Kako se ja pripremam za uspešnu godinu
|||bereite mich vor|||
Wie ich mich auf ein erfolgreiches Jahr vorbereite
How I prepare for a successful year
Cómo me preparo para un año exitoso
Como me preparo para um ano de sucesso
Как я готовлюсь к успешному году
Dragi moji, došla nam je 2020. godina.
Od srca vam čestitam
|Herz||herzlichen Glückwunsch
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
i u ovom videu želim da vam dam par ideja
and in this video I want to give you some ideas
kako da se pripremite da vam ovo bude najbolja godina do sada.
how to prepare to make this your best year yet.
Daću vam ideje koje ja inače koristim.
ich werde geben||||||
I will give||||||
I'll give you ideas that I normally use.
Ali pre toga bih volela prosto
da se malo osvrnem na 2019. godinu.
|||I reflect||
to take a look back at 2019.
Mi smo u 2019. godini, moj tim i ja
napravili puno puno fantastičnih stvari
they made|||fantastic|
made lots and lots of fantastic things
puno novih stvari, puno edukacija…
a lot of new things, a lot of education...
Ali jedna od važnih stvari
But one of the important things
koje smo započeli je u stvari
that we started is in fact
da redovno četvrtkom postujemo na YouTube-u.
|regularly||we post|||
to post regularly on YouTube on Thursdays.
Volela bih da znate da je to jako puno posla
I would like you to know that it is a lot of work
za mene i moj tim,
ali taj posao mi radimo rado.
but we are happy to do that work.
S druge strane, jako nam je važno da znamo kako to
On the other hand, it is very important for us to know how
utiče na vas.
es wirkt||
it affects||
affects you.
Zato želim da vas zamolim
That's why I want to ask you
da u komentaru napišete kako ovi videi
|||you write|||videos
to write in the comment how these videos
i naše edukacije na kojima ste bili,
and our educations you attended,
nadam se da smo se možda i sreli,
I hope we may have met,
kako utiču na vas?
|they affect||
How do they affect you?
Kako su te
How are you?
edukacije doprinele da vaš život postane
|hat beigetragen||||
education contributed to make your life
bogatiji, ispunjeniji, lepši… Kako je možda
|more fulfilled|more beautiful|||
richer, more fulfilled, more beautiful... How could it be
vama pomoglo nešto od ovoga, bilo da je video,
|hat geholfen|||||||
did any of this help you, whether it was a video,
bilo da je edukacija,
be it education,
da prevaziđete neke stvari u svom životu?
to overcome some things in your life?
To nam jako znači da saznamo, zato što
|||||we find out||
It means a lot to us to find out, because
je puno posla i želimo da ga nastavimo
is a lot of work and we want to continue it
i želimo da budemo još bolji
|||wir sind||
|||we are||
and we want to be even better
a ako budemo od vas to saznali,
||||||found out
and if we learn it from you,
to će nam dati priliku da možda još nešto unapredimo.
it will give us an opportunity to maybe improve something more.
Zato mi pišite komentar ili mi slobodno pišite e-mail
So write me a comment or feel free to write me an e-mail
ovde imate mejl
here you have an email
ili možete da uzmete ovako vaš telefon
or you can take your phone like this
i snimite jedan selfi video
and record a selfie video
i pošaljite mi to. Nema veze, samo kažite u telefon,
and send it to me. It doesn't matter, just say on the phone,
meni je to pomoglo na taj i taj način
it helped me in such and such a way
i ja ću mnogo da se radujem i moj tim
||||||be happy|||
I will be very happy and so will my team
i mnogo će nam značiti vaš feedback.
and your feedback will mean a lot to us.
Još jednom: hvala vam što nas pratite, hvala što ste tu
Once again: thank you for following us, thank you for being here
i hvala što ukazujete poverenje
|||you show|trust
and thank you for your trust
svemu onome što mi radimo.
everything|about that|||
to everything we do.
Ja jako volim što su naši običaji
I really like our customs
su u stvari drugačiji nego u ostatku sveta.
||||||dem Rest|
|||different|||the rest of|
are in fact different than in the rest of the world.
U celom svetu
|the whole|the world
All over the world
svetu ide prvo Božić, pa Nova godina.
in the world||||||
Christmas comes to the world first, then New Year.
