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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 075

而家講 周瑜 死 咗 之後 啊 , 佢 嘅 遺體 就 暫時 停 喺 巴丘 。 眾 將官 就 將 佢 嘅 遺書 , 派 人 飛報 孫權 。 孫權 一 接到 周瑜 逝世 嘅 消息 呀 , 放聲 痛喊 啊 。 孫權 含淚 睇 下 周瑜 嘅 遺書 。 原來 係 推薦 魯肅 嚟 接替 佢 嘅 職務 。 孫權 睇 完信 就 喊住 話 : 唉 , 公 瑾 嘅 才幹 , 足以 使人 成就 帝王 之 業 嘅 , 而 家 佢 短命 而 死 , 我仲靠 邊個 呢 ? 唉 , 既然 遺書 特意 推薦 子敬 , 我 一定 聽從 佢 嘅 意思 嘅 。 孫權 立即 任命 魯肅 做 都督 , 總領 東吳 嘅 兵馬 。 同時 又 吩咐 將 周瑜 嘅 靈柩 運返 嚟 安葬 。 話 說 孔明 喺 荊州 , 佢 夜晚 睇 下 天文 見到 有粒 將星 喺 天上 跌落 嚟 。 佢 話 喇 : 哈哈哈哈 , 周瑜 死 咗 喇 ! 周瑜 死 咗 喇 ! 第 日 一早 , 孔明 就講 畀 劉備 聽 。 劉備 啊 派 人 去 探聽 下 消息 就 返 嚟 報告 話 : 周瑜 果然 死 咗 喇 噉 。 劉備 就問 孔明 : 周瑜 已經 死 咗 嘞 , 噉 局面 會 點樣 呢 ? 照 我 睇 , 代替 周瑜 帶兵 嘅 , 必定會 係 魯肅 。 近來 , 我 夜晚 睇 下 天象 , 見到 將星 都 聚集 喺 東方 嚟 。 我 準備 以吊喪 做 理由 去 江東 行 一趟 , 搵 啲 好 人才 返 嚟 輔助 主公 你 。 好 就 好 , 不過 怕 東吳 啲 人會 加害於 先生 你 噃。 周瑜 在 生 嘅 時候 我 都 尚且 唔 怕 , 而家 周瑜 已經 死 咗 喇 , 仲有 咩 嘢 好 怕 嘅 呢 ? 於是 孔明同 埋 趙雲 , 帶 五百 士兵 , 準備 好 祭禮 就 坐船去 巴丘 吊喪 。 喺 路上 , 探聽到 消息 話 孫權 呢 已經 任命 咗 魯肅 做 都督 。 周瑜 嘅 靈柩 已經 運返 去 柴桑 喇 噉 。 噉 孔明 就 直接 去 柴桑 。 去 到 喇 , 魯肅 仲 係 按照 禮節 嚟 接待 孔明 。 但 係 周瑜部 下 嗰 班 將領 啊 , 個個 都 想 一刀 就 殺 咗 孔明 嘅 。 但 係 呢 , 唔 敢 逳 手 , 事關 趙雲帶 住 把 劍 跟 到實 㗎 嘛 。 孔明 吩咐 隨從 將 啲 祭品 , 擺 喺 周瑜 嘅 靈位 前 便 。 然後 , 佢 親自 奠 咗 酒 , 跪 喺 地下 朗讀 祭文 。 篇 祭文 由 周瑜 年青 嘅 時代 講起 , 一直 講到 赤壁之戰 。 歌頌 佢 嘅 聰明才智 , 鴻圖 大略 。 孔明 讀 祭文 讀 到 最後 嗰 一段 : 嗚呼 公瑾 ! 生死 永別 ! 朴守 其貞 , 冥冥 滅滅 , 魂 如 有靈 , 以 鑒 我心 。 從此 天下 , 更 無 知音 ! 嗚呼 痛哉 ! 伏惟尚 饗 。 孔明 祭完 伏 喺 地 嚟 哀哀 痛哭 , 淚如泉 湧 悲傷 到 不得了 。 周瑜部 下 嗰 班 將領 見到 噉 樣 都 禁 唔 住 喺 度 議論 話 喇 : 唉 人人 都 話 公瑾 同 孔明 唔 啱 , 之 睇 下 佢 今日 祭奠 時候 嘅 感情 , 嗰 啲 人 講 嘅 都 係 假 嘅 啫 。 魯肅 見到 孔明 悲傷 到 噉 樣 , 自己 亦 傷心 起 嚟 。 佢 諗 : 哎 , 孔明 係 個 有情人 啊 , 公 瑾 嘅 度量 太過 淺 窄 , 自己 攞 嚟 死 嘅 啫 。 祭完 周瑜 , 魯肅 啊 設宴款待 孔明 。 散 咗 席 之後 , 孔明 就 告辭 返扯 嘞 。 孔明 啱 啱 想 落船 , 只見 江邊 有 個人 , 身穿 道袍 , 頭戴 竹帽 , 黑 腰帶 素色 鞋 。 佢 行 過 嚟 一手 揪住 孔明 , 騎騎 聲 噉 笑 住 話 : 嘿嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 你 氣死 咗 周郎 , 今日 又 嚟 吊孝 , 你 明蝦 東吳 冇 人 呀 吓 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 孔明 一睇 , 哦 , 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 原來 係 鳳雛 先生 龐統 。 孔明亦 都 放聲 大笑 起 嚟 嘞 : 嚟 嚟 嚟 , 上船 慢慢 先至講 。 噉 兩個 人 喺 船上 傾 咗 好 耐心 事 , 孔明 呢 , 就 寫 落 一封信 交 畀 龐統 又 囑咐 佢 話 : 我 諗 , 孫仲謀 必定 唔 能夠 重用 你 。 你 , 稍 為 有 啲 唔 如意 呢 , 就 嚟 荊州 同 我 一齊 輔助 玄德 啦 。 玄德 呢 個人 寬 仁厚 德 , 佢 必定 唔 會 辜負 你 平生 所學 , 嚟 啦 吓 。 嗯 , 我 記住 嘞 。 龐統 應承 咗 孔明 就 告辭 走 。 孔明 啊 自己 返去 荊州 , 呢 啲 啊 暫時 放落 唔 講 佢 住 。 而家 講返 下 魯肅 , 佢 護送 周瑜 嘅 靈柩 返到 去 蕪湖 , 即 係 , 喺 而 家 安徽省 嘅 東南部 。 孫權 親自 出 嚟 迎接 , 好 哀痛 噉 喺 靈前 祭奠 , 就 吩咐 將 周瑜 嘅 靈柩 啊 隆重 噉 喺 本鄉 安葬 。 周瑜 有 兩個 仔 一個 女 , 大仔 叫做 周循 , 二仔 叫做 周胤 。 孫權 對 佢 哋 都 厚 加 撫 恤 , 呢 啲 呢 都 不在話下 喇 。 有 一日 , 魯肅 啊 對 孫權 話 : 我 係 個 碌碌庸才 , 誤蒙公瑾 推薦 我 擔當 重任 , 其實 , 係 完全 唔 稱職 嘅 。 誒 我 想 推舉 一個 人 嚟 協助 主公 啊 , 此人 上 知 天文 , 下曉 地理 , 極 富於 謀略 。 往日 周公瑾 都 係 採納 佢 唔 少 意見 , 孔明 對 佢 嘅 智謀 亦 深為 佩服 。 呢 個人 而家 就 喺 呢 處 嚟 , 點解 唔 重用 佢 呢 主公 ? 係 呀 ? 好極 喇好極 喇 ! 請問 先生 , 呢 個人 姓甚名誰 啊 ? 佢 乃 係 襄陽 人 , 姓 龐名 統字士 元 , 道 號鳳雛 先生 啊 。 呢 個人 我 亦 聞名 好 耐 嘞 , 而家 既然 喺 度 , 就 快 啲 請 佢 嚟 見面 啦 。 於是 第日 呢 , 魯肅 就 請 咗 龐統 嚟 見 孫權 。 見 咗 面行 過禮 , 孫權 望下 龐統 , 咦 呀 , 見到 佢 濃 眼眉 朝天鼻 , 面 黑黑 鬍鬚 勒突 形容 古怪 , 個心 啊 已經 好 唔 鐘意 , 就 隨口 問下 龐統 : 先生 平生 嘅 所學 , 以 乜嘢 為主 呢 ? 我 冇 乜 拘執 , 隨機應變 嘅 唧 。 噉 先生 嘅 才學 , 比起 公瑾 嚟 又 點樣 啊 ? 呵呵 呵 , 我 之 所學 , 同公瑾 大不相同 啊 。 哦 ? 孫權 平生 啊 最 喜歡 周瑜 嘅 , 一 聽見 龐統 噉 輕視 佢 , 個心 就 越發 唔 高興 嘞 。 誒 先生 返去 先 啦 , 等 用 得到 先生 嘅 時候 我 再 嚟 相請 。 唉 ! 告辭 嘞 ! 龐統 長 歎 一聲 行返 出去 。 龐統 走 咗 之後 , 魯肅 就問 孫權 話 : 主公 點解 唔 用 龐士元 呢 ? 佢 係 個 狂士 嚟 唔 , 使用 佢 有 咩 益處 啊 ? 主公 , 赤壁鏖兵 嘅 時候 , 此人 曾經 獻過 連環計 , 立 咗 第一 功 㗎 。 呢 件 事 我 諗 主公 必定 知道 㗎 。 嚱, 嗰 陣 時 不過 係 曹操 自己 想 釘 船 唔 , 未必 係 佢 嘅 功勞 , 我 發誓 唔 用 佢 ! 孫權 講到 咁 絕 , 魯肅 冇 辦法 。 佢 出去 搵 到 龐統 就 對 佢 話 : 誒 並非 , 我 唔 推薦 先生 你 , 吳侯 唔 肯用 你 , 噉 啊 確係 冇 辦法 嘞 。 先生 耐心 等 下 啦 吓 。 唉 ! 誒 , 莫非 先生 無意 喺 東吳 做事 係 嘛 ? 先生 你 有 治理 天下 嘅 才幹 , 去 邊處 唔 得 吖 ? 你 不妨 對 我 老實 講吖 , 先生 你 究竟 想 去 邊度 呢 ? 我 想 去 投奔 曹操 。 唉 噉 就 係 明珠暗投 咯 。 先生 你 應該 去 荊州 投奔 劉皇叔 , 去 到 必定 得到 重用 嘅 。 係 , 我個 心 實際 係 噉 想 , 先頭 講 嘅 係 同 你 講 笑 嘅 啫 。 噉 , 等 我 寫封信 畀 玄德 , 向 佢 嚟 推薦 你 。 先生 你 輔助 玄德之 後 , 務必 要 使 到 孫劉 兩家 唔 好 互相攻擊 , 要 同心合力 破 曹至 好 啊 。 一定 , 一定 , 呢 個 正 係 我 平生 嘅 志願 嚟 啊 。 於是 龐 統 攞 住 魯肅 封信 就 直接 去 荊州 , 求見 劉備 。 當時 啊 , 孔明 呀 去 咗 視察 四個 郡 未 返 。 劉備 一 聽到 話 係 江南 名士 龐統 嚟 到 唄 , 亦 係 久聞大名 㗎 喇 , 就 立即 請 佢 入 嚟 見面 啦 。 龐統 見到 劉備 , 只 係 深深 噉 作個 揖 啊 冇 叩頭 。 劉備 見 龐統 生得 咁 醜樣 , 哈個 心 亦 係 唔 鍾 意 喎 , 就 問龐統 話 喇 : 先生 咁 遠 嚟 真 係 唔 容易 啊 , 辛苦 喇 。 龐統 唔 攞 孔明同 魯肅 寫 嘅 介紹信 出 嚟 , 佢 只 係 話 : 聽 聞皇叔 招賢納士 , 特意 嚟 投奔 皇叔 啊 。 真 係 歡迎 到極 喇 , 不過 我 呢 處 地方 剛剛 安定 , 仲 未有 空 嘅 職位 多出 嚟 喎 。 嗯 , 離開 呢 處 東南 便 一百 卅 里 嗰 度 有 個 耒陽 縣 , 嗰 度 缺 一個 縣官 , 噉 誒 委屈 下 先生 請 去 嗰 處 擔任 呢 個 職務 啦 。 如果 日後 有 空缺 咯 , 到 時 呀 一定 重用 嘅 。 龐統 諗 嘞 : 哈 , 玄德 乜 待 我 咁 薄 嘅 呢 ? 初時 啊 , 龐統仲想 話 用 自己 嘅 才學 嚟 打動 劉備 。 收尾 佢 再 一 諗 : 唉 算 喇算 喇 , 孔明 又 唔 喺 度 , 講都 好 難 嘅 喇 。 於是 就 辭別 劉備 , 一 於 去 耒陽 縣 啦 。 龐統 自從 嚟 到 耒陽 縣 做 縣官 之後 , 哈哈 佢 從來 唔 理事 , 終之 無日 , 就 係 以 飲酒 為樂個 啫 。 所有 錢糧 賦稅 以及 打官司 等等 , 一概不理 。 噉 收尾 有人 去 報告 劉備 , 話 龐統 呀 , 將 耒陽 縣 嘅 事務 冚𠾴唥 都 荒廢 晒 噉 。 劉備 嬲 嘞 , 佢 諗 : 個 壞 鬼 書生 , 竟然 搞亂 我 嘅 法度 咁 斗膽 。 於是 劉備 立即 叫 張飛 嚟 , 吩咐 張飛 叫 佢 帶 啲 隨從 去 荊南 各個 縣 嚟 視察 。 劉備 話 喇 : 如果 你 發現 有 不公 不法 嘅 , 就 追究 佢 哋 啦 。 誒 怕 你 對 呢 啲 噉 嘅 事 有 唔 明白 嘅 地方 , 你 呀 同孫乾 一齊 去 啦 。 張飛 接受 咗 命令 , 就 同 孫乾去 耒陽 縣 嘞 。 去 到 嗰 陣 當地 嘅 軍民 官吏 , 都 出到 城外 迎接 。 人人 都 到 齊 嘞 唯獨 唔 見 嗰 個 縣令 。 張飛 就 問喇 : 縣令 喺 邊度 啊 ? 啲 同僚 就 回覆 話 : 啟 稟 張將軍 , 龐 縣令 自從 到任 以來 , 都 百 幾日 咯 , 縣 裏頭 嘅 事 佢 都 不聞不問 嘅 。 每日 就 係 飲酒 , 從朝 到 晚 都 飲 到 醉 昏昏 嘅 。 今日 , 佢 宿 酒 未 醒 , 仲 喺 度 瞓 緊 啊 。 豈有此理 ! 去 拉 佢 嚟 ! 孫乾 就 勸 張飛 話 喇 : 龐士元 係 個 才幹 高明 嘅 人 , 對 佢 唔 好 咁 隨便 , 仲 係 去 縣衙門 問 過 佢 先 。 如果 確實 係 於 理 不當 咯 , 再 嚟 治 佢 嘅 罪 都 未 為 遲 吖 。 於是 張飛 就 一直 去 到 縣衙門 , 喺 正廳 坐落 , 叫 縣令 嚟 見 佢 。 過 咗 一陣 , 龐統 賴賴 帶 帶 衣冠不整 , 帶住 醉意 行出 嚟 見 張飛 。 張飛 就 發火 鬧 佢 嘞 : 嘿 ! 我 兄長 睇 得 起 你 , 派 你 嚟 做 縣官 , 你 咁 大膽 ! 竟然 將縣 裏頭 嘅 事情 都 荒廢 晒 啊 吓 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 將軍 認為 我 荒廢 咗 縣 裏頭 嘅 乜嘢 事 呢 ? 你 到任 百 幾日 , 終之 無日 飲 醉酒 , 仲 唔 係 荒廢 公事 ? 哈哈哈 , 諒 耒陽 區區 一個 小縣 , 些 少 公事 , 有 乜嘢 咁 難解 決 嘅 呢 ? 唔 該 張將軍 你 坐 一陣 , 等 我 辦完 佢 。 龐統 跟 住 叫 縣衙門 啲 官吏 嚟 , 將呢 百 幾日 所 積壓 嘅 公務 都 攞 齊 嚟 處理 。 嗰 啲 官吏 就 紛紛 捧住 案卷 上 嚟 公堂 , 嗰 啲 嚟 告狀 嘅 原告人 被告人 等等 , 圍成 半圓形 喺 石階 下 便 跪 齊響 處 。 只見 龐統 啊 , 隻 手 啊 寫 判詞 , 個口 就 宣佈 , 雙耳 聽人講 , 哈哈 , 曲直 分明 啊 並無 半點 差錯 喎 。 啲 民眾 個個 都 叩頭 拜服 啊 。 呢 真 係 㗎 唔 夠 半日 , 龐統 就 將百 幾日 嘅 事 全部 處理 完 。 然後 將支 筆掉 咗 落地 , 對 張飛 話 : 荒廢 嘅 事 喺 邊 處 啊 ? 哼 ! 曹操 、 孫權 , 我 睇 佢 哋 就 好似 睇 自己 手掌 嘅 掌紋 咁 清楚 。 區區 小縣 , 何足介意 呢 ? 嘩 ! 張飛 呀 驚奇 到極 , 即刻 起身 對 龐統 行禮 佢 話 : 先生 大才 , 小子 失敬 啊 ! 我 一定 喺 兄長 面前 極力推薦 ! 張將軍 , 我 呢 處 有 一封 魯肅 寫 嚟 嘅 介紹信 。 哦 ? 先生 初 初見 我 兄長 嘅 時候 , 點解 唔 攞 出 嚟 呢 ? 如果 一 見面 就 攞 出 嚟 , 似乎 就 係 專門 要 靠 介紹信 嚟 搵 事 做 㗎 咯 。 張飛 又 對 孫乾話 嘞 : 如果 先頭 唔 係 先生 你 , 就會失 咗 一位 大大 嘅 人才 啊 ! 於是 張飛 就 辭別 咗 龐統 返去 荊州 回覆 劉備 。 詳詳細細 噉 , 對 劉備 啊 講龐 統 嘅 才能 點樣 叻 法 。 劉備 亦 大吃一驚 啊 , 佢 話 : 哎呀 , 委屈 咗 咁 有 才學 嘅 人 , 都 係 我 之 錯 啊 ! 張飛 又將 魯肅 寫 嘅 介紹信 交 畀 劉備 。 劉備 打開 嚟 睇 下 , 大意 就 係 話 : 龐 統 嘅 才能 可以 承擔重任 , 千祈 唔 好 以貌取人 啊 。 否則 , 畀 他人 羅致 咗 去 就 可惜 啦 。 劉備 睇 完信 , 正在 好多 感觸 。 呢 個 時候 啱 啱 孔明 返到 嚟 , 見 咗 面行 過禮 , 孔明 一 開口 就問 嘞 : 龐 軍師 近日 嘅 身體 好 吖 嘛 ? 劉備 就 回答 話 : 近來 派 佢 去 管理 耒陽 縣 , 佢 啊 一味 飲酒 荒廢 正事 。 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 士元 唔 係 做 個 小小 縣官 呢 啲 百里之才 啊 , 佢 肚裏 便 嘅 才學 , 勝過 我 十倍 。 係 嘞 , 我 寫 咗 封 介紹信 交 畀 士元個 喎 , 佢 冇 送 畀 主公 你 咩 ? 哦 ? 今日 先至 見到 子 敬 嘅 信 , 先生 嘅 信 未 見到 噃。 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 一位 有 好 大 本事 嘅 人 啊 , 如果 畀 個 小小 嘅 職務 過 佢 , 往往 佢 都 係 用 酒 嚟 麻醉 自己 , 懶於 做事 㗎 。 係 , 如果 唔 係 翼 德 賢弟 對我講 , 就爭 啲 失 咗 一位 大大 嘅 人才 啊 。 於是 劉備 立即 叫 張飛 , 再 去 耒陽 縣 , 敬請 龐統 嚟 荊州 。 龐統 嚟 到 嘅 時候 , 劉備 行落 台階 迎接 , 向 龐統 請罪 。 到 咗 呢 個 時候 , 龐統 先至將 孔明 寫 畀 佢 嘅 介紹信 攞 出 嚟 , 呈 畀 劉備 。 封信裏 便 就 寫 住 話 : 鳳雛 一 嚟 到 , 就 應該 重用 佢 噉 。 劉備 好 歡喜 啊 , 佢 話 喇 : 往日 司馬德操 講過 , 伏龍 、 鳳雛 兩人 得 一 , 可安 天下 。 今日 , 我 兩個 人 都 得到 咯 , 漢室 呀 一定 可以 興旺 起 嚟 喇 ! 於是 劉備 就 任命 龐統 做 副 軍師 、 中郎將 , 同 孔明 一齊 啊 , 規劃 策略 , 教練 軍士 準備 打仗 。 不久 之後 , 就 有 消息報 到 去 許昌 。 話 劉備 得到 諸葛亮 、 龐統 做 佢 嘅 謀士 , 招軍買馬 , 積聚 糧草 , 聯合 東吳 , 好快 必定會 興兵 北伐 嘅 噉 。 曹操 接到 呢 個 消息 , 即刻 就 召集 眾 謀士 嚟 商量 南征 嘞 。 荀 攸 就 建議 話 : 周瑜 最近 死 咗 , 噉 啊 應該 先打 孫權 再攻 劉備 啊 。 曹操 話 : 我 如果 去 遠征 , 最怕 就 係 馬 騰 嚟 襲擊 許都 嘞 。 前 嗰 次 喺 赤壁 嘅 時候 , 喺 軍隊 之內 亦 有 流言 , 都 係 講到 西涼兵 要 嚟 侵犯 嘅 事 , 而家 , 亦 不可不 防 啊 。 以 我 嘅 愚見 , 不如 下令 加封 馬 騰做 征南 將軍 , 派 佢 去 討伐 孫權 , 氹 佢 嚟 京師 。 先 剷除 咗 呢 個人 , 噉 南征 就 唔 使 顧忌 啦 嘛 。 呢 個 意見 厲害 啊 ! 曹操 好 高興 , 立即 派 人 帶 住 命令 去 西涼 召馬騰 嚟 嘞 。 馬 騰字壽成 , 乃 係 漢朝 伏波 將軍 馬 援 嘅 後代 。 父親 呢 就 叫做 馬肅 , 字子 碩 , 漢桓帝 嘅 時候 , 做 天水 蘭乾 縣尉 。 後 嚟 冇 官 做 嘞 , 就 流落 喺 隴西 , 隴西 即 係 而家 甘肅省 嘅 一部分 地區 。 同 當地 啲 羌族 人 呀 住 埋 一個 地方 , 收尾 就 娶 咗 個 羌族 嘅 女子 , 就生 咗 馬 騰 。 馬騰 身長 八尺 , 體格 雄偉 , 相貌 非凡 , 稟性 溫良 , 啲 人 呢 都 好 尊敬 佢 。 漢靈帝 末年 , 羌族 啲 民眾 啊 有 唔 少作 反 , 馬騰 啊 招募 民兵 打敗 佢 哋 。 初平 中年 嘅 時候 呢 , 因為 討伐 賊軍 有功 , 被 封為 征西 將軍 。 同 鎮西 將軍 韓遂 結拜 做 咗 兄弟 。 而家講 下 佢 當日 接到 曹操 嘅 命令 啊 , 就 同 長子 馬超 商量 話 : 我 當年 同 董承 國舅 受 咗 衣帶詔 , 同 劉玄德 相約 , 一齊 去 討伐 曹操 奸賊 。 收尾 , 不幸 董承死 咗 嘞 , 玄德亦 屢屢 打敗仗 , 我 又 處在 西涼 呢 啲 偏僻 嘅 地方 , 唔 能夠 協助 玄德 。 近來 聽 聞玄德 已經 得到 荊州 嘞 , 我 正 係 想 實現 當年 嘅 志願 , 點知 曹操 反而 嚟 召 我 去 , 我 哋 應該 點做 為 好 呢 ? 馬超 話 嘞 : 曹操 而家 係 用 天子 嘅 名義 嚟 召 父親 你 去 嘅 , 如果 唔 去 呢 , 佢 必定 以逆 王命 嚟 指責 我 哋 㗎 嘞 。 孩兒 覺得 應當 趁 佢 嚟 召 嘅 機會 , 直情 去 京師 , 從中 發起 討伐 曹操 。 噉 當年 嘅 志願 就 可以 實現 。 馬 騰有 個 侄 叫做 馬岱 , 佢 唔 同意 。 佢 勸 馬 騰 話 : 曹操 心懷叵測 , 非常 奸 狡 。 叔父 如果 去 呀 , 恐怕 會 畀 佢 謀害 㗎 。 馬超 話 : 唔 怕 ! 孩兒 率領 西涼 全部 兵馬 , 跟隨 住 父親 你 殺入 許昌 , 為 天下 除害 , 有何不可 呢 ? 馬 騰話 : 你 唔 好 去 , 你 就 統領 羌兵 , 守衛 住 西涼 。 我 叫 你 細佬馬休 、 馬 鐵 , 同 馬岱 跟 我 去 就 得 嘞 。 曹操 見到 有 你 喺 西涼 , 又 有 韓遂 相助 , 諒 佢 亦 唔 敢 害 我 ! 父親 你 如果 去 , 就 切不可 輕入 京師 , 仲 係 要 隨機應變 , 睇 下 佢 嘅 動靜 先 嘞 。 我 自有辦法 對付 㗎 喇 , 你 不必 多慮 。 於是 馬 騰就 叫 馬 休 、 馬 鐵 做 前鋒 , 馬岱 在 後 接應 , 親自 率領 五千 西涼兵 , 就 出發 去 許昌 。 噉 一路 就 嚟 到 離開 許昌 二十里 嘅 地方 , 就 扎 住 人馬 。 曹操 就 聞知 馬騰 已經 到 咗 , 就 叫 門下 侍郎 黃 奎 嚟 吩咐 佢 話 : 馬 騰要 進行 南征 , 我而家 任命 你 做 行軍 參謀 。 等陣 , 你 先 去 馬 騰 嘅 軍營 處 勞軍 , 你 呀 對馬騰講 : 話 西涼 路遠 , 運糧 好 艱難 , 唔 能夠 多帶 人馬 , 我 呀 會 派遣 大軍 協同 前進 嘅 。 叫 佢 聽 日 入 城 朝見 皇上 , 到 時 , 我 就 撥 啲 糧草 畀 佢 。 遵命 ! 黃 奎 噉 就 去 見馬騰 啦 。 馬騰 擺酒 嚟 款待 佢 。 誒 黃 奎 飲 到 半 醉 嘅 時候 就 話 嘞 : 我 父親 黃 琬 , 死於 李 傕 、 郭汜之 難 , 我個 心 , 好 痛恨 啊 ! 點知 到 咗 今日 , 又 遇到 個 欺君 之賊 ! 馬 騰問 : 邊個 係 欺君 之賊 啊 ? 欺君 之賊 就 係 曹操 喇 ! 將軍 你 唔 知 咩 仲要 嚟 問我 ! 你 唔 好 亂講 啊 , 隔 墻 有 耳 啊 。 哼 ! 乜 將軍 你 忘記 咗 衣帶詔 嘞 咩 ? 吓 ! 