daorong to lead over ten thousand troops, go out of the city for more than thirty miles, and set up camp by the mountains and rivers to prepare for the enemy. 呢 一日 , 探馬 嚟 報告 話 : 孔明 親自 帶兵 嚟 到 喇 。 this|day|scout|came|report|said|Kongming|personally|led the troops|||particle indicating completed action On this day, a scout came to report that Kongming personally led the troops here. 邢道榮 就 點齊 人馬 出去 應戰 。 Xing Daorong|then|assemble|troops|go out|to fight Xing Daorong then gathered the troops to go out and face the enemy. 兩陣 對圓 , 邢道榮 當先 出馬 。 two rounds|against the circle|Xing Daorong|first|to take action The two sides faced each other, and Xing Daorong was the first to charge out. 佢 手執 開山 大斧 , 大聲 噉 話 : 反賊 ! 咁 斗膽 侵犯 我 哋 嘅 境界 吓 ? He|holding|mountain-opening|big axe|loudly|like that|said|traitor|so|dare|to invade|us|our|possessive particle|territory|question particle He wielded a large axe and shouted loudly: "Rebels! How dare you invade our territory?" 只見 對陣 之中 呀 , 一隊 黃旗 湧出 嚟 。 only saw|confrontation|in|particle|a team|yellow flag|surged out|here In the midst of the confrontation, a group of yellow flags surged out. 黃旗 一 散開 , 推出 一架 四輪車 。 yellow flag|one|spread out|pushed out|one|four-wheeled vehicle The yellow flag unfurled, revealing a four-wheeled vehicle. 車 上面 端端正正 坐住 一個 人 , 頭 戴綸巾 身披 鶴氅 , 手上 揸 住 把 鵝毛扇 用 把 扇 擪 一 擪 邢道榮 話 : car|on|sitting upright|seated|one|person|head||draped in|cloak|in hand|||measure word for objects|goose feather fan|using|measure word for objects|fan|waving|one|wave|Xing Daorong|said On the vehicle sat a person, properly dressed, wearing a silk scarf and a crane cloak, holding a goose feather fan, and he waved the fan and said to Xing Daorong: 我 就 係 南陽 諸葛孔明 , 曹操 率領 百萬 之眾 , 畀 我略 施小計 殺 到 佢 片甲不留 。 I|am|am|Nanyang|Zhuge Liang|Cao Cao|led|million|troops|by|||kill|to|him|not leave a single soldier alive I am Zhuge Kongming from Nanyang. With Cao Cao leading a million troops, I can easily devise a small plan to annihilate them completely. 好似 你 哋 噉 嘅 人 , 點 能夠 同 我 對敵 呢 ? like|you|plural marker|like|possessive particle|people|how|able to|with|I|compete|question particle How can people like you possibly compete with me? 我而家 嚟 招安 你 哋 , 仲 唔 快快 投降 ! |come|surrender|you|plural marker|still|not|quickly|surrender I am here to offer you peace; why don't you quickly surrender? 哈哈 , 哈哈 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 haha|haha|hahahaha|hahahaha Haha, haha, hahahaha hahahaha. 赤壁鏖兵 , 乃 係 周 郎 嘅 妙計 , 關你 乜嘢 事 啊 ? Battle of Red Cliffs|||||possessive particle|brilliant strategy||what|matter|question particle The battle of Red Cliffs was a brilliant strategy by Zhou Lang, what does it have to do with you? 咁 大 膽敢 嚟 講 大話 ? 你 咪 走 , 吃 我 一斧 ! then|||come|speak|lies|you|don't|run|eat|I|one axe How dare you come here and talk big? You better run, or I'll chop you with my axe! 邢道榮 舞起 把 大 斧 直奔 孔明 。 Xing Daorong|brandished|particle indicating the object of an action|big|axe|charged straight at|Kongming Xing Daorong raised his big axe and charged straight at Kongming. 孔明 叫 架車 回頭 嘞 , 走 返入 陣 裏 便 , 陣門 就 立即 封住 。 Kongming|called|car|turned around|past tense marker|drove|back into|formation|inside|then|formation gate|then|immediately|sealed off Kongming ordered the cart to turn back, and as it returned to the formation, the gates were immediately sealed. 邢道榮 唔 理 三七廿一 , 衝殺 過 嚟 。 Xing Daorong|not|care|37|rush over|past|come Xing Daorong didn't care about the thirty-seven twenty-one, charging over. 陣勢 沙沙聲 分開 做 兩 便 就 走 。 situation|rustling sound|separate|do|two|then|immediately|leave The sound of the formation split into two and then they ran. 邢道榮 遠遠 望見 有隊 黃旗 嘅 , 佢 諗 住 孔明 實 係 喺 嗰 處 㗎 喇 , 於是 就 一味 向 住 黃旗 嗰 處 猛追 。 Xing Daorong|from afar|saw||yellow flag|possessive particle|he||particle indicating direction|||||that|place|||||||||||chased fiercely Xing Daorong saw a team with a yellow flag from afar, thinking that Kongming was indeed over there, so he kept chasing towards the yellow flag. 轉過 咗 山腳 , 黃旗 紮 住 , 忽然間 , 中央 分開 , 咦 ? 唔 見 咗 四輪車 。 turned|past tense marker|foot of the mountain|yellow flag|||suddenly|center|separated|huh|||past tense marker|four-wheeled vehicle Turning around the foot of the mountain, the yellow flag was planted, and suddenly, the center split open, huh? The four-wheeled vehicle was gone. 只見 一員大將 呀 挺 矛 躍馬 大喝一聲 直殺過 嚟 , 邊個 啊 ? suddenly saw||particle|holding|spear|riding a horse|shouted loudly|charged straight over|here|who|particle He saw a general with a spear riding a horse, shouting loudly as he charged over, who is it? 張翼德 啊 ! Zhang Yide|ah Zhang Yide, ah! 邢道榮 舞起 把 大 斧 迎上去 , 打 咗 冇 幾個 回合 , 嘩 厲害 啊 , 頂 唔 順 喇 , 撥轉 馬頭 就 走 。 Xing Daorong|raised|particle indicating action|big|axe|charged forward|hit|past tense marker|not|a few|rounds|wow|impressive|ah|withstand|not|able to|particle indicating completed action|turned|horse's head|then|ran away Xing Daorong danced with the big axe and charged forward, after a few rounds of fighting, wow, it's impressive, can't hold on anymore, turned the horse's head and ran away. 張飛 咬住 佢 尾 , 追住 唔 放 , 殺聲 震天 , 兩 便 嘅 伏兵 一齊 衝殺 出 嚟 。 