4.7 La Moglie e l'Amante
the|wife|and|the lover
4.7 Die Ehefrau und der Liebhaber
4.7 Η σύζυγος και ο εραστής
4.7 La femme et l'amant
4.7 A mulher e o amante
4.7 Hustrun och älskaren
4.7 The Wife and the Lover
Augusta m'interruppe una seconda volta per mettere le cose a posto e raccontò come essa avesse dovuto evitare i musei per il pericolo che, per causa mia, correvano i capolavori.
Augusta|she interrupted me|a|second|time|to|to put|the|things|at|place|and|she told|how|she|she had|had to|to avoid|the|museums|for|the|danger|that|by|cause|my|they ran|the|masterpieces
Augusta interrupted me a second time to set things straight and told how she had to avoid museums due to the danger that, because of me, the masterpieces were in.
Non s'accorgeva che così rivelava non la falsità di quel particolare soltanto!
not|he was aware|that|like this|he revealed|not|the|falsehood|of|that|particular|only
She didn’t realize that in doing so she revealed not only the falsehood of that particular!
Se ci fosse stato a quel tavolo un osservatore, avrebbe presto fatto a scoprire di quale natura fosse quell'amore ch'io prospettavo in un ambiente ove non aveva potuto svolgersi.
if|there|there was|been|at|that|table|a|observer|he would have|soon|made|to|to discover|of|which|nature|was||that I|I was envisioning|in|a|environment|where|not|he had|been able|to unfold
If there had been an observer at that table, he would have quickly discovered the nature of that love I was hinting at in an environment where it could not have unfolded.
Ripresi il lungo, slavato discorso raccontando l'arrivo in casa nostra e come ambedue ci fossimo messi a perfezionarla facendo questo e quello e fra altro anche una lavanderia.
I resumed|the|long|washed out|speech|telling|the arrival|in|home|ours|and|how|both|we|we had|put|to|to perfect it|doing|this|and|that|and|among|other|also|a|laundry
I resumed the long, faded discourse recounting the arrival at our home and how we both set about perfecting it by doing this and that, including a laundry.
Sempre ridendo, Augusta m'interruppe di nuovo:
always|laughing|Augusta|interrupted me|of|again
Still laughing, Augusta interrupted me again:
— Questa non è mica una festa data in nostro onore, ma in onore di Ada e Guido!
this|not|it is|not even|a|party|given|in|our|honor|but||honor|of|Ada|and|Guido
— This isn't a party thrown in our honor, but in honor of Ada and Guido!
Parla di loro!
Talk about them!
Tutti annuirono rumorosamente.
everyone|they nodded|loudly
Everyone nodded loudly.
Risi anch'io accorgendomi che per opera mia si era arrivati ad una vera lietezza rumorosa quale è di prammatica in simili occasioni.
I laughed|also I|realizing|that|by|work|my|one|it was|arrived|to|a|true|joy|boisterous|which|it is|of|practical|in|similar|occasions
I laughed too, realizing that thanks to me, we had reached a true noisy joy that is customary on such occasions.
Ma non trovai più nulla da dire.
but|not|I found|more|nothing|to|to say
But I found nothing more to say.
Mi pareva di aver parlato per ore.
I|it seemed|to|to have|spoken|for|hours
It seemed to me that I had been talking for hours.
Ingoiai vari altri bicchieri di vino uno dopo l'altro:
I swallowed|various|others|glasses|of|wine|one|after|the other
I gulped down several more glasses of wine one after the other:
— Questo per Ada!
— This one is for Ada!
- Mi rizzai per un momento per vedere se essa avesse fatte le corna sotto la tovaglia.
I|I raised|for|a|moment|to|to see|if|she|she had|made|the|horns|under|the|tablecloth
- I sat up for a moment to see if she had been cheating under the table.
— Questo per Guido!
— This is for Guido!
- e aggiunsi, dopo aver tracannato il vino:
and|I added|after|having|gulped down|the|wine
- and I added, after gulping down the wine:
— Di tutto cuore!
— With all my heart!
- obliando che al primo bicchiere non era stata aggiunta tale dichiarazione.
forgetting|that|at the|first|glass|not|it was|it has been|added|such|statement
- forgetting that such a declaration had not been added to the first glass.
— Questo per il vostro figliolo maggiore!
— This for your eldest son!
E ne avrei bevuti parecchi di quei bicchieri per i loro figliuoli, se non ne fossi stato finalmente impedito.
and|of them|I would have|drunk|several|of|those|glasses|for|the|their|children|if|not|of them|I were|been|finally|prevented
And I would have drunk several of those glasses for their children if I had not finally been prevented.
Per quei poveri innocenti io avrei bevuto tutto il vino che si trovava su quel tavolo.
for|those|poor|innocents|I|I would have|drunk|all|the|wine|that|it|was found|on|that|table
For those poor innocents, I would have drunk all the wine that was on that table.
Poi tutto divenne anche più oscuro.
Then everything became even darker.
Chiaramente ricordo una cosa sola: la mia principale preoccupazione era di non apparire ubriaco.
clearly|I remember|a|thing|only|the|my|main|concern|it was|to|not|to appear|drunk
I clearly remember one thing: my main concern was not to appear drunk.
Mi tenevo eretto e parlavo poco.
I|I was holding|erect|and|I was speaking|little
I kept myself upright and spoke little.
Diffidavo di me stesso, sentivo il bisogno di analizzare ogni parola prima di dirla.
I mistrusted|of|me|self|I felt|the|need|to|to analyze|every|word|before|to|to say it
I doubted myself, I felt the need to analyze every word before saying it.
Mentre il discorso generale si svolgeva, io dovevo rinunziare a prendervi parte perché non mi si lasciava il tempo di chiarire il mio torbido pensiero.
while|the|discussion|general|she|was taking place|I|I had to|to give up|to|to take part in it|part|because|not|me|one|allowed|the|time|to|to clarify|the|my|murky|thought
While the general discussion was taking place, I had to give up participating because I was not given the time to clarify my troubled thoughts.
Volli iniziare un discorso io stesso e dissi a mio suocero:
I wanted|to start|a|speech|I|myself|and|I said|to|my|father-in-law
I wanted to start a conversation myself and said to my father-in-law:
— Hai sentito che l'Extérieur è caduto di due punti?
have you|heard|that|the Extérieur|it is|fallen|by|two|points
— Have you heard that the Extérieur has dropped by two points?
Avevo detto una cosa che non mi concerneva affatto e che avevo sentita dire in Borsa; volevo solo parlare di affari, roba seria di cui un ubbriaco di solito non si ricorda.
I had|said|a|thing|that|not|to me|concerned|at all|and|||heard|to say|at|Stock Exchange|I wanted|only|to talk|about|business|stuff|serious|of|||drunk||usually|not|one|remembers
I had said something that did not concern me at all and that I had heard in the Stock Exchange; I just wanted to talk about business, serious stuff that a drunk usually does not remember.
Ma pare che per mio suocero la cosa fosse meno indifferente e mi diede del corvo dalle male nuove.
but|it seems|that|for|my|father-in-law|the|thing|it was|less|indifferent|and|to me|he gave|of the|crow|from the|bad|news
But it seems that for my father-in-law the matter was less indifferent and he called me a raven of bad news.
Con lui non ne indovinavo una.
with|him|not|it|I guessed|a
With him, I couldn't get anything right.
Allora mi occupai della mia vicina, Alberta.
then|I|I took care of|of the|my|neighbor|Alberta
Then I focused on my neighbor, Alberta.
Si parlò di amore.
We talked about love.
A lei interessava in teoria e a me, per il momento, non interessava affatto in pratica.
to|she|was interested|in|theory|and|to|me|for|the|moment|not|was interested|at all|in|practice
She was theoretically interested, and I, for the moment, was not interested at all in practice.
Perciò era bello parlarne.
therefore|it was|nice|to talk about it
So it was nice to talk about it.
Mi domandò delle idee ed io ne scopersi subito una che mi parve risultare evidente dalla mia esperienza della giornata stessa.
I|asked|some|ideas|and|I|of them|I discovered|immediately|a|which|to me|seemed|to result|evident|from the|my|experience|of the|day|same
He asked me about ideas and I immediately discovered one that seemed evident from my experience of that very day.
Una donna era un oggetto che variava di prezzo ben più di qualunque valore di Borsa.
a|woman|she was|a|object|that|it varied|of|price|well|more|than|any|value|of|Stock Exchange
A woman was an object whose price varied much more than any stock market value.
Alberta mi fraintese e credette che io volessi dire una cosa saputa da tutti, cioè che una donna di una certa età aveva tutt'altro valore che ad un'altra.
Alberta|to me|she misunderstood|and|she believed|that|I|I wanted|to say|a|thing|known|by|everyone|that is|than|||||||||||to|
Alberta misunderstood me and thought I meant something known to everyone, namely that a woman of a certain age had a completely different value than another.
Mi spiegai più chiaramente: una donna poteva avere un alto valore ad una certa ora della mattina, nessunissimo a mezzodì, per valere nel pomeriggio il doppio che alla mattina e finire alla sera con un valore addirittura negativo.
I|explained|more|clearly|a|woman|could|have|a|high|value|at|a|certain|hour|of the|morning|none|at|noon|to|to be worth|in the|afternoon|the|double|than|at the|morning|and|to end|at the|evening|with|a|value|even|negative
I explained myself more clearly: a woman could have a high value at a certain time in the morning, none at noon, be worth double in the afternoon compared to the morning, and end up in the evening with an even negative value.