A kod nas ide prvo Nova godina pa Božić
And with us, New Year comes first, then Christmas
i ja to obožavam, zato što imam to neko vreme
I love it too, because I've had it for a while
između Nove godine i Božića kada se bavim
|||||||I am engaged
between New Years and Christmas when I deal
svojim životom i svojim ciljevima.
with your life and your goals.
Prvo što uradim, obično 1. januara je
da sednem onako malo i razmislim
|sit||||I think
to sit down for a while and think
šta sam prošle godine 1. januara želela
what I wanted last year on January 1st
za 2020. godinu i
gde sam sa tim. Kako sam u stvari napredovala?
where am i with that. How did I actually progress?
I ono što sam primetila je
And what I noticed is
da kako godine prolaze
yes as the years go by
sve manje u mojim ciljevima ima onoga
||||||of that
there is less and less in my goals
da ću da imam to i to nego
that I will have this and that but
mnogo više onoga što je stvarno mnogo važnije,
much more of what is really much more important,
a to je: kakva ću osoba da postanem.
|||||||I become
and that is: what kind of person will I become.
I ja vama stvarno predlažem da se i vi fokusirate na to.
And I really suggest that you focus on that too.
Jer u životu uopšte nije ni važno
Because it doesn't even matter in life
šta ćemo sve imati, šta ćemo sve postići
what we will have, what we will achieve
nego je mnogo važnije kakva ćemo osoba postati.
rather, what kind of person we will become is much more important.
Jer to kakva osoba postajemo, način na koji razmišljamo o sebi
Because the kind of person we become, the way we think about ourselves
o svetu, o svojim mogućnostima, čini
about the world, about his possibilities, he does
nešto što smo postigli važnim ili nevažnim.
something we have achieved important or unimportant.
Tako da
So that
zaista želim da
I really want to
uzmete vremena ovih dana i da razmislite
take time these days to think
kakva vi osoba želite da postanete tokom
what kind of person do you want to become during
2020\. godine. Šta je to što želite da prevaziđete?
2020\. years. What is it that you want to overcome?
Šta je to što želite da naučite?
What is it that you want to learn?
Kakva biste osoba voleli da budete
What kind of person would you like to be
sledeće godine u ovo vreme?
Zaista ja moram da potvrdim
Indeed I must confirm
da je 2019. godina bila dosta izazovna za mene
that 2019 was quite challenging for me
i mnogo toga se dešavalo
||||was happening
and there was a lot going on
što sam htela, mnogo toga sam postigla,
what I wanted, I achieved a lot,
ali su se dešavale i neke druge stvari.
I samo ta determinacija u mojoj glavi u kojoj
And only that determination in my head in which
ja zaista imam pravac, ja ovih dana
I really have direction, me these days
između Božića i Nove godine
between Christmas and New Year
sednem i razmislim: kakva ja osoba želim da postanem? I onda
I sit down and think: what kind of person do I want to become? And then
kada sve to smislim što sam planirala za 2020. godinu
when I think of everything I have planned for 2020
ja sednem i zatvorim oči i zamislim
||||eyes||I imagine
I sit down and close my eyes and imagine
kakva ću ja biti na kraju te godine?
what will i be like at the end of that year?
Uhvatim, prosto, energiju tog bića,
I catch||the energy||
I simply catch the energy of that being,
onoga što želim da postanem.
what I want to become.
. I onda, šta se dešava, to vam stvarno od srca preporučujem
. And then, what happens, I really recommend it to you from the bottom of my heart
da isto uradite i vi,
that you do the same,
kada onda naiđu stvari, kao što je na primer bolest
when things come along, such as illness
ili povreda ili nešto što je neplanirano,
or injury or something unplanned,
prvo pitanje koje imam je:
"Šta život želi ovim da me nauči?"
"What does life want to teach me?"
"Šta život želi ovim da mi poruči?"
||||||tell me
"What does life want to tell me with this?"
I kako mi život ovim pomaže
And how life helps me with this
da postanem ono što sam poželela?
to become what I wanted?
Jer sigurno, život ima nešto dobro za mene,
For sure, life has something good for me,
kroz ovo da mi poruči.
through this to tell me.
