Kako da iz krize izađete kao POBEDNIK?
How|to|from|crisis|you emerge|as|WINNER
Wie kommt man als GEWINNER aus der Krise?
Как выйти из кризиса ПОБЕДИТЕЛЕМ?
How to come out of a crisis as a WINNER?
Dragi moji, ja sam Slavica i ovo je moj YouTube kanal.
My dear ones, I am Slavica and this is my YouTube channel.
Danas ću u ovom videu da
Today|I will|in|this|video|to
Today in this video I will
razgovaram sa vama o tome kako da postanete
I am talking|with|you|about|it|how|to|become
talk to you about how to become
otporni kada u vašem životu
resilient when a crisis occurs in your life.
nastupi neka kriza.
a crisis|some|crisis
Because a crisis is something we cannot
Jer kriza je nešto što ne možemo
Because|crisis|is|something|that|not|we can
da zaobiđemo.
U svačijem životu naiđu neke razne krize.
In everyone's life, various crises occur.
Ja sam preživela puno kriza
I have survived many crises.
ali znam da su mi neke stvari pomagale
but|I know|that|were|to me|some|things|helped
But I know that some things helped me.
da ih prevaziđem i da posle njih postanem
to overcome them and become better afterwards.
jača i pametnija
stronger and smarter
i možda još uspešnija nego što sam bila pre.
and|maybe|even|more successful|than|what|I|was|before
and maybe even more successful than I was before.
I zato želim sa vama da podelim
And that's why I want to share with you
nekoliko stvari koje
a few things that
i vas mogu da učine otpornijim
and|you|can|to|make|more resilient
and they can make you more resilient
kada naiđe ta kriza
when that crisis comes
u vašem životu
in your life
koju ne možete da izbegnete.
that|not|you can|to|avoid
that you cannot avoid.
I to može da bude nekad razvod,
And that can sometimes be a divorce,
nekad rastanak od nekoga,
sometimes a separation from someone,
nekada to može da bude otkaz koji dobijete,
sometimes|it|can|to|be|termination|which|you receive
sometimes it can be a termination you receive,
ili možda selidba...
or maybe a relocation...
ili možda neka dijagnoza
or maybe some diagnosis
ili nešto što zaista u životu može da
or something that can really in life
izazove određenu krizu, ali
cause a certain crisis, but
nešto na šta ne možete da utičete.
something|on|what|not|you can|to|influence
something you cannot influence.
I zato je važno da znate šta je to što možete vi da uradite
And that's why it's important to know what you can do
a da to prevaziđete.
to overcome it.
Znači da steknete psihološku otpornost
It means|that|you gain|psychological|resilience
It means to gain psychological resilience
otpornost koja vas iz toga ipak može izvesti kao pobednika.
resilience that can still lead you out of it as a winner.
Ono što je stvarno meni puno pomoglo
What|that|is|really|to me|a lot|helped
What has really helped me a lot
i znam da puno ljudima može da pomogne,
and|I know|that|many|people|can|to|help
and I know it can help a lot of people,
a to je da u vreme krize
is that in times of crisis
mi svoj fokus
we focus our attention
stavimo na rešenje
we put|on|solution
let's focus on solutions
umesto na kukanje.
instead of|to|whining
instead of complaining.
Mnogi ljudi krenu da: "Jao, zašto se to meni dešava?"
Many|people|start|to|Oh no|why|(reflexive pronoun)|that|to me|happens
Many people start to say: "Oh, why is this happening to me?"
"Zašto baš sad?" "Zašto ja?"
"Why now?" "Why me?"
Nekako to shvataju lično, kao da se samo njima takve stvari dešavaju,
Somehow|it|understand|personally|as if|that|themselves|only|to them|such|things|happen
They somehow take it personally, as if such things only happen to them,
a stvari koje su problemi, dešavaju se svima.
while problems happen to everyone.
I u toj situaciji najpametnije što možete sebe da pitate je
And|in|that|situation|the smartest|what|you can|yourself|to|ask|is
And in that situation, the smartest thing you can ask yourself is
"Šta ja mogu da uradim?"
"What can I do?"
"Kako ja mogu da doprinesem da ovo rešim?"
"How can I contribute to solving this?"
Bez obzira na to što ima puno stvari koje možda ne možete da rešite,
Regardless|of|on|that|what|there are|many|things|that|maybe|not|you can|to|solve
Regardless of the many things you may not be able to solve,
razmislite šta je vaš deo koji možete da rešite.
think about what part you can solve.
Šta je to što vi možete da uradite?
What is it that you can do?
Umesto da kukate zbog onoga što ne možete.
