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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 085

張飛 、 趙雲 , 就 捉 到 吳懿 高高興興 呀 收兵 返到 營寨 。 張飛 入到 中軍帳 見到 孔明 、 簡雍 、 蔣琬 都 已經 喺 齊 處 嘞 。 張飛 就 上前 嚟 參見 軍師 啦 , 哈 孔明 好 驚奇 噉 問喇 : 張將軍 , 你 點解 到 得 咁 快 啊 ? 劉備 就將 張飛 點樣 義 釋嚴顏 嘅 事 講 返 畀 孔明聽 , 孔明 好 高興 啊 ! 佢 恭喜 劉備 話 喇 : 張將軍 能夠 用 計謀 嚟 取勝 , 呢 啲 呀 都 係 主公 嘅 洪福 啊 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 恭喜 主公 啊 ! 過 咗 一陣 , 趙雲 押住 吳懿 嚟 見 劉備 嘞 。 劉備 問吳懿肯 唔 肯 投降 , 噉 啊 吳懿 梗 係 肯 啦 , 劉備 好 歡喜 , 親自 同 佢 鬆 咗 綁 。 孔明 就 問 佢 話 嘞 : 而家 , 城裏 便 有邊 啲 人 守城 呢 ? 吳懿話 : 守城 嘅 係 劉 璋 嘅 仔 劉 循 , 仲有 張任 、 劉 璝 兩個 將軍 , 嚟 到 協助 佢 。 劉 璝 呀 , 冇 乜 了不起 , 唔 緊要 , 唯獨 是 張任 此人 極有 膽量 , 不能 輕敵 啊 。 孔明 就 話 嘞 : 噉 就 先 捉 張任 , 後 取 雒城 。 吳將軍 , 城東 嗰 座 橋 叫做 咩 橋啊 ? 叫做 金雁橋 啊 。 孔明問 咗 一下 初步 個 情況 , 就 親自 騎馬 去 到 橋邊 , 順住 條河 觀察 咗 一遍 。 然後 佢 返 到 營寨 , 叫 黃忠 同魏延 嚟 , 命令 佢 哋 話 : 喺 金雁橋 南便 五六里 嘅 地方 , 兩岸 都 係 啲 蘆葦 啊 雜草 噉 樣 , 可以 埋伏 人馬 嘅 。 魏延帶 一千名 槍手 埋伏 喺 左 便 , 專 㓤 馬上 嘅 人 。 黃忠 就 帶 一千名 刀手 埋伏 喺 右 便 , 專斬 馬腳 。 噉 樣殺 散 咗 川軍 之後 , 張任 必定 走 山 嘅 東 便 小路 。 張翼德 帶 一千 兵 埋伏 喺 嗰 處 , 張任 嚟 就 捉 佢 啦 。 孔明 跟 住 又 叫 趙雲 埋伏 喺 金雁橋 嘅 北 便 。 孔明 話 : 等 我 引 咗 張任 過橋 , 你 就 將道橋 拆斷 佢 , 將軍 隊 擺 喺 橋 北 虛張聲勢 , 令到 張任 唔 敢 向 北便行 , 退去 南便 , 噉 佢 就 中計 㗎 喇 。 孔明 分派 完 人馬 之後 , 就 親自 去 誘敵 嘞 喎 。 當時 啊 , 劉璋 派 咗 兩名 將領 嚟 雒城 助戰 嘅 , 一個 叫做 卓膺 , 一個 叫做 張翼 。 呢 一日 , 張任 叫 張翼 同劉 璝 守城 。 佢 自己 同卓膺 一前一後 , 各帶 一隊 兵馬 , 出城 嚟 要 打退 漢 軍 。 孔明 呢 , 佢 帶 住 一隊 軍隊 , 不齊 不整 啊 賴賴 呆呆 , 過 咗 金雁橋 同 張任 對陣 。 孔明 出陣 佢 好 有 架步 㗎 大家 都 知 㗎 嘞 。 佢 坐 一架 四輪車 , 兩便 有 百 零個 馬 軍 護衛 。 佢 就 揸 住 把 鵝毛扇 , 遠遠 咁 指住 張任 話 : 曹操 率領 百萬 之眾 , 聽見 我個 名 就 望風 而 走 喇 。 你 係 個 乜嘢 人 啊 , 居然 敢 唔 投降 ? 張任 睇 見 孔明 帶 住 嗰 支 軍隊 呀 ,嚱, 行 冇 行樣 啊 企 冇 企樣 , 揸 住 支 長槍 當 拐杖 。 佢 不禁 冷笑 起 嚟 話 喇 : 哼哼 , 啲 人話 諸葛亮 用兵如神 , 原來 係 有名無實 嘅 啫 。 張 任用 支 長槍 一招 啊 , 全軍 上下 就 一齊 衝殺 過去 。 孔明 連車 都 唔 要 咯 , 上 咗 馬 𡃈𡃈 聲 就 過橋 撤退 。 張 任 喺 後 便 咪 追過去 咯 , 過 咗 金雁橋 , 咦 ? 見到 劉備 嘅 軍隊 在 左 , 嚴 顏 嘅 軍隊 在 右 喎 嗬 噉 衝殺 過 嚟 。 弊 ! 張任 知道 中 咗 計喇 , 急忙 指揮 軍隊 返 轉頭 咯 喎 。 嗯 ? 道橋 畀 人 拆斷 咗 添 , 噉 啊 想 混 路向 北便行 啦 , 唔 得 噃。 只見 趙雲 嘅 軍隊 啊 隔岸 一字 噉 擺開陣勢 , 咪 喇 , 唔 好 向 北便行 喇 , 乾脆 順住 道 河向南 便行 啦 。 噉 啊 約莫 行 咗 六七里 路 , 就 嚟 到 蘆葦 林 嗰 度 嘞 喎 。 突然 間 , 魏 延 嗰 支 人馬 喎 嗬 殺 啊 噉 喺 蘆葦 林裏 便 趌 起身 , 個個 都 揸 住 長槍 亂 咁 㓤。 黃忠 嗰 支 人馬 呢 就 伏 晒 喺 蘆葦 林 裏頭 嚟 , 個個 都 使 把 長 刀 一味 噉 斬 馬腳 。 噉 張任 啲 馬 軍 啊 冚𠾴唥 僂 低 晒 , 一個個 束手 被 擒 扮 晒 蟹 。 嗰 啲 步軍 仲敢 嚟 咩 , 趯 散 晒 。 張任 只 係 帶 住 幾十個 人 騎 住 馬 , 飛快 噉 混 山路 走 。 走 咗 冇 幾遠 就 撞 正 張飛 嘞 。 哎呀 有 埋伏 ! 張 任一 勒馬 , 正話 想 退返 轉頭 。 張飛 大喝一聲 , 個 啲 兵卒 㗾 噉 湧 上 嚟 , 七手八腳 , 就將 張任 啊 生擒活捉 嘞 。 卓膺 本來 係 帶領 後 隊 㗎 嘛 , 佢 見到 張任 中計 , 知道 呢 勻 都 實輸 冇 贏 㗎 喇 。 所以 就 帶 住 軍隊 向 趙雲 投降 , 噉 啊 當然 得到 劉備 嘅 歡迎 同埋 重賞 啦 。 好 喇 , 打勝仗 收兵 嘞 , 張飛 押 咗 張任 嚟 到 中軍帳 。 劉備 就 對 張任 話 : 你 哋 西 蜀 嘅 將領 啊 , 人人 都 望風而降 , 你 點解 唔 肯 投降 吖 ! 哼 ! 忠臣 , 不事二主 啊 ! 你 噉 係 不識時務 啫 , 你 投降 , 就 唔 使 死 。 今日 唔 投降 , 以後 亦 唔 會 投降 , 你 要 殺 就 快 啲 殺 咗 我 啦 ! 劉備 好 敬重 張 任 嘅 才能 同 氣節 , 唔 忍心 殺 佢 。 張任 就 放大 喉嚨 一味 咁 鬧 , 卒 之 孔明 就 下令 殺 咗 佢 。 劉備 好 可惜 佢 啊 , 就 叫 人斂 好 咗 佢 嘅 屍體 , 葬 咗 喺 金雁橋 嘅 旁邊 , 嚟 表彰 佢 嘅 忠心 。 第 日 , 劉備 就 派 嚴顏 、 吳懿 等等 一班 投降 過 嚟 嘅 西 蜀 將領 , 做 先頭部隊 啊 直逼 雒城 。 大聲 高叫 及早 投降 , 免致 全城 軍民 百姓 受苦 噉 。 劉 璝 喺 城樓 上面 破口大罵 , 嚴顏 正話 想 攞 弓箭 射 佢 。 忽然間 , 城上 有個 將官 喎 , 一劍 就 劈 死 咗 劉 璝 , 開門 投降 喇 。 噉 啊 劉備 嘅 大軍 一擁而入 啦 。 劉循 呢 , 就 混 西門 走 甩 咗 , 趯 返去 成都 , 呢 處 呢 就 唔 講 佢 住 。 殺劉 璝 嗰 個 將官 係 邊個 呢 ? 原來 就 係 張翼 啊 。 劉備 得 咗 雒城 之後 , 立即 啊 出榜 安民 , 同時 呢 重賞 所有 嘅 將領 。 孔明 又 派 張翼 、 吳懿 , 帶 趙雲 去 佔領 同 安撫 外 水 、 江陽 、 犍為 等等 地方 屬下 嘅 州郡 。 噉 啊 即 係 而家 , 四川省 綿江 流域 嘅 地區 。 又 派 嚴顏 、 卓膺 , 帶 張飛 去 佔領 安撫 巴西 德陽 所屬 嘅 州郡 。 即 係 今日 四川省 成都市 以北 , 以及 嘉陵江 中游 嘅 地區 。 噉 啊 命令 佢 哋 平定 完 呢 啲 地區 之後 呢 , 就 委派 地方 官員 , 穩定局勢 , 然後 就 率領 兵馬 去 成都 會師 。 張飛 、 趙雲 呢 接受 咗 命令 就 帶兵 出發 嘞 。 嗱 噉 而 家 已經 攻取 咗 雒 城 啦 , 接 住 就要 去 奪取 成都 嘞 。 孔明 就 向 西 蜀 嘅 降 將 了解 過 , 由 雒 城去 成都 個 路上 呢 , 重要 嘅 關隘 只有 一個 綿竹 。 綿竹 喺 四川省 北部 , 就 喺 成都 以北 。 嗰 度 係 有 重兵 防守 , 如果 攻陷 綿竹 , 噉 啊 奪取 成都 就 不過 係 舉手之勞 唧 。 於是 孔明 就 召集 大家 嚟 商量 進兵 。 法正 啊 提出 個 意見 噃, 佢 話 : 雒城 一 攻破 , 整個 西 蜀都 震動 㗎 喇 。 主公 想話 以 仁義 嚟 征服 天下 呢 , 最好 就 先 唔 好 進兵 。 等 我 寫封信 畀 劉璋 , 講明 利害 , 噉 劉璋 自然 會 投降 㗎 嘞 。 孔明 話 喇 : 啊 你 噉 講 係 最 啱 喇 。 於是 叫法 正寫 一封信 , 派個 使者 送 去 成都 畀 劉璋 。 而家 講下 劉循 啊 佢 逃跑 返去 成都 , 見到 佢 父親 劉璋 , 就 話 雒城 已經 淪陷 喇 噉 。 嚇到 劉璋 啊 慌 晒 , 馬上 召集 啲 文武 官員 嚟 研究 對策 。 有個 從事 官 叫做 鄭度 啊 , 佢 就 出 嚟 獻計 話 : 目前 , 劉備 雖然 攻城 奪地 啫 , 但 係 佢 嘅 兵馬 不 甚多 , 市民 百姓 亦 未曾 歸順 佢 。 劉備 嘅 軍用物資 好 缺乏 , 糧食 呢 , 亦 只 能夠 依靠 收割 田野 上 啲 稻谷 嚟 到 食 。 所以 , 我 認為 不如 將 巴西 梓潼 地區 嘅 民 眾 啊 , 全部 遷移 到 涪水 以西 。 將 當地 嘅 糧倉 啊 , 田野 上 嘅 稻谷 啊 冚𠾴唥 放火燒 晒 佢 。 然後 呢 , 我 哋 喺 呢 一帶 深溝高壘 , 構築 防禦工事 , 等 佢 哋 嚟 。 佢 哋 嚟 到 挑戰 嘅 時候 呢 , 就 唔 同 佢 哋 打 。 時間 一長 , 佢 哋 毫無 供給 , 唔 到 百日 呀 , 佢 嘅 軍隊 自然 要 撤走 㗎 喇 。 到 其時 , 我 哋 趁勢 攻 佢 , 就 實捉 到 劉備 嘅 。 劉璋 話 喇 : 噉 , 唔 得 嘅 , 哎 , 素來 都 只有 話 抗敵 以 安民 嘅 啫 , 冇 聽講 過話 要 移民 嚟 防敵 嘅 噃。 你 噉 嘅 計策 唔 妥 嘅 , 唔 妥 嘅 。 正 喺 度 商量 緊 , 劉備 嘅 使者 送法 正 嘅 信 嚟 到 。 劉璋 打開 封信 睇 下 , 無非 係 勸 佢 投降 , 嗨 , 真 係 泥菩薩 都 有 土性 啊 , 佛 都 激出 火 嘞 。 劉璋 啊 撕爛 咗 封信 , 大聲 噉 鬧 起 嚟 話 : 法正 啊 法正 ! 你 係 個 賣主求榮 忘恩負義 嘅 奸賊 啊 你 ! 劉璋 趕走 咗 劉備 嘅 使者 , 即刻 就 派 佢 嘅 舅 仔 費 觀 , 點起 一支 人馬 去 守衛 綿竹 。 費觀 呢 , 又 舉薦 咗 一個 人 , 就 姓李 名嚴 , 字 正方 , 嚟 做 佢 嘅 助手 , 一齊 帶兵 。 噉 佢 哋 兩個 呢 , 點起 三 萬軍 兵 就 出發 去 守 綿竹 嘞 。 當時 益州 太守 董 和 啊 , 佢 又 向 劉 璋 建議 話 去 漢中 張 魯 嗰 處 借兵 。 劉璋 就 話 : 張魯 , 同 我 係 世仇 嚟 喎 , 佢 又 點 肯 救 我 呢 又 ? 董和話 喇 : 雖然 佢 同 我 哋 係 有 仇 , 不過 劉備 嘅 大軍 喺 雒 城 , 局勢 危急 , 唇亡 齒寒 噃。 倘若 對 佢 講明 利害 , 佢 必定 肯 派兵 嚟 救 嘅 。 事緊 馬行 田 啊 , 一線希望 都 爭取 下 係 啦 。 劉璋 就 寫 咗 封信 , 派 個人 送 去 漢中 向 張魯 求救 。 好 喇 , 而家 呢 就 暫時 放低 西川 呢 便 嘅 事 唔 講 佢 住 , 回過 頭 嚟 講返 下 馬超 先吓 。 馬超 啊 , 自從 打敗仗 趯 咗 去 羌族 嘅 地方 , 即 係 , 今日 , 甘肅 啊 , 誒 青海 啊 噉 呢 一 啲 地方 。 噉 佢 已經 有 兩年 幾 嘞 去 咗 , 佢 聯合 羌兵 , 奪取 咗 隴西 一帶 嘅 州郡 。 即 係 今日 甘肅省 一部分 嘅 地方 , 郡 城 就 喺 , 蘭州 以南 嘅 臨洮縣 附近 。 噉 佢 大軍 所到之處 度度 都 投降 , 唯獨 是 冀城 呢 就 攻 佢 唔 落 噃。 涼州 刺史 韋康 呢 , 就 屢次 都 派 人 向 夏侯淵 求救 。 但 係 夏侯淵 因為 未 得到 曹操 嘅 指示 , 一直 都 唔 敢 動兵 。 韋康見 救兵 唔 嚟 咯 , 就 同 大家 商量 就 不如 投降 馬超 啦 噉 。 參軍 楊阜 就 喊住 噉 勸 佢 唔 好 投降 馬超 呢 個 背叛 朝廷 嘅 反賊 啊 噉 。 但 係 韋康 認為 大勢 已經 到 咗 噉 嘅 地步 , 唔 投降 都 唔 得 㗎 啦 。 噉 就 唔 理 楊 阜 嘅 苦苦 勸諫 , 就 大開 城門 向 馬超 投降 。 哈 , 點知 馬超 呀 好 嬲 喎 , 佢 話 : 而家 事態 危急 嘞 , 你 就 投降 係 嘛 ? 哼 ! 你 都 唔 係 真心 嘅 , 斬 ! 將韋康 全家 四廿 几口 人 冚𠾴唥 殺 清光 。 有人 同 馬超 話 嘞 : 嗰 個 楊 阜 呀 , 勸 韋康 唔 好 投降 㗎 , 殺 埋 佢 就 啱 喇 。 馬超 話 : 此人 講 節義 , 唔 好 殺 佢 。 唔 止 唔 殺 啊 , 仲用 返 佢 做 參軍 添 。 楊阜 呢 , 又 推薦 咗 梁 寬 , 趙 衢 兩個 人 , 噉 馬超亦 都 任命 佢 哋 做 咗 軍官 。 過 咗 幾日 , 楊阜 就 對 馬超 話 佢 老婆 喺 臨洮 死 咗 , 要 請 兩個 月 假 , 返去 葬 咗 個 老婆 呢 就 返 嚟 㗎 喇 噉 。 馬超 啊準 咗 佢 假 , 噉 楊 阜 啊 走 人 嘞 喎 。 楊阜 路過 歷城 , 就 去 見 撫 彝 將軍 姜敘 。 原來 姜敘同 楊 阜 係 姑表兄弟 嚟 。 姜敘個 老母 就 係 楊 阜 嘅 姑媽 , 當時 呢 已經 八 十二歲 咁 老 㗎 喇 。 當日 , 楊阜 去 到 姜 敘 嘅 屋企 拜見 咗 姑媽 。 佢 跪 喺 處 喊住 噉 話 : 我守 唔 住 城池 , 主人 死 咗 , 我 又 唔 能夠 跟 埋 佢 一齊 死 , 我 真 係 冇 面見 姑媽 你 咯 。 馬超 佢 背叛 皇上 殺害 長官 。 全州 嘅 市民 百姓 冇 個 唔 痛恨 佢 嘅 , 但 係 表兄 而家 坐鎮 歷城 , 竟然 毫無 討伐 逆賊 嘅 意思 , 噉 樣點 合人臣 之 道 呢 ? 楊阜 講完 呀 , 嗰 雙眼 因為 流眼淚 流 得 緊要 啊 仲 流出 啲 血 嚟 添 。 姜敘 老母 聽 咗 , 就 叫 咗 姜 敘入 嚟 鬧 佢 嘞 : 韋 使君 遇害 , 你 亦 有罪 㗎 ! 噉 佢 又 話 楊 阜 嘞 : 噉 你 既然 投降 咗 人 哋 咯 , 仲做 咗 佢 嘅 官 , 受 佢 嘅 俸祿 , 點解 你 又 起心 要 打 佢 呢 ? 姑媽 , 我 之所以 投降 奸賊 , 不過 係 想 留返 條命 , 為 主人 報仇 啫 。 姜 敘話 喇 : 馬超 好 勇猛 㗎 喎 , 一時之間 , 唔 容易 打敗 佢 㗎 。 楊阜話 : 佢 有勇無謀 , 好易 打 佢 個 啫 , 我 已經 秘密 噉 同梁 寬 、 趙 衢 約 好 咗 㗎 喇 , 表兄 如果 肯 起兵 , 佢 兩個 必定 做 內應 嘅 。 姜敘 老母 就 話 喇 : 你 唔 早 啲 想 辦法 去 打 馬超 , 仲等 幾時 吖 ? 人人 都 有 一死 啊 , 死於 忠義 就 係 死得其所 啦 嘛 。 你 唔 使 掛住 我 㗎 , 你 如果 唔 聽 表弟 話 , 我 即刻 就 死 咗 佢 先 等 你 唔 使 掛 喇 。 於是 姜敘 下決心 喇 , 請 埋 統兵 校尉 尹奉 、 趙 昂 嚟 商量 。 原來 趙 昂 啊 有 個 仔 叫做 趙 月 噃, 現時 呢 , 就 正 喺 馬超 部下 做 一名 副將 嘅 。 當日 趙 昂 參加 完姜 敘 召開 嘅 軍事 會議 之後 , 就 返 去 同 佢 老婆 王氏話 : 我 今日 , 同姜 敘 、 楊阜 、 尹奉 一齊 嚟 商量 , 要 為 韋康 報仇 。 唉 , 不過 我 諗 , 我 哋 個 仔 現時 喺 馬超 部下 做 軍官 , 如果 一打 起上 嚟 , 馬超 一定 殺 咗 我 哋 個 仔先 㗎 噃。 噉 , 噉 點算 好 呢 ? 王氏話 喇 : 為 朝廷 為 長官 報仇雪恥 , 就算 自己 一死 都 不足 惜 喇 , 何況 一個 仔 呢 ? 夫君 啊 , 你 如果 顧住 個 仔 而 唔 肯去 討伐 馬超 , 噉 我 就 死 喺 你 面前 先 係 啦 。 嘿 , 幾大 就 幾大 啦 , 趙 昂 噉 就 落 決心 喇 , 第日 就 一齊 起兵 。 姜敘 、 楊阜 就 駐 扎 喺 歷城 , 尹奉 、 趙 昂 駐 扎 喺 祁山 。 王氏 呢 , 仲 攞 晒 自己 啲 金銀 首飾 啊 私己 錢財 出 嚟 , 親自 去 到 祁山 駐軍 嗰 處 , 慰勞 全軍 將士 , 勉勵 佢 哋 要 好好 打仗 。 啊 , 王氏 呀 , 又 係 個 巾幗英雄 啊 。 嗱 各位 , 祁山 呢 , 就 喺 而 家 甘肅省 嘅 , 東南部 , 西和縣 以北 , 就 靠近 天水市 嘅 。 喺 漢朝 呢 , 喺 西漢水 嘅 北岸 嘅 山上 便 就 築 咗 城堡 , 極之 堅固 , 即 係 今日 嘅 祁山 堡 嘞 。 噉 祁山 呢 笪 地方 啊 非常 之 重要 大家 記住 佢 個 名 。 因為 以後 孔明 啊 去 攻打 魏國 呢 , 六出 祁山 就 係 呢 處 嚟 㗎 喇 。 噉 啊 馬超 啊 , 聽聞 姜敘 、 楊阜 又 會合 埋 尹奉 、 趙 昂起 兵 反水 , 就 發火 喇 , 即刻 拉 趙 月 嚟 斬 咗 。 命令 龐德 、 馬岱 , 點齊 兵馬 就 殺 去 歷城 。 姜敘 、 楊阜 咪 帶兵 出 城 迎戰 咯 。 兩陣 對圓 , 只見 楊阜 、 姜敘 白袍 白甲 啊 , 喺 陣前 痛罵 馬超 , 鬧 佢 係 叛 君 無 義 嘅 奸賊 。 馬超 就 嬲 到 眼 都 紅晒 , 拍馬 衝過 嚟 , 就 兩 便 展開 一場 混戰 。 姜敘 、 楊阜 就 唔 夠 馬超 打 嘅 , 幾個 回合 , 就 大敗 而 走 嘞 。 馬超 指揮 軍隊 追殺 過去 。 咦 ? 突然 間 , 喺 後 便 響起 吶喊聲 , 原來 係 尹奉 、 趙 昂 殺過 嚟 。 馬超 就 急忙 回馬 , 嘿 呢 次 形勢 就 唔 妥 喎 , 事 關係 受到 兩面夾攻 吖 嘛 , 就 搞 到 頭尾 不能 照應 添 。 正 喺 度 鬥 緊 , 喺 橫頭 便 又 有 大隊 軍馬 殺到 嚟 嘞 。 係 邊 便 嘅 人馬 呢 ? 原來 係 夏侯淵 啊 佢 終於 得到 咗 曹操 個 命令 , 親自 統率 軍馬 嚟 攻打 馬超 啊 。 馬超 縱使 係 英雄 啫 , 之 又 如何 打得過 三路 軍馬 嘅 呢 ? 結果 就 輸到 一塌糊塗 搏命 咁 趯 , 趯 咗 足足 成晚 。 到 第朝 早 天光 就 返到 去 冀城 叫門 咯 喎 , 哎呀 ! 城頭 上 亂箭 射落 嚟 噃。 馬超 定眼 一 睇 , 只見 梁寬 、 趙 衢 啊 企 喺 城頭 上面 , 指手畫腳 噉 對 馬超 痛罵 一餐 。 跟 住 , 將 馬超 個 老婆 楊氏拉出 嚟 , 一刀 殺死 , 又 將個 尸首 喺 城 上面 掉 咗 落 嚟 。 噉 仲 唔 止 , 又將 馬超 三個 仔 就 年紀 都 好 細 嘅 啫 , 連埋 十幾個 至親 嘅 親屬 啊 , 喺 城頭 上 一刀 一個 一刀 一個 , 斬 死 咗 , 掉落 嚟 。 哎呀 ! 馬超 嬲 啊 ! 真 係 激 到 佢 呀 嘔血 都 唔 得 掂 啊 , 氣到 幾乎 跌 咗 落馬 。 呢 個 時候 , 夏侯淵 就 帶 住 大軍 喺 背後 追緊 嚟 嘞 。 馬超 見到 對方 人多 勢眾 , 唔 敢 戀戰 啦 , 就 帶 住 龐德 , 馬岱 殺 開條 血路 就 走 。 喺 前 便 又 撞 着 姜 敘 、 楊阜 , 截住 又 殺 咗 一陣 。 衝 咗 過去 嘞 , 又 撞 着 尹奉 、 趙 昂 , 又 截住 殺 咗 一陣 , 幾次三番 噉 殘酷 廝殺 , 馬超 只 係 剩返 五六十個 馬 軍 跟 尾 , 就 漏夜 奔走 。 到 咗 四 更 咁 上下 呢 , 佢 嚟 到 歷城 嘞 噃。 守城 嘅 呢 , 仲估 話 姜 敘 帶兵 返 嚟 添 , 就 大開 城門 放 咗 馬超 入城 啦 , 哈死 咯 呢 趟 。 畀 馬超 佢 哋 呢 就 由 南門 殺起 啊 , 全城 嘅 百姓 都 殺 盡 。 馬超 去 到 姜 敘 嘅 住宅 , 拉 咗 姜 敘 嘅 老母 出 嚟 。 姜母 一 啲 都 唔 怕 噃, 指住 馬超 嚟 鬧 。 馬超 嬲 起 上 嚟 自己 逳 手 , 一劍 就 殺死 咗 姜母 。 尹奉 、 趙 昂 嘅 全家 老幼 呢 , 亦 都 冚𠾴唥 畀 馬超 殺死 晒 。 趙 昂個 老婆 王氏 呢 , 因為 跟 埋 喺 軍隊 裏 便 啊 , 所以 呢 次 呢 就 唔 使 死 。 第 日 , 夏侯淵 大軍 追到 嚟 。 馬超 就 放棄 咗 歷城 殺出去 , 向 住 西 便 逃跑 。 就行 咗 二十里 咁 上下 啦 , 楊阜帶 住 一支 軍隊 啊 擺開陣勢 攔住 馬超 , 嗯 , 仇人見面 就 分外 眼明 , 馬超 咬牙切齒 就 拍 馬挺槍 就 對 住 楊 阜 衝過去 。 楊阜 有 七個 同宗 兄弟 , 一齊 嚟 助戰 。 呢 個 時候 , 龐德 、 馬岱 就 頂住 後軍 。 馬超 獨戰 楊 阜 八個 人 , 結果 呢 , 嗰 七個 同宗 兄弟 都 畀 馬超 殺死 咗 。 楊阜身 中 五槍 呀 仍然 喺 度 死戰 。 噉 啊 好 在 夏侯淵 呢 喺 後 便 追 到 嚟 嘞 , 馬超 就 趯 啦 。 到 呢 陣時 呀 , 就 只有 龐德 、 馬岱 帶住 六七個 馬 軍 跟 住 馬超 後 便 逃跑 唧 。 噉 夏侯淵 趕走 咗 馬超 , 就 到處 去 安撫 隴西 各州 嘅 民 眾 , 命令 姜 敘 佢 哋 啊 分別 把守 啲 地方 。 安排 妥善 之後 , 就 用 架車 啊 , 送 楊 阜 去 許都 見 曹操 。 曹操 啊 封 楊 阜 做 關內 侯 , 楊阜 啊 唔 肯 接受 。 佢 話 佢 自己 係 嚴重 失職 , 喺 法律 上 應該 問斬 至 係 嘅 , 冇 面 嚟 接受 官職 啊 噉 。 噉 曹操 啊 更加 讚許 佢 , 卒 之 呢 , 仲 係 封 咗 佢 做 關內 侯 。 嗱, 噉 馬超 同 龐德 、 馬岱 就 打 到 大敗 吖 , 三個 人 就 商量 嚟 商量 去 啊 , 就 決定 去 漢中 投奔 張魯 。 張魯好 高興 喎 , 佢 以 為 有 咗 馬超 呢 , 就 向 西 可以 吞併 益州 , 向東 就 可以 頂住 曹操 喇 噉 , 佢 越 諗 越 歡喜 。 呢 一日 , 佢 同 自己 啲 心腹 官員 商量 , 想話 用個 女 嚟 嫁 畀 馬超 。 大將 楊柏 就 勸 佢 話 喇 : 馬超 個 老婆 仔女 都 死 得 咁 慘 , 完全 係 畀 馬超 連累 嘅 咋 嘛 , 主公 仲點 能夠 畀 個 女 嚟 許配 佢 㗎 ? 張魯 諗 下 又 係 喎 嚱, 於是 就 唔 提 呢 件 事 嘞 。 點知 有人 將楊柏 講 嘅 呢 啲 說話 學返 畀 馬超 知 。 馬超 就 可惱 到極 啦 , 就 想 搵 機會 殺 楊柏喇 。 嘿嘿 , 你中有我 就 我中有你 。 馬超 個諗頭 又 畀 楊柏 探聽到 , 楊柏 就 同 佢 個 大佬 楊松 夾計 , 想 殺 馬超 嘞 喎 。 喺 呢 個 時候 啊 , 就 係 我 哋 先頭 講 嘅 , 劉璋 派 咗 使者 嚟 向 張魯 求救 嘞 , 張魯 又 唔 肯 。 跟 住 劉璋 又 派 咗 黃權 嚟 到 做 使者 。 黃權 就 精 呀 , 佢 首先 去 拜見 楊松 , 講明 利害 。 話 東川 、 西川 實在 係 唇 齒 相依 , 西川 如果 失陷 喇 噉 東川 亦 都 係 難保 個 啫 噉 。 如果 張魯 應承 出兵 去 救個 話 , 就 送 二十個 州 嘅 地方 嚟 到 酬謝 。 楊松 歡喜 嘞 , 即刻 就 帶 黃權 去 見 張魯 , 噉 又 係 講 先頭 嗰 啲 啦 。 張魯 見到 有利可圖 喎 就 應承 嘞 。 閻圃 就 勸 張魯話 : 主公 呀 , 劉璋 同 主公 係 世仇 嚟 。 佢 而 家 因 為 局勢 危急 先至 嚟 求救 啫 。 佢 話 割地 嚟 到 畀 主公 你 係 假 嘅 咋 , 主公 你 唔 好 應承 佢 啊 。 只見 馬超 挺身而出 話 喇 : 我 好 感激 主公 嘅 恩德 , 無可 報答 , 我願 率領 一支 軍隊 去 攻取 葭 萌關 , 生擒 劉備 ! 務要 劉璋 割 二十個 州 嚟 奉送 畀 主公 ! 嘿 張魯好 歡喜 , 就 叫 黃權 啊 由 小路 返去 先 , 跟 住 就點 咗 二萬 兵 畀 馬超 。 呢 一次 龐德 因為 有 病 就 唔 能夠 跟 埋 去 嘞 , 就 留 喺 漢中 。 張魯 命令 楊柏 做 監軍 。 噉 馬超 同 佢 細 佬 馬岱 啊 , 擇 好個 吉日 就 帶兵 起程 嘞 。

