
Mes naudojame slapukus, kad padėtume pagerinti LingQ. Apsilankę avetainėje Jūs sutinkate su mūsų slapukų politika.


張悦楷講《三國演義》, 083

話 說 魏延 又 為 咗 爭功 , 佢 違反 軍令 先去 打泠苞個 營寨 。 到 咗 天 蒙蒙 光 嘅 時候 , 魏 延 嘅 軍隊 已經 離開 泠 苞 營寨 冇 幾遠 嘞 。 魏延 就 命令 軍士 稍為 休息 一下 , 整頓 下槍 刀 旗幟 準備 打仗 。 但 係 魏延 呢 啲 行動 早就 畀 泠 苞 啲 伏 路小軍 發現 喇 。 泠 苞 得到 報告 , 作好 晒 準備 。 一聲 炮響 , 三軍 上馬 嗬 噉 衝殺 出 嚟 。 魏延 一 睇 : 咦 ? 乜有 準備 㗎 ? 都 唔 理 咁 多 喇 , 打 啦 , 就 縱 馬提刀 迎上去 同泠苞 交鋒 , 兩個 打 咗 三十個 回合 。 川兵 啊 分成 兩路 嚟 襲擊 漢 軍 。 漢軍行 咗 成 晚路 㗎 嘛 , 人馬 都 冇 晒力 咯 , 抵擋 唔 住 退後 就 走 。 弊 ! 魏延聽 到 後 便 陣腳 都 亂 晒 , 咪 嘞 , 撇開 泠 苞 撥 馬 就 走 。 川兵 啊 追住 後 便 猛打 , 打到 漢 軍 啊 大敗 啦 。 走 咗 都 唔 到 五里 路 , 山 背後 隆隆聲 鼓聲 震天動地 。 鄧賢 帶領 一彪 軍馬 , 由 山谷 裏 便 衝出 嚟 截住 , 大喝一聲 : 魏延 你 快 啲 下馬 投降 ! 魏延鞭 多 兩 鞭 隻 馬 , 放開 四蹄 飛奔 , 哈哈 , 點知 馬失前蹄 一下 跪低 , 將魏 延成個 拋 咗 落地 。 鄧賢 飛馬 趕 嚟 , 舉起 長槍 對住 魏延 就 㓤 過去 。 點知 槍 都 未 到唧 , 聽見 弓弦 一響 , 咚 ! 鄧賢 哎呀 一聲 , 倒 撞 落馬 。 泠 苞 喺 後 便 啱 啱 想 衝 上 嚟 搶救 啊 , 只見 一員大將 喺 山坡 上 便 躍馬 跑 落 嚟 。 大聲 噉 喝 : 老將 黃忠 在 此 ! 舞起 大刀 直取 泠 苞 。 泠 苞 打 唔 過 黃忠 嘞 , 撥轉 馬頭 退後 就 走 。 黃忠 啊 趁勢 追殺 , 呢 勻 就 輪 到 川兵 大亂 咯 。 黃忠 帶住 本部 軍隊 啊 , 救 咗 魏延 , 殺 咗 鄧賢 , 一直 追到 去 寨 前 。 泠 苞 畀 佢 逼 得 緊 嘞 , 咬 一 咬牙 , 回馬 又 同 黃忠 打 過 。 打 咗 十 零個 回合 啦 , 後 便 嘅 軍馬 㗾㗾 聲湧 上 嚟 。 噉 啊 泠 苞 唯有 放棄 左寨 , 帶住 啲 敗兵 就 趯 去 右 寨 嘞 噃。 一去 到 弊 傢伙 , 只見 寨裏 頭 嘅 旗幟 完全 唔 同 晒 嘅 , 嚇到 泠 苞 飆 冷汗 喇 佢 勒住 馬 一望 。 當頭 一員大將 , 金甲錦 袍 , 嘩 係 劉備 啊 ! 左便 係 劉封 , 右 便 係 關平 。 劉備 大喝一聲 話 : 營寨 已經 畀 我 奪 咗 嘞 , 你仲想 去 邊度 啊 ! 原來 劉備 啊 , 佢 帶兵 喺 後 便 接應 , 就 乘機 奪 咗 鄧 賢 嘅 營寨 。 泠 苞 呢 趟 兩頭 冇 埞 趯 , 就 搵 啲 山僻 小路 返去 雒城 。 行 咗 唔 到 十里 , 突然 間 喎 嗬 噉 一聲 啲 伏兵 湧出 嚟 , 搭鉤 一 擸 就 將 泠 苞 生擒活捉 嘞 。 點解 呢 喂 ? 呢 處 點解 又 有 伏兵 嘅 呢 ? 原來 魏延 啊 自知 呢 趟 犯 咗 軍法 冇 得 好講 㗎 喇 。 就 整頓 好 後軍 , 叫 啲 川兵 帶路 , 埋伏 定 喺 呢 處 嚟 。 哈 果然 就 畀 佢 等到 應 喎 , 佢 用 繩 綁住 泠 苞 , 就 解去 劉備 嘅 大本營 嘞 。 劉備 呢 趟 大獲全勝 , 就 叫 人 豎起 一支 免死旗 。 即 凡 係 川兵 放下 武器 嘅 , 一律 不準 殺害 , 違反 嘅 呢 , 就 殺人 填命 。 同時 啊 , 又 向 俘虜 過 嚟 嘅 川 兵 宣佈 , 你 哋 西川 人 喺 屋企 都 有 父母 妻子 嘅 。 願意 投降 嘅 呢 , 就 收編 入 軍隊 , 唔 願 投降 嘅 就 一律 放走 噉 , 嘿真 係 得人心 到極 喇 , 歡聲雷動 啊 。 好 了 , 黃忠 安好 營 之後 就 去 見 劉備 , 告魏延 , 話 佢 違反 軍令 要 斬 佢 至 得 噉 。 劉備 又 急急 召魏延 嚟 問啦 。 魏延 都 唔 使 你 叫 喇 , 自己 都 會 嚟 喇 , 佢 押 住 泠 苞 嚟 到 嘞 。 劉備 問過 情形 就 話 : 魏延 雖然 有罪 , 之 佢 亦 立 咗 呢 一 大功 , 就 贖 咗 佢 罪 係 啦 。 劉備 就 叫 魏延去 多謝 黃忠 救命之恩 , 以後 呢 就 唔 準再爭 喇 。 魏延 就 叩頭 認錯 , 噉 就 冇 事 啦 。 劉備 又 重重 噉 獎賞 黃忠 。 跟 住 , 劉備 就 叫 人 押 泠 苞入 嚟 , 同 佢 鬆 咗 綁 , 請 佢 飲酒 壓驚 。 劉備 問 佢 嘞 : 你 肯 投降 嘛 ? 泠 苞 話 啦 : 既然 免 我 死罪 , 我點 會 唔 肯 投降 呢 ? 劉 璝 、 張任 同 我 係 生死之交 , 如果 肯放 我 返去 , 我 一定 叫 埋 佢 哋 嚟 投降 獻上 雒城 。 吓 , 噉 好極 啊 , 劉備 非常 歡喜 。 吩咐 啲 人 攞 衣服 馬匹 嚟 送 畀 佢 , 叫 佢 返 去 雒 城 。 魏延 就 話 : 唔 好 放 此人 返去 啊 主公 , 佢 一 甩 身 , 就 唔 會 返 轉頭 㗎 喇 。 劉備 話 喇 : 哎 , 我以 仁義 嚟 待 佢 , 佢 唔 會 對 唔 住 我 嘅 。 劉備 係 噉 諗 啫 , 之 泠 苞 就 唔 係 噉 嘞 喎 。 泠 苞 甩 身返 到 去 雒城 , 佢 見到 劉 璝 、 張 任 嘅 時候 呢 , 佢 又 唔 講 自己 係 被 擒 放返 嚟 嘅 喎 。 佢 只 係 話 : 嘿 , 畀 我 殺 咗 十幾個 人 , 搶到 匹馬 趯 返 嚟 啊 。 劉 璝 連忙 派 人 去 成都 求救 。 噉 劉璋 聽聞 鄧賢 陣亡 , 雒城 告急 , 就 好 驚 吖 , 慌忙 召集 啲 人 嚟 商量 。 佢 個 大 仔 叫做 劉循 , 噉 劉循話 : 孩兒 願意 帶兵 去 守 雒城 。 哦 , 你 肯去 咯 , 誒 好 吖 , 嗯 , 仲派邊 個人 幫 你好 呢 ? 劉璋 個 阿舅 吳懿 就 行出 嚟 話 : 我 去 啦 。 啊 , 阿舅 你 去 呀 最好 喇 , 誒 噉 又 邊個 嚟 做 副將 好 呢 ? 吳懿 推薦 吳蘭 、 雷銅 兩個 人 做 副將 , 點起 咗 二萬 人馬 去 雒城 增援 嘞 。 劉 璝 、 張任 接 咗 佢 哋 入 城 , 將 情況 向 佢 哋 介紹 清楚 。 吳懿 就 話 : 目前 兵臨城下 , 難以 抵敵 , 你 哋 有何高見 啊 ? 泠 苞 就 話 嘞 : 呢 處 一帶 , 靠近 涪江 , 水流 好 急 嘅 。 而家 , 劉備 佔據 咗 個 營寨 , 係 喺 山腳 嚟 , 地勢 係 最低 。 請 你 派 五千 兵 畀 我 , 帶住 鋤頭 鐵鏟 , 掘開 涪河 堤岸 , 實浸 死 晒 劉備 嘅 人馬 。 吳懿 採納 咗 泠 苞 個 建議 , 即刻 叫 佢 帶兵 去 掘 堤 放水 , 吳蘭 、 雷銅 呢 就 帶兵 接應 。 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 就 命令 黃忠 、 魏延各 人守 一個 營寨 。 自己 就 返去 涪城 , 同 軍師 龐統 就 商量 下 一步 嘅 打法 。 有個 探子 嚟 報告 話 : 孫權派 人 嚟 拉攏 張魯 , 就 快要 嚟 攻打 葭 萌關 喇 。 劉備 聽 咗 就 吃 一驚 喇 , 佢 話 : 哎呀 , 如果 葭 萌關 失守 , 我 哋 嘅 後路 就斷 喇 , 到 其時 我軍 進退 為 難 噉 點算 啊 ? 龐統 對 孟達話 喇 : 你 係 西 蜀 人 , 了解 當地 嘅 情況 , 你 去 守葭萌關 呢 好 唔 好 啊 ? 孟達 就 話 : 我 想 推薦 一個 人同 我 一齊 去 守關 , 擔保 萬無一失 。 劉備 問 嘞 : 邊個 啊 ? 此人 曾經 喺 荊州 劉表 部下 做過 中郎將 , 佢 姓 霍 名 峻 , 字仲邈 。 好 啊 ! 劉備 同意 嘞 , 即時 派 咗 孟達 、 霍峻 去 守衛 葭 萌關 。 噉 開 完 軍事 會議 , 龐統 返去 住宿 嘅 地方 。 守門 嘅 人 嚟 報告 話 有 客人 嚟 拜訪 佢 噉 。 龐統 就 出到 嚟 門口 迎接 嘞 。 見到 呢 個人 , 生 得 身長 八尺 , 容貌 就 好夠 威 嘅 , 但 係 呢 , 頭髮 就 剪短 晒 , 披散 喺 條 頸 處 , 衣服 亦 不 甚 齊整 。 龐統問 嘞 : 先生 係 邊位 啊 ? 哈哈 , 嗰 個人 唔 回答 喎 , 啞 嘅 噉 直筆 行入 大堂 , 哈入 到 去 , 就 噉 仰面朝天 就 瞓 喺 鋪 床 處 。 乜 噉 嘅 人 都 有 嘅 ? 龐統 好 奇怪 , 噉 啊 再三 請問 佢 係 邊個 。 嗰 個人 話 : 等 陣先 啦 , 我同 你 講下 天下大事 啦 。 龐統 聽 咗 就 更加 奇怪 , 吩咐 啲 侍從 攞 酒菜 嚟 畀 呢 個人 食 。 呢 個人 毫不客氣 , 坐 起身 就 大刷 特刷 , 嘿 此人 飯量 酒量 都 極大 啊 。 吖 食 完 嘞 , 又 試 瞓 返 低 。 龐統 啊 真 係 睇 佢 唔 透 喇 呢 趟 , 喇喇聲 派 人 去 請 法正 嚟 睇 下識 唔 識 呢 個人 啦 。 最 怕 佢 係 奸細 吖 嘛 。 法正 慌忙 趕到 嚟 , 龐統 就 同 佢 講話 有 個人 噉 樣 噉 樣 㗎 噉 。 法 正話 : 哦 , 莫非 係 彭永言 ? 法正入 去 大堂 睇 下 , 嗰 個人 啪 聲企 起身 話 : 孝直 , 你 身體 好 吖 嘛 ? 啊 , 乜真 係 你 呀 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 法正 同 嗰 個人 一 見面 啊 , 大家 都 拍手 笑 起 上 嚟 。 龐統 就 問法 正 佢 係 邊個 啦 。 法 正話 : 此公 姓 彭名 羕, 字永言 , 係 西 蜀 嘅 豪傑 嚟 啊 。 過去 , 因為講 說話 直 過頭 , 觸犯 咗 劉璋 , 畀 劉璋 判 咗 佢 罪 , 剪 咗 頭髮 , 罰 佢 做 苦工 , 因此 而 家 佢 啲 頭髮 就 係 咁 短唧 。 龐統 聽講 佢 係 有 來歷 嘅 唄 , 就 當 佢 係 貴賓 一樣 , 就 問 佢 有 咩 嘢 緊要 個事 。 彭 羕 話 嘞 : 我 係 專門 嚟 救 你 哋 幾萬人 條命 㗎 , 不過 , 我要 見到 劉將軍 先至講 得 嘅 。 法正 見 佢 講 得 咁 嚴重 , 連忙 派 人 去 報告 劉備 。 劉備 啊 親自 嚟 接見 佢 , 問 佢 究竟 有 咩 嘢 緊要 嘅 事 要 講 。 彭 羕 話 嘞 : 將軍 你 有 幾多 人馬 喺 前 寨 啊 ? 劉備 又 老老實實 噉 講啦 : 魏延 、 黃忠 嘅 軍隊 都 喺 前 寨 嚟 。 劉將軍 , 帶兵 打仗 , 點 能夠 唔 搞清楚 地理 情況 㗎 ? 前寨 靠近 涪江 , 如果 敵人 掘開 河堤 放水 嚟 浸 , 前後 又 用兵 堵截 , 噉 就 一個 都 走 唔 甩 㗎 喇 。 啊 ! 係 啊 係 啊 , 好 危險 啊 ! 劉備 醒悟 嘞 。 彭 羕 又 話 : 我 睇 過 天文 , 罡 星 喺 西方 , 太白 臨 於此 地 一定 有 不 吉 嘅 事 發生 , 將軍 認真 要 謹慎 至 好 。 劉備 好 感激 彭 羕 及時 嘅 提醒 , 就 聘請 佢 做 幕賓 , 即 係 參謀 人員 啦 。 同時 誒 , 即刻 派 人 去 通知 魏延 、 黃忠 , 叫 佢 哋 日日夜夜 啊 都 要 認真 巡邏 , 提防 敵人 決堤 放水 。 噉 黃忠 、 魏延 呢 就 商量 定 嘞 , 兩個 人 就 各輪 一日 , 一 遇到 有 敵軍 嚟 呢 , 就 互相 支援 。 有 一晚 , 泠 苞 見到 當晚 橫風 橫雨 , 好時機 喎 嚱, 就 帶 住 五千 人馬 沿住 江邊 行 , 安排 決堤 放水 。 佢 都 未 嚟 得 切 逳 手 啊 , 就 聽見 後 便 響起 喊 殺聲 。 泠 苞 知道 漢軍有 準備 , 急急 回 軍 。 魏延 就 率領 住 一支 軍隊 , 追住 嚟 打 。 川兵 自相 踐踏 , 死傷 唔 少 。 泠 苞 跑 咗 冇 幾遠 , 就 撞 正 魏延 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 就 畀 魏延 活捉 咗 去 嘞 。 及至 吳蘭 、 雷銅 趕 嚟 接應 嘅 時候 呢 , 又 畀 黃忠 嗰 支 軍隊 殺退 咗 。 第朝 早 , 魏延押 住 泠 苞 去 涪 水關 見 劉備 , 劉備 就 鬧 佢 啦 : 嘿 , 上次 我以 仁義 待 你 放 咗 你 返去 , 你 竟然 反水 背叛 我 ? 今次 就 唔 饒恕 你 喇 ! 劉備 喝 刀斧手 , 拉泠苞 出去 殺 咗 , 重賞 魏延 。 噉 又 大排 筵席 啊 嚟 到 款待 彭 羕。 又過 咗 幾日 , 諸葛亮 喺 荊州 派 馬良 送 咗 封信 嚟 畀 劉備 。 劉備 初時 仲以 為 荊州 有 咩 嘢 事添 。 馬良 話 : 荊州 平安 , 主公 唔 使 掛心 嘅 。 劉備 打開 封信 睇 下 , 大意 就 係 話 : 我算過 太乙神 數 , 今年 係 癸巳 年 , 罡 星 在 西方 。 又 觀察 過 天文 , 目前 太白 臨 於 雒 城之分 , 主 將帥 身上 凶多吉少 , 千祈要 謹慎 啊 。 劉備 睇 完信 , 就 打發 馬良 返去 荊州 先 , 佢 考慮 咗 下 就 同 龐統 話 : 我要 返去 荊州 , 同 孔明 商量 下 呢 件 事 。 龐統 就 諗 嘞 : 哼哼 , 孔明 實 係 怕 我 攞 咗 西川 , 一個 人 建立 咗 大功 , 所以 故意 寫封 噉 嘅 信 嚟 阻 頭 阻 勢 唧 。 於是 佢 就 同 劉備 話 嘞 : 主公 , 我亦算過 太乙神 數 , 早就 知道 罡 星 在 西 , 噉 即 係 預兆 主公 你 , 實 奪取 到 西川 , 並唔 係 預兆 咩 嘢 不吉 。 我 又 睇 過 天文 , 見到 太白 臨 於 雒城 。 嗱, 噉 我 哋 斬 咗 蜀 將泠苞 , 就 已經 應 咗 呢 個 凶兆 嘞 。 主公 你 唔 使 疑心 嘅 , 快 啲 進兵 啦 。 劉備 見 龐統 再三再四 噉 催促 佢 進兵 , 噉 就 好 啦 , 帶兵 繼續前進 。 龐統 問法 正話 嘞 : 喺 呢 度 去 雒 城 , 有 幾 多條 路 啊 ? 法正 就 喺 地下 畫 咗 個 地形圖 , 劉備 呢 亦 攞 出 張 松 送 畀 佢 嘅 西川 地理圖 嚟 對照 下 , 一 啲 都 冇 錯 。 法 正話 嘞 : 山北 有條 大路 , 直到 雒 城 嘅 東門 , 山南 有條 小路 , 直到 雒 城 嘅 西門 , 由 兩條路 進兵 都 可以 嘅 。 龐統 對 劉備 話 喇 : 我 叫 魏延 做 先鋒 , 由 山南 小路 進兵 ; 主公 你 啊 叫 黃忠 做 先鋒 , 由 山北 大路 進兵 。 我 哋 兩路 人馬 , 去 到 雒城 會合 啦 。 劉備 就 話 喇 : 我 自細 就 行軍 打仗 小路 行得 多 , 軍師 你 由 大路 去 打 東門 , 等 我 去 打 西門 罷啦 。 噉 唔 好 , 大路 必定 有川兵 攔截 嘅 , 主公 你 帶兵 去 打 佢 哋 , 我仲 係 由 小路 去 喇 。 軍師 不如 唔 好 去 喇 , 我 尋晚 發 咗 個 夢 , 見到 有個 神仙 揸 住條 鐵棍 嚟 打 我 隻 右手 , 瞓 醒 嘅 時候 呀 隻 手 都 仲痛 啊 , 呢 次 行軍 , 莫非 有 唔 妥 , 吓 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 壯士 臨陣 不死 即傷 , 呢 個 係 好 自然 嘅 。 唔 使 因為 發 咗 個 夢 就 咁 多 顧忌 嘅 主公 。 唉 , 我 所 顧忌 嘅 , 就 係 孔明 嗰 封信 講 嗰 啲 嘢 啊 。 不如 噉 啦 , 軍師 留 喺 度 鎮守 涪 水關 罷啦 , 好 唔 好 啊 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 啊 主公 啊 , 你 畀 孔明 呃 咗 喇 。 佢 唔 想 畀 我 一個 人立 呢 個 大功 , 所以 先至講 啲 噉 嘅 說話 , 使到 主公 你 驚 呢 樣 驚 嗰 樣 咋 嘛 。 日有所思 夜有所夢 , 冇 乜嘢 好 怕 嘅 。 要 我 肝腦塗地 , 噉 先至 稱心 啊 。 主公 唔 使講 咁 多 喇 , 聽朝 決定 出發 啦 。 於是 當日 就 發佈命令 , 聽朝 五更 煮飯 , 拂曉 上馬 起 行 。 第朝 早 , 黃忠 、 魏延 就 各自 帶兵 先行 出發 。 劉備 呢 就 再 同 龐統 見 一 見面 添 。 忽然間 , 龐統 坐 緊 嗰 隻 馬 怕生 保打個 後 抽 , 將龐統 拋 咗 落地 。 劉備 立即 跳 落馬 , 親自 上前 拉住 龐 統 嗰 匹 馬 。 劉備 話 喇 : 軍師 點解 要 騎 呢 匹 噉 嘅 劣馬 㗎 ? 龐統 話 : 唉 , 呢 匹 馬 我 騎 咗 好 耐 嘅 嘞 喎 , 都 未試過 噉 樣 嘅 。 臨陣 驚青誤 人 性命 啊 。 我 所 騎 嘅 呢 匹 白馬 脾性 係 極之 好 嘅 , 軍師 你 騎 佢 啦 , 擔保 你 萬無一失 , 呢 匹 劣馬 等 我 騎 啦 。 劉備 就 同 龐統 對調 所 起 嘅 馬 嘞 噃。 龐統 話 喇 : 主公 對 我 嘅 深恩 厚德 , 我 真 係 死 一萬次 都 報答 唔 完 啊 ! 於是 各人 上馬 就 分路 出發 嘞 。 劉備 睇 住 龐統 走 咗 個 心 啊 覺得 非常 之 唔 舒服 , 所以 一路行 都 悶悶不樂 。 呢 啲 就 唔 講 佢 。 而家 講下 吳懿 、 劉 璝 佢 哋 喺 雒 城 , 聽到 泠 苞 戰死 就 同 大家 商量 。 張任 話 : 城外 東南 便 山上 嗰 條 小路 係 非常 緊要 , 我帶 一支 軍隊 去 守住 嗰 條 路 , 各位 就 緊守 雒城 啦 。 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 探子 嚟 報告 話漢兵 分兩路 嚟 攻城 嘞 噉 。 張任 急急 點起 三千 人馬 , 先去 到 小路 嗰 處 埋伏 。 好 喇 , 魏延 帶兵 行過 嘞 喎 。 張任 叫 大家 唔 好 打 , 放 晒 佢 哋 過去 先 。 過 咗 一陣 , 龐 統率 領住 軍隊 嚟 。 張任 啲 兵卒 遠遠 指住 咁 話 喇 : 呢 呢 呢 , 騎 白馬 嗰 個 實 係 劉備 嚟 㗎 ! 嗯 ? 呢 次 擒賊擒王 喇 。 張任 高興 喇 , 佢 傳令 落 去 , 如此 如此 噉 。 龐 統 佢 一路 前進 , 行 下行 下 , 佢 發現 呢 處 嘅 地形 唔 妥 喎 , 點呢 ? 啲 路 又 窄 , 兩便 都 係 高山 , 樹木 又 多 喎 。 當時 正 係 夏末秋 初 , 枝葉 啊 非常 之 茂盛 。 龐統 個 心 都 有 啲 驚 嘞 , 佢 勒住 馬問 : 呢 處 係 咩 嘢 地方 啊 吓 ? 喺 軍隊 裏 便 有 個 新 新 投降 過 嚟 嘅 兵 , 佢 就 指 住 話 喇 : 呢 度個 地名 叫做 落鳳坡 啊 。 吓 ! 落鳳坡 , 落鳳坡 ? 我 嘅 道 號 係 鳳 雛 , 呢 度 叫做 落鳳坡 , 唔 得 ! 於 我 不利 ! 龐統 立即 命令 全軍 後退 , 點 知道 山坡 前 便 , 轟隆 噉 一聲 炮響 。 跟 住 啲 箭 呀 密到 好似 一群 飛 住 嘅 蝗蟲 噉 啊 , 支支 都 對 住 騎 白馬 嘅 龐 統 射 過 嚟 。 哎呀 , 可憐 阿龐統 啊 鳳雛 先生 , 竟然 噉 就 死 喺 亂箭 之下 喇 。 當時 呀 , 佢 先 至 得 三十六歲 。 呢 , 世事 又 好奇 嘅 , 呢 處 一帶 早就 流傳 過 一首 民謠 嘞 : 一鳳並 一龍 , 相將 到 蜀中 。 才 到 半路 里 , 鳳死 落坡東 。 風送 雨 , 雨 隨風 , 隆 漢興 時 蜀道 通 , 蜀道 通時 只有 龍 。 而家 繼續 講下 張 任 嘅 人馬 , 佢 射死 咗 龐統 。 漢 軍 啊 逼實 晒 喺 條 窄窄 嘅 山路 處 , 進 唔 得 退 唔 得 啊 死 咗 成 大半 。 前 便 有 啲 走 甩 嘅 呢 就 飛快 去 報告 魏延 啦 , 魏延 連忙 帶隊 返 轉頭 。 但 係 山路 咁 逼 窄 , 施展 唔 開 。 條 退路 又 畀 張任 截斷 咗 , 又 喺 啲 山坡 上 便 猛 咁 射箭 落 嚟 。 死 喇 呢 勻 , 魏延真 係 心慌 喇 。 有個 新 投降 過 嚟 嘅 西川 兵話 喇 : 將軍 啊 , 不如 殺去 雒城 , 混 大路 行罷 啦 。 啊 係 噃! 大家 跟 我 嚟 ! 魏延 當先 開路 , 拼命 噉 殺 奔 雒 城 而 去 嘞 。 跑跑 下 , 前 便 沙塵 滾滾 有 一支 軍隊 殺過 嚟 , 原來 係 守衛 雒 城 嘅 吳 蘭 、 雷銅 啊 。 而後 便 呢 , 張任 又 帶兵 追住 嚟 噃。 弊 喇 前後夾攻 , 將魏延 圍住 喺 戰場 中心 , 魏延死 打爛 打點 都衝 唔 出 重圍 。 咦 ? 突然 吳蘭 、 雷 銅 嘅 後軍 自己 亂起 上 嚟 噃。 噉 啊吳 、 雷 兩個 急急 回馬返 去 救 啦 , 魏延 趁勢 追住 過去 。 見到 有 員大將 , 舞刀 拍馬 高聲 大叫 : 文長 唔 使 驚 , 我 嚟 救 你 ! 哦 , 係 老將 黃忠 啊 , 噉 兩頭 夾攻 就 殺敗 吳蘭 、 雷銅 , 一直 衝到 雒 城下 便 。 劉 璝 呢 就 帶兵 即刻 殺出 嚟 。 呢 個 時候 , 劉備 喺 後 便 就 帶兵 趕到 嚟 接應 。 噉 黃忠 、 魏延 就 轉身 返 轉頭 啦 。 等到 劉備 嘅 人馬 返到 營寨 嘅 時候 啊 , 張 任 嘅 軍隊 又 喺 小路 衝殺 出 嚟 。 同時 劉 璝 、 吳蘭 、 雷銅 , 又 追返 住 嚟 嘞 喎 。 劉備 佢 哋 守 唔 住 嗰 兩個 寨 , 唯有 且 戰且 走 撤退 返去 涪水 關係 喇 。 啲 蜀 兵 打贏 咗 啦 , 一路 咁 追 嘞 喎 。 劉備 佢 哋 已經 人困馬乏 , 仲 邊度 有心 廝殺 嘅 呢 , 只 係 一味 顧住 趯 啫 。 上下 返到 涪 水關 喇 , 之 張任 呢 隊 人馬 追得 好 緊 嘅 。 就 好彩 得到 劉封 、 關平 一個 喺 左 一個 喺 右 , 帶住 三萬 生力軍 殺出 嚟 就 殺退 咗 張任 。 而且 呢 , 仲追返 轉頭 二十里 添 , 搶返 好多 戰馬 返 嚟 。 噉 劉備 嘅 人馬 返入 涪 水關 , 佢 坐定 嘞 , 就 問龐 統 嘅 消息 。 嗰 啲 喺 落 鳳 坡 執 返 條 命 仔 趯 返 嚟 嘅 軍士 就 報告 , 話 軍師 連人 帶馬 , 喺 落 鳳 坡 畀 亂箭 射死 咗 喇 噉 。 哎呀 劉備 一聽 呀 心痛 啊 , 對住 西便 放聲 痛哭 。 呢 次 呀 仲連 屍首 都 搶 唔 到 返 嚟 添 㗎 , 就 唯有 遙遙 祭奠 招魂 係 啦 , 唉 人人 都 喊 啊 。 黃忠 話 喇 : 呢 次 損失 咗 龐統軍 師 , 張任 必定 嚟 攻打 涪 水關 嘅 。 噉 點好 呢 ? 不如 派 人 去 荊州 , 請 諸葛 軍師 嚟 商量 奪取 西川 嘅 辦法 好 噃。 正 喺 度 商量 緊 , 張任 帶兵 直逼 城下 嚟 到 挑戰 嘞 。 黃忠 、 魏延 都 要 出戰 啊 , 劉備 話 : 我 哋 嘅 銳氣 啱 啱 受到 挫折 , 唔 好 打 咯 , 應該 堅守 , 等 軍師 嚟 到 先 啦 。 黃忠 、 魏延 噉 就 聽從命令 , 一 於 堅守 城池 , 任 啲 川兵 點樣 嘍打 都 唔 出去 。 噉 劉備 呢 寫 好 一封信 畀 孔明 , 叫 關平 帶 住 喺 身 , 突圍 出去 就 送 去 荊州 。 而家 就 講下 孔明 , 佢 啊 坐鎮 荊州 , 嗰 晚 係 七夕 佳節 啊 。 佢 又 同埋 所有 啲 官員 舉行宴會 , 一便 飲 一 便 傾談 奪取 西川 嘅 事 。 正 係 講得 高興 , 忽然 見到 喺 正 西方 , 有 一粒 星 , 好似 斗 咁 大 嘅 , 嘶 噉 喺 個 天 上面 跌落 嚟 喎 流光 四散 。 孔明 見到 啊 大吃一驚 , 連 酒杯 都 跌 咗 落地 , 揞 住 塊 面喊 起 上 嚟 話 : 啊 , 啊 , 啊 , 慘啊 , 慘啊 ! 大家 都 慌 起 上 嚟 問 孔明 做 乜嘢 啦 。 孔明 就 話 喇 : 前 嗰 排 , 我算過 今年 罡 星 喺 西方 , 不利於 軍師 嘅 。 天狗 星犯 於 我軍 , 太白星 臨 於 雒城 。 我 已經 寫信 講 畀 主公 聽 , 請 佢 提防 㗎 喇 。 點 想到 , 今晚 西方 有星 跌落 嚟 , 龐士元 佢 , 佢 實 冇 命 咯 。 我 哋 主公 失 咗 一隻 臂膀 咯 ! 大家 都 好 驚奇 , 但 係 都 唔 信 佢 講 。 孔明 話 : 幾日 之內 , 必定會 有 消息 嚟 㗎 嘞 。 發生 件 噉 嘅 事 就 好 掃興 㗎 , 所以 , 當晚 嘅 宴會 就 不歡而散 喇 。