Spiegai il concetto di valore negativo: una donna aveva tale valore quando un uomo calcolava quale somma sarebbe pronto di pagare per mandarla molto ma molto lontano da lui.
I explained|the|concept|of|value|negative|a|woman|she had|such||when|a|man|he calculated|which|sum|he would be|ready|to|to pay|to|to send her|very|but||far|from|him
I explained the concept of negative value: a woman had such value when a man calculated how much he would be willing to pay to send her very, very far away from him.
Tuttavia la povera commediografa non vedeva la giustezza della mia scoperta mentre io, ricordando il movimento di valore che quel giorno stesso avevano subito Carla e Augusta, ne ero sicuro.
however|the|poor|playwright|not|she saw|the|correctness|of the|my|discovery|while|I|remembering|the|movement|of|value|that|that|day|same|they had|suffered|Carla|and|Augusta|of it|I was|sure
However, the poor playwright did not see the validity of my discovery while I, remembering the value movement that Carla and Augusta had undergone that very day, was sure of it.
Intervenne il vino quando volli spiegarmi meglio e deviai assolutamente:
he intervened|the|wine|when|I wanted|to explain myself|better|and|I deviated|absolutely
Wine intervened when I wanted to explain myself better and I completely deviated:
— Vedi, - le dissi - supponendo che tu ora abbia il valore di X e mi permetta di premere il tuo piedino col mio, tu aumenti immediatamente almeno di un altro X.
see|to her|I said|assuming|that|you|now||the|value|of|X|and|me|you allow|to|to press|||little foot|with|my|you|you increase|immediately|at least|of|a|another|X
— You see, - I said to her - assuming that you now have the value of X and allow me to press your little foot with mine, you immediately increase by at least another X.
Accompagnai subito alle parole l'atto.
I accompanied|immediately|to the|words|the act
I immediately accompanied the words with the action.
Rossa, rossa ella sottrasse il piede e, volendo apparire spiritosa, disse:
Red|red|she|she withdrew|the|foot|and|wanting|to appear|funny|she said
Red, red she withdrew her foot and, wanting to appear witty, said:
— Ma questa è pratica e non più teoria.
but|this|it is|practice|and|not|more|theory
— But this is practice and no longer theory.
Me ne appellerò ad Augusta.
I|of it|I will call|to|Augusta
I will appeal to Augusta.
Devo confessare che anch'io sentivo quel piedino ben altrimenti che un'arida teoria, ma protestai gridando con l'aria più candida del mondo:
I must|to confess|that|I too|I felt|that|little foot|well|otherwise|than|dry|theory|but|I protested|shouting|with|the air|more|white|of the|world
I must confess that I too felt that little foot quite differently than a dry theory, but I protested, shouting with the most innocent air in the world:
— È pura teoria, purissima, ed è male da parte tua di sentirla altrimenti.
it is|pure|theory|purest|and|it is|bad|by|part|your|to|to feel it|otherwise
— It is pure theory, purest, and it is wrong of you to feel it otherwise.
Le fantasie del vino sono veri avvenimenti.
the|fantasies|of the|wine|they are|true|events
The fantasies of wine are real events.
Per lungo tempo io ed Alberta non dimenticammo che io avevo toccato una parte del suo corpo avvisandola che lo facevo per goderne.
for|long|time|I|and|Alberta|not|we forgot|that||I had|touched|a|part|of the|her|body|warning her|that|it|I did|to|to enjoy it
For a long time, Alberta and I did not forget that I had touched a part of her body, warning her that I did it for pleasure.
La parola aveva rilevato l'atto e l'atto la parola.
the|word|it had|detected|the act|and|the act|the|word
The word had revealed the act and the act the word.
Finché essa non si sposò ebbe per me un sorriso e un rossore, poi, invece, rossore ed ira.
as long as|she|not|herself|she married|she had|for|me|a|smile|and|an|blush|then|instead|blush|and|anger
Until she got married, she had a smile and a blush for me, then, instead, blush and anger.
Le donne son fatte così.
the|women|they are|made|like this
Women are made like that.
Ogni giorno che sorge porta loro una nuova interpretazione del passato.
every|day|that|rises|brings|them|a|new|interpretation|of the|past
Every day that dawns brings them a new interpretation of the past.
Dev'essere una vita poco monotona la loro.
it must be|a|life|not very|monotonous|the|their
Their life must be anything but monotonous.
Da me, invece, l'interpretazione di quel mio atto fu sempre la stessa: il furto di piccolo oggetto dal sapore intenso e fu colpa di Alberta se in certa epoca cercai di far ricordare quell'atto mentre invece più tardi avrei pagato qualche cosa perché fosse dimenticato del tutto.
from|me|instead|the interpretation|of|that|my|act|it was|always|the|same|the|the theft|of|small|object|from the|taste|intense|and|it was|blame|of|Alberta|if|certain|certain|era|I tried|to|to make|to remember||while|instead|more|later|I would have|paid|some|thing|to|to be|forgotten|of the|all
For me, however, the interpretation of that act of mine was always the same: the theft of a small object with an intense flavor, and it was Alberta's fault that at a certain time I tried to make that act remembered, while later I would have paid something to have it completely forgotten.
Ricordo anche che prima di lasciare quella casa avvenne un'altra cosa e ben più grave.
I remember|also|that|before|to|to leave|that|house|it happened|another|thing|and|well|more|serious
I also remember that before leaving that house, another thing happened, and it was much more serious.
Restai, per un istante, solo con Ada.
I stayed|for|a|moment|alone|with|Ada
I was left, for a moment, alone with Ada.
Giovanni si era coricato da tempo e gli altri prendevano congedo dal signor Francesco che andava all'albergo accompagnato da Guido.
John|he|he was|lying down|for|time|and|the|others|they were taking|leave|from the|Mr|Francis|who|he was going|to the hotel|accompanied|by|Guy
Giovanni had been lying down for a while and the others were taking their leave from Mr. Francesco who was going to the hotel accompanied by Guido.
Io guardai Ada lungamente vestita tutta di pizzi bianchi, le spalle e le braccia nude.
I looked at Ada for a long time, dressed entirely in white lace, with bare shoulders and arms.
Restai lungamente muto benché sentissi il bisogno di dirle qualche cosa; ma, dopo analizzata, sopprimevo qualunque frase che mi venisse alle labbra.
I remained|for a long time|mute|although|I felt|the|need|to|to tell her|some|thing|but|after|analyzed|I suppressed|any|phrase|that|to me|would come|to the|lips
I remained silent for a long time even though I felt the need to say something to her; but, after analyzing it, I suppressed any phrase that came to my lips.
Ricordo che analizzai anche se mi fosse stato permesso di dirle: «Come mi fa piacere che finalmente ti sposi e sposi il mio grande amico Guido.
I remember|that|I analyzed|also|if|to me|it was|been|allowed|to|to tell her|How|I|does|pleasure|that|finally|you|you marry|and|you marry|the|my|great|friend|Guido
I remember that I also analyzed whether I was allowed to tell her: "How pleased I am that you are finally getting married and marrying my great friend Guido.
Ora appena sarà tutto finito fra di noi.».
now|as soon as|it will be|everything|finished|between|of|us
Now it will all be over between us.".
Volevo dire una bugia perché tutti sapevano che fra di noi tutto era finito da varii mesi, ma mi pareva che quella bugia fosse un bellissimo complimento ed è certo che una donna, vestita così, domanda complimenti e se ne compiace.
I wanted|to say|a|lie|because|everyone|they knew|that|between|of|us|everything|it was|finished|for|several|months|but|I|it seemed||that||||beautiful|compliment|and|it is|sure||a|woman|clothed|like this|she asks|compliments|and|if|it|she takes pleasure
I wanted to tell a lie because everyone knew that between us everything had been over for several months, but it seemed to me that lie was a beautiful compliment and it is certain that a woman, dressed like that, asks for compliments and takes pleasure in them.
Però dopo lunga riflessione non ne feci nulla.
but|after|long|reflection|not|it|I did|nothing
However, after long reflection, I did nothing.
Soppressi quelle parole perché nel mare di vino in cui nuotavo, trovai una tavola che mi salvò.
I suppressed|those|words|because|in the|sea|of|wine|in|in which|I was swimming|I found|a|table|that|me|saved
I suppressed those words because in the sea of wine I was swimming in, I found a board that saved me.
Pensai che avevo torto di rischiare l'affetto di Augusta per fare un piacere ad Ada che non mi voleva bene.
I thought|that|I had|wrong|to|to risk|the affection|of|Augusta|to|to do|a|pleasure|to|Ada|who|not|me|wanted|well
I thought I was wrong to risk Augusta's affection to do a favor for Ada who did not care for me.
Ma, nel dubbio che per qualche istante mi turbò la mente, eppoi anche quando con uno sforzo da quelle parole mi staccai, diedi ad Ada una tale occhiata ch'essa si alzò e uscì dopo di essersi voltata a sorvegliarmi con spavento, pronta forse di mettersi a correre.