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張飛 、 趙雲 , 就 捉 到 吳懿 高高興興 呀 收兵 返到 營寨 。 Zhang Fei|Zhao Yun|then|||Wu Yi|happily|particle|withdraw troops|returned to|camp Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun happily captured Wu Yi and returned to the camp. 張飛 入到 中軍帳 見到 孔明 、 簡雍 、 蔣琬 都 已經 喺 齊 處 嘞 。 Zhang Fei|entered|central army tent|saw|Kongming|Jian Yong|Jiang Wan|all|already|at|ready|place|past tense marker Zhang Fei entered the central army tent and saw Kong Ming, Jian Yong, and Jiang Wan all gathered there. 張飛 就 上前 嚟 參見 軍師 啦 , 哈 孔明 好 驚奇 噉 問喇 : Zhang Fei|then|stepped forward|to|pay respects to|military strategist|particle indicating completion|ha|Kongming|very|surprised|like that|asked Zhang Fei then stepped forward to greet the military advisor, and Kong Ming asked in surprise: 張將軍 , 你 點解 到 得 咁 快 啊 ? General Cheung|you|why|||so|fast|question particle General Zhang, how did you arrive so quickly? 劉備 就將 張飛 點樣 義 釋嚴顏 嘅 事 講 返 畀 孔明聽 , 孔明 好 高興 啊 ! Liu Bei||Zhang Fei|how|righteousness||possessive particle|matter|to speak|back|to||Kongming|very|happy|ah Liu Bei recounted to Kong Ming how Zhang Fei had bravely explained the situation, and Kong Ming was very pleased! 佢 恭喜 劉備 話 喇 : 張將軍 能夠 用 計謀 嚟 取勝 , 呢 啲 呀 都 係 主公 嘅 洪福 啊 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 恭喜 主公 啊 ! he|congratulates|Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completed action|General Zhang|able to|use|strategy|to|win|these|particle indicating plural|particle indicating exclamation|all|are|lord|possessive particle|great fortune|particle indicating exclamation|hahaha|ha|congratulations|lord|particle indicating exclamation He congratulated Liu Bei and said: General Zhang is able to win using strategies, these are all the blessings of the lord! Hahaha, congratulations to the lord! 過 咗 一陣 , 趙雲 押住 吳懿 嚟 見 劉備 嘞 。 after|past tense marker|a while|Zhao Yun|holding|Wu Yi|come|see|Liu Bei|past action marker After a while, Zhao Yun brought Wu Yi to see Liu Bei. 劉備 問吳懿肯 唔 肯 投降 , 噉 啊 吳懿 梗 係 肯 啦 , 劉備 好 歡喜 , 親自 同 佢 鬆 咗 綁 。 Liu Bei||not|willing|surrender|then|ah|Wu Yi|surely|is|willing|particle|Liu Bei|very|happy|personally|with|him|loosened|past tense marker|bindings Liu Bei asked Wu Yi if he was willing to surrender, and of course Wu Yi was willing. Liu Bei was very happy and personally untied him. 孔明 就 問 佢 話 嘞 : 而家 , 城裏 便 有邊 啲 人 守城 呢 ? Kongming|then|asked|he|said|past tense marker|now|in the city|then||plural marker|people|defending the city|question particle Kong Ming then asked him: Now, who is guarding the city? 吳懿話 : 守城 嘅 係 劉 璋 嘅 仔 劉 循 , 仲有 張任 、 劉 璝 兩個 將軍 , 嚟 到 協助 佢 。 Wu Yi said|defending the city|possessive particle|is|Liu|Zhang|possessive particle|son|Liu|Xun|and also|Zhang Ren|Liu|Zui|two|generals|come|to|assist|him Wu Yi said: The ones guarding the city are Liu Zhang's son Liu Xun, along with Generals Zhang Ren and Liu Shan, who have come to assist him. 劉 璝 呀 , 冇 乜 了不起 , 唔 緊要 , 唯獨 是 張任 此人 極有 膽量 , 不能 輕敵 啊 。 Liu|Gui|particle|not have|anything|remarkable|not|important|only|is|Zhang Ren|this person||courage|cannot|underestimate the enemy|particle Liu Bei, there's nothing remarkable, it doesn't matter, but this person Zhang Ren is extremely courageous, we cannot underestimate him. 孔明 就 話 嘞 : 噉 就 先 捉 張任 , 後 取 雒城 。 Zhuge Liang|then|said|past tense marker|like this|then|first|capture|Zhang Ren|later|take|Luo City Kongming said: Then let's capture Zhang Ren first, and then take Luocheng. 吳將軍 , 城東 嗰 座 橋 叫做 咩 橋啊 ? General Wu|East of the city|that|measure word for bridges|bridge|is called|what|bridge General Wu, what is the name of that bridge to the east of the city? 叫做 金雁橋 啊 。 called|Golden Goose Bridge|ah It's called the Golden Goose Bridge. 孔明問 咗 一下 初步 個 情況 , 就 親自 騎馬 去 到 橋邊 , 順住 條河 觀察 咗 一遍 。 |past tense marker|briefly|preliminary|the|situation|then|personally|rode a horse|||by the bridge|along||observed|past tense marker|once Kongming asked about the initial situation, then personally rode to the bridge and observed the river. 然後 佢 返 到 營寨 , 叫 黃忠 同魏延 嚟 , 命令 佢 哋 話 : 喺 金雁橋 南便 五六里 嘅 地方 , 兩岸 都 係 啲 蘆葦 啊 雜草 噉 樣 , 可以 埋伏 人馬 嘅 。 then|he|return|to|camp|called|Huang Zhong||come|ordered|them|they|said|at|Jin Yan Bridge|south|five or six li|possessive particle|area|both banks|all|are|some|reeds|ah|weeds|like|appearance|can|ambush|troops|possessive particle Then he returned to the camp and called Huang Zhong and Wei Yan, ordering them to say: In the area five to six miles south of Jin Yan Bridge, both banks are filled with reeds and weeds, which is suitable for ambushing troops. 魏延帶 一千名 槍手 埋伏 喺 左 便 , 專 㓤 馬上 嘅 人 。 |one thousand|crossbowmen|ambush|at|left|side|specifically|attacking|cavalry|possessive particle|people Wei Yan took a thousand spearmen to ambush on the left side, specifically targeting the cavalry. 黃忠 就 帶 一千名 刀手 埋伏 喺 右 便 , 專斬 馬腳 。 Huang Zhong|then|led|1000|swordsmen|ambush|at|||specifically target|horse's legs Huang Zhong took a thousand swordsmen to ambush on the right side, specifically targeting the horse's legs. 噉 樣殺 散 咗 川軍 之後 , 張任 必定 走 山 嘅 東 便 小路 。 like this||disperse|past tense marker|Nationalist army|after|Zhang Ren|definitely|take|mountain|possessive particle|east|convenient|path After scattering the Shu army in this way, Zhang Ren would definitely take the small path to the east of the mountain. 張翼德 帶 一千 兵 埋伏 喺 嗰 處 , 張任 嚟 就 捉 佢 啦 。 Zhang Yide|bring|one thousand|soldiers|ambush|at|that|place|Zhang Ren|come|then|capture|him|particle indicating suggestion or realization Zhang Yide took a thousand soldiers to ambush there, and when Zhang Ren comes, they will catch him. 孔明 跟 住 又 叫 趙雲 埋伏 喺 金雁橋 嘅 北 便 。 Kongming|||again|called|Zhao Yun|ambush|at|Golden Goose Bridge|possessive particle|north|side Kongming then called Zhao Yun to ambush at the north side of Jin Yan Bridge. 孔明 話 : 等 我 引 咗 張任 過橋 , 你 就 將道橋 拆斷 佢 , 將軍 隊 擺 喺 橋 北 虛張聲勢 , 令到 張任 唔 敢 向 北便行 , 退去 南便 , 噉 佢 就 中計 㗎 喇 。 Kongming|said|wait|I|lure|past tense marker|Zhang Ren|cross the bridge|you|then|the bridge|destroy|him|general|troops|positioned|at|bridge|north|bluff|causing|Zhang Ren|not|dare|towards||retreat|south|then|he|just|fall into the trap|particle|particle Kongming said: Wait for me to lure Zhang Ren across the bridge, then you will break the bridge, and the army will be positioned to the north of the bridge to create a false impression, making Zhang Ren dare not head north, forcing him to retreat south, then he will fall into our trap. 孔明 分派 完 人馬 之後 , 就 親自 去 誘敵 嘞 喎 。 Zhuge Liang|dispatched|finished|troops|afterwards|then|personally|go|lure the enemy|past action particle|sentence-final particle After assigning the troops, Kongming personally went to lure the enemy. 當時 啊 , 劉璋 派 咗 兩名 將領 嚟 雒城 助戰 嘅 , 一個 叫做 卓膺 , 一個 叫做 張翼 。 at that time|ah|Liu Zhang|sent|past tense marker|two|generals|to|Luocheng|assist in battle|possessive particle|one|named|Zhuo Ying|||Zhang Yi At that time, Liu Zhang sent two generals to assist in the battle at Luo Cheng, one named Zhuo Ying and the other named Zhang Yi. 呢 一日 , 張任 叫 張翼 同劉 璝 守城 。 this|day|Zhang Ren|called|Zhang Yi||Wei|defend the city On that day, Zhang Ren ordered Zhang Yi and Liu Zhang to defend the city. 佢 自己 同卓膺 一前一後 , 各帶 一隊 兵馬 , 出城 嚟 要 打退 漢 軍 。 he|himself||one in front and one behind||a team|soldiers and horses|out of the city|coming|wants to|drive back|Han|army He and Zhuge Liang were in front and behind, each leading a troop, coming out of the city to drive back the Han army. 孔明 呢 , 佢 帶 住 一隊 軍隊 , 不齊 不整 啊 賴賴 呆呆 , 過 咗 金雁橋 同 張任 對陣 。 Kongming|question particle|he|||a team|army|not in order|not disciplined|exclamation particle|lazy|dull|passed|past tense marker|Golden Goose Bridge|with|Zhang Ren|fought against As for Kongming, he brought a troop of soldiers, disorganized and clumsy, and after crossing the Golden Goose Bridge, he faced off against Zhang Ren. 孔明 出陣 佢 好 有 架步 㗎 大家 都 知 㗎 嘞 。 Kongming|go to battle|he|very|has|strategy|sentence-final particle|everyone|all|knows|sentence-final particle|past action particle When Kongming went into battle, he was very impressive, everyone knew that. 佢 坐 一架 四輪車 , 兩便 有 百 零個 馬 軍 護衛 。 He|drives|a|four-wheeled vehicle|both|has|hundred|zero|horse|army|guards He sat in a four-wheeled carriage, with about a hundred cavalrymen guarding him. 佢 就 揸 住 把 鵝毛扇 , 遠遠 咁 指住 張任 話 : he|then|holding|in hand|measure word for扇|feather fan|from afar|so|pointing at|Zhang Ren|said He held a goose feather fan and pointed at Zhang Ren from a distance, saying: 曹操 率領 百萬 之眾 , 聽見 我個 名 就 望風 而 走 喇 。 Cao Cao|led|one million||heard||name|then|to flee at the sight of danger|and|run|particle indicating completed action Cao Cao led a million troops, and upon hearing my name, they fled in fear. 