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話 說 魏延 又 為 咗 爭功 , 佢 違反 軍令 先去 打泠苞個 營寨 。 said|to speak|Wei Yan|again|for|past tense marker|to claim credit|he|violated|military order|||camp It is said that Wei Yan, in order to claim credit, violated military orders and went to attack the Ling Bao camp. 到 咗 天 蒙蒙 光 嘅 時候 , 魏 延 嘅 軍隊 已經 離開 泠 苞 營寨 冇 幾遠 嘞 。 arrive|past tense marker|day|dim|light|possessive particle|time|Wei|Yan|possessive particle|army|already|left|Ling|Bao|camp|not||past action marker By the time dawn broke, Wei Yan's army had already left the Ling Bao camp not far behind. 魏延 就 命令 軍士 稍為 休息 一下 , 整頓 下槍 刀 旗幟 準備 打仗 。 Wei Yan|then|ordered|soldiers|a little|rest|for a moment|organize|their weapons|swords|banners|prepare|for battle Wei Yan then ordered the soldiers to take a short rest, to tidy up their weapons and flags in preparation for battle. 但 係 魏延 呢 啲 行動 早就 畀 泠 苞 啲 伏 路小軍 發現 喇 。 ||Wei Yan|this|plural marker|actions|already|by|||plural marker|ambush|Lu Xiaojun|discovered|particle indicating completed action However, Wei Yan's actions had already been discovered by the ambush troops of Ling Bao. 泠 苞 得到 報告 , 作好 晒 準備 。 Ling|Bao|received|report|made|fully|preparation Ling Bao received the report and made all the necessary preparations. 一聲 炮響 , 三軍 上馬 嗬 噉 衝殺 出 嚟 。 one sound|cannon fire|three armies|mount horses|then|like that|charge and kill|out|come With a sound of cannon fire, the three armies mounted their horses and charged out. 魏延 一 睇 : 咦 ? 乜有 準備 㗎 ? Wei Yan|one|look|huh||preparation|question particle Wei Yan took a look: Hey? What preparations are there? 都 唔 理 咁 多 喇 , 打 啦 , 就 縱 馬提刀 迎上去 同泠苞 交鋒 , 兩個 打 咗 三十個 回合 。 |||||already|fight|particle|then|||charge forward||clash|the two|fought|past tense marker|thirty|rounds Not caring about so much, let's fight! He spurred his horse and charged forward to engage with Ling Bao, and the two fought for thirty rounds. 川兵 啊 分成 兩路 嚟 襲擊 漢 軍 。 the troops from Sichuan|ah|divided into|two routes|come|attack|Han|army The troops from Shu divided into two routes to attack the Han army. 漢軍行 咗 成 晚路 㗎 嘛 , 人馬 都 冇 晒力 咯 , 抵擋 唔 住 退後 就 走 。 |past tense marker|whole|night|sentence-final particle|particle indicating obviousness|soldiers and horses|all|have not||particle indicating realization|resist|not|able to|retreat|then|run away The Han army had already traveled a whole night, and their horses and men were exhausted, unable to withstand the attack and retreated. 弊 ! 魏延聽 到 後 便 陣腳 都 亂 晒 , 咪 嘞 , 撇開 泠 苞 撥 馬 就 走 。 damn||when|later|then|formation|all|chaotic|completely|don't|past tense marker|disregarding|Ling|Bao|pushing|horse|then|ran away Oh no! When Wei Yan heard this, his formation became chaotic, and just like that, he abandoned Ling Bao and fled. 川兵 啊 追住 後 便 猛打 , 打到 漢 軍 啊 大敗 啦 。 Chuan soldiers|ah|chased|rear|then|fiercely attacked|beat until|Han|army|ah|great defeat|particle indicating completed action The troops from Chuan pursued him fiercely, and they defeated the Han army badly. 走 咗 都 唔 到 五里 路 , 山 背後 隆隆聲 鼓聲 震天動地 。 walk|past tense marker|even|not|reach|five miles|road|mountain|behind|rumbling sound|drum sound|earth-shattering They hadn't even run five miles when the sound of drums thundered from behind the mountain. 鄧賢 帶領 一彪 軍馬 , 由 山谷 裏 便 衝出 嚟 截住 , 大喝一聲 : 魏延 你 快 啲 下馬 投降 ! Deng Xian|led|a group of|cavalry|from|valley||then|charged out|here|intercepted|shouted loudly|Wei Yan|you|||dismount|surrender Deng Xian led a group of cavalry, charging out from the valley to intercept them, shouting loudly: "Wei Yan, quickly dismount and surrender!" 魏延鞭 多 兩 鞭 隻 馬 , 放開 四蹄 飛奔 , 哈哈 , 點知 馬失前蹄 一下 跪低 , 將魏 延成個 拋 咗 落地 。 Wei Yan whipped|more|two|lashes|one|horse|let go|four hooves|galloped|haha|unexpectedly||suddenly|knelt down|||thrown|past tense marker|to the ground Wei Yan whipped his horse a couple more times, letting it gallop freely, but unexpectedly, the horse stumbled and knelt down, throwing Wei Yan to the ground. 鄧賢 飛馬 趕 嚟 , 舉起 長槍 對住 魏延 就 㓤 過去 。 Deng Xian|flying horse|rush|here|raised|long spear|aimed at|Wei Yan|then|stabbed|past Deng Xian rushed over on horseback, raising his spear towards Wei Yan and charged forward. 點知 槍 都 未 到唧 , 聽見 弓弦 一響 , 咚 ! 鄧賢 哎呀 一聲 , 倒 撞 落馬 。 who would have known|gun|already|not yet|arrived|heard|bowstring||thud|Deng Xian|oh no||fall|crash|off the horse Little did he know, before the spear even reached, he heard the sound of a bowstring, bang! Deng Xian exclaimed, and fell off his horse. 泠 苞 喺 後 便 啱 啱 想 衝 上 嚟 搶救 啊 , 只見 一員大將 喺 山坡 上 便 躍馬 跑 落 嚟 。 Ling|Bao|at|back|then|||wanted|to rush|up|here|to rescue|ah|only saw||at|hillside|on|then|leaping on horseback|ran|down|here Ling Bao was just about to rush up to rescue him when he saw a general leaping down from the hillside on horseback. 大聲 噉 喝 : 老將 黃忠 在 此 ! 舞起 大刀 直取 泠 苞 。 loudly|like this|shout|old general|Huang Zhong|at|this place|brandished|big sword|directly attacked|Ling|Bao He shouted loudly: "Old General Huang Zhong is here!" and brandished his big sword directly at Ling Bao. 泠 苞 打 唔 過 黃忠 嘞 , 撥轉 馬頭 退後 就 走 。 Ling|Bao|hit|not|pass|Huang Zhong|past tense particle|turn|horse's head|retreat|then|leave Ling Bao couldn't fight against Huang Zhong, so he turned his horse's head and retreated. 黃忠 啊 趁勢 追殺 , 呢 勻 就 輪 到 川兵 大亂 咯 。 Huang Zhong|ah|take advantage of the situation|pursue and kill|this|evenly|then|||Chu soldiers|chaos|particle indicating completed action Huang Zhong, taking advantage of the situation, is pursuing and killing, and now it's the turn of the troops to be in chaos. 黃忠 帶住 本部 軍隊 啊 , 救 咗 魏延 , 殺 咗 鄧賢 , 一直 追到 去 寨 前 。 Huang Zhong|leading|main|army|ah|saved|past tense marker|Wei Yan|killed|past tense marker|Deng Xian|continuously|chased|to|camp|front Huang Zhong led his main army, rescued Wei Yan, killed Deng Xian, and continued to chase to the front of the stockade. 泠 苞 畀 佢 逼 得 緊 嘞 , 咬 一 咬牙 , 回馬 又 同 黃忠 打 過 。 Ling|Bao|give|him|force|able|tight|past tense particle|bite|one|gritting teeth|counterattack|again|with|Huang Zhong|fight|past action Ling Bao was forced tightly, gritted his teeth, and turned back to fight Huang Zhong again. 打 咗 十 零個 回合 啦 , 後 便 嘅 軍馬 㗾㗾 聲湧 上 嚟 。 hit|past tense marker|ten||rounds|sentence-final particle|after|then|possessive particle|cavalry|sound of galloping|sound surged|up|come After fighting for about ten rounds, the sound of horses from the rear surged up. 噉 啊 泠 苞 唯有 放棄 左寨 , 帶住 啲 敗兵 就 趯 去 右 寨 嘞 噃。 like this|ah|cold|to wrap|only|abandon|left village|bringing|some|defeated soldiers|then|run|to|right|village|past tense particle| So, Ling Bao had no choice but to abandon the left stockade and led the defeated soldiers to retreat to the right stockade. 一去 到 弊 傢伙 , 只見 寨裏 頭 嘅 旗幟 完全 唔 同 晒 嘅 , 嚇到 泠 苞 飆 冷汗 喇 佢 勒住 馬 一望 。 once went|arrived|bad|guy|only saw|in the village|top|possessive particle|flag|completely|not|the same|all|possessive particle|scared to|cold|hair|burst out|cold sweat|particle indicating completed action|he|pulled|horse|a glance When they arrived at the camp, they saw that the flags at the top of the camp were completely different, which scared Ling Bao so much that he broke out in a cold sweat as he held onto his horse and looked. 當頭 一員大將 , 金甲錦 袍 , 嘩 係 劉備 啊 ! 左便 係 劉封 , 右 便 係 關平 。 at the front||||wow|is|Liu Bei|ah|on the left|is|Liu Feng|on the right|is||Guan Ping At the front was a general in golden armor and brocade robe, wow, it was Liu Bei! On the left was Liu Feng, and on the right was Guan Ping. 劉備 大喝一聲 話 : 營寨 已經 畀 我 奪 咗 嘞 , 你仲想 去 邊度 啊 ! Liu Bei|shouted loudly|said|camp|already|by|me|taken|past tense marker|completed action particle||go|where|question particle Liu Bei shouted loudly, saying: 'The camp has already been taken by me, where do you still want to go!' 原來 劉備 啊 , 佢 帶兵 喺 後 便 接應 , 就 乘機 奪 咗 鄧 賢 嘅 營寨 。 it turns out|Liu Bei|ah|he|led the troops|at|rear|then|provided support|then|took the opportunity|captured|past tense marker|Deng|Xian|possessive particle|camp It turns out that Liu Bei had brought troops to support from behind and took the opportunity to seize Deng Xian's camp. 泠 苞 呢 趟 兩頭 冇 埞 趯 , 就 搵 啲 山僻 小路 返去 雒城 。 clear|bud|question particle|trip|both ends|not have|road|to walk|then|to find|some|remote|small road|return to|Luocheng Ling Bao was caught in a dilemma, so he looked for some remote mountain paths to return to Luo Cheng. 行 咗 唔 到 十里 , 突然 間 喎 嗬 噉 一聲 啲 伏兵 湧出 嚟 , 搭鉤 一 擸 就 將 泠 苞 生擒活捉 嘞 。 