But|in the|doubt|that|for|some|moment|me|disturbed|the|mind|and then|also|when|with|a|effort|from|those|words|I|I detached|I gave|to|Ada|a|such|glance|that she|she|she got up|and|she went out|after|of|to be|turned|to|to watch me|with|fear|ready|perhaps|to|to start|to|to run
But, in the doubt that troubled my mind for a moment, and even when I detached myself from those words with an effort, I gave Ada such a look that she got up and left after turning to watch me with fear, perhaps ready to run away.
Anche una propria occhiata si ricorda quanto e forse meglio di una parola; è più importante di una parola perché non v'è in tutto il vocabolario una parola che sappia spogliare una donna.
also|a|own|glance|one|remembers|how much|and|perhaps|better|than|a|word|it is|more|important|than|a|word|because|not|there is|in|all|the|vocabulary|a|word|that|knows|to strip|a|woman
Even a glance of one's own is remembered as much and perhaps better than a word; it is more important than a word because there is not a single word in the entire vocabulary that can strip a woman.
Io so ora che quella mia occhiata falsò le parole che avevo ideate, semplificandole.
I|I know|now|that|that|my|glance|distorted|the|words|that|I had|conceived|simplifying them
I now know that my glance distorted the words I had conceived, simplifying them.
Essa per gli occhi di Ada, aveva tentato di penetrare al di là dei vestiti e anche della sua epidermide.
she|for|the|eyes|of|Ada|she had|attempted|to|to penetrate|to the|of|beyond|the|clothes|and|also|of the|her|epidermis
For Ada's eyes, it had tried to penetrate beyond her clothes and even her skin.
E aveva certamente significato: «Vuoi venire intanto subito a letto con me?».
and|he had|certainly|meaning|do you want|to come|meanwhile|immediately|to|bed|with|me
And it certainly meant: "Do you want to come to bed with me right now?".
Il vino è un grande pericolo specie perché non porta a galla la verità.
the|wine|it is|a|great|danger|especially|because|not|it brings|to|surface|the|truth
Wine is a great danger especially because it does not bring the truth to the surface.
Tutt'altro che la verità anzi: rivela dell'individuo specialmente la storia passata e dimenticata e non la sua attuale volontà; getta capricciosamente alla luce anche tutte le ideuccie con le quali in epoca più o meno recente ci si baloccò e che si è dimenticate; trascura le cancellature e legge tutto quello ch'è ancora percettibile nel nostro cuore.
quite the opposite|that|the|truth|on the contrary|reveals|of the individual|specially|the|history|past|and|forgotten|and|||||||whimsically|||||the|little ideas||||||||||||it is not possible|and|||||||erasures||reads|everything|that|that is|still|perceptible|in the|our|heart
Far from the truth, rather: it reveals the individual, especially the past and forgotten history, and not their current will; it capriciously brings to light all the little ideas with which one played in more or less recent times and that have been forgotten; it overlooks the crossings out and reads everything that is still perceptible in our heart.
E si sa che non v'è modo di cancellarvi niente tanto radicalmente, come si fa di un giro errato su di una cambiale.
and|one|he knows|that|not|there is|way|to|to cancel it|nothing|so|radically|as|one|he does|of|a|turn|wrong|on|of|a|promissory note
And it is known that there is no way to erase anything so radically, as one does with a wrong entry on a promissory note.
Tutta la nostra storia vi è sempre leggibile e il vino la grida, trascurando quello che poi la vita vi aggiunse.
all|the|our|history|to you|it is|always|readable|and|the|wine|it|shouts|neglecting|what|that|then|the|life|to you|added
All our history is always readable there, and the wine shouts it out, neglecting what life later added to it.
Per andare a casa, Augusta ed io prendemmo una vettura.
to|go|to|home|Augusta|and|I|we took|a|car
To go home, Augusta and I took a carriage.
Nell'oscurità mi parve fosse mio dovere di baciare e abbracciare mia moglie perché in simili incontri molte volte avevo usato così e temevo che, se non l'avessi fatto, essa avrebbe potuto pensare che fra di noi ci fosse qualche cosa di mutato.
in the darkness|I|it seemed|it was|my|duty|to|to kiss|and|to hug|my|wife|because|in|similar|meetings|many|times|I had|used|like this|and|I feared|that|if|not|I had|done|she|would have|been able to|to think|that|between|of|us|there|there was|something|thing|of|changed
In the darkness, it seemed to me my duty to kiss and embrace my wife because in such encounters I had often done so, and I feared that if I did not, she might think that something had changed between us.
Non v'era nulla di cambiato fra di noi: il vino gridava anche questo!
not|there was|nothing|of|changed|between|of|us|the|wine|it shouted|also|this
Nothing had changed between us: the wine shouted this too!
Ella aveva sposato Zeno Cosini che, immutato, le stava accanto.
she|she had|married|Zeno|Cosini|who|unchanged|she|he was|next to
She had married Zeno Cosini who, unchanged, was by her side.
Che cosa importava se quel giorno io avevo possedute delle altre donne di cui il vino, per rendermi più lieto, aumentava il numero ponendo fra di esse non so più se Ada o Alberta?
what|thing|did it matter|if|that|day|I|I had|possessed|of the|other|women|of|whom|the|wine|to|to make me|more|happy|increased|the|number|placing|between|of|them|not|I know|more|if|Ada|or|Alberta
What did it matter if that day I had possessed other women of whom the wine, to make me happier, increased the number placing between them I no longer know if Ada or Alberta?
Ricordo che, addormentandomi, rividi per un istante la faccia marmorea del Copler sul letto di morte.
I remember|that|as I was falling asleep|I saw again|for|a|moment|the|face|marble-like|of the|Copler|on the|bed|of|death
I remember that, as I was falling asleep, I saw for a moment the marble face of Copler on his deathbed.
Pareva domandasse giustizia, cioè le lacrime ch'io gli avevo promesse.
it seemed|he was asking|justice|that is|the|tears|that I|to him|I had|promised
It seemed to ask for justice, that is, the tears I had promised him.
Ma non le ebbe neppure allora perché il sonno mi abbracciò annientandomi.
but|not|the|he had|not even|then|because|the|sleep|me|he embraced|annihilating me
But I didn't have them even then because sleep embraced me, annihilating me.
Prima però mi scusai col fantasma: «Aspetta ancora per poco.
First|but|I|I apologized|with the|ghost|Wait|still|for|short time
First, however, I apologized to the ghost: "Wait a little longer.
Sono subito con te!».
I am|immediately|with|you
I will be with you right away!".
Con lui non fui più, giammai, perché non assistetti neppure al suo funerale.
with|him|not|I was|more|never|because|not|I attended|not even|to the|his|funeral
I was never with him again, because I didn't even attend his funeral.
Avevamo tanto da fare in casa ed io anche fuori, che non ci fu tempo per lui.
we had|much|to|to do|inside|home|and|I|also|||||there was|time|for|him
We had so much to do at home and I also outside, that there was no time for him.
Se ne parlò talvolta, ma solo per ridere ricordando che il mio vino l'aveva tante volte ammazzato e fatto risuscitare.
if|it|he spoke|sometimes|but|only|for|to laugh|remembering|that|the|my|wine||many|times|killed||made|to resurrect
It was talked about sometimes, but only to laugh remembering that my wine had killed and resurrected him many times.
Anzi egli restò proverbiale in famiglia e quando i giornali, come avviene spesso, annunziano e smentiscono la morte di qualcuno, noi diciamo: «Come il povero Copler».
rather|he|he remained|proverbial|in|family|and|when|the|newspapers|as|it happens|often|they announce|and|they deny|the|death|of|someone|we|we say|like|the|poor|Copler
In fact, he became proverbial in the family and when the newspapers, as often happens, announce and then deny someone's death, we say: "Like poor Copler."
La mattina dopo mi levai con un po' di male di testa.
the|morning|after|I|I got up|with|a|bit|of|pain||head
The next morning I got up with a bit of a headache.
Mi affannò un poco il mio dolore al fianco, probabilmente perché, finché era durato l'effetto del vino, non lo avevo sentito affatto e subito ne avevo perduta l'abitudine.
I|he troubled|a|little|the|my|pain|at the|side|probably|because|as long as|it was|lasted|the effect|of the|wine|not|it|I had|felt|at all||immediately|it|I had|lost|the habit
My pain in the side troubled me a little, probably because, as long as the effect of the wine lasted, I hadn't felt it at all and I had immediately lost the habit of it.
Ma in fondo non ero triste.
but|in|the end|not|I was|sad
But deep down I wasn't sad.
Augusta contribuì alla mia serenità dicendomi che sarebbe stato male se io non fossi andato a quella cena di nozze, perché prima del mio arrivo le era sembrato di assistere ad un mortorio.
Augusta|she contributed|to the|my|serenity|telling me|that|it would be|been|bad|if|I|not|I were|gone|to|that|dinner|of|wedding|because|before|of the|my|arrival|to her|she was|seemed|to|to attend|at|a|mourning
Augusta contributed to my serenity by telling me that it would have been bad if I hadn't gone to that wedding dinner, because before my arrival it had seemed to her like attending a wake.
Non avevo dunque da aver rimorso del mio contegno.
not|I had|therefore|to|to have|remorse|of the|my|behavior
Therefore, I had no reason to feel remorse for my behavior.
Poi sentii che una cosa sola non mi era stata perdonata: l'occhiataccia ad Ada!
then|I heard|that|a|thing|only|not|to me|it was|been|forgiven|the glare|to|Ada
Then I felt that there was one thing that had not been forgiven: the glare at Ada!