馬騰 初時 怕 黃 奎 係 曹操 派 嚟 試探 佢 嘅 , 所以 就 唔 想 同 佢 講 。 而家 見 佢 將 當年 嘅 秘密 都點 咗 出 嚟 , 就將 實情 講晒 畀 黃 奎 聽 。 黃 奎 就 話 : 曹操 要 將軍 你入 城去 朝見 皇上 , 必非 好意 。 將軍 你 唔 好 入城 , 聽日 , 你 帶兵 嚟 到 城下 , 等 曹操 出 城 閱兵 嘅 時候 , 就 乘機 殺 咗 佢 , 噉 就 大事 成功 嘞 。 好 ! 兩個 人 噉 就 商量 妥當 。 當日 , 黃 奎 返到 屋企 , 心裏 便 呀 仲 怒氣 未消 , 個樣 呀 , 嬲 爆爆 噉 。 佢 老婆 唔 知 佢 咩 嘢 事 啊 就 再三再四 問 佢 , 黃 奎 都 唔 肯講 。 唔 肯講 噉 本來 就 冇 事 啦 。 哈 , 點 知 佢 就 忍 得 住口 唔 講 畀 老婆 聽 , 就 忍 唔 住口 啊 , 終歸 講 咗 畀 佢 個 妾 侍 春 香 聽 喎 。 呢 件 事 係 點 嘅 呢 ? 黃 奎 有 個 妾 侍 , 即 係 佢 小老婆 , 叫做 李春香 。 佢 啊 同 黃 奎 嘅 舅 仔 苗 澤 私通 。 苗澤好 想得到 春香 做 長久 夫妻 , 正 係 無計可施 。 噉 當時 春香 見到 黃 奎 唂 埋 泡 腮 , 黑口 黑面 噉 返 嚟 , 佢 就 同 苗 澤 話 嘞 : 老爺 今日 商量 完 軍情 返 嚟 , 睇 個樣 呀 好似 好 嬲 噉 , 唔 知為 咗 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? 苗澤 就 話 喇 : 喂 , 噉 吖 嗱, 你 去 用 說話 挑 下 佢 。 你 話 , 人人 都講 劉皇叔 非常 仁德 , 曹操 係 個 奸雄 喎 , 點解 呢 噉 ? 睇 下 佢 點 講 啦 。 當晚 , 黃 奎 啊 果然 嚟 春香間 房 過夜 。 春香 就 用 苗澤 教 佢 嘅 說話 嚟 挑 佢 。 黃 奎 啊 仲有 啲 醉意 啊 , 佢 衝口而出 就 話 喇 : 你 係 個 女人 , 尚且 識得 分開 邪正 , 噉 何況 我 呢 ? 我 點解 咁 嬲 啊 ? 我 想 殺 咗 曹 , 殺 曹操 啊 。 老爺 想 殺 佢 , 噉 點樣 落手 啫 ? 我 已經 約定 咗 馬 騰馬 將軍 , 聽 日 喺 城外 閱兵 嘅 時候 殺 佢 。 弊 傢伙 啦 噉 就 。 春香 睺 住 黃 奎 瞓 着 咗 之後 就 偷偷 出去 , 將黃奎 所講 嘅 嘢 講 返 畀 苗 澤 聽 。 苗澤 就 漏夜 去 曹操 嗰 處 告密 。 曹操 靜靜 叫 咗 曹洪 、 許褚 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 哋 如此 如此 。 又 叫 夏侯淵 、 徐晃 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 哋 如此 如此 噉 。 各人 接受 咗 命令 就 去 執行 嘞 。 跟 住 曹操 派 人 將黃奎 一家老小 啊 全部 捉起 嚟 。 第 日 , 馬騰 帶領 住 西涼兵 馬 去 許昌 城 。 就 嚟 行到 嘞 , 只見 前 便 一簇 紅旗 , 打住 丞相 旗號 。 馬 騰仲估 話 係 曹操 嚟 閱兵 噃, 一拍 隻 馬 就 跑 向前 啦 。 突然 聽見 轟 噉 一聲 炮響 , 紅旗 一 散開 , 萬箭 齊發 , 弊 傢伙 喇 ! 要知 後事 如何 , 就 且 聽 下回分解 。

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而家講 周瑜 死 咗 之後 啊 , 佢 嘅 遺體 就 暫時 停 喺 巴丘 。 |Zhou Yu|die|past tense marker|after|sentence final particle|he|possessive particle|body|then|temporarily|stop|at|Baqiu Now talking about the death of Zhou Yu, his body was temporarily placed in Baqiu. 眾 將官 就 將 佢 嘅 遺書 , 派 人 飛報 孫權 。 everyone|general|then|send|he|possessive particle|suicide note|send|person|urgent report|Sun Quan The generals sent his will to Sun Quan. 孫權 一 接到 周瑜 逝世 嘅 消息 呀 , 放聲 痛喊 啊 。 Sun Quan|once|received|Zhou Yu|death|possessive particle|news|sentence-final particle|loudly|wept in grief|exclamatory particle As soon as Sun Quan received the news of Zhou Yu's passing, he cried out in grief. 孫權 含淚 睇 下 周瑜 嘅 遺書 。 Sun Quan|with tears|read|the|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|will With tears in his eyes, Sun Quan read Zhou Yu's will. 原來 係 推薦 魯肅 嚟 接替 佢 嘅 職務 。 originally|is|recommended|Lu Su|to|take over|him|possessive particle|position It turned out that he recommended Lu Su to take over his position. 孫權 睇 完信 就 喊住 話 : Sun Quan|read||then|crying|said Sun Quan, after reading the letter, cried and said: 唉 , 公 瑾 嘅 才幹 , 足以 使人 成就 帝王 之 業 嘅 , 而 家 佢 短命 而 死 , 我仲靠 邊個 呢 ? sigh|||possessive particle|talent|sufficient to|make a person|achieve|emperor|possessive particle|career||but|now|he|short-lived|and|died||who|question particle Alas, Gong Jin's talents are enough to help one achieve the work of an emperor, yet he died young. Who can I rely on now? 唉 , 既然 遺書 特意 推薦 子敬 , 我 一定 聽從 佢 嘅 意思 嘅 。 sigh|since|will|specifically|recommended|Zijing|I|definitely|follow|he|possessive particle|intention|possessive particle Alas, since the will specifically recommended Zi Jing, I will definitely follow his wishes. 孫權 立即 任命 魯肅 做 都督 , 總領 東吳 嘅 兵馬 。 Sun Quan|immediately|appointed|Lu Su|as|commander|in charge of|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|troops Sun Quan immediately appointed Lu Su as the commander, overseeing the troops of Eastern Wu. 同時 又 吩咐 將 周瑜 嘅 靈柩 運返 嚟 安葬 。 at the same time|also|instructed|to move|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|coffin|return|here|bury At the same time, he ordered that Zhou Yu's coffin be transported back for burial. 話 說 孔明 喺 荊州 , 佢 夜晚 睇 下 天文 見到 有粒 將星 喺 天上 跌落 嚟 。 said|spoke|Kongming|at|Jingzhou|he|night|looking|at|astronomy|saw|a|comet|in|the sky|falling|down It is said that Kongming was in Jingzhou, and one night he looked at the stars and saw a comet falling from the sky. 佢 話 喇 : 哈哈哈哈 , 周瑜 死 咗 喇 ! 周瑜 死 咗 喇 ! he|said|past tense marker|hahaha|Zhou Yu|die|past tense marker|past tense marker|||| He said: Hahaha, Zhou Yu is dead! Zhou Yu is dead! 第 日 一早 , 孔明 就講 畀 劉備 聽 。 the|day|early in the morning|Kongming||to|Liu Bei|heard The next morning, Kongming told Liu Bei. 劉備 啊 派 人 去 探聽 下 消息 就 返 嚟 報告 話 : 周瑜 果然 死 咗 喇 噉 。 Liu Bei|ah|send|person|to|inquire|a little|news|then|return|come back|report|said|Zhou Yu|indeed|die|past tense marker|completed action particle|like this Liu Bei sent someone to investigate the news, and they returned to report that Zhou Yu had indeed died. 劉備 就問 孔明 : 周瑜 已經 死 咗 嘞 , 噉 局面 會 點樣 呢 ? Liu Bei||Kongming|Zhou Yu|already|died|past tense marker|completed action marker|then|situation|will|how|question particle Liu Bei then asked Kongming: Now that Zhou Yu is dead, what will the situation be like? 照 我 睇 , 代替 周瑜 帶兵 嘅 , 必定會 係 魯肅 。 according to|I|see|replace|Zhou Yu|lead troops|(possessive particle)||be|Lu Su In my opinion, the one who will replace Zhou Yu to lead the troops must be Lu Su. 近來 , 我 夜晚 睇 下 天象 , 見到 將星 都 聚集 喺 東方 嚟 。 recently|I|at night|look|at|celestial phenomena|saw|Jupiter|all|gathered|at|the east|coming Recently, I have been observing the stars at night and noticed that the war stars are gathering in the east. 我 準備 以吊喪 做 理由 去 江東 行 一趟 , 搵 啲 好 人才 返 嚟 輔助 主公 你 。 I|prepare||as|reason|to go|Jiangdong|travel|one trip|find|some|good|talent|return|here|assist|lord|you I am preparing to use mourning as an excuse to go to Jiangdong and find some good talents to assist you, my lord. 好 就 好 , 不過 怕 東吳 啲 人會 加害於 先生 你 噃。 good|then|fine|but|afraid|Dongwu|possessive particle||harm|sir|you| That's fine, but I'm afraid the people of Eastern Wu might harm you, sir. 周瑜 在 生 嘅 時候 我 都 尚且 唔 怕 , 而家 周瑜 已經 死 咗 喇 , 仲有 咩 嘢 好 怕 嘅 呢 ? Zhou Yu|at|birth|possessive particle|time|I|also|still|not|afraid|now||already|dead|past tense marker|completed action particle|still have|what|thing|very|afraid|particle indicating a question|question particle When Zhou Yu was alive, I wasn't afraid, and now that Zhou Yu is dead, what is there to be afraid of? 於是 孔明同 埋 趙雲 , 帶 五百 士兵 , 準備 好 祭禮 就 坐船去 巴丘 吊喪 。 then||also|Zhao Yun|brought|five hundred|soldiers|prepared|well|funeral rites|then||Baqiu|mourn the death So, Kongming and Zhao Yun, along with five hundred soldiers, prepared the sacrificial rites and took a boat to Baqiu to mourn. 喺 路上 , 探聽到 消息 話 孫權 呢 已經 任命 咗 魯肅 做 都督 。 on|the road|heard|news|that|Sun Quan|this|already|appointed|past tense marker|Lu Su|as|commander On the way, they heard news that Sun Quan had already appointed Lu Su as the governor. 周瑜 嘅 靈柩 已經 運返 去 柴桑 喇 噉 。 Zhou Yu|possessive particle|coffin|already|transported back|to|Chaisang|sentence-final particle|like this Zhou Yu's coffin had already been transported back to Chaisang. 噉 孔明 就 直接 去 柴桑 。 then|Kongming|then|directly|go|Chaisang Thus, Kongming went directly to Chaisang. 去 到 喇 , 魯肅 仲 係 按照 禮節 嚟 接待 孔明 。 go|arrive|particle indicating completed action|Lu Su|still|is|according to|etiquette|come|receive|Kongming Upon arrival, Lu Su still received Kongming according to the proper etiquette. 但 係 周瑜部 下 嗰 班 將領 啊 , 個個 都 想 一刀 就 殺 咗 孔明 嘅 。 |||under|that|group|generals|ah|everyone|all|wanted|one strike|then|kill|past tense marker|Kongming|possessive particle But the generals under Zhou Yu all wanted to kill Kong Ming with one strike. 但 係 呢 , 唔 敢 逳 手 , 事關 趙雲帶 住 把 劍 跟 到實 㗎 嘛 。 ||this|not|dare|run away|hand|regarding|||measure word for weapons|sword|||particle indicating certainty|particle indicating obviousness However, they did not dare to act, as Zhao Yun was following closely with his sword. 孔明 吩咐 隨從 將 啲 祭品 , 擺 喺 周瑜 嘅 靈位 前 便 。 Kongming|instructed|attendant|to take|plural marker|offerings|place|at|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|spirit tablet|in front|immediately Kong Ming instructed his attendants to place the offerings in front of Zhou Yu's spirit tablet. 然後 , 佢 親自 奠 咗 酒 , 跪 喺 地下 朗讀 祭文 。 then|he|personally|offer|past tense marker|wine|kneel|at|ground|recite|eulogy Then, he personally poured the wine and knelt on the ground to read the memorial. 篇 祭文 由 周瑜 年青 嘅 時代 講起 , 一直 講到 赤壁之戰 。 article|memorial text|by|Zhou Yu|young|possessive particle|era|starting from|continuously|talking about|Battle of Red Cliffs The memorial started from Zhou Yu's youth and continued all the way to the Battle of Red Cliffs. 歌頌 佢 嘅 聰明才智 , 鴻圖 大略 。 praise|he|possessive particle|intelligence|grand ambitions|great plans Praising his intelligence and great ambitions. 孔明 讀 祭文 讀 到 最後 嗰 一段 : 嗚呼 公瑾 ! 生死 永別 ! 朴守 其貞 , 冥冥 滅滅 , 魂 如 有靈 , 以 鑒 我心 。 從此 天下 , 更 無 知音 ! 嗚呼 痛哉 ! 伏惟尚 饗 。 Kongming|read|sacrificial text|||last|that|paragraph|oh|Gongjin|life and death|eternal farewell|faithfully guarding||dark|extinguished|soul|if|has spirit|to|reflect|my heart|from now on|world|no longer|without|true friend|oh|how painful|| Kongming read the eulogy until the last part: 'Alas, Gongjin! A permanent farewell between life and death! Upholding his integrity, in the dark and dim, if the soul has spirit, let it reflect my heart. From now on, there will be no more kindred spirits in the world! Alas, how painful! I humbly offer this tribute.' 孔明 祭完 伏 喺 地 嚟 哀哀 痛哭 , 淚如泉 湧 悲傷 到 不得了 。 Kongming|after the ritual|prostrated|at|ground|came|sorrowfully|weeping||gushing|sadness|to|unbearable After the eulogy, Kongming lay on the ground, weeping bitterly, tears flowing like a spring, overwhelmed with sadness. 