walk|past tense marker|not|reach|ten miles|suddenly|moment|particle indicating realization|exclamation|like this|with one sound|some|ambush troops|surge out|come|catch|one|pull|then|will|name|surname|capture alive|past tense marker After walking for almost ten miles, suddenly a sound came and the ambush troops surged out, capturing Ling Bao alive with a single move. 點解 呢 喂 ? 呢 處 點解 又 有 伏兵 嘅 呢 ? why|this|hey|question particle||||||| Why is that? Why are there ambush troops here? 原來 魏延 啊 自知 呢 趟 犯 咗 軍法 冇 得 好講 㗎 喇 。 it turns out|Wei Yan|ah|self-aware|this|time|violate|past tense marker|military law|not|able|to talk well|sentence-final particle|particle indicating change of state It turns out Wei Yan knew that this time he had violated military law and couldn't say much. 就 整頓 好 後軍 , 叫 啲 川兵 帶路 , 埋伏 定 喺 呢 處 嚟 。 then|reorganize|well|rear guard|to call|some|infantry|to lead the way|ambush|to be determined|at|this|place|to come So he organized the rear troops and asked the soldiers from Sichuan to lead the way, setting up an ambush here. 哈 果然 就 畀 佢 等到 應 喎 , 佢 用 繩 綁住 泠 苞 , 就 解去 劉備 嘅 大本營 嘞 。 ha|as expected|then|let|he|wait until|should|particle indicating realization|he|use|rope|tied up|Ling|bag|then|take away|Liu Bei|possessive particle|main camp|particle indicating completed action Ha, sure enough, he waited for the right moment, tied up Ling Bao with a rope, and then headed to Liu Bei's main camp. 劉備 呢 趟 大獲全勝 , 就 叫 人 豎起 一支 免死旗 。 Liu Bei|this|trip|achieved a complete victory|then|ordered|people|to raise|a|flag of exemption from death Liu Bei achieved a great victory this time, so he ordered the raising of a flag of immunity. 即 凡 係 川兵 放下 武器 嘅 , 一律 不準 殺害 , 違反 嘅 呢 , 就 殺人 填命 。 that|all|are|soldiers|put down|weapons|possessive particle|without exception|not allowed|killing|violating|possessive particle|this|then|killing|pay with life This means that any soldiers from Sichuan who lay down their weapons are not to be harmed; those who violate this will be punished with death. 同時 啊 , 又 向 俘虜 過 嚟 嘅 川 兵 宣佈 , 你 哋 西川 人 喺 屋企 都 有 父母 妻子 嘅 。 at the same time|ah|also|towards|prisoners|past|come|possessive particle|river|soldiers|announced|you|plural marker|West River|people|at|home|all|have|parents|wife|possessive particle At the same time, he announced to the captured Sichuan soldiers, 'You people from Xichuan have parents and wives at home.' 願意 投降 嘅 呢 , 就 收編 入 軍隊 , 唔 願 投降 嘅 就 一律 放走 噉 , 嘿真 係 得人心 到極 喇 , 歡聲雷動 啊 。 willing|surrender|particle indicating possession|question particle|then|enlist|into|army|not||surrender|particle indicating possession|then|uniformly|release|like this|really|is|winning people's hearts||particle indicating completion||exclamatory particle Those who are willing to surrender will be incorporated into the army, and those who do not wish to surrender will be released; this truly wins people's hearts, and the cheers are thunderous. 好 了 , 黃忠 安好 營 之後 就 去 見 劉備 , 告魏延 , 話 佢 違反 軍令 要 斬 佢 至 得 噉 。 good|past tense marker|Huang Zhong|safe|camp|after|then|go|see|Liu Bei||say|he|violated|military order|must|execute|him|until|can|like this Alright, after Huang Zhong secured the camp, he went to see Liu Bei and reported on Wei Yan, saying that he violated military orders and should be executed. 劉備 又 急急 召魏延 嚟 問啦 。 Liu Bei|again|urgently||here| Liu Bei urgently summoned Wei Yan to ask. 魏延 都 唔 使 你 叫 喇 , 自己 都 會 嚟 喇 , 佢 押 住 泠 苞 嚟 到 嘞 。 Wei Yan|already|||you|call|particle indicating completed action|himself|also|will|come|particle indicating completed action|he|||Ling|Bao|||particle indicating completed action Wei Yan didn't even need you to call him, he would come on his own, he brought Ling Bao with him. 劉備 問過 情形 就 話 : 魏延 雖然 有罪 , 之 佢 亦 立 咗 呢 一 大功 , 就 贖 咗 佢 罪 係 啦 。 Liu Bei|asked about|situation|then|said|Wei Yan|although|has guilt|his|he|also|established|past tense marker|this|one|great achievement|then|redeemed|past tense marker|his|guilt|is|final particle After Liu Bei inquired about the situation, he said: Although Wei Yan has committed a crime, he has also made a great contribution, which redeems his crime. 劉備 就 叫 魏延去 多謝 黃忠 救命之恩 , 以後 呢 就 唔 準再爭 喇 。 Liu Bei|then|ordered||thank|Huang Zhong|life-saving grace|from now on|particle indicating a question|then|not||particle indicating completed action Liu Bei then asked Wei Yan to thank Huang Zhong for saving his life, and from now on, there should be no more disputes. 魏延 就 叩頭 認錯 , 噉 就 冇 事 啦 。 Wei Yan|then|kowtow|admit mistake|then|then|no|issue|particle Wei Yan then bowed and admitted his mistake, and that was the end of the matter. 劉備 又 重重 噉 獎賞 黃忠 。 Liu Bei|again|heavily|like that|rewarded|Huang Zhong Liu Bei heavily rewarded Huang Zhong. 跟 住 , 劉備 就 叫 人 押 泠 苞入 嚟 , 同 佢 鬆 咗 綁 , 請 佢 飲酒 壓驚 。 ||Liu Bei|then|ordered|people|escort|Ling||here|and|he|loosened|past tense marker|binding|invited|him|to drink alcohol|to calm down Then, Liu Bei ordered someone to bring Ling Bao in, untied him, and invited him to drink to calm his nerves. 劉備 問 佢 嘞 : 你 肯 投降 嘛 ? Liu Bei|asked|him|past tense marker|you|willing|surrender|question particle Liu Bei asked him: Are you willing to surrender? 泠 苞 話 啦 : 既然 免 我 死罪 , 我點 會 唔 肯 投降 呢 ? Ling|Bao|said|particle|since|exempt|I|death penalty|how|would|not|willing|surrender|question particle Ling Bao replied: Since I have been spared from death, how could I not be willing to surrender? 劉 璝 、 張任 同 我 係 生死之交 , 如果 肯放 我 返去 , 我 一定 叫 埋 佢 哋 嚟 投降 獻上 雒城 。 Liu|Gui|Zhang Ren|with|I|am|close friends|if|willing to let|I|go back|I|definitely|call|along|he|plural marker|come|surrender|offer|Luo City Liu Bei, Zhang Ren, and I are close friends; if you let me go back, I will definitely call them to surrender and offer up Luo Cheng. 吓 , 噉 好極 啊 , 劉備 非常 歡喜 。 huh|like this|extremely good|ah|Liu Bei|very|happy Wow, that's great! Liu Bei is very happy. 吩咐 啲 人 攞 衣服 馬匹 嚟 送 畀 佢 , 叫 佢 返 去 雒 城 。 instructed|plural marker|people|take|clothes|horse|come|deliver|to|him|told|him|return|to|Luo|city He instructed his men to get clothes and horses to send to him, telling him to return to Luo Cheng. 魏延 就 話 : 唔 好 放 此人 返去 啊 主公 , 佢 一 甩 身 , 就 唔 會 返 轉頭 㗎 喇 。 Wei Yan|then|said|not|||||||||||||will|return|turn back|particle|particle Wei Yan said: "Don't let this person go back, my lord. Once he slips away, he won't come back." 劉備 話 喇 : 哎 , 我以 仁義 嚟 待 佢 , 佢 唔 會 對 唔 住 我 嘅 。 Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completed action|sigh||benevolence and righteousness|to|treat|him|he|not|will|treat|not|wrong|me|possessive particle Liu Bei said: "Ah, I treat him with kindness and righteousness, he won't betray me." 劉備 係 噉 諗 啫 , 之 泠 苞 就 唔 係 噉 嘞 喎 。 Liu Bei|is|like that|think|only|this|Ling|Bao|then|not|is|like that|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Liu Bei thinks this way, but Zhi Ling Bao does not think so. 泠 苞 甩 身返 到 去 雒城 , 佢 見到 劉 璝 、 張 任 嘅 時候 呢 , 佢 又 唔 講 自己 係 被 擒 放返 嚟 嘅 喎 。 Ling|Bao|slip|body return|arrive|to|Luocheng|he|saw|Liu|Gui|Zhang|Ren|possessive particle|time|particle indicating a question|he|again|not|say|himself|is|passive marker|capture|release|come|past action particle|particle indicating realization or reminder Ling Bao returned to Luocheng, and when he saw Liu Zhang and Zhang Ren, he didn't mention that he was captured and released. 佢 只 係 話 : 嘿 , 畀 我 殺 咗 十幾個 人 , 搶到 匹馬 趯 返 嚟 啊 。 He|only|is|said|hey|let|me|kill|past tense marker|over ten|people|rob|horse|ride|return|here|sentence final particle He only said: Hey, I killed more than ten people and stole a horse to come back. 劉 璝 連忙 派 人 去 成都 求救 。 Liu|Gui|hurriedly|sent|people|to|Chengdu|call for help Liu Zhang quickly sent people to Chengdu for help. 噉 劉璋 聽聞 鄧賢 陣亡 , 雒城 告急 , 就 好 驚 吖 , 慌忙 召集 啲 人 嚟 商量 。 then|Liu Zhang|heard|Deng Xian|died in battle|Luo City|was in urgent danger|then|very|scared|particle|hurriedly|gathered|some|people|to|discuss When Liu Zhang heard that Deng Xian was killed and Luocheng was in danger, he was very scared and hurriedly gathered people to discuss. 佢 個 大 仔 叫做 劉循 , 噉 劉循話 : 孩兒 願意 帶兵 去 守 雒城 。 He|(possessive particle)|eldest|son|is called|Liu Xun|then||child|is willing|to lead troops|to|defend|Luocheng His eldest son is named Liu Xun, and Liu Xun said: I am willing to lead troops to defend Luocheng. 哦 , 你 肯去 咯 , 誒 好 吖 , 嗯 , 仲派邊 個人 幫 你好 呢 ? oh|you|can go|particle indicating action|eh|good|particle indicating agreement|hmm||person|help|you well|particle indicating question Oh, you are willing to go, that's good. Hmm, who else will come to help you? 劉璋 個 阿舅 吳懿 就 行出 嚟 話 : 我 去 啦 。 Liu Zhang|measure word|uncle|Wu Yi|then|walk out|here|said|I|go|particle indicating completed action Liu Zhang's uncle, Wu Yi, stepped forward and said: I'll go. 啊 , 阿舅 你 去 呀 最好 喇 , 誒 噉 又 邊個 嚟 做 副將 好 呢 ? ah|uncle|you|go|particle indicating suggestion|best|particle indicating completed action|eh|then|again|who|come|be|vice general|good|question particle Ah, uncle, you're going? That's the best. So, who else will be the deputy general? 吳懿 推薦 吳蘭 、 雷銅 兩個 人 做 副將 , 點起 咗 二萬 人馬 去 雒城 增援 嘞 。 Wu Yi|recommended|Wu Lan|Lei Tong|two|people|to be|deputy general|mobilized|past tense marker|twenty thousand|troops|to|Luo City|reinforce|past action marker Wu Yi recommended Wu Lan and Lei Tong as the deputy generals, and they gathered 20,000 troops to reinforce Luo Cheng. 劉 璝 、 張任 接 咗 佢 哋 入 城 , 將 情況 向 佢 哋 介紹 清楚 。 Liu|Gwai|Zhang Ren|picked up|past tense marker|they|plural marker|enter|city|will|situation|to|they|plural marker|introduce|clearly Liu Shan and Zhang Ren welcomed them into the city and clearly introduced the situation to them. 吳懿 就 話 : 目前 兵臨城下 , 難以 抵敵 , 你 哋 有何高見 啊 ? Wu Yi|then|said|currently|enemy at the gates|hard to|resist|you|plural marker||question particle Wu Yi said: "Currently, the enemy is at the gates, and it's hard to resist. What are your suggestions?" 泠 苞 就 話 嘞 : 呢 處 一帶 , 靠近 涪江 , 水流 好 急 嘅 。 