La gota de sangre - 04
Der Blutstropfen - 04
The drop of blood - 04
La goutte de sang - 04
La noche fue agitada, como la anterior, y volví a soñar cosas incoherentes, no sobre el crimen, sino sobre la insignificante incidencia del teatro de Apolo.
The|night|was|agitated|like|the|previous|and|I returned|to|to dream|things|incoherent|not|about|the|crime|but|about|the|insignificant|incidence|of the|theater|of|Apollo
The night was restless, like the previous one, and I dreamed again of incoherent things, not about the crime, but about the insignificant incident of the Apollo theater.
Veía a Andrés Ariza precipitándose contra mí con el puño cerrado, en el cual, como si fuese un apache, ocultaba una llave inglesa armada de un pincho agudo, de esos que causan herida mortal.
I saw|to|Andrés|Ariza|rushing|against|me|with|the|fist|closed|in|the|which|like|if|it were|an|Apache|he was hiding|a|wrench|English|armed|with|a|spike|sharp|of|those|that|cause|wound|deadly
Ich sah Andrés Ariza mit einer geballten Faust auf mich zustürmen, in der er, als wäre er ein Apache, einen Schraubenschlüssel mit einem scharfen Dorn versteckte, der tödliche Wunden verursacht.
I saw Andrés Ariza rushing towards me with a clenched fist, in which, as if he were an apache, he hid a wrench armed with a sharp spike, one of those that cause a fatal wound.
Cuando yo iba a gritar «¡socorro!», Ariza escondía la mano y me tendía la otra, dándome mil satisfacciones.
when|I|was going|to|to shout|help|Ariza (a name)|was hiding|the|hand|and|to me|was offering|the|other|giving me|a thousand|satisfactions
Als ich gerade "Hilfe!" rufen wollte, verbarg Ariza seine Hand und streckte die andere aus, was mir tausendmal Genugtuung verschaffte.
Just when I was about to scream 'help!', Ariza hid his hand and extended the other, giving me a thousand satisfactions.
La pesadilla duraba aún al entrar Remigio, con la misma cara larga de la víspera, a anunciarme que ya estaba ahí «ese señor».
The|nightmare|was lasting|still|upon the|to enter|Remigio (a name)|with|the|same|face|long|of|the|previous day|to|to announce to me|that|already|was|there|that|gentleman
Der Albtraum dauerte noch länger, als Remigio mit demselben langen Gesicht wie am Vortag hereinkam, um zu verkünden, dass "dieser Herr" bereits da sei.
The nightmare continued even as Remigio entered, with the same long face as the day before, to announce that "that gentleman" was already there.
-Que entre, hombre... No estés tan afligido, no nos ahorcan... Y tráeme el desayuno.
|in|||||upset|||hang us||||
|||||||||nos enforcam||||
"Let him in, man... Don't be so distressed, they aren't going to hang us... And bring me breakfast."
Siempre ceñudo, Cordelero sacó su lista, e intentó leerla.
always|frowning|Cordelero (character's name)|he took out|his|list|and|he tried|to read it
Always frowning, Cordelero took out his list and tried to read it.
Un movimiento mío le detuvo.
A|movement|mine|to him|stopped
A movement of mine stopped him.
-Tengo que pedir a usted mil perdones; le hice trabajar demasiado y en balde.
I have|to|to ask|to|you|a thousand|apologies|to you|I made|to work|too much|and|in|vain
-I have to ask you a thousand pardons; I made you work too much and in vain.
Debí decirle que no eran necesarios nombres ni informes de los inquilinos que viven con su familia, y son gente respetable y formal.
I should have|to tell him|that|not|were|necessary|names|nor|reports|of|the|tenants|that|live|with|his|family|and|they are|people|respectable|and|formal
I should have told you that names and reports of the tenants living with your family were not necessary, and they are respectable and formal people.
Permítame usted -añadí cogiendo la lista-.
Allow me|you|I added|picking|the|list
Allow me -I added, taking the list-.
Don Antonio Díaz Otero y señora..., no hay caso.
Mr|Antonio|Díaz|Otero|and|Mrs|not|there is|case
Mr. Antonio Díaz Otero and wife..., there is no case.
Marquesa de la Islaverde..., esa señora viuda y caritativa..., tampoco.
Marquesa de la Islaverde..., that charitable widow lady..., neither.