Instead of|to|complain|about|that|what|not|can
Instead of complaining about what you can't.
Takođe jedna važna stvar
Also one important thing
koja vam daje neverovatnu psihološku otpornost
which|to you|gives|incredible|psychological|resilience
that gives you incredible psychological resilience
i koja je naučno dokazana kao nešto što
and that has been scientifically proven as something that
pomaže ljudima da prevaziđu krizu,
helps people overcome crises,
je optimizam.
is optimism.
Ja sam sigurno u nekim videima pričala o tome,
I have definitely talked about this in some videos,
pogledajte moj kanal,
look at|my|channel
check out my channel,
ali optimizam
but optimism
je fokus na ono što je dobro.
is focusing on what is good.
Znači, da razmišljate, kada vam se dešava nešto
So|to|think|when|to you|reflexive particle|happens|something
So, to think, when something happens to you
"Zašto je ovo dobro?"
"Why is this good?"
"Šta je to što ću ja možda za dve godine"
"What is it that I might be able to say in two years"
"moći da kažem Hvala Bogu što se ovo desilo?"
to be able|to|say|Thank|God|that|reflexive pronoun|this|happened
"Thank God this happened?"
Zato što sam sigurna da i vi u svom životu imate
Because|that|I am|sure|that|you|you|in||life|have
Because I am sure that you also have in your life
ta iskustva, gde ste razmišljali
those|experiences|where|you (plural)|thought
those experiences, where you thought
"Bože, šta mi se ovo dešava?"
God|what|to me|reflexive pronoun|this|is happening
"God, what is happening to me?"
A u stvari ste posle izvesnog vremena shvatili:
And in fact, after a while you realized:
"Hvala Bogu da mi se to desilo, jer da mi se to nije desilo tada, ja ne bih danas bila ovde".
Thank|God|that|to me|reflexive pronoun|it|happened|because|that|to me|reflexive pronoun|it|not|happened|then|I|not|would|today|be|here
"Thank God that happened to me, because if that hadn't happened then, I wouldn't be here today."
U mom životu je to razvod.
In my life, that is a divorce.
Ja sam, kada sam shvatila da će doći do razvoda,
I was sad and it was hard for me when I realized that a divorce was coming,
ja sam bila tužna i bilo mi je teško,
but today I wouldn't have the wonderful relationship that I have,
ali danas ne bih imala divnu vezu kakvu imam,
but|today|not|would|have|wonderful|relationship|that|I have
if that hadn't happened.
da se to nije desilo.
that|reflexive pronoun|it|did not|happen
Ali poenta je u tome što
But the point is that
optimizam vam pomaže
optimism helps you
da idete dalje
to|you go|further
to move forward
dignute glave.
with your head held high.
Ako zapadnete u pesimizam,
If|you fall|into|pessimism
If you fall into pessimism,
nema ništa od toga.
there is no|anything|of|that
there's nothing to it.
Dozvolićete da vas to što se desilo uništi.
You will allow|that|you|that|what|reflexive pronoun|happened|destroy
You will allow what happened to destroy you.
I zato je važno da trenirate i vežbate optimizam.
And that's why it's important to train and practice optimism.
Da tražite svuda kako se to radi
To|search|everywhere|how|it|that|is done
To look everywhere for how it is done
da nađete sve što možete da nađete
to|find|everything|that|you can|to|find
to find everything you can find
da vežbate optimizam u najgoroj situaciji.
to practice optimism in the worst situation.
Za šta ovo ipak može da bude dobro.
For|what|this|after all|can|to|be|good
What this can still be good for.
Treća stvar koju vas zaista pozivam da uradite je
Third|thing|that|you|really|I invite|to|do|is
The third thing I really urge you to do is
da potražite pomoć.
to seek help.
Odnosno, da se okružite ljudima
That is|to|yourself|surround|with people
That is, to surround yourself with people
koji vas vole
who love you.
da provodite vreme sa prijateljima,
to spend time with friends,
sa porodicom,
with family,
sa onima koji vas vole i koji na neki način
with those who love you and who in some way
veruju u vas i koji vam žele dobro.
they believe|in|you|and|who|to you|wish|well
believe in you and wish you well.
Koji su blagonakloni.
Those who are benevolent.
Ljudi koji vam žele dobro
People|who|to you|wish|well
People who wish you well
će uticati na to da i vi budete
will influence you to be
na neki način uvereniji
in|some|way|more confident
in some way more confident.
da zaslužujete dobro.
that|you deserve|good
that you deserve good.