clear|bud|then|said|past tense marker|this|place|area|near|Fu River|water flow|very|fast|possessive particle Ling Bao replied: "This area, near the Fu River, has very fast water flow." 而家 , 劉備 佔據 咗 個 營寨 , 係 喺 山腳 嚟 , 地勢 係 最低 。 now|Liu Bei|occupies|past tense marker|the|camp|is|at|foot of the mountain|coming|terrain|is|lowest Right now, Liu Bei occupies the camp, which is at the foot of the mountain, and the terrain is the lowest. 請 你 派 五千 兵 畀 我 , 帶住 鋤頭 鐵鏟 , 掘開 涪河 堤岸 , 實浸 死 晒 劉備 嘅 人馬 。 please|you|send|five thousand|soldiers|to|me|bring|hoe|shovel|dig open|Fu River|embankment|completely submerged|dead|all|Liu Bei|possessive particle|troops Please send me five thousand soldiers, equipped with shovels and spades, to dig open the embankment of the Fu River and drown Liu Bei's troops. 吳懿 採納 咗 泠 苞 個 建議 , 即刻 叫 佢 帶兵 去 掘 堤 放水 , 吳蘭 、 雷銅 呢 就 帶兵 接應 。 Wu Yi|accepted|past tense marker|Ling|Bao|measure word|suggestion|immediately|ordered|he|lead troops|to|dig|dam|release water|Wu Lan|Lei Tong|plural marker|then|lead troops|support Wu Yi accepted Ling Bao's suggestion and immediately ordered him to lead the troops to dig the embankment and release the water, while Wu Lan and Lei Tong would lead the troops to support. 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 就 命令 黃忠 、 魏延各 人守 一個 營寨 。 now|let's talk about|Liu Bei|he|then|ordered|Huang Zhong|||one|camp Now, let's talk about Liu Bei. He ordered Huang Zhong and Wei Yan to each guard a camp. 自己 就 返去 涪城 , 同 軍師 龐統 就 商量 下 一步 嘅 打法 。 I|then|return|Fucheng|with|military strategist|Pang Tong|then|discuss|next|step|possessive particle|strategy He himself returned to Fucheng to discuss the next strategy with his military advisor Pang Tong. 有個 探子 嚟 報告 話 : 孫權派 人 嚟 拉攏 張魯 , 就 快要 嚟 攻打 葭 萌關 喇 。 there is a|scout|came|report|said||people|to come|win over|Zhang Lu|then|soon|to come|attack|Ji|Mengguan|particle indicating action completion A scout came to report that Sun Quan had sent people to persuade Zhang Lu and was about to attack Jiameng Pass. 劉備 聽 咗 就 吃 一驚 喇 , 佢 話 : Liu Bei|heard|past tense marker|then|eat|startled|sentence-final particle|he|said Liu Bei was shocked when he heard this, and he said: 哎呀 , 如果 葭 萌關 失守 , 我 哋 嘅 後路 就斷 喇 , 到 其時 我軍 進退 為 難 噉 點算 啊 ? oh no|if|||falls|I|we|possessive particle|escape route||past action particle|when|at that time|our army|advance and retreat|be|difficult|like this|what to do|question particle "Oh no, if Jiameng Pass falls, our retreat will be cut off. What will we do when our army is in a difficult position?" 龐統 對 孟達話 喇 : 你 係 西 蜀 人 , 了解 當地 嘅 情況 , 你 去 守葭萌關 呢 好 唔 好 啊 ? Pang Tong|to||particle indicating a suggestion|you|are|||person|understand|local|possessive particle|situation|you|go||particle indicating a question|good|not|good|particle indicating a question Pang Tong said to Meng Da: You are from Western Shu, you understand the local situation, is it good for you to guard the Jiameng Pass? 孟達 就 話 : 我 想 推薦 一個 人同 我 一齊 去 守關 , 擔保 萬無一失 。 Mang Dak|then|said|I|want|to recommend|one||I|together|to go|to guard the pass|guarantee|absolutely safe Meng Da replied: I want to recommend someone to go with me to guard the pass, I guarantee it will be foolproof. 劉備 問 嘞 : 邊個 啊 ? Liu Bei|asked|particle indicating past action|who|particle for emphasis Liu Bei asked: Who is it? 此人 曾經 喺 荊州 劉表 部下 做過 中郎將 , 佢 姓 霍 名 峻 , 字仲邈 。 this person|once|at|Jingzhou|Liu Biao|subordinate|served as|Zhonglangjiang|he|surname|Huo|given name|Jun| This person once served as a Zhonglangjiang under Liu Biao in Jingzhou, his surname is Huo, and his name is Jun, courtesy name Zhongmiao. 好 啊 ! 劉備 同意 嘞 , 即時 派 咗 孟達 、 霍峻 去 守衛 葭 萌關 。 Alright! Liu Bei agreed and immediately sent Meng Da and Huo Jun to guard the Jiameng Pass. 噉 開 完 軍事 會議 , 龐統 返去 住宿 嘅 地方 。 then|hold|finished|military|meeting|Pang Tong|return to|accommodation|possessive particle|place After the military meeting, Pang Tong returned to his accommodation. 守門 嘅 人 嚟 報告 話 有 客人 嚟 拜訪 佢 噉 。 door guard|possessive particle|person|come|report|say|have|guest|come|visit|he|like that The person at the door came to report that a guest had come to visit him. 龐統 就 出到 嚟 門口 迎接 嘞 。 Pang Tong|then|came out|here|door|to greet|past tense marker Pang Tong then went out to the door to greet him. 見到 呢 個人 , 生 得 身長 八尺 , 容貌 就 好夠 威 嘅 , 但 係 呢 , 頭髮 就 剪短 晒 , 披散 喺 條 頸 處 , 衣服 亦 不 甚 齊整 。 saw|this|person|grow|to be|height|eight feet|appearance|then|quite|intimidating|particle|||this|hair|then|cut short|completely|hanging down|at|measure word for long objects|neck|area|clothes|also|not|very|tidy Upon seeing this person, he was eight feet tall, and his appearance was quite imposing, but his hair was cut short and scattered around his neck, and his clothes were not very tidy. 龐統問 嘞 : 先生 係 邊位 啊 ? |particle indicating a question|sir|is|who|particle indicating a question Pang Tong asked: Who are you, sir? 哈哈 , 嗰 個人 唔 回答 喎 , 啞 嘅 噉 直筆 行入 大堂 , 哈入 到 去 , 就 噉 仰面朝天 就 瞓 喺 鋪 床 處 。 haha|that|person|not|answer|particle|mute|particle|like that|straight in||lobby|haha in|arrive|go|then|like that|face up to the sky|just|sleep|at|bed|bed|place Haha, that person didn't respond, just walked straight into the lobby, and then lay down on the bed with their face up. 乜 噉 嘅 人 都 有 嘅 ? 龐統 好 奇怪 , 噉 啊 再三 請問 佢 係 邊個 。 what|like that|possessive particle|person|all|have|possessive particle|Pang Tong|very|strange|like that|ah|repeatedly|may I ask|he|is|who What kind of person is this? Pang Tong is very curious, so he repeatedly asks who this person is. 嗰 個人 話 : 等 陣先 啦 , 我同 你 講下 天下大事 啦 。 that|person|said|||particle||you|talk about|world affairs|particle That person said: Wait a moment, let me talk to you about the affairs of the world. 龐統 聽 咗 就 更加 奇怪 , 吩咐 啲 侍從 攞 酒菜 嚟 畀 呢 個人 食 。 Pang Tong|heard|past tense marker|then|even more|strange|instructed|plural marker|attendants|bring|food and drink|come|give|this|person|eat Pang Tong, upon hearing this, became even more curious and instructed his attendants to bring food and drinks for this person. 呢 個人 毫不客氣 , 坐 起身 就 大刷 特刷 , 嘿 此人 飯量 酒量 都 極大 啊 。 this|person|very rude|sit|stand up|then|big spender|extravagant spender|hey|this person|food consumption|alcohol tolerance|both|extremely large|ah This person was not polite at all, sat up and started eating and drinking a lot. Wow, this person has a huge appetite and drinking capacity! 吖 食 完 嘞 , 又 試 瞓 返 低 。 ah|||past tense particle|again|try|sleep|return|down Ah, I've finished eating, let's try to lie down again. 龐統 啊 真 係 睇 佢 唔 透 喇 呢 趟 , 喇喇聲 派 人 去 請 法正 嚟 睇 下識 唔 識 呢 個人 啦 。 Pang Tong|ah|really|is|see|he|not|understand|particle indicating completed action|this|trip|loudly|send|person|to|invite|Fa Zheng|come|see||not|recognize|this|person|particle indicating a suggestion or softening tone Pang Tong really can't see through him this time, so he hurriedly sent someone to invite Fa Zheng to see if he knows this person. 最 怕 佢 係 奸細 吖 嘛 。 most|afraid|he|is|spy|particle|particle I'm most afraid that he is a schemer. 法正 慌忙 趕到 嚟 , 龐統 就 同 佢 講話 有 個人 噉 樣 噉 樣 㗎 噉 。 Fa Zheng|hurriedly|arrived|here|Pang Tong|then|with|him|said|there is|a person|like this|appearance|like this|appearance|particle|like this Fa Zheng rushed over, and Pang Tong told him that there is someone who looks like this and that. 法 正話 : 哦 , 莫非 係 彭永言 ? law|to speak correctly|oh|could it be|is|Pang Wing Yan Fa Zheng said: Oh, could it be Peng Yongyan? 法正入 去 大堂 睇 下 , 嗰 個人 啪 聲企 起身 話 : 孝直 , 你 身體 好 吖 嘛 ? |go|lobby|look|down|that|person|suddenly||up|said|Hiu Jik|you|health|good|particle|question particle Fa Zheng entered the hall to take a look, and that person suddenly stood up and said: "Xiao Zhi, are you feeling well?" 啊 , 乜真 係 你 呀 ? ah|really|is|you|question particle Ah, is it really you? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 法正 同 嗰 個人 一 見面 啊 , 大家 都 拍手 笑 起 上 嚟 。 hahaha|||Faatjing|with|that|person|one|meet|ah|everyone|all|clap|laugh|up|on|come Hahaha, when Fa Zheng met that person, everyone started clapping and laughing. 龐統 就 問法 正 佢 係 邊個 啦 。 Pang Tong|then|questioning method|exactly|he|is|who|sentence-final particle Pang Tong then asked Fa Zheng who he was. 法 正話 : 此公 姓 彭名 羕, 字永言 , 係 西 蜀 嘅 豪傑 嚟 啊 。 law|to speak correctly|this gentleman|surname||Yang||is|western|Shu|possessive particle|hero|come|ah particle Fa Zheng said: "This gentleman's surname is Peng, name is Yongyan, and he is a hero from the West Shu." 過去 , 因為講 說話 直 過頭 , 觸犯 咗 劉璋 , 畀 劉璋 判 咗 佢 罪 , 剪 咗 頭髮 , 罰 佢 做 苦工 , 因此 而 家 佢 啲 頭髮 就 係 咁 短唧 。 in the past||talking|straight|over the line|offended|past tense marker|Liu Zhang|by||sentenced|past tense marker|he|crime|cut|past tense marker|hair|punished|he|to do|hard labor|therefore|and|now|his|plural marker|hair|just|is|so|short In the past, because he spoke too directly, he offended Liu Zhang, who sentenced him, cut his hair, and punished him to do hard labor. That's why his hair is so short now. 龐統 聽講 佢 係 有 來歷 嘅 唄 , 就 當 佢 係 貴賓 一樣 , 就 問 佢 有 咩 嘢 緊要 個事 。 Pang Tong|I heard|he|is|has|background|possessive particle|particle indicating suggestion|then|treat|he|is|VIP|the same|then|ask|he|has|what|thing|important| Pang Tong heard that he had a background, so he treated him like a VIP and asked him what important matters he had. 彭 羕 話 嘞 : 我 係 專門 嚟 救 你 哋 幾萬人 條命 㗎 , 不過 , 我要 見到 劉將軍 先至講 得 嘅 。 Pang|Yang|said|past tense marker|I|am|specifically|come|save|you|plural marker|tens of thousands of people|lives|sentence-final particle|but|I want|to see|General Liu|||sentence-final particle Peng Yang said: I am here specifically to save the lives of your tens of thousands of people, but I need to see General Liu before I can speak. 法正 見 佢 講 得 咁 嚴重 , 連忙 派 人 去 報告 劉備 。 