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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 080














































































































































































































































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上次講到張松佢話有條計策,可以使到張魯、曹操啊,都唔敢貿貿然嚟侵犯西川嘅噉。 Last time we talked about Zhang Song, he mentioned a strategy that could make both Zhang Lu and Cao Cao think twice before invading Xichuan.

劉璋就問佢嘞:有乜嘢計策啊? Liu Zhang then asked him: What strategy is that?

主公,荊州劉皇叔同主公你係同宗,佢仁慈寬厚,係個長者嚟啊。 Your Majesty||| My lord, Liu Huangshu from Jingzhou is of the same clan as you, he is kind and generous, and is an elder.

喺赤壁大戰之後,曹操聽見佢嘅名都嚇破膽嘅,又何況張魯呢? After the Battle of Chibi, just hearing his name scared Cao Cao to death, let alone Zhang Lu?

主公你派遣使者去同劉皇叔,聯合起嚟,等佢嚟做我哋嘅外援,噉就可以頂住曹操、張魯啦嘛。 My lord, you should send envoys to Liu Huangshu to unite with him, so that he can be our external support, and then we can withstand Cao Cao and Zhang Lu.

誒你噉講係冇錯啦,我亦有心噉樣做好耐㗎喇。 Hey, what you're saying is not wrong. I've also been wanting to do this for a long time.

誒,之搵邊個做使者啱呢嚱? hey| So, who should we find to be the envoy?

噉誒,係要法正、孟達去至得喇。 well|| Well, it has to be Fa Zheng and Meng Da.

好吖。 okay Alright.

劉璋即刻叫佢哋兩個人嚟,寫咗一封信,任命法正做使者,就先行一步去表示友好。 Liu Zhang immediately called for the two of them, wrote a letter, and appointed Fa Zheng as the envoy to take the first step in showing goodwill.

其次再派孟達帶領五千精兵,去迎接劉備入西川嚟做幫手。 Next, send Meng Da to lead five thousand elite soldiers to welcome Liu Bei into the western region to assist.

正喺度商量緊嘅時候,有個人突然撞入嚟,佢滿頭大汗大聲噉叫: Just as they were discussing this, someone suddenly barged in, sweating profusely and shouting loudly:

主公你如果聽張松嘅說話,噉西川四十一州郡就要屬於他人㗎喇。 My lord, if you listen to Zhang Song, then the forty-one states of the western region will belong to others.

嘿,乜噉講都得嘅? hey| Hey, can you just say anything like that?

張松嚇咗一驚,佢定眼一睇,原來呢個人係姓黃名權字公衡。 Zhang Song was startled, and when he looked closely, he realized this person was named Huang Quan, courtesy name Gongheng.

而家,佢係同劉璋管文書。 now| Now, he is managing documents with Liu Zhang.

劉璋聽佢噉講就問嘞:玄德同我係同宗,我特意聯合佢,等佢嚟幫我啫,你點解講啲噉嘅說話呢? Liu Zhang asked him: "Xuande and I are of the same clan, I specifically united with him to help me, why do you say such things?"

黃權話:我知道劉備待人寬厚,柔能克剛啊,英雄莫敵,真係遠得人心就近得民望嘅。 Huang Quan said: "I know that Liu Bei treats people generously, softness can overcome hardness, and no hero can rival him; he truly wins people's hearts and gains public support."

更兼佢有諸葛亮、龐統同佢出謀劃策,關、張、趙雲、黃忠、魏延做佢嘅羽翼。 ||Guan|Zhang|Zhao Yun|Huang Zhong| Moreover, he has Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong to strategize for him, and Guan, Zhang, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan as his wings.

而家,主公你話召佢嚟到西蜀,若果當佢係主公你嘅部下軍隊,劉備又點肯認低威做你嘅下屬呢? now||| Now, if you, my lord, say to summon him to Xishu, if you regard him as part of your subordinate army, how could Liu Bei be willing to lower his status to be your subordinate?

若果以客禮嚟待佢,又一國不容二主噃。 If you treat him with courtesy, then one country cannot have two rulers.

主公啊,你而家聽我嘅說話,噉樣西蜀就穩如泰山; my lord|| My lord, if you listen to my words now, then the Western Shu will be as stable as Mount Tai.

唔聽我講,噉主公你就危險到極咯。 If you do not listen to me, then my lord, you will be in extreme danger.

主公啊,張松佢啱啱由荊州經過,必定係同劉備同謀。 my lord|| My lord, Zhang Song has just passed through Jingzhou, he must be conspiring with Liu Bei.

請主公先斬張松,後絕劉備,噉就西川萬幸咯! I ask my lord to first execute Zhang Song, and then cut off Liu Bei, then Western Sichuan will be very fortunate!

劉璋話:曹操、張魯嚟侵犯嘅時候,我哋點樣抵抗佢哋啊? |Cao Cao|| Liu Zhang said: When Cao Cao and Zhang Lu invade, how do we resist them?

噉就封鎖邊境,深溝高壘,加強防禦,等待機會啦。 |deep ditches and high walls|| Then we will block the borders, dig deep moats and build high walls, strengthen our defenses, and wait for an opportunity.

敵人已經入侵到邊界,就好似火燒眼眉咁急喇,仲要等機會喎,等到幾時至係啊?唔得嘅唔得嘅。 The enemy has already invaded the borders, it's as urgent as a fire burning at our eyebrows, and we still have to wait for an opportunity, until when? This won't do, this won't do.