Conde de la Baldía..., setenta años, reumático..., menos.
Count|of|the|Baldía (proper noun)|seventy|years|rheumatic|less
Conde de la Baldía..., seventy years old, rheumatic..., less.
General Escalante.
General Escalante.
El general es una persona muy seria.
The general is a very serious person.
A ver, a ver... Aguarde usted... Doña Julia Fernandina... ¿No es ésta la que llamábamos Chulita Ferna, la famosa hija del conde de la Tolvanera?
||||Wait|you (formal)|Mrs|Julia|Fernandina||it is|this|the|that|we used to call|Chulita|Ferna|the|famous|daughter|of the|count|of|the|Tolvanera
Let's see, let's see... Please wait... Mrs. Julia Fernandina... Isn't this the one we called Chulita Ferna, the famous daughter of the Count of Tolvanera?
Chulita... ¡Vaya!
Chulita... Wow!
¿En el número 15?
At number 15?
Espere usted... Bueno.
Wait a moment... Well.
Mil gracias, Sr.
Thank you very much, sir.
Rope maker
Rope maker.
Si usted me lo permite, guardo esta lista, y me voy derecho al Hotel de Londres, donde la víctima se hospedaba.
If|you|to me|it|allows|I keep|this|list|and|to me|I go|straight|to the|hotel|of|London|where|the|victim|herself|was staying
If you allow me, I will keep this list, and I will go straight to the London Hotel, where the victim was staying.
-Ya se han hecho allí averiguaciones.
-Investigations have already been made there.
No me toca exponérselas a usted; pero eso a mí no se me escapó, Sr.
not|to me|corresponds|to expose them to you|to|you|but|that|to|me|not|it|to me|escaped|
It's not my place to present them to you; but I didn't miss that, sir.
de Selva.
of Selva.
-Lo supongo.
|I suppose
-I suppose so.
Pero, en fin, amigo, más ven cuatro ojos que dos.
But, in the end, my friend, four eyes see more than two.
Lo que le suplico, en cumplimiento de lo estipulado, es que me acompañe al hotel, para que no tengan reparo en facilitarme indicaciones.
The|that|to you|I beg|in|compliance|of|it|stipulated|is|that|to me|accompany|to the|hotel|so that|that|not|they have|objection|in|to provide me|directions
What I ask of you, in fulfillment of what was agreed, is that you accompany me to the hotel, so that they have no hesitation in providing me with directions.
Es más: si usted quiere, será usted quien dirija las preguntas.
It is|more|if|you|want|will be|you|who|directs|the|questions
Moreover: if you want, you will be the one to direct the questions.
Ya sabe usted que toda la gloria del descubrimiento, en el Sr.
already|you know|you|that|all|the|glory|of the|discovery|in|the|
Sie wissen bereits, dass der ganze Ruhm der Entdeckung, in Herrn
You already know that all the glory of the discovery belongs to Mr.
Cordelero recaerá.
rope maker|will fall
Cordelero wird rückfällig.
The cord maker will fall.
Me miró, entre zaíno y escamón, y se atusó el híspido bigote.
He|looked at|between|black|and|gray|and|himself|smoothed|the|bristly|mustache
Er schaute mich an, zwischen zaíno und escamón, und zupfte an seinem verweichlichten Schnurrbart.
He looked at me, between dark brown and scaly, and groomed his bristly mustache.
-Lo que encargo es reserva -añadí-.
The|that|I order|is|reservation|I added
-What I ask for is confidentiality -I added-.
¡Un cuidado infinito con la prensa!
An infinite care with the press!
¡Sobre todo al principio!
Above|all|to the|beginning
Especially at the beginning!
No convienen espantaliebres.
not|they are suitable|scarecrows
Scarecrows are not suitable.
Deje usted que sigan acusándome.
Let|you|that|they continue|accusing me
Let them keep accusing me.
Nada de nuevas pistas.
No new clues.
Me arrojé de la cama; me vestí en un vuelo, y salimos por una puertecilla que se abría sobre el diminuto jardín de mi hotel y comunicaba con otra calle.
I|threw myself|from|the|bed|myself|dressed|in|a|flight|and|we left|through|a|small door|that|itself|opened|onto|the|tiny|garden|of|my|hotel|and|connected|with|another|street
I threw myself out of bed; I dressed in a hurry, and we left through a small door that opened onto the tiny garden of my hotel and connected to another street.