Zhang Fei|bit down on|him|tail|chased|not|let go|killing intent|shook the heavens|both|side|possessive particle|ambush troops|together|charged and killed|out|came Zhang Fei bit his tail, chasing him relentlessly, the sound of killing shook the heavens, and the ambush troops from both sides rushed out together. 邢道榮 就 拼死 衝 咗 過去 , 哈哈 , 點知 又 見 一員大將 , 喺 前 便 攔住 去路 。 Xing Daorong|then|with all his might|rushed|past tense marker|over there|haha|unexpectedly|again|saw|a general|at|front|then|blocked|path Xing Daorong desperately charged over, haha, but unexpectedly saw a general blocking the way ahead. 你識 唔 識 常山 趙子龍 啊 ! |not|know|Changshan|Zhao Zilong|particle Do you know Changshan Zhao Zilong? 哎呀 識喇識 喇識 喇 , 邢道榮 諗 住 打 唔 過 㗎 喇 , 又 冇 埞 趯 啦 , 就 唯有 落馬 投降 。 oh no|already know||particle indicating completed action|Xing Daorong|thought|to stay|fight|not|win|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|again|not have|chance|kick|particle indicating completed action|then|only|dismount|surrender Oh no, I know, I know, I know, Xing Daorong thinks he can't win, and there's no way out, so he can only surrender. 趙雲 唔 客氣 啊 , 叫 人 紮起 佢 , 押 佢 返 去 大本營 見 劉備 同 孔明 。 Zhao Yun|not|polite|ah|to call|people|tie up|him|escort|him|return|to|base|see|Liu Bei|and|Kong Ming Zhao Yun is not polite, he tells people to tie him up and take him back to the base to see Liu Bei and Kong Ming. 劉備 呢 就 話 要 斬 咗 佢 , 孔明 即刻 話 唔 好 斬 , 佢 又 對 邢道榮 話 喇 : Liu Bei|this|then|said|to|kill|past tense marker|him|Kongming|immediately|said|||||||||sentence-final particle Liu Bei says he wants to execute him, but Kong Ming immediately says not to execute him, and then he says to Xing Daorong: 你 如果 幫 我 捉住 劉賢 呢 , 就准 你 投降 係 啦 。 you|if|help|me|catch|Liu Hsien|question particle||you|surrender|is|final particle If you help me capture Liu Xian, then you can surrender. 得 得 得 , 小將 一定 做 得到 。 can|must|achieve|young general|definitely|do|achieve Okay, okay, okay, the young general will definitely be able to do it. 噉 你 用 咩 嘢 辦法 嚟 捉 佢 呢 ? then|you|use|what|thing|method|to|catch|him|question particle So, what method are you using to catch him? 軍師 如果 肯放 小將 返去 , 我 自然 會 用 說話 呃 過 佢 嘅 。 military advisor|if||young general|return|I|naturally|will|use|words|trick|past|him|possessive particle If the strategist is willing to let the young general return, I will naturally use words to deceive him. 今晚 , 就 請 軍師 調兵 嚟 劫寨 , 小將 做 內應 , 活捉 劉賢獻 畀 軍師 。 tonight|then|ask|military strategist|deploy troops|come|raid the stronghold|young general|act as|insider|capture alive|Liu Xianxian|give|military strategist Tonight, I ask the strategist to mobilize troops to raid the stronghold, with the young general acting as an insider, capturing Liu Xian to present to the strategist. 劉賢 一捉 到 , 劉度 自 不然 就 投降 㗎 喇 。 Liu Hsien|once caught|arrives|Liu Du|naturally|otherwise|then|surrenders|sentence-final particle|particle indicating completed action Once Liu Xian is captured, Liu will naturally surrender. 劉備 就 唔 信 邢道榮 講 , 但 係 孔明 就 信 喎 , 佢 話 : 邢 將軍 唔 係 講 大話 嘅 。 Liu Bei|then|not|believe|Xing Daorong|said||is|||||||||||speaking|lies|particle indicating possession or emphasis Liu Bei does not believe what Xing Daorong says, but Kongming does believe it; he said: General Xing is not someone who speaks lies. 嘩真 係 放 咗 邢道榮 走 喎 。 wow|is|let|past tense marker|Xing Daorong|go|sentence-final particle Wow, they really let Xing Daorong go. 邢道榮 返到 去 營寨 , 將被 擒 之後 嘅 事 講 晒 畀 劉 賢 聽 。 Hing Tao Wing|returned|to|camp||captured|after|possessive particle|events|tell|completely|to|Liu|Hsien|heard When Xing Daorong returned to the camp, he told Liu Xian everything that happened after he was captured. 劉賢 就 話 喇 : 噉 點算 呢 ? Liu Hsien|then|said|particle indicating completed action|like this|what to do|question particle Liu Xian then said: So what should we do? 邢道榮 話 : 我 哋 將計就計 , 今晚 喺 寨外 便 埋伏 兵馬 , 喺 寨 內 虛 插 旗幟 。 Xing Daorong|said|we|plural marker||tonight|at|outside the camp|then|ambush|troops|at|camp|inside|false|raise|flag Xing Daorong replied: Let's make a plan, tonight we will ambush the troops outside the camp and put up false flags inside the camp. 等 孔明 嚟 劫寨 喇 , 就 趁勢 捉住 佢 ! wait|Kongming|to come|raid the village|particle indicating completed action|then|take advantage of the situation|capture|him Wait for Kongming to come to raid the camp, and then we will seize the opportunity to capture him! 噉 劉賢 就 聽 晒 佢 嘞 喎 。 like this|Liu Hsien|then|heard|completely|he|past tense marker|sentence-final particle So Liu Xian listened to everything he said. 當晚 二 更 , 果然 有 一彪 軍馬 嚟 到 寨 口 。 that night|2|watch (a division of time)|as expected|there are|a group of|cavalry|||| That night, at the second watch, a group of cavalry indeed arrived at the stockade. 每人 都 帶 住 一 紮 乾草 嘅 , 嚟 到 就 一齊 放火 。 every person|all|||one|bundle|hay|possessive particle|||then|together|set fire Everyone brought a bundle of dry grass, and when they arrived, they all set fire together. 劉賢 、 邢道榮 , 立即 啊 分 兩 便 殺出 嚟 啦 。 Liu Hsien|Hsing Tao-jung|immediately|ah|divide|two|convenient|rush out|here|particle indicating completion Liu Xian and Xing Daorong immediately split into two and charged out. 哈 , 呢 隊 放火 軍 見到 有人 殺出 嚟 , 霎聲 下 就 撤退 。 Ha|this|team|arson|army|saw|someone|rush out|here|in an instant|under|then|retreated Ha, when this group of arsonists saw someone charging out, they immediately retreated. 