1.7. Hari Poter i Kamen mudrosti - Šešir koji razvrstava (audio knjiga) (1)
1.7. Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen - Der sprechende Hut (Hörbuch) (1)
1.7. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - The Sorting Hat (Audiobook) (1)
1.7. Гарри Поттер и философский камень - Распределяющая шляпа (аудиокнига) (1)
Šešir za razvrstavanje Vrata se odjednom raskriliše.
Sorting Hat The door suddenly flew open.
Na njima je stajala visoka crnokosa veštica u smaragdnozelenoj odori.
|||||black-haired|witch||emerald green|robe
On top of them stood a tall black-haired witch in emerald green robes.
Imala je vrlo strogo lice, i Harijeva prva pomisao bila je da se njoj ne valja zamerati.
||very||||Harija's|first|thought|was||||her||it is not good|offend
She had a very stern face, and Harry's first thought was that she was not to be blamed.
– Prvaci, profesorko Mek Gonagal – reče Hagrid.
– Hvala ti, Hagride.
Odavde ih ja preuzimam.
from here|||I take them
Ona širom otvori vrata.
She opened the door wide.
Ulazna dvorana bila je tolika da biste u nju mogli da ubacite čitavu kuću Darslijevih.
Entrance||||so big||you would|||could||fit|the whole|house|
The entrance hall was so big you could fit the entire Dursley house in it.
Kameni zidovi bili su osvetljeni plamenim bakljama poput onih u Gringotsu, tavanica je bila i suviše visoka da bi se mogla cela razaznati, a raskošno mermerno stepenište pred njima vodilo je na više spratove.
stone|walls|||illuminated|flaming|torches|like||||ceiling||||too|high||||could be|entirely|distinguish||luxurious|marble|staircase|in front of|them|led|||upstairs|floors
The stone walls were lit by flaming torches like those at Gringotts, the ceiling was too high to make out the whole thing, and a grand marble staircase before them led to the upper floors.
Oni pođoše za profesorkom Mek Gonagal preko kamenog popločanog poda.
They followed Professor McGonagall across the stone tiled floor.
Hari je mogao da čuje žagor stotina glasova iza vrata desno – ostatak učenika mora da je već bio tu – ali profesorka Mek Gonagal uvede prvake u malu, praznu odaju iza predvorja.
||||hear|the noise|hundreds||behind||to the right|the rest of|of the students|must||||||||||led|||small|empty|room|behind|the hallway
Harry konnte das Dröhnen von Hunderten von Stimmen hinter der Tür rechts hören – der Rest der Schüler musste bereits dort gewesen sein – aber Professor McGonagall führte die Champions in einen kleinen, leeren Raum hinter der Lobby.
Harry could hear the murmur of hundreds of voices behind the door to the right – the rest of the students must have been there already – but Professor McGonagall ushered the champions into a small, empty chamber beyond the hall.
Oni pohrliše unutra, i stadoše zbijeniji no što bi inače sami stajali, nervozno na prstima izvirujući iz gomile.
|rushed|||they stood|closer together||than|||alone||nervously||tiptoes|emerging||the crowd
Sie stürmten hinein und drängten sich enger zusammen, als sie sonst allein dagestanden hätten, nervös auf Zehenspitzen und aus der Menge herausschauend.
They rushed in, and stood tighter than they would have stood alone, nervously tiptoeing out of the crowd.
Они вбежали внутрь и стали более плотно, чем обычно, нервозно наклоняясь на носки из толпы.
– Dobrodošli na Hogvorts – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal.
– Добро пожаловать в Хогвартс – сказала директор МакГонагал.
– Uskoro će početi gozba u čast početka školske godine, ali pre nego što zauzmete mesta u Velikoj sali, razvrstaćemo vas u vaše kuće.
|||feast||honor||school|year|||||you take|||the Great|hall|we will sort|you||your|houses
- The feast in honor of the beginning of the school year will soon begin, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, we will sort you into your houses.
– Скоро начнется пиршество в честь начала учебного года, но прежде чем вы займете свои места в Большом зале, мы распределим вас по вашим домам.
Razvrstavanje je vrlo važna ceremonija pošto će vam, dok ste ovde u Hogvortsu, vaša kuća biti poput porodice.
Sorting is a very important ceremony because while you are here at Hogwarts, your house will be like a family to you.
Bićete u istom razredu s ostalima iz vaše kuće, spavaćete u zajedničkim spavaonicama i provoditi slobodno vreme u dnevnom boravku vaše kuće.
You will be|||grade||the others||your|house|you will sleep||shared|dormitories||spending|free|||daily|living room|your|house
You will be in the same class with others from your house, you will sleep in shared dormitories and spend your free time in the living room of your house.
– Nazivi kuća su Grifindor, Haflpaf, Rejvenklo i Sliterin.
The names|||Gryffindor||||
– The house names are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.
Svaka kuća ima časnu prošlost kojom se ponosi i svaka je iškolovala istaknute veštice i čarobnjake.
|||honorable|past|which||is proud||every||educated|prominent|witches||
Jedes Haus hat eine ehrenvolle Vergangenheit, auf die es stolz sein kann, und jedes hat prominente Hexen und Zauberer ausgebildet.