Quando c'incontrammo nel pomeriggio, Ada mi porse la mano con un'ansietà che aumentò la mia.
when|we met|in the|afternoon|Ada|to me|she offered|the|hand|with||that|increased|the|my
When we met in the afternoon, Ada offered me her hand with an anxiety that increased mine.
Forse però le pesava sulla coscienza quella sua fuga ch'era stata tutt'altro che gentile.
perhaps|but|the|weighed|on the|conscience|that|her|escape|which was|has been|anything but|that|kind
Perhaps, however, that escape of hers weighed on her conscience, which had been anything but kind.
Ma anche la mia occhiata era stata una gran brutta azione.
but|also|the|my|glance|it was|has been|a|great|ugly|action
But even my glance had been a very bad action.
Ricordavo esattamente il movimento del mio occhio e capivo come non sapesse dimenticare chi ne era stato trafitto.
I remembered|exactly|the|movement|of the|my|eye|and|I understood|how|not|he knew|to forget|who|it|he was|been|pierced
I remembered exactly the movement of my eye and understood how it could not forget who had been pierced by it.
Bisognava riparare con un contegno accuratamente fraterno.
it was necessary|to repair|with|a|behavior|carefully|brotherly
One had to make amends with a carefully fraternal demeanor.
Si dice che quando si soffre per aver bevuto troppo, non ci sia miglior cura che di berne dell'altro.
it means|he says|that|when|one|he suffers|for|to have|drunk|too much|not|there|there is|better|cure|than|to|to drink it|more
It is said that when one suffers from having drunk too much, there is no better remedy than to drink more.
Io, quella mattina, andai a rianimarmi da Carla.
I|that|morning|I went|to|to revive myself|from|Carla
That morning, I went to revive myself with Carla.
Andai da lei proprio col desiderio di vivere più intensamente ed è quello che riconduce all'alcool, ma camminando verso di lei, avrei desiderato ch'essa m'avesse fornita tutt'altra intensità di vita del giorno prima.
I went|to|she|just|with|desire|to|to live|more|intensely|and|it is|that|which|leads back|to alcohol|but|walking|towards|to|she|I would have|desired|that she|had she|provided|quite another|intensity|of|life|of the|day|before
I went to her with the desire to live more intensely, and that is what leads to alcohol, but as I walked towards her, I would have wished that she had provided me with a completely different intensity of life than the day before.
Mi accompagnavano dei propositi poco precisi ma tutti onesti.
I|they accompanied|some|purposes|not very|precise|but|all|honest
I was accompanied by vague but honest intentions.
Sapevo di non poter abbandonarla subito, ma potevo avviarmi a quell'atto tanto morale pian pianino.
I knew|to|not|to be able to|to abandon her|immediately|but|I could|to start|to|that act|much|moral|piano|slowly
I knew I couldn't leave her immediately, but I could gradually move towards that moral act.
Intanto avrei continuato a parlarle di mia moglie.
meanwhile|I would have|continued|to|to talk to her|about|my|wife
In the meantime, I would have continued to talk to her about my wife.
Senza sorprendersene, un bel giorno essa avrebbe saputo com'io amassi mia moglie.
without|being surprised|a|beautiful|day|she|she would have|known|how I|I loved|my|wife
Without being surprised, one fine day she would have known how I loved my wife.
Avevo nella mia giubba un'altra busta con del denaro per essere pronto ad ogni evenienza.
I had|in|my|jacket|another|bag|with|some|money|to|to be|ready|at|every|eventuality
I had another bag with money in my jacket to be ready for any eventuality.
Arrivai da Carla, e un quarto d'ora dopo essa mi rimproverò con una parola che per la sua giustezza lungamente mi risonò all'orecchio: «Come sei rude, tu, in amore!».
I arrived|from|Carla|and|a|quarter|of an hour|after|she|to me|she reproached|with|a|word|that|for|the|her|rightness|long|to me|it resonated|to the ear|How|you are|rude|you|in|love
I arrived at Carla's, and a quarter of an hour later she reproached me with a word that resonated in my ear for its truth: "How rude you are, in love!".
Non sono conscio di essere stato rude proprio allora.
not|I am|aware|of|to be|been|rude|just|then
I am not aware of having been rude right then.
Avevo cominciato a parlarle di mia moglie, e le lodi tributate ad Augusta erano risonate all'orecchio di Carla come tanti rimproveri rivolti a lei.
I had|started|to|to talk to her|about|my|wife|and|the|praises|bestowed|to|Augusta|they were|echoed|to the ear|of|Carla|like|many|reproaches|addressed|to|she
I had started talking to her about my wife, and the praises given to Augusta resonated in Carla's ear like so many reproaches directed at her.
Poi fu Carla che mi ferì.
then|it was|Carla|who|me|she hurt
Then it was Carla who hurt me.
Per passare il tempo, le avevo raccontato come mi fossi seccato al banchetto, specie per un brindisi che avevo detto e ch'era stato assolutamente spropositato.
to|spend|the|time|to her|I had|told|how|I|I had been|annoyed|at the|banquet|especially|for|a|toast|that|I had|say||that it was|been|absolutely|outrageous
To pass the time, I had told her how I had gotten bored at the banquet, especially because of a toast I had made that was absolutely outrageous.
Carla osservò:
Carla|she observed
Carla observed:
— Se tu amassi tua moglie non sbaglieresti i brindisi al tavolo di suo padre.
if|you|you loved|your|wife|not|you would make mistakes|the|toasts|at the|table|of|her|father
— If you loved your wife, you wouldn't mess up the toasts at her father's table.
E mi diede anche un bacio per rimeritarmi del poco amore che portavo a mia moglie.
and|me|he gave|also|a|kiss|to|to reward me|of the|little|love|that|I carried|to|my|wife
And she also gave me a kiss to reward me for the little love I had for my wife.
Intanto lo stesso desiderio d'intensificare la mia vita, che m'aveva tratto da Carla, m'avrebbe riportato subito da Augusta, ch'era la sola con cui avrei potuto parlare del mio amore per lei.
meanwhile|the|same|desire|to intensify|the|my|life|which|it had brought me|drawn|from|Carla|it would have brought me|returned|immediately|from|Augusta|who was|the|only|with|whom|I would have|been able|to talk|of the|my|love|for|she
Meanwhile, the same desire to intensify my life, which had drawn me away from Carla, would soon bring me back to Augusta, who was the only one I could talk to about my love for her.
Il vino preso come cura era già di troppo o volevo oramai tutt'altro vino.
the|wine|taken|as|cure|it was|already|of|too much|or|I wanted|||
The wine taken as a remedy was already too much or I wanted by now a completely different wine.
Ma quel giorno la mia relazione con Carla doveva ingentilirsi, coronarsi finalmente di quella simpatia che - come seppi più tardi - la povera giovinetta meritava.
but|that|day|the|my|relationship|with|Carla|had to|to soften|to crown|finally|of|that|sympathy|that|as|I learned|more|later|the|poor|young girl|deserved
But that day my relationship with Carla had to soften, finally crowned with that sympathy which - as I learned later - the poor young girl deserved.
Essa più volte m'aveva offerto di cantarmi una canzonetta, desiderosa di avere il mio giudizio.
she|more|times|she had me|offered|to|to sing to me|a|song|eager|to|to have|the|my|judgment
She had offered me several times to sing me a little song, eager to have my judgment.
Ma io non avevo voluto saperne di quel canto di cui non m'importava nemmeno più l'ingenuità.
but|I|not|I had|wanted|to know about it|of|that|song|of|which|not|I cared|even|more|
But I had not wanted to know about that song, of which I no longer cared about the naivety.
Le dicevo che giacché essa rifiutava di studiare, non valeva la pena di cantare più.
the|I was saying|that|since|she|she refused|to|to study|not||the|pain|to|to sing|more
I told her that since she refused to study, it was not worth singing anymore.
La mia era proprio una grave offesa ed essa ne sofferse.
the|my|it was|just|a|serious|offense|and|she|of it|she suffered
Mine was indeed a serious offense and she suffered from it.
Seduta accanto a me, per non farmi vedere le sue lacrime essa guardava immota le mani che teneva intrecciate in grembo.
sitting|next to|to|me|to|not|to make me|to see|the|her|tears|she|she was looking|motionless|the|hands|that||intertwined|in|lap
Sitting next to me, in order not to let me see her tears, she stared motionless at her hands that she kept clasped in her lap.
Ripeté il suo rimprovero:
he repeated|the|his|reprimand
She repeated her reproach:
— Come devi essere rude con chi non ami, se lo sei tanto con me!
how|you must|to be|rude|with|who|not|you love|if|it|you are|much|with|me
— How rude you must be to those you do not love, if you are so with me!
Buon diavolo come sono, mi lasciai intenerire da quelle lacrime e pregai Carla di squarciarmi le orecchie con la sua grande voce nel piccolo ambiente.
Good|devil|as|I am|me|I let|to soften|by|those|tears||I prayed|Carla|to|to pierce me|the|ears|with|the|her|big|voice|in the|small|environment
Good devil that I am, I let myself be softened by those tears and asked Carla to pierce my ears with her great voice in the small room.
Essa ora se ne schermiva e dovetti persino minacciare di andarmene se non fossi stato compiaciuto.
she|now|if|it|she shielded||I had to|even|to threaten|to|to leave|if|not|I were|to be|pleased
She was now shielding herself and I even had to threaten to leave if I was not pleased.