劉璋唔聽黃權講,就叫法正起行。 Liu Zhang did not listen to Huang Quan and ordered Fa Zheng to set out.

點知又有個人行入嚟攔阻話:唔好啊唔好啊! But then someone came in to stop him, saying: No, no!

劉璋一睇,係佢帳前從事官王累。 Liu Zhang took a look and saw Wang Lei working in front of his account.

王累跪喺劉璋面前,叩住頭噉話: Wang Lei knelt in front of Liu Zhang and said with his head bowed:

主公,如果你聽張松嘅說話係自取其禍嘅咋。 Your Majesty| My lord, if you listen to Zhang Song's words, it will be self-inflicted disaster.

唔係,我同劉玄德聯合,就係為咗抵抗張魯吖嘛。 no|| No, my alliance with Liu Xuande is to resist Zhang Lu.

張魯侵犯邊境,不過係小毛病唧。 Zhang Lu's invasion of the border is just a minor issue.

劉備入川就係心腹大患嚟啊。 Liu Bei entering Sichuan is a major concern.

何況劉備乃係個梟雄。 Moreover, Liu Bei is a cunning hero.

最先,佢跟隨曹操,就想謀害曹操;後嚟跟咗孫權,就搶咗荊州。 at first|||| Initially, he followed Cao Cao, intending to harm him; later, he joined Sun Quan and seized Jingzhou.

佢個心術係咁壞嘅,點能夠同佢共處嘅呢? His intentions are so malicious, how can we coexist with him?

而家如果召佢嚟,西川就弊喇! If we summon him now, the western Sichuan will be in trouble!

唔準再亂講咯。 No more nonsense.

玄德係我嘅同宗,佢點會搶我嘅基業嘅呢? Xuande is my kin, how could he possibly seize my legacy?

跟住劉璋叫人扶咗黃權、王累佢兩個出去,然後就吩咐法正起程嘞。 Then Liu Zhang had Huang Quan and Wang Lei escorted out, and instructed Fa Zheng to set off.

噉法正嚟到荊州,見到劉備行過禮,就呈上封書信啦。 When Fa Zheng arrived in Jingzhou, he saw Liu Bei and paid his respects, then presented a sealed letter.

劉備拆開睇下,封信嘅大意呢就係話: Liu Bei opened it to read, and the gist of the letter was:

我哋乃係同宗兄弟,朋友之間尚且係吉凶相救,患難相扶,何況兄弟呢? We are indeed brothers of the same clan; even friends help each other in times of fortune and misfortune, let alone brothers.

如今張魯喺北方,興兵嚟侵犯我嘅邊界。 Now Zhang Lu is in the north, raising troops to invade my borders.

故此,我派人專程送封信嚟畀你,請你念在兄弟手足嘅情意,即日帶兵嚟協助我剿滅張魯賊寇。 therefore||| Therefore, I have sent someone specifically to deliver a letter to you, asking you to consider the bond of brotherhood and come with your troops to assist me in eliminating the bandits led by Zhang Lu.

噉從此我哋就永遠聯合埋一齊,唇齒相依。 |mutually dependent From then on, we will be united forever, relying on each other.

同時,我仲要重重噉酬謝你。 at the same time| At the same time, I will also reward you generously.

劉備睇完封信,歡喜到極喇。 Liu Bei was extremely happy after reading the letter.

當日,大排筵席嚟款待法正。 that day| That day, a grand banquet was held to entertain Fa Zheng.

飲過幾巡酒,劉備吩咐左右啲人行開,然後就同法正話: After a few rounds of drinks, Liu Bei instructed the people around to step aside, and then spoke to Fa Zheng:

素仰大名,張別駕亦再三同我提及你,今日能夠見面真係大慰平生咯。 I have long heard of your great name|| I have long admired your great name, and Zhang Biejia has mentioned you to me several times. It is truly a great comfort in my life to meet you today.

法正話:我不過係西蜀嘅一個小小官吏,何足道哉呢? Fa Zheng said|| Fa Zheng replied: I am just a small official from the West Shu, what is there to talk about?

皇叔,張別駕上次對你所講過嘅事,你仲有意思冇啊? Uncle Wang|| Your Highness, do you still have any thoughts about what Zhang Biejia mentioned to you last time?

唉!我到處都搵唔到地方安身,自己亦覺得好淒涼啊。 sigh|| Sigh! I can't find a place to settle down anywhere, and I feel very desolate myself.

我成日都諗嘞:雀仔尚且有樹枝嚟到踎下,兔仔亦有個窿藏身就何況人呢? I often think: even little birds have branches to perch on, and rabbits have burrows to hide in, so what about humans?

西蜀係個豐余之地,唔係唔想攞佢; Xichuan is a land of abundance, it's not that I don't want to take it;

唯獨是劉季玉係我嘅同宗兄弟,就唔忍心去謀佢啫。 only Liu Guiyu is my cousin|so I couldn't bear to harm him it's just that Liu Jiyu is my cousin, so I can't bear to scheme against him.

皇叔,益州係個天府之國,但係呢,如果唔係一個治得掂亂世嘅主公,就住唔穩嘅。 Uncle Huang|||| Prince, Yizhou is a land of abundance, but if there isn't a ruler who can manage the chaos of the times, it won't be stable.