I onda idemo u četvrtu stvar, a to je da
And then we move on to the fourth thing, which is to
budete blagonakloni prema sebi,
you will be|benevolent|towards|yourself
be kind to yourself,
da vodite računa o sebi.
to take care of yourself.
Da vodite brigu o sebi.
To take care of yourself.
Jer, šta se dešava: kada upadnemo u krizu,
Because|what|reflexive pronoun|happens|when|we fall|into|crisis
Because, what happens: when we fall into a crisis,
vrlo često ljudi krenu
very often people start
da sebe drobe
to break themselves down.
Onako iznutra da govore sebi
like that|from within|to|they speak|to themselves
To talk to oneself from the inside
"Jao, nisam ni za šta",
Oh|I am not|even|for|anything
"Oh, I'm not good for anything,"
A u stvari je tad najvažnije
And|in|fact|is|then|most important
But in fact, the most important thing at that moment
da budete blagonakloni prema sebi,
is to be kind to yourself,
da vodite brigu o sebi,
to take care of yourself,
da se odnosite prema sebi onako
to|yourself|relate|to|yourself|like that
to treat yourself the way
kako biste se odnosili prema najboljem prijatelju
you would treat your best friend
koga najviše volite, da je upao u krizu.
whom|most|you love|if|is|fell|into|crisis
whom you love the most, if they were in a crisis.
Znači, da sa uvažavanjem i sa poštovanjem
It means|that|with|consideration|and|with|respect
So, to treat yourself with respect and consideration.
tretirate sebe.
And to truly build that one relationship
i da zaista gradite taj jedan odnos
that creates a feeling that you deserve better.
koji stvara osećaj da zaslužujete bolje
that|creates|feeling|that|you deserve|better
i da ćete to prevazići i da će biti bolje.
and|that|you will|it|overcome|and|that|will|be|better
and that you will overcome it and that it will get better.
Još jedna stvar koju vam preporučujem je
Another|one|thing|that|to you|I recommend|is
Another thing I recommend to you is
da, što kaže naš narod, ne pravite od komarca magarca.
that, as our people say, don't make a mountain out of a molehill.
Jer većina ljudi zaista kad se nešto desi
Because|most|people|really|when|(reflexive particle)|something|happens
Because most people really when something happens
naduvaju to još više.
they inflate it even more.
Znači, ne preuveličavajte problem koji vam se dešava.
So|not|exaggerate|problem|that|to you|reflexive particle|is happening
So, don't exaggerate the problem that is happening to you.
Okrenite se okolo. Možda ljudi imaju još većih problema.
Look around. Maybe people have even bigger problems.
Ne preuveličavajte to.
Don't exaggerate it.
Ne pravite od toga dramu
Don't make a drama out of it
iz koje ne može da se izađe
from|which|not|can|to|reflexive pronoun|exit
that you can't get out of
"Jao jadna ja..."
Oh poor me|poor|I
"Oh poor me..."
Često čujem:
Often|I hear
I often hear:
"Jadna ja, šta ću ja sad..."
"Poor me, what am I going to do now..."
"Muž me ostavio..."
The husband|me|left
"My husband left me..."
ili ne znam ni ja šta se desilo.
or|not|I know|neither|I|what|(reflexive particle)|happened
or I don't even know what happened.
Stani! Sačekaj!
Stop! Wait!
Saberite se,
Get a grip,
ne pravite od komarca magarca
don't make a donkey out of a mosquito
i razmislite šta je šansa koja se otvara za vas u tome.
and|think|what|is|chance|that|reflexive pronoun|opens|for|you|in|that
and think about what opportunity is opening up for you in that.
Šta je to što može
What is it that can
iz toga da nastane za vas
from that to arise for you
još bolje nego što je bilo pre.
even|better|than|what|it was|before|before
even better than it was before.
Znači, bez drame, bez panike, bez pravljenja neke
So, without drama, without panic, without making any
naduvavanja toga
inflation of that
u neku brigu koja
about some worry that
se nikad neće ostvariti.
will|never|will not|be realized
will never come true.
Vrlo često to ljudi rade.
Very often people do this.
Brinu se, naprave filmove,
They worry|reflexive pronoun|they make|movies
They worry, they make movies,
horor filmove
horror movies
koji se nikad neće desiti
which|(reflexive particle)|never|will not|happen
that will never happen
ali oni propate kao da su se desili.
but they suffer as if they did.
I onda u tom stanju
And then in that state
patnje, zbog toga što očekuju najgore,
sufferings|because|that|that|they expect|the worst
suffering, because they expect the worst,
nisu sposobni ni za šta.
are not|capable|even|for|anything
they are incapable of anything.