Devo riconoscere che mi sembrò per un istante anche di aver trovato un pretesto per riconquistare almeno temporaneamente la mia libertà, ma, alla minaccia, la mia umile serva si recò con gli occhi bassi a sedere al pianoforte.
I must|to recognize|that|to me|it seemed|for|a|moment|also|to|to have|found|a|pretext|to|to regain|at least|temporarily|the|my|freedom|but|to the|threat|the|my|humble|maid|she|she went|with|the|eyes|down|to|to sit|at the|piano
I must admit that for a moment it seemed to me that I had found a pretext to regain at least temporarily my freedom, but, at the threat, my humble servant went with her eyes down to sit at the piano.
Dedicò poi un istante breve breve al raccoglimento e si passò la mano sul viso quasi a scacciarne ogni nube.
he dedicated|then|a|moment|short|short|to the|reflection|and|he|he passed|the|hand|on the|face|almost|to|to chase away|every|cloud
She then dedicated a brief moment to gathering herself and passed her hand over her face as if to chase away any cloud.
Vi riuscì con una prontezza che mi sorprese e la sua faccia, quando fu scoperta da quella mano, non ricordava affatto il dolore di prima.
you|he succeeded|with|a|readiness|that|to me|he surprised|and|the|his|face|when|it was|discovered|by|that|hand|not|he remembered|at all|the|pain|of|before
She succeeded with a quickness that surprised me and her face, when uncovered by that hand, did not at all recall the pain from before.
Ebbi subito una grande sorpresa.
I had|immediately|a|big|surprise
I was immediately very surprised.
Carla diceva la sua canzonetta, la raccontava, non la gridava.
Carla|she was saying|the|her|song|the|she was telling|not|it|she was shouting
Carla was singing her little song, she was telling it, not shouting it.
Le grida - come essa poi mi disse - le erano state imposte dal suo maestro; ora le aveva congedate insieme a lui.
the|shouts|as|she|then|to me|she said|they|they were|been|imposed|by the|her|master|now|them|she had|discharged|together|to|him
The shouts - as she later told me - had been imposed on her by her teacher; now she had dismissed them along with him.
La canzonetta triestina:
The Triestine little song:
Fazzo l'amor xe vero Cossa ghe xe de mal Volè che a sedes'ani Stio là come un cocal...
I do|the love|it is|true|what|there|it is|of|bad|to want|that|he|he sits|I am|there|like|a|cockroach
I make true love What is wrong Wanting to sit here Like a cuckoo...
è una specie di racconto o di confessione.
it is|a|kind|of|story|or||confession
is a kind of story or confession.
Gli occhi di Carla brillavano di malizia e confessavano anche più delle parole.
the|eyes|of|Carla|they shone|of|malice|and|they confessed|also|more|than|words
Carla's eyes sparkled with mischief and confessed even more than words.
Non c'era paura di sentirsi leso il timpano ed io m'avvicinai a lei, sorpreso e incantato.
not|there was|fear|to|to feel|damaged|the|tympanum|and|I|I approached|to|she|surprised|and|enchanted
There was no fear of feeling my eardrum hurt, and I approached her, surprised and enchanted.
Sedetti accanto a lei ed essa allora raccontò la canzonetta proprio a me, socchiudendo gli occhi per dirmi con la nota più lieve e più pura che quei sedici anni volevano la libertà e l'amore.
I sat|next to|to|she|and|she|then|she told|the|song|just|to|me|closing|the|eyes|to|to tell me|with|the|note|more||and|more|pure|that|those|sixteen|years|they wanted|the|freedom|and|love
I sat next to her, and then she told the little song just to me, half-closing her eyes to tell me with the softest and purest note that those sixteen years wanted freedom and love.
Per la prima volta vidi esattamente la faccina di Carla: un ovale purissimo interrotto dalla profonda e arcuata incavatura degli occhi e degli zigomi tenui, reso anche più puro da un biancore niveo, ora ch'essa teneva la faccia rivolta a me e alla luce, e perciò non offuscata da alcun'ombra.
for|the|first|time|I saw|exactly|the|face|of|Carla|a|oval|purest|interrupted|by the|deep|and|arched|indentation|of the|eyes|and|||tender|||||by||||||||||||||||||||
For the first time, I saw exactly Carla's face: a pure oval interrupted by the deep and curved hollows of her eyes and soft cheekbones, made even purer by a snowy whiteness, now that she held her face turned towards me and the light, and therefore not obscured by any shadow.
E quelle linee dolci in quella carne che pareva trasparente, e celava tanto bene il sangue e le vene forse troppo deboli per poter apparire, domandavano affetto e protezione.
and|those|lines|sweet|in|that|meat|which|seemed|transparent|and|hid|so much|well|the|blood|and||veins|perhaps|too|weak|to|to be able|to appear|they asked|affection|and|protection
And those sweet lines in that flesh that seemed transparent, and concealed so well the blood and veins perhaps too weak to appear, asked for affection and protection.
Ora ero pronto di accordarle tanto affetto e protezione, incondizionatamente, ed anche nel momento in cui mi sarei sentito tanto disposto di ritornare ad Augusta, perché essa in quel momento non domandava che un affetto paterno che potevo concedere senza tradire.
now|I was|ready|to|to give her|much|affection|and|protection|unconditionally|and|also|in the|moment|when|which|I|I would be|felt||disposed|to|to return|to|Augusta|because|she|at|that|moment|not|she asked|for|a||fatherly|that|I could|to grant|without|to betray
Now I was ready to give her so much affection and protection, unconditionally, even at the moment when I would have felt so inclined to return to Augusta, because at that moment she only asked for a paternal affection that I could grant without betrayal.
Quale soddisfazione!
What satisfaction!
Restavo là con Carla, le accordavo quello che la sua faccina ovale domandava e non mi allontanavo da Augusta!
I was staying|there|with|Carla|to her|I agreed|what|that|the|her|face|oval|she was asking|and|not|I|I moved away|from|Augusta
I stayed there with Carla, giving her what her oval little face asked for and I did not move away from Augusta!
Il mio affetto per Carla si ingentilì.
My affection for Carla became gentler.
Da allora, quando sentivo il bisogno di onestà e purezza, non occorse più abbandonarla, ma potei restare con lei e cambiare discorso.
since|then|when|I felt|the|need|of|honesty|and|purity|not|it was necessary|more||but|I could|to stay|with|she|and|to change|topic
From then on, when I felt the need for honesty and purity, I no longer had to abandon her, but I could stay with her and change the subject.
Questa nuova dolcezza era dovuta alla sua faccina ovale ch'io allora avevo scoperto o al suo talento musicale?
this|new|sweetness|it was|due to|to the|her|face|oval|that I|then|I had|discovered|or|to the|her|talent|musical
Was this new sweetness due to her oval face that I had just discovered or to her musical talent?
Innegabile il talento!
Undeniable talent!
La strana canzonetta triestina finisce con una strofe in cui la stessa giovinetta proclama di essere vecchia e malandata e che oramai non ha più bisogno di altra libertà che di morire.
the|strange|song|Triestine|ends|with|a|stanza|in|in which|the|same|young girl|proclaims|to|to be|old|and|damaged||that|by now|not|has|more|need|to|another|freedom|that|to|to die
The strange Triestine song ends with a verse in which the same young girl proclaims to be old and worn out and that she no longer needs any other freedom than to die.
Carla continuava a profondere malizia e lietezza nel verso povero.
Carla|she continued|to|to spread|malice|and|joy|in the|verse|poor
Carla continued to exude malice and joy in the poor verse.
Era tuttavia la giovinezza che si fingeva vecchia per proclamare meglio da quel nuovo punto di vista il suo diritto.
it was|however|the|youth|that|it|pretended|old|to|to proclaim|better|from|that|new|point|of|viewpoint|its|its|right
It was, however, youth pretending to be old in order to better proclaim its right from that new point of view.
Quando terminò e mi trovò in piena ammirazione, anch'essa per la prima volta oltre che amarmi mi volle veramente bene.
when|he finished|and|me|he found|in|full|admiration|she too|for|the|first|time|besides|that|to love me|me|she wanted|truly|well
When it ended and found me in full admiration, she, for the first time, besides loving me, truly cared for me.
Sapeva che a me quella canzonetta sarebbe piaciuta di più del canto che le insegnava il suo maestro:
he knew|that|to|me|that|song|it would be|liked|than|more|of the|singing|that|to her|he taught|the|his|teacher
She knew that I would like that little song more than the singing her teacher was teaching her:
— Peccato - aggiunse con tristezza, - che se non si vuole andare pei cafés chantants, non si possa trarre da ciò il necessario per vivere.
shame|he added|with|sadness|that|if|not|one|he wants|to go|by the|cafés|singing|not|one|he can|to draw|from|that|the|necessary|to|to live
— What a pity - she added sadly, - that if one does not want to go to the cafés chantants, one cannot derive from it the necessary means to live.
La convinsi facilmente che le cose non stavano così.
the|I convinced|easily|that|the|things|not|they were|like this
I easily convinced her that things were not so.
V'erano a questo mondo molte grandi artiste che dicevano e non cantavano.
there were|at|this|world|many|great|artists|who|they said|and|not|they sang
There were many great artists in this world who spoke and did not sing.
Essa si fece dire dei nomi.
she|herself|she made|to say|of the|names
She asked for some names.