而家,劉季玉佢唔會任用人才,呢一副置業不久之後必定會落喺他人之手。 now|| Right now, Liu Jiyu won't employ talented people, and this property will definitely fall into someone else's hands soon.

今日,佢親自要交畀皇叔,噉就千萬唔好錯過咯。 today|| Today, he personally wants to hand it over to you, so you must not miss this opportunity.

所謂逐兔先得呀,邊個得到手先就係邊個嘅係嘛? As the saying goes, the one who catches the rabbit first is the one who gets it, right?

皇叔你要去攞西川嘅話,我一定效力! If you want to take Xichuan, I will definitely serve you!

好感激先生你嘅誠意,誒等我再諗下啦。 I really appreciate your sincerity, let me think about it again.

當日散咗席之後,孔明啊親自送法正去賓館住宿。 After the meeting broke up that day, Kongming personally sent Fazheng to the hotel.

劉備一個人坐響處吟吟沉沉,諗嚟諗去又諗唔掂。 Liu Bei sat alone in a corner, lost in thought, pondering but unable to come to a conclusion.

龐統見到噉樣就話喇:事情應該落決心喇,仲唔落決心嘅呢,就係愚蠢啊。 Seeing this, Pang Tong said: The matter should be decided, if you still can't make a decision, then it's foolish.

主公你係高明嘅,點解咁多疑慮呢? My lord, you are wise, why do you have so many doubts?

劉備就問嘞:照你睇應該點做好啊? Liu Bei then asked: What do you think we should do?

主公,荊州東有孫權,北有曹操,好難發展。 Your Majesty||| My lord, in Jingzhou to the east there is Sun Quan, and to the north there is Cao Cao, making it very difficult to develop.

而益州呢,有成百萬戶口,地廣財多,要做一番大事業呢啲條件係好到極。 as for Yizhou||| On the other hand, Yi Province has millions of households, vast land, and abundant resources; the conditions to achieve great things here are extremely favorable.

而家,有張松、法正喺內部嚟幫我哋添,真係天賜嘅好機會喇。 right now||| Now, with Zhang Song and Fa Zheng helping us internally, this is truly a heavenly opportunity.

仲使乜咁多疑慮呢主公? why do you still have so many doubts my lord Why still have so many doubts, my lord?

而家,同我敵對勢如水火嘅,係曹操吖。 now|| Right now, my enemy, who is as opposed to me as fire and water, is Cao Cao.

曹操做事係要急,我呀寬;曹操用暴力,我就用仁義;曹操用詭譎,我用忠厚。 Cao Cao acts quickly, while I am lenient; Cao Cao uses violence, while I use benevolence; Cao Cao employs cunning, while I use honesty.

我樣樣都同曹操相反,噉我嘅事業就可以成功。 Everything I do is the opposite of Cao Cao, so my career can succeed.

若果因為小利而失信於天下,我唔願意做。 If it means losing trust in the world for small gains, I am unwilling to do it.

哈哈哈哈哈哈,主公你噉樣講雖然係合乎天理,不過而家正係天下動亂嘅時候,用兵爭強,就唔能夠咁死板嘞。 Hahahahaha|||| Hahaha, although what you say, my lord, is in accordance with heavenly principles, right now is a time of chaos in the world, and using military force to compete cannot be so rigid.

如果樣樣都拘泥於常理,噉就寸步都行唔逳咯。 If everything is bound by common sense, then we won't be able to move an inch.

所以,仲係應該根據情勢不同,靈活啲嚟做至得。 so|| Therefore, we should still act flexibly according to different situations.

而且,對嗰啲弱小嘅政治紛亂嘅就吞併佢,攻打佢,用武力奪取到天下之後,再用王道嚟到治理國家,呢啲,古時英明嘅帝王都係噉做㗎啦。 moreover|||||these| Moreover, for those weak and politically chaotic entities, we should annex them, attack them, and after seizing the world by force, govern the country with benevolence. This is how wise emperors in ancient times did it.

若果事業成功之後,好好地對待佢,封佢一個好嘅地方,噉樣喺道義上完全對得住佢嘅,係唔係呢? If the enterprise is successful, treat them well and grant them a good place; this way, it is completely justifiable on moral grounds, isn't it?

主公呀,今日唔攞,第日終歸畀人哋攞咗去嘅啫,請主公你認真考慮下啦。 my lord||| My lord, if you don't take it today, it will eventually be taken by others tomorrow, so please consider it seriously.

啊,你講得啱,你呢番金石良言,我一定永遠永遠記住喺個心嚟啊。 ah||| Ah, you are right. I will definitely remember your wise words forever in my heart.

劉備下決心,於是就請埋孔明嚟一齊商量出兵去西川嘅事。 Liu Bei made up his mind, so he invited Kong Ming to discuss the plan to send troops to the western region.

孔明話:荊州重地,必須要分出一部分人馬嚟守佢。 Kongming said|| Kong Ming said: The important territory of Jingzhou must have a portion of troops to defend it.

劉備就話喇:噉,我同龐士元、黃忠、魏延去西川;軍師你同關雲長、張翼德、趙子龍守荊州啦。 |then||Huang Zhong|||Zhang Fei| Liu Bei then said: Then I will go to the western region with Pang Shiyuan, Huang Zhong, and Wei Yan; you, military advisor, will defend Jingzhou with Guan Yunchang, Zhang Yide, and Zhao Zilong.