Y bien nos avino, pues ante la verja hacían centinela tres reporteros de diarios, que vanamente habían intentado corromper a Remigio y llegar hasta mí.
And|well|to us|it turned out|then|in front of|the|gate|they were doing|guard duty|three|reporters|of|newspapers|who|in vain|they had|tried|to bribe|to|Remigio (a person's name)|and|to reach|to|me
Und wir hatten Recht, denn drei Zeitungsreporter, die vergeblich versucht hatten, Remigio zu bestechen und zu mir zu gelangen, standen am Tor Wache.
And it served us well, for three newspaper reporters were standing guard at the gate, who had vainly tried to bribe Remigio and reach me.
En el Hotel de Londres preguntamos por el dueño.
In|the|hotel|of|London|we asked|for|the|owner
Im London Hotel fragten wir nach dem Besitzer.
At the Hotel de Londres, we asked for the owner.
Salió solícito, y se puso a nuestras órdenes.
He left|attentive|and|himself|put|at|our|orders
Er kam eifrig heraus und stellte sich uns zur Verfügung.
He came out promptly and put himself at our service.
-Ya estuvo aquí el señor ayer, horas después del crimen -advirtió señalando a Cordelero-, y ha preguntado mil cosas... En fin, vuelvan a preguntar, que la verdad diremos.
||||||||||he warned|||||||||||||||||
-The gentleman was here yesterday, hours after the crime -he warned, pointing to Cordelero-, and he has asked a thousand questions... In short, ask again, for we will tell the truth.
Nuestro afán es que todo se averigüe.
Our|eagerness|is|that|everything|itself|is found out
Our aim is to find out everything.
¡Pobre señorito Paco, tan simpático!
Poor|young man|Paco (a name)|so|nice
Poor young man Paco, so charming!
¡Hay que reprimir la «inmoralidá»; los tiempos están perdidos!
|that|to repress|the|immorality|the|times|are|lost
We must suppress the "immorality"; the times are lost!
Cuando habló así el hostelero, ponía yo en tensión mis facultades, y, allá en lo recóndito de mi ser espiritual, sentía algo tan anómalo, que apenas acierto a definirlo.
when|he spoke|like that|the|innkeeper|put|I|in|tension|my|faculties|and|there|in|the|hidden|of|my|being|spiritual|I felt|something|so|abnormal|that|hardly|I manage|to|to define it
When the innkeeper spoke like that, I was tensing my faculties, and deep within my spiritual being, I felt something so anomalous that I could hardly define it.
Era como si la intuición confusa y vaga cristalizase de repente, y su punta afilada me hiriese, arrancándome un grito.
It was|as|if|the|intuition|confused|and|vague|crystallized|of|suddenly|and|its|tip|sharp|me|hurt|causing me to let out|a|scream
It was as if the confused and vague intuition suddenly crystallized, and its sharp point pierced me, tearing a scream from me.
«Ahí, ahí», parecía que exclamaba, en la sombra, una persona desconocida, distinta de mí mismo.
"There, there," it seemed that an unknown person, different from myself, exclaimed in the shadows.
La inspiración debe de revelarse en tal manera, por una especie de dolor exaltado, al impulsar a los actos que no tienen que ver con la razón, con sus cálculos lentos y sus vuelos cortos.
The|inspiration|must|of|to reveal itself|in|such|way|by|a|kind|of|pain|exalted|to the|to drive|to|the|actions|that|not|they have|that|to do|with|the|reason|with|its|calculations|slow|and|its|flights|short
Inspiration must reveal itself in such a way, through a kind of exalted pain, by driving actions that have nothing to do with reason, with its slow calculations and short flights.
De este escondido fondo psicológico salió la voz que pronunció, como en sueños:
from|this|hidden|background|psychological|came out|the|voice|that|pronounced|as|in|dreams
From this hidden psychological background came the voice that pronounced, as in dreams:
-Es cierto; le han preguntado a usted mucho; pero es preciso completar la indagatoria, enterándose de cuándo vino aquí por última vez a visitar o buscar al señorito Grijalba, ese amigo suyo..., el señorito de Ariza.
|||||||||||||investigation|finding out|||||||||||||||||||||
"It is true; you have been asked a lot; but it is necessary to complete the inquiry, finding out when you last came here to visit or look for young Mr. Grijalba, that friend of yours..., the young man from Ariza."