你 係 個 乜嘢 人 啊 , 居然 敢 唔 投降 ? you|are|a|what|person|particle|unexpectedly|dare|not|surrender What kind of person are you to dare not surrender? 張任 睇 見 孔明 帶 住 嗰 支 軍隊 呀 ,嚱, 行 冇 行樣 啊 企 冇 企樣 , 揸 住 支 長槍 當 拐杖 。 Zhang Ren|see|saw|Kongming|bring|with|that|measure word for troops|army|particle|sound of realization|walk|not|walking posture|particle|stand|not|standing posture|holding|with|measure word for long objects|rifle|as|cane Zhang Ren saw Kongming leading that army, and he was all over the place, holding a spear like a walking stick. 佢 不禁 冷笑 起 嚟 話 喇 : 哼哼 , 啲 人話 諸葛亮 用兵如神 , 原來 係 有名無實 嘅 啫 。 he|couldn't help but|sneer|rise|come|say|particle indicating completed action|hum|those||Zhuge Liang||originally|is|famous but not practical|possessive particle|only He couldn't help but sneer and said: Hmph, people say Zhuge Liang is a god of war, but it turns out to be just a name without substance. 張 任用 支 長槍 一招 啊 , 全軍 上下 就 一齊 衝殺 過去 。 Zhang|appointed|to use|spear|one move|ah|the whole army|above and below|then|together|charged and killed|over there With a single move of his spear, Zhang Ren ordered the entire army to charge forward. 孔明 連車 都 唔 要 咯 , 上 咗 馬 𡃈𡃈 聲 就 過橋 撤退 。 Zhuge Liang||all|not|need|particle indicating finality|get on|past tense marker|horse|galloping sound|sound|then|cross the bridge|retreat Kong Ming doesn't even need the cart, once he gets on the horse, he just crosses the bridge and retreats. 張 任 喺 後 便 咪 追過去 咯 , 過 咗 金雁橋 , 咦 ? Cheung|Yam|at|back|then|just|chase after|particle indicating completed action|pass|past tense marker|Golden Goose Bridge|huh Zhang Ren then chased after him, crossing the Golden Goose Bridge, huh? 見到 劉備 嘅 軍隊 在 左 , 嚴 顏 嘅 軍隊 在 右 喎 嗬 噉 衝殺 過 嚟 。 saw|Liu Bei|possessive particle|army|at|left|Yan|Yan|possessive particle|army|at|right|sentence-final particle|exclamation|like that|charged and killed|over|here He saw Liu Bei's army on the left and Yan Yan's army on the right, charging over. 弊 ! 張任 知道 中 咗 計喇 , 急忙 指揮 軍隊 返 轉頭 咯 喎 。 bad|Zhang Ren|knows|hit|past tense marker|plan|hurriedly|commanded|army|return|turn around|particle indicating completed action|particle indicating suggestion or realization Oh no! Zhang Ren realized he had fallen into a trap, and hurriedly commanded his army to turn back. 嗯 ? 道橋 畀 人 拆斷 咗 添 , 噉 啊 想 混 路向 北便行 啦 , 唔 得 噃。 hmm|overpass|by|people|dismantled|past tense marker|also|then|ah|want|mix|direction||sentence final particle|not|possible|right Hmm? The bridge has been destroyed, so he wants to take the road north, but that's not possible. 只見 趙雲 嘅 軍隊 啊 隔岸 一字 噉 擺開陣勢 , 咪 喇 , 唔 好 向 北便行 喇 , 乾脆 順住 道 河向南 便行 啦 。 only saw|Zhao Yun|possessive particle|army|ah|across the river|in a straight line|like this|set up their formation|don't|particle indicating completed action|not|good|towards||particle indicating completed action|simply|following|road|||particle indicating suggestion Only Zhao Yun's army was seen, lined up across the river, so let's not head north anymore, let's just go south along the river. 噉 啊 約莫 行 咗 六七里 路 , 就 嚟 到 蘆葦 林 嗰 度 嘞 喎 。 like this|ah|approximately|walk|past tense marker|six or seven miles|road|then|come|arrive|reed|forest|that|place|past action marker|sentence-final particle After walking about six or seven miles, we arrived at the reed forest. 突然 間 , 魏 延 嗰 支 人馬 喎 嗬 殺 啊 噉 喺 蘆葦 林裏 便 趌 起身 , 個個 都 揸 住 長槍 亂 咁 㓤。 suddenly|moment|||that|measure word for horses|cavalry|particle indicating realization|exclamation|kill|ah|then|at|reeds|in the forest|then||rise|everyone|all|hold|particle indicating continuous action|spear|chaotically|like this|stab Suddenly, Wei Yan's troops sprang up from the reed forest, each holding a spear and attacking chaotically. 黃忠 嗰 支 人馬 呢 就 伏 晒 喺 蘆葦 林 裏頭 嚟 , 個個 都 使 把 長 刀 一味 噉 斬 馬腳 。 Huang Zhong|that|measure word for horses|cavalry|particle indicating a question|then|lie in ambush|completely|in|reeds|forest|inside|come|everyone|all|use|measure word for tools|||relentlessly|like this|cut|horse's legs Huang Zhong's troops were lying in ambush in the reed forest, each wielding a long knife, continuously slashing at the horse's legs. 噉 張任 啲 馬 軍 啊 冚𠾴唥 僂 低 晒 , 一個個 束手 被 擒 扮 晒 蟹 。 then|Cheung Yan|plural marker|horse|army|ah|cover up|low|lower|completely|one by one|handcuffed|by|captured|pretending|completely|crab Zhang Ren's cavalry was completely overwhelmed, each one captured and pretending to be crabs. 嗰 啲 步軍 仲敢 嚟 咩 , 趯 散 晒 。 that|plural marker|infantry||come|question particle|run|disperse|completely Those soldiers dare to come? They've all scattered. 張任 只 係 帶 住 幾十個 人 騎 住 馬 , 飛快 噉 混 山路 走 。 Zhang Ren|only|is|||several dozen|people|||horses|very fast|like that|navigating|mountain road|running Zhang Ren is only leading a few dozen people on horseback, quickly navigating the mountain roads. 走 咗 冇 幾遠 就 撞 正 張飛 嘞 。 walk|past tense marker|not|very far|then|bump into|just|Zhang Fei|past action marker Not long after, they ran into Zhang Fei. 哎呀 有 埋伏 ! 張 任一 勒馬 , 正話 想 退返 轉頭 。 oh no|has|ambush|Zhang|Renyi|pull the horse|just saying|wants|retreat|turn around Oh no, there's an ambush! Zhang Ren pulled his horse, just as he wanted to retreat. 張飛 大喝一聲 , 個 啲 兵卒 㗾 噉 湧 上 嚟 , 七手八腳 , 就將 張任 啊 生擒活捉 嘞 。 Zhang Fei|shouted loudly|the|plural marker|soldiers|like this|so|surged|up|here|in a chaotic manner||Zhang Ren|ah|alive and captured|past tense marker Zhang Fei shouted loudly, and the soldiers surged forward, working together to capture Zhang Ren alive. 卓膺 本來 係 帶領 後 隊 㗎 嘛 , 佢 見到 張任 中計 , 知道 呢 勻 都 實輸 冇 贏 㗎 喇 。 Cheuk Ying|originally|was|leading|rear|team|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating obviousness|he|saw|Cheung Yan|tricked|knew|this|match|all|definitely lost|no|win|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Zhuo Ying was originally supposed to lead the rear guard, but when he saw Zhang Ren fall into the trap, he realized that this battle was a definite loss, no chance of winning. 所以 就 帶 住 軍隊 向 趙雲 投降 , 噉 啊 當然 得到 劉備 嘅 歡迎 同埋 重賞 啦 。 so|then|lead|with|army|towards|Zhao Yun|surrender|like this|ah|of course|received|Liu Bei|possessive particle|welcome|and|heavy reward|sentence-final particle So he led his troops to surrender to Zhao Yun, and of course, he received a warm welcome and generous rewards from Liu Bei. 好 喇 , 打勝仗 收兵 嘞 , 張飛 押 咗 張任 嚟 到 中軍帳 。 good|particle indicating completion|win the battle|withdraw troops|particle indicating past action|Zhang Fei|escort|past tense marker|Zhang Ren|come|arrive|central army tent Alright, after winning the battle, they called back the troops, and Zhang Fei brought Zhang Ren to the central army's tent. 劉備 就 對 張任 話 : 你 哋 西 蜀 嘅 將領 啊 , 人人 都 望風而降 , 你 點解 唔 肯 投降 吖 ! Liu Bei|then|to|Zhang Ren|said|you|plural marker|Western|Shu|possessive particle|general|particle|everyone|all|surrender at the first sign of danger|you|why|not|willing|surrender|particle Liu Bei said to Zhang Ren: You are a general from the Western Shu, everyone else has surrendered, why are you unwilling to surrender? 哼 ! 忠臣 , 不事二主 啊 ! hum|loyal minister||ah Hmph! A loyal minister does not serve two masters! 你 噉 係 不識時務 啫 , 你 投降 , 就 唔 使 死 。 you|like this|are|unaware of the situation|just|you|surrender|then|not|need|die You are just being unwise; if you surrender, you won't have to die. 今日 唔 投降 , 以後 亦 唔 會 投降 , 你 要 殺 就 快 啲 殺 咗 我 啦 ! today|not|surrender|in the future|also|not|will|surrender|you|want|kill|then|quickly|more|||me|sentence-final particle If you don't surrender today, you won't surrender in the future either. If you want to kill me, just do it quickly! 劉備 好 敬重 張 任 嘅 才能 同 氣節 , 唔 忍心 殺 佢 。 Liu Bei|very|respected|Zhang|Ren|possessive particle|talent|and|integrity|not|heart to|kill|him Liu Bei greatly respected Zhang Ren's talents and integrity, and couldn't bear to kill him. 張任 就 放大 喉嚨 一味 咁 鬧 , 卒 之 孔明 就 下令 殺 咗 佢 。 Zhang Ren|then|amplify|throat|persistently|so|scolded|soldier|possessive particle|Kongming|then|ordered|kill|past tense marker|him Zhang Ren just shouted loudly, and in the end, Kongming ordered him to be killed. 劉備 好 可惜 佢 啊 , 就 叫 人斂 好 咗 佢 嘅 屍體 , 葬 咗 喺 金雁橋 嘅 旁邊 , 嚟 表彰 佢 嘅 忠心 。 Liu Bei|very|unfortunately|he|ah|then|asked||well|past tense marker|his|possessive particle|body|buried|past tense marker|at|Golden Goose Bridge|possessive particle|next to|to come|to honor|his|possessive particle|loyalty Liu Bei felt very sorry for him, so he had someone collect his body and buried it next to the Golden Goose Bridge to honor his loyalty. 第 日 , 劉備 就 派 嚴顏 、 吳懿 等等 一班 投降 過 嚟 嘅 西 蜀 將領 , 做 先頭部隊 啊 直逼 雒城 。 the|day|Liu Bei|then|sent|Yan Yan|Wu Yi|and so on|a group of|surrendered|over|come|possessive particle|western|Shu|generals|to be|vanguard|ah|directly press|Luo City On that day, Liu Bei sent Yan Yan, Wu Yi, and other surrendered generals from the West Shu as the vanguard to directly assault Luo City. 大聲 高叫 及早 投降 , 免致 全城 軍民 百姓 受苦 噉 。 loudly|shout|as soon as possible|surrender|so as not to|the whole city|soldiers and civilians|common people|suffer|like that They shouted loudly to surrender early to avoid suffering for the entire city's military and civilians. 劉 璝 喺 城樓 上面 破口大罵 , 嚴顏 正話 想 攞 弓箭 射 佢 。 Liu|Wei|at|city tower|on|scolded loudly|Yan Yan||wanted|to take|bow and arrow|shoot|him Liu Shan was cursing from the city tower, and Yan Yan was just about to shoot him with a bow and arrow. 忽然間 , 城上 有個 將官 喎 , 一劍 就 劈 死 咗 劉 璝 , 開門 投降 喇 。 suddenly|on the city|there was a|general|particle indicating realization|with one sword|then|struck|killed|past tense marker|Liu|Gui|opened the door|surrendered|particle indicating completed action Suddenly, a general on the city wall struck Liu Shan dead with a sword, and the gates opened for surrender. 噉 啊 劉備 嘅 大軍 一擁而入 啦 。 