Fa Zheng|saw|he|speak|so|so|seriously|hurriedly|sent|person|to|report|Liu Bei Fa Zheng saw that he was speaking so seriously and quickly sent someone to report to Liu Bei. 劉備 啊 親自 嚟 接見 佢 , 問 佢 究竟 有 咩 嘢 緊要 嘅 事 要 講 。 Liu Bei|ah|personally|come|meet|him|ask|him|exactly|has|what|thing|important|possessive particle|matter|needs|talk Liu Bei personally came to meet him and asked him what important matters he needed to discuss. 彭 羕 話 嘞 : 將軍 你 有 幾多 人馬 喺 前 寨 啊 ? Pang|Yeung|said|past tense marker|General|you|have|how many|troops|at|front|camp|question particle Peng Ya said: General, how many troops do you have at the front camp? 劉備 又 老老實實 噉 講啦 : 魏延 、 黃忠 嘅 軍隊 都 喺 前 寨 嚟 。 Liu Bei|again|honestly|like that|said|Wei Yan|Huang Zhong|possessive particle|army|all|at|front|camp|come Liu Bei honestly replied: Wei Yan and Huang Zhong's troops are at the front camp. 劉將軍 , 帶兵 打仗 , 點 能夠 唔 搞清楚 地理 情況 㗎 ? General Liu|leads troops|in battle|how|able to|not|understand|geographical|situation|question particle General Liu, when leading troops into battle, how can you not understand the geographical situation? 前寨 靠近 涪江 , 如果 敵人 掘開 河堤 放水 嚟 浸 , 前後 又 用兵 堵截 , 噉 就 一個 都 走 唔 甩 㗎 喇 。 front stockade|near|Fu River|if|enemy|dig open|river embankment|release water|come|flood|front and back|again|use troops|block|then|then|one|all|escape|not|slip away|particle|particle The front camp is near the Fu River. If the enemy digs open the riverbank to flood us, and then uses troops to block us from both front and back, then no one will be able to escape. 啊 ! 係 啊 係 啊 , 好 危險 啊 ! 劉備 醒悟 嘞 。 ah|yes||||very|dangerous||Liu Bei|realized| Ah! Yes, yes, it's very dangerous! Liu Bei realized. 彭 羕 又 話 : 我 睇 過 天文 , 罡 星 喺 西方 , 太白 臨 於此 地 一定 有 不 吉 嘅 事 發生 , 將軍 認真 要 謹慎 至 好 。 Pang|Yung|again|said|I|||astrology|the star of war|star|at|the west|Venus|arrives|at this|place|definitely|have|||possessive particle|event|happen|general|seriously|must|be cautious|| Peng Yang also said: I have studied astronomy, the polar star is in the west, and the Venus is here, which definitely indicates that something ominous will happen. The general must be very cautious. 劉備 好 感激 彭 羕 及時 嘅 提醒 , 就 聘請 佢 做 幕賓 , 即 係 參謀 人員 啦 。 Liu Bei|very|grateful|Peng|Yang|timely|possessive particle|reminder|then|hired|him|to be|advisor|that is|is|strategist|personnel|sentence-final particle Liu Bei was very grateful for Peng Yang's timely reminder, so he appointed him as a strategist, that is, a staff officer. 同時 誒 , 即刻 派 人 去 通知 魏延 、 黃忠 , 叫 佢 哋 日日夜夜 啊 都 要 認真 巡邏 , 提防 敵人 決堤 放水 。 at the same time|hey|immediately|send|person|to|inform|Wei Yan|Huang Zhong|tell|they|plural marker|day and night|ah|all|must|seriously|patrol|guard against|enemy|breach the dam|release water At the same time, he immediately sent someone to notify Wei Yan and Huang Zhong, telling them to patrol seriously day and night, to guard against the enemy breaching the dam and releasing water. 噉 黃忠 、 魏延 呢 就 商量 定 嘞 , 兩個 人 就 各輪 一日 , 一 遇到 有 敵軍 嚟 呢 , 就 互相 支援 。 then|Huang Zhong|Wei Yan|particle indicating a question|then|discuss|decide|completed action particle|two|people|then||one day|one|encounter|have|enemy troops|come|particle indicating a question|then|each other|support So Huang Zhong and Wei Yan discussed and decided that the two of them would take turns each day, and if they encountered enemy troops, they would support each other. 有 一晚 , 泠 苞 見到 當晚 橫風 橫雨 , 好時機 喎 嚱, 就 帶 住 五千 人馬 沿住 江邊 行 , 安排 決堤 放水 。 there is|one night|the name of a person|the name of a person|saw|that night|strong wind|heavy rain||particle indicating realization||then|lead|with|five thousand|troops|along|riverside|walk|arrange|breach the dam|release water One night, Ling Bao saw that it was a stormy night, a good opportunity, so he led five thousand troops along the riverbank to arrange for the dam to be breached and release water. 佢 都 未 嚟 得 切 逳 手 啊 , 就 聽見 後 便 響起 喊 殺聲 。 he|also|not yet|arrive|able|cut|escape|hand|particle|then|heard|later|immediately|sounded|shout|kill shout He hasn't even arrived yet, and already the cries of 'kill' can be heard from behind. 泠 苞 知道 漢軍有 準備 , 急急 回 軍 。 Ling|Bao|knows||preparations|urgently|return|troops Ling Bao knew that the Han army was prepared, so he hurriedly retreated. 魏延 就 率領 住 一支 軍隊 , 追住 嚟 打 。 Wei Yan|then|led|with|a|army|pursued|coming|fight Wei Yan led a troop to pursue and attack. 川兵 自相 踐踏 , 死傷 唔 少 。 river soldiers|each other|trample|casualties|not|few The soldiers from Shu trampled over each other, resulting in many casualties. 泠 苞 跑 咗 冇 幾遠 , 就 撞 正 魏延 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 就 畀 魏延 活捉 咗 去 嘞 。 Ling|Bao|run|past tense marker|not|very far|then|||Wei Yan|fight|past tense marker|a few|rounds|then|be|Wei Yan|captured alive|past tense marker|go|final particle Ling Bao ran not far before he collided with Wei Yan, and after a few exchanges, he was captured by Wei Yan. 及至 吳蘭 、 雷銅 趕 嚟 接應 嘅 時候 呢 , 又 畀 黃忠 嗰 支 軍隊 殺退 咗 。 until|Wu Lan|Lei Tong|hurry|come|support|possessive particle|time|particle indicating a question|again|by|Huang Zhong|that|measure word for troops|army|repelled|past tense marker When Wu Lan and Lei Tong arrived to provide support, they were driven back by Huang Zhong's army. 第朝 早 , 魏延押 住 泠 苞 去 涪 水關 見 劉備 , 劉備 就 鬧 佢 啦 : the next morning|early|||||to|||see|Liu Bei||then|scolded|him|particle indicating completed action The next morning, Wei Yan took Ling Bao to Fushui Pass to see Liu Bei, and Liu Bei scolded him: 嘿 , 上次 我以 仁義 待 你 放 咗 你 返去 , 你 竟然 反水 背叛 我 ? hey|last time||righteousness|treated|you|let|past tense marker|you|go back|you|unexpectedly|turn against|betray|me Hey, last time I treated you with kindness and let you go, and you actually betrayed me? 今次 就 唔 饒恕 你 喇 ! this time|then|not|forgive|you|sentence-final particle This time, I will not forgive you! 劉備 喝 刀斧手 , 拉泠苞 出去 殺 咗 , 重賞 魏延 。 Liu Bei|shouted|axe and swordman||outside|kill|past tense marker|heavy reward|Wei Yan Liu Bei ordered the executioners to take Ling Bao out and kill him, rewarding Wei Yan handsomely. 噉 又 大排 筵席 啊 嚟 到 款待 彭 羕。 like this|again|lavish|banquet|ah|||entertaining|Pang|Yang So, there is a grand banquet to welcome Pang Tong. 又過 咗 幾日 , 諸葛亮 喺 荊州 派 馬良 送 咗 封信 嚟 畀 劉備 。 a few more|past tense marker|days|Zhuge Liang|at|Jingzhou|sent|Ma Liang|delivered|past tense marker|letter|come|to|Liu Bei A few days later, Zhuge Liang sent Ma Liang to deliver a letter to Liu Bei from Jingzhou. 劉備 初時 仲以 為 荊州 有 咩 嘢 事添 。 Liu Bei|at first|||Jingzhou|had|what|thing|additional matters At first, Liu Bei thought there was something going on in Jingzhou. 馬良 話 : 荊州 平安 , 主公 唔 使 掛心 嘅 。 Ma Liang|said|Jingzhou|safe|lord|not|need|worry|particle Ma Liang said: Jingzhou is safe, there is no need for the lord to worry. 劉備 打開 封信 睇 下 , 大意 就 係 話 : Liu Bei|opened|sealed letter|read|next|main idea|just|is|saying Liu Bei opened the letter to read, and the gist was saying: 我算過 太乙神 數 , 今年 係 癸巳 年 , 罡 星 在 西方 。 |Taiyi God|numerology|this year|is|Gui Si|year|||in|the west I have calculated the Taiyi divination, this year is the Year of Gui Si, and the star of the general is in the west. 又 觀察 過 天文 , 目前 太白 臨 於 雒 城之分 , 主 將帥 身上 凶多吉少 , 千祈要 謹慎 啊 。 again|observe|past|astronomy|currently|Venus|approaching|at|Luoyang||master|generals and commanders|on him|more bad than good||cautious|ah I have also observed the astronomy, currently the Venus is at the division of Luo City, indicating that the general will face more misfortune than fortune, so be very cautious. 劉備 睇 完信 , 就 打發 馬良 返去 荊州 先 , 佢 考慮 咗 下 就 同 龐統 話 : Liu Bei|read|the letter|then|sent|Ma Liang|back to|Jingzhou|first|he|considered|past tense marker|a bit|then|with|Pang Tong|said After Liu Bei finished reading the letter, he sent Ma Liang back to Jingzhou first, and after considering it, he said to Pang Tong: 我要 返去 荊州 , 同 孔明 商量 下 呢 件 事 。 I want|to return|Jingzhou|with|Kongming|to discuss|about|this|measure word for events|matter I need to return to Jingzhou to discuss this matter with Kongming. 龐統 就 諗 嘞 : 哼哼 , 孔明 實 係 怕 我 攞 咗 西川 , 一個 人 建立 咗 大功 , 所以 故意 寫封 噉 嘅 信 嚟 阻 頭 阻 勢 唧 。 Pang Tong|then|thought|past tense marker|hmm|Kongming|really|is|afraid|I|take|past tense marker|Xichuan|one|person|established|past tense marker|great achievement|so|intentionally|wrote a|like this|possessive particle|letter|to|hinder|head|hinder|momentum|push Pang Tong thought: Hmph, Kongming is really afraid that I will take over Xichuan and establish great achievements on my own, so he deliberately wrote such a letter to hinder my progress. 於是 佢 就 同 劉備 話 嘞 : 主公 , 我亦算過 太乙神 數 , 早就 知道 罡 星 在 西 , 噉 即 係 預兆 主公 你 , 實 奪取 到 西川 , 並唔 係 預兆 咩 嘢 不吉 。 then|he|then|with|Liu Bei|said|past tense marker|lord||||long ago|knew|||in|the west|then||is|omen||||||||||what|thing|unlucky So he said to Liu Bei: "My lord, I have also calculated the Taiyi divine numbers and have long known that the polar star is in the west, which means it is a sign for you, my lord, that you will indeed seize the West River, and it is not a sign of anything inauspicious." 我 又 睇 過 天文 , 見到 太白 臨 於 雒城 。 I|again|||astronomy|saw|Venus|appear|in|Luocheng I have also looked at the astronomy and saw that Venus is approaching Luocheng. 嗱, 噉 我 哋 斬 咗 蜀 將泠苞 , 就 已經 應 咗 呢 個 凶兆 嘞 。 well|then|we|plural marker|killed|past tense marker|Shu||then|already|responded|past tense marker|this|measure word|bad omen|sentence-final particle Look, we have already killed the Shu general Ling Bao, which has already fulfilled this ominous sign. 主公 你 唔 使 疑心 嘅 , 快 啲 進兵 啦 。 Your lord|you|||suspicion|particle|||advance troops|particle My lord, you need not have any doubts, hurry and advance the troops. 劉備 見 龐統 再三再四 噉 催促 佢 進兵 , 噉 就 好 啦 , 帶兵 繼續前進 。 