¡Verdad que viene de lo alto, verdad suprema!
"Isn't it true that it comes from above, supreme truth!"
A mi interrogación, lanzada al azar, desde lo desconocido, el fondista, con la mayor naturalidad, respondió:
To|my|question|thrown|to the|random|from|the|unknown|the|long-distance runner|with|the|greatest|naturalness|responded
||||||||||corredor de fundo|||||
To my question, thrown out at random, from the unknown, the deep one replied with the greatest naturalness:
-Deje usted que recuerde... El caso de la muerte del señorito Francisco ocurrió un lunes... El sábado había estado aquí el señorito de Ariza, pero no subió; mandó recado de que el otro bajase.
-Let me remember... The case of the death of young Francisco happened on a Monday... On Saturday, young Ariza had been here, but he didn't come up; he sent a message for the other to come down.
Por eso me enteré.
for|that|to me|I found out
That's how I found out.
-¿Venía mucho?
He/she/it used to come|a lot
-Did he come often?
-insistí, tembloroso, radiante.
-I insisted, trembling, radiant.
-No, señor... Venía rara vez... Pero ¿se pone enfermo el señor?
No|sir|he used to come|rarely|time|but||get|sick|the|sir
-No, sir... He rarely came... But is the gentleman getting sick?
Tiene un color muy «malismo».
It has|a|color|very|bad
He has a very "bad" color.
Because of that
Es que encuentro muy frío este locutorio.
It is|that|I find|very|cold|this|internet café
It's just that I find this phone booth very cold.
Siga, siga, ¿dice usted que venía poco?
Continue|continue|you say|you|that|you were coming|a little
Go on, go on, are you saying that they came little?
El caso es que se veían.
The|case|is|that|themselves|they saw
Tatsache ist, dass sie sich gegenseitig sehen konnten.
The fact is that they could be seen.
-Como verse, no digo que no se viesen.
how|to look|not|I say|that|not|themselves|they saw
-Wie Sie sehen können, sage ich nicht, dass sie sich nicht gesehen haben.
-As for seeing each other, I’m not saying they didn’t see each other.
Yo sólo me entero de lo que pasa aquí; fuera, cada huésped tendrá sus amistades.
I|only|myself|I find out|of|it|that|happens|here|outside|each|guest|will have|their|friends
||||||||||||||as amizades
Ich erfahre nur, was hier passiert; draußen wird jeder Gast seine Freunde haben.
I only find out what happens here; outside, each guest will have their own friendships.
-¿Qué negocios traía ahora el señorito Paco?
|businesses|was bringing|now|the|young man|Paco
-Was hatte Señorito Paco jetzt zu tun?
-What business did young Paco bring now?
¿Lo sabe usted?
Do you know?
-Vamos, como saber de fijo, de fijo..., no.
Let's go|like|to know|of|sure||for sure|not
-Well, as for knowing for sure, no.
Pero serían, como siempre, de esa Sociedad, la Azucarera, que representaba.
But|they would be|like|always|of|that|society|the|sugar|that|it represented
But it would be, as always, from that Society, the Sugar Company, that he represented.
Ya, otras temporadas que estuvo, trabajó en recoger créditos.
already|other|seasons|that|he was|he worked|in|to collect|credits
Schon in den anderen Saisons, in denen er dort war, hat er daran gearbeitet, Kredite zu sammeln.
Yes, in other seasons he worked on collecting credits.
-¿Sabe usted si las sumas que cobraba las giraba a Málaga, o las depositaba en alguna parte?
you know|you|if|them|sums|that|he was collecting|them|he was sending|to|Málaga|or|them|he was depositing|in|some|place
-Wissen Sie, ob die von ihm gesammelten Beträge nach Malaga überwiesen oder irgendwo deponiert wurden?
-Do you know if the amounts he collected were sent to Málaga, or if he deposited them somewhere?
El fondista trató de hacer memoria.
The|long-distance runner|tried|to|to do|memory
Der Langstreckenläufer versuchte, sich zu erinnern.
The long-distance runner tried to remember.
-De eso me preguntó también el Sr.
|that|to me|asked|also|the|
-Mr. also asked me about that.
Cordelero... Yo, ciertamente, no sé... Lo único que puedo recordar, es que pedía a veces comunicación por teléfono con el banco.