like this|ah|Liu Bei|possessive particle|army|rushed in|sentence-final particle Thus, Liu Bei's army surged in. 劉循 呢 , 就 混 西門 走 甩 咗 , 趯 返去 成都 , 呢 處 呢 就 唔 講 佢 住 。 Liu Xun|this|then|mixed|Ximen|walk|lose|past tense marker|hurriedly|return to|Chengdu|this|||then|not|talk|he|live Liu Xun, on the other hand, mixed up with Ximen and slipped away, then returned to Chengdu, and we won't talk about him here. 殺劉 璝 嗰 個 將官 係 邊個 呢 ? 原來 就 係 張翼 啊 。 kill Liu|the name of a person|that|measure word for people|general|is|who|question particle|originally|just|is|Zhang Yi|ah Who was the general that killed Liu Zhan? It turned out to be Zhang Yi. 劉備 得 咗 雒城 之後 , 立即 啊 出榜 安民 , 同時 呢 重賞 所有 嘅 將領 。 Liu Bei|obtained|past tense marker|Luo City|after|immediately|particle|issued a notice|to pacify the people|at the same time|particle|heavily rewarded|all|possessive particle|generals After Liu Bei took Luocheng, he immediately issued a proclamation to pacify the people and at the same time heavily rewarded all the generals. 孔明 又 派 張翼 、 吳懿 , 帶 趙雲 去 佔領 同 安撫 外 水 、 江陽 、 犍為 等等 地方 屬下 嘅 州郡 。 Zhuge Liang|again|sent|Zhang Yi|Wu Yi|took|Zhao Yun|to|occupy|and|pacify|outside|Shui|Jiangyang|Qianwei|etc|places|subordinate|possessive particle|counties Kongming also sent Zhang Yi and Wu Yi to lead Zhao Yun to occupy and pacify the subordinate states and counties such as Waishui, Jiangyang, and Jianwei. 噉 啊 即 係 而家 , 四川省 綿江 流域 嘅 地區 。 like this|ah|||now|Sichuan Province|Mianjiang|river basin|possessive particle|area So, this refers to the area of the Mianjiang River basin in Sichuan Province now. 又 派 嚴顏 、 卓膺 , 帶 張飛 去 佔領 安撫 巴西 德陽 所屬 嘅 州郡 。 again|send|Yan Yan|Zhuo Ying|take|Zhang Fei|to|occupy|pacify|Brazil|Deyang|belonging to|possessive particle|county Again, Yan Yan and Zhuo Ying were sent to lead Zhang Fei to occupy the states under the jurisdiction of Anfu, Bashide. 即 係 今日 四川省 成都市 以北 , 以及 嘉陵江 中游 嘅 地區 。 ||today|Sichuan Province|Chengdu|north of|as well as|Jialing River|midstream|possessive particle|area That is, the area north of Chengdu in Sichuan Province today, as well as the middle reaches of the Jialing River. 噉 啊 命令 佢 哋 平定 完 呢 啲 地區 之後 呢 , 就 委派 地方 官員 , 穩定局勢 , 然後 就 率領 兵馬 去 成都 會師 。 then|ah|order|he|they|pacify|complete|this|plural marker|region|after|this|then|appoint|local|officials||then|then|lead|troops|to|Chengdu|rendezvous So, after ordering them to pacify these areas, local officials would be appointed to stabilize the situation, and then they would lead their troops to Chengdu to rendezvous. 張飛 、 趙雲 呢 接受 咗 命令 就 帶兵 出發 嘞 。 Zhang Fei|Zhao Yun|question particle|accepted|past tense marker|order|then|lead the troops|depart|past action marker Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun accepted the orders and set off with their troops. 嗱 噉 而 家 已經 攻取 咗 雒 城 啦 , 接 住 就要 去 奪取 成都 嘞 。 well|like that|and|we|already|captured|past tense marker|Luo|city|sentence-final particle|next|continue|will|go|seize|Chengdu|sentence-final particle Now, they have already captured Luocheng, and next they need to seize Chengdu. 孔明 就 向 西 蜀 嘅 降 將 了解 過 , 由 雒 城去 成都 個 路上 呢 , 重要 嘅 關隘 只有 一個 綿竹 。 Zhuge Liang|then|towards|Western|Shu|possessive particle|surrender|general|understand|past|from|Luo||Chengdu|measure word|on the road|this|important|possessive particle|pass|only|one|Mianzhu Kong Ming learned from the surrendered generals of the Western Shu that on the road from Luo Cheng to Chengdu, there is only one important pass, which is Mianzhu. 綿竹 喺 四川省 北部 , 就 喺 成都 以北 。 Mianzhu|is|Sichuan Province|northern|just|at|Chengdu|north of Mianzhu is located in the northern part of Sichuan Province, just north of Chengdu. 嗰 度 係 有 重兵 防守 , 如果 攻陷 綿竹 , 噉 啊 奪取 成都 就 不過 係 舉手之勞 唧 。 that|place|is|has|heavy troops|defense|if|capture|Mianzhu|then|ah|seize|Chengdu|then|only|is|a matter of raising a hand|easy There are heavy troops defending there, and if Mianzhu is captured, taking Chengdu would be a piece of cake. 於是 孔明 就 召集 大家 嚟 商量 進兵 。 then|Kongming|then|gathered|everyone|to|discuss|advance the troops So Kong Ming gathered everyone to discuss the advance. 法正 啊 提出 個 意見 噃, 佢 話 : 雒城 一 攻破 , 整個 西 蜀都 震動 㗎 喇 。 Fa Zheng|ah|proposed|measure word|opinion||he|said|Luo Cheng|one|captured|entire|||shaken|particle|particle Fa Zheng suggested that once Luo Cheng is breached, the entire Western Shu will be shaken. 主公 想話 以 仁義 嚟 征服 天下 呢 , 最好 就 先 唔 好 進兵 。 lord|means|with|benevolence and righteousness|to|conquer|the world|particle indicating a question|best|then|first|||advance troops The lord wants to conquer the world with benevolence and righteousness, so it's best not to advance the troops for now. 等 我 寫封信 畀 劉璋 , 講明 利害 , 噉 劉璋 自然 會 投降 㗎 嘞 。 wait|I|write a letter|to|Liu Zhang|explain clearly|pros and cons|then|Liu Zhang|naturally|will|surrender|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completion Let me write a letter to Liu Zhang, explaining the pros and cons, and Liu Zhang will naturally surrender. 孔明 話 喇 : 啊 你 噉 講 係 最 啱 喇 。 Kongming|said|particle indicating completed action|ah|you|like that|talk|is|most|right|particle indicating completed action Kongming said: Ah, what you said is absolutely right. 於是 叫法 正寫 一封信 , 派個 使者 送 去 成都 畀 劉璋 。 so|called|writing|||messenger|deliver|to|Chengdu|to|Liu Zhang So he asked Fa Zheng to write a letter and send a messenger to Chengdu to deliver it to Liu Zhang. 而家 講下 劉循 啊 佢 逃跑 返去 成都 , 見到 佢 父親 劉璋 , 就 話 雒城 已經 淪陷 喇 噉 。 now|let's talk about|Liu Xun|particle|he|escape|return to|Chengdu|saw|his|father|Liu Zhang|then|said|Luo City|already|fallen|particle|like that Now let's talk about Liu Xun. He fled back to Chengdu and told his father Liu Zhang that Luo City has already fallen. 嚇到 劉璋 啊 慌 晒 , 馬上 召集 啲 文武 官員 嚟 研究 對策 。 scared|Liu Zhang|ah|panicked|completely|immediately|gathered|some|civil and military|officials|to|study|countermeasures Scared Liu Zhang, he was in a panic and immediately summoned his civil and military officials to discuss countermeasures. 有個 從事 官 叫做 鄭度 啊 , 佢 就 出 嚟 獻計 話 : there is|engaged in|official|called|Zheng Du|ah|he|then|come out|to|offer advice|said There was an official named Zheng Du who came out to offer advice saying: 目前 , 劉備 雖然 攻城 奪地 啫 , 但 係 佢 嘅 兵馬 不 甚多 , 市民 百姓 亦 未曾 歸順 佢 。 currently|Liu Bei|although|attacking cities|seizing land|only|||he|possessive particle|troops|not|very many|citizens|common people|also|not yet|submitted|him Currently, although Liu Bei is capturing cities and territories, his troops are not very numerous, and the citizens have not yet submitted to him. 劉備 嘅 軍用物資 好 缺乏 , 糧食 呢 , 亦 只 能夠 依靠 收割 田野 上 啲 稻谷 嚟 到 食 。 Liu Bei|possessive particle|military supplies|very|lacking|food|this|also|only|able to|rely on|harvesting|fields|on|plural marker|rice|come|to|eat Liu Bei's military supplies are very lacking, and for food, he can only rely on harvesting the rice from the fields. 所以 , 我 認為 不如 將 巴西 梓潼 地區 嘅 民 眾 啊 , 全部 遷移 到 涪水 以西 。 so|I|think|might as well|move|Brazil|Zitong|area|possessive particle|||ah|all|relocate|to|Fushui River|west of Therefore, I think it would be better to relocate all the people from the Baxi Zitong area to the west of the Fu River. 將 當地 嘅 糧倉 啊 , 田野 上 嘅 稻谷 啊 冚𠾴唥 放火燒 晒 佢 。 will|local|possessive particle|granary|sentence-final particle|field|on|possessive particle|rice|sentence-final particle|all|set on fire|completely|it Set fire to the local granaries and the rice in the fields. 然後 呢 , 我 哋 喺 呢 一帶 深溝高壘 , 構築 防禦工事 , 等 佢 哋 嚟 。 then|question particle|I|plural marker|at|this|area|deep trenches and high walls|build|defensive works|wait|they|plural marker|come Then, we will build defensive works in this area, deep trenches and high walls, waiting for them to come. 佢 哋 嚟 到 挑戰 嘅 時候 呢 , 就 唔 同 佢 哋 打 。 they|plural marker|||challenge|possessive particle|time|question particle|then|not|with|they|plural marker|fight When they come to challenge, we won't fight them. 時間 一長 , 佢 哋 毫無 供給 , 唔 到 百日 呀 , 佢 嘅 軍隊 自然 要 撤走 㗎 喇 。 time|long|they|plural marker|without|supply|not|reach|hundred days|sentence final particle|they|possessive particle|army|naturally|will|withdraw|sentence final particle|sentence final particle After a long time, with no supplies, within a hundred days, their army will naturally have to retreat. 到 其時 , 我 哋 趁勢 攻 佢 , 就 實捉 到 劉備 嘅 。 at|that time|we|plural marker|take advantage of the situation|attack|him|then|actually caught|to|Liu Bei|possessive particle At that time, we will take the opportunity to attack them and capture Liu Bei. 劉璋 話 喇 : 噉 , 唔 得 嘅 , 哎 , 素來 都 只有 話 抗敵 以 安民 嘅 啫 , 冇 聽講 過話 要 移民 嚟 防敵 嘅 噃。 Liu Zhang|said|particle indicating completion|like this|not|possible|particle indicating possession|sigh|always|all|only|saying|resist the enemy|in order to|ensure the safety of the people|particle indicating possession|only|not|heard||need|immigrate|to|defend against the enemy|particle indicating possession|particle indicating doubt Liu Zhang said: "Well, this won't do. Sigh, I've always only heard of resisting enemies to ensure the safety of the people, but I've never heard of moving to defend against enemies." 你 噉 嘅 計策 唔 妥 嘅 , 唔 妥 嘅 。 you|like this|possessive particle|strategy|not|appropriate|possessive particle||| Your strategy is not appropriate, not appropriate at all. 正 喺 度 商量 緊 , 劉備 嘅 使者 送法 正 嘅 信 嚟 到 。 just|at|place|discussing|ongoing|Liu Bei|possessive particle|messenger||Zheng|possessive particle|letter|come|arrived They are currently discussing it, and Liu Bei's messenger has delivered a letter from Fa Zheng. 劉璋 打開 封信 睇 下 , 無非 係 勸 佢 投降 , 嗨 , 真 係 泥菩薩 都 有 土性 啊 , 佛 都 激出 火 嘞 。 Liu Zhang|opened|sealed letter|read|down|nothing more than|is|persuading|him|surrender|sigh|really|is|clay bodhisattva|also|has|earthly nature|ah|Buddha|also|provoked|anger|past action particle Liu Zhang opened the letter to take a look, and it was nothing more than persuading him to surrender. Sigh, even a clay Buddha has its own nature, and even a Buddha can get angry. 