周瑜部 下 嗰 班 將領 見到 噉 樣 都 禁 唔 住 喺 度 議論 話 喇 : Zhou Yu's army|under|that|group|generals|saw|like this|appearance|all|couldn't|||at|there|discuss|saying|particle The generals under Zhou Yu couldn't help but discuss among themselves upon seeing this. 唉 人人 都 話 公瑾 同 孔明 唔 啱 , 之 睇 下 佢 今日 祭奠 時候 嘅 感情 , 嗰 啲 人 講 嘅 都 係 假 嘅 啫 。 sigh|everyone|all|says|Gongjin|and|Kongming|not|right|possessive particle|see|at|he|today|memorial ceremony|time|possessive particle|feelings|those|plural marker|people|talk|possessive particle|all|are|false|particle indicating state|only Sigh, everyone says Gongjin and Kongming are not compatible, but looking at his emotions during the memorial today, what those people said is all just false. 魯肅 見到 孔明 悲傷 到 噉 樣 , 自己 亦 傷心 起 嚟 。 Lu Su|saw|Kongming|sad|to|that|appearance|himself|also|sad|rise|come Lu Su saw Kongming looking so sad, and he felt sad himself. 佢 諗 : 哎 , 孔明 係 個 有情人 啊 , 公 瑾 嘅 度量 太過 淺 窄 , 自己 攞 嚟 死 嘅 啫 。 he|thought|sigh|Kongming|is|a|romantic partner|ah|Lord|Jin|possessive particle|tolerance|too|||himself|take|come|die|possessive particle|only He thought: Ah, Kongming is a sentimental person, and Gong Jin's tolerance is too narrow, he is just bringing death upon himself. 祭完 周瑜 , 魯肅 啊 設宴款待 孔明 。 after the sacrifice|Zhou Yu|Lu Su|ah||Kongming After paying respects to Zhou Yu, Lu Su hosted a banquet for Kongming. 散 咗 席 之後 , 孔明 就 告辭 返扯 嘞 。 disperse|past tense marker|gathering|after|Kongming|then|took his leave||past action marker After the banquet, Kongming took his leave and went back. 孔明 啱 啱 想 落船 , 只見 江邊 有 個人 , 身穿 道袍 , 頭戴 竹帽 , 黑 腰帶 素色 鞋 。 Kongming|||wanted|to board the boat|only saw|by the river|there is|a person|wearing|Daoist robe|wearing|bamboo hat|black|belt|plain colored|shoes Just as Kongming was about to board the boat, he saw a person by the riverbank, wearing a Taoist robe, a bamboo hat, a black belt, and plain shoes. 佢 行 過 嚟 一手 揪住 孔明 , 騎騎 聲 噉 笑 住 話 : 嘿嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 你 氣死 咗 周郎 , 今日 又 嚟 吊孝 , 你 明蝦 東吳 冇 人 呀 吓 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 he|||come||||||||||||you|||||||||Mingxia|Eastern Wu|not|people|question particle|surprised particle|ha ha ha ha ha|ha ha He walked over and grabbed Kongming, laughing and saying: Hehehe, you made Zhou Lang angry, and today you come to pay your respects again. Do you think there are no people in Eastern Wu? Hahahaha. 孔明 一睇 , 哦 , 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 原來 係 鳳雛 先生 龐統 。 Kongming|at a glance|oh|hahaha||it turns out|is|Phoenix Chick|Mr|Pang Tong Kongming took a look and said, oh, hahaha, it turns out to be Mr. Fengchu, Pang Tong. 孔明亦 都 放聲 大笑 起 嚟 嘞 : 嚟 嚟 嚟 , 上船 慢慢 先至講 。 |all|laugh out loud|big laugh|get|come|past tense particle|come|come|come|board the boat|slowly| Kongming also burst into loud laughter: Come, come, come, let's go on the boat and talk slowly. 噉 兩個 人 喺 船上 傾 咗 好 耐心 事 , 孔明 呢 , 就 寫 落 一封信 交 畀 龐統 又 囑咐 佢 話 : then|two|people|at|on the boat|discuss|past tense marker|very|patiently|matter|Kongming|this|then|write|in|a letter|hand over|to|Pang Tong|again|instructed|he|to say So the two of them talked for a long time on the boat, and Kongming wrote a letter to give to Pang Tong, instructing him to say: 我 諗 , 孫仲謀 必定 唔 能夠 重用 你 。 I|think|Sun Zhongmou|definitely|not|able to|reuse|you I think Sun Zhongmou will definitely not be able to reuse you. 你 , 稍 為 有 啲 唔 如意 呢 , 就 嚟 荊州 同 我 一齊 輔助 玄德 啦 。 you|||||||particle|then|come|Jingzhou|with|me|together|assist|Xuande|particle You, if you are a bit unhappy, come to Jingzhou and assist Xuande with me. 玄德 呢 個人 寬 仁厚 德 , 佢 必定 唔 會 辜負 你 平生 所學 , 嚟 啦 吓 。 Xuande|this|person|broad-minded|benevolent|virtue|he|definitely|not|will|let down|you|lifetime|what you have learned|come|particle|particle Xuande is a person of great kindness and virtue; he will definitely not let you down for all that you have learned in your life, come on. 嗯 , 我 記住 嘞 。 hmm|I|remember|past tense marker Hmm, I remember. 龐統 應承 咗 孔明 就 告辭 走 。 Pang Tong|agreed|past tense marker|Kongming|then|took his leave|left Pang Tong accepted Kongming's request and took his leave. 孔明 啊 自己 返去 荊州 , 呢 啲 啊 暫時 放落 唔 講 佢 住 。 Kongming|ah|himself|return|Jingzhou|these|plural marker|ah|temporarily|put down|not|mention|he|living As for Kongming, he returned to Jingzhou; let's not talk about these things for now. 而家 講返 下 魯肅 , 佢 護送 周瑜 嘅 靈柩 返到 去 蕪湖 , 即 係 , 喺 而 家 安徽省 嘅 東南部 。 now|talk about|next|Lu Su|he|escort|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|coffin|return|to|Wuhu|||at|||Anhui Province|possessive particle|southeastern part Now, let's talk about Lu Su. He escorted Zhou Yu's coffin back to Wuhu, which is in the southeastern part of present-day Anhui Province. 孫權 親自 出 嚟 迎接 , 好 哀痛 噉 喺 靈前 祭奠 , 就 吩咐 將 周瑜 嘅 靈柩 啊 隆重 噉 喺 本鄉 安葬 。 Sun Quan|personally|come|here|to welcome|very|grief|like that|at|before the spirit|memorial service|then|ordered|to take|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|coffin|particle|solemnly|like that|at|hometown|buried Sun Quan personally came out to welcome it, mourning deeply at the coffin, and instructed that Zhou Yu's coffin be buried with great ceremony in his hometown. 周瑜 有 兩個 仔 一個 女 , 大仔 叫做 周循 , 二仔 叫做 周胤 。 Zhou Yu|has|two|sons|one|daughter|elder son|is named|Zhou Xun|younger son|is named|Zhou Yin Zhou Yu had two sons and one daughter. The eldest son was named Zhou Xun, and the second son was named Zhou Yin. 孫權 對 佢 哋 都 厚 加 撫 恤 , 呢 啲 呢 都 不在話下 喇 。 Sun Quan|to|he|they|all|generously|add|||this|plural marker|this|all||final particle Sun Quan showed great care and support for them, and this is not to be mentioned lightly. 有 一日 , 魯肅 啊 對 孫權 話 : there is|one day|Lu Su|ah|to|Sun Quan|said One day, Lu Su said to Sun Quan: 我 係 個 碌碌庸才 , 誤蒙公瑾 推薦 我 擔當 重任 , 其實 , 係 完全 唔 稱職 嘅 。 I|am|(classifier)|mediocre person||recommended|I|take on|heavy responsibility|actually|am|completely|not|competent|(possessive particle) I am just an ordinary person, mistakenly recommended by Gong Jin to take on an important role, but in fact, I am completely unqualified. 誒 我 想 推舉 一個 人 嚟 協助 主公 啊 , 此人 上 知 天文 , 下曉 地理 , 極 富於 謀略 。 hey|I|want|recommend|one|person|to|assist|lord|ah|this person|above|knows|astronomy||geography|extremely|rich in|strategy Hey, I want to recommend someone to assist the lord. This person is knowledgeable in astronomy and geography, and is extremely strategic. 往日 周公瑾 都 係 採納 佢 唔 少 意見 , 孔明 對 佢 嘅 智謀 亦 深為 佩服 。 in the past|Zhou Gongjin|all|was|accepted|his|||suggestions|Kongming|towards|him|possessive particle|wisdom|also|deeply|admired In the past, Zhou Gongjin often adopted many of his opinions, and Kongming also greatly admired his wisdom. 呢 個人 而家 就 喺 呢 處 嚟 , 點解 唔 重用 佢 呢 主公 ? this|person|now|just|at|this|place|come|why|not|reuse|him|this|master This person is right here, why not make good use of him, my lord? 係 呀 ? 好極 喇好極 喇 ! 請問 先生 , 呢 個人 姓甚名誰 啊 ? |||||may I ask|sir|this|person||question particle Oh really? That's great, that's great! May I ask, sir, what is this person's name? 佢 乃 係 襄陽 人 , 姓 龐名 統字士 元 , 道 號鳳雛 先生 啊 。 he|is|is|Xiangyang|person|surname|||Yuan|||Mr|ah He is from Xiangyang, with the surname Pang and the name Tong, courtesy name Shiyuan, and his Daoist title is Mr. Fengchu. 呢 個人 我 亦 聞名 好 耐 嘞 , 而家 既然 喺 度 , 就 快 啲 請 佢 嚟 見面 啦 。 this|person|I|also|famous|very|long|past action particle|now|since|at|here|then|quickly|more|invite|him|come|meet|sentence-final particle I have heard of this person for a long time, and now that he is here, let's quickly invite him to meet. 於是 第日 呢 , 魯肅 就 請 咗 龐統 嚟 見 孫權 。 so|the next day|this|Lu Su|then|invited|past tense marker|Pang Tong|to|meet|Sun Quan So the next day, Lu Su invited Pang Tong to meet Sun Quan. 見 咗 面行 過禮 , 孫權 望下 龐統 , 咦 呀 , 見到 佢 濃 眼眉 朝天鼻 , 面 黑黑 鬍鬚 勒突 形容 古怪 , 個心 啊 已經 好 唔 鐘意 , 就 隨口 問下 龐統 : see|past tense marker|face|after greeting|Sun Quan|glanced at|Pang Tong|ah|particle|saw|he|thick|eyebrows|upturned nose|face|dark|beard|protruding|appearance|strange|heart|particle|already|very|not|like|then|casually|asked|Pang Tong After greeting each other, Sun Quan looked at Pang Tong and thought, oh, seeing his thick eyebrows and upturned nose, his dark face and protruding beard, he already felt quite displeased, so he casually asked Pang Tong: 先生 平生 嘅 所學 , 以 乜嘢 為主 呢 ? sir|lifetime|possessive particle|what has been learned|using|what|as the main focus|question particle Mr. What has been the focus of your studies throughout your life? 我 冇 乜 拘執 , 隨機應變 嘅 唧 。 I|don't have|any|stubbornness|adaptability|possessive particle|sound of a small action I am not very particular, I adapt to circumstances. 噉 先生 嘅 才學 , 比起 公瑾 嚟 又 點樣 啊 ? then|sir|possessive particle|talent|compared to|Gong Jin|in terms of|again|how|question particle So how does the gentleman's talent compare to that of Gong Jin? 呵呵 呵 , 我 之 所學 , 同公瑾 大不相同 啊 。 haha|ah|I|possessive particle|learned|||ah Hehe, what I have learned is very different from Gong Jin. 哦 ? oh Oh? 孫權 平生 啊 最 喜歡 周瑜 嘅 , 一 聽見 龐統 噉 輕視 佢 , 個心 就 越發 唔 高興 嘞 。 Sun Quan|in his life|ah|most|liked|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|one|heard|Pang Tong|so|despise|him|heart|then|increasingly|not|happy|past tense particle Sun Quan has always favored Zhou Yu the most, and whenever he hears Pang Tong belittling him, he becomes even more unhappy. 