I onda ne učine ni ono što mogu da urade.
I|then|not|do|even|that|what|they can|to|do
And then they don't even do what they can do.
A sledeća tačka je moć.
And the next point is power.
Znači, da preuzmete odgovornost za
Means to take responsibility for
barem neki deo.
at least|some|part
at least some part.
U trenucima kada nastanu krize u našem životu,
In moments when crises arise in our lives,
najgori stav koji možemo da imamo je
worst|attitude|that|we can|to|have|is
the worst attitude we can have is
"Jadna ja, žrtva,"
"Poor me, the victim,"
"Ja tu ne mogu da utičem"
"I can't influence that"
"To se meni desilo".
It|reflexive pronoun|to me|happened
"That happened to me."
i da idete okolo i da kukate.
and|to|you go|around|and|to|complain
and to go around and complain.
Ne, razmislite ovako:
No|think|like this
No, think about it this way:
šta je moja odgovornost u ovome?
what is my responsibility in this?
Bez obzira na sve ono na šta ne možete da utičete.
Regardless|of|on|everything|that|to|what|not|you can|to|influence
Regardless of everything you cannot influence.
Sedite i razmislite
Sit down and think
na šta vi možete da utičete
about what you can influence
i onda još uradite sledeće:
and|then|also|do|the following
and then do the following:
uzmite papir i olovku i napišite,
take a paper and a pencil and write,
bukvalno napišite spisak svega
literally|write|list|of everything
literally write a list of everything
u vašem životu dobrog što ste postigli.
in|your|life|good|that|you have|achieved
good you have achieved in your life.
Važno je da osvestite koliko ste moćni.
It is important|is|to|realize|how much|you are|powerful
It is important to realize how powerful you are.
Koliko vi zaista možete da uradite dobre stvari.
How much|you|really|can|to|do|good|things
How much good you can really do.
Znači, sedite i napišite sva svoja postignuća.
So, sit down and write all your achievements.
I nemojte ništa da smatrate previše malim.
And|do not|anything|to|consider|too|small
And don't consider anything too small.
Napišite sve!
Write everything!
Bukvalno. Sedite, nemojte da ste lenji,
Literally. Sit down, don't be lazy,
sedite i napišite:
sit down and write:
"Postigla sam to, postigla sam to..." nije važno
I achieved|(past tense marker)|it||||not|important
"I achieved this, I achieved this..." it doesn't matter
nemojte da kao: "To se podrazumeva..."
don't|to|say|It|reflexive pronoun|is taken for granted
don't say: "That's taken for granted..."
Ne, sve napišite!
No, write everything!
Zato što je važna vaša svest o tome koliko ste moćni.
Because|that|is|important|your|awareness|about|it|how much|you are|powerful
Because your awareness of how powerful you are is important.
da biste stekli tu psihološku otpornost koja je potrebna
to gain the psychological resilience that is needed
da biste od krize napravili šansu.
to turn a crisis into an opportunity.
i da stvarno kažete za godinu, za dve dana
and|to|really|you say|in|a year|in|two|days
and to really say in a year, in two days
"Ok, to jeste bila kriza"
"Ok, that was a crisis"
"To jeste bilo nešto što se"
It|was|something|that|which|reflexive particle
"That was something that"
"svakom može da desi"
to everyone|can|to|happen
"can happen to anyone"
"i što ne možemo da zaobiđemo u životu"
and|what|not|we can|to|avoid|in|life
"and that we cannot avoid in life"
"Ali ja sam postupila na jedan način"
"But I acted in a way"
"koji me je doveo danas tu gde jesam"
who|me|(past tense auxiliary verb)|brought|today|here|where|I am
"that brought me to where I am today"
"ja sam od toga napravila šansu"
"I turned that into an opportunity"
"ja sam to iskoristila"
"I took advantage of it"
"i danas mi je još bolje, nego što je bilo pre te krize"
"and today I feel even better than I did before that crisis"
"jer mi je kriza"
because|to me|is|crisis
"because the crisis"
"donela puno, puno, mogućnosti"
"brought me a lot, a lot of opportunities"
"odnosno, ja sam to uspela"
that is|I|am|it|succeeded
"in other words, I managed to do it"
"da izgradim svoju otpornost"
"to build my resilience"
"i da bez kukanja, bez horor filmova"
"and to do it without whining, without horror movies"
"bez preterivanja"
"without exaggeration"
"bez uveličavanja"
"without embellishment"
"bez ličnog shvatanja, da se to samo meni dešava"
without|personal|understanding|that|(reflexive particle)|that|only|to me|happens
"without personal understanding, that this is only happening to me"