孔明應承咗。 Kong Ming agreed.

於是呢,孔明係總嘅負責守衛荊州; so| So, Kongming was in charge of guarding Jingzhou;

關公把守襄陽呢個交通要道同埋青泥隘口; Guan Gong was stationed at the strategic point of Xiangyang and the Qingni Pass;

張飛負責四郡巡江; Zhang Fei was responsible for patrolling the four counties along the river;

趙雲駐扎喺江陵,鎮守公安。 Zhao Yun was stationed in Jiangling, guarding the area of Gong'an.

噉劉備呢頭呢,就命令黃忠,率領先頭部隊,魏延率領後軍,劉備佢自己同劉封、關平喺中軍,龐統做軍師,點咗馬步兵五萬名,準備起程去西川。 then Liu Bei's side|||||||| On Liu Bei's side, he ordered Huang Zhong to lead the vanguard, Wei Yan to lead the rear guard, while Liu Bei himself, along with Liu Feng and Guan Ping, were in the center, with Pang Tong as the military advisor, mobilizing 50,000 cavalry and infantry, preparing to set off to Xichuan.

臨行嘅時候,廖化帶咗一支軍隊嚟投降噃。 at the time of departure| When he was about to leave, Liao Hua brought an army to surrender.

劉備就叫廖化去關公嗰處幫手,防範曹操嘞。 Liu Bei asked Liao Hua to go help Guan Gong and guard against Cao Cao.

噉啊就喺建安十七年嘅冬天,劉備就帶兵出發去西川。 So in the winter of the seventeenth year of Jian'an, Liu Bei set out with his troops to the west.

行咗幾站路,就遇見孟達喇。 After traveling a few stops, he encountered Meng Da.

孟達拜見咗劉備之後,佢就話係劉益州派佢帶咗五千兵,遠遠嚟到呢度迎接劉備嘅噉。 After Meng Da paid his respects to Liu Bei, he said that Liu Yi Zhou had sent him with five thousand soldiers to welcome Liu Bei from afar.

劉備立即派人趕去益州,先去報告劉璋話自己正在帶兵嚟緊嘞。 Liu Bei immediately sent someone to rush to Yizhou, first to report to Liu Zhang that he was bringing troops.

噉啊劉璋知道咗呢,隨即就通告沿途嘅州郡,要供給錢糧畀劉備嘅軍隊。 then Liu Zhang knew this|| Upon hearing this, Liu Zhang immediately announced to the surrounding states and counties to provide money and supplies for Liu Bei's army.

劉璋仲想親自去涪城啊。 Liu Zhang also wanted to personally go to Fucheng.

誒涪城即係而家四川省三台縣西北。 Ah, Fucheng is now in the northwest of Santai County, Sichuan Province.

噉啊嚟到迎接劉備噃,又話要準備好車輛、帳幕,旗幟盔甲啊樣樣務必要齊整鮮明嘅。 so when Liu Bei arrives||tents| So, when welcoming Liu Bei, he also said to prepare vehicles, tents, flags, and armor, everything must be neat and distinct.

黃權就走嚟勸諫佢話喇: Huang Quan came to advise him, saying:

主公你千祈千祈唔好去呀! My lord, you must absolutely not go!

你如果去親,實畀劉備謀害嘅。 If you go, you will definitely fall into Liu Bei's trap.

我受過主公咁多年嘅恩德,唔能夠眼睇住主公中咗他人嘅奸計。 I have received so many years of your grace, and I cannot bear to see you fall victim to someone else's scheme.

請主公三思呀。 Please think it over, my lord.

張松話喇:黃權講啲噉嘅說話,實在係要主公唔顧宗族嘅情意,滋長盜寇嘅威風,完全係錯嘅,唔係為主公好㗎。 Zhang Song said: Huang Quan's words are really asking the lord to disregard the feelings of the clan, which will only encourage the power of bandits. This is completely wrong and not for the lord's good.

劉璋就鬧黃權話喇:我已經下決心噉樣做㗎喇,你點解仲要嚟反對我吖,吓? |||huh Liu Zhang scolded Huang Quan: I have already made up my mind to do this, why do you still oppose me, huh?

可惡之至,可惡之至啊! utterly despicable|how utterly despicable So despicable, so despicable!

主公,你唔好去啊! Your lord| My lord, please don't go!

黃權猛咁叩頭,叩到額頭都出血,仲跪住行前嚟,用個口擔住劉璋嘅衣服嚟勸阻佢添。 Huang Quan desperately bowed his head, hitting it until it bled, and even knelt while crawling forward, using his mouth to hold Liu Zhang's clothes to persuade him.

嘿!噉就激到劉璋發火喇,佢拉返件衣服就起身。 Hey! This really made Liu Zhang angry, he grabbed a piece of clothing and stood up.

黃權硬係唔放,結果就連門牙都掹甩咗兩隻。 Huang Quan just wouldn't let go, and as a result, he even lost two of his front teeth.

劉璋就喝啲侍從,推咗黃權出去,黃權就唯有放聲大哭走人係啦。 Liu Zhang then ordered his attendants to push Huang Quan out, and Huang Quan could only leave crying loudly.