Era beata di apprendere quanto importante avrebbe potuto divenire la sua arte.
it was|blessed|to|learn|how much|important|it would|could|to become|the|her|art
She was delighted to learn how important her art could become.
— Io so - aggiunse ingenuamente, - che questo canto è ben più difficile dell'altro per il quale basta gridare a perdifiato.
I|know|he added|naively|that|this|song|it is|well|more|difficult|than the other|for|the|which|it is enough|to shout|at|breathlessly
— I know - she added innocently, - that this song is much more difficult than the other one for which it is enough to shout at the top of your lungs.
Io sorrisi e non discussi.
I smiled and did not argue.
La sua arte era anch'essa certamente difficile ed essa lo sapeva perché era quella la sola arte che conoscesse.
the|her|art|it was|also she|certainly|difficult|and|she|it|she knew|because||that|the|only|art|that|she knew
Her art was certainly difficult too, and she knew it because that was the only art she knew.
Quella canzonetta le era costata uno studio lunghissimo.
that|song|to her|it was|cost|a|study|very long
That little song had cost her a very long study.
L'aveva detta e ridetta correggendo l'intonazione di ogni parola, di ogni nota.
he had|she said|and|said again|correcting|the intonation|of|each|word|||note
She had said it and repeated it, correcting the intonation of every word, of every note.
Adesso ne studiava un'altra, ma l'avrebbe saputa soltanto di lì a qualche settimana.
now|it|he was studying|another one|but|he would have|known|only|of|there|at|some|week
Now she was studying another one, but she would only know it in a few weeks.
Prima non voleva farla sentire.
Before|not|he wanted|to make her|to feel
Before, she didn't want to let it be heard.
Seguirono dei momenti deliziosi in quella stanza ove fino ad allora non s'erano svolte che delle scene di brutalità.
they followed|some|moments|delightful|in|that|room|where|until|to|then|not|they had|taken place|only|some|scenes|of|brutality
Delightful moments followed in that room where until then only scenes of brutality had taken place.
Ecco che a Carla s'apriva anche una carriera.
here|that|to|Carla|it opened|also|a|career
Here was a career opening up for Carla.
La carriera che m'avrebbe liberato di lei.
the|career|that|it would have freed me|freed|of|she
The career that would free me from her.
Molto simile a quella che per lei aveva sognato il Copler!
very|similar|to|that|which|for|she|she had|dreamed|the|Copler
Very similar to the one that Copler had dreamed for her!
Le proposi di trovarle un maestro.
to her|I proposed|to|to find her|a|teacher
I proposed to find her a teacher.
Essa dapprima si spaventò della parola, ma poi si lasciò convincere facilmente quando le dichiarai che si poteva provare, e ch'essa sarebbe rimasta libera di congedarlo quando le fosse sembrato noioso o poco utile.
she|at first|it|she got scared|of the|word|but|then|she|she let|to convince|easily|when|to her|I declared|that|it|she could|to try|and|that she|she would be|remained|free|to|to dismiss him|when|to her|she was|seemed|boring|or|little|useful
At first, she was frightened by the word, but then she was easily convinced when I declared that we could try, and that she would be free to dismiss him whenever she found it boring or not useful.
Anche con Augusta mi trovai quel giorno molto bene.
also|with|Augusta|I|I found|that|day|very|well
I also felt very good that day with Augusta.
Avevo l'animo tranquillo come se fossi ritornato da una passeggiata e non dalla casa di Carla o come avrebbe dovuto averlo il povero Copler quando abbandonava quella casa nei giorni in cui non gli avevano dato motivo ad arrabbiarsi.
I had|the soul|calm|as|if|I were|returned|from|a|walk|and|not|from the|house|of|Carla|or|as|he would have|should|to have it|the|poor|Copler|when|he abandoned|that|house|in the|days|when|which|not|they|they had|given|reason|to|to get angry
I had a calm spirit as if I had returned from a walk and not from Carla's house, or as poor Copler should have felt when he left that house on the days when they had not given him a reason to be angry.
Ne godetti come se fossi giunto a un'oasi.
I have|I enjoyed|as|if|I were|arrived|at|
I enjoyed it as if I had arrived at an oasis.
Per me e per la mia salute sarebbe stato gravissimo se tutta la mia lunga relazione con Carla si fosse svolta in un'eterna agitazione.
for|me|and|for|the|my|health|it would be|has been|very serious|if|all|the|my|long|relationship|with|Carla|it|it had been|took place|in||agitation
For me and for my health, it would have been very serious if my long relationship with Carla had taken place in an eternal agitation.
Da quel giorno, come risultato della bellezza estetica, le cose si svolsero più calme con le lievi interruzioni necessarie a rianimare tanto il mio amore per Carla, quanto quello per Augusta.
from|that|day|as|result|of the|beauty|aesthetic|the|things|they|they unfolded|more|calm|with|the|slight|interruptions|necessary|to|revive|both|the|my|love|for|Carla|as much as|that||Augusta
From that day on, as a result of aesthetic beauty, things unfolded more calmly with the slight interruptions necessary to revive both my love for Carla and that for Augusta.
Ogni mia visita a Carla significava bensì un tradimento per Augusta, ma tutto era presto dimenticato in un bagno di salute e di buoni propositi.
each|my|visit|to|Carla|meant|but rather|a|betrayal|for|Augusta|but|everything|it was|soon|forgotten|in|a|bath|of|health|and|of|good|intentions
Every visit I made to Carla meant a betrayal for Augusta, but everything was soon forgotten in a bath of health and good intentions.
Ed il buon proposito non era brutale ed eccitante come quando avevo nella strozza il desiderio di dichiarare a Carla che non l'avrei rivista mai più.
And|the|good|purpose|not|it was|brutal|and|exciting|as|when|I had|in the|throat||desire|to|to declare|to|Carla|that|not|I would have|seen|ever|more
And the good intention was not brutal and exciting like when I had the urge to declare to Carla that I would never see her again.
Ero dolce e paterno: ecco che di nuovo io pensavo alla sua carriera.
I was|sweet|and|fatherly|here|that|of|new|I|I was thinking|to the|his|career
I was sweet and paternal: there I was thinking again about her career.
Abbandonare ogni giorno una donna per correrle dietro il giorno appresso, sarebbe stata una fatica a cui il mio povero cuore non avrebbe saputo reggere.
to abandon|every|day|a|woman|to|to run after her|behind|the|day|next|it would be|been|a|effort|to|which|the|my|poor|heart|not|would have|known|to endure
Abandoning a woman every day to chase after her the next day would have been a strain that my poor heart could not bear.
Così, invece, Carla restava sempre in mio potere ed io l'avviavo ora in una direzione ed ora in un'altra.
so|instead|Carla|she remained|always|mine|my|power|and|I|I directed her|now|a|a|direction|and|now|a|
Thus, instead, Carla always remained in my power and I directed her now in one direction and now in another.
Per lungo tempo i propositi buoni non furono tanto forti da indurmi a correre per la città in cerca del maestro che avrebbe fatto per Carla.
for|long|time|the|purposes|good|not|they were|so much|strong|to|to make me|to|to run|for|the|city|in|search|of the|master|who|he would|done|for|Carla
For a long time, my good intentions were not strong enough to make me run through the city in search of the teacher who would be right for Carla.
Mi baloccavo col proposito buono, restando sempre seduto.
I|was playing|with the|purpose|good|staying|always|sitting
I was toying with the good intention, always remaining seated.
Poi un bel giorno Augusta mi confidò che si sentiva madre ed allora il mio proposito per un istante ingigantì e Carla ebbe il suo maestro.
then|a|beautiful|day|Augusta|to me|she confided|that|she|she felt|mother|and|then|the|my|purpose|for|an|moment|grew|and|Carla|she had|the|her|teacher
Then one fine day, Augusta confided in me that she felt like a mother, and at that moment my intention grew larger, and Carla got her teacher.
Avevo esitato tanto anche perché era evidente che, anche senza maestro, Carla aveva saputo avviarsi ad un lavoro veramente serio nella sua nuova arte.
I had|hesitated|a lot|also|because|it was|evident|that||without|teacher|Carla|had|managed|to start|to|a|work|really|serious|in the|her|new|art
I had hesitated for so long also because it was evident that, even without a teacher, Carla had managed to embark on a truly serious work in her new art.
Ogni settimana essa sapeva dirmi una canzonetta nuova, analizzata accuratamente nell'atteggiamento e nella parola.
every|week|she|she knew|to tell me|a|song|new|analyzed|carefully|in the attitude|and|in the|word
Every week she was able to tell me a new little song, carefully analyzed in its attitude and words.
Certe note avrebbero abbisognato di essere levigate un poco, ma forse avrebbero finito con l'affinarsi da sé.
some|notes|they would have|needed|to|to be|smooth|a|little|but|perhaps||ended|with|to refine|by|self
Certain notes needed to be polished a little, but perhaps they would have ended up refining themselves.
Una prova decisiva che Carla era una vera artista, io l'avevo nel modo com'essa perfezionava continuamente le sue canzonette senza mai rinunziare alle cose migliori ch'essa aveva saputo far sue di prim'acchito.
a|proof|decisive|that|Carla|she was|a|true|artist|I|I had it|in the|way|as she|she perfected|continuously|the|her|songs|without|ever|to give up|to the|things|best|that she|she had|known|to make|her|of|at first glance
A decisive proof that Carla was a true artist, I had in the way she continuously perfected her little songs without ever giving up the best things she had managed to make her own at first.