I certainly do not know|I|certainly|not|know|it|only|that|I can|to remember|is|that|he asked for|to|times|communication|by|phone|with|the|bank
Cordelero... I certainly don't know... The only thing I can remember is that I sometimes asked for communication by phone with the bank.
En el banco debía depositarlas.
In|the|bank|should|to deposit them
At the bank, I had to deposit them.
-¿Puedo ver la habitación del muerto?
I see|to see|the|room|of the|dead
-Can I see the deceased's room?
I interrogated
-I asked.
-Está sellada por el juzgado -advirtió el policía, severo-.
-It is sealed by the court -the police officer warned, sternly-.
Sin autorización...
Without authorization...
-En ese caso, retirémonos.
|that|case|let's withdraw
-In that case, let's withdraw.
Poco fruto ha dado esta indagatoria -agregué hipócritamente.
little|fruit|has|given|this|inquiry|I added|hypocritically
This inquiry has yielded little fruit -I added hypocritically.
Corrimos al banco.
We ran|to the|bank
We ran to the bank.
Una fiebre dulce encendía mis venas.
A sweet fever ignited my veins.
En vano me dirigía a mí mismo exhortaciones para moderar la fantasía, para no agigantar las cosas.
In|vain|to me|I was directing|to|myself|same|exhortations|to|to moderate|the|fantasy|to|not|to enlarge|the|things
Vergeblich ermahnte ich mich, die Fantasie zu zügeln, die Dinge nicht zu verschlimmern.
In vain I directed exhortations to myself to moderate the fantasy, to not magnify things.
El júbilo de hallar el nombre de Ariza mezclado en el sombrío drama, me enloquecía.
The|joy|of|to find|the|name|of|Ariza|mixed|in|the|gloomy|drama|me|was driving me crazy
Die Freude, Arizas Namen zu finden, vermischte sich mit dem düsteren Drama und machte mich verrückt.
The joy of finding Ariza's name mixed in the gloomy drama drove me mad.
Desde el primer momento, como guio a los Magos una estrella, me había guiado a mí la gota de sangre.
from|the|first|moment|as|guided|to|the|Magi|a|star|to me|had|guided|to|me|the|drop|of|blood
Vom ersten Augenblick an, als der Stern die Heiligen Drei Könige leitete, hatte der Blutstropfen mich geleitet.
From the first moment, as a star guided the Magi, the drop of blood had guided me.
A su rojo brillo, ¡qué de horizontes!
To its red glow, how many horizons!
El negro crimen parecía esclarecerse ya.
The|dark|crime|seemed|to be clarified|already
The black crime seemed to be clarifying already.
Y, no obstante, ¿qué había averiguado yo de positivo?
and|not|however|what|had|found out|I|of|positive
And yet, what had I discovered that was positive?
Que Ariza, como otros muchachos alegres de Madrid, era amigo de la víctima... Y no más; ¡y bastaba!
that|Ariza|like|other|boys|cheerful|from|Madrid|was|friend|of|the|victim|and|not|more|and|it was enough
That Ariza, like other cheerful boys from Madrid, was a friend of the victim... And that was it; and that was enough!
Porque la fatalidad parecía haber puesto a Ariza en mi camino, y él, temerario, había cruzado su destino con el mío, igual que se cruzan dos espadas de combate...
because|the|fate|seemed|to have|placed|to|Ariza|in|my|path|and|he|reckless|had|crossed|his|destiny|with|the|mine|like|that|themselves|cross|two|swords|of|combat
Because fate seemed to have placed Ariza in my path, and he, reckless, had crossed his destiny with mine, just like two combat swords cross...
En el banco, el director nos recibió, después de hacernos esperar un poco.
In|the|bank|the|director|us|received|after|of|to make us|to wait|a|little
In the bank, the director received us after making us wait a little.
-Comprendo -dijo con verbosidad, después de los saludos y primeras frases- por qué interviene usted en este asunto, Sr.
"I understand," he said with verbosity, after the greetings and initial phrases, "why you are involved in this matter, Mr.
Selva; una serie de funestas coincidencias le pone en el caso de vindicarse.
jungle|a|series|of|disastrous|coincidences|to him|puts|in|the|case|of|to vindicate
||||funestas||||||||se vingar
Jungle; a series of unfortunate coincidences puts him in the case of vindicating himself.