劉璋 啊 撕爛 咗 封信 , 大聲 噉 鬧 起 嚟 話 : 法正 啊 法正 ! 你 係 個 賣主求榮 忘恩負義 嘅 奸賊 啊 你 ! Liu Zhang|ah|tore|past tense marker|letter|loudly|like that|scold|up|come|said|Fa Zheng|ah|Fa Zheng|you|are|classifier|self-serving|ungrateful|possessive particle|traitor|ah|you Liu Zhang tore the letter apart and shouted loudly: "Fa Zheng! You are a treacherous villain who seeks personal glory and forgets your benefactor!" 劉璋 趕走 咗 劉備 嘅 使者 , 即刻 就 派 佢 嘅 舅 仔 費 觀 , 點起 一支 人馬 去 守衛 綿竹 。 Liu Zhang|drove away|past tense marker|Liu Bei|possessive particle|messenger|immediately|then|sent|he|possessive particle|||||raised|a|army|to|guard|Mianzhu Liu Zhang drove away Liu Bei's envoy and immediately sent his nephew Fei Guan to gather a troop to guard Mianzhu. 費觀 呢 , 又 舉薦 咗 一個 人 , 就 姓李 名嚴 , 字 正方 , 嚟 做 佢 嘅 助手 , 一齊 帶兵 。 Fei Kwan|this|again|recommended|past tense marker|one|person|then|||courtesy name|Zheng Fang|come|to be|he|possessive particle|assistant|together|lead troops Fei Guan also recommended a person, surnamed Li and named Yan, styled Zhengfang, to be his assistant and lead the troops together. 噉 佢 哋 兩個 呢 , 點起 三 萬軍 兵 就 出發 去 守 綿竹 嘞 。 then|he|they|two|question particle|how to raise|three||soldiers|then|depart|to|defend|Mianzhu|past action particle So the two of them gathered 30,000 soldiers and set off to guard Mianzhu. 當時 益州 太守 董 和 啊 , 佢 又 向 劉 璋 建議 話 去 漢中 張 魯 嗰 處 借兵 。 at that time|Yizhou|governor|||ah|he|again|to|||suggested|saying|to go|Hanzhong|||that|place|borrow troops At that time, the governor of Yizhou, Dong He, suggested to Liu Zhang to borrow troops from Zhang Lu in Hanzhong. 劉璋 就 話 : 張魯 , 同 我 係 世仇 嚟 喎 , 佢 又 點 肯 救 我 呢 又 ? Liu Zhang|then|said|Zhang Lu|with|me|am|mortal enemy|come|particle indicating certainty|he|again|how|willing|save|me|question particle|again Liu Zhang replied: Zhang Lu is my sworn enemy, how could he possibly come to my aid? 董和話 喇 : 雖然 佢 同 我 哋 係 有 仇 , 不過 劉備 嘅 大軍 喺 雒 城 , 局勢 危急 , 唇亡 齒寒 噃。 Dong He said|particle indicating finality|although|he|with|I|we|is|have|enmity|but|Liu Bei|possessive particle|large army|at|||situation|urgent|||particle indicating suggestion or agreement Dong said: Although he has a grudge against us, Liu Bei's large army is in Luo City, and the situation is critical; if the lips are gone, the teeth are cold. 倘若 對 佢 講明 利害 , 佢 必定 肯 派兵 嚟 救 嘅 。 if|to|he|explain clearly|pros and cons|he|definitely|willing|send troops|here|rescue|particle indicating action completion If we explain the pros and cons to him, he will definitely be willing to send troops to help. 事緊 馬行 田 啊 , 一線希望 都 爭取 下 係 啦 。 urgent|horse racing|field|ah||all|strive for|next|is|particle It's urgent, we should strive for even a glimmer of hope. 劉璋 就 寫 咗 封信 , 派 個人 送 去 漢中 向 張魯 求救 。 Liu Zhang|then|write|past tense marker|a letter|send|a person|deliver|to|Hanzhong|towards|Zhang Lu|ask for help Liu Zhang wrote a letter and sent someone to Han Zhong to seek help from Zhang Lu. 好 喇 , 而家 呢 就 暫時 放低 西川 呢 便 嘅 事 唔 講 佢 住 , 回過 頭 嚟 講返 下 馬超 先吓 。 good|particle indicating completion|now|this|then|temporarily|put aside|Xichuan|this|convenient|possessive particle|matter|not|talk|he|currently|turn back|head|come|talk again|about|Ma Chao|first Alright, for now, let's temporarily set aside the matter of Xichuan and not talk about it, and turn back to discuss Ma Chao. 馬超 啊 , 自從 打敗仗 趯 咗 去 羌族 嘅 地方 , 即 係 , 今日 , 甘肅 啊 , 誒 青海 啊 噉 呢 一 啲 地方 。 Ma Chao|ah|since|lost the battle|fled|past tense marker|to|Qiang tribe|possessive particle|area|||today|Gansu|ah|eh|Qinghai|ah|like this|these|one|plural marker|areas Ma Chao, since he was defeated and retreated to the territory of the Qiang people, which is today Gansu and Qinghai and such places. 噉 佢 已經 有 兩年 幾 嘞 去 咗 , 佢 聯合 羌兵 , 奪取 咗 隴西 一帶 嘅 州郡 。 then|he|already|has|two years|more|past tense marker|go|past tense marker|he|united|Qiang soldiers|captured|past tense marker|Longxi|area|possessive particle|counties He has been there for more than two years, and he allied with the Qiang soldiers to seize the prefectures in the Longxi area. 即 係 今日 甘肅省 一部分 嘅 地方 , 郡 城 就 喺 , 蘭州 以南 嘅 臨洮縣 附近 。 ||today|Gansu Province|a part|possessive particle|area|||just|at|Lanzhou|south of|possessive particle|Lintao County|nearby This refers to a part of today's Gansu Province, with the county seat located near Lintao County, south of Lanzhou. 噉 佢 大軍 所到之處 度度 都 投降 , 唯獨 是 冀城 呢 就 攻 佢 唔 落 噃。 then|he|army|wherever|every|all|surrendered|only|is|Jicheng|this|then|attack|him|not|fall|particle Wherever his army went, they surrendered, except for Jicheng, which he could not capture. 涼州 刺史 韋康 呢 , 就 屢次 都 派 人 向 夏侯淵 求救 。 Liangzhou|governor|Wei Kang|question particle|then|repeatedly|all|send|people|towards|Xiahou Yuan|ask for help The governor of Liangzhou, Wei Kang, repeatedly sent people to request help from Xiahou Yuan. 但 係 夏侯淵 因為 未 得到 曹操 嘅 指示 , 一直 都 唔 敢 動兵 。 ||Xiahou Yuan|because|not|received|Cao Cao|possessive particle|instructions|always|all|not|dare|move troops But Xiahou Yuan, because he had not received instructions from Cao Cao, did not dare to move his troops. 韋康見 救兵 唔 嚟 咯 , 就 同 大家 商量 就 不如 投降 馬超 啦 噉 。 Wai Hong saw|reinforcements|not|come|particle indicating realization|then|with|everyone|discuss|then|might as well|surrender|Ma Chao|particle indicating suggestion|like this Wei Kang saw that the reinforcements were not coming, so he discussed with everyone that it would be better to surrender to Ma Chao. 參軍 楊阜 就 喊住 噉 勸 佢 唔 好 投降 馬超 呢 個 背叛 朝廷 嘅 反賊 啊 噉 。 army officer|Yang Fu|then|shouting|like that|advised|him|||surrender|Ma Chao|this|classifier for people|traitor|imperial court|possessive particle|rebel|ah|like that The military advisor Yang Fu shouted and advised him not to surrender to Ma Chao, the traitor who betrayed the court. 但 係 韋康 認為 大勢 已經 到 咗 噉 嘅 地步 , 唔 投降 都 唔 得 㗎 啦 。 ||Wai Hong|believes|overall situation|already|reached|past tense marker|to this|possessive particle|point|not|surrender|also|not|possible|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle However, Wei Kang believed that the situation had already reached a point where not surrendering was not an option. 噉 就 唔 理 楊 阜 嘅 苦苦 勸諫 , 就 大開 城門 向 馬超 投降 。 then|just|not|heed|Yang|Fu|possessive particle|earnestly|admonition|then|fully opened|city gate|towards|Ma Chao|surrendered So, disregarding Yang Fu's earnest advice, he opened the city gates and surrendered to Ma Chao. 哈 , 點知 馬超 呀 好 嬲 喎 , 佢 話 : 而家 事態 危急 嘞 , 你 就 投降 係 嘛 ? Ha|didn't expect|Ma Chao|particle|very|angry|particle|he|said|now|situation|urgent|particle|you|then|surrender|is|particle Ha, who knew that Ma Chao was so angry, he said: The situation is critical now, are you just going to surrender? 哼 ! 你 都 唔 係 真心 嘅 , 斬 ! hum|you|also|not|are|sincere|possessive particle|cut off Hmph! You are not sincere either, cut it! 將韋康 全家 四廿 几口 人 冚𠾴唥 殺 清光 。 kill Wai Hong|whole family|40|how many people|people|all together|kill|wipe out Kill all of Wei Kang's family, over forty people, and wipe them out. 有人 同 馬超 話 嘞 : 嗰 個 楊 阜 呀 , 勸 韋康 唔 好 投降 㗎 , 殺 埋 佢 就 啱 喇 。 someone|with|Ma Chao|said|past tense particle|that|measure word|Yang|Fu|particle|advised|Wei Kang|not|well|surrender|particle|kill|also|him|then|right|particle Someone told Ma Chao: That Yang Fu is advising Wei Kang not to surrender, just kill him too. 馬超 話 : 此人 講 節義 , 唔 好 殺 佢 。 Ma Chao|said|this person|speaks|righteousness|||kill|him Ma Chao said: This person speaks of righteousness, do not kill him. 唔 止 唔 殺 啊 , 仲用 返 佢 做 參軍 添 。 not|stop|not|kill|ah||back|him|as|soldier|also Don't stop, don't kill, and still use him to enlist. 楊阜 呢 , 又 推薦 咗 梁 寬 , 趙 衢 兩個 人 , 噉 馬超亦 都 任命 佢 哋 做 咗 軍官 。 Yang Fu|this|again|recommended|past tense marker|Liang|Kwan|Zhao|Qu|two|people|then||all|appointed|they|plural marker|to be|past tense marker|military officers As for Yang Fu, he also recommended Liang Kuan and Zhao Qu, so Ma Chao appointed them as military officers. 過 咗 幾日 , 楊阜 就 對 馬超 話 佢 老婆 喺 臨洮 死 咗 , 要 請 兩個 月 假 , 返去 葬 咗 個 老婆 呢 就 返 嚟 㗎 喇 噉 。 passed|past tense marker|few days|Yang Fu|then|to|Ma Chao|said|he|wife|at|Lintao|died|past tense marker|needs|to request|two|month|leave|return|bury|past tense marker|classifier|wife|question particle|then|return|come|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|like this A few days later, Yang Fu told Ma Chao that his wife had died in Lintao and he needed to take two months off to go back and bury her before returning. 馬超 啊準 咗 佢 假 , 噉 楊 阜 啊 走 人 嘞 喎 。 Ma Chao||past tense marker|he|leave|then|Yang|Fu|ah|leave|person|past tense marker|sentence final particle Ma Chao approved his leave, and then Yang Fu left. 楊阜 路過 歷城 , 就 去 見 撫 彝 將軍 姜敘 。 Yang Fu|passed by|Licheng|then|go|see|pacification|Yi|general|Jiang Xu On his way, Yang Fu passed through Licheng and went to see General Fu Yi, Jiang Xu. 原來 姜敘同 楊 阜 係 姑表兄弟 嚟 。 it turns out|Jiang Xutong|Yang|Fu|are|cousins|(particle indicating affirmation) It turns out that Jiang Xu and Yang Fu are cousins. 姜敘個 老母 就 係 楊 阜 嘅 姑媽 , 當時 呢 已經 八 十二歲 咁 老 㗎 喇 。 |mother|just|is|Yeung|Fu|possessive particle|aunt|at that time|this|already|eight||so|old|sentence-final particle|completed action particle Jiang Xu's mother is Yang Fu's aunt, and at that time she was already quite old, around eighty to twelve years old. 當日 , 楊阜 去 到 姜 敘 嘅 屋企 拜見 咗 姑媽 。 that day|Yang Fu|||Jiang|Xu|possessive particle|home|paid a visit to|past tense marker|aunt On that day, Yang Fu went to Jiang Xu's house to pay a visit to his aunt. 佢 跪 喺 處 喊住 噉 話 : 我守 唔 住 城池 , 主人 死 咗 , 我 又 唔 能夠 跟 埋 佢 一齊 死 , 我 真 係 冇 面見 姑媽 你 咯 。 