劉賢 、 邢道榮 兩支 軍隊 啊 跟 住 尾追 過去 。 Liu Xian|Xing Daorong|two|armies|ah|||closely|past Liu Xian and Xing Daorong's two armies are chasing closely behind. 一直 追 啊 追 啊 追 咗 十幾 里 , 哼 , 唔 見 咗 放火 軍喇 。 continuously|chase|particle|chase|particle||past tense marker|||||||arson| They kept chasing and chasing for over ten miles, huh, but the fire army has disappeared. 弊 傢伙 喇 ! 劉賢 、 邢道榮 呢 陣先 至 知道 領 嘢 , 急急 收兵 返去 本寨 啦 。 this|guy|particle indicating completed action|Liu Xian|Xing Daorong|this||only then|know|receive|things|quickly|withdraw troops|return|main camp|particle indicating suggestion or command What a bunch of useless guys! Liu Xian and Xing Daorong only just realized they should retreat and quickly gather their troops back to the main camp. 返到 寨 口 , 見到 啲 火 都 仲 未曾 熄 呢 。 returned to|village|entrance|saw|plural marker|fire|all|still|not yet|extinguished|particle When they returned to the camp, they saw that the fire had not yet been extinguished. 突然 間 喺 寨 內 衝出 一員大將 , 原來 係 張飛 ! suddenly|moment|at|village|inside|rushed out||originally|is|Zhang Fei Suddenly, a general rushed out from the camp, and it turned out to be Zhang Fei! 劉賢 就 叫 邢道榮 話 : 唔 好入 寨 喇 , 我 哋 去 劫 孔明寨 罷啦 。 Liu Hsien|then|called|Hsing Tao-jung|said|not||village|particle indicating completed action|we|plural marker|go|rob|Kong Ming village|let's do it Liu Xian then told Xing Daorong: "Don't go into the camp, let's go rob Kongming's camp instead." 於是 就 立即 帶兵 返 轉頭 嘞 。 then|immediately|immediately|lead the troops|return|turn around|past tense marker So they immediately turned back with their troops. 行 咗 唔 到 十里 , 趙雲帶 住 一支 人馬 喺 側 跟 斜 斜 地 殺出 嚟 , 一槍 就 刺死 邢道榮 ,𢴈 咗 落馬 。 walk|past tense marker|not|reach|ten miles||with|a unit of|cavalry|at|side|follow||||charge out|come|one shot|then|killed|Xing Daorong|fall|past tense marker|off the horse Not even ten miles later, Zhao Yun led a group of soldiers and suddenly charged out from the side, stabbing Xing Daorong with a spear and knocking him off his horse. 劉賢 見到 , 哎呀 咪 拘 , 急急 撥馬 就 逃跑 。 Liu Hsien|saw|oh no|don't|catch|hurriedly|spurred his horse|then|ran away Seeing this, Liu Xian panicked and quickly turned his horse to escape. 張飛 喺 後 便 快 馬 趕上 嚟 一手 就 揦 住 佢 , 活捉 咗 過 嚟 , 綁住 佢 去 見 孔明 。 Zhang Fei|at|rear|then|fast|horse|caught up|coming|with one hand|immediately|||him|captured alive|past tense marker|over|coming|tied up|him|to|see|Kongming Zhang Fei quickly caught up from behind, grabbed him with one hand, and captured him alive to take him to see Kongming. 劉賢 就 跪 喺 處 話 喇 : 哎 , 誒 係 邢道榮 教 我 噉 做 嘅 咋 , 我 本身 都 唔 係 想 噉 㗎 。 Liu Hsien|then|kneel|at|place|said|particle indicating completed action|sigh|hey|is|Hsing Tao-jung|taught|me|like this|do|particle indicating past action|only|I|originally|also|not|is|want|like this|particle indicating emphasis Liu Xian knelt down and said: "Hey, it was Xing Daorong who taught me to do this. I didn't want to do it in the first place." 孔明 微微一笑 , 叫 人 同 佢 鬆 咗 綁 ,攞 衣服 畀 佢 着 返 , 賜 酒 畀 佢 飲 壓 下 驚 。 Kongming||told|people|with|him|loosen|past tense marker|bindings|take|clothes|to|him|wear|back|offer|wine|to|him|drink|relieve|down|fear Kongming smiled slightly and ordered someone to untie him, get him some clothes to wear, and give him some wine to calm his nerves. 然後 要 佢 返 去 勸 佢 父親 投降 。 then|want|he|go back|to|persuade|his|father|surrender Then he asked him to go back and persuade his father to surrender. 如果 唔 投降 , 噉 攻破 城池 之後 , 就 滿門 殺 盡 。 if|not|surrender|then|breach|city|after|then|whole family|kill|completely If he doesn't surrender, then after the city is breached, everyone will be killed. 孔明 吩咐 完 嘞 , 就 叫 人 送 劉賢返 去 零陵 。 Kongming|instructed|finished|past tense marker|then|ordered|someone|to send||to|Lingling After Kongming finished giving orders, he asked someone to send Liu Xian back to Lingling. 劉賢 一返 到 去 , 就 同 佢 父親 劉度講 孔明 嘅 大恩大德 , 又 勸 佢 父親 投降 。 Liu Hsien|as soon as|arrived|home|then|with|his|father||Kong Ming|possessive particle|great kindness and virtue|also|advised|him|father|surrender Liu Xian, upon returning, spoke to his father Liu Du about the great kindness and virtue of Kongming, and urged his father to surrender. 劉度 就 聽個 仔講 啦 , 就 喺 城樓 上 便 啊 高高 豎起 一面 降旗 。 Liu Du|then|listen to||particle|then|at|city tower|on|just|particle|high|raised|one|lowering flag Liu Du listened to his son and then raised a surrender flag high on the city tower. 大開 城門 , 自己 又 捧住 個 大印 , 出城 去 劉備 嘅 大本營 投降 嘞 。 wide open|city gate|myself|again|holding|the|great seal|out of the city|to|Liu Bei|possessive particle|main camp|surrender|past tense particle He opened the city gates, holding the great seal, and went out of the city to surrender to Liu Bei's main camp. 孔明 啊 叫 劉度 仍舊 留 喺 零陵 做 太守 ; 劉賢 呢 , 就 去 荊州 隨軍 辦事 。 Kongming|ah|called|Liu Du|still|stay|at|Lingling|serve as|governor|Liu Xian|question particle|then|go|Jingzhou|with the army|handle affairs Kongming asked Liu Du to remain as the governor of Lingling; Liu Xian went to Jingzhou to assist the army. 零陵 一 郡 嘅 居民 呀 個個 歡喜 啊 。 Lingling|one|county|possessive particle|residents|sentence-final particle|everyone|happy|exclamatory particle The residents of Lingling County were all very happy. 