Para mí, está usted vindicado.
For me, you are vindicated.
Si fuese usted culpable, el muerto no habría sido encontrado nunca en el mismo solar que linda con la casa de usted.
If|were|you|guilty|the|dead person|not|would have|been|found|never|in|the|same|plot of land|that|borders|with|the|house|of|you
If you were guilty, the dead man would never have been found in the same lot that borders your house.
-Gracias por esa opinión, señor director.
-Thank you for that opinion, Mr. Director.
La policía piensa lo mismo, puesto que me permite asociarme a sus trabajos.
The|police|thinks|it|same|since|that|to me|allows|to associate myself|to|their|works
Die Polizei sieht das genauso, denn sie erlaubt mir, mit ihrer Arbeit in Verbindung gebracht zu werden.
The police think the same, since they allow me to associate with their work.
-Que serán muy arduos.
that|will be|very|arduous
-sie werden sehr anstrengend sein.
-That they will be very arduous.
Rodean a este crimen sombras tales...
Um dieses Verbrechen herum sind Schatten wie...
Shadows surround this crime such...
-No lo crea usted.
-Don't believe it.
Las sombras no están en los crímenes, sino en los entendimientos.
The shadows are not in the crimes, but in the understandings.
Apenas hay crimen sin rastros claros y elocuentes.
barely|there is|crime|without|traces|clear|and|eloquent
There is hardly a crime without clear and eloquent traces.
Muy poco tardará en descubrirse el que ahora nos preocupa.
very|little|will take|to|to discover|the|that|now|us|worries
Es wird nicht lange dauern, bis derjenige, der uns jetzt beschäftigt, entdeckt wird.
It won't take long to discover the one that now concerns us.
Faltan algunos datos.
they are missing|some|data
Es fehlen einige Daten.
Some data is missing.
Necesitamos saber qué sumas ingresó aquí la víctima.
We need|to know|what|sums|entered|here|the|victim
Wir müssen wissen, welche Beträge das Opfer hier eingezahlt hat.
We need to know what amounts the victim deposited here.
-Tres veces, en quince días, trajo partidas considerables.
-Three times, in fifteen days, he brought considerable amounts.
Todo se transfirió a la cuenta corriente de la sociedad anónima, en la sucursal de Málaga.
Everything|reflexive pronoun|transferred|to|the|account|current|of|the|society|anonymous|in|the|branch|of|Málaga
Everything was transferred to the current account of the corporation, at the branch in Málaga.
En total, importaría lo ingresado unas cien mil y pico de pesetas.
In|total|it would import|it|entered|about|a hundred|thousand|and|a bit|of|Spanish currency
In total, the amount deposited would be around a hundred thousand pesetas or so.
-¿Cuándo ingresó la última cantidad?
-When did the last amount come in?
-Aguarde usted...
-Please hold on...
Pidió la fecha por teléfono a las oficinas, y la respuesta fue que seis días antes del crimen.
he/she asked|the|date|by|phone|to|the|offices|and|the|response|was|that|six|days|before|of the|crime
He asked for the date by phone to the offices, and the response was that it was six days before the crime.
-¿Cree usted, señor director, que Grijalba hubiese hecho efectivos ya todos sus créditos atrasados?
believe|you|sir|director|that|Grijalba|would have|made|effective|already|all|his|credits|overdue
-Do you believe, Mr. Director, that Grijalba would have already made all his overdue payments?
-No lo creo.
-I don't believe it.
Se hubiese vuelto a Málaga.
He would have gone back to Málaga.
-Importa mucho precisar ese detalle.
-It's very important to clarify that detail.
No necesito sugerir el porqué a una persona que tan sagazmente sabe hacerse cargo.
not|I need|to suggest|the|why|to|a|person|that|so|shrewdly|knows|to take|charge
I don't need to suggest the reason to a person who so cleverly knows how to take charge.
El director se acercó al teléfono nuevamente, y dio una orden.
The|director|himself|approached|to the|phone|again|and|gave|an|order
The director approached the phone again and gave an order.
-Que venga el señor Durán.
"Have Mr. Durán come."
Momentos después, el señor Durán se presentaba.
moments|later|the|Mr|Durán|himself|was presenting
Moments later, Mr. Durán appeared.