Each house has an honorable past to be proud of and each has trained prominent witches and wizards.
Каждый дом имеет почетное прошлое, которым гордится, и каждый из них воспитал выдающихся ведьм и волшебников.
Dok ste na Hogvortsu, svaki vaš trijumf donosi poene vašoj kući, dok svako kršenje pravila oduzima poene kući kojoj pripadate.
|||||your|triumph|brings|points|your|house|||violation|the rules|it takes away|points|to the house||you belong
Während Sie in Hogwarts sind, bringt jeder Ihrer Triumphe Punkte zu Ihnen nach Hause, während jeder Verstoß gegen die Regeln dem Haus, dem Sie angehören, Punkte entzieht.
While at Hogwarts, every triumph you make earns you points for your house, while every violation of the rules takes away points from the house you belong to.
Пока вы на Хогвартсе, каждая ваша победа приносит баллы вашему дому, в то время как каждое нарушение правил отнимает баллы у дома, к которому вы принадлежите.
Na kraju godine, kuća s najviše poena osvaja Školski pehar, što je velika čast.
|||||the most|points|wins||cup|||great|honor
At the end of the year, the house with the most points wins the School Cup, which is a great honor.
В конце года дом с наибольшим количеством баллов получает Школьный кубок, что является большой честью.
Nadam se da će svako od vas služiti na čast sopstvenoj kući, bez obzira na to kojoj pripada.
||||everyone|||serve||honor|his own|||regard||||it belongs
I hope that each of you will serve for the honor of your own house, regardless of which one you belong to.
– Ceremonija Razvrstavanja počeće za nekoliko minuta pred ostalim pitomcima škole.
The ceremony|Sorting|will begin|||minutes|before|the other|students|
– The Sorting Ceremony will begin in a few minutes in front of the other cadets of the school.
Predlažem vam da se malo dovedete u red dok budete čekali da vas Razvrstaju.
|||||приведете себя||||||||
I suggest|||||get yourselves||order||are|waiting|||sort them
Ich schlage vor, Sie stellen sich ein wenig an, während Sie darauf warten, sortiert zu werden.
I suggest you get in line a bit while you wait to be Sorted.
Pogled joj se na trenutak zaustavi na Nevilovom ogrtaču koji je bio pričvršćen ispod njegovog levog uva i na Ronovom umrljanom nosu.
Ihr Blick blieb für einen Moment auf Nevilles Umhang hängen, der unter seinem linken Ohr befestigt war, und auf Rons schmutziger Nase.
Her gaze rested for a moment on Neville's cloak which was fastened under his left ear and on Ron's stained nose.
Hari nervozno pokuša da zaliže kosu.
Harry versuchte nervös, sein Haar zu lecken.
Harry nervously tried to lick his hair.
– Vratiću se čim budemo spremni za vas – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal.
I will return|||we are|ready||you||||
– Molim vas, sačekajte u tišini.
Ona napusti sobu.
Hari proguta knedlu u grlu.
||dumpling||the throat
– Kako nas to razvrstavaju po kućama?
how|us||are sorting||houses
- Wie sortieren sie uns nach Häusern?
- How do they classify us by house?
– zapita Rona.
– Mislim da je reč o nekakvom testu.
|||about|about|some kind of|test
- I think it is about some kind of test.
Fred je rekao da to prilično boli, ali mislim da se šalio.
|||||pretty|hurts|||||he was joking
Fred said it hurt quite a bit, but I think he was joking.
Harijevo srce užasnuto potonu.
Harrys Herz sank vor Entsetzen.
Harry's heart sank in horror.
Pred celom školom?
Ali on još nije savladao nijednu vrstu magije – i šta će morati da uradi?
||||mastered|none|type|magic||||to have to||do
But he hasn't mastered any kind of magic yet – and what will he have to do?
Nije očekivao da će se susresti s nečim ovakvim odmah po dolasku.
|||||meet||something|like this|immediately||arrival
Er hatte nicht damit gerechnet, so etwas gleich nach seiner Ankunft zu erleben.
He didn't expect to encounter something like this right after his arrival.
On se zabrinuto osvrnu oko sebe i vide da su i svi ostali delovali prestrašeno.
||worriedly|looked around||||||||||were acting|scared
He looked around worriedly and saw that everyone else seemed scared as well.
Niko nije mnogo govorio izuzev Hermione Grejndžer, koja se šapatom preslišavala o svim činima koje je naučila, pitajući se koja će joj od njih biti potrebna sada.
Niemand sprach viel außer Hermine Granger, die über all die Akte flüsterte, die sie gelernt hatte, und sich fragte, welche sie jetzt brauchen würde.
No one was saying much except for Hermione Granger, who was whispering to each other about all the spells she had learned, wondering which ones she would need now.
Hari se uporno trudio da je ne sluša.
Harry versuchte angestrengt, ihr nicht zuzuhören.
Harry tried hard not to listen to her.