La indussi spesso a ridirmi il suo primo lavoro e vi trovavo aggiunto ogni volta qualche accento nuovo ed efficace.
the|I induced|often|to|to tell me again|the|her|first|job|and|there|I found|added|every|time|some|accent|new|and|effective
I often urged her to sing me her first work again and I found added every time some new and effective accent.
Data la sua ignoranza, era meraviglioso che nel grande sforzo di scoprire una forte espressione, non le fosse mai capitato di cacciare nella canzonetta dei suoni falsi o esagerati.
given|the|his|ignorance|it was|wonderful|that|in the|great|effort|to|to discover|a|strong|expression|not|it|it was|ever|happened|to|to hunt|in the|song|of the|sounds|false|or|exaggerated
Given her ignorance, it was wonderful that in the great effort to discover a strong expression, she had never happened to throw false or exaggerated sounds into the little song.
Da vera artista, essa aggiungeva ogni giorno una pietruccia al piccolo edificio, e tutto il resto restava intatto.
as|real|artist|she|she added|every|day|a|small stone|to the|small|building|and|everything|the|rest|remained|untouched
As a true artist, she added a little stone to the small building every day, and everything else remained intact.
Non la canzonetta era stereotipata, ma il sentimento che la dettava.
not|the|song|it was|stereotyped|but|the|feeling|that|the|it dictated
The song was not stereotypical, but the feeling that dictated it was.
Carla, prima di cantare, si passava sempre la mano sulla faccia e dietro quella mano si creava un istante di raccoglimento che bastava a piombarla nella commediola ch'essa doveva costruire.
Carla|before|to|to sing|she|she passed|always|the|hand|on|face|and|behind|that||it|she created|a|moment|of|contemplation|which|it was enough|to|to plunge her|into the|small play|that she|she had to|to build
Before singing, Carla always passed her hand over her face, and behind that hand, a moment of reflection was created that was enough to plunge her into the little comedy she had to construct.
Una commedia non sempre puerile.
A comedy not always childish.
Il mentore ironico di
The ironic mentor of
Rosina te xe nata in un casoto
Rosina you were born in a little house.
minacciava, ma non troppo seriamente.
he was threatening|but|not|too much|seriously
she threatened, but not too seriously.
Pareva che la cantante avvertisse di sapere ch'era la storia di ogni giorno.
it seemed|that|the|singer|she warned|to|to know|that it was|the|story|of|every|day
It seemed that the singer was aware that it was the story of every day.
Il pensiero di Carla era un altro, ma finiva con l'arrivare allo stesso risultato:
the|thought|of|Carla|it was|a|another|but|it ended|with|to arrive|to the|same|result
Carla's thought was another, but it ended up arriving at the same result:
— La mia simpatia è per Rosina perché altrimenti la canzonetta non meriterebbe di essere cantata, - essa diceva.
the|my|sympathy|it is|for|Rosina|because|otherwise|the|song|not|it would deserve|to|to be|sung|she|she said
— My sympathy is for Rosina because otherwise the song wouldn't deserve to be sung, - she said.
Avvenne qualche volta che Carla inconsapevolmente riaccendesse il mio amore per Augusta e il mio rimorso.
it happened|some|time|that|Carla|unintentionally|rekindle|the|my|love|for|Augusta|and|||remorse
Sometimes it happened that Carla unknowingly rekindled my love for Augusta and my remorse.
Infatti ciò si avverò ogni qualvolta ella si permise dei movimenti offensivi contro la posizione tanto solidamente occupata da mia moglie.
indeed|this|it|it happened|every|whenever|she|it|allowed|some|movements|offensive|against|the|position|so much|solidly|occupied|by|my|wife
In fact, this happened whenever she allowed herself offensive movements against the position so solidly occupied by my wife.
Era sempre vivo il suo desiderio di avermi tutto suo per una notte intera; mi confidò che le pareva che, per non avere mai dormito uno accanto all'altro, fossimo meno intimi.
it was|always|alive|the|his|desire|to|to have me|everything|his|for|a|night|entire|to me|he confided|that|she|it seemed|that|for|not|to have|ever|slept|one|next to||we were|less|intimate
Her desire to have me all to herself for an entire night was always alive; she confided in me that it seemed to her that, because we had never slept next to each other, we were less intimate.
Volendo abituarmi ad essere più dolce con lei, non mi rifiutai risolutamente di compiacerla, ma quasi sempre pensai che non sarebbe stato possibile di fare una cosa simile a meno che non mi fossi rassegnato di trovare alla mattina Augusta ad una finestra donde m'avesse aspettato la notte intera.
wanting|to get used to|to|to be|more|sweet|with|she|not|me|I refused|firmly|to|to please her|but|almost|always|I thought|that|not|it would be|been|possible|to|to do|a|thing|similar|to|less|that|not|I|I were|to resign|to|to find|at|morning|Augusta|at|a|window|where|had she|waited|the|night|whole
Wanting to get used to being sweeter with her, I did not resolutely refuse to please her, but I almost always thought that it would not be possible to do something like that unless I resigned myself to finding Augusta at a window in the morning where she had waited for me all night.
Eppoi, non sarebbe stato questo un nuovo tradimento a mia moglie?
and then|not|it would be|been|this|a|new|betrayal|to|my|wife
And then, wouldn't this be a new betrayal to my wife?
Talvolta, cioè quando correvo a Carla pieno di desiderio, mi sentivo propenso di accontentarla, ma subito dopo ne vedevo l'impossibilità e la sconvenienza.
sometimes|that is|when|I was running|to|Carla|full|of|desire|I|I felt|inclined|to|to please her|but|immediately|after|it|I saw|the impossibility|and|the|the inconvenience
Sometimes, that is when I ran to Carla full of desire, I felt inclined to please her, but immediately after I saw the impossibility and the inconvenience of it.
Ma così non si arrivò per lungo tempo né ad eliminare la prospettiva della cosa né a realizzarla.
but|like this|not|one|he arrived|for|long|time|neither|to|to eliminate|the|perspective|of the|thing|neither|to|to realize it
But this way, for a long time, neither the perspective of the thing was eliminated nor was it realized.
Apparentemente si era d'accordo: prima o poi avremmo passata una notte intera insieme.
apparently|he|he was|agreed|before|or|then|we would|spent|a|night|whole|together
Apparently, we were in agreement: sooner or later we would spend an entire night together.
Intanto ora ce n'era la possibilità perché io avevo indotto le Gerco di congedare quegl'inquilini che tagliavano la loro casa in due parti, e Carla aveva finalmente la sua camera da letto.
meanwhile|now||there was|the|possibility|because|I|I had|induced|the|Gerco|to|to dismiss|those tenants|who|they were cutting|the|their|house|into|two|parts|and|Carla|she had|finally|the|her|room|to|bedroom
In the meantime, there was now the possibility because I had persuaded the Gerco to dismiss those tenants who were splitting their house in two, and Carla finally had her bedroom.
Ora avvenne che poco dopo le nozze di Guido, mio suocero fu colto da quella crisi che doveva ucciderlo ed io ebbi l'imprudenza di raccontare a Carla che mia moglie doveva passare una notte al capezzale di suo padre per concedere un riposo a mia suocera.
now|it happened|that|shortly|after|the|wedding|of|Guido|my|father-in-law|he was|caught|by|that|crisis|that|he had to|to kill him|and|I|I had|the imprudence|to|to tell|to|Carla|that|my|wife|she had to|to spend|a|night|at the|bedside|of|her|father|to|to grant|a|rest|to|my|mother-in-law
Now it happened that shortly after Guido's wedding, my father-in-law was struck by the crisis that would kill him, and I had the imprudence to tell Carla that my wife had to spend a night at her father's bedside to give my mother-in-law a rest.
Non ci fu più il caso di esimermi: Carla pretese che passassi con lei quella stessa notte ch'era tanto dolorosa per mia moglie.
not|we|there was|more|the|case|to|to excuse myself|Carla|she demanded|that|I would spend|with|she|that|same|night|that it was|much|painful|for|my|wife
There was no longer any way for me to excuse myself: Carla insisted that I spend that same night with her, which was so painful for my wife.
Non ebbi il coraggio di ribellarmi a tale capriccio e mi vi acconciai col cuore pesante.
not|I had|the|courage|to|to rebel|to|such|whim|and|I|there|I arranged|with|heart|heavy
I did not have the courage to rebel against such a whim and I accepted it with a heavy heart.
Mi preparai a quel sacrificio.
I prepared for that sacrifice.
Non andai da Carla alla mattina e così corsi da lei alla sera con pieno desiderio dicendomi anche ch'era infantile di credere di tradire più gravemente Augusta perché la tradivo in un momento in cui essa per altre cause soffriva.
not|I went|from|Carla|at the|morning|and|so|I ran|to|she|at the|evening|with|full|desire|telling myself|also|that it was|childish|to|to believe|to|to betray|more|seriously|Augusta||||||||||for|other|causes|she suffered
I did not go to Carla in the morning, so I rushed to her in the evening with full desire, telling myself that it was childish to believe I was betraying Augusta more seriously because I was betraying her at a time when she was suffering for other reasons.