En su ceceo, en su habla graciosamente contraída, revelaba ser paisano del muerto.
In|his|lisp|in|his|speech|amusingly|contracted|revealed|to be|fellow countryman|of the|dead
In his lisp, in his amusingly contracted speech, he revealed himself to be a fellow countryman of the deceased.
-Señor Durán -instó el director-, perdone que le molestemos, pero los señores, aquí presentes, tienen que hacer algunas averiguaciones respecto al crimen de la calle de...
Mister|Durán|urged|the|director|forgive|that|you|bother|but|the|gentlemen|here|present|have|to|to do|some|inquiries|regarding|the|crime|of|the|street|of
-Mr. Durán -the director urged-, forgive us for bothering you, but the gentlemen present here need to make some inquiries regarding the crime on the street of...
Durán se encogió de hombros.
Durán shrugged.
-Eze crimen poco tiene que averiguá... El criminá es Zelva; ¿quién va a ze?
|crime|little|has|that|to investigate|The|criminal|is|Zelva|who|goes|to|be
-This crime has little to investigate... The criminal is Zelva; who else could it be?
Hice disimulada seña al director de que callase, y sonriendo afablemente, asentí:
I made|discreet|sign|to the|director|that|that|he be quiet|and|smiling|kindly|I nodded
Ich signalisierte dem Direktor verschmitzt, ruhig zu sein, und nickte freundlich lächelnd:
I discreetly signaled to the director to be quiet, and smiling kindly, I nodded:
-Entendemos como usted que el criminal es Selva.
-Wir wissen genauso wie Sie, dass es sich bei dem Verbrecher um Selva handelt.
-We understand, like you, that the criminal is Selva.
Todo le acusa; pero el deber nos impone que esclarezcamos algunas particularidades.
everything|him|accuses|but|the|duty|to us|imposes|that|we clarify|some|details
Alles beschuldigt ihn; aber es ist unsere Pflicht, auf einige Besonderheiten hinzuweisen.
Everything points to him; but our duty requires us to clarify some particulars.
¿Era usted amigo del muerto?
Was|you (formal)|friend|of the|dead
Were you friends with the deceased?
-Venía a vese a consultarme, porque yo conosco a to Málaga y a toa la gente de negosio de aquí.
|to|to see oneself|to|to consult me|because|I|I know|to|the|Málaga|and|to|all|the|people|of|business|of|here
-He used to come to see me for advice, because I know all of Málaga and all the business people here.
-¿Había realizado el Sr.
had|carried out|the|
-Had Mr.
Grijalba la totalidad de sus créditos?
Grijalba completed all of his credits?
-No, señó; digo, si me diho la verdá.
-No, sir; I mean, if I told you the truth.
Siento veintisinco mil y ochenta peseta había realisao, pero el taho de cobro era mayó.
I feel||thousand|and|eighty|former currency of Spain|had||but|the|amount|of|charge|was|bigger
I feel twenty-five thousand and eighty pesetas had been realized, but the collection rate was higher.
Le quedaban por realisar unas siento setenta y do mil.
He|remained|to|to carry out|some|one hundred|seventy|and|two|thousand
They had about seventy-two thousand left to realize.
-¿De un solo deudor, o de varios?
-From a single debtor, or from several?
-Epérese uté... De la casa Bordado y Compañía.
-Wait a moment... From the Bordado and Company.
Parese que andaban mu reasios.
It seems|that|they were walking|very|scared
||||muito sérios
It seems they were very serious.
Había diferensias de apresiasión en el totá del crédito.
There were|differences|of|appreciation|in|the|total|of the|credit
There were differences in the appreciation of the total credit.
-¿No sabe usted si pagaron al fin?
-Don't you know if they finally paid?
-Lo vamo a sabé ahora mimo, si el señó diretó me permite que telefonee tomando su nombre...
|||||right now|||||||||||
-We're going to find out right now, if the director allows me to call using his name...
-Desde luego...
-Of course...
-Mil cuarenta... Bordado... Al jabla, bien... Pregunta el señó diretó del banco si se hiso efetivo el crédito que contra esa casa tenía la Sosiedá Asucarera de Málaga... ¿Ah?
Thousand|forty|Embroidered|To the|left|well|Ask|the|gentleman|director|of the|bank|if|it|was made|effective|the|credit|that|against|that|house|had|the|Society|Sugar|of|Málaga|
-One thousand forty... Embroidered... To the jabla, good... Ask the direct gentleman from the bank if the credit that the Sugar Society of Málaga had against that house was made effective... Huh?