劉璋正話想行,誰知又有個人大聲噉話: Just as Liu Zhang was about to leave, someone shouted loudly:

主公你唔聽黃權嘅忠言,唔通真係自尋死路咩?你唔去得㗎主公! My lord, if you don't listen to Huang Quan's loyal advice, are you really seeking your own death? You can't go, my lord!

劉璋一睇,原來係李恢。 Liu Zhang took a look and realized it was Li Hui.

佢跪喺台階前便勸劉璋話:黃權呢番忠義嘅說話,主公一定要聽至好啊。 He knelt in front of the steps and advised Liu Zhang, saying: "Your Majesty must listen to Huang Quan's words of loyalty and righteousness."

如果容許劉備入川,直情係招隻猛虎入門啊。 If you allow Liu Bei to enter Shu, it would be like inviting a fierce tiger into your home.

亂講! nonsense Nonsense!

玄德係我嘅宗兄,點會害我呢? Xuande is my elder brother, how could he harm me?

再講嘅我就殺咗佢! If you say it again, I'll kill him!

人嚟!推李恢出去。 People are coming! Push Li Hui out.

於是又趕走咗李恢。 So they drove Li Hui away again.

張松話喇:主公呀,而家呢個時候西蜀啲文官,個個都淨係顧住自己嘅妻子兒女,唔願為主公效力。 Zhang Song said: My lord, at this time, the civil officials of the West Shu are only concerned about their own wives and children, and are unwilling to serve you.

所有啲武將都居功驕傲,人人都另有打算㗎。 All the military generals are proud of their achievements, and everyone has their own plans.

外便有敵人進攻,裏便又有民眾作反,如果得唔到劉皇叔嚟四川幫助,我哋實失敗㗎。 Outside there are enemies attacking, and inside there are civilians rebelling. If we can't get Liu Huangshu to come to Sichuan to help, we will definitely fail.

劉璋話喇:你所諗所做嘅事,對我都係非常有益嘅。 Liu Zhang said: What you think and do is very beneficial to me.

劉璋啊信晒張松。 Liu Zhang completely trusts Zhang Song.

第日,劉璋騎馬出發去涪城。 the next day| The next day, Liu Zhang set off on horseback to Fucheng.

佢啱啱行到城門唧,有人就嚟稟告佢聽,話王累用條繩將自己倒吊喺城門上便,一隻手啊揸住份諫章,一隻手啊揸住把劍。 He had just reached the city gate when someone came to report to him, saying that Wang Lei had used a rope to hang himself upside down at the city gate, holding a memorial in one hand and a sword in the other.

話如果勸主公唔聽呢就自己割斷條繩撞死喺度喎噉。 If the lord does not listen to the advice, then he should cut the rope himself and die here.

呢個王累係個從事官。 This Wang Lei is a subordinate official.

劉璋就叫人攞佢揸住嗰份諫章嚟睇下。 Liu Zhang asked someone to take the memorial he was holding to see.

呢份諫章點講呢?大意就係話: What does this memorial say? In essence, it says:

良藥苦口就利於病,忠言逆耳利於行。 Bitter medicine is good for the disease, and honest advice is hard to hear but beneficial for action.

從前楚懷王就唔聽屈原嘅勸諫啊,結果就吃咗秦國嘅大虧。 Once upon a time, King Huai of Chu did not listen to Qu Yuan's advice, and as a result, suffered a great loss to the Qin state.

而家主公要去涪城迎接劉備,恐怕係有去冇返。 Now, the lord is going to Fucheng to meet Liu Bei, and it is feared that he may go and not return.

請求主公立即斬咗張松,同劉備絕交,噉就西蜀嘅百姓有福,主公嘅基業亦有福喇噉。 I request the lord to immediately execute Zhang Song and sever ties with Liu Bei; this way, the people of West Shu will be blessed, and the lord's foundation will also be blessed.

劉璋睇完呀,發起大火大聲噉話:真係豈有此理呀! After Liu Zhang heard this, he erupted in anger and shouted: This is truly outrageous!

我去會見一位仁德嘅人係幾咁好嘅事呢?你為咩嘢事幾次三番噉嚟反對我! How can it be a good thing to meet a benevolent person? Why do you repeatedly oppose me for no reason!

王累聽劉璋噉講,就大叫一聲一劍割斷咗條繩,成個喺城門上啪噉跌落嚟,倒撞喺地當堂就死咗喇。 Wang Lei heard Liu Zhang say this, and then he shouted loudly, cutting the rope with a sword, and fell down from the city gate, crashing to the ground and died on the spot.

哼哼,你死你事劉璋唔理咁多,仍然率領住三萬人馬行去涪城。 humph|| Hmph, you die, it's your business; Liu Zhang doesn't care about that, still leading thirty thousand troops towards Fucheng.

後軍呢,仲帶住千幾車糧草物資,一齊去迎接劉備。 The rear army is also bringing along over a thousand carts of grain and supplies, heading to meet Liu Bei.

劉備當時嘅先頭部隊呢,就已經到達墊江。 At that time, Liu Bei's vanguard had already reached Dianjiang.

墊江即係今日嘉陵江嘅下游嘅墊江縣一帶。 Dianjiang refers to the area around Dianjiang County, which is the lower reaches of the Jialing River today.

噉佢嘅軍隊所到之處啊秋毫無犯。 Wherever his army went, they did not harm a single hair.