劉備入 城 安民 之後 , 就 犒賞三軍 。 |city|pacify the people|after|then| After Liu Bei entered the city and pacified the people, he rewarded the three armies. 佢 又 問 眾 位 將領 話 喇 : 零陵 已經 奪取 到 喇 , 邊位 敢 去 奪取 桂陽 郡 呢 ? he|again|asked|all|people|generals|said|particle indicating completed action|Lingling|already|captured|to|particle indicating completed action|which person|dares|to go|capture|Guiyang|county|question particle He then asked the generals, saying: "Lingling has already been captured, who dares to capture Guiyang County?" 趙雲 話 : 我 去 ! Zhao Yun|said|I|go Zhao Yun said: "I will go!" 張飛 奮起 威風 話 : 我 亦 要 去 啊 ! Zhang Fei|rise up|imposing manner|said|I|also|want|go|ah Zhang Fei, filled with vigor, said: "I also want to go!" 噉 啊 兩個 人 就 爭起 上 嚟 嘞 喎 。 then|particle|two|people|then|fight|up|here|past action particle|particle So the two of them started to argue about it. 孔明 就 話 喇 : 到底 係 子龍應 先 嘅 , 應該 畀 子龍 去 。 Kongming|then|said|particle indicating completed action|after all|is||first|particle indicating possession|should|give|Zilong|go Kong Ming said: Ultimately, it should be Zilong who goes first, it should be given to Zilong. 張飛 唔 服 啊 , 事必話 要 去 , 冇 佢 修 啊 。 Zhang Fei|not|submit|particle|must say|want|go|without|him|repair|particle Zhang Fei was not convinced, insisting that he must go, without him it wouldn't work. 孔明 就 話 啦 噉 執籌 啦 , 執 到 嘅 就 去 啦 噉 。 Kongming|then|said|particle|like this|pick up the plan|particle|||||||like this Kong Ming said, then let's draw lots, whoever draws it can go. 哈 , 又 係 趙雲 執到 。 ha|again|is|Zhao Yun|caught Ha, it was again Zhao Yun who drew it. 張飛 發惡 喇 佢 話 : 我 唔 使 人 幫手 ! 就 係 我 自己 帶 三千 兵去 , 穩 陣 攞 個 城池 ! Zhang Fei|got angry|particle indicating completed action|he|said|I|not|need|person|help|then|is|I|myself|lead|three thousand||surely|formation|take|particle for counting|city Zhang Fei got angry and said: I don't need anyone's help! I will take three thousand soldiers myself and securely capture the city! 趙雲 話 : 我 亦 都 係 帶 三千 兵唧 , 如果 奪 唔 到 城 , 願受 軍法 處置 ! Zhao Yun|said|I|also|all|am|bring|three thousand|soldiers|if|capture|not|reach|city|willing to accept|military law|punishment Zhao Yun said: I also have three thousand soldiers, if I cannot capture the city, I am willing to accept military punishment! 嘿 , 噉 就 好極 喇 ! 孔明 十分高興 , 就 叫 趙雲 立 咗 一張 軍令狀 , 選 咗 三千名 精兵 交 畀 趙雲帶 住 出發 。 hey|then|just|extremely good|particle indicating completed action|Kongming||then|called|Zhao Yun|write|past tense marker|one|military order|selected|past tense marker|three thousand|elite soldiers|handed|to||particle indicating continuous action|departure Hey, that's great! Kongming was very happy and asked Zhao Yun to draft a military order, selecting three thousand elite soldiers to be handed over to Zhao Yun to lead the way. 張飛 仲 係 唔 忿氣 , 劉備 就 喝 佢 走 。 Zhang Fei|still|is|not|angry|Liu Bei|then|scolded|him|leave Zhang Fei was still not satisfied, and Liu Bei scolded him away. 哈哈 , 哎 , 張三爺 呀 就 係 有 呢 鋪 牛 頸 脾氣 吓 。 haha|sigh|Uncle Zhang San|particle|just|is|has|this|shop|cow|neck|temper|particle Haha, oh, Zhang San Ye just has this stubborn temper. 噉 啊 話 說 趙雲 帶領 三千 人馬 , 直筆 就 向 住 桂陽 進發 。 then|ah|to say|said|Zhao Yun|led|three thousand|troops|directly|then|towards|residing|Guiyang|advance So it is said that Zhao Yun led three thousand troops and directly marched towards Guiyang. 桂陽 太守 叫做 趙 范 , 佢 得到 探馬 報 嚟 嘅 消息 , 急急 搵 齊 啲 文官 武將 嚟 商量 嘞 噃。 Guiyang|governor|is called|Zhao|Fan|he|received|scout|report|coming|possessive particle|news|urgently|find|gather|plural marker|civil officials|military generals|come|discuss|past action particle| The governor of Guiyang is called Zhao Fan. He received news from a scout and urgently gathered the civil and military officials to discuss. 噉 當時 管軍 校尉 陳 應 、 鮑隆 呢 , 佢 兩個 係 主張 應戰 。 then|at that time|the military officer|the sergeant|Chen|Ying|Bao Long|question particle|they|two of them|were|advocating|fighting back At that time, the military officer Chen Ying and Bao Long both advocated for battle. 原來 呢 兩個 人 啊 , 都 係 桂陽 嶺 嘅 山鄉 獵戶 出身 。 it turns out|these|two|people|particle|all|are|Guiyang|Ridge|possessive particle|mountain village|hunter|origin It turns out that these two men are both hunters from the mountain villages of Guiyang Ridge. 陳 應會 使 飛叉 , 鮑隆 曾經 射死 過 兩隻 老虎 嘅 。 Chan|should|use|spear|Paul|once|shot dead|past tense marker|two|tigers|possessive particle Chen Ying can use a flying spear, and Bao Long has previously killed two tigers. 噉 佢 兩個 恃 住 自己 有膽 有力 , 所以 就 對 趙 范話 喇 : then|he|two|relying|on|himself|brave|strong|so|then|to|Zhao||particle So, relying on their courage and strength, they said to Zhao Fan: 劉備 如果 嚟 , 我 哋 兩個 願意 去 打頭陣 ! Liu Bei|if|comes|I|we|two of us|are willing|to go|take the lead If Liu Bei comes, the two of us are willing to take the lead! 趙 范話 : 我 聽聞 劉玄德 乃 係 大漢 皇叔 ; 更 兼 孔明 嘅 計謀 就 好 叻 嘅 ; Zhao|Fan said|I|heard|Liu Xuande|is|is|Great Han|imperial uncle|even|also|Kongming|possessive particle|strategy|then|very|clever|particle indicating past action Zhao Fan said: I have heard that Liu Xuande is the imperial uncle of the Han dynasty; moreover, Kongming's strategies are very clever; 關 、 張 又 極其 勇猛 ; Kwan|Cheung|again|extremely|brave Guan and Zhang are also extremely brave; 而家 帶兵 嚟 呢 個 趙子龍 呀 , 喺 當陽 長 坂 嘅 百萬 軍中 如入無人之境 㗎 。 