¿Que ya comprende a qué viene la pregunta?
Do you already understand what the question is about?
Perfectamente, algo de eso habrá... ¿Que sí?
Perfectly|something|of|that|there will be|What|yes
Perfectly, there must be something to that... Right?
¿Er lune?
What day?
Aguarde uté... ¿A qué hora?
Wait a moment... What time?
¿A las tre de la tarde?
At three in the afternoon?
Grasia... Un horró, pobresiyo Grijalba... ¿Que etán ahí los documento justificativo de que Grijalba cobró y que puen verse?
Thanks|A|horror|poor thing|Grijalba|that|||||||that|||||can|be seen
Thank you... A horror, poor Grijalba... What are the supporting documents that show Grijalba was paid and can be seen?
Ya lo suponemo; ¡una casa tan repetable como utés!
already|it|we suppose|a|house|so|respectable|as|ustedes
We already suspected it; a house as respectable as yours!
Perdonen... Grasia.
Excuse me|Thank you
Excuse me... Thank you.
-¿Qué tiene usted, Sr.
|do you have|you|
-What do you have, Mr.
-exclamó aturdidamente el director-.
-the director exclaimed dazedly-.
Se ha puesto usted muy encarnado... ¿Se siente usted malo?
You have turned very flushed... Do you feel unwell?
-No, señor... Es lo contrario.
No|sir|It is|the|opposite
-No, sir... It's the opposite.
¡Es alegría!
It's joy!
Recuerden ustedes bien lo que acaban de oír: las ciento setenta y dos mil pesetas las hizo efectivas el Sr.
Remember|you (plural)|well|it|that|they just did|of|to hear|the|hundred|seventy|and|two|thousand|Spanish currency|them|he made|effective|the|
You all remember well what you just heard: the one hundred seventy-two thousand pesetas were made effective by Mr.
Grijalba el lunes, día de su muerte, a una hora en que no podía ingresarlas en el banco ya.
Grijalba|the|Monday|day|of|his|death|at|one|hour|in|that|not|could|to deposit them|in|the|bank|anymore
Grijalba on Monday, the day of his death, at a time when he could no longer deposit them in the bank.
Al volverme hacia Durán, para encargarle la buena memoria respecto a un extremo grave y de cuantía, le vi tan azorado y confuso que me eché a reír, pues me rebosaba la satisfacción orgullosa.
To|to turn to me|towards|Durán (a name)|to|to entrust him|the|good|memory|regarding|to|a|matter|serious|and|of|importance|to him|I saw|so|flustered|and|confused|that|to me|I burst|to|to laugh|because|to me|was overflowing|the|satisfaction|proud
||||||||||||||||||||atordoado confuso|||||||||||||
Als ich mich an Durán wandte, um ihm ein gutes Gedächtnis für eine ernste und wichtige Angelegenheit anzuvertrauen, sah ich ihn so verlegen und verwirrt, dass ich in Gelächter ausbrach, denn ich war von stolzer Zufriedenheit erfüllt.
When I turned to Durán to remind him of the good memory regarding a serious and substantial matter, I saw him so astonished and confused that I burst out laughing, as I was overflowing with proud satisfaction.
-¿Qué es eso, Sr.
-Was ist das, Mr.
-What is that, Mr.
¿Está usted cohibido porque acaba de enterarse de que soy el Selva, a quien usted considera autor del crimen?
Are|you|embarrassed|because|you just|of|to find out|of|that|I am|the|Selva|to|whom|you|you consider|author|of the|crime
Are you feeling shy because you just found out that I am Selva, whom you consider the author of the crime?
No se apure, ¡qué tontería!
not|reflexive pronoun|hurry|what|nonsense
Don't worry, what nonsense!
Yo, desde afuera, diría lo mismo que usted.
I|from|outside|would say|it|same|that|you
I, from the outside, would say the same as you.
Lo bonito de estos casos es que parezcan una cosa y sean la contraria.
The|nice|of|these|cases|is|that|they seem|one|thing|and|they are|the|opposite
The nice thing about these cases is that they seem one way and are the opposite.
¿Verdad, señor Cordelero?
Right, Mr. Cordelero?