"ili da se sada meni dešava"
or|that|reflexive pronoun|now|to me|is happening
"or that it is happening to me now"
"preokrenem stvar u svoju korist"
"turn the situation to my advantage"
"izgradim optimizam"
I build|optimism
"build optimism"
"preuzmem odgovornost za ono što mogu da uradim"
I take|responsibility|for|that|what|I can|to|do
"I take responsibility for what I can do"
"i zaista"
"and really"
"proširim svoju zonu poznatog"
I expand|my|zone|of the known
"expand my zone of the known"
"svoju zonu komfora, izađem malo iz nje"
my|comfort zone|of comfort|I step|a little|out of|it
"my comfort zone, step out of it a little"
"i napravim još veću i širu"
and|I make|even|bigger|and|wider
"and make it even bigger and wider"
"i učinim da danas budem tu gde jesam"
and|make|to|today|be|here|where|I am
"and make it so that today I am where I am"
"zato što sam jednostavno korak po korak"
"because I simply took it step by step"
"pratila neka uputstva"
"following some instructions"
"i vodila računa o sebi"
and|she took|care|of|herself
"and took care of myself"
"i učila kako mogu u stvari"
and|learned|how|I can|in|reality
"and learned how I can actually"
"ja da utičem na svoj život"
"I can influence my life"
"ja da ga unapredim"
"I can improve it"
"bez obzira na sve".
"regardless of everything".
Jer to je u stvari ključ.
Because that is actually the key.
Kako možete vi bez obzira na sve
How can you, regardless of everything,
da učinite puno za svoj život
do a lot for your life?
i iza toga se krije čitava metodologija
and|behind|that|reflexive pronoun|hides|entire|methodology
and behind that lies a whole methodology
Postoji jedna metodologija koja nas čini psihološki otpornim.
There is|one|methodology|which|us|makes|psychologically|resilient
There is a methodology that makes us psychologically resilient.
a to je neuro-lingvističko programiranje.
and that is neuro-linguistic programming.
gde zaista učite kako ljudi koji su uspešni
where|really|you learn|how|people|who|are|successful
where you really learn how successful people
funkcionišu, kako razmišljaju,
they function|how|they think
they function, how they think,
kako grade svoje planove
how|they build|their|plans
how they build their plans
za život, kako prevazilaze krize
for life, how they overcome crises
šta se, u stvari, dešava u njihovoj glavi
what|reflexive particle|in|fact|happens|in|their|head
what is actually happening in their mind
u njihovom srcu i u njihovom okruženju
in their heart and in their environment
kao posledica tog njihovog stava koji je fantastičan.
as|a consequence|that|their|attitude|which|is|fantastic
as a result of their fantastic attitude.
Zato vas pozivam, imate dole link,
That's why|I|invite|you have|below|link
So I invite you, you have the link below,
kliknete na naš NLP Starter, koji je sada online
you click|on|our|NLP|Starter|which|is|now|online
click on our NLP Starter, which is now online
i gde god da ste vi možete da se upišete na taj Starter
and|where|ever|that|you are|you|can|to|yourself|enroll|in|that|Starter
and wherever you are, you can sign up for that Starter
i imaćemo delove koji su video
and|we will have|parts|that|are|video
and we will have parts that are video
i delove koji su LIVE preko Zoom-a
and parts that are LIVE via Zoom
i tu ćemo se videti
and|here|we will|each other|see
and we will see each other there
i videćete, kada prođete kroz njega,
and|you will see|when|you pass|through|it
and you will see, when you go through it,
reći ćete samo,
to say|you will|only
you will only say,
"Bože, zašto ovo nisam znala ranije"
God|why|this|I did not|knew|earlier
"God, why didn't I know this earlier"
Jer svi ljudi koji su prošli kroz tu edukaciju
Because all the people who have gone through that education
na kraju izađu iz toga sa tim
at||they come out|from|that|with|it
in the end they come out of it with that
komentarom: "Zašto ovo nisam znao ranije, ovo mi je trebalo".
with the comment|Why|this|I|knew|earlier|this|to me|was|needed
comment: "Why didn't I know this earlier, I needed this."
"Ovo je stvarno sjajno!"
"This is really great!"
Tako da, vidimo se na ONLINE NLP Starteru
So|that|we see|each other|at|ONLINE|NLP|Starter
So, see you at the ONLINE NLP Starter
i idemo, kriza ili ne, radimo na sebi!
and|we go|crisis|or|not|we work|on|ourselves
And let's go, crisis or not, we are working on ourselves!
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