Nikada nije bio nervozniji, nikada, čak ni kada je Darslijevima trebalo da prenese izveštaj iz škole u kome je pisalo da je nekako, volšebno, obojio učiteljevu periku u plavo.
||||never|even|||||it was necessary||deliver|report||school||which||it said|||somehow|magically|dyed|the teacher's|wig||blue
Nie war er nervöser gewesen, noch nie, nicht einmal, als die Darsleys ein Zeugnis aus der Schule weitergeben mussten, in dem stand, dass er irgendwie auf magische Weise die Perücke des Lehrers blau angemalt hatte.
He had never been more nervous, never, not even when he had to deliver a school report to the Dursleys that said he had somehow, magically, dyed the teacher's wig blue.
Pogled mu je bio čvrsto prikovan za vrata.
His gaze was fixed firmly on the door.
Profesorka Mek Gonagal će se svakog trenutka vratiti da ga povede ka njegovom usudu.
Professor McGonagall will be back at any moment to lead him to his destiny.
A onda se desi nešto što ga natera da poskoči uvis – nekoliko njih ispred njega poče da vrišti.
|||happens||||forces||jump|up|a few|of them|in front of|him|began||scream
Und dann passierte etwas, das ihn aufspringen ließ – ein paar von ihnen vor ihm fingen an zu schreien.
And then something happens that makes him jump up - several of them in front of him start screaming.
– Šta kog...?
On se prenerazi.
he||was startled
Baš kao i ostali oko njega.
Genau wie die anderen um ihn herum.
Just like the others around him.
Dvadesetak duhova iznenada iskrsnu iz crnog zida.
about twenty|ghosts|suddenly|appeared||black|wall
Ungefähr zwanzig Geister tauchten plötzlich aus der schwarzen Wand auf.
About twenty ghosts suddenly emerged from the black wall.
Bisernobeli i prozirni, klizili su kroz sobu razgovarajući međusobno, jedva primećujući prvake.
Pearl-white||transparent|slid|||the room|talking|to each other|barely|noticing|the first-graders
Pearly white and transparent, they glided through the room talking to each other, barely noticing the champions.
Izgledali su kao da se raspravljaju.
They looked|||||they are arguing
They looked like they were arguing.
Onaj što je ličio na malog debelog sveštenika govorio je: – Hajde da oprostimo i zaboravimo, kažem vam ja, treba da mu pružimo još jednu priliku... – Dragi moj Fratre, nismo li Pivsu dali sve šanse koje zaslužuje?
|||||||priest|||||forgive||forget|||||||we give||one|opportunity|||Frater|||Pivsu|given||||he deserves
Derjenige, der wie ein kleiner dicker Priester aussah, sagte: - Lasst uns vergeben und vergessen, ich sage euch, wir müssen ihm noch eine Chance geben ... - Mein lieber Bruder, haben wir Pease nicht alle Chancen gegeben, die er verdient?
The one who looked like a small fat priest said: - Let's forgive and forget, I tell you, we should give him another chance... - My dear Friar, didn't we give Peeves all the chances he deserves?
Zbog njega smo svi na lošem glasu, a dobro znaš da on čak nije ni pravi duh – hej, šta vi radite ovde?
because of|||||bad|||||||even||||ghost||||are doing|
Wir alle haben wegen ihm einen schlechten Ruf, und du weißt, dass er nicht einmal ein echter Geist ist - hey, was machst du hier?
He gives us all a bad name, and you know full well he's not even a real ghost - hey, what are you doing here?
Duh koji je na sebi imao visok nabran okovratnik i hulahopke iznenada spazi prvake.
the ghost||||himself|was wearing|high|narrowed|collar||leggings|suddenly|saw|the champions
Ein Geist, der einen hohen Faltenkragen und Strumpfhosen trug, entdeckte plötzlich die Champions.
A spirit wearing a high frilled collar and tights suddenly spotted the champions.
Niko ne odgovori.
– Novi učenici!
– reče Debeli Fratar, smešeći im se.
Sagte der Dicke Mönch und lächelte sie an.
– Čekate da vas Razvrstaju, pretpostavljam?
You are waiting|||they classify|
- Waiting to be Sorted out, I suppose?
Nekoliko ih nemo klimnu glavom.
A few nodded silently.
– Nadam se da ću vas videti u Haflpafu!
– I hope to see you in Hufflepuff!
– reče Debeli Fratar.
– said Fat Friar.
– Moja bivša kuća, znate.
– My old home, you know.
– Hajde, mičite se – reče jedan oštar glas.
– Ceremonija Razvrstavanja samo što nije počela.
- Die Sortierzeremonie hat gerade begonnen.
– The Sorting Ceremony has just begun.
Profesorka Mek Gonagal se upravo vratila.
Jedan po jedan, duhovi iščezoše kroz suprotan zid.
One by one, the ghosts disappeared through the opposite wall.
– Hajde, postrojite se – reče profesorka Mek Gonagal prvacima – i krenite za mnom.
|line up||||||first graders||go||
- Come on, line up - said Professor McGonagall to the first-years - and follow me.