Liu Bei|saw|Pang Tong|repeatedly|then|urged|him|advance|then|just|good|particle|leading troops| Seeing that Pang Tong urged him repeatedly to advance the troops, Liu Bei agreed and continued to lead the army forward. 龐統 問法 正話 嘞 : 喺 呢 度 去 雒 城 , 有 幾 多條 路 啊 ? Pang Tong|asking method|correct way|particle|at|this|place|go|||have|||roads|particle Pang Tong asked Fa Zheng: How many roads are there from here to Luo City? 法正 就 喺 地下 畫 咗 個 地形圖 , 劉備 呢 亦 攞 出 張 松 送 畀 佢 嘅 西川 地理圖 嚟 對照 下 , 一 啲 都 冇 錯 。 Fa Zheng|then|at|underground|draw|past tense marker|classifier|topographic map|Liu Bei|this|also|take|out|classifier|Song|send|to|him|possessive particle|Western Shu|map|come|compare|down|one|a little|all|not|wrong Fa Zheng drew a topographic map on the ground, and Liu Bei also took out the geographical map of Xichuan that Zhang Song had sent him for comparison, and there were no mistakes at all. 法 正話 嘞 : 山北 有條 大路 , 直到 雒 城 嘅 東門 , 山南 有條 小路 , 直到 雒 城 嘅 西門 , 由 兩條路 進兵 都 可以 嘅 。 law|correctly speaking|past tense marker|north of the mountain||main road|until|Luo|city|possessive particle|east gate|south of the mountain||small road||||possessive particle||||||| Fa Zheng said: There is a main road to the north of the mountain that leads to the east gate of Luo City, and there is a small road to the south of the mountain that leads to the west gate of Luo City. Both roads can be used to advance troops. 龐統 對 劉備 話 喇 : 我 叫 魏延 做 先鋒 , 由 山南 小路 進兵 ; 主公 你 啊 叫 黃忠 做 先鋒 , 由 山北 大路 進兵 。 Pang Tong|to|Liu Bei|said|particle indicating past action|I|will have|Wei Yan|be|vanguard|from|south of the mountain|small road|advance troops|your majesty|you|particle|will have|Huang Zhong|be|vanguard|from|north of the mountain|main road|advance troops Pang Tong said to Liu Bei: I will have Wei Yan as the vanguard, advancing through the small road to the south of the mountain; you, my lord, should have Huang Zhong as the vanguard, advancing through the main road to the north of the mountain. 我 哋 兩路 人馬 , 去 到 雒城 會合 啦 。 I|we|two groups|troops|||Luocheng|meet|sentence-final particle Our two forces will meet at Luo City. 劉備 就 話 喇 : 我 自細 就 行軍 打仗 小路 行得 多 , 軍師 你 由 大路 去 打 東門 , 等 我 去 打 西門 罷啦 。 Liu Bei|then|said|particle indicating completed action|I|since childhood|then|marching|fighting|small road|can walk|many|military advisor|you|from|main road|go|attack|east gate|wait|I|go|attack|west gate|just do it Liu Bei said: I have been marching and fighting on small paths since I was young, strategist, you take the main road to attack the east gate, and I will go to attack the west gate. 噉 唔 好 , 大路 必定 有川兵 攔截 嘅 , 主公 你 帶兵 去 打 佢 哋 , 我仲 係 由 小路 去 喇 。 like this|||main road|definitely||intercept|particle indicating possession|lord|you|lead troops|to|fight|they|plural marker||am|from|small road|to|particle indicating completion That's not good, the main road will definitely have troops intercepting, my lord, you lead the troops to fight them, I will still take the small path. 軍師 不如 唔 好 去 喇 , 我 尋晚 發 咗 個 夢 , 見到 有個 神仙 揸 住條 鐵棍 嚟 打 我 隻 右手 , 瞓 醒 嘅 時候 呀 隻 手 都 仲痛 啊 , 呢 次 行軍 , 莫非 有 唔 妥 , 吓 ? military advisor|might as well|||go|particle indicating completed action|I|last night|had|past tense marker|measure word|dream|saw|a|deity|holding||iron rod|coming|hit|me|measure word|right hand|||possessive particle|time|particle indicating exclamation|measure word|hand|also||particle indicating exclamation|this|time|march|could it be|have|||huh Strategist, why not just not go? I had a dream last night, I saw a deity wielding an iron rod hitting my right hand, and when I woke up, my hand still hurt. This time marching, could it be that something is wrong? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 壯士 臨陣 不死 即傷 , 呢 個 係 好 自然 嘅 。 hahaha||warrior|in battle|not die|immediately injured|||is|very|natural|particle Hahaha, a brave man does not die or get injured in battle, this is very natural. 唔 使 因為 發 咗 個 夢 就 咁 多 顧忌 嘅 主公 。 not|need|because|had|past tense marker|classifier|dream|just|so|many|worries|possessive particle|lord You don't need to be so worried just because you had a dream, my lord. 唉 , 我 所 顧忌 嘅 , 就 係 孔明 嗰 封信 講 嗰 啲 嘢 啊 。 sigh|I|||possessive particle|just|is|Kongming|that|letter|said|those|plural particle|things|sentence-final particle Sigh, what I'm worried about is what that letter from Kongming said. 不如 噉 啦 , 軍師 留 喺 度 鎮守 涪 水關 罷啦 , 好 唔 好 啊 ? how about|like this|particle indicating suggestion|military advisor|stay|at|this place|defend|Fu|Shui Pass|let's just||||particle indicating question How about this, let the strategist stay here to guard the Fushui Pass, okay? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 啊 主公 啊 , 你 畀 孔明 呃 咗 喇 。 hahaha|||ah|lord||you|let|Kongming|trick|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Hahaha, oh lord, you’ve been tricked by Kongming. 佢 唔 想 畀 我 一個 人立 呢 個 大功 , 所以 先至講 啲 噉 嘅 說話 , 使到 主公 你 驚 呢 樣 驚 嗰 樣 咋 嘛 。 he|not|wants|to give|me|one|person to stand up|this|measure word for things|great achievement|so||some|like that|possessive particle|words|causing|lord|you|to be scared|this|appearance|to be scared|that|appearance|only|particle indicating obviousness He doesn’t want me to take all the credit for this great achievement, so he said those things to make you worried about this and that. 日有所思 夜有所夢 , 冇 乜嘢 好 怕 嘅 。 ||not have|anything|very|afraid|particle indicating possession What you think about during the day, you dream about at night; there’s nothing to be afraid of. 要 我 肝腦塗地 , 噉 先至 稱心 啊 。 want|I|to give my all|then|only then|satisfying|ah I have to go all out to be satisfied. 主公 唔 使講 咁 多 喇 , 聽朝 決定 出發 啦 。 lord|not||so|much|particle indicating completed action|tomorrow|decide|depart|particle indicating suggestion My lord, no need to say so much, let's decide to set off tomorrow. 於是 當日 就 發佈命令 , 聽朝 五更 煮飯 , 拂曉 上馬 起 行 。 so|that day|then||tomorrow|at dawn|cook|at daybreak|mount (the horse)|| So that day, an order was issued to prepare breakfast at dawn and set off at first light. 第朝 早 , 黃忠 、 魏延 就 各自 帶兵 先行 出發 。 the next morning|early|Huang Zhong|Wei Yan|then|each|lead their troops|ahead|depart The next morning, Huang Zhong and Wei Yan each led their troops to set off first. 劉備 呢 就 再 同 龐統 見 一 見面 添 。 Liu Bei|particle indicating a question|then|again|with|Pang Tong|see|one|meeting|also Liu Bei then met with Pang Tong once more. 忽然間 , 龐統 坐 緊 嗰 隻 馬 怕生 保打個 後 抽 , 將龐統 拋 咗 落地 。 suddenly|Pang Tong|was sitting|in the process of|that|measure word for animals|horse|skittish||rear|kick||throw|past tense marker|to the ground Suddenly, Pang Tong was thrown off the horse he was riding when it got scared and kicked back. 劉備 立即 跳 落馬 , 親自 上前 拉住 龐 統 嗰 匹 馬 。 Liu Bei|immediately|jumped|off the horse|personally|stepped forward|grabbed|Pang|Tong|that|measure word for horses|horse Liu Bei immediately jumped off his horse and went forward to hold onto Pang Tong's horse. 劉備 話 喇 : 軍師 點解 要 騎 呢 匹 噉 嘅 劣馬 㗎 ? Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completed action|strategist|why|must|ride|this|measure word for horses|so|particle indicating possession or description|inferior horse|particle indicating a question Liu Bei said: "Why did the strategist choose to ride such a poor horse?" 龐統 話 : 唉 , 呢 匹 馬 我 騎 咗 好 耐 嘅 嘞 喎 , 都 未試過 噉 樣 嘅 。 Pang Tong|said|sigh|this|measure word for horses|horse|I|ride|past tense marker|very|long|past action particle|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle|also||like this|appearance|particle indicating possession Pang Tong replied: "Sigh, I've been riding this horse for a long time, and it has never acted like this before." 臨陣 驚青誤 人 性命 啊 。 at the critical moment|panic and make mistakes|person|life|ah In the heat of battle, fear can endanger lives. 我 所 騎 嘅 呢 匹 白馬 脾性 係 極之 好 嘅 , 軍師 你 騎 佢 啦 , 擔保 你 萬無一失 , 呢 匹 劣馬 等 我 騎 啦 。 I|(particle indicating possession)|ride|(possessive particle)|this|(measure word for horses)|white horse|temperament|is|extremely|good|(particle indicating possession)|military advisor|you|ride|it|(particle indicating suggestion)|guarantee|you|absolutely safe|this|(measure word for horses)|inferior horse|wait|I|ride|(particle indicating suggestion) The white horse I ride has an extremely good temperament. General, you ride it, and I guarantee you will be safe without a doubt. Let me ride this inferior horse. 劉備 就 同 龐統 對調 所 起 嘅 馬 嘞 噃。 Liu Bei|then|with|Pang Tong|exchanged|the|raised|possessive particle|horse|past action particle| Liu Bei then swapped horses with Pang Tong. 龐統 話 喇 : 主公 對 我 嘅 深恩 厚德 , 我 真 係 死 一萬次 都 報答 唔 完 啊 ! Pang Tong|said|particle indicating completion|lord|towards|me|possessive particle|deep kindness|great virtue|I|really|am|die|ten thousand times|all|repay|not|complete|particle indicating exclamation Pang Tong said: "My lord's deep grace and kindness, I truly cannot repay even if I die a thousand times!" 於是 各人 上馬 就 分路 出發 嘞 。 then|everyone|got on their horses|then|took different paths|set off|past tense marker So everyone mounted their horses and set off on different paths. 劉備 睇 住 龐統 走 咗 個 心 啊 覺得 非常 之 唔 舒服 , 所以 一路行 都 悶悶不樂 。 Liu Bei|saw|continuously|Pang Tong|run|past tense marker|measure word|heart|ah|felt|very|possessive particle|not|comfortable|so||all|unhappy Liu Bei watched Pang Tong leave and felt very uncomfortable, so he was sullen all the way. 呢 啲 就 唔 講 佢 。 ||just|not|talk|him Let's not talk about that. 而家 講下 吳懿 、 劉 璝 佢 哋 喺 雒 城 , 聽到 泠 苞 戰死 就 同 大家 商量 。 now|talk about|Wu Yi|Liu|Gui|they|plural marker|at|Luo|city|heard|Ling|Bao|died in battle|then|with|everyone|discuss Now let's talk about Wu Yi and Liu Wei, they are in Luo City, and upon hearing that Ling Bao was killed in battle, they discussed it with everyone. 張任 話 : 城外 東南 便 山上 嗰 條 小路 係 非常 緊要 , 我帶 一支 軍隊 去 守住 嗰 條 路 , 各位 就 緊守 雒城 啦 。 