He|kneels|at|place|crying|like that|said||not|live|city|master|died|past tense marker|I|again|not|able to|||him|together|die|I|really|am|not have|face to face meeting|aunt|you|final particle He knelt down and cried, saying: I couldn't defend the city, the master died, and I couldn't die with him, I really have no face to see you, aunt. 馬超 佢 背叛 皇上 殺害 長官 。 Ma Chao|he|betrayed|emperor|killed|general Ma Chao betrayed the emperor and killed the governor. 全州 嘅 市民 百姓 冇 個 唔 痛恨 佢 嘅 , 但 係 表兄 而家 坐鎮 歷城 , 竟然 毫無 討伐 逆賊 嘅 意思 , 噉 樣點 合人臣 之 道 呢 ? Quanzhou|possessive particle|citizens|common people|have not|classifier|not|hate|he|possessive particle|but|is|cousin|now|stationed|Licheng|unexpectedly|without|attacking|traitor|possessive particle|intention|like this|||possessive particle|way|question particle The citizens of the whole state all hate him, but now that my cousin is stationed in Licheng, he shows no intention of punishing the traitors. How can this be in accordance with the way of a minister? 楊阜 講完 呀 , 嗰 雙眼 因為 流眼淚 流 得 緊要 啊 仲 流出 啲 血 嚟 添 。 Yang Fu|finished speaking|particle|that|eyes|because|tears|flow|to a great extent|urgently|particle|still|flowing out|some|blood|coming|also After Yang Fu finished speaking, his eyes were streaming with tears, and blood was even flowing out. 姜敘 老母 聽 咗 , 就 叫 咗 姜 敘入 嚟 鬧 佢 嘞 : 韋 使君 遇害 , 你 亦 有罪 㗎 ! Cheung Sui|mother|heard|past tense marker|then|called|past tense marker|Cheung||come|scolded|him|sentence-final particle|Wai|Sir|murdered|you|also|have guilt|sentence-final particle When Jiang Xu's mother heard this, she called Jiang Xu in to scold him: 'Wei Shijun was harmed, and you are also guilty!' 噉 佢 又 話 楊 阜 嘞 : 噉 你 既然 投降 咗 人 哋 咯 , 仲做 咗 佢 嘅 官 , 受 佢 嘅 俸祿 , 點解 你 又 起心 要 打 佢 呢 ? then|he|again|said|Yang|Fu|past tense particle||you|since|surrendered|past tense marker|people|plural marker|sentence-final particle||past tense marker|his|possessive particle|official|receive|his|possessive particle|salary|why|you|again|intention|want|fight|him|question particle Then she said to Yang Fu: 'Since you have surrendered to them and even become their official, receiving their salary, why do you still want to fight against them?' 姑媽 , 我 之所以 投降 奸賊 , 不過 係 想 留返 條命 , 為 主人 報仇 啫 。 aunt|I|the reason why|surrender|villain|but|is|want|to keep|life|for|master|take revenge|only Aunt, the reason I surrendered to the traitors was just to save my life and to take revenge for my master. 姜 敘話 喇 : 馬超 好 勇猛 㗎 喎 , 一時之間 , 唔 容易 打敗 佢 㗎 。 ginger|said|particle indicating completed action|Ma Chao|very|brave|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating suggestion|in a moment|not|easy|defeat|him|particle indicating certainty Jiang Xu said: Ma Chao is very brave, it's not easy to defeat him in a short time. 楊阜話 : 佢 有勇無謀 , 好易 打 佢 個 啫 , 我 已經 秘密 噉 同梁 寬 、 趙 衢 約 好 咗 㗎 喇 , 表兄 如果 肯 起兵 , 佢 兩個 必定 做 內應 嘅 。 Yang Fu said|he|brave but not wise|very easily|defeat|him|possessive particle|only|I|already||like this||Kuan|Zhao|Qu|arranged|well|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle|cousin|if|willing|raise troops|they|two of them|definitely|be|internal support|possessive particle Yang Fu said: He has courage but no strategy, it's easy to defeat him. I have secretly arranged with Liang Kuan and Zhao Qu, if my cousin is willing to raise troops, those two will definitely act as insiders. 姜敘 老母 就 話 喇 : 你 唔 早 啲 想 辦法 去 打 馬超 , 仲等 幾時 吖 ? Jiang Xue|mother|then|said|particle indicating completed action|you|not|early|comparative particle|think|method|to|defeat|Ma Chao||when|particle indicating a question Jiang Xu's mother said: Why don't you think of a way to deal with Ma Chao earlier? How much longer are you going to wait? 人人 都 有 一死 啊 , 死於 忠義 就 係 死得其所 啦 嘛 。 everyone|all|has|one death|ah|die for|loyalty and righteousness|then|is|die in a worthy manner|particle indicating finality|particle indicating obviousness Everyone has to die, dying for loyalty and righteousness is a worthy death. 你 唔 使 掛住 我 㗎 , 你 如果 唔 聽 表弟 話 , 我 即刻 就 死 咗 佢 先 等 你 唔 使 掛 喇 。 you|not|need|worry about|me|sentence-final particle|you|if|not|listen|cousin|words|I|immediately|then|||him|first|let|you|not|need|worry|sentence-final particle You don't have to worry about me, if you don't listen to your cousin, I will just kill him right away so you won't have to worry. 於是 姜敘 下決心 喇 , 請 埋 統兵 校尉 尹奉 、 趙 昂 嚟 商量 。 so|Jiang Xu|made up his mind|particle indicating completion|invited|also|commanding officer|sergeant|Yin Feng|Zhao|Ang|to come|discuss So, Jiang Xü made up his mind and invited the commanding officer, Colonel Yin Feng, and Zhao Ang to discuss. 原來 趙 昂 啊 有 個 仔 叫做 趙 月 噃, 現時 呢 , 就 正 喺 馬超 部下 做 一名 副將 嘅 。 it turns out|Zhao|Ang|ah|has|a|son|named|Zhao|Yue||currently|particle indicating a question|just|currently|at|Ma Chao|subordinate|working|a|deputy general|possessive particle It turns out that Zhao Ang has a son named Zhao Yue, who is currently serving as a deputy general under Ma Chao. 當日 趙 昂 參加 完姜 敘 召開 嘅 軍事 會議 之後 , 就 返 去 同 佢 老婆 王氏話 : that day|Zhao|Ang|attended||Xu|held|possessive particle|military|meeting|after|then|return|to|with|his|wife| After Zhao Ang attended the military meeting convened by Jiang Xü, he went home to talk to his wife, Mrs. Wang: 我 今日 , 同姜 敘 、 楊阜 、 尹奉 一齊 嚟 商量 , 要 為 韋康 報仇 。 I|today||Xu|Yangfu|Yin Feng|together|come|discuss|need to|for|Wei Kang|take revenge "Today, I discussed with Jiang Xü, Yang Fu, and Yin Feng about avenging Wei Kang." 唉 , 不過 我 諗 , 我 哋 個 仔 現時 喺 馬超 部下 做 軍官 , 如果 一打 起上 嚟 , 馬超 一定 殺 咗 我 哋 個 仔先 㗎 噃。 sigh|but|I|think|||classifier for people|son|currently|at|Ma Chao|subordinate|work as|officer|if||||Ma Chao|definitely|kill|past tense marker|||classifier for people||| Alas, I think our son is currently serving as an officer under Ma Chao, and if a fight breaks out, Ma Chao will definitely kill our son first." 噉 , 噉 點算 好 呢 ? then|how|to calculate|good|question particle So, what should we do? 王氏話 喇 : 為 朝廷 為 長官 報仇雪恥 , 就算 自己 一死 都 不足 惜 喇 , 何況 一個 仔 呢 ? Wang said|particle indicating finality|for|imperial court|for|governor|avenge and restore honor|even if|oneself|one death|all|not|worth mourning|particle indicating finality|let alone|one|child|question particle Wang said: For the court and for the governor, to take revenge and restore our honor, even if it means my own death, it is not worth regretting, let alone for a child? 夫君 啊 , 你 如果 顧住 個 仔 而 唔 肯去 討伐 馬超 , 噉 我 就 死 喺 你 面前 先 係 啦 。 husband|ah|you|if|take care of|the|child|and|not|willing to go|attack|Ma Chao|then|I|then|die|in|you|front of|first|be|particle Husband, if you care for the child and refuse to go after Ma Chao, then I will die in front of you. 嘿 , 幾大 就 幾大 啦 , 趙 昂 噉 就 落 決心 喇 , 第日 就 一齊 起兵 。 hey|how big|then|how big|particle|Zhao|Ang|like that|then|make|determination|particle|the day after|then|together|raise troops Hey, the bigger the issue, the bigger the decision. Zhao Ang has made up his mind, we will rise up together the next day. 姜敘 、 楊阜 就 駐 扎 喺 歷城 , 尹奉 、 趙 昂 駐 扎 喺 祁山 。 Jiang Xue|Yang Fu|then|||at|Licheng|Yin Feng|||||at|Qishan Jiang Xu and Yang Fu will be stationed in Licheng, while Yin Feng and Zhao Ang will be stationed in Qishan. 王氏 呢 , 仲 攞 晒 自己 啲 金銀 首飾 啊 私己 錢財 出 嚟 , 親自 去 到 祁山 駐軍 嗰 處 , 慰勞 全軍 將士 , 勉勵 佢 哋 要 好好 打仗 。 Wang family|question particle|still|take|all|own|plural marker|gold and silver|jewelry|particle|private|wealth|take out|come|personally|go|to|Qishan|stationed troops|that|place|comfort|entire army|soldiers|encourage|they|plural marker|must|well|fight As for the Wang family, they took all their gold and silver jewelry and personal wealth to personally go to the military stationed at Qishan to comfort all the soldiers and encourage them to fight well. 啊 , 王氏 呀 , 又 係 個 巾幗英雄 啊 。 ah|Wong|particle|again|is|classifier|heroine|ah Ah, the Wang family is indeed a heroine. 嗱 各位 , 祁山 呢 , 就 喺 而 家 甘肅省 嘅 , 東南部 , 西和縣 以北 , 就 靠近 天水市 嘅 。 well|everyone|Qishan|particle indicating location|then|at|||Gansu Province|possessive particle|southeastern part|Xihe County|north of|then|close to|Tianshui City|possessive particle Now, everyone, Qishan is located in the southeastern part of Gansu Province, just north of Xihe County, close to Tianshui City. 喺 漢朝 呢 , 喺 西漢水 嘅 北岸 嘅 山上 便 就 築 咗 城堡 , 極之 堅固 , 即 係 今日 嘅 祁山 堡 嘞 。 in|Han Dynasty|this||Western Han River|possessive particle|north bank|possessive particle|on the mountain|then|just|built|past tense marker|castle|extremely|strong|that is|is|today|possessive particle|Qishan|fortress|sentence-final particle During the Han Dynasty, a fortress was built on the northern bank of the Western Han River, which was very strong, and that is today's Qishan Fortress. 噉 祁山 呢 笪 地方 啊 非常 之 重要 大家 記住 佢 個 名 。 then|Qishan|this|bus|place|ah|very|possessive particle|important|everyone|remember|he|measure word|name So, Qishan is a very important place, everyone remember its name. 因為 以後 孔明 啊 去 攻打 魏國 呢 , 六出 祁山 就 係 呢 處 嚟 㗎 喇 。 because|in the future|Kongming|ah|will|attack|Wei state|particle indicating a question or emphasis|six expeditions|Qishan|then|is|particle indicating a question or emphasis|place|come|particle indicating a completed action|particle indicating a change of state Because in the future, Kongming will attack Wei, the Six Expeditions to Qishan will start from here. 噉 啊 馬超 啊 , 聽聞 姜敘 、 楊阜 又 會合 埋 尹奉 、 趙 昂起 兵 反水 , 就 發火 喇 , 即刻 拉 趙 月 嚟 斬 咗 。 then|particle|Ma Chao||heard|Jiang Xue|Yang Fu|again|join forces|together|Yin Feng|Zhao|Angqi|troops|revolt|then|got angry|particle|immediately|arrest|Zhao|Yue|come|behead|past tense particle Then Ma Chao, upon hearing that Jiang Xu and Yang Fu would join forces with Yin Feng and Zhao Ang to rebel, got angry and immediately had Zhao Yue executed. 命令 龐德 、 馬岱 , 點齊 兵馬 就 殺 去 歷城 。 order|Pang De|Ma Dai|assemble|troops|then|||Lixian He ordered Pang De and Ma Dai to gather their troops and march to Licheng. 