一來,係有西川嘅供給; first of all| Firstly, there was the supply from Xichuan;

二來呢,劉備啊確係號令嚴明,但凡亂攞老百姓一件嘢嘅都斬。 secondly|| Secondly, Liu Bei indeed had strict orders, anyone who took anything from the common people would be executed.

所以老百姓見到荊州軍嚟到呀,都係扶老攜幼拖男帶女,企滿晒喺路邊歡迎,焚香禮拜。 So when the Jingzhou army arrived, the common people would bring their elderly and children, standing by the roadside to welcome them, burning incense and offering prayers.

噉對啲民眾呢,劉備總係態度和藹,好言好語噉樣慰問佢哋嘅,就更得人心嘞。 For the people, Liu Bei always had a kind attitude, comforting them with gentle words, which won their hearts even more.

有一日,法正啊靜靜噉同龐統話: one day| One day, Fazheng quietly said to Pang Tong:

張松最近有封密信畀我,話喺涪城同劉璋相會嘅時候,就應該殺咗佢,千祈唔好失咗呢個機會啊。 Zhang Song recently sent me a secret letter, saying that when meeting Liu Zhang in Fucheng, we should kill him, and we must not miss this opportunity.

龐統就話喇:呢個諗法,暫時唔好講出去。等主公同劉璋會面嘅時候,睺個機會殺佢! Pang Tong replied: This idea should not be spoken of for now. Let's wait for the lord to meet Liu Zhang and find the opportunity to kill him!

如果事前洩露咗,就有變故㗎喇。 If it is leaked beforehand, there will be complications.

軍師講得啱,我唔會再同第二個人講嘅。 The strategist is right, I won't tell anyone else.

法正真係守口如瓶,對邊個都唔再提呢件事。 Fa is really tight-lipped, not mentioning this matter to anyone.

涪城離開成都三百六十里。 Fucheng is three hundred sixty miles away from Chengdu.

劉璋到達涪城之後呢,就派人去迎接劉備。 After Liu Zhang arrived in Fucheng, he sent someone to welcome Liu Bei.

噉兩支軍隊都喺涪江沿岸駐扎。 So both armies are stationed along the banks of the Fu River.

劉備入到涪城同劉璋會見,暢敘兄弟嘅情誼,就參加劉璋為佢舉行嘅盛大宴會。 Liu Bei entered Fucheng to meet Liu Zhang, reminiscing about their brotherly bond, and participated in the grand banquet Liu Zhang held for him.

散咗席,就各自返去本寨休息啦。 the banquet ended| After the meeting, everyone went back to their own camps to rest.

劉璋同佢個部下嗰班官員話喇: Liu Zhang said to his subordinates and officials:

嘿真係可笑黃權、王累呢啲人呀,根本都唔明白我宗兄嘅心腸亂咁懷疑。 It's really ridiculous how Huang Quan and Wang Lei don't understand my brother's intentions and are suspicious for no reason.

我今日見到佢,確實係個仁義之人嚟㗎。 When I saw him today, he truly is a person of benevolence and righteousness.

嘿嘿嘿嘿,我得到佢嚟做我嘅外援,仲使乜憂曹操同張魯吖? hehehehe|| Hehehe, with him as my external support, why should I worry about Cao Cao and Zhang Lu?

如果唔係張松呀,我就會失咗佢喇。 If it weren't for Zhang Song, I would have lost him.

劉璋就越講越㷫,除低自己着緊嗰件綠袍又攞咗五百兩黃金出嚟,派人送去成都賜畀張松。 Liu Zhang became more and more pleased, took off the green robe he was wearing, and took out five hundred taels of gold to send to Chengdu as a gift for Zhang Song.

但係佢部下有一班將官,好似劉璝、泠苞、張任、鄧賢等等都勸劉璋話嘞: ||Ling Bao|Zhang Ren| However, his subordinates, including generals like Liu Bei, Ling Bao, Zhang Ren, and Deng Xian, all advised Liu Zhang saying:

主公你唔好咁歡喜住。 My lord, you shouldn't be so happy.

劉備柔中有剛,佢個心好難猜測,仲係應該提防佢至好啊。 Liu Bei is soft yet strong, and his heart is hard to predict; it is better to be cautious of him.

誒,你哋個個都係過慮,我宗兄唔會有壞心腸嘅。 hey|| Hey, you all are overthinking it, my cousin won't have bad intentions.

見到劉璋咁固執死都勸唔聽,冇辦法啦,嗰班將官就唯有歎幾口氣告辭出去係嘞。 Seeing Liu Zhang being so stubborn and refusing to listen, there's nothing we can do, that group of generals can only sigh and take their leave.

而家講下劉備,佢返到營寨之後啊,龐統就走嚟見佢話喇: Now let's talk about Liu Bei, after he returned to the camp, Pang Tong came to see him and said:

主公,你今日喺酒席上有冇注意到劉季玉嘅動靜啊? Your Majesty| My lord, did you notice Liu Jiyu's behavior at the banquet today?

誒,季玉,確實係個老實人嚟啊。 hey|Guo Yu| Ah, Jiyu is indeed an honest person.

主公,劉季玉雖然係個好人,佢嘅下屬劉璝、張任等等,個個都好唔忿噉樣㗎,故此吉凶都未可料。 Your Majesty||||| My lord, although Liu Jiyu is a good person, his subordinates Liu Hui, Zhang Ren, and others are all very resentful, so the outcome is uncertain.