Osećajući se čudno, kao da ga noge same nose, Hari stade u red iza dečaka kose boje peska, dok je Ron stao iza Harija, i tako izađoše iz sobe, prođoše nazad odajom i kroz dvoja dvostruka vrata, sve do Velike sale.
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||назад|по комнате|||двойные|двойные|||||
||strange||||||carry||||||||the color of|sand||||||||||||they passed|back|through the room||through|double|double|||||the
Mit einem seltsamen Gefühl, als würden ihn seine Füße allein tragen, stellte sich Harry hinter den sandhaarigen Jungen in die Schlange, während Ron hinter Harry stand, und so verließen sie den Raum, gingen zurück durch den Raum und durch die beiden Doppeltüren, alle Weg zur Großen Halle.
Feeling strange, as if his legs were carrying him, Harry fell in line behind the sandy-haired boy, while Ron stood behind Harry, and so they left the room, walked back through the chamber and through two double doors, into the Great Hall.
Hari nikad nije mogao ni da zamisli tako čudno i bajno mesto.
Harry could never have imagined such a strange and magical place.
Bilo je osvetljeno hiljadama i hiljadama sveća koje su lebdele iznad četiri dugačka stola duž kojih su sedeli ostali učenici.
||lit|thousands||thousands|candles|that||hovering|above||long|tables|along|along which||sitting|the other|students
It was lit by thousands and thousands of candles that floated above the four long tables along which the other students sat.
Na stolovima su bili postavljeni zlatni tanjiri i pehari koji su se presijavali.
Golden plates and goblets were placed on the tables and were sifted.
Na dnu sale nalazio se još jedan dugačak sto za kojim su sedeli nastavnici.
||hall|was located||||long|||which||sitting|teachers
At the bottom of the hall was another long table where the teachers sat.
Profesorka Mek Gonagal odvede prvake do tog stola, kako bi mogli da stoje u vrsti licem okrenuti prema ostalim učenicima, dok su nastavnici bili iza njih.
|||leads|first graders|to|that|table|||they could||stand||line|facing|facing|toward|the other|to the students|||the teachers||behind|them
Professor McGonagall führte die Champions zu diesem Tisch, damit sie sich mit den anderen Schülern in einer Reihe aufstellen konnten, während die Lehrer hinter ihnen standen.
Professor McGonagall led the champions to that table, so they could stand in a line facing the other students, while the teachers were behind them.
Профессорка МакГонагал отвела первоклассников к этому столу, чтобы они могли стоять в очереди лицом к другим ученикам, в то время как учителя были позади них.
Stotine lica koja su zurila u njih ličila su na blede fenjere pri treperavoj svetlosti sveća.
Hunderte von Menschen, die sie anstarrten, wirkten im flackernden Kerzenlicht wie blasse Laternen.
The hundreds of faces staring at them looked like pale lanterns in the flickering candlelight.
Сотни лиц, которые смотрели на них, напоминали бледные фонари при мерцающем свете свечей.
Raštrkani tamo-amo među učenicima, duhovi su svetlucali misterioznim srebrnastim sjajem.
Scattered|there|back and forth|among|the students|the ghosts||sparkled|mysterious|silver|glow
Hier und da unter den Jüngern verstreut, leuchteten die Geister in einem geheimnisvollen Silberglanz.
Scattered here and there among the students, the spirits shimmered with a mysterious silvery glow.
Разбросанные там и сям среди учеников, духи мерцали таинственным серебристым блеском.
Da bi izbegao silne ispitivačke poglede, Hari se zagleda naviše i spazi somotskocrnu tavanicu posutu zvezdama.
||to avoid||questioning|gazes|||looked|upwards||saw|velvet-black|ceiling|sprinkled|with stars
Um starke fragende Blicke zu vermeiden, starrte Harry auf und sah eine samtschwarze Decke, die mit Sternen übersät war.
To avoid the intense scrutiny, Harry looked up to see a velvet black ceiling studded with stars.
Čuo je Hermionu kako šapuće: – Začarana je da odražava nebo iznad zamka, čitala sam o tome u Istoriji Hogvortsa.
||Hermione||whispering|Enchanted|||reflects||above|the castle|I read||||||Hogwarts
He heard Hermione whisper, "It's enchanted to reflect the sky above the castle, I read about it in the History of Hogwarts."
Bilo je teško poverovati da tu uopšte ima tavanice, te da Velika sala nije otvorena prema nebesima.
||hard|to believe|||at all||ceiling|and|||||open|to|the heavens
It was hard to believe that there was a ceiling at all, and that the Great Hall was not open to the heavens.
Hari brzo spusti pogled u trenu kada profesorka Mek Gonagal nemo postavi četvoronožnu stolicu ispred prvaka.
||lowered|gaze||an instant|||||nemo|puts|four-legged|chair|in front of|the first grader
Harry quickly looked down just as Professor McGonagall silently placed a four-legged stool in front of the champion.
Na nju je stavila šiljati čarobnjački šešir.
Sie setzte einen spitzen Zaubererhut auf.
She put a pointed wizard's hat on it.
Šešir je bio zakrpljen, otrcan i užasno prljav.