誒 先生 返去 先 啦 , 等 用 得到 先生 嘅 時候 我 再 嚟 相請 。 hey|sir|go back|first|particle|wait|use|get|sir|possessive particle|time|I|again|come|invite Hey, sir, please go back first. When I can use you, I will come to invite you again. 唉 ! 告辭 嘞 ! sigh|farewell|particle indicating completed action Sigh! Farewell! 龐統 長 歎 一聲 行返 出去 。 Pang Tong|long|sigh|one sound|walked back|outside Pang Tong sighed and walked out. 龐統 走 咗 之後 , 魯肅 就問 孫權 話 : 主公 點解 唔 用 龐士元 呢 ? Pang Tong|leave|past tense marker|after|Lu Su||Sun Quan|said|lord|why|not|use|Pang Shiyuan|question particle After Pang Tong left, Lu Su asked Sun Quan: "Why don't you use Pang Shiyuan, my lord?" 佢 係 個 狂士 嚟 唔 , 使用 佢 有 咩 益處 啊 ? he|is|a|madman|come|not|using|it|has|what|benefit|question particle Isn't he a madman? What benefit is there in using him? 主公 , 赤壁鏖兵 嘅 時候 , 此人 曾經 獻過 連環計 , 立 咗 第一 功 㗎 。 lord||possessive particle|time|this person|once|offered|continuous stratagem|established|past tense marker|first|merit|sentence-final particle My lord, during the battle of Chibi, this person once proposed a series of strategies and achieved the first merit. 呢 件 事 我 諗 主公 必定 知道 㗎 。 this|classifier for events|matter|I|think|lord|definitely|knows|sentence-final particle I think my lord must know about this matter. 嚱, 嗰 陣 時 不過 係 曹操 自己 想 釘 船 唔 , 未必 係 佢 嘅 功勞 , 我 發誓 唔 用 佢 ! to scold|that|moment|time|only|is|Cao Cao|himself|wanted|to nail|boat|not|not necessarily|is|he|possessive particle|merit|I|swear|not|use|him Well, at that time, it was just Cao Cao wanting to nail the ship down himself, it may not necessarily be his credit, I swear I won't use him! 孫權 講到 咁 絕 , 魯肅 冇 辦法 。 Sun Quan|when it comes to|so|decisive|Lu Su|has no|way Sun Quan spoke so decisively that Lu Su had no way to respond. 佢 出去 搵 到 龐統 就 對 佢 話 : he|go out|find|to|Pang Tong|then|to|him|said He went out to find Pang Tong and said to him: 誒 並非 , 我 唔 推薦 先生 你 , 吳侯 唔 肯用 你 , 噉 啊 確係 冇 辦法 嘞 。 eh|not really|I|not|recommend|sir|you|Mr Ng|not||you|then|ah|definitely|no|solution|particle Eh, it's not that I don't recommend you, but Wu Hou doesn't want to use you, so there's really no way. 先生 耐心 等 下 啦 吓 。 sir|be patient|wait|next|particle indicating suggestion|particle indicating surprise Sir, please be patient and wait a moment. 唉 ! sigh Sigh! 誒 , 莫非 先生 無意 喺 東吳 做事 係 嘛 ? hey|could it be that|sir|not intending|at|Dongwu|working|is|question particle Eh, could it be that you have no intention of working in Eastern Wu? 先生 你 有 治理 天下 嘅 才幹 , 去 邊處 唔 得 吖 ? sir|you|have|govern|world|possessive particle|talent|go|anywhere|not|able|question particle Sir, you have the talent to govern the world, where can't you go? 你 不妨 對 我 老實 講吖 , 先生 你 究竟 想 去 邊度 呢 ? you|might as well|to|me|honestly|speak|sir|you|exactly|want|to go|where|question particle You might as well be honest with me, sir, where exactly do you want to go? 我 想 去 投奔 曹操 。 I|want|to|seek refuge with|Cao Cao I want to go and seek refuge with Cao Cao. 唉 噉 就 係 明珠暗投 咯 。 sigh|like that|then|is||particle indicating finality Alas, that's just a wasted opportunity. 先生 你 應該 去 荊州 投奔 劉皇叔 , 去 到 必定 得到 重用 嘅 。 sir|you|should|go|Jingzhou|seek refuge|Liu the Emperor's uncle|||definitely|receive|great use|particle indicating possession or modification Sir, you should go to Jingzhou to seek refuge with Liu Bei; you will definitely be valued there. 係 , 我個 心 實際 係 噉 想 , 先頭 講 嘅 係 同 你 講 笑 嘅 啫 。 yes||heart|actually|is|like this|thought|earlier|said|past tense particle|is|with|you|talking|joking|past tense particle|only Yes, that's actually what I was thinking; I was just joking with you earlier. 噉 , 等 我 寫封信 畀 玄德 , 向 佢 嚟 推薦 你 。 then|wait|I|write a letter|to|Xuande|to|him|come|recommend|you Then, let me write a letter to Xuande, recommending you to him. 先生 你 輔助 玄德之 後 , 務必 要 使 到 孫劉 兩家 唔 好 互相攻擊 , 要 同心合力 破 曹至 好 啊 。 Sir|you|assist||after|must|need to|make|to|Sun and Liu|two families||well|||||||ah Sir, after you assist Xuande, you must ensure that the Sun and Liu families do not attack each other, and work together to defeat Cao. 一定 , 一定 , 呢 個 正 係 我 平生 嘅 志願 嚟 啊 。 definitely||this|measure word|really|is|I|lifetime|possessive particle|aspiration|come|particle Definitely, definitely, this is indeed my lifelong ambition. 於是 龐 統 攞 住 魯肅 封信 就 直接 去 荊州 , 求見 劉備 。 then|Pang|Tong|took|holding|Lu Su|sealed letter|then|directly|went|Jingzhou|to request an audience with|Liu Bei So, Pang Tong took Lu Su's letter and went directly to Jingzhou to seek an audience with Liu Bei. 當時 啊 , 孔明 呀 去 咗 視察 四個 郡 未 返 。 at that time|particle|Kongming|particle|went|past tense marker|inspect|four|counties|not yet|returned At that time, Kongming had gone to inspect the four counties and had not returned. 劉備 一 聽到 話 係 江南 名士 龐統 嚟 到 唄 , 亦 係 久聞大名 㗎 喇 , 就 立即 請 佢 入 嚟 見面 啦 。 Liu Bei|one|heard|that|is|Jiangnan|scholar|Pang Tong|come||||||||||||||meet|particle indicating suggestion When Liu Bei heard that the famous scholar from Jiangnan, Pang Tong, had arrived, he was already familiar with his great reputation, so he immediately invited him in to meet. 龐統 見到 劉備 , 只 係 深深 噉 作個 揖 啊 冇 叩頭 。 Pang Tong|saw|Liu Bei|only|is|deeply|like this|perform a|bow|ah|not|prostration When Pang Tong saw Liu Bei, he only bowed deeply without kneeling. 劉備 見 龐統 生得 咁 醜樣 , 哈個 心 亦 係 唔 鍾 意 喎 , 就 問龐統 話 喇 : Liu Bei|saw|Pang Tong|born|so|ugly|his|heart|also|is|not|||particle|then||said|particle Liu Bei saw that Pang Tong was so ugly, and he didn't like him at all, so he asked Pang Tong: 先生 咁 遠 嚟 真 係 唔 容易 啊 , 辛苦 喇 。 sir|so|far|come|really|is|not|easy|particle|hard work|particle Sir, it must not have been easy to come such a long way, it must have been hard. 龐統 唔 攞 孔明同 魯肅 寫 嘅 介紹信 出 嚟 , 佢 只 係 話 : Pang Tong|not|take||Lu Su|write|possessive particle|letter of introduction|come|here|he|only|is|said Pang Tong did not take out the letters of introduction written by Kongming and Lu Su; he only said: 聽 聞皇叔 招賢納士 , 特意 嚟 投奔 皇叔 啊 。 hear||recruiting talented people|specially|come|seek refuge|Uncle Huang|ah Hearing that the Emperor's uncle is recruiting talents, I specially came to seek refuge with him. 真 係 歡迎 到極 喇 , 不過 我 呢 處 地方 剛剛 安定 , 仲 未有 空 嘅 職位 多出 嚟 喎 。 ||welcome|to the extreme|particle indicating completed action|but|I|||area|just|settled|still|not yet|vacant|possessive particle|position|more|coming|particle indicating suggestion or realization I really welcome you to the utmost, but my place has just stabilized and there aren't many vacant positions available. 嗯 , 離開 呢 處 東南 便 一百 卅 里 嗰 度 有 個 耒陽 縣 , 嗰 度 缺 一個 縣官 , 噉 誒 委屈 下 先生 請 去 嗰 處 擔任 呢 個 職務 啦 。 um|leave|this|place|southeast|then|one hundred|thirty|miles|that|at|has|a|Leiyang|county|that|||||||||||||place|take up|this|a|position|particle Hmm, if you leave this place and go one hundred thirty miles southeast, there is a county called Liyang, which is in need of a county magistrate. So, I apologize, but I would like to ask you to take on this position there. 如果 日後 有 空缺 咯 , 到 時 呀 一定 重用 嘅 。 if|in the future|there is|vacancy|particle indicating completed action|when|time|particle for emphasis|definitely|reuse|particle indicating possession If there are any vacancies in the future, I will definitely promote you. 龐統 諗 嘞 : 哈 , 玄德 乜 待 我 咁 薄 嘅 呢 ? Pang Tong|thought|past tense marker|ha|Xuande|why|treat|me|so|harsh|possessive particle|question particle Pang Tong thought: Ha, does Xuande treat me so lightly? 初時 啊 , 龐統仲想 話 用 自己 嘅 才學 嚟 打動 劉備 。 at first|ah||to say|to use|himself|possessive particle|talents|to|impress|Liu Bei At first, Pang Tong still wanted to use his own talents to impress Liu Bei. 收尾 佢 再 一 諗 : 唉 算 喇算 喇 , 孔明 又 唔 喺 度 , 講都 好 難 嘅 喇 。 wrap up|he|again|one|think|sigh|forget about it||particle indicating change of state|Kongming (a historical figure)|again|not|at|place||very|difficult|particle indicating possession|particle indicating change of state In the end, he thought again: sigh, forget it, Kongming is not here, it's really hard to talk. 於是 就 辭別 劉備 , 一 於 去 耒陽 縣 啦 。 then|immediately|bid farewell to|Liu Bei|one|at|go|Leiyang|county|particle indicating completion So he bid farewell to Liu Bei and went straight to Laiyang County. 龐統 自從 嚟 到 耒陽 縣 做 縣官 之後 , 哈哈 佢 從來 唔 理事 , 終之 無日 , 就 係 以 飲酒 為樂個 啫 。 Pang Tong|since|came|to|Leiyang|county|became|county magistrate|after|haha|he|always|not|concerned with affairs|in the end|no day|just|is|by|drinking||particle Since Pang Tong arrived in Laiyang County to be the county magistrate, haha, he never cared about official matters, and ultimately, every day was just about enjoying drinking. 所有 錢糧 賦稅 以及 打官司 等等 , 一概不理 。 all|money and food|taxes|and|lawsuits|etc| He completely ignored all the money, grain, taxes, and lawsuits. 噉 收尾 有人 去 報告 劉備 , 話 龐統 呀 , 將 耒陽 縣 嘅 事務 冚𠾴唥 都 荒廢 晒 噉 。 like this|wrap up|someone|to go|report|Liu Bei|said|Pang Tong|particle|will|Liyang|county|possessive particle|affairs|all|all|neglected|completely|like this So, at the end, someone reported to Liu Bei that Pang Tong had completely neglected the affairs of Leiyang County. 劉備 嬲 嘞 , 佢 諗 : 個 壞 鬼 書生 , 竟然 搞亂 我 嘅 法度 咁 斗膽 。 Liu Bei|angry|past tense marker|he|thought|the|bad|ghost|scholar|unexpectedly|messed up|my|possessive particle|law|so|audaciously Liu Bei was angry and thought: This bad scholar actually dared to disrupt my laws. 於是 劉備 立即 叫 張飛 嚟 , 吩咐 張飛 叫 佢 帶 啲 隨從 去 荊南 各個 縣 嚟 視察 。 