now|lead troops|come|this|classifier for people|Zhao Zilong|sentence-final particle|at|Changyang|long|slope|possessive particle|million|among the army||sentence-final particle Now, this Zhao Zilong who leads the troops, in the midst of the million troops at Changban, moves as if in an uninhabited realm. 唉 , 我 哋 桂陽 有 得 幾多 人馬 呢 ? sigh|||Guiyang|have|only|how many|people|question particle Alas, how many troops do we have in Guiyang? 我 哋 唔 能夠 迎戰 嘅 唯有 係 投降 嘅 啫 。 ||not|able to|fight back|particle indicating possession|only|is|surrender|particle indicating possession|only The only thing we can do is to surrender. 陳 應 就 話 嘞 : 請 你 准 我 出戰 啦 , 如果 我 捉 唔 到 趙雲 , 到 其 時任 太守 你 投降 都 未 遲 啊 。 Chen|should|then|said|past tense marker|please|you|allow|I|go to battle|sentence-final particle|if|I|capture|not|able to|Zhao Yun|when|his|current|governor|you|surrender|all|not yet|late|ah particle Chen Ying said: Please allow me to go into battle. If I can't capture Zhao Yun, it won't be too late for you to surrender when I become the governor. 趙 范 拗 佢 唔 過 就 終歸 應承 咗 佢 。 Zhao|Fan|argue|he|not|pass|then|ultimately|promised|past tense marker|him Zhao Fan eventually agreed to him after some persuasion. 噉 陳 應 就 帶 住 三千 人 馬出城 迎敵 嘞 噃。 then|Chan|should|then|lead|with|three thousand|people||to meet the enemy|past action particle|sentence-final particle So Chen Ying led three thousand troops out of the city to meet the enemy. 呢 個 時候 , 見到 趙雲帶 住 軍隊 嚟 到 嘞 。 this|measure word|time|saw|||army|||past tense marker At this time, he saw Zhao Yun leading his army coming. 陳 應 擺好 陣勢 , 就 揸 住 支 鋼叉 飛馬 而出 。 Chan|should|set up|formation|then|drive|holding|a|steel fork|flying horse| Chen Ying set up the formation and charged out with a steel fork. 趙雲挺 槍 出馬 就 責罵 陳 應 , 佢 話 : Zhao Yun Ting|gun|come out|then|scold|Chen|Ying|he|said Zhao Yun brandished his spear and scolded Chen Ying, saying: 我 哋 主公 劉玄德 , 乃 係 劉景升 嘅 兄弟 。 I|plural marker|Lord|Liu Xuande|is|is|Liu Jingsheng|possessive particle|brother Our lord Liu Xuande is the brother of Liu Jingsheng. 而家 輔助 公子 劉琦 一同 管理 荊州 , 特意 嚟 到 安撫 民眾 , 你 為 乜嘢 膽敢 嚟 迎敵 啊 ! now|assist|young master|Liu Qi|together|manage|Jingzhou|specifically|come|here|pacify|people|you|for|what|dare|come|confront the enemy|ah Right now, we are assisting Young Master Liu Qi in managing Jingzhou, and we specifically came to pacify the people. Why do you dare to come and confront us? 呸 ! 我 哋 只 係 服 曹丞相 嘅 啫 , 邊個 肯 跟 你 劉備 啊 ! phew|||||serve|Prime Minister Cao|possessive particle|only|who|willing|follow|you|Liu Bei|exclamation particle Pah! We only serve Prime Minister Cao, who would follow you Liu Bei! 趙雲 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 挺槍 躍馬 直取 陳 應 。 Zhao Yun|angry|rise|up|come|brandishing his spear|leaping on his horse|directly attacking|Chen|Ying Zhao Yun got angry and charged forward, brandishing his spear and riding straight at Chen Ying. 陳 應 呀 舞起 鋼叉 上前 迎戰 啦 。 Chan|should|particle|dance with|fork|step forward|face the battle|particle Chen Ying raised his steel fork and stepped forward to meet the challenge. 兩個 傾傾 咣 咣 打 咗 四五個 回合 , 陳 應 諗 住 都 係 打 唔 過 趙雲 㗎 就 撥轉 馬頭 就 走 。 the two|chatting|sound of hitting|sound of hitting|hit|past tense marker|four or five|rounds|Chan|should|think|continuous aspect marker|all|is|beat|not|surpass|Zhao Yun|sentence-final particle|then|turned|horse's head|then|ran The two of them clashed fiercely for four or five rounds, but Chen Ying thought he couldn't defeat Zhao Yun, so he turned his horse around and fled. 趙雲 就 追過去 啦 , 陳 應捩 轉頭 望下 趙雲 匹馬 , 已經 嚟 到 好 近 喇 。 Zhao Yun|then|chased after|particle indicating completed action|Chen|should have|turned his head|looked at|Zhao Yun|single horse|already|||very|close|particle indicating completed action Zhao Yun chased after him, and when Chen Ying turned his head to look back at Zhao Yun on horseback, he was already very close. 嘿 , 佢 突然 舉 起飛 叉 就 對 住 趙雲 掟 過去 。 hey|he|suddenly||||then|||Zhao Yun|threw|over Suddenly, he raised his fork and threw it at Zhao Yun. 誰知 趙雲 手急眼快 一下 就 接住 支叉 , 跟手 就要 嚟 掟 返 陳 應 。 who would have known|Zhao Yun|quick to act and react|in an instant|then|caught|the spear|immediately|was about to|come|||Chen|Ying Who would have thought that Zhao Yun, quick and sharp-eyed, would catch the spear in an instant and immediately throw it back at Chen Ying. 陳 應 連忙 一閃 就 避開 咗 , 但 係 呢 , 避得 開支 飛叉 就 避 唔 開 趙雲 隻 手 噃。 Chan|should|hurriedly|in a flash|then|avoided|past tense marker|but|is|this|can avoid|opening|flying spear|then|avoid|not|open|Zhao Yun|measure word|hand|particle Chen Ying quickly dodged to avoid it, but he couldn't avoid Zhao Yun's hand. 趙雲 嗰 隻 馬 飛快 噉 跑 前去 , 趙雲 隻 手 一起 就 將陳應 活捉 過 嚟 , 掉 咗 喺 地下 。 Zhao Yun|that|measure word for animals|horse|very fast|like that|run|forward||measure word for animals|hand|together|then||alive|bring|here|drop|past tense marker|at|ground Zhao Yun's horse ran swiftly forward, and with a quick motion, Zhao Yun captured Chen Ying alive and threw him to the ground. 喝 啲 軍士 將 佢 綁 起 嚟 , 押 佢 返 寨 。 