I umesto da očajavam
|||I despair
And instead of despairing
i gubim svoju energiju na negativnost,
|I waste||||negativity
and I waste my energy on negativity,
ja ustvari razmišljam kako mogu da iskoristim
I'm actually thinking how I can use it
šta god da je došlo,
da postanem osoba kakva želim da budem
to become the person I want to be
na kraju godine.
at the end of the year.
I zaista vam predlažem da sednete i razmislite,
And I really suggest you sit down and think,
kakva biste osoba voleli da postanete,
what kind of person would you like to become
jer čak i kada sa svojim timom
because even when with his team
planiram poslovne ciljeve,
I plan|business|goals
plan business goals,
a to svake godine, naravno radimo
and we do that every year, of course
i tu ima puno onih šta želimo da kreiramo za vas,
||||of those||||create||
and there are many that we want to create for you,
šta želimo sve da vam ponudimo,
what we want to offer you,
šta su sve stvari na kojima želimo ove godine da radimo,
what are all the things we want to work on this year,
ja moram da vam kažem, na kraju krajeva
|||||||in the end
I have to tell you, after all
ja sednem i razmislim, kakva ja osoba moram da postanem
I sit down and think about what kind of person I have to become
da sve to uspem, da sve to bude dobro?
to make it all work, to make it all good?
Kakva ću ja osoba morati da postanem kroz taj proces
What kind of person will I have to become through that process
da bi to stvarno bilo dobro
that would be really good
i da li je to ono što želim ili nije? I ako jeste,
and is it what i want or not? And if so,
ja onda kažem: “Aha, želim da postanem osoba takva i takva
|||Aha|||||like that||
I then say: "Yes, I want to become such and such a person."
i kao takva osoba uspeću
||||I will succeed
and as such a person I will succeed
i ovo i ovo i ovo". I stvarno
mi to mnogo znači da održim pravac
|||||I maintain|
it means a lot to me to keep the direction
da održim tu energiju u sebi,
da je stvorim, da je održim i da guram napred.
to create it, to maintain it and to push it forward.
Tako da, vama predlažem da uradite istu stvar
So, I suggest you do the same thing
obavezno, znači, vizualizujte
necessarily, that is, visualize
šta je to što ste sve planirali da postignete
what is it that you all planned to achieve
Onda razmislite kakva vi osoba morate postati
Then think about what kind of person you must become
da bi vam to sve bilo lako da bi vam to sve uspelo
to make it all easy for you to make it all work
i onda pomislite
and then think
kako je ustvari biti takva osoba
what it's really like to be such a person
i videćete, šta god da se desi,
and you will see, whatever happens,
vi ćete zadržati svoj pravac,
you will keep your course,
jer se ne radi o tome
because that's not what it's about
šta postižete, šta imate, nego šta postajete.
what you achieve, what you have, but what you become.
To je ono što je mnogo važnije.
That is what is much more important.
I time učinite da 2020. godina
And thus make 2020 the year
za vas postane stvarno najbolja godina do sada i još jednom
it becomes really the best year for you so far and once again
želim od srca a vam se zahvalim što
I wish from the bottom of my heart and thank you for that
nas pratite, što učestvujete
|||you participate
follow us, you participate
i još jednom da vam kažem da
and once again let me tell you yes
moj tim i ja
sa puno ljubavi i pažnje kreiramo razne stvari za vas
with a lot of love and attention we create various things for you
edukacije - live, online,
ove videe
i mnogo bi nam značilo da nam pošaljete vaš feedback.
|||||||you send||
Budite tako dobri
i dajte sebi malo pokretačke energije,
komentarišite dole, pošaljite nam video, pošaljite e-mail
i mi ćemo onda da
pogledamo i to će nama da da energije.
Budite malo i vi nama inspiracija, jer to
nama puno nači, a onda ćemo i mi vama da budemo još veća i još bolja inspiracija
||means||||||||||a bigger||||
za 2020. godinu
za koju ja verujem da može da bude
najbolja do sada.
A zašto? Pa jer nam se može.
Jer imamo znanje,
imamo metode i možemo da napravimo
od svake godine da bude sve bolja i bolja.
Želim vam divne praznike
i molim vas da radite
na sebi i na svojim ciljevima
i na tome kakva osoba želite da postanete.
Sve vas grlim i vidimo se.
||I hug|||