then|Liu Bei|immediately|called|Zhang Fei|over|instructed||to call|him|to bring|some|followers|to|Jingnan|each|county|to|inspect So Liu Bei immediately called Zhang Fei and instructed him to take some followers to inspect the various counties in Jingnan. 劉備 話 喇 : 如果 你 發現 有 不公 不法 嘅 , 就 追究 佢 哋 啦 。 Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completed action|if|you|discover|there is|injustice|illegalities|possessive particle|then|hold accountable|they|plural marker|particle indicating suggestion Liu Bei said: If you find any injustice or illegal activities, then hold them accountable. 誒 怕 你 對 呢 啲 噉 嘅 事 有 唔 明白 嘅 地方 , 你 呀 同孫乾 一齊 去 啦 。 hey|worry|you|towards|||like|possessive particle|things|have|not|understanding|possessive particle|places|you|sentence-final particle||together|go|suggestion particle Ah, I’m afraid you might not understand these matters, so you should go with Sun Qian. 張飛 接受 咗 命令 , 就 同 孫乾去 耒陽 縣 嘞 。 Zhang Fei|accepted|past tense marker|order|then|with||Liyang|county|past tense marker Zhang Fei accepted the order and went to Leiyang County with Sun Qian. 去 到 嗰 陣 當地 嘅 軍民 官吏 , 都 出到 城外 迎接 。 go|arrive|that|time|local|possessive particle|military and civilians|officials|all|out to|outside the city|welcome When they arrived, the local military and civil officials came out of the city to welcome them. 人人 都 到 齊 嘞 唯獨 唔 見 嗰 個 縣令 。 everyone|all|arrive|together|past tense marker|only|not|see|that|measure word|county magistrate Everyone was present except for the county magistrate. 張飛 就 問喇 : 縣令 喺 邊度 啊 ? Zhang Fei|then|asked|county magistrate|at|where|question particle Zhang Fei then asked: Where is the county magistrate? 啲 同僚 就 回覆 話 : 啟 稟 張將軍 , 龐 縣令 自從 到任 以來 , 都 百 幾日 咯 , 縣 裏頭 嘅 事 佢 都 不聞不問 嘅 。 plural marker|colleagues|then|replied|said|respectfully|report|General Zhang|Pang|county magistrate|since|took office|since|all|hundred|several days|particle indicating completed action|county|inside|possessive particle|matters|he|all|indifferent|particle indicating completed action The colleagues replied: Reporting to General Zhang, County Magistrate Pang has been in office for over a hundred days, and he has not been concerned with the matters in the county. 每日 就 係 飲酒 , 從朝 到 晚 都 飲 到 醉 昏昏 嘅 。 every day|just|is|drinking alcohol|from morning|to|evening|all|drink|to|drunk|dazed|particle indicating possession or description Every day is just about drinking, from morning till night, drinking until getting drunk and dazed. 今日 , 佢 宿 酒 未 醒 , 仲 喺 度 瞓 緊 啊 。 today|he|stay|overnight|not yet|awake|still|at|place|sleep|continuous aspect particle|sentence-final particle Today, he hasn't woken up from last night's drinking, and is still sleeping. 豈有此理 ! 去 拉 佢 嚟 ! how can this be reasonable|go|pull|him|come This is outrageous! Go and bring him here! 孫乾 就 勸 張飛 話 喇 : 龐士元 係 個 才幹 高明 嘅 人 , 對 佢 唔 好 咁 隨便 , 仲 係 去 縣衙門 問 過 佢 先 。 Sun Qian|then|advised|Zhang Fei|said|particle indicating completed action|Pang Shiyuan|is|classifier for people|ability|outstanding|possessive particle|person|towards|him|not|very|so|careless|still|is|go|county office|ask|past|him|first Sun Qian advised Zhang Fei: Pang Shiyuan is a highly talented person, don't be so casual with him, go to the county office to ask about him first. 如果 確實 係 於 理 不當 咯 , 再 嚟 治 佢 嘅 罪 都 未 為 遲 吖 。 if|indeed|is|in|reason|inappropriate|particle indicating realization|again|come|punish|him|possessive particle|crime|still|not yet|for|late|particle indicating affirmation If it really is inappropriate, it wouldn't be too late to punish him later. 於是 張飛 就 一直 去 到 縣衙門 , 喺 正廳 坐落 , 叫 縣令 嚟 見 佢 。 then|Zhang Fei|then|continuously|||county office|at|main hall|located|called|county magistrate|to come|see|him So Zhang Fei went straight to the county office, sat in the main hall, and called for the county magistrate to see him. 過 咗 一陣 , 龐統 賴賴 帶 帶 衣冠不整 , 帶住 醉意 行出 嚟 見 張飛 。 after|past tense marker|a while|Pang Tong|disheveled|wearing||improperly dressed|carrying|drunkenness|walked out|here|saw|Zhang Fei After a while, Pang Tong, disheveled and slightly drunk, came out to see Zhang Fei. 張飛 就 發火 鬧 佢 嘞 : 嘿 ! 我 兄長 睇 得 起 你 , 派 你 嚟 做 縣官 , 你 咁 大膽 ! 竟然 將縣 裏頭 嘅 事情 都 荒廢 晒 啊 吓 ! Zhang Fei|then|got angry|scolded|him|past tense marker|hey|I|elder brother||||you|sent|you|come|be|county magistrate|you|so|bold|unexpectedly||inside|possessive particle|matters|all|neglected|completely|ah|exclamation particle Zhang Fei got angry and scolded him: "Hey! My brother thinks highly of you, appointing you as the county official, and you are so bold! You actually let the affairs of the county go to waste!" 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 將軍 認為 我 荒廢 咗 縣 裏頭 嘅 乜嘢 事 呢 ? hahaha||the general|thinks|I|wasted|past tense marker|county|inside|possessive particle|what|matter|question particle Hahaha, what does the general think I have neglected in the county? 你 到任 百 幾日 , 終之 無日 飲 醉酒 , 仲 唔 係 荒廢 公事 ? you|arrived|hundred|several days|ultimately|no day|drink|alcohol|still|not|is|neglecting|official duties You have been in office for over a hundred days, and you haven't gone a day without drinking; isn't that neglecting public affairs? 哈哈哈 , 諒 耒陽 區區 一個 小縣 , 些 少 公事 , 有 乜嘢 咁 難解 決 嘅 呢 ? hahaha|Liang|Leiyang|just|one|small county|||official business|has|what|so|||possessive particle|question particle Hahaha, it's just a small county in Liangyang District, what difficult issues could there possibly be to resolve? 唔 該 張將軍 你 坐 一陣 , 等 我 辦完 佢 。 ||General Cheung|you|sit|for a moment|wait|I|finish handling|him Thank you, General Zhang, please sit for a moment while I handle this. 龐統 跟 住 叫 縣衙門 啲 官吏 嚟 , 將呢 百 幾日 所 積壓 嘅 公務 都 攞 齊 嚟 處理 。 Pang Tong|||called|county government office|particle indicating plural|officials|came||hundred|several days|particle indicating possession|backlog|possessive particle|official business|all|to take|together|to come|to handle Pang Tong then called the officials from the county office to come, gathering all the public affairs that had piled up over the past hundred days to deal with. 嗰 啲 官吏 就 紛紛 捧住 案卷 上 嚟 公堂 , 嗰 啲 嚟 告狀 嘅 原告人 被告人 等等 , 圍成 半圓形 喺 石階 下 便 跪 齊響 處 。 that|plural marker|officials|then|one after another|holding|case file|up|come|courtroom|that|plural marker|come|file a lawsuit|possessive particle|plaintiff|defendant|etc|surrounded|semicircle|at|stone steps|under|then|kneel||place The officials then hurriedly brought the case files to the court, while the plaintiffs and defendants who came to file complaints surrounded in a semicircle kneeling on the stone steps. 只見 龐統 啊 , 隻 手 啊 寫 判詞 , 個口 就 宣佈 , 雙耳 聽人講 , 哈哈 , 曲直 分明 啊 並無 半點 差錯 喎 。 only saw|Pang Tong|ah|one|hand|ah|write|judgment||then|announced|both ears||haha|right and wrong|clear|ah|not at all|slightest|mistake|particle You could see Pang Tong writing the judgment with one hand, while announcing it with his mouth, listening to the people speak, haha, the right and wrong are clear without a hint of error. 啲 民眾 個個 都 叩頭 拜服 啊 。 the|people|everyone|all|bow|worship|ah The people are all bowing down and worshiping. 呢 真 係 㗎 唔 夠 半日 , 龐統 就 將百 幾日 嘅 事 全部 處理 完 。 this|really|is|question particle|not|enough|half a day|Pang Tong|then|||possessive particle|matters|all|handle|complete In less than half a day, Pang Tong handled everything that took over a hundred days. 然後 將支 筆掉 咗 落地 , 對 張飛 話 : 荒廢 嘅 事 喺 邊 處 啊 ? then|||past tense marker|on the ground|to|Zhang Fei|said|wasted|possessive particle|matter|at|where|place|question particle Then he dropped the pen on the ground and asked Zhang Fei: Where are the neglected matters? 哼 ! 曹操 、 孫權 , 我 睇 佢 哋 就 好似 睇 自己 手掌 嘅 掌紋 咁 清楚 。 hum|Cao Cao|Sun Quan|I|see|they|plural marker|just|like|see|own|palm|possessive particle|palm lines|so|clear Hmph! Cao Cao and Sun Quan, I see them as clearly as I see the lines on my own palm. 區區 小縣 , 何足介意 呢 ? small|county|why bother|question particle A small county, what is there to worry about? 嘩 ! 張飛 呀 驚奇 到極 , 即刻 起身 對 龐統 行禮 佢 話 : wow|Zhang Fei|particle|surprised||immediately|stood up|to|Pang Tong|salute|he|said Wow! Zhang Fei, how surprising to the extreme, immediately got up and saluted Pang Tong, saying: 先生 大才 , 小子 失敬 啊 ! 我 一定 喺 兄長 面前 極力推薦 ! sir|great talent|young man|disrespectful|ah|I|definitely|in|elder brother|in front of|will strongly recommend "Sir, great talent, I am disrespectful! I will definitely strongly recommend you in front of my elder brother!" 張將軍 , 我 呢 處 有 一封 魯肅 寫 嚟 嘅 介紹信 。 General Cheung|I|this|place|have|a|Lu Su|wrote|to|possessive particle|letter of introduction "General Zhang, I have a letter of introduction written by Lu Su here." 哦 ? 先生 初 初見 我 兄長 嘅 時候 , 點解 唔 攞 出 嚟 呢 ? oh|sir|first||I|older brother|possessive particle|when|why|not|||come|question particle "Oh? Sir, when you first met my elder brother, why didn't you take it out then?" 如果 一 見面 就 攞 出 嚟 , 似乎 就 係 專門 要 靠 介紹信 嚟 搵 事 做 㗎 咯 。 if|one|meet|then|||here|seems|then|is|specifically|need|rely on|recommendation letter|here|find|work|do|particle|particle "If you take it out as soon as we meet, it seems like you are specifically relying on the letter of introduction to find work." 張飛 又 對 孫乾話 嘞 : 如果 先頭 唔 係 先生 你 , 就會失 咗 一位 大大 嘅 人才 啊 ! Zhang Fei|again|to||past tense marker|if|first|not|were|sir|you||past tense marker|one|great|possessive particle|talent|exclamatory particle Zhang Fei said to Sun Qian: If it weren't for you, sir, at the beginning, we would have lost a great talent! 於是 張飛 就 辭別 咗 龐統 返去 荊州 回覆 劉備 。 