我有個計謀係噉嘅,主公,你最好聽日舉行宴會,請劉季玉嚟赴宴。 |lord|| I have a plan, my lord. It would be best if you hold a banquet tomorrow and invite Liu Jiyu to attend.

我哋事前呢,喺啲帷幔後便埋伏定一百名刀斧手,到時,由主公你掟杯為號,就喺筵席之上殺咗佢。 ||at that time|| Beforehand, we will ambush a hundred knife and axe men behind the curtains, and when the time comes, you will throw your cup as a signal to kill him right at the banquet.

然後,我軍一擁而入成都,噉樣刀槍弓箭都唔使動一動,成都呀,坐喺度就攞到佢啦嘛。 then|||Chengdu| Then, our army will rush into Chengdu, and we won't have to lift a sword or bow; we can just sit back and take Chengdu.

唉軍師啊,季玉係我嘅同宗兄弟,待我一片誠心。 Alas, strategist, Jiyu is my cousin and has treated me with sincerity.

更兼我係初到西蜀,恩德信譽都未曾建立起嚟,若果做啲噉嘅事,就上天不容下民亦怨啊。 Moreover, I have just arrived in the West Shu, and my reputation and trust have not yet been established. If I were to do such things, it would be intolerable to heaven and the people would also resent it.

軍師你呢個計謀,就算係啲霸王都唔用㗎。 Military strategist, this plan of yours is something even tyrants would not use.

主公,呢個唔係我嘅計謀嚟㗎,係法正得到張松一封密信,話事不宜遲,應該就喺呢一兩天內殺咗佢喎。 Your Majesty|||| My lord, this is not my plan; it is Fa Zheng who received a secret letter from Zhang Song, saying that we should not delay and should kill him within the next couple of days.

說話未完,法正入嚟見劉備話喇:我哋都唔係為自己,我哋噉樣做係順天命啊。 Before he finished speaking, Fa Zheng came in to see Liu Bei and said: We are not doing this for ourselves; we are doing this in accordance with the will of heaven.

劉備又話喇:劉季玉係我同宗,我唔忍心攞佢嘅地盤。 Liu Bei then said: Liu Jiyu is my relative; I cannot bear to take his territory.

法正話:皇叔你噉諗就錯喇。 Fa Zheng said: "Your Highness, you are mistaken to think this way."

如果唔係噉做嘅話,張魯同西蜀有殺母之仇,佢係必定會嚟攻佔益州嘅。 If we don't do it this way, Zhang Lu has a grudge against the Western Shu for killing his mother, and he will definitely come to attack Yizhou.

皇叔既然咁辛苦長途跋涉嚟到呢度,進則有功,退則無益咯。 |advancing would bring merit| Your Highness, since you have traveled such a long way with great difficulty, advancing would bring merit, while retreating would be of no benefit.

皇叔,你若果仲係遲遲疑疑拖延時日就大為失策喇。 Uncle Wang| Your Highness, if you continue to hesitate and delay, it would be a major blunder.

而且,更怕計謀一洩露出去,反而會畀他人所害添。 moreover|| Moreover, I am even more afraid that if our plans are leaked, it could lead to harm from others.

不如趁住呢個順乎天意人心歸附嘅時候,出其不意,奪取咗益州過嚟,早啲建立基業,呢條,乃係上策嚟啊。 |unexpectedly|||this| Why not take advantage of this opportune moment when people's hearts are aligned, and unexpectedly seize Yizhou, establishing a foundation early? This is indeed the best strategy.

龐統同法正兩個啊再三再四要說服劉備,但係劉備啊硬係唔肯噃。 Pang Tong and Fa Zheng have repeatedly tried to persuade Liu Bei, but Liu Bei just refuses.

到咗第日,劉備又喺城內同劉璋宴會,彼此傾談得非常之融洽。 On the day, Liu Bei was having a banquet with Liu Zhang in the city, and they were talking very harmoniously.

飲到咁上下嘅時候,龐統同法正商量,佢話: When they had drunk to a certain extent, Pang Tong and Fa Zheng discussed, and he said:

事到如今,唔由得主公喇。 at this point in time| At this point, we can no longer rely on the lord.

龐統自己揸主意,叫魏延入去宴會大廳舞劍,乘機嚟殺劉璋。 Pang Tong made the decision himself, instructing Wei Yan to enter the banquet hall and perform swordplay, seizing the opportunity to kill Liu Zhang.

魏延就拔出把劍行入去,佢話: Wei Yan then drew his sword and walked in, saying:

宴會上冇咩嘢娛樂,等小將舞劍嚟助興! "There is not much entertainment at the banquet, let the young general perform swordplay to liven things up!"

講完,一招一式就舞起劍嚟。 after finishing speaking| After saying that, he began to perform swordplay with every move.

龐統跟住又叫咗一班武士入嚟,排好隊企喺大廳台階下便,就係等魏延逳手喇。 Pang Tong then called in a group of warriors, who lined up at the steps of the hall, just waiting for Wei Yan to make his move.