Der Hut war geflickt, schäbig und furchtbar schmutzig.
The hat was patched, tattered and terribly dirty.
Tetka Petunija ne bi dozvolila da joj nešto takvo uđe u kuću.
Aunt|Aunt Petunia|||allow|||something|like that|||
Tante Petunia würde so etwas nicht in ihr Haus lassen.
Aunt Petunia wouldn't let something like that into her house.
Hari grozničavo pomisli da će ih možda terati da izvuku zeca iz tog šešira, jer mu je ovo mu ličilo na pravu postavku za tako nešto.
|feverishly|||||maybe|force||pull out|rabbit|||hat|for|||this||seemed||real|setup|||
Harry dachte fieberhaft daran, dass er sie dazu bringen könnte, ein Kaninchen aus dem Hut zu ziehen, denn das schien ihm der richtige Rahmen für so etwas zu sein.
Harry thought feverishly that he might be forcing them to pull a rabbit out of that hat, as this seemed like the perfect setting for such a thing.
Primetivši da svi u sali sada zure u šešir, i on se zagleda u njega.
||||the room||are staring||hat||||stares||it
Als er bemerkte, dass jetzt alle in der Halle auf seinen Hut starrten, starrte er ihn an.
Noticing that everyone in the hall was now staring at the hat, he stared at it as well.
Nekoliko trenutaka vladala je potpuna tišina.
Für einige Augenblicke herrschte völlige Stille.
There was complete silence for a few moments.
Zatim se šešir zatrese.
Dann wackelte der Hut.
Then the hat shook.
Poderotina duž ivice šešira širom se razjapi, poput usta – i šešir poče da peva: Možda baš i nisam lep, Al' ne sudi mi na prvi pogled, Poješću vala samog sebe Nađete li šešir mudriji od mene.
Poderotina|along|the edge|hat|wide|itself|yawned|like|||hat|began||sings||just|||handsome|||judge|||first|glance|I will eat|valah|myself|myself|if you find||hat|wiser||me
Der Riss am Rand des Hutes klaffte weit auf wie ein Mund – und der Hut begann zu singen: Vielleicht bin ich nicht sehr hübsch, aber verurteile mich nicht auf den ersten Blick, ich fresse eine Welle von mir, wenn du finde einen klügeren Hut als mich.
The crack along the edge of the hat opened wide, like a mouth - and the hat began to sing: Maybe I'm not very pretty, But don't judge me at first glance, I'll eat a wave of myself If you find a hat wiser than me.
Pod polucilindrima nek vam čuči glava, Eto vam šešira po poslednjoj modi, Hogvortski sam Šešir koji razvrstava Onaj što najviše vam godi.
|under the half-cylinders|some|to you|sits||here|to you|hats||latest|fashion|||hat||sorting|||most|you|suits
Lass deinen Kopf unter den Halbzylindern hocken, Hier ist dein Hut in der neuesten Mode, ich bin der Hogwarts-Hut, der denjenigen sortiert, der am besten zu dir passt.
Let your head crouch under the top hats, Here is a hat according to the latest fashion, the Hogwarts hat that sorts the one that suits you best.
U glavama vašim nikakvih tajni nema Pred Šeširom koji razvrstava, viđam ih često.
Es gibt keine Geheimnisse in euren Köpfen vor dem Hut, die sortiert werden, ich sehe sie oft.
There are no secrets in your heads. Before the Sorting Hat, I see them often.
Stavite me, reći ću šta vam se sprema, Spoznaćete tačno gde vam je mesto.
put|||||||is in store|you will realize|exactly||your||place
Put me in, I'll tell you what's in store for you, You'll know exactly where you belong.
Možda ste za Grifindor Gde hrabri u srcu obitavaju, Smelost, drskost i viteštvo Grifindorce izdvajaju; A možda pripadate Haflpafu, Tu se poštenje i odanost cene, Strpljivi haflpafovci iskreni su uvek I muku tešku trpe nemi kao stene; Il', pak, u drevni mudri Rejvenklo, Ako imate mudrost u malome prstu, Tu ljudi učeni, bistri i željni znanja, Uvek nađu svoju vrstu; Ili ćete, možda, u Sliterinu Steći prava prijateljstva.
|||Gryffindor||brave||heart|dwell|bravery|||bravery|Gryffindor|distinguish|||you belong||||honesty||loyalty|are valued|Patient||||always||trouble|heavy|patience|Hufflepuff||Hufflepuff||but||ancient|wise|Ravenclaw||you have|wisdom||little|finger||people|wise|broad-minded||(1) eager|knowledge|always|find|your|type|or|you|maybe|||to get|the right|friendship
Vielleicht bist du für Gryffindor Wo die Tapferen wohnen, Mut, Unverschämtheit und Ritterlichkeit zeichnen die Gryffindors aus; Und vielleicht gehörst du zu Hufflepuff, Hier werden Ehrlichkeit und Loyalität geschätzt, Geduldige Hufflepuffs sind immer aufrichtig Und erleiden stumm wie Stein harte Qualen; Oder, in dem alten weisen Ravenclaw, Wenn du Weisheit in deinem kleinen Finger hast, Hier sind die Leute gelehrt, klar und wissensdurstig, Sie finden immer ihresgleichen; Oder Sie können in Slytherin echte Freundschaften schließen.