drink|measure word for people|soldier|will|he|tie|up|come|escort|he|return|village He ordered the soldiers to tie him up and escort him back to the camp. 噉 主將 被 捉 , 嗰 啲 敗兵 就 有 咁 快 時 趯 咁 快 啦 , 眨眼 就 四散 逃跑 晒 咯 。 then|general|by|captured|those|plural marker|defeated soldiers|then|have|so|fast|time|to run away|so|fast|particle|in the blink of an eye|then|scattered|ran away|completely|particle With the commander captured, the defeated soldiers scattered and fled in an instant. 趙雲 收兵 回寨 , 就 叫 人 押 陳 應 嚟 鬧 佢 話 : Zhao Yun|recall the troops|return to the camp|then|ordered|people|escort|Chen|Ying|here|scolded|him|said Zhao Yun returned to the camp and ordered people to bring Chen Ying over to scold him, saying: 諒 你 有 咩 嘢 本事 啊 ? 竟然 敢 嚟 同 我 打過 添 ! understand|you|have|what|thing|ability|question particle|unexpectedly|dare|come|with|I|fight|additional particle "What skills do you have? How dare you come and fight with me!" 我而家 唔 殺 你 , 放 你 返去 。 |not|kill|you|let|you| "I won't kill you now, I'll let you go back." 你 同 趙 范講 , 要 佢 快 啲 嚟 投降 啦 ! you|with|Zhao||want|he|quickly|more|come|surrender|sentence-final particle "You tell Zhao Fan that he should come and surrender quickly!" 陳 應以 為 實死 㗎 喇 , 而家 好彩 執返 條命 , 就 叩頭 謝罪 , 走 都 走 唔 切 就 趯 返入 城 。 Chan|should|consider|really dead|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|now|fortunately|retrieve|life|then|kowtow|apologize|leave|all||||then|rush|back into|city Chen Ying thought he was dead, but now he was lucky to have his life back, so he bowed his head in apology and hurried back into the city. 將 啲 經過 講 畀 趙 范聽 , 趙 范 就 話 啦 : to pass|particles|incident|tell|to|Zhao|||Fan|then|said|final particle After telling Zhao Fan about the situation, 我 本來 就 係 想 投降 嘅 , 你 啊 夾硬話 要 打 , 以致 搞成 噉 啫 嘛 ! I|originally|already|was|wanted|to surrender|past tense marker|you|particle||to|fight|resulting in|becoming|like this|only|particle Zhao Fan said: "I originally wanted to surrender, but you insisted on fighting, which led to this mess!" 真 係 吖 , 你 出去 啦 ! ||particle|you|go out|particle That's true, you go out now! 於是 喝退 咗 陳 應 , 自己 啊 親自 捧住 大印 , 帶住 十幾個 隨從 , 騎馬 出 城 , 去 趙雲 嘅 營寨 投降 嘞 。 then|drove back|past tense marker|Chen|Ying|himself|ah|personally|holding|great seal|bringing|more than ten|attendants|riding a horse|out|city|go|Zhao Yun|possessive particle|camp|surrender|past tense marker So he dismissed Chen Ying, personally held the great seal, brought along more than a dozen attendants, rode out of the city, and went to Zhao Yun's camp to surrender. 趙雲 出到 嚟 寨 口 迎接 佢 。 Zhao Yun|came out|here|camp|mouth|to welcome|him Zhao Yun came out to welcome him at the camp entrance. 將 佢 當做 貴賓 噉 嚟 接待 , 擺開 筵席 請 佢 飲酒 。 will|he|treat as|VIP|like that|come|receive|set up|banquet|invite|him|to drink Treat him like a VIP and set up a banquet to invite him to drink. 趙 范 就 恭恭敬敬 噉 將 大印 交 咗 畀 趙雲 。 Zhao|Fan|then|respectfully|like this|will|great seal|hand over|past tense marker|to|Zhao Yun Zhao Fan respectfully handed over the great seal to Zhao Yun. 飲過 幾 巡酒 , 趙 范 就 話 喇 : drank|a few|rounds of drinks|Zhao|Fan|then|said|particle indicating completed action After a few rounds of drinks, Zhao Fan said: 將軍 姓 趙 吖 , 我 亦 係 姓 趙 , 五百年 前 是 一家 喎 。 general|surname|Zhao|particle|I|also|am|surname|Zhao|500 years|ago|was|one family|particle The general's surname is Zhao, and mine is also Zhao; we are from the same family from five hundred years ago. 哈哈 , 將軍 係 真定 人 , 我 亦 係 真定 人 啊 , 又 係 同鄉 添 。 haha|general|is|real|person|I|also|am|real|person|ah|again|is|fellow townsman|also Haha, the general is a real person, and I am also a real person, and we are also fellow townsmen. 啊 , 如果 將軍 唔 嫌棄 咯 , 肯同 我 結為 兄弟 , 就 真 係 萬 幸萬幸 咯 。 ah|if|general|not|despise|particle||I|become|brothers|then|really|is|||particle Ah, if the general doesn't mind, and is willing to become brothers with me, that would truly be a great fortune. 趙雲 好 歡喜 喎 , 噉 啊 大家 講 自己 嘅 出生年月 , 敘過 年庚 。 Zhao Yun|very|happy|particle indicating realization|then|ah|everyone|talk|own|possessive particle|birth year and month|discussed|Chinese zodiac year Zhao Yun is very happy, so everyone talks about their birth years and recounts their zodiac. 咁 啱 , 兩個 係 同年 , 趙雲 大趙范 四個 月 , 於是 趙 范 呢 就 拜 趙雲 做 大佬 嘞 。 then|right|both|are|same year|Zhao Yun|big Zhao Fan|four|months|so|Zhao|Fan|question particle|then|worshipped|Zhao Yun|as|big brother|past action particle Coincidentally, the two are of the same year, with Zhao Yun being four months older than Zhao Fan, so Zhao Fan then acknowledges Zhao Yun as his elder brother. 兩個 人 係 同鄉 , 同年 , 又 同姓 , 噉 啊 十分 相 得 , 好 投機 啦 。 the two|people|are|from the same hometown|same age|also|same surname|then|ah|very|||very|in sync|particle The two are from the same hometown, the same year, and share the same surname, so they get along very well and are quite compatible. 呢 餐酒 , 一直 飲到 夜晚 先至 散席 。 this|banquet|continuously|drinking until|night|only then|end of the event This meal continued until the evening before everyone dispersed. 趙 范 就 辭別 咗 趙雲 返入 城 嘞 。 Zhao|Fan|then|farewell|past tense marker|Zhao Yun|return to|city|completed action particle Zhao Fan said goodbye to Zhao Yun and returned to the city. 第 日 , 趙 范 嚟 請 趙雲入 城 安民 。 