then|Zhang Fei|then|said goodbye|past tense marker|Pang Tong|returned|Jingzhou|replied|Liu Bei So Zhang Fei bid farewell to Pang Tong and returned to Jingzhou to report back to Liu Bei. 詳詳細細 噉 , 對 劉備 啊 講龐 統 嘅 才能 點樣 叻 法 。 |like this|to|Liu Bei|ah||Tong|possessive particle|talent|how|smart|method In detail, he explained to Liu Bei how talented Pang Tong was. 劉備 亦 大吃一驚 啊 , 佢 話 : Liu Bei|also|greatly surprised|ah|he|said Liu Bei was also greatly surprised, and he said: 哎呀 , 委屈 咗 咁 有 才學 嘅 人 , 都 係 我 之 錯 啊 ! oh no|grievance|past tense marker|so|have|talented|possessive particle|person|all|is|I|possessive particle|wrong|sentence-final particle Oh dear, I have wronged such a talented person, it is all my fault! 張飛 又將 魯肅 寫 嘅 介紹信 交 畀 劉備 。 Zhang Fei||Lu Su|wrote|possessive particle|introduction letter|to deliver|to|Liu Bei Zhang Fei handed over the introduction letter written by Lu Su to Liu Bei. 劉備 打開 嚟 睇 下 , 大意 就 係 話 : 龐 統 嘅 才能 可以 承擔重任 , 千祈 唔 好 以貌取人 啊 。 Liu Bei|open|come|see|a particle indicating a suggestion|general meaning|just|is|saying|Pang|Tong|possessive particle|talent|can||absolutely|not|well|judge people by their appearance|ah particle Liu Bei opened it and saw that it basically said: Pang Tong's talents can take on important responsibilities, and one must not judge a person by their appearance. 否則 , 畀 他人 羅致 咗 去 就 可惜 啦 。 otherwise|let|others|recruited|past tense marker|go|then|unfortunately|sentence final particle Otherwise, it would be a pity if someone else recruited him. 劉備 睇 完信 , 正在 好多 感觸 。 Liu Bei|read|the letter|was|many|feelings After Liu Bei finished reading the letter, he was filled with many emotions. 呢 個 時候 啱 啱 孔明 返到 嚟 , 見 咗 面行 過禮 , 孔明 一 開口 就問 嘞 : 龐 軍師 近日 嘅 身體 好 吖 嘛 ? this|measure word|time|||Kongming|||saw|past tense marker|||Kongming|one|opened his mouth||question particle|Pang|strategist|recently|possessive particle|health|good|particle indicating affirmation|particle indicating a question At this moment, Kong Ming had just returned, and upon meeting, he greeted Liu Bei. Kong Ming immediately asked: How is General Pang's health these days? 劉備 就 回答 話 : 近來 派 佢 去 管理 耒陽 縣 , 佢 啊 一味 飲酒 荒廢 正事 。 Liu Bei|then|replied|saying|recently|sent|him|to|manage|Liyang|county|he|ah|always|drinking|neglecting|serious business Liu Bei then replied: Recently, I sent him to manage Leiyang County, and he has been drinking and neglecting his duties. 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 士元 唔 係 做 個 小小 縣官 呢 啲 百里之才 啊 , 佢 肚裏 便 嘅 才學 , 勝過 我 十倍 。 hahaha|ha|Shiyuan|not|is|to be|a|small|county magistrate|this|particle indicating plural|extraordinary talent|ah|he|in his belly|already|possessive particle|talent and learning|surpasses|me|ten times Hahaha, Shi Yuan is not just a small county official; he is a talent of great potential. His knowledge surpasses mine by ten times. 係 嘞 , 我 寫 咗 封 介紹信 交 畀 士元個 喎 , 佢 冇 送 畀 主公 你 咩 ? yes|particle indicating completed action|I|write|past tense marker|measure word for letters|recommendation letter|hand over|to||particle indicating realization or reminder|he|did not|send|to|master or superior|you|question particle Yes, I wrote a letter of introduction and gave it to Shi Yuan. Didn't he send it to the lord? 哦 ? 今日 先至 見到 子 敬 嘅 信 , 先生 嘅 信 未 見到 噃。 oh|today|only then|saw|||possessive particle|letter|sir|possessive particle|letter|not|seen|particle indicating realization Oh? I only saw Zijing's letter today; I haven't seen the letter from the gentleman. 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 一位 有 好 大 本事 嘅 人 啊 , 如果 畀 個 小小 嘅 職務 過 佢 , 往往 佢 都 係 用 酒 嚟 麻醉 自己 , 懶於 做事 㗎 。 hahaha|ha|a|has|very|great|ability|possessive particle|person|ah|if|give|a|small|possessive particle|job|to pass|he|often|he|also|is|use|alcohol|to|numb|himself|lazy to|work|particle indicating certainty Hahaha, a person with great ability! If he is given a small position, he often uses alcohol to numb himself and becomes lazy in his work. 係 , 如果 唔 係 翼 德 賢弟 對我講 , 就爭 啲 失 咗 一位 大大 嘅 人才 啊 。 yes|if|not|is|||younger brother||||lose|past tense marker|a|great|possessive particle|talent|ah particle Yes, if it weren't for Brother Yide telling me, we would have almost lost a great talent. 於是 劉備 立即 叫 張飛 , 再 去 耒陽 縣 , 敬請 龐統 嚟 荊州 。 then|Liu Bei|immediately|called|Zhang Fei|again|go|Liyang|county|respectfully invite|Pang Tong|to come|Jingzhou So Liu Bei immediately called Zhang Fei to go to Leiyang County to respectfully invite Pang Tong to Jingzhou. 龐統 嚟 到 嘅 時候 , 劉備 行落 台階 迎接 , 向 龐統 請罪 。 Pang Tong|arrive|when|possessive particle|time|Liu Bei|walked down|stairs|to greet|towards||apologize When Pang Tong arrived, Liu Bei went down the steps to welcome him and apologized to Pang Tong. 到 咗 呢 個 時候 , 龐統 先至將 孔明 寫 畀 佢 嘅 介紹信 攞 出 嚟 , 呈 畀 劉備 。 arrive|past tense marker|this|measure word|time|Pang Tong||Kongming|write|to|him|possessive particle|introduction letter|take|out|come|present|to|Liu Bei At this point, Pang Tong finally took out the letter of introduction that Kongming had written for him and presented it to Liu Bei. 封信裏 便 就 寫 住 話 : 鳳雛 一 嚟 到 , 就 應該 重用 佢 噉 。 in the letter|then|immediately|write|indicating|message|Fengchu|one|come|arrive|then|should|reuse|him|like that The letter stated: 'Once the Phoenix Chick arrives, he should be given important responsibilities.' 劉備 好 歡喜 啊 , 佢 話 喇 : Liu Bei|very|happy|particle|he|said|particle Liu Bei is very happy, he said: 往日 司馬德操 講過 , 伏龍 、 鳳雛 兩人 得 一 , 可安 天下 。 in the past|Sima Dechao|mentioned|Fulong|Fengchu|the two men|achieve|one||the world In the past, Sima Dechao said that if either Zhuge Liang or Pang Tong were to be obtained, the world could be pacified. 今日 , 我 兩個 人 都 得到 咯 , 漢室 呀 一定 可以 興旺 起 嚟 喇 ! today|I|two|people|both|received|past tense particle|Han dynasty|sentence-final particle|definitely|can|prosper|rise|up|completed action particle Today, we have both of them, the Han dynasty will definitely prosper! 於是 劉備 就 任命 龐統 做 副 軍師 、 中郎將 , 同 孔明 一齊 啊 , 規劃 策略 , 教練 軍士 準備 打仗 。 then|Liu Bei|then|appointed|Pang Tong|as|deputy|military strategist|general|together|Kongming|together|ah|plan|strategy|train|soldiers|prepare|for battle So Liu Bei appointed Pang Tong as the deputy military advisor and Zhonglang General, to work together with Kongming to plan strategies and train soldiers in preparation for battle. 不久 之後 , 就 有 消息報 到 去 許昌 。 soon|after|then|there is|||to|Xuchang Not long after, news arrived in Xuchang. 話 劉備 得到 諸葛亮 、 龐統 做 佢 嘅 謀士 , 招軍買馬 , 積聚 糧草 , 聯合 東吳 , 好快 必定會 興兵 北伐 嘅 噉 。 says|Liu Bei|obtained|Zhuge Liang|Pang Tong|to be|him|possessive particle|strategist|recruit soldiers and buy horses|accumulate|supplies|unite|Eastern Wu|very soon||raise troops|Northern expedition|particle indicating certainty|like that It is said that Liu Bei has obtained Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong as his strategists, recruiting troops and buying horses, accumulating grain and grass, and uniting with Eastern Wu. It won't be long before he definitely raises an army to march north. 曹操 接到 呢 個 消息 , 即刻 就 召集 眾 謀士 嚟 商量 南征 嘞 。 Cao Cao|received|this|measure word|message|immediately|then|gathered|many|strategists|to|discuss|southern campaign|past action marker Cao Cao received this news and immediately summoned the strategists to discuss the southern expedition. 荀 攸 就 建議 話 : 周瑜 最近 死 咗 , 噉 啊 應該 先打 孫權 再攻 劉備 啊 。 Xun|You|then|suggested|saying|Zhou Yu|recently|died|past tense marker|then|sentence-final particle|should||Sun Quan||Liu Bei|sentence-final particle Xun You suggested, "Zhou Yu has recently died, so we should first attack Sun Quan before attacking Liu Bei." 曹操 話 : 我 如果 去 遠征 , 最怕 就 係 馬 騰 嚟 襲擊 許都 嘞 。 Cao Cao|said|I|if|go|expedition|most afraid|then|is|Ma|Teng|come|attack|Xu Du|particle indicating completed action Cao Cao said, "If I go on an expedition, my greatest fear is that Ma Teng will launch a surprise attack on Xudu." 前 嗰 次 喺 赤壁 嘅 時候 , 喺 軍隊 之內 亦 有 流言 , 都 係 講到 西涼兵 要 嚟 侵犯 嘅 事 , 而家 , 亦 不可不 防 啊 。 previous|that|time|at|Chibi|possessive particle|time||army|within|also|have|rumors|all|are|talking about|Xiliang soldiers|want|come|invade|possessive particle|matter|now|also|cannot not|guard against|particle Last time at Chibi, there were rumors within the army about the Xiliang troops planning to invade, and now we cannot afford to be unprepared. 以 我 嘅 愚見 , 不如 下令 加封 馬 騰做 征南 將軍 , 派 佢 去 討伐 孫權 , 氹 佢 嚟 京師 。 in|I|possessive particle|humble opinion|might as well|order|promote|Ma||Southern Conquest|general|send|he|to|attack|Sun Quan|lure|him|to|capital In my humble opinion, it would be better to appoint Ma Teng as the General of the Southern Expedition and send him to attack Sun Quan, then lure him to the capital. 先 剷除 咗 呢 個人 , 噉 南征 就 唔 使 顧忌 啦 嘛 。 first|eliminate|past tense marker|this|person|then|South Expedition|then|not|need|worry|sentence final particle|rhetorical particle First, eliminate this person, then there will be no need to worry about the southern expedition. 呢 個 意見 厲害 啊 ! 曹操 好 高興 , 立即 派 人 帶 住 命令 去 西涼 召馬騰 嚟 嘞 。 this|measure word|suggestion|impressive|particle|Cao Cao|very|happy|immediately|send|person|||order|to|Xiliang|summon Ma Teng|come|past tense particle This opinion is great! Cao Cao was very pleased and immediately sent someone with the order to summon Ma Teng from Xiliang. 馬 騰字壽成 , 乃 係 漢朝 伏波 將軍 馬 援 嘅 後代 。 Ma|Tengzi Shoucheng|is|is|Han Dynasty|Fubo|General|Ma|Yuan|'s|descendants Ma Teng, whose courtesy name was Shoucheng, is a descendant of Ma Yuan, the General of the Fubo during the Han Dynasty. 