Maybe you're for Gryffindor Where the brave at heart dwell, Boldness, audacity and chivalry set Gryffindors apart; And maybe you belong to Hufflepuff, Honesty and loyalty are valued there, Patient Hufflepuffs are always honest And suffer hard torment as mute as rocks; Il', then, in ancient wise Ravenclaw, If you have wisdom in your little finger, There men learned, clear and eager for knowledge, Always find their kind; Or, perhaps, in Slytherin you will make real friends.
Ta lukava sorta ni od čega ne preza Kod njih cilj opravdava sredstva.
та|лукавая||||||боясь|от Код||цель||
|sly|variety|||anything||shies away||them|goal|justifies|means
Diese raffinierte Sorte übertreibt nicht, ihr Ziel heiligt die Mittel.
That cunning variety doesn't shy away from anything. With them, the end justifies the means.
Этот хитрый сорт ни от чего не отказывается. У них цель оправдывает средства.
Stoga, stavite me već jednom!
So put me down once!
Поэтому, поставьте меня уже разок!
Nemajte brige!
не имейте|
don't have|
Don't worry!
Не беспокойтесь!
Odbacite strahove što su vas stisli!
Throw away the fears that have gripped you!
U sigurnim ste rukama (mada ih nemam) Jer ja sam Šešir koji misli!
|safe||hands|even though|them|I don't have|for|||the Hat|that|thinks
Du bist in sicheren Händen (obwohl ich sie nicht habe) Denn ich bin der Hut, der denkt!
You are in safe hands (though I have none) For I am the Thinking Hat!
Čim je šešir završio svoju pesmu, salom se prolomi aplauz.
as soon as|||||song|then||broke out|
Kaum hatte der Hut sein Lied beendet, brach der Applaus durch den Saal.
As soon as the hat finished its song, the hall broke into applause.
Šešir se zatim pokloni prema svakom od četiri stola, a onda se ponovo sasvim ukruti.
The hat then bowed to each of the four tables, and then stiffened completely again.
– Znači, treba samo da probamo šešir!
– šapnu Ron Hariju.
– Ubiću Freda, stalno mi je pričao da treba da se rvemo s trolom.
I will kill|Fred|constantly|to me||told|||||fight||troll
- Ich werde Fred töten, er sagte mir immer wieder, wir sollten mit dem Troll ringen.
I will kill Fred, he kept telling me that we should wrestle with the troll.
Hari se usiljeno nasmeja.
Harry forced a smile.
Da, lakše je probati šešir nego izvoditi čarolije, ali ipak bi više voleo da ga isproba bez ičijeg prisustva.
|it's easier||try|hat|than|perform|magic||still|||he would prefer|||try||anyone's|presence
Yes, it's easier to try on a hat than to perform magic, but he would still prefer to try it on without anyone's presence.
Izgleda da je šešir imao prevelika očekivanja; Hari se u tom trenutku nije sebi činio ni hrabrim ni oštroumnim, niti je osećao išta od navedenog.
|||||слишком большие|||||||||||||||||||упомянутого
|||hat||too big|expectations|||||moment||to himself|seemed||brave||sharp-witted|||felt|anything||the above
It seems that the hat had too high expectations; Harry didn't think himself brave or shrewd at the moment, nor did he feel any of the above.
Da je šešir bar pomenuo kuću za one koji se osećaju pomalo neodlučno i kojima je muka, to bi bilo pravo mesto za njega.
||||mentioned|the house||those|||feel|a little|indecisively||||sick|||||place||him
Wenn der Hut wenigstens das Haus für diejenigen erwähnt hätte, die ein wenig zögern und krank sind, wäre das der richtige Ort für ihn.
If the hat had at least mentioned a house for those feeling a little indecisive and sick, that would be the right place for him.
Profesorka Mek Gonagal sada iskorači pred njih držeći veliki svitak pergamenta.
|||now|steps forward|||holding||scroll|of parchment
Professor McGonagall now stepped in front of them holding a large scroll of parchment.
– Kada vas prozovem, stavićete šešir i sesti na stolicu da bismo vas razvrstali – reče.
|||вы положите||||||||||
- When I call you, you will put on your hat and sit on a chair so that we can sort you out - he said.
– Abot, Hana!
- Abt, Hana!
Zajapurena devojčica s plavim pletenicama nesigurno izađe iz reda, stavi šešir, koji joj pade preko očiju, i sede.
Zajapurena|||blue|braids|uncertainly|||line|put on|hat|||||||
A flushed girl with blond braids unsteadily stepped out of line, put on a hat, which fell over her eyes, and sat down.
Posle kraće pauze... – HAFLPAF!
– povika šešir.
Za stolom na desnoj strani nastade veselje i prolomi se pljesak dok je Hana išla da sedne za sto s haflpafovcima.
|||right||there was|joy||broke out||applause|||Hana|||||||Hufflepuff
Es gab Heiterkeit am Tisch rechts und Applaus brach aus, als Hana sich zu den Hufflepuffs an den Tisch setzte.