the|day|Zhao|Fan|came|invited||city|to settle the people The next day, Zhao Fan came to invite Zhao Yun to enter the city and pacify the people. 噉 趙雲 就 命令 部下 嘅 軍士 啊 唔 准 隨便 行動 。 then|Zhao Yun|then|ordered|subordinates|possessive particle|soldiers|ah|not||casually|act So Zhao Yun ordered his soldiers not to act recklessly. 自己 呢 , 只 係 帶 住 五十個 人 跟 尾 , 騎馬 入去 桂陽 城 。 myself|question particle|||||fifty|people|||riding a horse|entering|Guiyang|city As for himself, he only brought fifty men with him and rode into Guiyang City. 城內 啲 居民 呀 , 喺 路上 , 跪 喺 地 嚟 , 手執 寶香 迎接 趙雲 。 in the city|plural marker|residents|particle|at|on the road|kneel|on|ground|come|holding|incense|welcoming|Zhao Yun The residents in the city, on the road, knelt on the ground, holding incense to welcome Zhao Yun. 噉 趙雲 安民 之後 , 趙 范 就 請 佢 入 去 衙門 宴會 。 then|Zhao Yun|Anmin|after|Zhao|Fan|then|invited|him|to enter|to|yamen|banquet After Zhao Yun settled the people, Zhao Fan invited him to the official banquet. 飲到 咁 上下 , 趙 范再 請 趙雲入 到 後堂 最深 嗰 度 , 即 係 認真 親 嘅 人 先 至 到 嘅 地方 , 再 擺過 酒 嚟 飲過 。 drink until|so|up and down|Zhao||invite||to|back hall|deepest|that|place|||serious|close|possessive particle|person|first|only|arrive|possessive particle|place|again|put down|wine|come|drinked After drinking for a while, Zhao Fan invited Zhao Yun into the innermost part of the back hall, which is a place only for those who are truly close, and served more wine to drink. 趙雲 飲到 微微 醉 , 喺 呢 個 時候 , 趙 范 忽然 請 咗 個 婦人 出 嚟 , 同 趙雲 敬酒 噃。 Zhao Yun|drank to|slightly|drunk|at|this|classifier for people|time|Zhao|Fan|suddenly|invited|past tense marker|classifier for people|woman|out|come|with||toast|particle Zhao Yun was slightly drunk at this time, and suddenly, Zhao Fan invited a woman out to toast with Zhao Yun. 趙雲 睇 下 呢 個 婦人 , 只見 佢 着 住 一身 素白 , 樣子 真 係 靚 , 稱得上 係 傾國傾城 。 Zhao Yun|look|at|this|classifier for people|woman|only saw|she|||a whole body of|plain white|appearance||is||||extraordinarily beautiful Zhao Yun looked at the woman and saw that she was dressed in pure white, and her appearance was truly beautiful, worthy of being called a stunning beauty. 噉 就 問趙范 嘞 : 呢 位 係 邊個 啊 ? then|just||past tense marker|this|person|is|who|question particle So he asked Zhao Fan: Who is this? 佢 係 家 嫂 樊 氏 啊 。 He|is|family|sister-in-law|Fan|surname|particle She is Sister-in-law Fan. 哎呀 ! 趙雲 立即 嚴肅 起 嚟 , 好 尊敬 噉 嚟 對待 呢 個 婦人 。 oh no|Zhao Yun|immediately|seriously|get|up|very|respectful|like this|come|treat|this|classifier for people|woman Oh! Zhao Yun immediately became serious and treated this woman with great respect. 樊氏敬 完酒 , 趙 范 叫 佢 埋 位 坐 , 即 係 喺 度 陪 趙雲 飲酒 嘞 。 Fan respectfully|finished drinking|Zhao|Fan|called|him|to join|seat|sit|||at|here|accompany|Zhao Yun|drinking|past tense particle After Fan finished the toast, Zhao Fan invited her to sit down, which means she stayed to drink with Zhao Yun. 趙雲 話 唔 敢當 多謝 喇 噉 。 Zhao Yun|said|not|dare to accept|thank you|particle indicating completion|like this Zhao Yun said he couldn't accept it, thank you. 噉 樊氏 行個禮 就 返入 去 後堂 。 then|Mr Fan|pay respects|then|return|to|back room Then Fan bowed and went back to the back hall. 趙雲 話 嘞 : 賢弟 , 你 何必 勞煩 令嫂 出 嚟 敬酒 呢 ? Zhao Yun|said|past tense particle|virtuous younger brother|you|why must|trouble|your wife|come out|to|toast|question particle Zhao Yun said: "Brother, why must you trouble sister-in-law to come out and toast?" 哈哈哈哈 , 啊 兄長 你 有所不知 呀 , 啊 我 噉 樣 做 , 係 有 緣故 㗎 。 hahaha|ah|elder brother|you|are unaware of something|particle||I|||do|is|have|reason|particle Hahaha, ah brother, you don't know, ah, I'm doing this for a reason. 先兄 去世 咗 已經 有 成 三年 喇 , 家嫂 一直 守寡 , 噉 啊 終非 了 局 吖 。 elder brother|passed away|past tense marker|already|has|full||sentence-final particle|sister-in-law|continuously|remained widowed|then|particle|eventually|past tense marker|situation|particle It's been three years since my elder brother passed away, and sister-in-law has been in mourning all this time, but this can't go on forever. 小弟 呢 都 時常 勸 佢 不如 改嫁 啦 噉 。 younger brother|question particle|also|often|advise|he|might as well|remarry|particle indicating suggestion|like that I often advise her to remarry. 家嫂 就 話 : 如果 三個 條件 都 齊備 嘅 人 呢 , 我 先 至 肯 嫁 畀 佢 噉 。 sister-in-law|then|said|if|three|conditions|all|fulfilled|possessive particle|person|question particle|I|first|only|willing|marry|to|him|like that Sister-in-law said: "If the three conditions are met, then I will consider marrying him." 噉 咩 三個 條件 呢 ? 佢 話 , 第一 , 要 文武雙全 , 名聞 天下 ; then|what|three|conditions|question particle|he|said|first|must|both civil and military skills|famous|world So what are the three conditions? He said, first, one must be both cultured and martial, renowned throughout the world; 第二 , 要 相貌堂堂 , 威儀 出眾 ; second|must|handsome and dignified|demeanor|outstanding second, one must have a dignified appearance and outstanding demeanor; 第三 要 同 家兄 同姓 嘅 。 third|must|with|elder male cousin|share the same surname|possessive particle third, one must share the same surname as the elder brother. 你 話 喇 , 天下 間 邊度 會 有 咁 湊巧 嘅 呢 ? you|said|particle indicating completed action|world|among|where|will|have|so|coincidentally|particle indicating possession|question particle You tell me, where in the world would there be such a coincidence? 