父親 呢 就 叫做 馬肅 , 字子 碩 , 漢桓帝 嘅 時候 , 做 天水 蘭乾 縣尉 。 father|this|then|is called|Ma Su||Shuo|Han Huan Di|possessive particle|time|served as|Tianshui|Lanqian|county magistrate His father was named Ma Su, courtesy name Zishuo, and during the reign of Emperor Huan of Han, he served as the county magistrate of Lanqian in Tianshui. 後 嚟 冇 官 做 嘞 , 就 流落 喺 隴西 , 隴西 即 係 而家 甘肅省 嘅 一部分 地區 。 ||no|official|job|past tense marker|then|fell into poverty|in|Longxi|Longxi|||now|Gansu Province|possessive particle||region Later, there were no officials, so I ended up in Longxi, which is now part of Gansu Province. 同 當地 啲 羌族 人 呀 住 埋 一個 地方 , 收尾 就 娶 咗 個 羌族 嘅 女子 , 就生 咗 馬 騰 。 with|local|plural marker|Qiang ethnic group|people|sentence-final particle|live|together|one|place|final|then|married|past tense marker|a|Qiang|possessive particle|woman||past tense marker|horse|Teng I lived in the same place as the local Qiang people, and eventually married a Qiang woman, and had Ma Teng. 馬騰 身長 八尺 , 體格 雄偉 , 相貌 非凡 , 稟性 溫良 , 啲 人 呢 都 好 尊敬 佢 。 Ma Teng|height|eight feet|physique|impressive|appearance|extraordinary|character|gentle|these|people|question particle|all|very|respect|him Ma Teng was eight feet tall, had a magnificent physique, an extraordinary appearance, and a gentle temperament, so people respected him. 漢靈帝 末年 , 羌族 啲 民眾 啊 有 唔 少作 反 , 馬騰 啊 招募 民兵 打敗 佢 哋 。 Emperor Ling of Han|final years|Qiang tribe|possessive particle|people|sentence-final particle|have|||rebellion|Ma Teng|sentence-final particle|recruited|militia|defeated|they|plural marker In the late years of Emperor Ling of Han, there were quite a few rebellions among the Qiang people, and Ma Teng recruited militia to defeat them. 初平 中年 嘅 時候 呢 , 因為 討伐 賊軍 有功 , 被 封為 征西 將軍 。 Chuping|middle age|possessive particle|time|question particle|because|attacking|bandit army|had merit|passive marker|appointed as|Westward Expedition|general During the early Ping period, due to his achievements in suppressing bandits, he was appointed as the General of the Western Expedition. 同 鎮西 將軍 韓遂 結拜 做 咗 兄弟 。 with|Zhenxi|general|Han Sui|sworn brotherhood|become|past tense marker|brothers General Han Sui of Zhenxi became sworn brothers. 而家講 下 佢 當日 接到 曹操 嘅 命令 啊 , 就 同 長子 馬超 商量 話 : |next|he|that day|received|Cao Cao|possessive particle|order|sentence-final particle|then|with|eldest son|Ma Chao|discuss|saying Now let's talk about the order he received from Cao Cao that day. 我 當年 同 董承 國舅 受 咗 衣帶詔 , 同 劉玄德 相約 , 一齊 去 討伐 曹操 奸賊 。 I|in those years|with|Dong Cheng|imperial uncle|received|past tense marker|edict of the belt|with|Liu Xuande|made an agreement|together|to go|to attack|Cao Cao|treacherous bandit Back then, I received the edict from the Empress Dowager Dong Cheng and made an agreement with Liu Xuande to jointly fight against the treacherous Cao Cao. 收尾 , 不幸 董承死 咗 嘞 , 玄德亦 屢屢 打敗仗 , 我 又 處在 西涼 呢 啲 偏僻 嘅 地方 , 唔 能夠 協助 玄德 。 finishing|unfortunately||past tense marker|sentence final particle||repeatedly|lost battles|I|again|am located in|Xiliang|this|plural marker|remote|possessive particle|place|not|able to|assist|Xuande In the end, unfortunately, Dong Cheng died, and Xuande suffered repeated defeats. I was also in the remote area of Xiliang and couldn't assist Xuande. 近來 聽 聞玄德 已經 得到 荊州 嘞 , 我 正 係 想 實現 當年 嘅 志願 , 點知 曹操 反而 嚟 召 我 去 , 我 哋 應該 點做 為 好 呢 ? recently|heard|of Xuande|already|obtained|Jingzhou|past action particle|I|currently|am|want|to realize|that year|possessive particle|aspiration|unexpectedly|Cao Cao|instead|come|summon|me|to|||should|do what|||question particle Recently, I heard that Xuande has already obtained Jingzhou. I was just thinking of fulfilling my ambitions from back then, but Cao Cao instead summoned me. What should we do? 馬超 話 嘞 : 曹操 而家 係 用 天子 嘅 名義 嚟 召 父親 你 去 嘅 , 如果 唔 去 呢 , 佢 必定 以逆 王命 嚟 指責 我 哋 㗎 嘞 。 Ma Chao|said|past tense particle|Cao Cao|now|is|using|emperor|possessive particle|name|to|summon|father|you|go|past tense particle|if|not|go|question particle|he|definitely||royal order|to|blame|I|we|sentence-final particle|past tense particle Ma Chao said: Cao Cao is now summoning your father in the name of the Emperor. If we do not go, he will definitely accuse us of defying the royal order. 孩兒 覺得 應當 趁 佢 嚟 召 嘅 機會 , 直情 去 京師 , 從中 發起 討伐 曹操 。 child|thinks|should|take advantage of|he|come|summon|possessive particle|opportunity|directly|go|capital|from it|initiate|campaign against|Cao Cao The child thinks we should take this opportunity to go to the capital and launch an attack against Cao Cao. 噉 當年 嘅 志願 就 可以 實現 。 then|that year|possessive particle|aspiration|then|can|be realized Then the ambitions of that year can be realized. 馬 騰有 個 侄 叫做 馬岱 , 佢 唔 同意 。 Ma||measure word for people|nephew|is called|Ma Dai|he|not|agree Ma Teng has a nephew named Ma Dai, and he disagrees. 佢 勸 馬 騰 話 : 曹操 心懷叵測 , 非常 奸 狡 。 He|advised|Ma|Teng|said|Cao Cao|has ulterior motives|very|| He advises Ma Teng, saying: Cao Cao has ulterior motives and is very cunning. 叔父 如果 去 呀 , 恐怕 會 畀 佢 謀害 㗎 。 uncle|if|goes|particle|I'm afraid|will|be|he|harmed|particle Uncle, if you go, I'm afraid you will be harmed. 馬超 話 : 唔 怕 ! 孩兒 率領 西涼 全部 兵馬 , 跟隨 住 父親 你 殺入 許昌 , 為 天下 除害 , 有何不可 呢 ? Ma Chao|said|not|afraid|child|leads|Xiliang|all|troops|following|closely|father|you|attack into|Xuchang|for|world|eliminate evil||question particle Ma Chao said: Don't be afraid! The child will lead all the troops of Xiliang to follow you into Xuchang to eliminate the threats for the world, what's wrong with that? 馬 騰話 : 你 唔 好 去 , 你 就 統領 羌兵 , 守衛 住 西涼 。 Ma|Tenghua|you|||go|you|then|command|Qiang soldiers|guard|the|Xiliang Ma Teng said: You shouldn't go, you should lead the Qiang soldiers and defend Xiliang. 我 叫 你 細佬馬休 、 馬 鐵 , 同 馬岱 跟 我 去 就 得 嘞 。 I|call|you||Ma|Tie|and|Ma Dai|follow|I|go|then|okay|particle indicating completed action I will only take your younger brothers Ma Xiu, Ma Tie, and Ma Dai with me. 曹操 見到 有 你 喺 西涼 , 又 有 韓遂 相助 , 諒 佢 亦 唔 敢 害 我 ! Cao Cao|sees|have|you|in|Xiliang|also|have|Han Sui|assistance|probably|he|also|not|dare|harm|me Cao Cao sees that you are in Xiliang, and with Han Sui's assistance, he probably wouldn't dare to harm me! 父親 你 如果 去 , 就 切不可 輕入 京師 , 仲 係 要 隨機應變 , 睇 下 佢 嘅 動靜 先 嘞 。 father|you|if|go|then|must not|lightly enter|capital|still|is|must|adapt to circumstances|see|what|he|possessive particle|movements|first|final particle Father, if you go, you must not enter the capital lightly. You still need to be adaptable and observe their movements first. 我 自有辦法 對付 㗎 喇 , 你 不必 多慮 。 I|have my own way|deal with|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|you|need not|worry too much I have my own ways to deal with it, you don't need to worry too much. 於是 馬 騰就 叫 馬 休 、 馬 鐵 做 前鋒 , 馬岱 在 後 接應 , 親自 率領 五千 西涼兵 , 就 出發 去 許昌 。 then|Ma||called|Ma|Xiu|Ma|Tie|to be|forward||at|rear|support|personally|led|five thousand||then|departed|to|Xuchang So, Ma Teng ordered Ma Xiu and Ma Tie to be the vanguards, while Ma Dai would provide support from the rear, personally leading five thousand Xiliang soldiers to set off for Xuchang. 噉 一路 就 嚟 到 離開 許昌 二十里 嘅 地方 , 就 扎 住 人馬 。 then|all the way|just|came|to|leave|Xuchang|twenty li|possessive particle|place|then|set up|stay|horses and men Thus, they arrived at a place twenty miles away from Xuchang and set up camp. 曹操 就 聞知 馬騰 已經 到 咗 , 就 叫 門下 侍郎 黃 奎 嚟 吩咐 佢 話 : Cao Cao|then|heard|Ma Teng|already|arrived|past tense marker|then|called|under his command|attendant|Huang|Kui|to come|instructed|him|to say Cao Cao heard that Ma Teng had already arrived, so he called his deputy Huang Kui to instruct him to say: 馬 騰要 進行 南征 , 我而家 任命 你 做 行軍 參謀 。 Ma||to carry out|southern expedition||appoint|you|to be|march|staff officer Ma Teng is going to launch a southern expedition, and I am now appointing you as the military advisor. 等陣 , 你 先 去 馬 騰 嘅 軍營 處 勞軍 , 你 呀 對馬騰講 : wait a moment|you|first|go|||possessive particle|military camp|at|visit the troops|you|particle| Wait a moment, you first go to Ma Teng's camp to boost the morale of the troops, and tell Ma Teng: 話 西涼 路遠 , 運糧 好 艱難 , 唔 能夠 多帶 人馬 , 我 呀 會 派遣 大軍 協同 前進 嘅 。 says|Western Liang|the road is long|transporting supplies|very|difficult|not|able to|bring more|troops|I|particle|will|send|large army|together|advance|particle that the route to Xiliang is long, and transporting supplies is very difficult, so we cannot bring many troops. I will send a large army to advance together. 叫 佢 聽 日 入 城 朝見 皇上 , 到 時 , 我 就 撥 啲 糧草 畀 佢 。 tell|him|tomorrow|day|enter|city|audience|emperor|when|time|I|then|allocate|some|provisions|to|him Tell him to enter the city tomorrow to meet the Emperor, and at that time, I will allocate some supplies to him. 遵命 ! at your command Understood! 黃 奎 噉 就 去 見馬騰 啦 。 Wong|Kwei|then|just|go||particle indicating a completed action Huang Kui then went to meet Ma Teng. 馬騰 擺酒 嚟 款待 佢 。 Ma Teng|host a banquet|come|entertain|him Ma Teng hosted a banquet for him. 誒 黃 奎 飲 到 半 醉 嘅 時候 就 話 嘞 : hey|Wong|Kui|drink|to|half|drunk|possessive particle|time|then|said|past tense particle When Huang Kui was half drunk, he said: 我 父親 黃 琬 , 死於 李 傕 、 郭汜之 難 , 我個 心 , 好 痛恨 啊 ! I|father|Wong|Wan|died in|Li|Qiao||disaster|my|heart|very|hate|exclamatory particle My father, Huang Wan, died at the hands of Li Jue and Guo Si, and my heart is filled with hatred! 