At the table on the right there was cheering and applause as Hannah went to sit at the table with the Hufflepuffs.
Hari vide duh Debelog Fratra kako joj veselo maše.
||the spirit of||Fratra||||
Harry sah, wie der Geistermönch ihr fröhlich zuwinkte.
Harry saw the ghost of the Fat Friar waving cheerfully at her.
– Bouns, Suzan!
– Bones, Susan!
– povika šešir ponovo, i Suzan odleprša i sede pored Hane.
||||Susan|flew||sat down|next to|Hana
– shouted the hat again, and Susan flew away and sat next to Hana.
– But, Teri!
Ovog puta pljeskao je drugi sto s leva; nekoliko rejvenklovaca ustade da se rukuje s Terijem kad im se pridružio.
||clapped|||||from the left|a few|Ravenclaw|stood up|||shakes hands||Terry||||he joined
Diesmal applaudierte er dem anderen Tisch links; Mehrere Ravenclaws standen auf, um Terry die Hand zu schütteln, als er sich ihnen anschloss.
This time the second table from the left clapped; several Ravenclaws rose to shake Terry's hand as he joined them.
„Broklherst, Mendi” takođe je pripala Rejvenklou, ali je „Braun, Lavander” postala prvi novopečeni grifindorac, i sto na kraju leve strane eksplodirao je od oduševljenja; Hari je mogao da vidi Ronovu braću blizance kako zvižde.
Broklherst||||fell to|Ravenclaw|||Brown|Lavender|||newly minted|Gryffindor student||the table||end|left|side|exploded|||excitement|||could|||Ron's|brother|twin||whistle
"Brocklehurst, Mandy" also went to Ravenclaw, but "Brown, Lavender" became the first newly minted Gryffindor, and the end table on the left exploded with delight; Harry could see Ron's twin brothers whistling.
„Balstroud, Milisent” zatim postade sliterinka.
"Balstroud, Millicent" then became a Slytherin.
Možda je to bio plod Harijeve mašte, ali posle svega što je čuo o Sliterinu činilo mu se da izgledaju kao vrlo neprijatna družina.
||||fruit||imagination||after|everything|that|he||||it seemed||||they look||very|unpleasant|company
Maybe it was a figment of Harry's imagination, but after everything he'd heard about Slytherin, they seemed like a very unpleasant bunch.
Sad mu je već bilo muka od svega.
|||||sick of||everything
Er hatte jetzt alles satt.
Now he was sick of everything.
Setio se kako su ga razvrstavali u tim za vreme časova fiskulture u staroj školi.
I remembered|||||sorted||team||during|classes|physical education||old|
Er erinnerte sich, wie er beim Sportunterricht in der alten Schule in die Mannschaft eingeordnet wurde.
He remembered being sorted into the team during gym class at his old school.
Uvek su ga birali poslednjeg, ne zato što nije bio dobar već zato što niko nije želeo da Dadli pomisli kako im se on sviđa.
always|||chosen|last||because||||good||therefore|that|no one||wanted|||to think|||||liked
Sie wählten ihn immer zuletzt, nicht weil er nicht gut war, sondern weil niemand wollte, dass Dudley dachte, sie mochten ihn.
He was always picked last, not because he wasn't good but because no one wanted Dudley to think they liked him.
– Finč-Flečli, Džastin!
- Finch-Flechley, Justin!
Hari je zapazio da bi šešir ponekad istog trena uzviknuo ime kuće, ali kod nekih bi mu trebalo malčice vremena da odluči.
||noticed|||hat|sometimes|same|moment|shouted|the name|of the house||with|some|||it would take||time||decide
Harry bemerkte, dass der Hut manchmal sofort den Namen des Hauses rief, aber bei manchen brauchte er eine Weile, um sich zu entscheiden.
Harry noticed that sometimes the hat would call out the name of the house instantly, but with others it would take him a little while to decide.
Šejmus Finigan, dečak s kosom boje peska koji je stajao u redu pored Harija, odsedeo je na stolici gotovo minut dok mu šešir nije saopštio da će ići u Grifindor.
|Finigan|||hair|the color of|sand|who||standing||line|next to|Harry|sat||||almost|minute|until||||told|||||
Seamus Finnigan, the sandy-haired boy who stood in the row next to Harry, sat in his chair for almost a minute until his hat announced that he was going to Gryffindor.
– Grejndžer, Hermiona!
– Granger, Hermione!
Hermiona gotovo otrča do stolice i žustro natuče šešir na glavu.
||runs||the chair||quickly|put on|||
Hermione almost ran to the chair and quickly put the hat on her head.
– povika šešir.
Ron jauknu.
Hariju pade na pamet strašna pomisao, užasna, kakve se obično javljaju kada ste nervozni.
|||mind|terrible|thought||that kind of||usually|come up|when||nervous
Harry hat einen schrecklichen Gedanken, einen schrecklichen, der normalerweise auftaucht, wenn man nervös ist.