Zhang Ren|said|outside the city|southeast|then|on the mountain|that|measure word for road|small road|is|very|important||a|army|to|guard|that|measure word for road|road|everyone|then|firmly defend|Luocheng|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Zhang Ren said: The small path on the southeast side of the city outside is very important, I will take a troop to guard that path, and everyone else should defend Luo City. 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 探子 嚟 報告 話漢兵 分兩路 嚟 攻城 嘞 噉 。 right|at|this|measure word|time|scout|came|report|||came|attack the city|past action particle|like that Just at that moment, a scout came to report that the Han army was attacking the city from two directions. 張任 急急 點起 三千 人馬 , 先去 到 小路 嗰 處 埋伏 。 Zhang Ren|urgently|assemble|three thousand|troops||to|small road|that|place|ambush Zhang Ren quickly gathered three thousand troops and went to ambush at the small path. 好 喇 , 魏延 帶兵 行過 嘞 喎 。 good|particle indicating completed action|Wei Yan|lead troops|passed|particle indicating completed action|particle indicating confirmation Alright, Wei Yan has led the troops past. 張任 叫 大家 唔 好 打 , 放 晒 佢 哋 過去 先 。 Cheung Yan|told|everyone|||hit|let go|completely|them|plural marker|past|first Zhang Ren told everyone not to fight, let them pass first. 過 咗 一陣 , 龐 統率 領住 軍隊 嚟 。 passed|past tense marker|a while|Pang|commander|leading|army|coming After a while, Pang Tong led the army here. 張任 啲 兵卒 遠遠 指住 咁 話 喇 : 呢 呢 呢 , 騎 白馬 嗰 個 實 係 劉備 嚟 㗎 ! Zhang Ren|possessive particle|soldier|from afar|pointing|like that|said|particle indicating completed action|this|||riding|white horse|that|classifier|really|is|Liu Bei|come|particle indicating certainty Zhang Ren's soldiers pointed from a distance and said: This, this, this, the one riding the white horse is Liu Bei! 嗯 ? 呢 次 擒賊擒王 喇 。 hmm|this|time|catch the thief and the king|particle indicating completed action Hmm? This time we capture the bandit and the king. 張任 高興 喇 , 佢 傳令 落 去 , 如此 如此 噉 。 Zhang Ren|happy|particle indicating completed action|he|issue an order|down|to|like this|like this|particle indicating manner Zhang Ren is happy, he issued orders, like this, like that. 龐 統 佢 一路 前進 , 行 下行 下 , 佢 發現 呢 處 嘅 地形 唔 妥 喎 , 點呢 ? Pang|Tong|he|all the way|advancing|walking|down|down|he|discovered|this|place|possessive particle|terrain|not|suitable|particle indicating suggestion|what to do Pang Tong advanced, moving forward, he discovered that the terrain here is not suitable, what to do? 啲 路 又 窄 , 兩便 都 係 高山 , 樹木 又 多 喎 。 plural marker|road|again|narrow|both sides|all|are|high mountains|trees|again|many|sentence-final particle The roads are narrow, both sides are high mountains, and there are many trees. 當時 正 係 夏末秋 初 , 枝葉 啊 非常 之 茂盛 。 at that time|exactly|was|||branches and leaves|ah|very|possessive particle|lush At that time, it was late summer and early autumn, the branches and leaves were very lush. 龐統 個 心 都 有 啲 驚 嘞 , 佢 勒住 馬問 : 呢 處 係 咩 嘢 地方 啊 吓 ? Pang Tong|possessive particle|heart|also|has|a little|fear|past tense particle|he|holding||this|place|is|what|thing|place|exclamatory particle|surprised particle Pang Tong was a bit scared, he reined in his horse and asked: What kind of place is this? 喺 軍隊 裏 便 有 個 新 新 投降 過 嚟 嘅 兵 , 佢 就 指 住 話 喇 : 呢 度個 地名 叫做 落鳳坡 啊 。 in|army|inside|then|there is|a|new|new|surrender|past|come|possessive particle|soldier|he|then|pointing|at|said|final particle|this||place name|called|Lok Fung Po|ah In the army, there was a new soldier who had just surrendered, and he pointed and said: This place is called Falling Phoenix Slope. 吓 ! 落鳳坡 , 落鳳坡 ? huh|Lok Fung Po|Lok Fung Po Huh! Falling Phoenix Slope, Falling Phoenix Slope? 我 嘅 道 號 係 鳳 雛 , 呢 度 叫做 落鳳坡 , 唔 得 ! 於 我 不利 ! I|possessive particle|||is|||this|place|is called|Falling Phoenix Slope|not|allowed|to|me|disadvantage My code name is Phoenix Chick, and this place is called Falling Phoenix Slope, no way! This is not good for me! 龐統 立即 命令 全軍 後退 , 點 知道 山坡 前 便 , 轟隆 噉 一聲 炮響 。 Pang Tong|immediately|ordered|entire army|retreat|how|knew|hillside|in front|then|with a rumble|like that|one sound|cannon fire Pang Tong immediately ordered the entire army to retreat, but suddenly, there was a loud cannon sound from the front of the slope. 跟 住 啲 箭 呀 密到 好似 一群 飛 住 嘅 蝗蟲 噉 啊 , 支支 都 對 住 騎 白馬 嘅 龐 統 射 過 嚟 。 ||plural marker|arrows|particle|densely|like|a swarm of|||possessive particle|locusts|like|particle|each|all|||riding|white horse|possessive particle|Pang|Tong|||coming Then the arrows came in thick like a swarm of flying locusts, all aimed at Pang Tong riding a white horse. 哎呀 , 可憐 阿龐統 啊 鳳雛 先生 , 竟然 噉 就 死 喺 亂箭 之下 喇 。 oh no|poor|Pang Tong|ah|Feng Chou|Mr|unexpectedly|like this|then|die|at|stray arrows|under|particle indicating completed action Oh dear, poor Pang Tong, Mr. Feng Chou, actually died under a rain of arrows. 當時 呀 , 佢 先 至 得 三十六歲 。 at that time|particle|he|||was|36 years old At that time, he was only thirty-six years old. 呢 , 世事 又 好奇 嘅 , 呢 處 一帶 早就 流傳 過 一首 民謠 嘞 : this|worldly affairs|again|curious|possessive particle|||area|long ago|circulated|past tense marker|a|folk song|past action particle You know, the world is quite curious; there has long been a folk song circulating in this area: 一鳳並 一龍 , 相將 到 蜀中 。 |one dragon|mutually bringing|to|Shu region One phoenix and one dragon, heading to Shu. 才 到 半路 里 , 鳳死 落坡東 。 just|arrived|halfway|in|| Just halfway there, the phoenix fell dead on the slope. 風送 雨 , 雨 隨風 , 隆 漢興 時 蜀道 通 , 蜀道 通時 只有 龍 。 |rain|rain||prosperous||when|Shu road|open|Shu road||only|dragon The wind carries the rain, and the rain follows the wind. During the time of the Eastern Han, the Shu road was open, and when the Shu road was open, there was only the dragon. 而家 繼續 講下 張 任 嘅 人馬 , 佢 射死 咗 龐統 。 now|continue|talk about|Zhang|Ren|possessive particle|cavalry|he|shot dead|past tense marker|Pang Tong Now let's continue talking about Zhang Ren's troops; he shot and killed Pang Tong. 漢 軍 啊 逼實 晒 喺 條 窄窄 嘅 山路 處 , 進 唔 得 退 唔 得 啊 死 咗 成 大半 。 Han|army|ah|cornered|completely|at|measure word for roads|narrow|possessive particle|mountain road|place|advance|not|possible|retreat|not|possible|ah|die|past tense marker|whole|majority The Han army was completely trapped on the narrow mountain path, unable to advance or retreat, resulting in the death of more than half. 前 便 有 啲 走 甩 嘅 呢 就 飛快 去 報告 魏延 啦 , 魏延 連忙 帶隊 返 轉頭 。 in front|then|has|a little|||possessive particle|question particle|just|quickly|go|report|Wei Yan|final particle||hurriedly|lead the team|return|turn around Some who managed to escape quickly went to report to Wei Yan, who hurriedly led his team back. 但 係 山路 咁 逼 窄 , 施展 唔 開 。 ||mountain road|so|||perform|| However, the mountain path was so narrow that they couldn't maneuver. 條 退路 又 畀 張任 截斷 咗 , 又 喺 啲 山坡 上 便 猛 咁 射箭 落 嚟 。 the|escape route|again|by|Zhang Ren|cut off|past tense marker|again|at|plural marker|hillside|on|then|fiercely|so|shooting arrows|down|coming The retreat was cut off by Zhang Ren, and arrows were shot down fiercely from the hills. 死 喇 呢 勻 , 魏延真 係 心慌 喇 。 die|particle indicating completed action|this|person||is|panicking|particle indicating completed action It's over, Wei Yan is really panicking. 有個 新 投降 過 嚟 嘅 西川 兵話 喇 : 將軍 啊 , 不如 殺去 雒城 , 混 大路 行罷 啦 。 there is|new|surrender|past|come|possessive particle|Xichuan||sentence-final particle|general|ah|might as well|kill and go to|Luocheng|mix|main road|walk|particle indicating suggestion A newly surrendered soldier from Xichuan said: General, why not kill our way to Luocheng and just go down the main road? 啊 係 噃! 大家 跟 我 嚟 ! ah|yes|particle|everyone|follow|me|come Ah, that's right! Everyone, follow me! 魏延 當先 開路 , 拼命 噉 殺 奔 雒 城 而 去 嘞 。 Wei Yan|leading the way|opening the road|with all his might|like that|kill|rushing|Luo|city|and|go|past tense particle Wei Yan took the lead, desperately fighting his way towards Luocheng. 跑跑 下 , 前 便 沙塵 滾滾 有 一支 軍隊 殺過 嚟 , 原來 係 守衛 雒 城 嘅 吳 蘭 、 雷銅 啊 。 run|down|ahead|then|dust|rolling|there is|a|army|killed|come|originally|is|guarding|||possessive particle|Wu|Lan||ah Running ahead, there was a cloud of dust as an army came charging in, it turned out to be the guards of Luo City, Wu Lan and Lei Tong. 而後 便 呢 , 張任 又 帶兵 追住 嚟 噃。 afterwards|then|question particle|Zhang Ren|again|led his troops|pursued|coming|particle indicating certainty After that, Zhang Ren led his troops to pursue them. 弊 喇 前後夾攻 , 將魏延 圍住 喺 戰場 中心 , 魏延死 打爛 打點 都衝 唔 出 重圍 。 disadvantage|particle indicating completed action|||surrounded|at|battlefield|center||defeated|points||not|out|encirclement Oh no, they were being attacked from both sides, surrounding Wei Yan in the center of the battlefield, and despite Wei Yan fighting fiercely, he couldn't break out of the encirclement. 咦 ? 突然 吳蘭 、 雷 銅 嘅 後軍 自己 亂起 上 嚟 噃。 eh|suddenly|Ng Wan|Lei|Tung|possessive particle|rear guard|by themselves|disorganized|up|come|particle indicating surprise or realization Huh? Suddenly, the rear troops of Wu Lan and Lei Tong started to panic. 噉 啊吳 、 雷 兩個 急急 回馬返 去 救 啦 , 魏延 趁勢 追住 過去 。 then|Ah Ng|Lei|the two|hurriedly|turn back|go|rescue|particle|Wei Yan|taking advantage of the situation|chasing|past So, Wu and Lei quickly turned back to rescue, and Wei Yan took the opportunity to chase after them. 見到 有 員大將 , 舞刀 拍馬 高聲 大叫 : 文長 唔 使 驚 , 我 嚟 救 你 ! saw|there is|the general|brandishing his sword|urging his horse|loudly|shouted|Wen Chang|||be afraid|I|come|save|you Seeing a general, wielding a sword and shouting loudly: "Wenchang, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you!" 哦 , 係 老將 黃忠 啊 , 噉 兩頭 夾攻 就 殺敗 吳蘭 、 雷銅 , 一直 衝到 雒 城下 便 。 