點知 到 咗 今日 , 又 遇到 個 欺君 之賊 ! who would have known|arrive|past tense marker|today|again|encountered|the|| Who would have thought that today, I would encounter another treacherous villain! 馬 騰問 : 邊個 係 欺君 之賊 啊 ? Ma|Teng asked|who|is|deceiver of the king||question particle Ma Teng asked: Who is the traitor to the emperor? 欺君 之賊 就 係 曹操 喇 ! treacherous to the emperor||just|is|Cao Cao|sentence-final particle The traitor to the emperor is Cao Cao! 將軍 你 唔 知 咩 仲要 嚟 問我 ! General|you|not|know|what|still|come| General, don't you know? Why do you still ask me! 你 唔 好 亂講 啊 , 隔 墻 有 耳 啊 。 you|||talk nonsense|particle|||has|ears|particle Don't speak carelessly, there are ears on the other side of the wall. 哼 ! 乜 將軍 你 忘記 咗 衣帶詔 嘞 咩 ? hum|what|general|you|forgot|past tense marker|edict of the belt|past tense marker|question particle Hmph! Have you forgotten about the edict of the clothing belt? 吓 ! scare Huh! 馬騰 初時 怕 黃 奎 係 曹操 派 嚟 試探 佢 嘅 , 所以 就 唔 想 同 佢 講 。 Ma Teng|at first|was afraid|Huang|Kui|was|Cao Cao|sent|here|to test|him|possessive particle|so|then|not|wanted|with|him|to talk Ma Teng was initially afraid that Huang Kui was sent by Cao Cao to test him, so he didn't want to talk to him. 而家 見 佢 將 當年 嘅 秘密 都點 咗 出 嚟 , 就將 實情 講晒 畀 黃 奎 聽 。 now|see|he|will|that year|possessive particle|secret||past tense marker|out|come||truth|tell everything|to|Huang|Kui|hear Now seeing that he has revealed the secrets from back then, he decided to tell Huang Kui the truth. 黃 奎 就 話 : 曹操 要 將軍 你入 城去 朝見 皇上 , 必非 好意 。 Huang|Kui|then|said|Cao Cao|wants|general|||pay respects to|emperor|definitely not|good intention Huang Kui said: Cao Cao wants you, General, to enter the city to meet the Emperor, it must not be a good intention. 將軍 你 唔 好 入城 , 聽日 , 你 帶兵 嚟 到 城下 , 等 曹操 出 城 閱兵 嘅 時候 , 就 乘機 殺 咗 佢 , 噉 就 大事 成功 嘞 。 General|you|||enter the city|tomorrow|you|bring troops|||outside the city|wait|Cao Cao|||review troops|possessive particle|time|then|take the opportunity|kill|past tense marker|him|then|then|great matter|successful|completed action particle General, you should not enter the city. Tomorrow, bring your troops to the city gates, and when Cao Cao comes out to review the troops, take the opportunity to kill him, and then the big matter will be accomplished. 好 ! good Good! 兩個 人 噉 就 商量 妥當 。 two|people|like this|then|discuss|properly The two of them discussed and came to an agreement. 當日 , 黃 奎 返到 屋企 , 心裏 便 呀 仲 怒氣 未消 , 個樣 呀 , 嬲 爆爆 噉 。 that day|||returned to|home|in his heart|then|particle indicating realization|still|anger|not dissipated|his expression|particle indicating realization|angry|bursting|like That day, when Huang Kui returned home, he was still angry inside, and his expression was very upset. 佢 老婆 唔 知 佢 咩 嘢 事 啊 就 再三再四 問 佢 , 黃 奎 都 唔 肯講 。 he|wife|not|knows|he|what|thing|matter|ah|then|repeatedly|asked|he|Wong|Kui|also|not| His wife, not knowing what was wrong with him, kept asking him, but Huang Kui refused to say anything. 唔 肯講 噉 本來 就 冇 事 啦 。 not||like that|originally|already|have not|matter|sentence final particle If he refuses to talk, then there is really nothing to discuss. 哈 , 點 知 佢 就 忍 得 住口 唔 講 畀 老婆 聽 , 就 忍 唔 住口 啊 , 終歸 講 咗 畀 佢 個 妾 侍 春 香 聽 喎 。 ha|||he|then||||not|tell|to|wife|hear|then||||ah|ultimately|||to|him|classifier for people|concubine|servant|||hear|particle indicating realization Ha, how did he manage to keep quiet and not tell his wife, but couldn't hold it in and ended up telling his concubine, Spring Xiang? 呢 件 事 係 點 嘅 呢 ? this|classifier for events|matter|is|how|question particle|question particle What is this matter about? 黃 奎 有 個 妾 侍 , 即 係 佢 小老婆 , 叫做 李春香 。 Wong|Kui|has|measure word for people|concubine|servant|||his|secondary wife|called| Huang Kui has a concubine, which is his little wife, named Li Chunxiang. 佢 啊 同 黃 奎 嘅 舅 仔 苗 澤 私通 。 He|ah|with|Wong|Kui|possessive particle|maternal uncle|son|Miao|Ze|had an affair She has been having an affair with Huang Kui's cousin, Miao Ze. 苗澤好 想得到 春香 做 長久 夫妻 , 正 係 無計可施 。 |wants to have|Chunxiang|be|long-lasting|husband and wife|||out of options Miao Ze really wants to have Chunxiang as a long-term wife, but he has no way to do it. 噉 當時 春香 見到 黃 奎 唂 埋 泡 腮 , 黑口 黑面 噉 返 嚟 , 佢 就 同 苗 澤 話 嘞 : like that|at that time|Chun Heung|saw|Wong|Kui|drinking|together|bubble tea|cheeks|dark mouth|dark face|like that|return|here|he|then|with|Miao|Ze|said|past tense particle At that time, Chunxiang saw Huang Kui coming back with a sulky face, looking very angry, so she said to Miao Ze: 老爺 今日 商量 完 軍情 返 嚟 , 睇 個樣 呀 好似 好 嬲 噉 , 唔 知為 咗 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? sir|today|discuss|finished|military situation|return|here|look|his expression|particle|seems|very|angry|like|not||past tense marker|what|thing|matter|question particle "The master came back after discussing military affairs today, and he looks really angry. I wonder what happened?" 苗澤 就 話 喇 : 喂 , 噉 吖 嗱, 你 去 用 說話 挑 下 佢 。 Miu Chek|then|said|particle|hey|like that|particle|look|you|go|use|conversation|provoke|a little|him Miao Ze replied: "Hey, why don't you go and try talking to him?" 你 話 , 人人 都講 劉皇叔 非常 仁德 , 曹操 係 個 奸雄 喎 , 點解 呢 噉 ? you|said|everyone||Liu the Emperor|very|benevolent|Cao Cao|is|a|villain|particle|why|this|like "You know, everyone says that Liu Huangshu is very benevolent, while Cao Cao is a cunning hero. Why is that?" 睇 下 佢 點 講 啦 。 look|at|he|how|speaks|sentence-final particle "Let's see what he has to say." 當晚 , 黃 奎 啊 果然 嚟 春香間 房 過夜 。 that night|Wong|Kui|ah|as expected|came||room|to stay overnight That night, Huang Kui indeed came to spend the night at Chun Xiang's place. 春香 就 用 苗澤 教 佢 嘅 說話 嚟 挑 佢 。 Chun Heung|then|use|Miu Chak|teach|him|possessive particle|speech|to|challenge|him Chun Xiang used the words that Miao Ze taught her to provoke him. 黃 奎 啊 仲有 啲 醉意 啊 , 佢 衝口而出 就 話 喇 : Wong|Kwei|particle|still have|a little|drunkenness|particle|he|blurted out|then|said|particle Huang Kui was still a bit drunk, and he blurted out: 你 係 個 女人 , 尚且 識得 分開 邪正 , 噉 何況 我 呢 ? you|are|classifier for people|woman|still|know how to|distinguish|right and wrong|then|let alone|I|question particle You are a woman, and you can still distinguish between right and wrong, so how about me? 我 點解 咁 嬲 啊 ? 我 想 殺 咗 曹 , 殺 曹操 啊 。 I|why|so|angry|question particle|I|want|kill||||Cao Cao|question particle Why am I so angry? I want to kill Cao, kill Cao Cao. 老爺 想 殺 佢 , 噉 點樣 落手 啫 ? master|wants|to kill|him|then|how|to take action|particle indicating a question The old man wants to kill him, so how should he act? 我 已經 約定 咗 馬 騰馬 將軍 , 聽 日 喺 城外 閱兵 嘅 時候 殺 佢 。 I|already|agreed|past tense marker|Ma|Teng Ma|general|||at|outside the city|military parade|possessive particle|time|kill|him I have already arranged for General Ma Teng to kill him tomorrow when he reviews the troops outside the city. 弊 傢伙 啦 噉 就 。 bad|guy|sentence-final particle|like that|then What a scoundrel. 春香 睺 住 黃 奎 瞓 着 咗 之後 就 偷偷 出去 , 將黃奎 所講 嘅 嘢 講 返 畀 苗 澤 聽 。 Chun Heung|to look|to stay|Wong|Kwei|to sleep|past tense marker|completed action marker|after|then|secretly|to go out|||possessive particle|thing|to say|back|to|Miu|Chak|to hear After Chun Xiang secretly went out after Huang Kui fell asleep, she told Miao Ze what Huang Kui had said. 苗澤 就 漏夜 去 曹操 嗰 處 告密 。 Miao Ze|then|in the dead of night|go|Cao Cao|that|place|inform Miao Ze then went to report to Cao Cao late at night. 曹操 靜靜 叫 咗 曹洪 、 許褚 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 哋 如此 如此 。 Cao Cao|quietly|called|past tense marker|Cao Hong|Xu Chu|to come|instructed|they|plural marker|like this|like this Cao Cao quietly called Cao Hong and Xu Chu, instructing them to do this and that. 又 叫 夏侯淵 、 徐晃 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 哋 如此 如此 噉 。 again|call|Xiahouyuan|Xuhuang|come|instructed|them|plural marker|like this|like this|like this He also called Xiahou Yuan and Xu Huang, instructing them to do this and that as well. 各人 接受 咗 命令 就 去 執行 嘞 。 everyone|accepted|past tense marker|order|then|go|execute|completed action marker Everyone accepted the orders and went to carry them out. 跟 住 曹操 派 人 將黃奎 一家老小 啊 全部 捉起 嚟 。 ||Cao Cao|send|people||whole family|ah|all|capture|here Then Cao Cao sent people to capture all of Huang Kui's family. 第 日 , 馬騰 帶領 住 西涼兵 馬 去 許昌 城 。 the|day|Ma Teng|led|with|Xiliang soldiers|horse|to|Xuchang|city The next day, Ma Teng led the Xiliang soldiers to Xuchang city. 就 嚟 行到 嘞 , 只見 前 便 一簇 紅旗 , 打住 丞相 旗號 。 just|come|walk to|past tense particle|only saw|in front|then|a cluster of|red flags|flying|prime minister|flag emblem As we approached, we saw a cluster of red flags ahead, flying the Prime Minister's banner. 馬 騰仲估 話 係 曹操 嚟 閱兵 噃, 一拍 隻 馬 就 跑 向前 啦 。 horse||said|is|Cao Cao|come|review troops|particle|with one tap|measure word for animals|horse|then|run|forward|particle Ma Tengzhong guessed that it was Cao Cao coming to review the troops, and he spurred his horse to run forward. 突然 聽見 轟 噉 一聲 炮響 , 紅旗 一 散開 , 萬箭 齊發 , 弊 傢伙 喇 ! suddenly|heard|roar|like that|one sound|cannon fire|red flag|one|spread out|ten thousand arrows|all shot together|this|guy|particle indicating completion or realization Suddenly, there was a loud bang of cannon fire, the red flags scattered, and thousands of arrows were shot at once, what a mess! 要知 後事 如何 , 就 且 聽 下回分解 。 to know|the future events|how|then|just|listen| To know what happened next, just wait for the next installment.

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