A horrible thought occurred to Harry, horrible, the kind that usually occur when you're nervous.
Šta ako njega uopšte ne odaberu?
|||at all||choose
What if they don't pick him at all?
Šta ako samo bude sedeo tu sa šeširom natučenim preko očiju čitavu večnost, sve dok mu ga profesorka Mek Gonagal ne strgne s glave objasnivši da je očito u pitanju neka greška i da je bolje da se smesta vrati natrag na voz?
||||sitting||with|his hat|pulled down|over|his eyes|the whole|eternity|||||Professor||||pulls|||explaining|||obviously||question|some|mistake||||better|||smile||back||
What if he just sat there with the hat pulled over his eyes for an eternity, until Professor McGonagall yanked it off his head, explaining that it was obviously a mistake and he'd better get back on the train at once?
Kada su prozvali Nevila Longbotoma, dečaka koji je neprekidno gubio svog žapca, on se spotače na putu do stolice.
When Neville Longbottom, a boy who kept losing his mouthpiece, was called, he stumbled on his way to the chair.
Šeširu je trebalo dosta vremena da odluči šta će biti s Nevilom.
It took the Hat a long time to decide what to do with Neville.
Kada je najzad uzviknuo GRIFINDOR, Nevil otrča sa šeširom na glavi, pa je morao ponovo da trči nazad, uz buran smeh, da bi ga predao sledećem učeniku, „Mek Dugal, Moragu”.
|||shouted|||ran||a hat||head|||he had to|again||run|back||buran|laughter||||give|to the next|student||Dugall|Morag
When GRYFFINDOR finally called out, Neville ran off with the hat on his head, only to have to run back again, laughing uproariously, to hand it to the next student, "McDougall, Morag."
Melfoj se isprsio pun sebe kad su ga prozvali, i želja mu je istog trena uslišena; šešir nije čestito ni dotakao njegovu glavu, a već je vrisnuo: – SLITERIN!
||he was offended|full of|himself|when|||called||his wish|||same|moment|granted|||even touching||touched|his|head||||screamed|
Melfoy brach aus sich heraus, als er gerufen wurde, und sein Wunsch wurde sofort erfüllt; der Hut berührte seinen Kopf nicht oft und er schrie schon: "SLITERIN!"
Malfoy squirmed when he was called, and his wish was instantly granted; the hat didn't even touch his head, and he screamed: - SLYTERIN!
Melfoj ode da se pridruži svojim drugarima Krebu i Gojlu, očito zadovoljan sobom.
Malfoy went to join his friends Crabbe and Goyle, clearly pleased with himself.
Nije još mnogo ljudi preostalo.
There aren't many people left.
„Mun“... „Not“... „Parkinson“... a onda bliznakinje, „Petil“ i „Petil“... potom „Perks, Sali En“... a zatim, napokon... – Poter, Hari!
Mun|Not|Parkinson|||the twins|||||Perks|Sally|En||then|finally||
Kad Hari istupi napred, celom salom prostruja šapat poput pucketanja vatre.
||steps|forward|the whole|hall|runs through|whisper|like|crackling|fire
Als Harry vortrat, floss ein Flüstern wie knisterndes Feuer durch die Halle.
When Harry stepped forward, a whisper like the crackling of fire went through the hall.
– Poter, baš tako je rekla?
||||she said
- Potter, hat sie das gesagt?
- Potter, is that what she said?
– Onaj Hari Poter?
Poslednja stvar koju je Hari video pre nego što mu je šešir pao preko očiju bila je sala prepuna ljudi koji su se naginjali da bi ga bolje videli.
|thing|||||||that|him|||fell|over|eyes|was||the hall|full of|people||||leaning||||better|see
The last thing Harry saw before his hat fell over his eyes was a hall full of people leaning in to get a better look at him.
U sledećem trenutku gledao je crnu unutrašnjost šešira.
|next|moment|he looked||black|interior|of the hat
Im nächsten Moment blickte er auf die schwarze Innenseite seines Hutes.
In the next moment, he looked at the black interior of the hat.
Čekao je.
he waited|
He waited.
– Hm – reče mu jedan tih glas u uvo.
– Hmm – a quiet voice said to him in his ear.
– Teško.
Vrlo teško.
Ne manjka mu hrabrosti, vidim.
не|не хватает|||
He does not lack courage, I see.
Ni pamet mu nije loša.
|his mind||is not|
His mind isn't bad either.
Bez sumnje, ima talenta, bože moj, da... kao i jaku žeđ za dokazivanjem, to je zanimljivo... Dakle, gde da te stavim?
Without a doubt, he has talent, my God, to... as well as a strong desire to prove himself, that's interesting... So, where should I put you?
Hari čvrsto zgrabi nožice od stolice i pomisli: „Samo ne Sliterin, nikako Sliterin.“ – Nećeš u Sliterin, je li?
|||the legs||the chair||thinks|only||Slytherin|no way||you won't||Slytherin||
Harry firmly grabs the legs of the chair and thinks: "Just not Slytherin, definitely not Slytherin." - You won't go to Slytherin, will you?
– reče tihi glas.