姜敘 、 楊阜 咪 帶兵 出 城 迎戰 咯 。 Jiang Xu|Yang Fu|must|lead troops|out|city|engage in battle|particle indicating completed action Jiang Xu and Yang Fu led their troops out of the city to confront them. 兩陣 對圓 , 只見 楊阜 、 姜敘 白袍 白甲 啊 , 喺 陣前 痛罵 馬超 , 鬧 佢 係 叛 君 無 義 嘅 奸賊 。 two armies|facing each other|only saw|Yang Fu|Jiang Xu|white robe|white armor|ah|at|the front of the army|scolded severely|Ma Chao|scolded|he|is|treasonous|ruler|no|righteousness|possessive particle|traitor In the two armies facing each other, Yang Fu and Jiang Xu in white robes and armor were seen cursing Ma Chao at the front, accusing him of being a treacherous rebel who betrayed his lord. 馬超 就 嬲 到 眼 都 紅晒 , 拍馬 衝過 嚟 , 就 兩 便 展開 一場 混戰 。 Ma Chao|then|angry|to|eyes|all|completely red|spurting horse|rushed over|here|then|both|immediately|started|a|chaotic battle Ma Chao was so angry that his eyes turned red. He rushed over and a chaotic battle broke out between the two sides. 姜敘 、 楊阜 就 唔 夠 馬超 打 嘅 , 幾個 回合 , 就 大敗 而 走 嘞 。 Jiang Xu|Yang Fu|then|not|enough|Ma Chao|fight|particle indicating past action|several|rounds|then|defeated|and|ran away|particle indicating completed action Jiang Xu and Yang Fu were no match for Ma Chao. After a few rounds, they were completely defeated and fled. 馬超 指揮 軍隊 追殺 過去 。 Ma Chao|commanded|army|pursuit|past Ma Chao commanded his troops to pursue them. 咦 ? 突然 間 , 喺 後 便 響起 吶喊聲 , 原來 係 尹奉 、 趙 昂 殺過 嚟 。 eh|suddenly|moment|at|back|then|rang out|shouting|it turns out|is|Yin Feng|Zhao|Ang|killed|here Suddenly, there were shouts from behind. It turned out to be Yin Feng and Zhao Ang coming to attack. 馬超 就 急忙 回馬 , 嘿 呢 次 形勢 就 唔 妥 喎 , 事 關係 受到 兩面夾攻 吖 嘛 , 就 搞 到 頭尾 不能 照應 添 。 Ma Chao|then|hurriedly|retreat|hey|this|time|situation|then|not|favorable|particle|matter|relationship|received||particle|particle|then|||front and back|unable to|support|additional Ma Chao hurriedly turned his horse around. This situation was not good; he was being attacked from both sides, making it impossible to respond to both fronts. 正 喺 度 鬥 緊 , 喺 橫頭 便 又 有 大隊 軍馬 殺到 嚟 嘞 。 right|at|place|fight|ongoing|||then|again|have|large group|cavalry|rush in|here|past tense particle They are fighting here, and a large group of cavalry has arrived from the west. 係 邊 便 嘅 人馬 呢 ? 原來 係 夏侯淵 啊 佢 終於 得到 咗 曹操 個 命令 , 親自 統率 軍馬 嚟 攻打 馬超 啊 。 is|which|convenient|possessive particle|cavalry|question particle|originally|is|Xiahou Yuan|ah|he|finally|received|past tense marker|Cao Cao|possessive particle|order|personally|commanded|troops|to|attack|Ma Chao|ah Who are these troops? It turns out to be Xiahou Yuan. He has finally received Cao Cao's order to personally lead the cavalry to attack Ma Chao. 馬超 縱使 係 英雄 啫 , 之 又 如何 打得過 三路 軍馬 嘅 呢 ? Ma Chao|even if|is|hero|only|he|again|how|can defeat|three routes|cavalry|possessive particle|question particle Even though Ma Chao is a hero, how can he possibly fight against three armies of cavalry? 結果 就 輸到 一塌糊塗 搏命 咁 趯 , 趯 咗 足足 成晚 。 result|then|lost|completely|desperately|so|kicked|||a full|whole night As a result, he lost completely and fought desperately throughout the night. 到 第朝 早 天光 就 返到 去 冀城 叫門 咯 喎 , 哎呀 ! 城頭 上 亂箭 射落 嚟 噃。 arrive|the next morning|early|daylight|then|return|to|Jicheng||particle indicating completion|particle indicating suggestion|oh no|city wall|on|random arrows|shot down|coming|particle indicating realization By dawn, they returned to Jicheng and knocked on the gates, but alas! Arrows were raining down from the city walls. 馬超 定眼 一 睇 , 只見 梁寬 、 趙 衢 啊 企 喺 城頭 上面 , 指手畫腳 噉 對 馬超 痛罵 一餐 。 Ma Chao|focused his eyes|one|look|only saw|Liang Kuan|Zhao|Qu|ah|standing|at|city wall|above|gesturing wildly|like that|towards|Ma Chao|scolded harshly|one meal Ma Chao fixed his gaze and saw Liang Kuan and Zhao Qu standing on the city wall, gesturing and cursing at Ma Chao. 跟 住 , 將 馬超 個 老婆 楊氏拉出 嚟 , 一刀 殺死 , 又 將個 尸首 喺 城 上面 掉 咗 落 嚟 。 ||to take|Ma Chao|possessive particle|wife||here|with one knife|killed|again||corpse|at|city|on|to drop|past tense marker|down|here Then, they dragged Ma Chao's wife, Yang, out and killed her with a knife, throwing her corpse down from the city. 噉 仲 唔 止 , 又將 馬超 三個 仔 就 年紀 都 好 細 嘅 啫 , 連埋 十幾個 至親 嘅 親屬 啊 , 喺 城頭 上 一刀 一個 一刀 一個 , 斬 死 咗 , 掉落 嚟 。 like this|still|not|stop||Ma Chao|three|sons|just|age|all|very|small|possessive particle|only|including|more than ten|close relatives|possessive particle|relatives|ah|at|on the city wall|on|one sword|one|one sword|one|chop|dead|past tense marker|fall|down But that wasn't all; they also killed Ma Chao's three young sons, along with more than a dozen of his close relatives, one by one, and threw them down from the city. 哎呀 ! 馬超 嬲 啊 ! 真 係 激 到 佢 呀 嘔血 都 唔 得 掂 啊 , 氣到 幾乎 跌 咗 落馬 。 oh no|Ma Chao|angry|particle|||infuriated|to the point of|he|particle|coughing up blood|even|not|able|to handle|particle|so angry|almost|fall|past tense marker|off the horse Oh no! Ma Chao was furious! He was so enraged that he almost spat blood and nearly fell off his horse. 呢 個 時候 , 夏侯淵 就 帶 住 大軍 喺 背後 追緊 嚟 嘞 。 this|measure word|time|Xiahouyuan|then|||army|at|behind|was chasing|coming|past action particle At this moment, Xiahou Yuan was leading a large army behind, pursuing them. 馬超 見到 對方 人多 勢眾 , 唔 敢 戀戰 啦 , 就 帶 住 龐德 , 馬岱 殺 開條 血路 就 走 。 Ma Chao|saw|the opponent|many people|strong in numbers|not|dare|fight to the end|particle indicating change|then|||Pang De|Ma Dai|kill|open up a|path of blood|then|left Ma Chao saw that the enemy had many people and was strong, so he didn't dare to fight and took Pang De with him, while Ma Dai cut a bloody path to escape. 喺 前 便 又 撞 着 姜 敘 、 楊阜 , 截住 又 殺 咗 一陣 。 at|front|then|again|collided|past tense marker|Jiang|Xu||intercepted|again|killed|past tense marker|a moment In front, he ran into Jiang Xuy and Yang Fu, and they fought for a while. 衝 咗 過去 嘞 , 又 撞 着 尹奉 、 趙 昂 , 又 截住 殺 咗 一陣 , 幾次三番 噉 殘酷 廝殺 , 馬超 只 係 剩返 五六十個 馬 軍 跟 尾 , 就 漏夜 奔走 。 rush|past tense marker|over there|past action marker|again|crash|past tense marker|Yin Feng|Zhao|Ang|again|intercepted|kill|past tense marker|a while|repeatedly|like that|cruel|fighting|Ma Chao|only|is|remaining|fifty or sixty|horse|soldiers|follow|behind|then|overnight|flee He charged forward, then ran into Yin Feng and Zhao Ang, and fought again. After several brutal battles, Ma Chao was left with only fifty or sixty cavalry following him, and he fled overnight. 到 咗 四 更 咁 上下 呢 , 佢 嚟 到 歷城 嘞 噃。 arrive|past tense marker|four|watchman|so|up and down|question particle|he|come|arrive|Licheng|past tense marker| By around the fourth watch, he arrived at Licheng. 守城 嘅 呢 , 仲估 話 姜 敘 帶兵 返 嚟 添 , 就 大開 城門 放 咗 馬超 入城 啦 , 哈死 咯 呢 趟 。 defending the city|possessive particle|question particle||saying|Jiang|Xu|leading troops|returning|here|also|then|wide open|city gate|letting|past tense marker|Ma Chao|entering the city|final particle|to die laughing|final particle|this|trip The defenders of the city thought that Jiang Xuy was bringing troops back, so they opened the city gates wide and let Ma Chao enter the city, which was a big mistake. 畀 馬超 佢 哋 呢 就 由 南門 殺起 啊 , 全城 嘅 百姓 都 殺 盡 。 give|Ma Chao|he|plural marker|this|then|from|South Gate|start killing|exclamation particle|the whole city|possessive particle|common people|all|| Let Ma Chao and his men kill from the South Gate, slaughtering all the citizens in the city. 馬超 去 到 姜 敘 嘅 住宅 , 拉 咗 姜 敘 嘅 老母 出 嚟 。 Ma Chao|||Jiang|Xu|possessive particle|residence|pulled|past tense marker|Jiang|Xu|possessive particle|mother|| Ma Chao went to Jiang Xu's residence and dragged Jiang Xu's mother out. 姜母 一 啲 都 唔 怕 噃, 指住 馬超 嚟 鬧 。 ginger mother|one|a little|all|not|afraid|particle|pointing at|Ma Chao|come|scold Jiang's mother was not afraid at all and pointed at Ma Chao to scold him. 馬超 嬲 起 上 嚟 自己 逳 手 , 一劍 就 殺死 咗 姜母 。 Ma Chao|angry|rise|up|come|himself|draw|sword|one sword|then|kill|past tense marker|Jiang Mu Ma Chao got angry and drew his sword, killing Jiang's mother with one strike. 尹奉 、 趙 昂 嘅 全家 老幼 呢 , 亦 都 冚𠾴唥 畀 馬超 殺死 晒 。 Yin Feng|Zhao|Ang|possessive particle|whole family|old and young|question particle|||completely|by|Ma Chao|killed|completely Yin Feng and Zhao Ang's entire family, both old and young, were also all killed by Ma Chao. 趙 昂個 老婆 王氏 呢 , 因為 跟 埋 喺 軍隊 裏 便 啊 , 所以 呢 次 呢 就 唔 使 死 。 Zhao||wife|Wang|question particle|because|to be with|together|in|army|inside|then|particle indicating realization|so|this|time|question particle|then|not|need|die Zhao Ang's wife, Wang, was with the army, so this time she didn't have to die. 第 日 , 夏侯淵 大軍 追到 嚟 。 the|day|Xiahou Yuan|army|caught up|here The next day, Xiahou Yuan's army caught up. 馬超 就 放棄 咗 歷城 殺出去 , 向 住 西 便 逃跑 。 Ma Chao|then|gave up|past tense marker|Licheng|killed his way out|towards|direction marker|west|quickly|ran away Ma Chao abandoned Licheng and charged out, fleeing towards the west. 就行 咗 二十里 咁 上下 啦 , 楊阜帶 住 一支 軍隊 啊 擺開陣勢 攔住 馬超 , just go|past tense marker|twenty miles|like this|up and down|sentence final particle|||a|army|particle indicating surprise|set up formation|blocking|Ma Chao After traveling about twenty miles, Yang Fu led a troop and set up a formation to block Ma Chao. 嗯 , 仇人見面 就 分外 眼明 , 馬超 咬牙切齒 就 拍 馬挺槍 就 對 住 楊 阜 衝過去 。 hmm||then|especially|alert|Ma Chao|gritting his teeth|then|pat|Ma Tingqiang|then|||Yang|Fu|charged forward Hmm, when enemies meet, they are particularly sharp-eyed; Ma Chao gritted his teeth and charged at Yang Fu with his spear. 楊阜 有 七個 同宗 兄弟 , 一齊 嚟 助戰 。 Yang Fu|has|seven|same clan|brothers|together|come|assist in battle Yang Fu has seven brothers of the same clan, all coming to assist in the battle. 呢 個 時候 , 龐德 、 馬岱 就 頂住 後軍 。 