賢兄 啊 , 你 儀表堂堂 , 名震 四海 , 又 同 家兄 同姓 , 合正家嫂 所講 嘅 。 virtuous elder brother|ah|you|impressive in appearance|renowned|all over the world|also|same|family elder brother|share the same surname||what was said|particle indicating possession or modification Dear brother, you have a dignified appearance, are famous across the seas, and share the same surname as the elder brother, just as the sister-in-law said. 如果 賢兄 你 唔 嫌家 嫂個樣 醜陋 咯 , 小弟 情願 送 埋 嫁妝 , 嫁 畀 將軍 你 做 妻子 , 噉 我 哋 就 結成 世代 之親 咯 。 if|virtuous elder brother|you|not|||ugly|(sentence-final particle)|younger brother|would rather|give|also|dowry|marry|to|general|you|be|wife|then|I|plural marker|then|become|generations||(sentence-final particle) If you, my dear brother, do not mind how ugly my sister-in-law looks, I would rather give her a dowry and marry her to you, General, as your wife, then we would become family for generations. 嘿嘿 , 誒 賢兄 意下如何 呢 ? hehe|eh|wise brother||question particle Hehe, what do you think, my dear brother? 趙 范 呢 番 說話 唔 講由自 可 , 佢 一 講完 呀 , 趙雲 嬲 到 霎聲 企 起身 , 大聲 噉 斥責 佢 話 : Zhao|Fan|this|time|conversation|not|speak for himself|but|he|one|finished speaking|particle|Zhao Yun|angry|to|suddenly|stand|up|loudly|like that|scolded|him|said Zhao Fan's words were quite presumptuous. As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Yun stood up angrily and loudly reprimanded him, saying: 吖 吖 呸 ! 我 既然 同 你 結拜 做 咗 兄弟 , 你 阿嫂 就 即 係 我 阿嫂 , 點 可以 做 啲 亂 人倫 嘅 事 啊 ! ah||pui|I|since|with|you|sworn|be|past tense marker|brother|you|sister-in-law|then|just|is|I|sister-in-law|how|can|do|some|chaotic|human relationships|possessive particle|things|ah Ah! Since I have sworn brotherhood with you, your sister-in-law is my sister-in-law. How can we do something so immoral? 當堂 省到 趙 范 面紅耳赤 , 佢 話 嘞 : 嗯 我 , 我 , 我待 你 一片 好意 , 嗯 , 為 咩 嘢 你 咁 無禮 呢 你 ! on the spot|realized|Zhao|Fan|red-faced|he|said|past tense marker|hmm|I|I|treated|you|a piece of|good intention|hmm|||thing|you|so|rude|question particle|you Right there, Zhao Fan's face turned red with embarrassment, and he said: "Um, I, I, I had good intentions towards you, um, why are you being so rude?" 趙 范一便 講一便 用 雙眼 睄 下 睄 下 左右 嗰 啲 侍從 , 有害 趙雲 嘅 意思 嘞 喎 。 Zhao|Fan Yipian|say it once|using|both eyes|glance|down||||that|plural marker|attendants|harmful|Zhao Yun|possessive particle|meaning|past action particle|sentence-final particle Zhao Fan looked around with both eyes at the attendants, it seems he has harmful intentions towards Zhao Yun. 趙雲 係 乜嘢 人馬 至 得 㗎 , 好 醒目 㗎 嘛 。 Zhao Yun|is|what|human-horse|only|capable|particle|very|smart|particle|particle What kind of person is Zhao Yun? He is very sharp. 佢 見到 趙 范 噉 嘅 神色 , 哼 ! 一拳 就 打 低趙范 , 自己 噔 噔 噔 直出 大門 , 上 馬出城 嘞 。 He|saw|Zhao|Fan|like that|possessive particle|expression|humph|one punch|then|hit||he himself|||||main gate|get on||past action particle Seeing Zhao Fan's expression like that, hm! He punched Zhao Fan down, then marched straight out the main door and rode out of the city. 趙 范爬 返 起身 , 摸 下個 下巴 哎呀 爭 啲 連牙 骹 都 打 甩 。 Zhao|Fan climbs|return|get up|touch|next|chin|oh no|almost|a little||ankle|all|hit|fall off Zhao Fan got back up, touched his chin and exclaimed, oh no, I almost lost a tooth. 佢 急急 就 嗌 陳 應 、 鮑隆 嚟 商量 啦 。 He|urgently|then|called|Chan|Ying|Paul|come|discuss|sentence-final particle He hurriedly called Chen Ying and Bao Long to discuss. 陳 應話 嘞 : 佢 發 嬲 走 咗 嘞 , 有 咩 辦法 呢 , 索性 同 佢 打 過 係 啦 。 Chan|should say|past tense particle|he|||||past tense particle|have|what|solution|question particle|might as well|with|him|||right|sentence-final particle Chen said: He got angry and left, what can we do? Let's just fight him. 趙 范話 : 哎 , 至怕 打 佢 唔 贏 噃。 Zhao||ah|am most afraid|to fight|him|not|win|particle Zhao Fan said: Ah, I'm afraid we won't win if we fight him. 鮑隆 就 話 喇 : 不如 噉 啦 , 我 兩個 去 趙雲 嗰 處 詐降 , 太守 你 就 帶兵 嚟 挑戰 。 Bao Long|then|said|particle indicating completion|might as well|like this|particle indicating suggestion|I|both of us|go|Zhao Yun|that|place|feigned surrender|governor|you|then||come|challenge Bao Long then said: How about this, the two of us go to Zhao Yun's place to feign surrender, and you, the governor, bring your troops to challenge. 到 其時 , 我 哋 兩個 就 喺 陣 上 捉 佢 啦 。 at|that time|I|we|two of us|then|at|scene|on|catch|him|particle At that time, the two of us will catch him on the battlefield. 陳 應話 : 噉 都 好 , 不過 一定 要 帶 啲 人馬 至 得 。 Chan|said|like this|also|good|but|definitely|must|bring|some|people and horses|to|arrive Chen said: That's fine, but we must bring some troops with us. 鮑隆話 嘞 : 有 五百 人都夠 㗎 喇 。 Baolong speaking|past tense marker|have|five hundred||sentence-final particle|past action marker Bao Long said: There are enough with five hundred people. 趙 范 同意 咗 呢 個 計劃 。 Zhao|Fan|agreed|past tense marker|this|measure word|plan Zhao Fan agreed to this plan. 於是 喺 當夜 , 陳 應 、 鮑隆 就 帶 住 五百 兵 , 去 到 趙雲 營寨 投降 喇 。 then|at|that night|Chen|Ying|Bao Long|then|||five hundred|soldiers|||Zhao Yun|camp|surrender|particle indicating completed action So that night, Chen Ying and Bao Long took five hundred soldiers to surrender at Zhao Yun's camp.

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