oh|is|veteran general|Huang Zhong|ah|then|from both sides|encirclement attack|then|defeated|Wu Lan|Lei Tong|continuously|charged to|Luo|under the city|then Oh, it's the old general Huang Zhong! With a two-pronged attack, they defeated Wu Lan and Lei Tong, and charged straight to the foot of Luo City. 劉 璝 呢 就 帶兵 即刻 殺出 嚟 。 Liu|Gui|question particle|then|lead troops|immediately|charge out|here Liu Bei then led his troops to charge out immediately. 呢 個 時候 , 劉備 喺 後 便 就 帶兵 趕到 嚟 接應 。 this|measure word|time|Liu Bei|at|rear|then|immediately|led his troops|arrived|here|to support At this time, Liu Bei arrived from the back with his troops to provide support. 噉 黃忠 、 魏延 就 轉身 返 轉頭 啦 。 then|Huang Zhong|Wei Yan|then|turned around|returned|looked back|particle indicating completed action So Huang Zhong and Wei Yan turned around and headed back. 等到 劉備 嘅 人馬 返到 營寨 嘅 時候 啊 , 張 任 嘅 軍隊 又 喺 小路 衝殺 出 嚟 。 when|Liu Bei|possessive particle|troops|returned to|camp|possessive particle|time|ah|Zhang|Ren|possessive particle|army|again|at|narrow road|charged out|out|come When Liu Bei's troops returned to the camp, Zhang Ren's army charged out from the path. 同時 劉 璝 、 吳蘭 、 雷銅 , 又 追返 住 嚟 嘞 喎 。 at the same time|Liu|Gui|Wu Lan|Lei Tong|again|catch up|live|come|past tense marker|sentence-final particle At the same time, Liu Shan, Wu Lan, and Lei Tong were also pursuing them. 劉備 佢 哋 守 唔 住 嗰 兩個 寨 , 唯有 且 戰且 走 撤退 返去 涪水 關係 喇 。 Liu Bei|he|plural marker|defend|not|able to|those|two|forts|only|while|fight and|run|retreat|return|Fu River|relationship|final particle Liu Bei and his men could not hold those two camps, so they could only fight while retreating back to the Fushui Pass. 啲 蜀 兵 打贏 咗 啦 , 一路 咁 追 嘞 喎 。 plural marker|Shu|soldiers|won|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|all the way|so|chasing|past tense marker|sentence-final particle The Shu soldiers won and continued to chase after them. 劉備 佢 哋 已經 人困馬乏 , 仲 邊度 有心 廝殺 嘅 呢 , 只 係 一味 顧住 趯 啫 。 Liu Bei|they|plural marker|already|exhausted and outnumbered|still|where|have the intention|to fight|particle indicating possession|question particle|only|is|solely|focused on|retreat|only Liu Bei and his men were already exhausted, and they had no heart to fight; they were only focused on fleeing. 上下 返到 涪 水關 喇 , 之 張任 呢 隊 人馬 追得 好 緊 嘅 。 up and down|return to|Fu River|Shui Pass|particle indicating completion|possessive particle|Zhang Ren|this|team|personnel|chasing|very|closely|particle indicating possession Up and down, they returned to Fushuiguan, and Zhang Ren's team was chasing closely. 就 好彩 得到 劉封 、 關平 一個 喺 左 一個 喺 右 , 帶住 三萬 生力軍 殺出 嚟 就 殺退 咗 張任 。 then|fortunately|obtained|Liu Feng|Guan Ping|one|at|left|one|at|right|leading|thirty thousand|fresh troops|charged out|here|then|drove back|past tense marker|Zhang Ren Fortunately, Liu Feng and Guan Ping were on the left and right, leading thirty thousand fresh troops to break out and drive back Zhang Ren. 而且 呢 , 仲追返 轉頭 二十里 添 , 搶返 好多 戰馬 返 嚟 。 moreover|question particle||turn around|twenty miles|additionally|snatch back|a lot of|war horses|return|come Moreover, they even chased back twenty miles, recovering a lot of warhorses. 噉 劉備 嘅 人馬 返入 涪 水關 , 佢 坐定 嘞 , 就 問龐 統 嘅 消息 。 then|Liu Bei|possessive particle|troops|returned to|Fu|Shui Pass|he|sat down|past tense particle|then||Tong|possessive particle|news So, Liu Bei's troops returned to Fushuiguan, he settled down and asked about Pang Tong's news. 嗰 啲 喺 落 鳳 坡 執 返 條 命 仔 趯 返 嚟 嘅 軍士 就 報告 , 話 軍師 連人 帶馬 , 喺 落 鳳 坡 畀 亂箭 射死 咗 喇 噉 。 that|plural marker|at|falling|Phoenix|Slope|retrieve|back|measure word for long objects|life|child|kick|back|come|possessive particle|soldier|then|report|said|military strategist|||at|falling|Phoenix|Slope|by|stray arrows|shot dead|past tense marker|final particle|like this The soldiers who had returned from Luofengpo reported that the strategist, along with his men and horses, was shot dead by a rain of arrows at Luofengpo. 哎呀 劉備 一聽 呀 心痛 啊 , 對住 西便 放聲 痛哭 。 oh no|Liu Bei|upon hearing|ah|heartache|ah|facing|Xi Bian|loudly|wept Oh no, when Liu Bei heard this, his heart ached, and he cried out loud facing the west. 呢 次 呀 仲連 屍首 都 搶 唔 到 返 嚟 添 㗎 , 就 唯有 遙遙 祭奠 招魂 係 啦 , 唉 人人 都 喊 啊 。 this|time|particle||corpse|also|retrieve|not|arrive|return|come|additional|particle|then|only|far away|memorial service|soul-retrieval|is|particle|sigh|everyone|all|cry|particle This time, we couldn't even retrieve the corpses, so we can only hold a distant memorial and call their spirits back. Sigh, everyone is crying. 黃忠 話 喇 : 呢 次 損失 咗 龐統軍 師 , 張任 必定 嚟 攻打 涪 水關 嘅 。 Huang Zhong|said|particle indicating completed action|this|time|lost|past tense marker||division|Zhang Ren|definitely|come|attack|Fu|Shui Pass|possessive particle Huang Zhong said: This time we lost the army of Pang Tong, Zhang Ren will definitely come to attack the Fushui Pass. 噉 點好 呢 ? 不如 派 人 去 荊州 , 請 諸葛 軍師 嚟 商量 奪取 西川 嘅 辦法 好 噃。 like this|what to do|question particle|why not|send|people|to|Jingzhou|invite|Zhuge|strategist|come|discuss|capture|Xichuan|possessive particle|method|good| What should we do? How about sending someone to Jingzhou to invite Master Zhuge to discuss ways to seize Xichuan? 正 喺 度 商量 緊 , 張任 帶兵 直逼 城下 嚟 到 挑戰 嘞 。 right now|at|location|discussing|ongoing|Zhang Ren|leading troops|directly approaching|under the city|coming|arriving|challenge|past action particle Just as they were discussing, Zhang Ren led his troops to challenge right at the city gates. 黃忠 、 魏延 都 要 出戰 啊 , 劉備 話 : Huang Zhong|Wei Yan|both|need to|go to battle|ah|Liu Bei|said Huang Zhong and Wei Yan both want to go to battle, but Liu Bei said: 我 哋 嘅 銳氣 啱 啱 受到 挫折 , 唔 好 打 咯 , 應該 堅守 , 等 軍師 嚟 到 先 啦 。 ||possessive particle|enthusiasm|||received|setback|||give up|sentence-final particle|should|hold firm|wait|strategist|||first|sentence-final particle Our morale has just suffered a setback, we shouldn't fight, we should hold our ground and wait for the strategist to arrive. 黃忠 、 魏延 噉 就 聽從命令 , 一 於 堅守 城池 , 任 啲 川兵 點樣 嘍打 都 唔 出去 。 Huang Zhong|Wei Yan|then|just||all|at|firmly defend|city|no matter|plural marker|Shu soldiers|how|attack|all|not|go out So Huang Zhong and Wei Yan followed the orders and decided to defend the city, no matter how the soldiers from Shu attacked, they wouldn't go out. 噉 劉備 呢 寫 好 一封信 畀 孔明 , 叫 關平 帶 住 喺 身 , 突圍 出去 就 送 去 荊州 。 then|Liu Bei|this|write|good||to|Kongming|to call|Guan Ping|carry|with|at|body|break out|out|then|send|to|Jingzhou Then Liu Bei wrote a letter to Kong Ming, asking Guan Ping to take it with him and deliver it to Jingzhou after breaking out. 而家 就 講下 孔明 , 佢 啊 坐鎮 荊州 , 嗰 晚 係 七夕 佳節 啊 。 now|just|talk about|Kongming|he|particle|stationed|Jingzhou|that|night|is|Qixi|festival|particle Now let's talk about Kong Ming, he is stationed in Jingzhou, and that night is the Qixi Festival. 佢 又 同埋 所有 啲 官員 舉行宴會 , 一便 飲 一 便 傾談 奪取 西川 嘅 事 。 He|again|and|all|particle indicating plural|officials||at the same time|drink|||talk|seize|Xichuan|possessive particle|matter He also held a banquet with all the officials, drinking and discussing the matter of seizing Xichuan. 正 係 講得 高興 , 忽然 見到 喺 正 西方 , 有 一粒 星 , 好似 斗 咁 大 嘅 , 嘶 噉 喺 個 天 上面 跌落 嚟 喎 流光 四散 。 just|is|talking|happily|suddenly|saw|at|exactly|west|there is|a|star|like|Dipper|so|big|particle|then|like this|at|the|sky|above|falling|coming|particle|flowing light|scattering Just as they were talking happily, suddenly they saw a star in the west, as big as a dipper, falling from the sky with a scattering of light. 孔明 見到 啊 大吃一驚 , 連 酒杯 都 跌 咗 落地 , 揞 住 塊 面喊 起 上 嚟 話 : 啊 , 啊 , 啊 , 慘啊 , 慘啊 ! Kongming|saw|ah|was greatly shocked|even|wine cup|also|fell|past tense marker|to the ground|covering|in a way|piece||up|on|came|said||||how terrible|how terrible Kongming was shocked, and even dropped his wine cup on the ground, covering his face and crying out: "Ah, ah, ah, this is terrible, terrible!" 大家 都 慌 起 上 嚟 問 孔明 做 乜嘢 啦 。 everyone|all|||||asked|Kongming|do|what|sentence-final particle Everyone panicked and asked Kongming what was going on. 孔明 就 話 喇 : 前 嗰 排 , 我算過 今年 罡 星 喺 西方 , 不利於 軍師 嘅 。 Kongming|then|said|particle indicating completed action|previous|that|period||this year|bright star|star|at|west|unfavorable to|strategist|possessive particle Kongming then said: "Earlier, I calculated that this year's comet in the west is unfavorable for the military advisor." 天狗 星犯 於 我軍 , 太白星 臨 於 雒城 。 celestial dog|star invasion|at|our army|Venus|arriving|at|Luocheng The Dog Star is in conflict with our army, and the Venus Star is approaching Luocheng. 我 已經 寫信 講 畀 主公 聽 , 請 佢 提防 㗎 喇 。 I|already|wrote a letter|tell|to|Lord|hear|please|he|be cautious of||particle indicating change of state I have already written a letter to inform the lord, asking him to be cautious. 點 想到 , 今晚 西方 有星 跌落 嚟 , 龐士元 佢 , 佢 實 冇 命 咯 。 how|thought|tonight|west||falling|down|Pang Sih-yuan|he|he|really|has no|life|particle indicating finality Who would have thought that a star would fall from the west tonight? Pang Shiyuan, he really has no life left. 我 哋 主公 失 咗 一隻 臂膀 咯 ! ||lord|||one|arm|sentence-final particle Our lord has lost an arm! 大家 都 好 驚奇 , 但 係 都 唔 信 佢 講 。 everyone|all|very|surprised|||also|not|believe|he|said Everyone is very surprised, but they still don't believe what he said. 孔明 話 : 幾日 之內 , 必定會 有 消息 嚟 㗎 嘞 。 Kongming|said|a few days|within||have|news|come|particle|particle Kong Ming said: Within a few days, there will definitely be news coming. 發生 件 噉 嘅 事 就 好 掃興 㗎 , 所以 , 當晚 嘅 宴會 就 不歡而散 喇 。 happen|measure word for events|like this|possessive particle|thing|then|very|disappointing|sentence-final particle|so|that night|possessive particle|banquet|then|ended unhappily|sentence-final particle It’s really disappointing when something like this happens, so the banquet that night ended on a sour note.

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