this|measure word|time|Pang De|Ma Dai|then|held back|rear army At this time, Pang De and Ma Dai were holding the rear guard. 馬超 獨戰 楊 阜 八個 人 , 結果 呢 , 嗰 七個 同宗 兄弟 都 畀 馬超 殺死 咗 。 Ma Chao|fought alone|Yang|Fu|eight|people|result|this|that|seven|of the same clan|brothers|all|by||killed|past tense marker Ma Chao fought alone against Yang Fu and his eight men, and as a result, all seven of his brothers were killed by Ma Chao. 楊阜身 中 五槍 呀 仍然 喺 度 死戰 。 Yang Fushen|hit|five shots|particle|still|at|place|fight to the death Yang Fu was shot five times but was still fighting to the death. 噉 啊 好 在 夏侯淵 呢 喺 後 便 追 到 嚟 嘞 , 馬超 就 趯 啦 。 like that|ah|good|at|Xiahou Yuan|question particle|is|after|then|chase|catch up|come|past action particle|Ma Chao|then|ran away|completed action particle Fortunately, Xiahou Yuan caught up from behind, and Ma Chao fled. 到 呢 陣時 呀 , 就 只有 龐德 、 馬岱 帶住 六七個 馬 軍 跟 住 馬超 後 便 逃跑 唧 。 at|this|time|particle|then|only|Pang De|Ma Dai|leading|six or seven|horse|troops|following|particle|Ma Chao|behind|then|escape|sound particle At this time, only Pang De and Ma Dai led six or seven cavalry troops to follow Ma Chao and then fled. 噉 夏侯淵 趕走 咗 馬超 , 就 到處 去 安撫 隴西 各州 嘅 民 眾 , 命令 姜 敘 佢 哋 啊 分別 把守 啲 地方 。 then|Xiahouyuan|drove away|past tense marker|Ma Chao|then|everywhere|went|pacify|Longxi|each state|possessive particle|||ordered|Jiang|Xu|he|plural marker|particle|respectively|garrison|plural marker|places Then, after defeating Ma Chao, Xiahou Yuan went around to pacify the people of Longxi and ordered Jiang Xu to guard various places. 安排 妥善 之後 , 就 用 架車 啊 , 送 楊 阜 去 許都 見 曹操 。 arrange|properly|after|then|use|car|particle|send|Yang|Fu|go|Xu Du|meet|Cao Cao After everything was arranged properly, they used a cart to send Yang Fu to Xudu to meet Cao Cao. 曹操 啊 封 楊 阜 做 關內 侯 , 楊阜 啊 唔 肯 接受 。 Cao Cao|ah|enfeoffed|||made|within the borders|marquis||ah|not|willing|accept Cao Cao conferred the title of Marquis of Guannei on Yang Fu, but Yang Fu refused to accept it. 佢 話 佢 自己 係 嚴重 失職 , 喺 法律 上 應該 問斬 至 係 嘅 , 冇 面 嚟 接受 官職 啊 噉 。 he|said|he|himself|is|serious|dereliction of duty|in|law|on|should|be executed|only|is|particle indicating possession|not|face|come|accept|official position|ah|like this He said that he had seriously neglected his duties and should be executed according to the law, so he had no face to accept an official position. 噉 曹操 啊 更加 讚許 佢 , 卒 之 呢 , 仲 係 封 咗 佢 做 關內 侯 。 then|Cao Cao|ah|even more|praised|him|soldier|possessive particle|question particle|still|is|enfeoffed|past tense marker|him|made|within the borders of Guanzhong|marquis So Cao Cao further praised him, and in the end, he even conferred the title of Marquis of Guannei on him. 嗱, 噉 馬超 同 龐德 、 馬岱 就 打 到 大敗 吖 , 三個 人 就 商量 嚟 商量 去 啊 , 就 決定 去 漢中 投奔 張魯 。 well|then|Ma Chao|and|Pang De|Ma Dai|then|fight|to|great defeat|particle|three|people|then|discuss|come|discuss|go|particle|then|decided|to|Hanzhong|seek refuge|Zhang Lu Well, Ma Chao, Pang De, and Ma Dai suffered a great defeat, and the three of them discussed and deliberated, deciding to seek refuge with Zhang Lu in Hanzhong. 張魯好 高興 喎 , 佢 以 為 有 咗 馬超 呢 , 就 向 西 可以 吞併 益州 , 向東 就 可以 頂住 曹操 喇 噉 , 佢 越 諗 越 歡喜 。 |happy|particle indicating realization|he|||had|past tense marker|Ma Chao|particle indicating a question|then|towards|west|could|conquer|Yi Province||then|could|withstand|Cao Cao|particle indicating completion|like that|he|more|thought|more|happy Zhang Lu was very happy, thinking that with Ma Chao, he could swallow Yizhou to the west and hold off Cao Cao to the east, and the more he thought about it, the happier he became. 呢 一日 , 佢 同 自己 啲 心腹 官員 商量 , 想話 用個 女 嚟 嫁 畀 馬超 。 this|one day|he|with|himself|possessive particle|trusted|officials|discussed|wanted to say||girl|to|marry|to|Ma Chao One day, he discussed with his trusted officials, wanting to arrange a marriage for Ma Chao. 大將 楊柏 就 勸 佢 話 喇 : General|Yang Pak|then|advised|him|said|particle indicating completed action The general Yang Bai advised him, saying: 馬超 個 老婆 仔女 都 死 得 咁 慘 , 完全 係 畀 馬超 連累 嘅 咋 嘛 , 主公 仲點 能夠 畀 個 女 嚟 許配 佢 㗎 ? Ma Chao|possessive particle|wife|children|all|die|particle indicating degree|so|tragic|completely|is|by||implicated|particle indicating possession|only|particle indicating obviousness|lord||able to|give|possessive particle|daughter|to|betroth|him|particle indicating a question Ma Chao's wife and children died so tragically, it was completely because of Ma Chao's involvement, how could the lord still give his daughter to him in marriage? 張魯 諗 下 又 係 喎 嚱, 於是 就 唔 提 呢 件 事 嘞 。 Zhang Lu|think|again|also|is|particle indicating realization|sound of realization|so|then|not|mention|this|measure word for events|matter|particle indicating completed action Zhang Lu thought about it and agreed, so he decided not to bring it up. 點知 有人 將楊柏 講 嘅 呢 啲 說話 學返 畀 馬超 知 。 how did I know|someone||to say|past tense marker|||words|to learn back|to give|Ma Chao|to know Unexpectedly, someone relayed what Yang Bo said back to Ma Chao. 馬超 就 可惱 到極 啦 , 就 想 搵 機會 殺 楊柏喇 。 Ma Chao|then|annoyed|extremely|particle|just|wants|find|opportunity|kill| Ma Chao became extremely furious and wanted to find an opportunity to kill Yang Bo. 嘿嘿 , 你中有我 就 我中有你 。 hehe||then| Hehe, you have me and I have you. 馬超 個諗頭 又 畀 楊柏 探聽到 , 楊柏 就 同 佢 個 大佬 楊松 夾計 , 想 殺 馬超 嘞 喎 。 Ma Chao||again|by|Yang Bai|found out||then|with|his|possessive particle|older brother|Yang Song|conspired|wanted|to kill|Ma Chao|past tense particle|sentence-final particle Ma Chao's thoughts were discovered by Yang Bo, so Yang Bo discussed with his elder brother Yang Song about wanting to kill Ma Chao. 喺 呢 個 時候 啊 , 就 係 我 哋 先頭 講 嘅 , 劉璋 派 咗 使者 嚟 向 張魯 求救 嘞 , 張魯 又 唔 肯 。 at|this|measure word|time|particle|then|is|I|we|earlier|said|past tense particle|Liu Zhang|sent|past tense marker|messenger|to|towards|Zhang Lu|ask for help|past action particle|Zhang Lu|again|not|willing At this time, as we mentioned earlier, Liu Zhang sent a messenger to Zhang Lu for help, but Zhang Lu refused. 跟 住 劉璋 又 派 咗 黃權 嚟 到 做 使者 。 ||Liu Zhang|again|sent|past tense marker|Huang Quan|here|to|be|messenger Then Liu Zhang sent Huang Quan as a messenger. 黃權 就 精 呀 , 佢 首先 去 拜見 楊松 , 講明 利害 。 Wong Kwan|then|smart|particle|he|first|go|pay respects to|Yang Song|explain clearly|pros and cons Huang Quan was clever; he first went to visit Yang Song and explained the pros and cons. 話 東川 、 西川 實在 係 唇 齒 相依 , 西川 如果 失陷 喇 噉 東川 亦 都 係 難保 個 啫 噉 。 speaking|East River|West River|really|is|lips|teeth|mutually dependent|West River|if|falls|particle indicating completed action|then|East River|also|all|is|hard to guarantee|particle indicating a measure|only|then He said that Dongchuan and Xichuan are actually interdependent; if Xichuan falls, then Dongchuan will also be hard to protect. 如果 張魯 應承 出兵 去 救個 話 , 就 送 二十個 州 嘅 地方 嚟 到 酬謝 。 if|Zhang Lu|promised|to send troops|to|rescue|message|then|would give|twenty|states|possessive particle|land|||reward If Zhang Lu agrees to send troops to rescue, he will offer twenty states of land as a reward. 楊松 歡喜 嘞 , 即刻 就 帶 黃權 去 見 張魯 , 噉 又 係 講 先頭 嗰 啲 啦 。 Yeung Chung|happy|particle indicating completed action|immediately|then|bring|Wong Kwan|go|meet|Cheung Lou|then|again|is|talk|previous|that|particle indicating plural or some|particle indicating suggestion or emphasis Yang Song was delighted and immediately took Huang Quan to meet Zhang Lu, discussing the earlier matters. 張魯 見到 有利可圖 喎 就 應承 嘞 。 Zhang Lu|saw|profit|particle indicating realization|then|agreed|particle indicating completed action Zhang Lu saw the profit in it and agreed. 閻圃 就 勸 張魯話 : 主公 呀 , 劉璋 同 主公 係 世仇 嚟 。 Yan Pu|then|advised||my lord|ah|Liu Zhang|with|my lord|is|mortal enemy|come Yan Pu advised Zhang Lu, saying: "My lord, Liu Zhang is your lifelong enemy." 佢 而 家 因 為 局勢 危急 先至 嚟 求救 啫 。 he|||||situation|urgent|only then|come|for help|particle He is only seeking help now because the situation is urgent. 佢 話 割地 嚟 到 畀 主公 你 係 假 嘅 咋 , 主公 你 唔 好 應承 佢 啊 。 he|said|cede land|||to|lord|you|are|false|particle|only|lord|you|not|should|trust|him|particle He said that the land grant to you by the lord is fake, so you shouldn't agree to him, my lord. 只見 馬超 挺身而出 話 喇 : 我 好 感激 主公 嘅 恩德 , 無可 報答 , 我願 率領 一支 軍隊 去 攻取 葭 萌關 , 生擒 劉備 ! only saw|Ma Chao|stepped forward|said|particle indicating completion|I|very|grateful|lord|possessive particle|kindness|cannot|repay|I am willing|to lead|a|army|to|capture|straw|Mengguan|capture alive|Liu Bei Then Ma Chao stepped forward and said: I am very grateful for the lord's kindness, and I have no way to repay it. I am willing to lead an army to attack the Gemaoguan and capture Liu Bei! 務要 劉璋 割 二十個 州 嚟 奉送 畀 主公 ! must|Liu Zhang|surrender|twenty|provinces|to|deliver|to|lord Liu Zhang must cede twenty states to be offered to the lord! 嘿 張魯好 歡喜 , 就 叫 黃權 啊 由 小路 返去 先 , 跟 住 就點 咗 二萬 兵 畀 馬超 。 hey||happy|then|called|Huang Quan|ah|from|small road|return|first||||past tense marker|twenty thousand|soldiers|given|Ma Chao Hey, Zhang Lu was very happy, so he told Huang Quan to return via the small road first, and then he sent twenty thousand troops to Ma Chao. 呢 一次 龐德 因為 有 病 就 唔 能夠 跟 埋 去 嘞 , 就 留 喺 漢中 。 this|time|Pang De|because|has|illness|then|not|able to|||go|past tense marker|then|stay|at|Hanzhong This time, Pang De couldn't go along because he was ill, so he stayed in Hanzhong. 張魯 命令 楊柏 做 監軍 。 Zhang Lu|ordered|Yang Bo|to be|military supervisor Zhang Lu ordered Yang Bai to be the military supervisor. 噉 馬超 同 佢 細 佬 馬岱 啊 , 擇 好個 吉日 就 帶兵 起程 嘞 。 then|Ma Chao|with|he|younger|brother|Ma Dai|particle|choose|good|auspicious day|then|lead troops|set off|past action particle So, Ma Chao and his younger brother Ma Dai will choose a good day to set out with their troops.

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