嗯?劉璋手下嗰啲軍官,見到魏延喺酒席之前舞劍,又見到台階下便嗰隊武士,個個都手按刀把目光炯炯望實大廳,唔妥! Hmm? The officers under Liu Zhang saw Wei Yan dancing with a sword before the banquet, and when they saw the warriors below the stage, each one had their hand on the hilt of their sword, their eyes fixed intently on the hall, this is not good!

張任撐聲拔出把劍行出嚟話: Zhang Ren raised his voice and drew his sword, stepping forward to say:

舞劍必須一對先至好睇,等末將同魏將軍一齊舞啦。 "Sword dancing must be done in pairs to look good, let me and General Wei dance together."

噉兩個人就對舞起嚟嘞喎。 So the two of them started to dance together.

魏延打個眼色畀劉封,劉封醒水,即刻拔出把劍舞埋一份。 Wei Yan gave a glance to Liu Feng, who understood immediately and drew his sword to join in the dance.

於是劉璋手下嘅劉璝、泠苞、鄧賢各人啊都拔出把劍行出嚟話: |Ling Bao| So Liu Zhang's subordinates Liu Bei, Ling Bao, and Deng Xian all drew their swords and stepped forward, saying:

我哋嚟個群舞,博各位一笑啊! Let's have a group dance to entertain everyone!

嘩嗨!氣氛緊張咯。 wow| Wow! The atmosphere is tense.

劉備大吃一驚,佢啪聲企起身,將企喺旁邊衛士把劍拔咗出嚟揸住喺手,佢話: Liu Bei was taken aback, he stood up with a bang, drew the sword from the guard beside him, and said:

我哋兩兄弟相會,高高興興喺度飲酒並無疑忌。 We brothers are meeting, happily drinking here without any suspicion.

呢度又唔係鴻門會,使乜舞劍,快啲放低把劍,邊個唔放低嘅斬! This is not a Hongmen banquet, why brandish swords? Quickly put down your swords, anyone who doesn't put them down will be cut!

劉璋亦都鬧佢自己啲人話喇: Liu Zhang also scolded his own people saying:

哎我哋兄弟聚會,何必帶武器呢? Hey, we are brothers gathering, why bring weapons?

佢又叫啲侍從衛兵啊,將啲佩劍除低晒,噉嗰班人呢就紛紛行出去。 He also ordered the attendants and guards to remove their swords, and those people then went out one after another.

劉備又叫齊嗰班軍官入嚟大廳,叫佢哋飲酒。 Liu Bei also called in those military officers to the hall and asked them to drink.

劉備話:我哋兩兄弟乃係同宗骨肉,喺度商量大計,彼此都係誠心誠意嘅,你哋唔使懷疑啊。 Liu Bei said|||| Liu Bei said: We two brothers are of the same clan and blood, discussing great plans here, and we are both sincere, so you don't need to doubt it.

噉嗰班軍官飲完酒行過禮就出返去。 Then those military officers finished drinking, exchanged formalities, and went out.

劉璋就好感動,佢揸住劉備隻手,眼淚都流出嚟噉話: Liu Zhang was very moved, holding Liu Bei's hand, tears streaming down his face as he said:

兄長你嘅恩情,我點都唔會忘記㗎。 Brother, I will never forget your kindness.

噉啊兩個人一直飲到晚上先至散席。 So the two of them kept drinking until the evening before they dispersed.

劉備返到營寨就話龐統啦: Liu Bei returned to the camp and said to Pang Tong:

你哋點搞㗎!真係想害到我做個不仁不義之人係嘛?以後,千祈唔好做啲噉嘢喇吓。 ||in the future| What are you all doing! Do you really want to make me an ungrateful and unjust person? From now on, please don't do such things.

龐統啊冇晒修。 Pang Tong has no more repairs.

噉嗰頭劉璋返到營寨,劉璝佢哋就講喇:主公,今日宴會上嘅情形你見到㗎啦,不如早啲返去免生後患啊。 when Liu Zhang returned to the camp||lord|| Then Liu Zhang returned to the camp, and Liu Bei and the others said: My lord, you saw what happened at the banquet today, it would be better to return early to avoid future troubles.

劉玄德個人唔係噉嘅,佢唔會害我嘅。 Liu Xuande is not that kind of person; he won't harm me.

就算劉玄德冇噉嘅心,之佢手下啲人,個個都想併吞西川,以圖富貴㗎嘛。 Even if Liu Xuande doesn't have such intentions, his subordinates all want to annex Xichuan for wealth and power.

你哋唔好講埋啲噉說話嚟離間我哋兄弟之間嘅感情咯。 Don't say things that would sow discord between us brothers.

劉璋唔聽大家話,依舊每日都同劉備飲酒歡聚。 Liu Zhang doesn't listen to everyone and continues to drink and celebrate with Liu Bei every day.

有一日,佢接到報告話張魯正在整頓人馬,就快嚟侵犯葭萌關。 one day|| One day, he received a report that Zhang Lu was organizing his troops and was about to invade Jiameng Pass.

誒葭萌關呢笪地方呢,喺而家四川省廣元縣嘅西南便。 Ah, Jiameng Pass is located in the southwest of Guangyuan County in present-day Sichuan Province.

劉璋就請劉備啊,帶兵去防守。 Liu Zhang invited Liu Bei to lead the troops for defense.

劉備啱晒啦,一啖應承,立即點齊本部軍兵出發去葭萌關喇。 Liu Bei readily agreed and immediately gathered his troops to set off for Jiameng Pass.

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