Perciò arrivai persino a spazientirmi perché la povera Augusta mi tratteneva per spiegarmi come avessi dovuto movermi per avere pronte le cose di cui potevo aver bisogno a cena, per la notte ed anche per il caffè della mattina dopo.
therefore|I arrived|even|to|to lose patience|because|the|poor|Augusta|me|she held|to|to explain to me|how|I had|to have to|to move|to|to have|ready|the|things|of|which|I could|to have|need|at|dinner|for|the|night|and|also|for|the|coffee|of the|morning|after
Therefore, I even became impatient because poor Augusta was holding me back to explain how I should have moved to have ready the things I might need for dinner, for the night, and also for the coffee the next morning.
Carla m'accolse nello studio.
Carla|she welcomed me|into the|study
Carla welcomed me in the study.
Poco dopo colei ch'era sua madre e serva ci servì una cenetta squisita a cui io aggiunsi i dolci che avevo portati con me.
little|after|she|who was|her|mother|and|maid|to us|she served|a|dinner|delicious|to|to which|I|I added|the|sweets|that|I had|carried|with|me
Shortly after, the one who was her mother and servant served us a delicious dinner to which I added the desserts I had brought with me.
La vecchia ritornò poi per sparecchiare ed io veramente avrei voluto coricarmi subito, ma era veramente ancora troppo di buon'ora e Carla m'indusse di starla a sentir cantare.
the|old woman|she returned|then|to|clear the table|and|I|really|I would have|liked|to lie down|immediately|but|it was|really|still|too|of|good time|and|Carla|she led me|to|to stay|to|to hear|to sing
The old woman then returned to clear the table, and I truly would have liked to lie down immediately, but it was really still too early, and Carla persuaded me to listen to her sing.
Essa passò tutto il suo repertorio e fu quella certamente la parte migliore di quelle ore, perché l'ansietà con cui aspettavo la mia amante, andava ad aumentare il piacere che sempre m'aveva data la canzonetta di Carla.
she|she passed|all|the|her|repertoire|and|it was|that|certainly|the|part|better|of|those|hours|because|the anxiety|with|which|I was waiting for|the|my|lover|it was going|to|to increase|the|pleasure|that|always|it had given me|given|the|song|of|Carla
She went through her entire repertoire, and that was certainly the best part of those hours, because the anxiety with which I awaited my lover only increased the pleasure that Carla's little song always gave me.
— Un pubblico ti coprirebbe di fiori e d'applausi - le dichiarai ad un certo momento dimenticando che sarebbe stato impossibile di mettere tutto un pubblico nello stato d'animo in cui mi trovavo io.
a|audience|you|would cover|with|flowers|and|of applause|I|I declared|at|a|certain|moment|forgetting|that|it would be|state|||||||||of mind|in|which|I|I found|
— An audience would cover you with flowers and applause - I declared to her at one point, forgetting that it would have been impossible to put an entire audience in the state of mind I was in.
Ci coricammo infine nello stesso letto in una stanzuccia piccola e del tutto disadorna.
we|we lay down|finally|in the|same|bed|a||small room|small|and|of the|all|bare
Finally, we lay down in the same bed in a small and completely bare little room.
Pareva un corridoio stroncato da una parete.
it seemed|a|hallway|broken|by|a|wall
It seemed like a corridor cut off by a wall.
Non avevo ancora sonno e mi disperavo al pensiero che, se ne avessi avuto, non avrei potuto dormire con tanta poca aria a mia disposizione.
not|I had|still|sleep|and|I|I despaired|at the|thought|that|if|it|I had||||able to|to sleep|with|much|little|air|at|my|disposal
I wasn't sleepy yet and I despaired at the thought that, if I had been, I wouldn't have been able to sleep with so little air available to me.
Carla fu chiamata dalla voce timida di sua madre.
Carla|was|called|by the|voice|shy|of|her|mother
Carla was called by her mother's timid voice.
Essa, per rispondere, andò all'uscio e lo socchiuse.
she|to|to answer|she went|to the door|and|it|she cracked open
To respond, she went to the door and cracked it open.
La sentii come con voce concitata domandava alla vecchia che cosa volesse.
the|I heard|as|with|voice|agitated|she was asking|to the|old woman|what|thing|she wanted
I heard her asking the old woman in an agitated voice what she wanted.
Timidamente l'altra disse delle parole di cui non percepii il senso e allora Carla urlò prima di sbattere l'uscio in faccia alla madre:
timidly|the other|she said|some|words|of|which|not||the|sense|and|then|Carla|she shouted|before|to|to slam|the door|into|face|to the|mother
Timidly the other one said some words whose meaning I did not perceive, and then Carla shouted before slamming the door in her mother's face:
— Lasciami in pace.
leave me|in|peace
— Leave me alone.
T'ho già detto che per questa notte dormo di qua!
I have told you|already|told|that|for|this|night|I sleep|of|here
I already told you that I'm sleeping over here tonight!
Così appresi che Carla, tormentata di notte dalla paura, dormiva sempre nella sua antica stanza da letto con la madre, ove aveva un altro letto, mentre quello sul quale dovevamo dormire insieme restava vuoto.
so||that|Carla|tormented|by|night|by the|fear|she slept|always|in the|her|ancient|room|by|bed|with|the|mother|where|she had|a|another||while|the one|on the|which|we had to|sleep|together|remained|empty
Thus I learned that Carla, tormented at night by fear, always slept in her old bedroom with her mother, where she had another bed, while the one we were supposed to sleep in together remained empty.
Era certamente per paura ch'essa m'aveva indotto di fare quella partaccia ad Augusta.
it was|certainly|for|fear|that she|she had me|induced|to|to do|that|dirty deed|at|Augusta
It was certainly out of fear that she had led me to do that dirty deed to Augusta.
Confessò con una maliziosa allegria cui non partecipai, che con me si sentiva più sicura che con sua madre.
he confessed|with|a|malicious|joy|to which|not|I participated|that|with|me|she|she felt|more|safe|than|with|her|mother
She confessed with a mischievous cheerfulness that I did not share, that she felt safer with me than with her mother.
Mi diede da pensare quel letto in prossimità di quella stanza da studio solitaria.
I|he gave|to|to think|that|bed|in|proximity|of|that|room|by|study|lonely
That bed near that lonely study room gave me something to think about.
Non l'avevo mai visto prima.
not|I had it|ever|seen|before
I had never seen it before.
Ero geloso!
I was|jealous
I was jealous!
Poco dopo fui sprezzante anche per il contegno che Carla aveva avuto con quella sua povera madre.
little|after|I was|disdainful|also|for|the|behavior|that|Carla|she had|had|with|that|her|poor|mother
Shortly after, I was disdainful even of the behavior that Carla had shown towards her poor mother.
Era fatta un po' differentemente di Augusta che aveva rinunziato alla mia compagnia pur di assistere i suoi genitori.
it was|made|a|little|differently|of|Augusta|who|she had|renounced|to the|my|company|even|to|to assist|the|her|parents
It was done a little differently than Augusta, who had renounced my company in order to assist her parents.
Io sono specialmente sensibile a mancanze di riguardo verso i proprii genitori, io, che avevo sopportato con tanta rassegnazione le bizze del mio povero padre.
I|I am|specially|sensitive|to|shortcomings|of|regard|towards|the|own|parents||who|I had|supported|with|much|resignation|the|whims|of the|my|poor|father
I am especially sensitive to lack of consideration towards one's own parents, I, who had endured my poor father's whims with such resignation.
Carla non poté accorgersi né della mia gelosia né del mio disprezzo.
Carla|not|she could|to notice|neither|of the|my|jealousy||||contempt
Carla could not notice either my jealousy or my contempt.
Soppressi le manifestazioni di gelosia ricordando come non avessi alcun diritto ad essere geloso visto che passavo buona parte delle mie giornate augurandomi che qualcuno mi portasse via la mia amante.
I suppressed|the|manifestations|of|jealousy|remembering|how|not|I had|any|right|to|to be|jealous|considering|that|I spent|good|part|of the|my|days|hoping|that|someone|me|would take|away|the|my|lover
I suppressed the manifestations of jealousy, remembering how I had no right to be jealous since I spent a good part of my days wishing that someone would take my lover away from me.
Non v'era neppure alcuno scopo di far vedere il mio disprezzo alla povera giovinetta ormai che già mi baloccavo di nuovo col desiderio di abbandonarla definitivamente, e quantunque il mio sdegno fosse ora ingrandito anche dalle ragioni che poco prima avrebbero provocata la mia gelosia.
not|there was|not even|any|purpose|to|to make|to see|the|my|contempt|to the|poor|young girl|by now|that|already|I|I was playing|of|new|with|desire|to|to abandon her|definitively|and|although|the|my|anger|was|now|enlarged|also|by the|reasons|that|shortly|before|they would have|provoked|the|my|jealousy
There was no purpose in showing my contempt to the poor young girl now that I was already toying with the desire to abandon her definitively, and although my disdain was now magnified by the reasons that had just previously provoked my jealousy.
Quello che occorreva era di allontanarsi al più presto da quella piccola stanzuccia non contenente di più di un metro cubo di aria, per soprappiù caldissima.
that|which|was needed|it was|to|to move away|as|more|soon|from|that|small|room|not|containing|of|more|than|a|meter|cube|of|air|for|moreover|very hot
What was needed was to get away as soon as possible from that small room containing no more than a cubic meter of air, which was additionally very hot.
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